Example #1
            public override object ConvertEditorToDb(ContentPropertyData editorValue, object currentValue)
                if (editorValue.Value == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(editorValue.Value.ToString()))

                var value = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <object> >(editorValue.Value.ToString());

                if (value == null)

                // Process value
                for (var i = 0; i < value.Count; i++)
                    var o          = value[i];
                    var propValues = ((JObject)o);

                    var contentType = NestedContentHelper.GetContentTypeFromItem(propValues);
                    if (contentType == null)

                    var propValueKeys = propValues.Properties().Select(x => x.Name).ToArray();

                    foreach (var propKey in propValueKeys)
                        var propType = contentType.PropertyTypes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Alias == propKey);
                        if (propType == null)
                            if (IsSystemPropertyKey(propKey) == false)
                                // Property missing so just delete the value
                                propValues[propKey] = null;
                            // Fetch the property types prevalue
                            var propPreValues = Services.DataTypeService.GetPreValuesCollectionByDataTypeId(

                            // Lookup the property editor
                            var propEditor = PropertyEditorResolver.Current.GetByAlias(propType.PropertyEditorAlias);

                            // Create a fake content property data object
                            var contentPropData = new ContentPropertyData(
                                propValues[propKey], propPreValues,
                                new Dictionary <string, object>());

                            // Get the property editor to do it's conversion
                            var newValue = propEditor.ValueEditor.ConvertEditorToDb(contentPropData, propValues[propKey]);

                            // Store the value back
                            propValues[propKey] = (newValue == null) ? null : JToken.FromObject(newValue);

Example #2
            public IEnumerable <ValidationResult> Validate(object rawValue, PreValueCollection preValues, PropertyEditor editor)
                var value = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <object> >(rawValue.ToString());

                if (value == null)
                    yield break;

                for (var i = 0; i < value.Count; i++)
                    var o          = value[i];
                    var propValues = ((JObject)o);

                    var contentType = NestedContentHelper.GetContentTypeFromItem(propValues);
                    if (contentType == null)

                    var propValueKeys = propValues.Properties().Select(x => x.Name).ToArray();

                    foreach (var propKey in propValueKeys)
                        var propType = contentType.PropertyTypes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Alias == propKey);
                        if (propType != null)
                            // It would be better to pass this off to the individual property editors
                            // to validate themselves and pass the result down, however a lot of the
                            // validation checking code in core seems to be internal so for now we'll
                            // just replicate the mandatory / regex validation checks ourselves.
                            // This does of course mean we will miss any custom validators a property
                            // editor may have registered by itself, and it also means we can only
                            // validate to a single depth so having a complex property editor in a
                            // doc type could get passed validation if it can't be validated from it's
                            // stored value alone.

                            // Check mandatory
                            if (propType.Mandatory)
                                if (propValues[propKey] == null)
                                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Item " + (i + 1) + " '" + propType.Name + "' cannot be null", new[] { propKey }));
                                else if (propValues[propKey].ToString().IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Item " + (i + 1) + " '" + propType.Name + "' cannot be empty", new[] { propKey }));

                            // Check regex
                            if (!propType.ValidationRegExp.IsNullOrWhiteSpace() &&
                                propValues[propKey] != null && !propValues[propKey].ToString().IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                                var regex = new Regex(propType.ValidationRegExp);
                                if (!regex.IsMatch(propValues[propKey].ToString()))
                                    yield return(new ValidationResult("Item " + (i + 1) + " '" + propType.Name + "' is invalid, it does not match the correct pattern", new[] { propKey }));
Example #3
            public override object ConvertDbToEditor(Property property, PropertyType propertyType, IDataTypeService dataTypeService)
                if (property.Value == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(property.Value.ToString()))

                var value = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <object> >(property.Value.ToString());

                if (value == null)

                // Process value
                PreValueCollection preValues = null;

                for (var i = 0; i < value.Count; i++)
                    var o          = value[i];
                    var propValues = ((JObject)o);

                    // convert from old style (v0.1.1) data format if necessary
                    NestedContentHelper.ConvertItemValueFromV011(propValues, propertyType.DataTypeDefinitionId, ref preValues);

                    var contentType = NestedContentHelper.GetContentTypeFromItem(propValues);
                    if (contentType == null)

                    var propValueKeys = propValues.Properties().Select(x => x.Name).ToArray();

                    foreach (var propKey in propValueKeys)
                        var propType = contentType.PropertyTypes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Alias == propKey);
                        if (propType == null)
                            if (IsSystemPropertyKey(propKey) == false)
                                // Property missing so just delete the value
                                propValues[propKey] = null;
                            // Create a fake property using the property abd stored value
                            var prop = new Property(propType, propValues[propKey] == null ? null : propValues[propKey].ToString());

                            // Lookup the property editor
                            var propEditor = PropertyEditorResolver.Current.GetByAlias(propType.PropertyEditorAlias);

                            // Get the editor to do it's conversion
                            var newValue = propEditor.ValueEditor.ConvertDbToEditor(prop, propType,

                            // Store the value back
                            propValues[propKey] = (newValue == null) ? null : JToken.FromObject(newValue);

                // Update the value on the property
                property.Value = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(value);

                // Pass the call down
                return(base.ConvertDbToEditor(property, propertyType, dataTypeService));