private void OnWorkspaceCommandExecuted(Object sender, NefsEditCommandEventArgs e) { if (e.Command is ReplaceFileCommand replaceCommand) { if (!this.listItems.ContainsKey(replaceCommand.Item)) { // An item was replaced, but its not in the current view return; } var listItem = this.listItems[replaceCommand.Item]; this.UpdateListItem(listItem); } else if (e.Command is RemoveFileCommand removeCommand) { if (!this.listItems.ContainsKey(removeCommand.Item)) { // An item was removed, but its not in the current view return; } var listItem = this.listItems[removeCommand.Item]; this.UpdateListItem(listItem); } }
public void Undo_CanNotUndo_CommandExecutedEventNotRaised() { var str = new StringBuilder(); var buffer = new UndoBuffer(); NefsEditCommandEventArgs eventArgs = null; buffer.CommandExecuted += (o, e) => eventArgs = e; buffer.Undo(); Assert.Null(eventArgs); }
public void Execute_ValidCommand_CommandExecutedEventRaised() { var str = new StringBuilder(); var buffer = new UndoBuffer(); var cmd1 = new TestCommand(str, "", "A"); NefsEditCommandEventArgs eventArgs = null; buffer.CommandExecuted += (o, e) => eventArgs = e; buffer.Execute(cmd1); Assert.Same(cmd1, eventArgs.Command); Assert.Equal(NefsEditCommandEventKind.New, eventArgs.Kind); }
private void OnWorkspaceCommandExecuted(object sender, NefsEditCommandEventArgs e) { this.UpdateTitle(); this.UpdateMenuItems(); this.selectedFilePropertyForm.RefreshGrid(); }