Example #1
 private NavmeshTile CreateTile(Voxelize vox, VoxelMesh mesh, int x, int z, int threadIndex)
     if (mesh.tris == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("mesh.tris");
     if (mesh.verts == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("mesh.verts");
     if (mesh.tris.Length % 3 != 0)
         throw new ArgumentException("Indices array's length must be a multiple of 3 (mesh.tris)");
     if (mesh.verts.Length >= 4095)
         if (this.tileXCount * this.tileZCount == 1)
             throw new ArgumentException("Too many vertices per tile (more than " + 4095 + ").\n<b>Try enabling tiling in the recast graph settings.</b>\n");
         throw new ArgumentException("Too many vertices per tile (more than " + 4095 + ").\n<b>Try reducing tile size or enabling ASTAR_RECAST_LARGER_TILES under the 'Optimizations' tab in the A* Inspector</b>");
         NavmeshTile navmeshTile = new NavmeshTile
             x      = x,
             z      = z,
             w      = 1,
             d      = 1,
             tris   = mesh.tris,
             bbTree = new BBTree()
         navmeshTile.vertsInGraphSpace = Utility.RemoveDuplicateVertices(mesh.verts, navmeshTile.tris);
         navmeshTile.verts             = (Int3[])navmeshTile.vertsInGraphSpace.Clone();
         uint num = (uint)(this.active.data.graphs.Length + threadIndex);
         if (num > 255u)
             throw new Exception("Graph limit reached. Multithreaded recast calculations cannot be done because a few scratch graph indices are required.");
         int num2 = x + z * this.tileXCount;
         num2 <<= 12;
         TriangleMeshNode.SetNavmeshHolder((int)num, navmeshTile);
         object active = this.active;
         lock (active)
             navmeshTile.nodes = base.CreateNodes(navmeshTile.tris, num2, num);
         TriangleMeshNode.SetNavmeshHolder((int)num, null);
Example #2
        /** Create a tile at tile index \a x, \a z from the mesh.
         * \version Since version 3.7.6 the implementation is thread safe
        public static NavmeshTile CreateTile(this RecastGraph self, Voxelize vox, VoxelMesh mesh, int x, int z, int threadIndex)
            if (mesh.tris == null)
                throw new System.ArgumentNullException("mesh.tris");
            if (mesh.verts == null)
                throw new System.ArgumentNullException("mesh.verts");
            if (mesh.tris.Length % 3 != 0)
                throw new System.ArgumentException("Indices array's length must be a multiple of 3 (mesh.tris)");
            if (mesh.verts.Length >= NavmeshBase.VertexIndexMask)
                if (self.tileXCount * self.tileZCount == 1)
                    throw new System.ArgumentException("Too many vertices per tile (more than " + NavmeshBase.VertexIndexMask + ")." +
                                                       "\n<b>Try enabling tiling in the recast graph settings.</b>\n");
                    throw new System.ArgumentException("Too many vertices per tile (more than " + NavmeshBase.VertexIndexMask + ")." +
                                                       "\n<b>Try reducing tile size or enabling ASTAR_RECAST_LARGER_TILES under the 'Optimizations' tab in the A* Inspector</b>");

            // Create a new navmesh tile and assign its settings
            var tile = new NavmeshTile {
                x      = x,
                z      = z,
                w      = 1,
                d      = 1,
                tris   = mesh.tris,
                bbTree = new BBTree(),
                graph  = self,

            tile.vertsInGraphSpace = Utility.RemoveDuplicateVertices(mesh.verts, tile.tris);
            tile.verts             = (Int3[])tile.vertsInGraphSpace.Clone();

            // Here we are faking a new graph
            // The tile is not added to any graphs yet, but to get the position queries from the nodes
            // to work correctly (not throw exceptions because the tile is not calculated) we fake a new graph
            // and direct the position queries directly to the tile
            // The thread index is added to make sure that if multiple threads are calculating tiles at the same time
            // they will not use the same temporary graph index
            uint temporaryGraphIndex = (uint)(AstarPath.active.data.graphs.Length + threadIndex);

            if (temporaryGraphIndex > GraphNode.MaxGraphIndex)
                // Multithreaded tile calculations use fake graph indices, see above.
                throw new System.Exception("Graph limit reached. Multithreaded recast calculations cannot be done because a few scratch graph indices are required.");

            TriangleMeshNode.SetNavmeshHolder((int)temporaryGraphIndex, tile);
            // We need to lock here because creating nodes is not thread safe
            // and we may be doing this from multiple threads at the same time
            tile.nodes = new TriangleMeshNode[tile.tris.Length / 3];
            lock (AstarPath.active) {
                self.CreateNodes(tile.nodes, tile.tris, x + z * self.tileXCount, temporaryGraphIndex);

            // Remove the fake graph
            TriangleMeshNode.SetNavmeshHolder((int)temporaryGraphIndex, null);
