Example #1
        public delegate EditingView Factory();        //autofac uses this

        public EditingView(EditingModel model, PageListView pageListView, TemplatePagesView templatePagesView,
                           CutCommand cutCommand, CopyCommand copyCommand, PasteCommand pasteCommand, UndoCommand undoCommand, DuplicatePageCommand duplicatePageCommand,
                           DeletePageCommand deletePageCommand, NavigationIsolator isolator)
            _model                = model;
            _pageListView         = pageListView;
            _templatePagesView    = templatePagesView;
            _cutCommand           = cutCommand;
            _copyCommand          = copyCommand;
            _pasteCommand         = pasteCommand;
            _undoCommand          = undoCommand;
            _duplicatePageCommand = duplicatePageCommand;
            _deletePageCommand    = deletePageCommand;
            _browser1.Isolator   = isolator;
            _splitContainer1.Tag = _splitContainer1.SplitterDistance;            //save it
            //don't let it grow automatically
//            _splitContainer1.SplitterMoved+= ((object sender, SplitterEventArgs e) => _splitContainer1.SplitterDistance = (int)_splitContainer1.Tag);
            _browser1.SetEditingCommands(cutCommand, copyCommand, pasteCommand, undoCommand);

            _browser1.GeckoReady += new EventHandler(OnGeckoReady);

            _menusToolStrip.Renderer = new FixedToolStripRenderer();

            //we're giving it to the parent control through the TopBarControls property
 /// <summary>
 /// Show an html form, prepopulating it with saved values, and returning the new values when they click "OK"
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="configurationHtmlPath"></param>
 /// <param name="libraryJsonData">Values saved previously</param>
 public ConfigurationDialog(string configurationHtmlPath, string libraryJsonData, NavigationIsolator isolator)
     _filePath = configurationHtmlPath;
     _libraryJsonData = libraryJsonData;
     _browser.Isolator = isolator;
        public void SpuriousNavigatedEvents_AreIgnored()
            var    browser  = new BrowserStub();
            string target   = "http://any old web address";
            var    isolator = new NavigationIsolator();

            isolator.Navigate(browser, target);
            Assert.That(browser.NavigateTarget, Is.EqualTo(target));

            var    browser2 = new BrowserStub();
            string target2  = "http://some other web address";

            isolator.Navigate(browser2, target2);
            Assert.That(browser.NavigateTarget, Is.EqualTo(target), "Second navigation should not have proceeded at once");
            Assert.That(browser2.NavigateTarget, Is.EqualTo(null), "Second navigation should not have proceeded at once");

            browser.RaiseNavigated(this, new EventArgs());             // got the event notification, but still busy.
            Assert.That(browser.NavigateTarget, Is.EqualTo(target), "Second navigation should not have proceeded even on Navigated while browser still busy");
            Assert.That(browser2.NavigateTarget, Is.EqualTo(null), "Second navigation should not have proceeded even on Navigated while browser still busy");

            Assert.That(browser2.NavigateTarget, Is.EqualTo(target2), "Second navigation should have proceeded when first completed (and browser no longer busy)");

            Assert.That(browser.EventHandlerCount, Is.EqualTo(0), "event handlers should be removed once last navigation completed");
            Assert.That(browser2.EventHandlerCount, Is.EqualTo(0), "event handlers should be removed once last navigation completed");
        public void Isolation_AfterLongDelay_GivesUpAndMovesOn()
            var    browser  = new BrowserStub();
            string target   = "http://any old web address";
            var    isolator = new NavigationIsolator();

            isolator.Navigate(browser, target);
            Assert.That(browser.NavigateTarget, Is.EqualTo(target));

            var    browser2 = new BrowserStub();
            string target2  = "http://some other web address";

            isolator.Navigate(browser2, target2);
            var    browser3 = new BrowserStub();
            string target3  = "http://yet another web address";

            isolator.Navigate(browser3, target3);
            Assert.That(browser.NavigateTarget, Is.EqualTo(target), "Second navigation should not have proceeded at once");
            var start = DateTime.Now;

            while (DateTime.Now - start < new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 2, 300))
                Application.DoEvents();                 // allow timer to tick.
            Assert.That(() => browser2.NavigateTarget, Is.EqualTo(target2), "Second navigation should have proceeded eventually");

            browser2.NormalTermination();             // the second request.
            Assert.That(() => browser3.NavigateTarget, Is.EqualTo(target3), "Third navigation should have proceeded when second finished");

            browser3.NormalTermination();             // hopefully from the third.
            Assert.That(browser3.EventHandlerCount, Is.EqualTo(0), "event handlers should be removed once last navigation completed");
        public void NoLongerBusy_EvenWithoutEvent_IsNoticed()
            var    browser  = new BrowserStub();
            string target   = "http://any old web address";
            var    isolator = new NavigationIsolator();

            isolator.Navigate(browser, target);
            Assert.That(browser.NavigateTarget, Is.EqualTo(target));
            var    browser2 = new BrowserStub();
            string target2  = "http://some other web address";

            isolator.Navigate(browser2, target2);
            Assert.That(browser.NavigateTarget, Is.EqualTo(target), "Second navigation should not have proceeded at once");
            Assert.That(browser2.NavigateTarget, Is.EqualTo(null), "Second navigation should not have proceeded at once");
            browser.IsBusy = false;             // finished but did not raise event.
            var start = DateTime.Now;

            while (DateTime.Now - start < new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 150))
                Application.DoEvents();                 // allow timer to tick.
            Assert.That(() => browser2.NavigateTarget, Is.EqualTo(target2), "Second navigation should have proceeded soon after first no longer busy");

            Assert.That(browser.EventHandlerCount, Is.EqualTo(0), "event handlers should be removed once last navigation completed");
            Assert.That(browser2.EventHandlerCount, Is.EqualTo(0), "event handlers should be removed once last navigation completed");
        //autofac uses this
        public LibraryBookView(BookSelection bookSelection,
			//SendReceiver sendReceiver,
			CreateFromSourceBookCommand createFromSourceBookCommand,
			EditBookCommand editBookCommand,
			SelectedTabChangedEvent selectedTabChangedEvent,
			NavigationIsolator isolator)
            _previewBrowser.Isolator = isolator;
            _readmeBrowser.Isolator = isolator;
            _bookSelection = bookSelection;
            //_sendReceiver = sendReceiver;
            _createFromSourceBookCommand = createFromSourceBookCommand;
            _editBookCommand = editBookCommand;
            bookSelection.SelectionChanged += new EventHandler(OnBookSelectionChanged);

            selectedTabChangedEvent.Subscribe(c =>
                                                    _visible = c.To is LibraryView;
            _editBookButton.Visible = false;
        public void TwoPendingNavigations_WithNavigatedEvents_AreHandledCorrectly()
            var    browser  = new BrowserStub();
            string target   = "http://any old web address";
            var    isolator = new NavigationIsolator();

            isolator.Navigate(browser, target);
            Assert.That(browser.NavigateTarget, Is.EqualTo(target));
            var    browser2 = new BrowserStub();
            string target2  = "http://some other web address";

            isolator.Navigate(browser2, target2);
            var    browser3 = new BrowserStub();
            string target3  = "http://yet another other web address";

            isolator.Navigate(browser3, target3);
            Assert.That(browser.NavigateTarget, Is.EqualTo(target), "Second and third navigation should not have proceeded at once");

            Assert.That(browser2.NavigateTarget, Is.EqualTo(target2), "Second navigation should have proceeded when first completed (but third should not)");

            Assert.That(browser3.NavigateTarget, Is.EqualTo(target3), "Third navigation should have proceeded when second completed");

            Assert.That(browser.EventHandlerCount, Is.EqualTo(0), "event handlers should be removed once last navigation completed");
Example #8
        public delegate LibraryBookView Factory();        //autofac uses this

        public LibraryBookView(BookSelection bookSelection,
                               SendReceiver sendReceiver,
                               CreateFromSourceBookCommand createFromSourceBookCommand,
                               EditBookCommand editBookCommand,
                               SelectedTabChangedEvent selectedTabChangedEvent,
                               NavigationIsolator isolator)
            _previewBrowser.Isolator        = isolator;
            _readmeBrowser.Isolator         = isolator;
            _bookSelection                  = bookSelection;
            _sendReceiver                   = sendReceiver;
            _createFromSourceBookCommand    = createFromSourceBookCommand;
            _editBookCommand                = editBookCommand;
            bookSelection.SelectionChanged += new EventHandler(OnBookSelectionChanged);

            selectedTabChangedEvent.Subscribe(c =>
                _visible = c.To is LibraryView;
                if (_reshowPending)
            _editBookButton.Visible = false;
Example #9
        //autofac uses this
        public EditingView(EditingModel model, PageListView pageListView,
			CutCommand cutCommand, CopyCommand copyCommand, PasteCommand pasteCommand, UndoCommand undoCommand,
			DuplicatePageCommand duplicatePageCommand,
			DeletePageCommand deletePageCommand, NavigationIsolator isolator, ControlKeyEvent controlKeyEvent)
            _model = model;
            _pageListView = pageListView;
            _cutCommand = cutCommand;
            _copyCommand = copyCommand;
            _pasteCommand = pasteCommand;
            _undoCommand = undoCommand;
            _duplicatePageCommand = duplicatePageCommand;
            _deletePageCommand = deletePageCommand;
            _browser1.Isolator = isolator;
            _splitContainer1.Tag = _splitContainer1.SplitterDistance; //save it
            //don't let it grow automatically
            //            _splitContainer1.SplitterMoved+= ((object sender, SplitterEventArgs e) => _splitContainer1.SplitterDistance = (int)_splitContainer1.Tag);
            _browser1.SetEditingCommands(cutCommand, copyCommand, pasteCommand, undoCommand);

            _browser1.GeckoReady += new EventHandler(OnGeckoReady);

            _browser1.ControlKeyEvent = controlKeyEvent;



            // Adding this renderer prevents a white line from showing up under the components.
            _menusToolStrip.Renderer = new FixedToolStripRenderer();

            //we're giving it to the parent control through the TopBarControls property
            #if __MonoCS__
            // The inactive button images look garishly pink on Linux/Mono, but look okay on Windows.
            // Merely introducing an "identity color matrix" to the image attributes appears to fix
            // this problem.  (The active form looks okay with or without this fix.)
            // See http://issues.bloomlibrary.org/youtrack/issue/BL-3714.
            float[][] colorMatrixElements = {
                new float[] {1,  0,  0,  0,  0},		// red scaling factor of 1
                new float[] {0,  1,  0,  0,  0},		// green scaling factor of 1
                new float[] {0,  0,  1,  0,  0},		// blue scaling factor of 1
                new float[] {0,  0,  0,  1,  0},		// alpha scaling factor of 1
                new float[] {0,  0,  0,  0,  1}};		// three translations of 0.0
            var colorMatrix = new ColorMatrix(colorMatrixElements);
            _duplicatePageButton.ImageAttributes.SetColorMatrix(colorMatrix, ColorMatrixFlag.Default, ColorAdjustType.Bitmap);
            _deletePageButton.ImageAttributes.SetColorMatrix(colorMatrix, ColorMatrixFlag.Default, ColorAdjustType.Bitmap);
            _undoButton.ImageAttributes.SetColorMatrix(colorMatrix, ColorMatrixFlag.Default, ColorAdjustType.Bitmap);
            _cutButton.ImageAttributes.SetColorMatrix(colorMatrix, ColorMatrixFlag.Default, ColorAdjustType.Bitmap);
            _pasteButton.ImageAttributes.SetColorMatrix(colorMatrix, ColorMatrixFlag.Default, ColorAdjustType.Bitmap);
            _copyButton.ImageAttributes.SetColorMatrix(colorMatrix, ColorMatrixFlag.Default, ColorAdjustType.Bitmap);
Example #10
        public PageListView(PageSelection pageSelection,  RelocatePageEvent relocatePageEvent, EditingModel model,
			HtmlThumbNailer thumbnailProvider, NavigationIsolator isolator, ControlKeyEvent controlKeyEvent)
            _pageSelection = pageSelection;
            _model = model;
            this.Font= SystemFonts.MessageBoxFont;

            _thumbNailList.Thumbnailer = thumbnailProvider;
            _thumbNailList.CanSelect = true;
            _thumbNailList.PreferPageNumbers = true;
            _thumbNailList.KeepShowingSelection = true;
            _thumbNailList.RelocatePageEvent = relocatePageEvent;
            _thumbNailList.PageSelectedChanged+=new EventHandler(OnPageSelectedChanged);
            _thumbNailList.Isolator = isolator;
            _thumbNailList.ControlKeyEvent = controlKeyEvent;
            // First action determines whether the menu item is enabled, second performs it.
            var menuItems = new List<WebThumbNailList.MenuItemSpec>();
                new WebThumbNailList.MenuItemSpec() {
                    Label = LocalizationManager.GetString("EditTab.DuplicatePageButton", "Duplicate Page"), // same ID as button in toolbar));
                    EnableFunction = (page) => page != null && !page.Required && !_model.CurrentBook.LockedDown,
                    ExecuteCommand = (page) => _model.DuplicatePage(page)});
                new WebThumbNailList.MenuItemSpec() {
                    Label = LocalizationManager.GetString("EditTab.DeletePageButton", "Remove Page"),  // same ID as button in toolbar));
                    EnableFunction = (page) => page != null && !page.Required && !_model.CurrentBook.LockedDown,
                    ExecuteCommand = (page) =>
                        if (ConfirmRemovePageDialog.Confirm())
                new WebThumbNailList.MenuItemSpec() {
                    Label = LocalizationManager.GetString("EditTab.ChooseLayoutButton", "Choose Different Layout"),
                    EnableFunction = (page) => page != null && !page.Required && !_model.CurrentBook.LockedDown,
                    ExecuteCommand = (page) => _model.ChangePageLayout(page)});
            // This adds the desired menu items to the Gecko context menu that happens when we right-click
            _thumbNailList.ContextMenuProvider = args =>
                var page = _thumbNailList.GetPageContaining(args.TargetNode);
                if (page == null)
                    return true; // no page-related commands if we didn't click on one.
                if(page != _pageSelection.CurrentSelection)
                    return true; //it's too dangerous to let users do thing to a page they aren't seeing
                foreach (var item in menuItems)
                    var menuItem = new MenuItem(item.Label, (sender, eventArgs) => item.ExecuteCommand(page));
                    menuItem.Enabled = item.EnableFunction(page);
                return true;
            // This sets up the context menu items that will be shown when the user clicks the
            // arrow in the thumbnail list.
            _thumbNailList.ContextMenuItems = menuItems;
Example #11
 //autofac uses this
 public Configurator(string folderInWhichToReadAndSaveLibrarySettings, NavigationIsolator isolator)
     _folderInWhichToReadAndSaveLibrarySettings = folderInWhichToReadAndSaveLibrarySettings;
     _isolator = isolator;
     PathToLibraryJson = _folderInWhichToReadAndSaveLibrarySettings.CombineForPath("configuration.txt");
     LocalData = string.Empty;
Example #12
        public delegate Configurator Factory(string folderInWhichToReadAndSaveLibrarySettings);        //autofac uses this

        public Configurator(string folderInWhichToReadAndSaveLibrarySettings, NavigationIsolator isolator)
            _folderInWhichToReadAndSaveLibrarySettings = folderInWhichToReadAndSaveLibrarySettings;
            _isolator         = isolator;
            PathToLibraryJson = _folderInWhichToReadAndSaveLibrarySettings.CombineForPath("configuration.txt");
            LocalData = string.Empty;
Example #13
        public void GetAllData_LocalOnly_ReturnLocal()
            var     c = new Configurator(_libraryFolder.Path, NavigationIsolator.GetOrCreateTheOneNavigationIsolator());
            dynamic j = new DynamicJson();

            j.one = 1;
            Assert.AreEqual(j, DynamicJson.Parse(c.GetAllData()));
Example #14
        public void GetLibraryData_NoGlobalData_Empty()
            var     first = new Configurator(_libraryFolder.Path, NavigationIsolator.GetOrCreateTheOneNavigationIsolator());
            dynamic j     = new DynamicJson();

            j.one = 1;
            Assert.AreEqual("{}", first.GetLibraryData());
Example #15
        public void WhenCollectedNoGlobalDataThenGlobalDataIsEmpty()
            var     first = new Configurator(_libraryFolder.Path, NavigationIsolator.GetOrCreateTheOneNavigationIsolator());
            dynamic j     = new DynamicJson();

            j.one = 1;
            Assert.AreEqual(j, DynamicJson.Parse(first.LocalData));
Example #16
 public PublishEpubApi(BookThumbNailer thumbNailer, NavigationIsolator isolator, BookServer bookServer,
                       BookSelection bookSelection, CollectionSettings collectionSettings, BloomWebSocketServer webSocketServer)
     _thumbNailer        = thumbNailer;
     _bookServer         = bookServer;
     _bookSelection      = bookSelection;
     _collectionSettings = collectionSettings;
     _webSocketServer    = webSocketServer;
     _standardProgress   = new WebSocketProgress(_webSocketServer, kWebsocketContext);
Example #17
 //autofac uses this
 public WebLibraryView(NavigationIsolator isolator)
     //_browser.GeckoReady += new EventHandler(OnLod);
     b = new Browser();
     b.Isolator = isolator;
     b.Parent = this;
     b.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
     Load+=new EventHandler(WebLibraryView_Load);
Example #18
        public void WhenCollectedNoLocalDataThenLocalDataIsEmpty()
            var first     = new Configurator(_libraryFolder.Path, NavigationIsolator.GetOrCreateTheOneNavigationIsolator());
            var stringRep = DynamicJson.Serialize(new
                library = new { librarystuff = "foo" }

Example #19
        public delegate WebLibraryView Factory();        //autofac uses this

        public WebLibraryView(NavigationIsolator isolator)
            //_browser.GeckoReady += new EventHandler(OnLod);
            b          = new Browser();
            b.Isolator = isolator;
            b.Parent   = this;
            b.Dock     = DockStyle.Fill;
            Load += new EventHandler(WebLibraryView_Load);
        public void IdleNavigation_WhenNothingHappening_ProceedsAtOnce()
            var    browser  = new BrowserStub();
            string target   = "http://any old web address";
            var    isolator = new NavigationIsolator();

            Assert.That(isolator.NavigateIfIdle(browser, target), Is.True);
            Assert.That(browser.NavigateTarget, Is.EqualTo(target));
            Assert.That(browser.EventHandlerCount, Is.EqualTo(0), "event handlers should be removed after navigation completes");
        public void SimpleNavigation_JustHappens()
            var    browser  = new BrowserStub();
            string target   = "http://any old web address";
            var    isolator = new NavigationIsolator();

            isolator.Navigate(browser, target);
            Assert.That(browser.NavigateTarget, Is.EqualTo(target));
            Assert.That(browser.EventHandlerCount, Is.EqualTo(0), "event handlers should be removed after navigation completes");
Example #22
        public void ShowConfigureDialog()
            var c = new Configurator(_libraryFolder.Path, NavigationIsolator.GetOrCreateTheOneNavigationIsolator());

            var stringRep = DynamicJson.Serialize(new
                library = new { calendar = new { year = "2088" } }


Example #23
 public PublishModel(BookSelection bookSelection, PdfMaker pdfMaker, CurrentEditableCollectionSelection currentBookCollectionSelection, CollectionSettings collectionSettings,
                     BookServer bookServer, BookThumbNailer thumbNailer, NavigationIsolator isolator)
     BookSelection = bookSelection;
     _pdfMaker     = pdfMaker;
     //_pdfMaker.EngineChoice = collectionSettings.PdfEngineChoice;
     _currentBookCollectionSelection = currentBookCollectionSelection;
     ShowCropMarks                   = false;
     _collectionSettings             = collectionSettings;
     _bookServer                     = bookServer;
     _thumbNailer                    = thumbNailer;
     bookSelection.SelectionChanged += new EventHandler(OnBookSelectionChanged);
     _isoloator = isolator;
     //we don't want to default anymore: BookletPortion = BookletPortions.BookletPages;
Example #24
        public void LibrarySettingsAreRoundTriped()
            var first     = new Configurator(_libraryFolder.Path, NavigationIsolator.GetOrCreateTheOneNavigationIsolator());
            var stringRep = DynamicJson.Serialize(new
                library = new { stuff = "foo" }


            var     second = new Configurator(_libraryFolder.Path, NavigationIsolator.GetOrCreateTheOneNavigationIsolator());
            dynamic j      = (DynamicJson)DynamicJson.Parse(second.GetLibraryData());

            Assert.AreEqual("foo", j.library.stuff);
Example #25
        public void Setup()
            _thisTestId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace('-', '_');

            _workFolder     = new TemporaryFolder("unittest-" + _thisTestId);
            _workFolderPath = _workFolder.FolderPath;
            Assert.AreEqual(0, Directory.GetDirectories(_workFolderPath).Count(), "Some stuff was left over from a previous test");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, Directory.GetFiles(_workFolderPath).Count(), "Some stuff was left over from a previous test");
            // Todo: Make sure the S3 unit test bucket is empty.
            // Todo: Make sure the parse.com unit test book table is empty
            _parseClient              = new BloomParseClientDouble(_thisTestId);
            _htmlThumbNailer          = new HtmlThumbNailer(NavigationIsolator.GetOrCreateTheOneNavigationIsolator());
            _transfer                 = new BookTransfer(_parseClient, new BloomS3Client(BloomS3Client.UnitTestBucketName), new BookThumbNailer(_htmlThumbNailer), new BookDownloadStartingEvent());
            _transfer.BookDownLoaded += (sender, args) => _downloadedBooks.Add(args.BookDetails);
Example #26
        public PublishModel(BookSelection bookSelection, PdfMaker pdfMaker, CurrentEditableCollectionSelection currentBookCollectionSelection, CollectionSettings collectionSettings,
			BookServer bookServer, BookThumbNailer thumbNailer, NavigationIsolator isolator)
            BookSelection = bookSelection;
            _pdfMaker = pdfMaker;
            //_pdfMaker.EngineChoice = collectionSettings.PdfEngineChoice;
            _currentBookCollectionSelection = currentBookCollectionSelection;
            _collectionSettings = collectionSettings;
            _bookServer = bookServer;
            _thumbNailer = thumbNailer;
            bookSelection.SelectionChanged += new EventHandler(OnBookSelectionChanged);
            _isoloator = isolator;
            //we don't want to default anymore: BookletPortion = BookletPortions.BookletPages;
        public void IdleNavigation_NavigationInProgress_ReturnsFalse_NeverProceeds()
            var    browser  = new BrowserStub();
            string target   = "http://any old web address";
            var    isolator = new NavigationIsolator();

            isolator.Navigate(browser, target);
            Assert.That(browser.NavigateTarget, Is.EqualTo(target));
            string target2 = "http://some other web address";

            Assert.That(isolator.NavigateIfIdle(browser, target2), Is.False);
            Assert.That(browser.EventHandlerCount, Is.EqualTo(0), "event handlers should be removed after navigation completes");
            Assert.That(browser.NavigateTarget, Is.EqualTo(target), "failed idle navigation should not happen");
Example #28
 public PublishModel(BookSelection bookSelection, PdfMaker pdfMaker, CurrentEditableCollectionSelection currentBookCollectionSelection, CollectionSettings collectionSettings,
                     BookServer bookServer, BookThumbNailer thumbNailer, NavigationIsolator isolator)
     BookSelection         = bookSelection;
     _pdfMaker             = pdfMaker;
     _pdfMaker.CompressPdf = true;               // See http://issues.bloomlibrary.org/youtrack/issue/BL-3721.
     //_pdfMaker.EngineChoice = collectionSettings.PdfEngineChoice;
     _currentBookCollectionSelection = currentBookCollectionSelection;
     ShowCropMarks                   = false;
     _collectionSettings             = collectionSettings;
     _bookServer                     = bookServer;
     _thumbNailer                    = thumbNailer;
     bookSelection.SelectionChanged += OnBookSelectionChanged;
     _isoloator = isolator;
     //we don't want to default anymore: BookletPortion = BookletPortions.BookletPages;
Example #29
        public void CollectJsonData_HasArrayValue_DataMerged()
            var firstData  = "{\"library\":{\"days\":[\"1\",\"2\"]}}";
            var secondData = "{\"library\":{\"days\":[\"o:e\",\"two\"]}}";

            var first = new Configurator(_libraryFolder.Path, NavigationIsolator.GetOrCreateTheOneNavigationIsolator());


            var     second = new Configurator(_libraryFolder.Path, NavigationIsolator.GetOrCreateTheOneNavigationIsolator());
            dynamic j      = (DynamicJson)DynamicJson.Parse(second.GetLibraryData());

            Assert.AreEqual("o:e", j.library.days[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual("two", j.library.days[1]);
        public void SecondNavigation_OnSameBrowser_HappensAtOnce()
            var    browser  = new BrowserStub();
            string target   = "http://any old web address";
            var    isolator = new NavigationIsolator();

            isolator.Navigate(browser, target);
            Assert.That(browser.NavigateTarget, Is.EqualTo(target));
            string target2 = "http://some other web address";

            isolator.Navigate(browser, target2);
            Assert.That(browser.NavigateTarget, Is.EqualTo(target2), "Second navigation should have proceeded at once");

            Assert.That(browser.EventHandlerCount, Is.EqualTo(0), "event handlers should be removed once last navigation completed");
Example #31
        public AndroidView(NavigationIsolator isolator)

            _browser          = new Browser();
            _browser.Isolator = isolator;
            _browser.Dock     = DockStyle.Fill;
            // Has to be in front of the panel docked top for Fill to work.
            BloomFileLocator.GetBrowserFile(false, "gulpfile.js");
            var path = BloomFileLocator.GetBrowserFile(false, "publish", "android", "androidPublishUI.html");

            _browser.Navigate(path.ToLocalhost() + GetUrlParams(), false);

            VisibleChanged += OnVisibleChanged;
        public void SecondRequest_WhenFirstNoLongerBusy_ProceedsAtOnce()
            var    browser  = new BrowserStub();
            string target   = "http://any old web address";
            var    isolator = new NavigationIsolator();

            isolator.Navigate(browser, target);
            Assert.That(browser.NavigateTarget, Is.EqualTo(target));
            browser.IsBusy = false;             // clear state without raising event
            string target2 = "http://some other web address";

            isolator.Navigate(browser, target2);
            Assert.That(browser.NavigateTarget, Is.EqualTo(target2), "Second navigation should have proceeded since browser is already not busy");

            Assert.That(browser.EventHandlerCount, Is.EqualTo(0), "event handlers should be removed once last navigation completed");
        public EpubView SetupEpubControl(EpubView view, NavigationIsolator _isolator, Action updateSaveButton)
            if (view == null)
                view = new EpubView();
                _epubPreviewBrowser          = new Browser();
                _epubPreviewBrowser.Isolator = _isolator;
                _epubPreviewBrowser.Dock     = DockStyle.Fill;
                // Has to be in front of the panel docked top for Fill to work.
            Action setupElectronicPublicationControlMethod = SetupEpubControlContent;

            HandleAudioSituation(setupElectronicPublicationControlMethod, _epubPreviewBrowser, updateSaveButton);
        public void RegularNavigation_DelayedProperlyByIdleNavigation()
            var    browser  = new BrowserStub();
            string target   = "http://any old web address";
            var    isolator = new NavigationIsolator();

            Assert.That(isolator.NavigateIfIdle(browser, target), Is.True);
            Assert.That(browser.NavigateTarget, Is.EqualTo(target));

            string target2 = "http://some other web address";

            isolator.Navigate(browser, target2);
            Assert.That(browser.NavigateTarget, Is.EqualTo(target), "Second navigation should not have proceeded at once");

            Assert.That(browser.NavigateTarget, Is.EqualTo(target2), "Second navigation should have proceeded when first completed");

            Assert.That(browser.EventHandlerCount, Is.EqualTo(0), "event handlers should be removed once last navigation completed");
        public delegate LibraryBookView Factory();        //autofac uses this

        public LibraryBookView(BookSelection bookSelection,
                               //SendReceiver sendReceiver,
                               CreateFromSourceBookCommand createFromSourceBookCommand,
                               EditBookCommand editBookCommand,
                               SelectedTabChangedEvent selectedTabChangedEvent,
                               SelectedTabAboutToChangeEvent selectedTabAboutToChangeEvent,
                               NavigationIsolator isolator)
            _previewBrowser.Isolator = isolator;
            _readmeBrowser.Isolator  = isolator;
            _bookSelection           = bookSelection;
            //_sendReceiver = sendReceiver;
            _createFromSourceBookCommand    = createFromSourceBookCommand;
            _editBookCommand                = editBookCommand;
            bookSelection.SelectionChanged += OnBookSelectionChanged;

            selectedTabAboutToChangeEvent.Subscribe(c =>
                if (!(c.To is LibraryView))
                    // We're becoming invisible. Stop any work in progress to generate a preview
                    // (thus allowing other browsers, like the ones in the Edit view, to navigate
                    // to their destinations.)

            selectedTabChangedEvent.Subscribe(c =>
                var wasVisible = _visible;
                _visible       = c.To is LibraryView;
                if (_reshowPending || wasVisible != _visible)

            _editBookButton.Visible = false;
        public void TwoPendingNavigationsOnDifferentBrowsers_WithNavigatedEvents_AreHandledCorrectly()
            var    browser  = new BrowserStub();
            string target   = "http://any old web address";
            var    isolator = NavigationIsolator.GetOrCreateTheOneNavigationIsolator();

            isolator.Navigate(browser, target);
            Assert.That(browser.NavigateTarget, Is.EqualTo(target));
            string target2  = "http://some other web address";
            var    browser2 = new BrowserStub();

            isolator.Navigate(browser2, target2);
            string target3  = "http://yet another other web address";
            var    browser3 = new BrowserStub();

            isolator.Navigate(browser3, target3);
            Assert.That(browser.NavigateTarget, Is.EqualTo(target), "Second and third navigation should not have proceeded at once");
            Assert.That(browser2.NavigateTarget, Is.Null, "browser 2 should not have navigated anywhere yet");
            Assert.That(browser3.NavigateTarget, Is.Null, "browser 3 should not have navigated anywhere yet");

            Assert.That(browser.EventHandlerCount, Is.EqualTo(0), "event handlers should be removed once last navigation completed");
            Assert.That(browser2.NavigateTarget, Is.EqualTo(target2), "Second navigation should have proceeded (on second browser) first completed");
            Assert.That(browser.NavigateTarget, Is.EqualTo(target), "First browser should not have navigated again");
            Assert.That(browser3.NavigateTarget, Is.Null, "browser 3 should not have navigated anywhere when first completed");

            Assert.That(browser.EventHandlerCount, Is.EqualTo(0), "nothing new should have happened to browser 1");
            Assert.That(browser2.EventHandlerCount, Is.EqualTo(0), "event handlers should be removed once last navigation completed");
            Assert.That(browser3.NavigateTarget, Is.EqualTo(target3), "Third navigation should have proceeded when second completed");
            Assert.That(browser2.NavigateTarget, Is.EqualTo(target2), "Second browser should not have navigated again");
            Assert.That(browser.NavigateTarget, Is.EqualTo(target), "First browser should not have navigated again");

            Assert.That(browser3.EventHandlerCount, Is.EqualTo(0), "event handlers should be removed once last navigation completed");
            Assert.That(browser.EventHandlerCount, Is.EqualTo(0), "nothing new should have happened to browser 1");
            Assert.That(browser2.EventHandlerCount, Is.EqualTo(0), "nothing new should have happened to browser 2");
Example #37
        public void CollectJsonData_NewTopLevelData_DataMerged()
            var firstData = DynamicJson.Serialize(new
                library = new { one = "1", color = "red" }
            var secondData = DynamicJson.Serialize(new
                library = new { two = "2", color = "blue" }

            var first = new Configurator(_libraryFolder.Path, NavigationIsolator.GetOrCreateTheOneNavigationIsolator());


            var     second = new Configurator(_libraryFolder.Path, NavigationIsolator.GetOrCreateTheOneNavigationIsolator());
            dynamic j      = (DynamicJson)DynamicJson.Parse(second.GetLibraryData());

            Assert.AreEqual("2", j.library.two);
            Assert.AreEqual("1", j.library.one);
            Assert.AreEqual("blue", j.library.color);
Example #38
 public EpubMaker(BookThumbNailer thumbNailer, NavigationIsolator _isolator)
     _thumbNailer = thumbNailer;
     _browser.Isolator = _isolator;
Example #39
        private bool _publishWithoutAudio = false; // True if the user has said to go ahead without audio

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        //autofac uses this
        public PublishView(PublishModel model,
			SelectedTabChangedEvent selectedTabChangedEvent, LocalizationChangedEvent localizationChangedEvent, BookTransfer bookTransferrer, LoginDialog login, NavigationIsolator isolator)
            _bookTransferrer = bookTransferrer;
            _loginDialog = login;
            _isolator = isolator;


            if (this.DesignMode)

            _model = model;
            _model.View = this;

            _makePdfBackgroundWorker.RunWorkerCompleted += new System.ComponentModel.RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(_makePdfBackgroundWorker_RunWorkerCompleted);
            _pdfViewer.PrintProgress += new System.EventHandler<PdfPrintProgressEventArgs>(OnPrintProgress);

            // BL-625: With mono, if a RadioButton group has its AutoCheck properties set to true, the default RadioButton.OnEnter
            //         event checks to make sure one of the RadioButtons is checked. If none are checked, the one the mouse pointer
            //         is over is checked, causing the CheckChanged event to fire.
            if (SIL.PlatformUtilities.Platform.IsMono)

            //NB: just triggering off "VisibilityChanged" was unreliable. So now we trigger
            //off the tab itself changing, either to us or away from us.
                                                    if (c.To == this)
                                                    else if (c.To!=this && IsMakingPdf)

            //TODO: find a way to call this just once, at the right time:

            //			DeskAnalytics.Track("Publish");

            //#if DEBUG
            //        	var linkLabel = new LinkLabel() {Text = "DEBUG"};
            //			linkLabel.Click+=new EventHandler((x,y)=>_model.DebugCurrentPDFLayout());
            //        	tableLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add(linkLabel);
            if (SIL.PlatformUtilities.Platform.IsMono)

            // Adding this renderer prevents a white line from showing up under the components.
            _menusToolStrip.Renderer = new EditingView.FixedToolStripRenderer();

            GeckoPreferences.Default["pdfjs.disabled"] = false;
            localizationChangedEvent.Subscribe(o =>

            // Make this extra box available to show when wanted.
            _previewBox = new PictureBox();
            _previewBox.Visible = false;
Example #40
 public FeedbackDialog(IChangeableFileLocator fileLocator, NavigationIsolator _isolator)
     _fileLocator = fileLocator;
     _browser.Isolator = _isolator;