private static NavigationNode PublicMenu(List<Category<ObjectId>> categories) { var root = new NavigationNode<PostsController>(x => x.List(1)) { Order = 0, RenderTargets = new List<object> { RenderTarget.BreadCrumbs } }; List<Category<ObjectId>> rootCategories = categories.Where(p => p.ParentCategoryID == null).ToList(); List<IGrouping<ObjectId?, Category<ObjectId>>> categoryGroups = categories.GroupBy(p => p.ParentCategoryID).ToList(); foreach (Category<ObjectId> category in rootCategories) { NavigationNode node = ToCategoryNode(category); IGrouping<ObjectId?, Category<ObjectId>> childCategories = categoryGroups .FirstOrDefault(p => p.Key == category.CategoryID); if (childCategories != null) { node.Children = childCategories.Select(p => ToCategoryNode(p)).ToList(); node.IsClickable = false; } root.Children.Add(node); } return root; }
public static string GetClass(this NavigationViewModel model, NavigationNode node, string inputClass = null, string activeClass = "active") { if (node == null) return null; if (model.CurrentNode != null && (node.EqualsNode(model.CurrentNode.Value))) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(inputClass)) { inputClass = activeClass + " " + inputClass; } else { inputClass = activeClass; } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.CssClass)) { return inputClass; } else { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(inputClass)) { return inputClass + " " + node.CssClass; } return node.CssClass; } }
public static string GetIcon(this NavigationViewModel model, NavigationNode node) { if (node == null) return string.Empty; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.IconCssClass)) { return string.Empty; } return "<i class='" + node.IconCssClass + "'></i> "; }
private List<HorizontalSubMenuItem> GetSubItems(NavigationNode node) { List<HorizontalSubMenuItem> result = new List<HorizontalSubMenuItem>(); foreach (NavigationNode childNode in node.Children) { HorizontalSubMenuItem menuItem = new HorizontalSubMenuItem(childNode.Text, childNode.Url); if (childNode.Children.Count > 0) menuItem.ChildItems.AddRange(GetSubItems(childNode)); result.Add(menuItem); } return result; }
public virtual List<NavigationNode> FindMatches( NavigationNode[] allNodes, DeleteNavigationNodesDefinitionBase typedDefinition, Func<string, string> resolveTokenizedUrlAction) { var nodesToDelete = new List<NavigationNode>(); foreach (var nodeMatch in typedDefinition.NavigationNodes) { var foundByTitle = false; // search by Title, first if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nodeMatch.Title)) { var nodeByTitle = allNodes.FirstOrDefault(f => string.Equals(f.Title, nodeMatch.Title, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); if (nodeByTitle != null) { foundByTitle = true; if (!nodesToDelete.Contains(nodeByTitle)) { nodesToDelete.Add(nodeByTitle); } } } // give a try by Url, then if (!foundByTitle && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(nodeMatch.Url)) { var matchUrl = resolveTokenizedUrlAction(nodeMatch.Url); // special char resolution, manual fix to avoid // Add more tests for DeleteXXXnavigationNode scenarios #864 // matchUrl = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(matchUrl); var nodeByUrl = allNodes.FirstOrDefault(f => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(f.Url) && f.Url.EndsWith(matchUrl, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); if (nodeByUrl != null) { if (!nodesToDelete.Contains(nodeByUrl)) nodesToDelete.Add(nodeByUrl); } } } return nodesToDelete; }
private void ValidateNode(NavigationNode qlNode, QuickLaunchNavigationNodeDefinition quickLaunchModel) { TraceUtils.WithScope(traceScope => { var pair = new ComparePair<QuickLaunchNavigationNodeDefinition, NavigationNode>(quickLaunchModel, qlNode); traceScope.WriteLine(string.Format("Validating model:[{0}] node:[{1}]", quickLaunchModel, qlNode)); traceScope.WithTraceIndent(trace => pair .ShouldBeEqual(trace, m => m.Title, o => o.Title) .ShouldBeEqual(trace, m => m.Url, o => o.Url) .ShouldBeEqual(trace, m => m.IsVisible, o => o.IsVisible) .ShouldBeEqual(trace, m => m.IsExternal, o => o.IsExternal)); }); }
private static List<NavigationNode> AdminMenu(List<Category<ObjectId>> categories) { List<NavigationNode> adminNodes = new List<NavigationNode>(); //posts var articlesParent = new NavigationNode() { Order = 0, RenderTargets = new List<object> { RenderTarget.AdminMenu }, IsClickable = false, Title = GlobalContent.Menu_Posts }; adminNodes.Add(articlesParent); articlesParent.Children.Add(new NavigationNode<PostsController>(x => x.Add(null, null)) { Order = 0, RenderTargets = new List<object> { RenderTarget.AdminMenu }, Title = GlobalContent.Menu_PostsAdd }); articlesParent.Children.Add(new NavigationNode<PostsController>(x => x.EditList(1, null)) { Order = 0, RenderTargets = new List<object> { RenderTarget.AdminMenu }, Title = GlobalContent.Menu_PostsEditList }); //manuals categories foreach (Category<ObjectId> category in categories) { NavigationNode node = ToCategoryNode(category); adminNodes.Add(node); } return adminNodes; }
public static void onNavigationNodeChange(ref EntitiesIndexedByNavigationNodes p_entitiesIndexedByNavigationNodes, Entity p_entity, NavigationNode p_oldNavigationNode, NavigationNode p_newNavigationNode) { if (p_entity != null) { if (p_newNavigationNode != null) { addEntityToNavigationNode(ref p_entitiesIndexedByNavigationNodes, p_entity, p_newNavigationNode); } if (p_oldNavigationNode != null) { removeEntityToNavigationNode(ref p_entitiesIndexedByNavigationNodes, p_entity, p_oldNavigationNode); } } }
/// <summary> /// Works out a graph of nodes on top of the navmesh. /// Each polygon is a node and a node is added a connecting edges of linked polygons. /// The node graph class member is filled in by running this method. /// It's quite likely this code isn't very optimal. /// </summary> /// <param name="polyStart">The polygon the entity is currently in.</param> /// <param name="polyEnd">The polygon the entity would like to be in.</param> /// <param name="from">The point in the entity is current positioned.</param> /// <param name="to">The point the entity would like to be positioned.</param> /// <param name="navMesh">The navigation mesh describing the polygons and their links.</param> /// <returns>The start and end nodes for the journey the player wants to take</returns> private Tuple<NavigationNode, NavigationNode> CreateNodeNetwork(ConvexPolygon polyStart, ConvexPolygon polyEnd, Point from, Point to, NavMesh navMesh) { _nodeGraph.Clear(); // Store a map poly -> node to make it simple to work out the connection nodes. Dictionary<ConvexPolygon, NavigationNode> polyToNodeMap = new Dictionary<ConvexPolygon, NavigationNode>(); NavigationNode startNode = null; NavigationNode endNode = null; // Create a node for the centroid of each polygon // Replace the postion of the start and end polygon. foreach (ConvexPolygon polygon in navMesh.PolygonList) { Point position; NavigationNode node; if (polyStart == polygon) { position = from; node = new NavigationNode(position); startNode = node; } else if (polyEnd == polygon) { position = to; node = new NavigationNode(position); endNode = node; } else { position = polygon.CalculateCentroid(); node = new NavigationNode(position); } _nodeGraph.Add(node); polyToNodeMap.Add(polygon, node); } // Create the edge nodes and add the links // !* This is where you'd add several nodes per edge, if you wanted. foreach (PolygonLink link in navMesh.Links) { LineSegment line = link.GetShortestEdge(); Point midPoint = line.GetMiddle(); NavigationNode connectionNode = new NavigationNode(midPoint); // Add bidirectional links to connected polys and edge polys. polyToNodeMap[link.StartPoly].Neighbours.Add(connectionNode); connectionNode.Neighbours.Add(polyToNodeMap[link.StartPoly]); polyToNodeMap[link.EndPoly].Neighbours.Add(connectionNode); connectionNode.Neighbours.Add(polyToNodeMap[link.EndPoly]); _nodeGraph.Add(connectionNode); } return new Tuple<NavigationNode, NavigationNode>(startNode, endNode); }
/// <summary> /// Custom page elements initialization /// </summary> /// <param name="navigationNode"></param> protected virtual void InitializePageElements(NavigationNode navigationNode) { // do nothing in abstract class }
ComplexObjectModel GenComplexObjectModel(ComplexPropertyDescriptor navigationDescriptor, NavigationNode navigationNode, QueryModel queryModel) { TypeDescriptor navigationTypeDescriptor = EntityTypeContainer.GetDescriptor(navigationDescriptor.PropertyType); DbTable dbTable = navigationTypeDescriptor.Table; DbTableExpression tableExp = new DbTableExpression(dbTable); string alias = queryModel.GenerateUniqueTableAlias(dbTable.Name); DbTableSegment joinTableSeg = new DbTableSegment(tableExp, alias, queryModel.FromTable.Table.Lock); DbTable aliasTable = new DbTable(alias); ComplexObjectModel navigationObjectModel = navigationTypeDescriptor.GenObjectModel(aliasTable); navigationObjectModel.NullChecking = navigationObjectModel.PrimaryKey; PrimitivePropertyDescriptor foreignKeyPropertyDescriptor = navigationDescriptor.ForeignKeyProperty; DbExpression foreignKeyColumn = this.GetPrimitiveMember(foreignKeyPropertyDescriptor.Property); DbExpression joinCondition = DbExpression.Equal(foreignKeyColumn, navigationObjectModel.PrimaryKey); DbJoinTableExpression joinTableExp = new DbJoinTableExpression(foreignKeyPropertyDescriptor.IsNullable ? DbJoinType.LeftJoin : DbJoinType.InnerJoin, joinTableSeg, joinCondition); this.DependentTable.JoinTables.Add(joinTableExp); navigationObjectModel.DependentTable = joinTableExp; DbExpression condition = this.ParseCondition(navigationNode.Condition, navigationObjectModel, queryModel.ScopeTables); //AndWhere的条件放到join条件里去 joinTableExp.AppendCondition(condition); navigationObjectModel.Filter = this.ParseCondition(navigationNode.Filter, navigationObjectModel, queryModel.ScopeTables); //queryModel.Filters.Add(navigationObjectModel.Filter); return(navigationObjectModel); }
public bool Equals(NavigationNode n) { return(Block == (n.Block)); }
List <NavigationNode> FindPath(NavigationNode start, NavigationNode end, NavigationNode previousNode, int recurssionLevel) { int currentRecurssionLevel = recurssionLevel + 1; //infinite loop guard. if (currentRecurssionLevel > sceneNodes.Length) { //print("Reached max traversal range" + recurssionLevel ); //test return(null); } int results = 0; List <NavigationNode>[] resultPathsAtNode = new List <NavigationNode> [start.adjacentNodes.Length]; //there are max of n potential solutions per node; n = #of adjacent nodes. foreach (NavigationNode node in start.adjacentNodes) { List <NavigationNode> subPath = new List <NavigationNode>(); if (node == end) //reached target { subPath.Add(node); subPath.Add(start); return(subPath); } else if (currentRecurssionLevel > 0 && start.adjacentNodes.Length == 1) //a dead end, only one adjacent node which is the one we came from. The first argument tests that { //we aren't at start point, else algorithm would fail if we started from a room with one exit. return(null); } else if (node.nodeID != previousNode.nodeID) { subPath = FindPath(node, end, start, currentRecurssionLevel); if (subPath != null) //we have a solution for the current subnote, we add it to the solutions list (for current recussion-level) and increment results count. { subPath.Add(start); resultPathsAtNode[results] = subPath; results++; } } } if (results < 1) //the loop above didn't return any valid path for all sub-nodes { return(null); } else if (results == 1) //we have only one solution { return(resultPathsAtNode[0]); } else //we have multiple solutions, so we compared to find the shortest one { //TODO modify the test bellow to acount for distance between nodes as well (more computational cost?) List <NavigationNode> shortestPath = resultPathsAtNode[0]; for (int i = 1; i < results; i++) { if (resultPathsAtNode[i].Count < shortestPath.Count) { shortestPath = resultPathsAtNode[i]; } } return(shortestPath); } }
public static Stack <NavigationNode> GetPath(NavigationNode start, NavigationNode end) { Heap <NavigationNode> frontier = new Heap <NavigationNode>(100); Dictionary <NavigationNode, NavigationNode> cameFrom = new Dictionary <NavigationNode, NavigationNode>(); cameFrom.Add(start, null); Dictionary <NavigationNode, float> costSoFar = new Dictionary <NavigationNode, float>(); costSoFar.Add(start, 0); start.cost = 0; frontier.Add(start); while (frontier.Count > 0) { NavigationNode current = frontier.Pop(); if (current == end) { break; } foreach (NavigationNode next in current.connectedNodes) { float newCost = current.cost + Vector3.Distance(next.transform.position, current.transform.position); float oldCost = 0; bool keyExists = costSoFar.TryGetValue(next, out oldCost); if (!keyExists || newCost < oldCost) { if (!keyExists) { costSoFar.Add(next, newCost); } else { costSoFar[next] = newCost; } next.cost = newCost + Heuristic(end, next); //Cost to be used with ICompareable frontier.Add(next); if (!cameFrom.ContainsKey(next)) { cameFrom.Add(next, null); } cameFrom[next] = current; } } } Stack <NavigationNode> finalPath = new Stack <NavigationNode>(); NavigationNode n = end; finalPath.Push(n); while (n != start) { n = cameFrom[n]; finalPath.Push(n); } return(finalPath); }
private TreeViewItem CreateTreeViewItem(string text, string icon, string tooltip, NavigationNode node) { TreeViewItem child = new TreeViewItem(); child.IsExpanded = true; child.Tag = node; DockPanel pan = new DockPanel(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tooltip)) { child.ToolTip = tooltip; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(icon)) { icon = "/UIShell.WpfShellPlugin;component/Assets/DefaultNode.png"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(icon)) { var uri = new Uri(icon, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute); BitmapImage logo = new BitmapImage(); logo.BeginInit(); logo.UriSource = uri; logo.EndInit(); var image = new Image(); image.Source = logo; image.Height = 16; image.Width = 16; image.Margin = new Thickness(0, 0, 4, 0); pan.Children.Add(image); } pan.Children.Add(new TextBlock(new Run(text))); child.Header = pan; return(child); }
List <NavigationNode> FindPath(NavigationNode start, NavigationNode end) { return(FindPath(start, end, start, -1)); }
private void Update() { SetTriggerAreaDirection(); if (!CheckIfOnTransitionFloor()) { navigation.CheckForCurrentFloor(transform, apostleCollisionHandler.CapsuleCollider2D, ref currentFloor, ref currentTransitionFloor); } else { if (apostleStatusVariables.isClimbingObstacle) { navigation.CheckForCurrentTransitionFloor(transform, apostleCollisionHandler.CapsuleCollider2D, ref currentFloor, ref currentTransitionFloor, TransitionFloorType.Obstacle); } else if (apostleStatusVariables.isClimbingLadder) { navigation.CheckForCurrentTransitionFloor(transform, apostleCollisionHandler.CapsuleCollider2D, ref currentFloor, ref currentTransitionFloor, TransitionFloorType.Ladder); } else if (apostleStatusVariables.isClimbingStairs) { navigation.CheckForCurrentTransitionFloor(transform, apostleCollisionHandler.CapsuleCollider2D, ref currentFloor, ref currentTransitionFloor, TransitionFloorType.Stairs); } } if (Time.time >= currentAggroTime && apostleStatusVariables.isAggroed && !apostleStatusVariables.inAggroRange) { currentAimNode = new NavigationNode(startPointTransform, TransitionFloorType.None, null); apostleStatusVariables.isAggroed = false; } apostleStatusVariables.isPatrolling = !apostleStatusVariables.isAggroed; if (apostleStatusVariables.isPatrolling) { foreach (var node in navigationNodes) { if (currentAimNode.transform == node.transform && MathHelpers.Approximately(transform.position, node.transform.position, apostleCollisionHandler.CapsuleCollider2D.size.y / 2)) { var index = navigationNodes.FindIndex(lambdaExpression => lambdaExpression.Equals(node)); if (navigationNodes.Count == index + 1) { navigationNodes.Reverse(); break; } currentAimNode = navigationNodes[index + 1]; if (currentAimNode.type == TransitionFloorType.Obstacle) { if (currentAimNode.transform.position.y < transform.position.y) { currentAimNode = navigationNodes[index + 2]; } } } } } if (currentAimNode.transform != null) { movementDirectionValue = MovementDirection(currentAimNode.transform.position); switch (currentAimNode.type) { case TransitionFloorType.None: if (currentAimNode.transform.gameObject.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer("Player")) { attackPressValue = false; if (Physics2D.Raycast(transform.position, currentAimNode.transform.position - transform.position, rangeForAttack, LayerMask.GetMask("Player")).collider != null) { attackPressValue = true; } } break; case TransitionFloorType.Ladder: break; case TransitionFloorType.Obstacle: climbObstacleValue = MathHelpers.Approximately(transform.position, currentAimNode.transform.position, apostleCollisionHandler.CapsuleCollider2D.size.y); break; case TransitionFloorType.Stairs: break; case TransitionFloorType.Consecutive: break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } } //Debug.Log(!currentAimNode.Equals(null) ? : ""); }
public HomeWindowVM() { userName = Application.Current.Properties["LoggedInUserNameHome"].ToString(); var version = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CurrentApplicationVersion"].ToString(); AppVersion = string.Format("Diversified {0}", version); char[] objRolesSplit = new char[] { ',' }; var objRoles = Application.Current.Properties["LoggedInUserRole"].ToString().Split(objRolesSplit); NavigationNode portStorageNode = null; if (objRoles.Contains(UserRoles.Administrator.GetUserRoleToCompare())) { NavigationNode adminNode = rootNavigationNode.AddChild("Admin"); adminNode.Icon = ""; adminNode.AddChild("Add New User", typeof(AddAdminUser)).Icon = ""; adminNode.AddChild("Customer Admin", typeof(View.UserControls.CustomerAdmin.CustomerAdmin)).Icon = ""; adminNode.AddChild("Code Admin", typeof(CodesTableAdmin)).Icon = ""; adminNode.AddChild("Billing Period Admin", typeof(BillingPeriodAdmin)).Icon = ""; adminNode.AddChild("System Settings Admin", typeof(SystemSettings)).Icon = ""; adminNode.AddChild("Company Information", typeof(CompanyInformation)).Icon = ""; //adminNode.AddChild("Add/Edit Billing Records", typeof(AddEditBillingRecords)).Icon = ""; } if (objRoles.Contains(UserRoles.PortStorage.GetUserRoleToCompare()) || objRoles.Contains(UserRoles.Administrator.GetUserRoleToCompare()) || objRoles.Contains(UserRoles.Security.GetUserRoleToCompare())) { portStorageNode = rootNavigationNode.AddChild("Port Storage"); portStorageNode.Icon = ""; if (objRoles.Contains(UserRoles.PortStorage.GetUserRoleToCompare()) || objRoles.Contains(UserRoles.Administrator.GetUserRoleToCompare())) { portStorageNode.AddChild("Add-Edit PS Records", typeof(PortStorageVehicalLocator)).Icon = ""; portStorageNode.AddChild("Request Processing", typeof(PostStorageRequestProcessing)).Icon = ""; portStorageNode.AddChild("Date Out Processing", typeof(PostStorageDateOutProcessing)).Icon = ""; portStorageNode.AddChild("Storage Vehicle Outgate", typeof(StorageVehicleOutgate)).Icon = ""; } if (objRoles.Contains(UserRoles.Security.GetUserRoleToCompare())) { var existingOutgateNode = portStorageNode.Children.Where(x => x.Name.Equals("Storage Vehicle Outgate", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).FirstOrDefault(); if (existingOutgateNode == null) { portStorageNode.AddChild("Storage Vehicle Outgate", typeof(StorageVehicleOutgate)).Icon = ""; } } if (objRoles.Contains(UserRoles.PortStorage.GetUserRoleToCompare()) || objRoles.Contains(UserRoles.Administrator.GetUserRoleToCompare())) { portStorageNode.AddChild("Port Storage Reports", typeof(View.Reports.Report)).Icon = ""; //portStorageNode.AddChild("Import/Export", typeof(PortStorageImportExport)).Icon = ""; portStorageNode.AddChild("Vehicle Import YMS", typeof(PortStorageVehicleImportYMSWindow)).Icon = ""; portStorageNode.AddChild("Location Import YMS", typeof(AppWorks.UI.View.PortStorageImportExport.PortStorageLocationImportYMSWindow)).Icon = ""; portStorageNode.AddChild("Customer Web Portal", typeof(WebPortalAdministration)).Icon = ""; portStorageNode.AddChild("Port Storage Inventory", typeof(PortStorageVehicleInventoryDetails)).Icon = ""; } } if (objRoles.Contains(UserRoles.Administrator.GetUserRoleToCompare())) { NavigationNode billingNode = rootNavigationNode.AddChild("Billing"); billingNode.Icon = ""; billingNode.AddChild("Generate Invoices", typeof(GeneratePortStorageInvoices)).Icon = ""; billingNode.AddChild("Add-Edit Invoice Records", typeof(AddEditInvoiceRecords)).Icon = ""; billingNode.AddChild("Billing Record Export", typeof(BillingRecordExport)).Icon = ""; } Nodes = new ObservableCollection <NavigationNode>(rootNavigationNode.Children); //select default node var addEditRecords = portStorageNode.Children.SingleOrDefault(c => c.Name == "Add-Edit PS Records"); if (addEditRecords == null) { addEditRecords = portStorageNode.Children.FirstOrDefault(); } if (addEditRecords != null && portStorageNode != null) { portStorageNode.IsExpanded = true; addEditRecords.IsSelected = true; addEditRecords.IsFirstTimeLoaded = true; } if (!objRoles.Contains(UserRoles.Security.GetUserRoleToCompare())) { AutoLogOffHelper.MakeAutoLogOffEvent += new AutoLogOffHelper.MakeAutoLogOff(LoginoutUser); AutoLogOffHelper.StartAutoLogoffOption(); } NavigateTo(addEditRecords); }
ComplexObjectModel GenCollectionElementObjectModel(TypeDescriptor elementTypeDescriptor, NavigationNode navigationNode, QueryModel queryModel) { DbTable dbTable = elementTypeDescriptor.Table; DbTableExpression tableExp = new DbTableExpression(dbTable); string alias = queryModel.GenerateUniqueTableAlias(dbTable.Name); DbTableSegment joinTableSeg = new DbTableSegment(tableExp, alias, queryModel.FromTable.Table.Lock); DbTable aliasTable = new DbTable(alias); ComplexObjectModel elementObjectModel = elementTypeDescriptor.GenObjectModel(aliasTable); elementObjectModel.NullChecking = elementObjectModel.PrimaryKey; ComplexPropertyDescriptor navigationDescriptor = elementTypeDescriptor.ComplexPropertyDescriptors.Where(a => a.PropertyType == this.ObjectType).FirstOrDefault(); if (navigationDescriptor == null) { throw new ChloeException($"You have to define a navigation property which type is '{this.ObjectType.FullName}' on class '{elementTypeDescriptor.Definition.Type.FullName}'."); } DbExpression elementForeignKeyColumn = elementObjectModel.GetPrimitiveMember(navigationDescriptor.ForeignKeyProperty.Property); DbExpression joinCondition = DbExpression.Equal(this.PrimaryKey, elementForeignKeyColumn); DbJoinTableExpression joinTableExp = new DbJoinTableExpression(DbJoinType.LeftJoin, joinTableSeg, joinCondition); this.DependentTable.JoinTables.Add(joinTableExp); elementObjectModel.DependentTable = joinTableExp; var condition = this.ParseCondition(navigationNode.Condition, elementObjectModel, queryModel.ScopeTables); //AndWhere的条件放到join条件里去 joinTableExp.AppendCondition(condition); elementObjectModel.Filter = this.ParseCondition(navigationNode.Filter, elementObjectModel, queryModel.ScopeTables); bool orderByPrimaryKeyExists = queryModel.Orderings.Where(a => a.Expression == this.PrimaryKey).Any(); if (!orderByPrimaryKeyExists) { //结果集分组 DbOrdering ordering = new DbOrdering(this.PrimaryKey, DbOrderType.Asc); queryModel.Orderings.Add(ordering); } //queryModel.Filters.Add(elementObjectModel.Filter); return(elementObjectModel); }
private static void addEntityToNavigationNode(ref EntitiesIndexedByNavigationNodes p_entitiesIndexedByNavigationNodes, Entity p_entity, NavigationNode p_navigationNode) { if (!p_entitiesIndexedByNavigationNodes.Entities.ContainsKey(p_navigationNode)) { p_entitiesIndexedByNavigationNodes.Entities.Add(p_navigationNode, new List <Entity>()); } List <Entity> l_navigationNodeEntities = p_entitiesIndexedByNavigationNodes.Entities[p_navigationNode]; if (!l_navigationNodeEntities.Contains(p_entity)) { l_navigationNodeEntities.Add(p_entity); } }
/// <summary> /// Deletes a navigation node from the quickLaunch or top navigation bar /// </summary> /// <param name="web">Site to be processed - can be root web or sub site</param> /// <param name="nodeTitle">the title of node to delete</param> /// <param name="parentNodeTitle">if string.Empty, then will delete this node as top level node</param> /// <param name="navigationType">the type of navigation, quick launch, top navigation or search navigation</param> public static void DeleteNavigationNode(this Web web, string nodeTitle, string parentNodeTitle, NavigationType navigationType) { web.Context.Load(web, w => w.Navigation.QuickLaunch, w => w.Navigation.TopNavigationBar); web.Context.ExecuteQueryRetry(); NavigationNode deleteNode = null; try { if (navigationType == NavigationType.QuickLaunch) { var quickLaunch = web.Navigation.QuickLaunch; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(parentNodeTitle)) { deleteNode = quickLaunch.SingleOrDefault(n => n.Title == nodeTitle); } else { foreach (var nodeInfo in quickLaunch) { if (nodeInfo.Title != parentNodeTitle) { continue; } web.Context.Load(nodeInfo.Children); web.Context.ExecuteQueryRetry(); deleteNode = nodeInfo.Children.SingleOrDefault(n => n.Title == nodeTitle); } } } else if (navigationType == NavigationType.TopNavigationBar) { var topLink = web.Navigation.TopNavigationBar; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(parentNodeTitle)) { deleteNode = topLink.SingleOrDefault(n => n.Title == nodeTitle); } else { foreach (var nodeInfo in topLink) { if (nodeInfo.Title != parentNodeTitle) { continue; } web.Context.Load(nodeInfo.Children); web.Context.ExecuteQueryRetry(); deleteNode = nodeInfo.Children.SingleOrDefault(n => n.Title == nodeTitle); } } } else if (navigationType == NavigationType.SearchNav) { var nodeCollection = web.LoadSearchNavigation(); deleteNode = nodeCollection.SingleOrDefault(n => n.Title == nodeTitle); } } finally { deleteNode?.DeleteObject(); web.Context.ExecuteQueryRetry(); } }
// A* protected bool FindRoute(Block startBlock, Block endBlock, out List <Block> path) { List <NavigationNode> openList = new List <NavigationNode>(); List <Block> closedList = new List <Block>(); // we dont need to consider our starting point closedList.Add(startBlock); // but we have to start somewhere foreach (Block block in startBlock.AdjacentBlocks) { if (block.Traversable) { openList.Add(new NavigationNode(null, block, block.NavigationWeight, CalculateHeuristic(block, endBlock))); } else { closedList.Add(block); } } // run the algorithm while (openList.Count > 0) { // get the next block with lowest score openList.Sort((x, y) => x.MovementCost.CompareTo(y.MovementCost)); NavigationNode currentNode = openList[0]; openList.RemoveAt(0); closedList.Add(currentNode.Block); // if we are at the end we can leave if (currentNode.Block == endBlock) { path = new List <Block>(); while (currentNode != null) { // path.Insert(path.Count, currentNode.Block); path.Insert(0, currentNode.Block); currentNode = currentNode.Parent; } return(true); } // calculate and add our adjacent blocks to the proper lists foreach (Block block in currentNode.Block.AdjacentBlocks) { if (closedList.Contains(block)) { continue; } // handle if we are already in the open list int nExistingIndex = openList.FindIndex((x) => x.Block == block); if (nExistingIndex < 0) { if (block.Traversable) { openList.Add(new NavigationNode(currentNode, block, currentNode.MovementCost + block.NavigationWeight, CalculateHeuristic(block, endBlock))); } else { closedList.Add(block); } } else { // if a lower score, update the parent NavigationNode existingNode = openList[nExistingIndex]; if (existingNode.Score < currentNode.Score) { existingNode.MovementCost = currentNode.MovementCost + 1.0f; existingNode.Parent = currentNode; } } } } // unable to find route path = null; return(false); }
public void Remove() { base.ThrowIfCannotActAsOwner(); StoreObjectId nodeId = (StoreObjectId)base.GetParameter("srcNId"); NavigationNodeGroupSection navigationNodeGroupSection = (NavigationNodeGroupSection)base.GetParameter("GS"); NavigationNodeCollection navigationNodeCollection = NavigationNodeCollection.TryCreateNavigationNodeCollection(base.UserContext, base.UserContext.MailboxSession, navigationNodeGroupSection); List <OwaStoreObjectId> list = new List <OwaStoreObjectId>(); NavigationNode navigationNode = navigationNodeCollection.FindNavigationNodeByNodeId(nodeId); if (navigationNode == null) { base.RenderPartialFailure(-289549140, OwaEventHandlerErrorCode.NotSet); } else { OperationResult operationResult = (OperationResult)0; if (navigationNodeGroupSection != NavigationNodeGroupSection.First) { List <NavigationNodeFolder> list2 = new List <NavigationNodeFolder>(); if (navigationNode is NavigationNodeFolder) { list2.Add(navigationNode as NavigationNodeFolder); } else if (navigationNode is NavigationNodeGroup) { NavigationNodeGroup navigationNodeGroup = navigationNode as NavigationNodeGroup; foreach (NavigationNodeFolder item in navigationNodeGroup.Children) { list2.Add(item); } } foreach (NavigationNodeFolder navigationNodeFolder in list2) { if (navigationNodeFolder.IsValid) { OwaStoreObjectId owaStoreObjectId = OwaStoreObjectId.CreateFromNavigationNodeFolder(base.UserContext, navigationNodeFolder); MailboxSession mailboxSession = owaStoreObjectId.IsArchive ? ((MailboxSession)owaStoreObjectId.GetSession(base.UserContext)) : base.UserContext.MailboxSession; if (navigationNodeFolder.IsFolderInSpecificMailboxSession(mailboxSession)) { if (Utilities.IsSpecialFolderForSession(mailboxSession, navigationNodeFolder.FolderId)) { throw new OwaEventHandlerException("Cannot delete default folders.", LocalizedStrings.GetNonEncoded(-1164567320), true); } if (operationResult == (OperationResult)0) { operationResult = OperationResult.Succeeded; } AggregateOperationResult aggregateOperationResult = mailboxSession.Delete(DeleteItemFlags.MoveToDeletedItems, new StoreId[] { navigationNodeFolder.FolderId }); if (aggregateOperationResult.OperationResult == OperationResult.Succeeded) { list.Add(OwaStoreObjectId.CreateFromNavigationNodeFolder(base.UserContext, navigationNodeFolder)); } else { operationResult = OperationResult.PartiallySucceeded; } } } } if (operationResult != (OperationResult)0 && list.Count == 0) { operationResult = OperationResult.Failed; } if (operationResult == OperationResult.Failed) { base.RenderPartialFailure(1041829989, OwaEventHandlerErrorCode.NotSet); } else if (operationResult == OperationResult.PartiallySucceeded) { base.RenderPartialFailure(995407892, OwaEventHandlerErrorCode.NotSet); } } else { NavigationNodeFolder navigationNodeFolder2 = navigationNode as NavigationNodeFolder; if (navigationNodeFolder2 != null && navigationNodeFolder2.IsFilteredView) { OwaStoreObjectId owaStoreObjectId2 = OwaStoreObjectId.CreateFromNavigationNodeFolder(base.UserContext, navigationNodeFolder2); using (SearchFolder searchFolder = SearchFolder.Bind(owaStoreObjectId2.GetSession(base.UserContext), owaStoreObjectId2.StoreObjectId, FolderList.FolderTreeQueryProperties)) { searchFolder[FolderSchema.SearchFolderAllowAgeout] = true; searchFolder.DisplayName = Utilities.GetRandomNameForTempFilteredView(base.UserContext); searchFolder.Save(); } } } if (operationResult == (OperationResult)0 || operationResult == OperationResult.Succeeded) { if (navigationNodeCollection.RemoveFolderOrGroupByNodeId(nodeId) != null) { navigationNodeCollection.Save(base.UserContext.MailboxSession); } } else if (operationResult == OperationResult.PartiallySucceeded) { foreach (OwaStoreObjectId owaStoreObjectId3 in list) { navigationNodeCollection.RemoveFolderByLegacyDNandId(owaStoreObjectId3.MailboxOwnerLegacyDN ?? base.UserContext.MailboxOwnerLegacyDN, owaStoreObjectId3.StoreObjectId); } navigationNodeCollection.Save(base.UserContext.MailboxSession); } } NavigationTreeDirtyFlag navigationTreeDirtyFlag = NavigationTreeDirtyFlag.None; if (navigationNodeGroupSection == NavigationNodeGroupSection.First) { navigationTreeDirtyFlag = NavigationTreeDirtyFlag.Favorites; } else { if (list.Count > 0) { List <FolderTreeNode> list3 = FolderTreeNode.CreateDeletedNodesWithDirtyCheck(base.UserContext, list, out navigationTreeDirtyFlag); this.Writer.Write("<div id=tn>"); foreach (FolderTreeNode folderTreeNode in list3) { folderTreeNode.RenderUndecoratedNode(this.Writer); } this.Writer.Write("</div>"); } switch (navigationNodeGroupSection) { case NavigationNodeGroupSection.Calendar: navigationTreeDirtyFlag |= NavigationTreeDirtyFlag.Calendar; break; case NavigationNodeGroupSection.Contacts: navigationTreeDirtyFlag |= NavigationTreeDirtyFlag.Contact; break; case NavigationNodeGroupSection.Tasks: navigationTreeDirtyFlag |= NavigationTreeDirtyFlag.Task; break; } } RenderingUtilities.RenderNavigationTreeDirtyFlag(this.Writer, base.UserContext, navigationTreeDirtyFlag, (NavigationModule[])base.GetParameter("cms")); }
public static float actionPointBetweenNavigationNodes(NavigationNode p_navigationNode1, NavigationNode p_navigationNode2) { return(worldDistanceToActionPoint(math.distance(p_navigationNode1.LocalPosition, p_navigationNode2.LocalPosition))); }
public bool Execute(ArraySegment <string> arguments, ICommandSender sender, out string response) { if (sender is PlayerCommandSender player) { Player s = Player.Get(player.PlayerId); if (!s.CheckPermission("npc.all")) { response = "Access denied!"; return(false); } if (!Round.IsStarted) { response = "Round is not started!"; return(false); } if (arguments.Count == 0) { response = "Available subcommands: [create, list, remove, clean, rebuild, sav, show]"; return(false); } NavigationNode created_node; Pickup pickup; switch (arguments.At(0)) { case "create": string name = (++new_node_id).ToString(); if (!s.IsAlive) { response = "You must be alive to use this!"; return(false); } created_node = NavigationNode.Create(s.Position, name, s.CurrentRoom.Name.RemoveBracketsOnEndOfName()); if (arguments.Count > 1) { string[] AvailableItemTypes = arguments.At(1).Split(','); foreach (string type in AvailableItemTypes) { created_node.PossibleItemTypes.Add(type.Trim()); } } pickup = ItemType.SCP018.Spawn(1f, created_node.Position + new UnityEngine.Vector3(0, 0.5f, 0)); pickup.Locked = true; foreach (NavigationNode d in NavigationNode.AllNodes.Values.Where(nd => nd != created_node && Vector3.Distance(nd.Position, created_node.Position) < Plugin.Instance.Config.NavNodeMapperMaxDistance)) { created_node.LinkedNodes.Add(d); d.LinkedNodes.Add(created_node); Log.Info($"Linked {created_node.Name} and {d.Name}"); } response = "Created node!"; break; case "list": int id = 0; foreach (NavigationNode node in NavigationNode.AllNodes.Values) { s.RemoteAdminMessage($"{id} - {node.Name}"); } response = "List end"; break; case "remove": if (arguments.Count <= 1) { response = "You need to provide node name!"; return(false); } try { NavigationNode rnode = NavigationNode.AllNodes[arguments.At(1)]; NavigationNode.AllNodes.Remove(rnode.Name); UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(rnode); response = "Node removed"; } catch (KeyNotFoundException) { response = "Node not found!"; return(false); } break; case "clean": NavigationNode.Clear(); response = "Removed all nodes!"; break; case "rebuild": NavigationNode.Clear(); Methods.GenerateNavGraph(); response = "Rebuilt navigation graph"; break; case "sav": Dictionary <string, List <NavigationNode.NavNodeSerializationInfo> > manual_mappings = new Dictionary <string, List <NavigationNode.NavNodeSerializationInfo> >(); IEnumerable <NavigationNode> to_serialize = NavigationNode.AllNodes.Values.Where(n => n.SInfo != null); foreach (NavigationNode node in to_serialize) { node.SInfo.ItemTypes = new List <string>(node.PossibleItemTypes); if (!manual_mappings.ContainsKey(node.Room.RemoveBracketsOnEndOfName())) { List <NavigationNode.NavNodeSerializationInfo> nodes = new List <NavigationNode.NavNodeSerializationInfo> { node.SInfo }; manual_mappings.Add(node.Room.RemoveBracketsOnEndOfName(), nodes); } else { manual_mappings[node.Room.RemoveBracketsOnEndOfName()].Add(node.SInfo); } } FileStream fs = File.Open(Config.NPCs_nav_mappings_path, FileMode.Truncate, FileAccess.Write); StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fs); var serializer = new SerializerBuilder().Build(); var yaml = serializer.Serialize(manual_mappings); sw.Write(yaml); sw.Close(); response = "Saved manual navigation mappings!"; break; case "show": foreach (NavigationNode node in NavigationNode.AllNodes.Values) { pickup = ItemType.SCP018.Spawn(1f, node.Position + new UnityEngine.Vector3(0, 0.5f, 0)); pickup.Locked = true; } response = "Marked nodes!"; break; case "items": if (arguments.Count <= 2) { response = "You need to provide node name and at least one item group!"; return(false); } try { NavigationNode rnode = NavigationNode.AllNodes[arguments.At(1)]; for (int i = 2; i < arguments.Count; i++) { if (rnode.PossibleItemTypes.Add(arguments.At(i))) { s.RemoteAdminMessage($"Added type: {arguments.At(i)}"); } } response = ""; } catch (KeyNotFoundException) { response = "Node not found!"; return(false); } break; case "r_items": if (arguments.Count <= 2) { response = "You need to provide node name and at least one item group!"; return(false); } try { NavigationNode rnode = NavigationNode.AllNodes[arguments.At(1)]; for (int i = 2; i < arguments.Count; i++) { if (rnode.PossibleItemTypes.Remove(arguments.At(i))) { s.RemoteAdminMessage($"Removed type: {arguments.At(i)}"); } } response = ""; } catch (KeyNotFoundException) { response = "Node not found!"; return(false); } break; case "info": if (arguments.Count <= 1) { response = "You need to provide node name!"; return(false); } try { NavigationNode rnode = NavigationNode.AllNodes[arguments.At(1)]; s.RemoteAdminMessage("Linked nodes:"); foreach (NavigationNode node in rnode.LinkedNodes) { s.RemoteAdminMessage(node.Name); } s.RemoteAdminMessage($"Attached door: {rnode.AttachedDoor?.DoorName}"); s.RemoteAdminMessage($"Attached elevator: {rnode.AttachedElevator}"); response = ""; } catch (KeyNotFoundException) { response = "Node not found!"; return(false); } break; default: response = "Unknown subcommand!"; return(false); } } else { response = "Only players can use this!"; return(false); } return(true); }
/** * <summary> * Build navigation nodes * </summary> * * <returns> * void * </returns> */ public void BuildNavigation() { Bounds bounds = this.Ground.GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds; Vector3 bottomLeft = new Vector3(bounds.min.x, bounds.max.y, bounds.min.z); Vector3 topRight = new Vector3(bounds.max.x, bounds.max.y, bounds.max.z); // Initial new nodes dictionary this.nodes = new Dictionary <int, Dictionary <int, NavigationNode> >(); Debug.Log("Building Navigation"); int id = 0; // Map the mesh for (int x = Mathf.RoundToInt(bottomLeft.x); x < Mathf.RoundToInt(topRight.x); x++) { if (!this.nodes.ContainsKey(x)) { this.nodes[x] = new Dictionary <int, NavigationNode>(); } for (int z = Mathf.RoundToInt(bottomLeft.z); z < Mathf.RoundToInt(topRight.z); z++) { Vector3 rayPosition = new Vector3(x, bounds.max.y + 1f, z); RaycastHit[] hits = Physics.RaycastAll(rayPosition, Vector3.down * Mathf.Abs(bounds.max.y)); foreach (RaycastHit hit in hits) { // Create navigation point if (hit.transform.tag != "Navigation") { this.Obstructs.Add(new Vector3(x, 0, z)); continue; } Vector3 navigationPoint = hit.point; GameObject newNavigationNode = MonoBehaviour.Instantiate( Resources.Load("Prefabs/Navigations/Navigation Node") as GameObject ); newNavigationNode.transform.position = navigationPoint; // Build the navigation node NavigationNode navigationNode = new NavigationNode(); navigationNode.ID = id; navigationNode.X = x; navigationNode.Z = z; navigationNode.Position = navigationPoint; //navigationNode.TemporaryReference = newNavigationNode; this.nodes[x][z] = navigationNode; id++; } } } // Build and set neighbouring nodes this.BuildNeighbours(); // Set obstructions this.SetObstructions(); }
public void Include(NavigationNode navigationNode, QueryModel queryModel, bool handleCollection) { TypeDescriptor descriptor = EntityTypeContainer.GetDescriptor(this.ObjectType); PropertyDescriptor navigationDescriptor = descriptor.GetPropertyDescriptor(navigationNode.Property); if (navigationDescriptor.Definition.Kind == TypeKind.Primitive) { throw new NotSupportedException($"'{navigationNode.Property.Name}' is not navigation property."); } ComplexObjectModel objectModel = null; if (navigationDescriptor.Definition.Kind == TypeKind.Complex) { objectModel = this.GetComplexMember(navigationNode.Property); if (objectModel == null) { objectModel = this.GenComplexObjectModel(navigationDescriptor as ComplexPropertyDescriptor, navigationNode, queryModel); this.AddComplexMember(navigationNode.Property, objectModel); } else { DbExpression condition = this.ParseCondition(navigationNode.Condition, objectModel, queryModel.ScopeTables); var joinTable = objectModel.DependentTable as DbJoinTableExpression; joinTable.AppendCondition(condition); } } else { if (!handleCollection) { this.IncludeCollections.Add(navigationNode); return; } CollectionObjectModel collectionModel = this.GetCollectionMember(navigationNode.Property); if (collectionModel == null) { Type collectionType = navigationDescriptor.PropertyType; TypeDescriptor elementTypeDescriptor = EntityTypeContainer.GetDescriptor(collectionType.GetGenericArguments()[0]); ComplexObjectModel elementModel = this.GenCollectionElementObjectModel(elementTypeDescriptor, navigationNode, queryModel); collectionModel = new CollectionObjectModel(this.ObjectType, navigationNode.Property, elementModel); this.AddCollectionMember(navigationNode.Property, collectionModel); } else { DbExpression condition = this.ParseCondition(navigationNode.Condition, collectionModel.ElementModel, queryModel.ScopeTables); var joinTable = collectionModel.ElementModel.DependentTable as DbJoinTableExpression; joinTable.AppendCondition(condition); } objectModel = collectionModel.ElementModel; } if (navigationNode.Next != null) { objectModel.Include(navigationNode.Next, queryModel, handleCollection); } }
private static float Heuristic(NavigationNode to, NavigationNode from) { return(Vector3.Distance(to.transform.position, from.transform.position)); }
private void OptimisePath() { //tries to look ahead and skip nodes we have clear unobstructed path to already Vector3 pos = ParentObject.Transform.AbsoluteTransform.Translation; pos.Y = 0; int indexToRemove = -1; for (int i = 1; i < path.Count; i++) { NavigationNode nodeToExamine = path[i]; bool centerClear = false; bool leftClear = false; bool rightClear = false; Vector3 toNode = nodeToExamine.WorldPosition - pos; Vector3 perpendicularVec = Vector3.Cross(toNode, Vector3.Up); perpendicularVec.Y = 0; //width perpendicularVec *= 0.01f; //don't optimize route when we cross a hazard line boundary if (mapHandler.IntersectsHazardLine(pos, nodeToExamine.WorldPosition)) { continue; } //if we pass all 3 of these tests, this means we have clear LOS //to this node, wide enough to squeeze through. So we can skip prior nodes. if (!mapHandler.IntersectsLevel(pos, nodeToExamine.WorldPosition)) { centerClear = true; if (!mapHandler.IntersectsLevel(pos + perpendicularVec, nodeToExamine.WorldPosition + perpendicularVec)) { leftClear = true; if (!mapHandler.IntersectsLevel(pos - perpendicularVec, nodeToExamine.WorldPosition - perpendicularVec)) { rightClear = true; indexToRemove = i; } else { break; } } else { break; } } else { break; } DebugShapeRenderer.AddLine(pos, nodeToExamine.WorldPosition, rightClear ? Color.Blue : Color.Red); DebugShapeRenderer.AddLine(pos + perpendicularVec, nodeToExamine.WorldPosition + perpendicularVec, leftClear ? Color.Blue : Color.Red); DebugShapeRenderer.AddLine(pos - perpendicularVec, nodeToExamine.WorldPosition - perpendicularVec, rightClear ? Color.Blue : Color.Red); } if (indexToRemove != -1) { path.RemoveRange(0, indexToRemove); } }
private static NavigationTree[] CreateNavigationTreeByFolderLists(UserContext userContext, FolderList[] folderLists, params NavigationNodeCollection[] collections) { if (folderLists == null || folderLists.Length == 0) { throw new ArgumentNullException("folderLists"); } if (collections.Length == 0) { return(new NavigationTree[0]); } string[] array = new string[collections.Length]; StoreObjectId[] array2 = new StoreObjectId[collections.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < collections.Length; i++) { array[i] = NavigationNode.GetFolderClass(collections[i].GroupSection); if (ObjectClass.IsOfClass(array[i], "IPF.Note")) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid group section. Can only be Calendar, Contact, Task"); } switch (collections[i].GroupSection) { case NavigationNodeGroupSection.Calendar: array2[i] = Utilities.TryGetDefaultFolderId(userContext.MailboxSession, DefaultFolderType.Calendar); break; case NavigationNodeGroupSection.Contacts: array2[i] = Utilities.TryGetDefaultFolderId(userContext.MailboxSession, DefaultFolderType.Contacts); break; case NavigationNodeGroupSection.Tasks: array2[i] = Utilities.TryGetDefaultFolderId(userContext.MailboxSession, DefaultFolderType.Tasks); break; default: throw new ArgumentException("Invalid group section. Can only be Calendar, Contact, Task"); } } Dictionary <string, StoreObjectId>[] array3 = new Dictionary <string, StoreObjectId> [collections.Length]; for (int j = 0; j < array.Length; j++) { array3[j] = new Dictionary <string, StoreObjectId>(); } foreach (FolderList folderList in folderLists) { foreach (StoreObjectId storeObjectId in folderList.GetFolderIds()) { string itemClass = folderList.GetFolderProperty(storeObjectId, StoreObjectSchema.ContainerClass) as string; for (int m = 0; m < array.Length; m++) { if (ObjectClass.IsOfClass(itemClass, array[m])) { string key = folderList.MailboxSession.MailboxOwnerLegacyDN.ToLowerInvariant() + storeObjectId.ToString(); array3[m][key] = storeObjectId; break; } } } } bool flag = false; NavigationNodeGroupSection[] array4 = new NavigationNodeGroupSection[collections.Length]; StoreObjectId storeObjectId2 = userContext.TryGetMyDefaultFolderId(DefaultFolderType.ToDoSearch); List <NavigationNodeFolder> list = new List <NavigationNodeFolder>(); for (int n = 0; n < collections.Length; n++) { list.Clear(); bool flag2 = false; bool flag3 = false; NavigationNodeCollection navigationNodeCollection = collections[n]; NavigationNodeGroupSection navigationNodeGroupSection = navigationNodeCollection.GroupSection; array4[n] = navigationNodeGroupSection; foreach (NavigationNodeGroup navigationNodeGroup in navigationNodeCollection) { foreach (NavigationNodeFolder navigationNodeFolder in navigationNodeGroup.Children) { if (navigationNodeFolder.IsValid && navigationNodeFolder.FolderId != null && !navigationNodeFolder.IsFlagSet(NavigationNodeFlags.PublicFolderFavorite)) { bool flag4 = false; foreach (FolderList folderList2 in folderLists) { if (navigationNodeFolder.IsFolderInSpecificMailboxSession(folderList2.MailboxSession)) { flag4 = true; break; } } if (flag4) { string key2 = navigationNodeFolder.MailboxLegacyDN.ToLowerInvariant() + navigationNodeFolder.FolderId.ToString(); if (!array3[n].Remove(key2)) { if (navigationNodeGroupSection == NavigationNodeGroupSection.Tasks && storeObjectId2 != null && storeObjectId2.Equals(navigationNodeFolder.FolderId)) { flag3 = true; } else { list.Add(navigationNodeFolder); } } if (navigationNodeFolder.FolderId.Equals(array2[n])) { foreach (FolderList folderList3 in folderLists) { if (navigationNodeFolder.IsFolderInSpecificMailboxSession(folderList3.MailboxSession)) { string text = (string)folderList3.GetFolderProperty(navigationNodeFolder.FolderId, FolderSchema.DisplayName); string subject = navigationNodeFolder.Subject; if (text != null && !text.Equals(subject)) { navigationNodeFolder.Subject = text; flag2 = true; } } } } } } } } if (navigationNodeGroupSection == NavigationNodeGroupSection.Tasks && !flag3 && storeObjectId2 != null) { navigationNodeCollection.InsertToDoFolderToGroup(userContext); flag2 = true; } if (array3[n].Count > 0) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, StoreObjectId> keyValuePair in array3[n]) { StoreObjectId value = keyValuePair.Value; string key3 = keyValuePair.Key; string y = key3.Substring(0, key3.LastIndexOf(value.ToString())); foreach (FolderList folderList4 in folderLists) { if (StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase.Equals(folderList4.MailboxSession.MailboxOwnerLegacyDN, y)) { navigationNodeCollection.AddMyFolderToGroup(userContext, folderList4.MailboxSession, folderList4.GetFolderProperties(value), folderList4.QueryPropertyMap); break; } } } flag2 = true; } if (list.Count > 0) { foreach (NavigationNodeFolder navigationNodeFolder2 in list) { navigationNodeCollection.RemoveFolderOrGroupByNodeId(navigationNodeFolder2.NavigationNodeId.ObjectId); } flag2 = true; } if (flag2) { navigationNodeCollection.Save(userContext.MailboxSession); flag = true; } } if (flag) { collections = NavigationNodeCollection.TryCreateNavigationNodeCollections(userContext, userContext.MailboxSession, array4); } NavigationTree[] array5 = new NavigationTree[collections.Length]; for (int num4 = 0; num4 < collections.Length; num4++) { NavigationNodeCollection navigationNodeCollection2 = collections[num4]; NavigationTree navigationTree = new NavigationTree(userContext, new InvisibleRootTreeNode(userContext), navigationNodeCollection2.GroupSection); foreach (NavigationNodeGroup navigationNodeGroup2 in navigationNodeCollection2) { if (!navigationNodeGroup2.IsNew) { if ((navigationNodeCollection2.GroupSection == NavigationNodeGroupSection.Contacts || navigationNodeCollection2.GroupSection == NavigationNodeGroupSection.Tasks) && NavigationNodeCollection.PeoplesFoldersClassId.Equals(navigationNodeGroup2.NavigationNodeGroupClassId)) { bool flag5 = false; foreach (NavigationNodeFolder navigationNodeFolder3 in navigationNodeGroup2.Children) { if (navigationNodeFolder3.NavigationNodeType != NavigationNodeType.SharedFolder) { flag5 = true; break; } } if (!flag5) { continue; } } NavigationGroupHeaderTreeNode navigationGroupHeaderTreeNode = new NavigationGroupHeaderTreeNode(userContext, navigationNodeGroup2); foreach (NavigationNodeFolder navigationNodeFolder4 in navigationNodeGroup2.Children) { if (((navigationNodeCollection2.GroupSection != NavigationNodeGroupSection.Contacts && navigationNodeCollection2.GroupSection != NavigationNodeGroupSection.Tasks) || navigationNodeFolder4.NavigationNodeType != NavigationNodeType.SharedFolder) && navigationNodeFolder4.IsValid && (navigationNodeFolder4.IsGSCalendar || navigationNodeFolder4.FolderId != null)) { NavigationFolderTreeNode navigationFolderTreeNode = null; foreach (FolderList folderList5 in folderLists) { object[] array6 = null; if (navigationNodeFolder4.FolderId != null) { array6 = folderList5.GetFolderProperties(navigationNodeFolder4.FolderId); } if (array6 != null) { navigationFolderTreeNode = new NavigationFolderTreeNode(userContext, navigationNodeFolder4, null, array6, folderList5.QueryPropertyMap); break; } } if (navigationFolderTreeNode == null && (!navigationNodeFolder4.IsFolderInSpecificMailboxSession(userContext.MailboxSession) || (navigationNodeFolder4.FolderId != null && Utilities.IsDefaultFolderId(userContext.MailboxSession, navigationNodeFolder4.FolderId, DefaultFolderType.ToDoSearch)))) { navigationFolderTreeNode = new NavigationFolderTreeNode(userContext, navigationNodeFolder4); } if (navigationFolderTreeNode != null) { navigationGroupHeaderTreeNode.AddChild(navigationFolderTreeNode); } } } navigationTree.RootNode.AddChild(navigationGroupHeaderTreeNode); } } array5[num4] = navigationTree; } return(array5); }
public void Update(GameTime gameTime) { if (path == null) { return; } if (path.Count > 0) { if (path.Count > 1) { OptimisePath(); } NavigationNode currentNode = path[0]; //check we can still see our node. Sometimes we can't, after //applying an unexpectedly large move. if (!CanStillPathToNode(currentNode) && currentNode.WorldPosition != mapHandler.LevelEnd) { PathToPoint(path[path.Count - 1].WorldPosition); } Vector3 toTarget = currentNode.WorldPosition - ParentObject.Transform.AbsoluteTransform.Translation; if (toTarget.Length() < minDistanceToNode) { path.RemoveAt(0); return; } toTarget.Y = 0; toTarget.Normalize(); Vector3 rightV = ParentObject.Transform.AbsoluteTransform.Right; rightV.Y = 0; rightV.Normalize(); Vector3 forwardVec = ParentObject.Transform.AbsoluteTransform.Forward; forwardVec.Y = 0; forwardVec.Normalize(); float dot = Vector3.Dot(toTarget, rightV); //game units are roughly 105 in a circle. //so 1 unit = 360 / 105 degrees //1 degree = 105 / 360 var angle = MathHelper.ToDegrees(MonoMathHelper.GetAngleBetweenVectors(toTarget, forwardVec)); float spinAmount = angle * (105f / 360); float heading = MathHelper.ToDegrees(MonoMathHelper.GetHeadingFromVector((currentNode.WorldPosition - ParentObject.Transform.AbsoluteTransform.Translation).ToVector2XZ())); heading = (heading + 360) % 360; //DebugText.Write(dot.ToString()); // DebugText.Write(angle.ToString()); // DebugText.Write(spinAmount.ToString()); DebugText.Write("Heading: " + heading.ToString()); if (dot > 0.1f) { if (!turning) { //TurnLeft(2); TurnLeftToHeading(heading); } } if (dot < -0.1f) { if (!turning) { //TurnRight(2); TurnRightToHeading(heading); } } if (dot > -movementRangeThreshold && dot < movementRangeThreshold) { //the node we need is right behind us. Instigate a turn. if (MonoMathHelper.AlmostEquals(180d, angle, 10)) { TurnLeft(3); return; } if (!moving) { //we're likely stuck. Try moving back if (movementAttemptsWithNoPositionChange > 50) { MoveBackward(4); movementAttemptsWithNoPositionChange = 0; } else { MoveForward(4); } } } FeelForward(); } else { path = null; } }
public void Rename() { base.ThrowIfCannotActAsOwner(); string text = ((string)base.GetParameter("SB")).Trim(); string s = text; NavigationNodeGroupSection navigationNodeGroupSection = (NavigationNodeGroupSection)base.GetParameter("GS"); NavigationNodeCollection navigationNodeCollection = NavigationNodeCollection.TryCreateNavigationNodeCollection(base.UserContext, base.UserContext.MailboxSession, navigationNodeGroupSection); NavigationNode navigationNode = navigationNodeCollection.FindNavigationNodeByNodeId((StoreObjectId)base.GetParameter("srcNId")); if (navigationNode == null) { throw new OwaEventHandlerException("Cannot find specified navigation node", LocalizedStrings.GetNonEncoded(-289549140), true); } if (text.Length != 0) { if (navigationNode is NavigationNodeFolder) { NavigationNodeFolder navigationNodeFolder = navigationNode as NavigationNodeFolder; if (!navigationNodeFolder.IsValid) { throw new OwaInvalidRequestException("This is not a valid navigation node"); } if (navigationNodeFolder.NavigationNodeType == NavigationNodeType.SmartFolder && !navigationNodeFolder.IsFilteredView) { throw new OwaInvalidRequestException("Cannot rename search folders"); } OwaStoreObjectId owaStoreObjectId = OwaStoreObjectId.CreateFromNavigationNodeFolder(base.UserContext, navigationNodeFolder); MailboxSession mailboxSession = owaStoreObjectId.IsArchive ? ((MailboxSession)owaStoreObjectId.GetSession(base.UserContext)) : base.UserContext.MailboxSession; if (owaStoreObjectId.IsArchive && navigationNodeFolder.NavigationNodeType == NavigationNodeType.NormalFolder) { s = string.Format(LocalizedStrings.GetNonEncoded(-83764036), text, Utilities.GetMailboxOwnerDisplayName(mailboxSession)); } if (navigationNodeFolder.IsFolderInSpecificMailboxSession(mailboxSession)) { using (Folder folder = Folder.Bind(mailboxSession, navigationNodeFolder.FolderId, new PropertyDefinition[] { FolderSchema.ExtendedFolderFlags })) { if (!Utilities.CanFolderBeRenamed(base.UserContext, folder)) { throw new OwaInvalidRequestException("Folder cannot be renamed."); } folder.DisplayName = text; FolderSaveResult folderSaveResult = folder.Save(); if (folderSaveResult.OperationResult != OperationResult.Succeeded) { if (Utilities.IsFolderNameConflictError(folderSaveResult)) { throw new OwaEventHandlerException("Folder rename did not return OperationResult.Succeeded", LocalizedStrings.GetNonEncoded(1602494619), OwaEventHandlerErrorCode.FolderNameExists, true); } throw new OwaAccessDeniedException(LocalizedStrings.GetNonEncoded(995407892)); } } } } navigationNode.Subject = text; navigationNodeCollection.Save(base.UserContext.MailboxSession); this.Writer.Write("<div id=tn>"); Utilities.HtmlEncode(text, this.Writer, true); this.Writer.Write("</div><div id=ntn>"); Utilities.HtmlEncode(s, this.Writer, true); this.Writer.Write("</div>"); return; } if (navigationNode is NavigationNodeGroup) { throw new OwaEventHandlerException("User did not provide name for new group", LocalizedStrings.GetNonEncoded(-1749891264), true); } throw new OwaEventHandlerException("User did not provide name for new folder", LocalizedStrings.GetNonEncoded(-41080803), true); }
private IEnumerator <float> NavCoroutine() { Queue <Vector3> FollowTargetPosCache = new Queue <Vector3>(); int eta = 0; int dormant_cache_update = 0; for (; ;) { if (FollowTarget != null) { if (FollowTarget.IsAlive) { float dist = Vector3.Distance(FollowTarget.Position, NPCPlayer.Position); //If we are far away... if (dist >= Plugin.Instance.Config.MaxFollowDistance) { if (OnTargetLostBehaviour == TargetLostBehaviour.TELEPORT) { //... Teleport to player if allowed NPCPlayer.Position = FollowTarget.Position; eta = 0; FollowTargetPosCache.Clear(); } else { //Stop or try to search otherwise FireEvent(new NPCTargetLostEvent(this, FollowTarget)); FollowTargetPosCache.Clear(); eta = 0; Stop(); if (OnTargetLostBehaviour == TargetLostBehaviour.SEARCH) { Room r = FollowTarget.CurrentRoom; if (r != null) { GotoRoom(r); } } continue; } } //If target is not near if (dist >= 1.5f) { //Update Pos cache each third tick if (dormant_cache_update > 2) { FollowTargetPosCache.Enqueue(FollowTarget.Position); dormant_cache_update = 0; } dormant_cache_update++; } else { //Otherwise just dont move FollowTargetPosCache.Clear(); eta = 0; Timing.KillCoroutines(MovementCoroutines.ToArray()); Move(MovementDirection.NONE); } } else { // Target dead, reset FollowTargetPosCache.Clear(); eta = 0; FireEvent(new NPCFollowTargetDiedEvent(this, FollowTarget)); Stop(); continue; } //If we reached predicted target if (eta <= 0) { //Schedule next position if (!FollowTargetPosCache.IsEmpty()) { float full_eta = GoTo(FollowTargetPosCache.Dequeue()); eta = (int)(full_eta / Plugin.Instance.Config.NavUpdateFrequency) - 1; } } else { eta--; } } else { //Noone to follow, try taking nodes from nav queue eta = 0; FollowTargetPosCache.Clear(); if (CurrentNavTarget != null) { IsRunning = !DisableRun; //There is current float distance = Vector3.Distance(CurrentNavTarget.Position, NPCPlayer.Position); if (distance < 3f && (!ProcessSCPLogic || NPCPlayer.Role != RoleType.Scp106)) { //Try to open the door if there is one, so we wont collide with it if (CurrentNavTarget.AttachedDoor != null && !CurrentNavTarget.AttachedDoor.NetworkisOpen) { ItemType prev = ItemHeld; bool open = NPCPlayer.IsBypassModeEnabled || (CurrentNavTarget.AttachedDoor.CheckpointDoor && NPCPlayer.ReferenceHub.characterClassManager.IsAnyScp()); if (!open) { if (!CurrentNavTarget.AttachedDoor.CanBeOpenedWith(ItemHeld)) { foreach (ItemType keycard in AvailableKeycards) { if (CurrentNavTarget.AttachedDoor.CanBeOpenedWith(keycard)) { ItemHeld = keycard; open = true; break; } } } else { open = true; } } if (open) { //All is good Timing.KillCoroutines(MovementCoroutines.ToArray()); Move(MovementDirection.NONE); while (CurrentNavTarget.AttachedDoor.locked) { yield return(0f); } yield return(Timing.WaitForSeconds(0.2f)); CurrentNavTarget.AttachedDoor.NetworkisOpen = true; yield return(Timing.WaitForSeconds(0.1f)); GoTo(CurrentNavTarget.Position); ItemHeld = prev; } else { //Stop otherwise Stop(); continue; } } } if (distance < 6) { NavigationNode NextNavTarget = NavigationQueue.First?.Value; NavigationNode lift_node = null; if (NextNavTarget != null) { if (NextNavTarget.AttachedElevator != null) { lift_node = NextNavTarget; } } //If there is an elevator, try to use it if (CurrentNavTarget.AttachedElevator == null && lift_node != null) { bool val = lift_node.AttachedElevator.Value.Value.IsClosed(lift_node.AttachedElevator.Value.Key); if (val) { lift_node.AttachedElevator.Value.Value.UseLift(); Timing.KillCoroutines(MovementCoroutines.ToArray()); Move(MovementDirection.NONE); while (!lift_node.AttachedElevator.Value.Value.operative) { yield return(0.0f); } GoTo(CurrentNavTarget.Position); } } } if (CurMovementDirection == MovementDirection.NONE) { //Target reached - force position to it so we wont stuck Vector3 forced = new Vector3(CurrentNavTarget.Position.x, NPCPlayer.Position.y, CurrentNavTarget.Position.z); NPCPlayer.ReferenceHub.playerMovementSync.OverridePosition(forced, 0f, true); //If we have AI item target reached, try to find and take item if (CurrentAIItemNodeTarget != null && CurrentAIItemNodeTarget == CurrentNavTarget) { CurrentAIItemNodeTarget = null; IEnumerable <Pickup> pickups = FindObjectsOfType <Pickup>().Where(pk => Vector3.Distance(pk.Networkposition, NPCPlayer.Position) <= 5f); foreach (Pickup p in pickups) { if (Utils.Utils.CheckItemType(CurrentAIItemGroupTarget, p.ItemId)) { yield return(Timing.WaitForSeconds(GoTo(p.position))); TakeItem(p); break; } } CurrentAIItemGroupTarget = null; } CurrentNavTarget = null; } } else if (NavigationQueue.Count > 0) { //No current, but there are pending targets CurrentNavTarget = NavigationQueue.First.Value; NavigationQueue.RemoveFirst(); if (CurrentNavTarget.AttachedElevator != null && Math.Abs( - NPCPlayer.Position.y) > 2f) { CurrentNavTarget.AttachedElevator.Value.Value.UseLift(); while (CurrentNavTarget.AttachedElevator.Value.Value.status == Lift.Status.Moving) { yield return(0f); } CurrentNavTarget = null; } else { GoTo(CurrentNavTarget.Position); } } else if (CurrentAIRoomTarget != null) { //No current, no pending - room reached CurrentAIRoomTarget = null; } } yield return(Timing.WaitForSeconds(Plugin.Instance.Config.NavUpdateFrequency)); } }
private string GetParentNode(NavigationNode node, bool isOpened) { var output = RenderNodeAsHtml(node); return(string.Format(UlItemTemplate, output, isOpened ? "" : "display: none;")); }
public void AddNavTarget(NavigationNode node) { NavigationQueue.AddLast(node); }
private async Task <TreeNode <NavigationNode> > BuildTreeInternal(NavigationTreeBuilderService service) { NavigationNode rootNav; var project = await projectService.GetCurrentProjectSettings(); IPage homePage = null; if ( project != null && project.UseDefaultPageAsRootNode && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(project.DefaultPageSlug) ) { //make the home page the "root" which contains all the other pages homePage = await pageService.GetPageBySlug(project.DefaultPageSlug); } var rootList = await pageService.GetRootPages().ConfigureAwait(false); var rootListCount = rootList.Count(); var urlHelper = urlHelperFactory.GetUrlHelper(actionContextAccesor.ActionContext); var folderPrefix = prefixProvider.GetPrefix(); if ((homePage != null) && project.UseDefaultPageAsRootNode) { rootNav = new NavigationNode(); //rootNav.IsRootNode = true; rootNav.Key = homePage.Id; rootNav.Text = homePage.Title; rootNav.Url = pageRouteHelper.ResolveHomeUrl(urlHelper, folderPrefix); // urlHelper.Content("~/" + folderPrefix); } else { rootNav = new NavigationNode(); //rootNav.IsRootNode = true; rootNav.Key = "pagesRoot"; rootNav.Title = "Home"; rootNav.Text = "Home"; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(folderPrefix)) { rootNav.Url = urlHelper.RouteUrl(pageRouteHelper.PageIndexRouteName); } else { rootNav.Url = urlHelper.Content("~/" + folderPrefix); } } var treeRoot = new TreeNode <NavigationNode>(rootNav); var blogPosition = project.BlogPagePosition; if (project.AddBlogToPagesTree) { if (blogPosition > rootListCount) { blogPosition = rootListCount; } } var didAddBlog = false; if (rootListCount <= 1) { // if there are no pages we won't hit the loop below so go ahead and add the blog page if (project.AddBlogToPagesTree) { var node = new NavigationNode(); node.Key = project.BlogPageText; //node.ParentKey = "RootNode"; node.Text = project.BlogPageText; if (project.BlogMenuLinksToNewestPost) { node.NamedRoute = blogRoutes.MostRecentPostRouteName; node.Url = urlHelper.RouteUrl(blogRoutes.MostRecentPostRouteName); } else { node.NamedRoute = blogRoutes.BlogIndexRouteName; node.Url = urlHelper.RouteUrl(blogRoutes.BlogIndexRouteName); } node.ComponentVisibility = project.BlogPageNavComponentVisibility; var blogNode = treeRoot.AddChild(node); didAddBlog = true; } } var rootPosition = 1; foreach (var page in rootList) { var node = new NavigationNode(); if (!didAddBlog && (project.AddBlogToPagesTree && rootPosition == blogPosition)) { node.Key = project.BlogPageText; //node.ParentKey = "RootNode"; node.Text = project.BlogPageText; if (project.BlogMenuLinksToNewestPost) { node.NamedRoute = blogRoutes.MostRecentPostRouteName; node.Url = urlHelper.RouteUrl(blogRoutes.MostRecentPostRouteName); } else { node.NamedRoute = blogRoutes.BlogIndexRouteName; node.Url = urlHelper.RouteUrl(blogRoutes.BlogIndexRouteName); } node.ComponentVisibility = project.BlogPageNavComponentVisibility; var blogNode = treeRoot.AddChild(node); node = new NavigationNode(); // new it up again for use below } if (project.UseDefaultPageAsRootNode && (homePage != null && homePage.Id == page.Id)) { rootPosition += 1; await AddChildNodes(treeRoot, project, folderPrefix).ConfigureAwait(false); continue; } node.Key = page.Id; //node.ParentKey = page.ParentId; node.Text = page.Title; node.ViewRoles = page.ViewRoles; node.ComponentVisibility = page.MenuFilters; SetUrl(node, page, folderPrefix, urlHelper); // for unpublished pages PagesNavigationNodePermissionResolver // will look for projectid in CustomData and if it exists // filter node from view unless user has edit permissions if (!page.IsPublished || page.PubDate > DateTime.UtcNow) { node.CustomData = project.Id; } var treeNode = treeRoot.AddChild(node); await AddChildNodes(treeNode, project, folderPrefix).ConfigureAwait(false); rootPosition += 1; } return(treeRoot); }
private static void removeEntityToNavigationNode(ref EntitiesIndexedByNavigationNodes p_entitiesIndexedByNavigationNodes, Entity p_entity, NavigationNode p_navigationNode) { if (p_entitiesIndexedByNavigationNodes.Entities.ContainsKey(p_navigationNode)) { p_entitiesIndexedByNavigationNodes.Entities[p_navigationNode].Remove(p_entity); } }
/// <summary> /// Build the Site Map Nodes before serialization /// </summary> /// <param name="nodes">Collection of nodes</param> /// <param name="entities">Collection of pages</param> /// <param name="matchFunc">The matching function.</param> /// <param name="mapperAction">The node mapping action.</param> /// <returns> /// Navigation Nodes /// </returns> private IEnumerable<NavigationNode> BuildSiteMapNodes( IList<NavigationNode> nodes, IList<INavigationEntity> entities, Func<INavigationEntity, NavigationNode, bool> matchFunc, Action<INavigationEntity, NavigationNode> mapperAction) { var currentUrl = SPContext.Current.ListItemServerRelativeUrl; // For each node, find linked list element for (var i = 0; i < nodes.Count; i++) { var node = nodes[i]; // Map entities to nodes var linkedEntities = entities.Where(entity => matchFunc(entity, node)).ToList(); for (var j = 0; j < linkedEntities.Count; j++) { // For the first match, set the current node's parameters // For subsequent matches, insert duplicate nodes. var linkedEntity = linkedEntities.ElementAt(j); if (j == 0) { mapperAction(linkedEntity, node); } else { var duplicateNode = new NavigationNode { IsDuplicate = true }; mapperAction(linkedEntity, duplicateNode); nodes.Insert(i + j, duplicateNode); } } // If child nodes, recurse call and build nodes if (node.ChildNodes != null) { // ReSharper disable once PossibleMultipleEnumeration var childNodes = node.ChildNodes.ToList(); if (childNodes.Any()) { node.ChildNodes = this.BuildSiteMapNodes(childNodes, entities, matchFunc, mapperAction); } } } // If top most level of nodes (no parent node set) // Set the current branch property on the nodes if (nodes.All(node => node.ParentNodeId.Equals(default(Guid)))) { this.SetCurrentBranchNodes(nodes); } return nodes; }
/// <summary> /// Tick the <see cref="NavigationEngine"/> : /// - Updates the position of the <paramref name="p_entity"/> on the <see cref="NavigationNode"/> indexed containers. /// (see <see cref="EntitiesIndexedByNavigationNodes.onNavigationNodeChange(ref EntitiesIndexedByNavigationNodes, Entity, NavigationNode, NavigationNode)"/>). /// - If the <paramref name="p_entity"/> is defined as an obstacle <see cref="_Navigation._Modifier.NavigationModifier"/>, then obstacles representation /// of the <see cref="NavigationGraph"/> is updated (see <see cref="ObstacleStep.resolveNavigationObstacleAlterations(NavigationEngine, Entity, NavigationNode, NavigationNode)"/>). /// - Calls the trigger events if elligible (see <see cref="TriggerResolutionStep.resolveTrigger(NavigationEngine, Entity, NavigationNode, NavigationNode)"/>). /// </summary> /// <param name="p_oldNavigationNode"> Thr old <see cref="NavigationNode"/> can be null. Meaning that the <paramref name="p_entity"/> wasn't positioned inside the <see cref="NavigationGraph"/> before. </param> /// <param name="p_newNavigationNode"> The target <see cref="NavigationNode"/> can be null. Meaning that the <paramref name="p_entity"/> have been destroyed. </param> public static List <AEvent> resolveEntityNavigationNodeChange(NavigationEngine p_navigationEngine, Entity p_entity, NavigationNode p_oldNavigationNode, NavigationNode p_newNavigationNode) { p_navigationEngine.CachedProducedEventsStackByTriggers.Clear(); EntitiesIndexedByNavigationNodes.onNavigationNodeChange(ref p_navigationEngine.EntitiesIndexedByNavigationNodes, p_entity, p_oldNavigationNode, p_newNavigationNode); ObstacleStep.resolveNavigationObstacleAlterations(p_navigationEngine, p_entity, p_oldNavigationNode, p_newNavigationNode); TriggerResolutionStep.resolveTrigger(p_navigationEngine, p_entity, p_oldNavigationNode, p_newNavigationNode); return(p_navigationEngine.CachedProducedEventsStackByTriggers); }