public async Task <IViewComponentResult> InvokeAsync(string NodeAliasPath, int Level, bool LevelIsRelative = true, int MinimumAbsoluteLevel = 2, string CurrentPage = null)
            // Use ViewBag to set current Path
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(CurrentPage))
                if (CurrentPage == "/Home")
                    // Special case for Home since the Link is just "/"
                    CurrentPage = "/";
                if (PageDataContextRetriever.TryRetrieve(out IPageDataContext <TreeNode> Context))
                    CurrentPage = UrlResolver.ResolveUrl(DocumentURLProvider.GetUrl(Context.Page));
            var AncestorPath = await NavigationRepository.GetAncestorPathAsync(NodeAliasPath, Level, LevelIsRelative, MinimumAbsoluteLevel);

            var NavItems = await NavigationRepository.GetSecondaryNavItemsAsync(AncestorPath, Enums.PathSelectionEnum.ParentAndChildren);

            var model = new NavigationViewModel()
                NavItems        = NavItems.ToList(),
                CurrentPagePath = CurrentPage

        public async Task <IViewComponentResult> InvokeAsync(string NodeAliasPath, int Level, bool LevelIsRelative = true, int MinimumAbsoluteLevel = 2, string CssClass = null)
            // Begin Cache Scope, this is 'ended' in the view

            var AncestorPath = await NavigationRepository.GetAncestorPathAsync(NodeAliasPath, Level, LevelIsRelative, MinimumAbsoluteLevel);

            var NavItems = await NavigationRepository.GetSecondaryNavItemsAsync(AncestorPath, Enums.PathSelectionEnum.ParentAndChildren);

            var model = new NavigationViewModel()
                NavItems        = NavItems.ToList(),
                NavWrapperClass = CssClass,
                StartingPath    = AncestorPath
