Example #1
 private bool AreRegionsAdjacent(NavigationRegion a, NavigationRegion b)
     return(a == b ||
            a.Above(b) ||
            a.Below(b) ||
            a.LeftOf(b) ||
Example #2
    // Return true if this navigation region is above compareTo.
    // We do so by scanning the bottom row. If any tile position
    // along the bottom row touches one in compareTo, return true.
    public bool Above(NavigationRegion compareTo)
        bool result = false;

        for (int j = Column; j < Column + Width; j++)
            if (compareTo.Contains(Row - 1, j))
                result = true;

Example #3
    // Return true if this navigation region is right of compareTo.
    // We do so by scanning the leftmost column. If any tile position
    // along the left most column touches one in compareTo, return true.
    public bool RightOf(NavigationRegion compareTo)
        bool result = false;

        for (int i = Row; i < Row + Height; i++)
            if (compareTo.Contains(i, Column - 1))
                result = true;

Example #4
    private NavigationRegion GetRegion(int id, List <NavigationRegion> regions)
        NavigationRegion result = null;

        foreach (NavigationRegion r in regions)
            if (r.Id == id)
                result = r;

Example #5
    private List <NavigationRegion> GenerateInitialNavigationRegions(int[,] gridMap, int numRow, int numColumn)
        int numRegions = 0;
        List <NavigationRegion> result = new List <NavigationRegion>();

        for (int i = 0; i < numRow; i++)
            // For each already existing navigation region, we increase its height.
            // If this means the region now contains a wall, we undo the height change.
            // Since we never create a region above an already existing one, we need
            // only to check for walls when expanding the height (we are guaranteed never
            // to overlap height-wise another region).
            foreach (NavigationRegion region in result)
                region.Height += 1;

                if (region.ContainsWall(gridMap, numRow, numColumn))
                    region.Height -= 1;

            // For each column given our current row, if the tile is not a wall nor
            // contained by another navigation region we place a new navigation region
            // at this point. We then continue to expand the width of the region
            // until we hit out of bounds, a wall, or another region. New regions
            // are guaranteed never to expand width-wise and overlap another region.
            for (int j = 0; j < numColumn; j++)
                if (gridMap[i, j] == 0 && ContainingRegion(result, i, j) == -1)
                    NavigationRegion region = new NavigationRegion(numRegions, i, j, 0, 1);
                    numRegions += 1;

                    while (j < numColumn && gridMap[i, j] == 0 && ContainingRegion(result, i, j) == -1)


Example #6
    public Vector2 GetRegionCenterInGridSpace(int id)
        Vector2 result = new Vector2();

        if (0 <= id && id < regions.Count)
            // This is safe because the id corresponds to the index
            // in the region list. When we construct the NavigationRegions,
            // we set the id's to be this way.
            NavigationRegion r = regions[id];

            result.x = (r.Column + (r.Column + r.Width)) / 2.0f;
            result.y = (r.Row + (r.Row + r.Height)) / 2.0f;

            result.x += gridMapOrigin.x;
            result.y += gridMapOrigin.y;

Example #7
        private void ExecuteButton(string st)
            switch (st)
            case "1":

            case "2":

            case "3":

            case "4":


Example #8
 // Return true if this region is left of compareTo.
 // If this is left of compareTo, then compareTo is right
 // of this, hence we call compareTo's RightOf function.
 public bool LeftOf(NavigationRegion compareTo)
Example #9
 // Return true if this navigation region is below compareTo.
 // If this region is below compareTo, then compareTo is above
 // this region. Thus we simply return if compareTo is above this
 // region
 public bool Below(NavigationRegion compareTo)
Example #10
    public List <NavigationRegion> ConstructNavigationRegionList(int[,] gridMap, int numRow, int numColumn)
        // List of regions created according to gridMap
        List <NavigationRegion> result = GenerateInitialNavigationRegions(gridMap, numRow, numColumn);
        // The key is the region to split. Value is the region to split by.
        List <KeyValuePair <int, int> > splitsToDo = new List <KeyValuePair <int, int> >();
        // Use this to give unique id's to each new region we add.
        int count = result.Count;

        // We assume there will always be splits to do.
        while (true)
            // If a is adjacent to b, add a split that we want to do.
            foreach (NavigationRegion a in result)
                foreach (NavigationRegion b in result)
                    if (a == b)

                    if ((a.RightOf(b) || a.LeftOf(b)) && (a.Row != b.Row || a.Height != b.Height))
                        if (a.Height > b.Height)
                            splitsToDo.Add(new KeyValuePair <int, int>(a.Id, b.Id));
                            splitsToDo.Add(new KeyValuePair <int, int>(b.Id, a.Id));

                    else if ((a.Above(b) || a.Below(b)) && (a.Column != b.Column || a.Width != b.Width))
                        if (a.Width > b.Width)
                            splitsToDo.Add(new KeyValuePair <int, int>(a.Id, b.Id));
                            splitsToDo.Add(new KeyValuePair <int, int>(b.Id, a.Id));

            // Since there are no more splits to do, we exit the loop.
            if (splitsToDo.Count == 0)
                // Keep popping splits off the top of our splits to do list.
                // If both regions are still in the list, the split can be done (it is
                // possible we request a split to a region that was already split).
                // If the split is possible, we do it, remove the split region from
                // the list, and add the resulting components to the final list of regions.
                while (splitsToDo.Count > 0)
                    KeyValuePair <int, int> split = splitsToDo[0];

                    NavigationRegion toSplit = GetRegion(split.Key, result);
                    NavigationRegion splitBy = GetRegion(split.Value, result);

                    if (toSplit != null && splitBy != null)
                        List <NavigationRegion> splitResult;

                        if (toSplit.Above(splitBy) || toSplit.Below(splitBy))
                            splitResult = VerticalSplit(toSplit, splitBy);
                            splitResult = HorizontalSplit(toSplit, splitBy);

                        foreach (NavigationRegion component in splitResult)
                            component.Id = count;

        // Fix the id's to be zero-based. This makes them much easier to manage when
        // building an adjacency matrix for them.
        for (int i = 0; i < result.Count; i++)
            result[i].Id = i;

Example #11
    private List <NavigationRegion> HorizontalSplit(NavigationRegion toSplit, NavigationRegion splitBy)
        List <NavigationRegion> result = new List <NavigationRegion>();

        // Case 1: splitBy sits in the middle of splitBy.
        if (toSplit.Row < splitBy.Row && (splitBy.Row + splitBy.Height) < (toSplit.Row + toSplit.Height))
            NavigationRegion region1, region2, region3;

            region1 = new NavigationRegion(toSplit.Id, toSplit.Row, toSplit.Column, toSplit.Width, splitBy.Row - toSplit.Row);

            region2 = new NavigationRegion(toSplit.Id, splitBy.Row, toSplit.Column, toSplit.Width, splitBy.Height);

            region3 = new NavigationRegion(toSplit.Id, splitBy.Row + splitBy.Height, toSplit.Column, toSplit.Width, toSplit.Height - (region1.Height + region2.Height));

        // Case 2: splitBy's top is the same as toSplit's top edge, but toSplit has a larger height.
        // Returns regions 2 and 3 from case 1.
        else if (splitBy.Row == toSplit.Row && (splitBy.Row + splitBy.Height) < (toSplit.Row + toSplit.Height))
            NavigationRegion region1, region2, region3;

            region1 = new NavigationRegion(toSplit.Id, toSplit.Row, toSplit.Column, toSplit.Width, splitBy.Row - toSplit.Row);

            region2 = new NavigationRegion(toSplit.Id, splitBy.Row, toSplit.Column, toSplit.Width, splitBy.Height);

            region3 = new NavigationRegion(toSplit.Id, splitBy.Row + splitBy.Height, toSplit.Column, toSplit.Width, toSplit.Height - (region1.Height + region2.Height));

        // Case 3: splitBy and toSplit share the same bottom edge, but toSplit's top edge is higher than splitBy's.
        // Returns regions 1 and 2 from case 1.
        else if (toSplit.Row < splitBy.Row && (toSplit.Row + toSplit.Height) == (splitBy.Row + splitBy.Height))
            NavigationRegion region1, region2;

            region1 = new NavigationRegion(toSplit.Id, toSplit.Row, toSplit.Column, toSplit.Width, splitBy.Row - toSplit.Row);

            region2 = new NavigationRegion(toSplit.Id, splitBy.Row, toSplit.Column, toSplit.Width, splitBy.Height);

        // Case 4: splitBy os slightly below toSplit, so its top edge is between the top and bottom edges of toSplit. We construct a sub
        // region of splitBy that we split toSplit with.
        else if (toSplit.Row < splitBy.Row && splitBy.Row < (toSplit.Row + toSplit.Height) && (toSplit.Row + toSplit.Height) < (splitBy.Row + splitBy.Height))
            NavigationRegion temp = new NavigationRegion(splitBy.Id, splitBy.Row, splitBy.Column, splitBy.Width, (toSplit.Row + toSplit.Height) - splitBy.Row);
            return(HorizontalSplit(toSplit, temp));

        // Case 5: splitBy is slighly above toSplit such that splitBy's row is above toSplit's. However, splitBy's bottom edge is between the top
        // and bottom edges of toSplit.
        else if (splitBy.Row < toSplit.Row && toSplit.Row < (splitBy.Row + splitBy.Height) && (splitBy.Row + splitBy.Height) < (toSplit.Row + toSplit.Height))
            NavigationRegion temp = new NavigationRegion(splitBy.Id, toSplit.Row, splitBy.Column, splitBy.Width, (splitBy.Row + splitBy.Height) - toSplit.Row);
            return(HorizontalSplit(toSplit, temp));

Example #12
    private List <NavigationRegion> VerticalSplit(NavigationRegion toSplit, NavigationRegion splitBy)
        List <NavigationRegion> result = new List <NavigationRegion>();

        // Case 1: splitBy is between the left and right edges of toSplit. This creates 3 sub-regions out
        // of toSplit.
        if (toSplit.Column < splitBy.Column && (splitBy.Column + splitBy.Width < toSplit.Column + toSplit.Width))
            NavigationRegion region1, region2, region3;

            region1 = new NavigationRegion(toSplit.Id, toSplit.Row, toSplit.Column, splitBy.Column - toSplit.Column, toSplit.Height);

            region2 = new NavigationRegion(toSplit.Id, toSplit.Row, toSplit.Column + region1.Width, splitBy.Width, toSplit.Height);

            region3 = new NavigationRegion(toSplit.Id, toSplit.Row, region2.Column + splitBy.Width, toSplit.Width - (region1.Width + region2.Width), toSplit.Height);

        // Case 2: splitBy shares the left edge with toSplit, but is strictly smaller in width. Creates
        // the second 2 regions from Case 1.
        else if (splitBy.Column == toSplit.Column && (splitBy.Column + splitBy.Width) < (toSplit.Column + toSplit.Width))
            NavigationRegion region1, region2, region3;

            // Don't add region 1.
            region1 = new NavigationRegion(toSplit.Id, toSplit.Row, toSplit.Column, splitBy.Column - toSplit.Column, toSplit.Height);

            region2 = new NavigationRegion(toSplit.Id, toSplit.Row, toSplit.Column + region1.Width, splitBy.Width, toSplit.Height);

            region3 = new NavigationRegion(toSplit.Id, toSplit.Row, region2.Column + splitBy.Width, toSplit.Width - (region1.Width + region2.Width), toSplit.Height);

        // Case 3: splitBy's right edge is the same as toSplit's right edge. However, splitBy is smaller, so it's left
        // edge is greater than toSplit's. Return regions 1 and 2 from case 1.
        else if (toSplit.Column < splitBy.Column && (splitBy.Column + splitBy.Width) == (toSplit.Column + toSplit.Width))
            NavigationRegion region1, region2;
            region1 = new NavigationRegion(toSplit.Id, toSplit.Row, toSplit.Column, splitBy.Column - toSplit.Column, toSplit.Height);

            region2 = new NavigationRegion(toSplit.Id, toSplit.Row, toSplit.Column + region1.Width, splitBy.Width, toSplit.Height);

        // Case 4: splitBy is slightly to the left of toSplit. However, splitBy's right edge is between the left and right edges to toSplit.
        // In this case, we construct a sub region of splitBy whose left edge is equal to toSplit and do case 2 on that.
        else if (splitBy.Column < toSplit.Column && toSplit.Column < (splitBy.Column + splitBy.Width) && (splitBy.Column + splitBy.Width) < (toSplit.Column + toSplit.Width))
            NavigationRegion temp = new NavigationRegion(splitBy.Id, splitBy.Row, toSplit.Column, splitBy.Column + splitBy.Width - toSplit.Column, splitBy.Height);
            return(VerticalSplit(toSplit, temp));

        // Case 5: splitBy is slightly to the right of toSplit. splitBy's left edge is between toSplit's right and left edges, but splitBy's right edge
        // is to the right of toSplit's right edge. We make a smaller region of splitBy whose right edge is eqal to toSplit's right edge and do
        // case 3 on that.
        else if (toSplit.Column < splitBy.Column && splitBy.Column < (toSplit.Column + toSplit.Width) && (toSplit.Column + toSplit.Width) < (splitBy.Column + splitBy.Width))
            NavigationRegion temp = new NavigationRegion(splitBy.Id, splitBy.Row, splitBy.Column, toSplit.Column + toSplit.Width - splitBy.Column, splitBy.Height);
            return(VerticalSplit(toSplit, temp));
