public void RenderNavigation()
            // This method creates the sections and the page tree

            // =================================================
            // Create the sections
            // =================================================
            NavigationSection sectionExperience = new NavigationSection()
                Name  = "Experience",
                Text  = this.NavBarExperience, // from language file
                Order = 0


            NavigationSection sectionAccessories = new NavigationSection()
                Name  = "Accessories",
                Text  = this.NavBarAccessories, // from language file
                Order = 1


            NavigationSection sectionBestOfMicrosoft = new NavigationSection()
                Name  = "BestOfMicrosoft",
                Text  = this.NavBarBestOfMicrosoft, // from language file
                Order = 2


            NavigationSection sectionCompare = new NavigationSection()
                Name  = "Compare",
                Text  = this.NavBarCompare, // from language file
                Order = 3


            // =================================================
            // Create the page tree
            // =================================================

            // create the root
            this.Root = new NavigationFlipView()
                Name          = "RootFlipView",
                Order         = 0,
                SelectedIndex = 0,

            // =================================================
            // Create Experience pages
            // =================================================

            // ExperienceHeroPage
            this.Root.Items.Add(new NavigationPage()
                Name    = "ExperienceHeroPage",
                Order   = 0,
                Section = sectionExperience,

            // ExperienceIntroPage
            this.Root.Items.Add(new NavigationPage()
                Name    = "ExperienceIntroPage",
                Order   = 1,
                Section = sectionExperience,

            // -------------------------------------------------
            // ExperienceFlipViewPage
            // -------------------------------------------------
            _experienceFlipViewPage = new NavigationFlipView()
                Name          = "ExperienceFlipViewPage",
                Order         = 2,
                SelectedIndex = 0,
                Section       = sectionExperience,

            // =================================================
            // Children of ExperienceDayPage
            // =================================================

            // ExperienceTransformPage
            _experienceFlipViewPage.Items.Add(new NavigationPage()
                Name    = "ExperienceTransformPage",
                Order   = 0,
                Section = sectionExperience,

            // ExperiencePerformancePage
            _experienceFlipViewPage.Items.Add(new NavigationPage()
                Name    = "ExperiencePerformancePage",
                Order   = 1,
                Section = sectionExperience,

            // ExperienceQuietPage
            _experienceFlipViewPage.Items.Add(new NavigationPage()
                Name    = "ExperienceQuietPage",
                Order   = 2,
                Section = sectionExperience,

            // =================================================
            // Create Accessories Pages
            // =================================================

            // AccessoriesPenPage
            this.Root.Items.Add(new NavigationPage()
                Name    = "AccessoriesPenPage",
                Order   = 3,
                Section = sectionExperience,

            // AccessoriesKeyboardPage
            this.Root.Items.Add(new NavigationPage()
                Name    = "AccessoriesKeyboardPage",
                Order   = 4,
                Section = sectionAccessories,

            // AccessoriesMousePage
            this.Root.Items.Add(new NavigationPage()
                Name    = "AccessoriesMousePage",
                Order   = 5,
                Section = sectionAccessories,

            // =================================================
            // Create Best of Microsoft Pages
            // =================================================

            // BestOfMicrosoftPage
            this.Root.Items.Add(new NavigationPage()
                Name    = "BestOfMicrosoftPage",
                Order   = 6,
                Section = sectionBestOfMicrosoft,

            // =================================================
            // Create Compare Pages
            // =================================================

            // ComparePage
            this.Root.Items.Add(new NavigationPage()
                Name    = "ComparePage",
                Order   = 7,
                Section = sectionCompare,
        public void RenderNavigation()
            // This method creates the sections and the page tree

            // =================================================
            // Create the sections
            // =================================================

            NavigationSection sectionExperience = new NavigationSection()
                Name  = "Experience",
                Text  = this.NavBarExperience, // from language file
                Order = 0


            NavigationSection sectionAccessories = new NavigationSection()
                Name  = "Accessories",
                Text  = this.NavBarAccessories, // from language file
                Order = 1


            NavigationSection sectionBestOfMicrosoft = new NavigationSection()
                Name  = "BestOfMicrosoft",
                Text  = this.NavBarBestOfMicrosoft, // from language file
                Order = 2


            NavigationSection sectionCompare = new NavigationSection()
                Name  = "Compare",
                Text  = this.NavBarCompare, // from language file
                Order = 3


            // =================================================
            // Create the page tree
            // =================================================

            // create the root
            this.Root = new NavigationFlipView()
                Name          = "RootFlipView",
                Order         = 0,
                SelectedIndex = 0,

            // =================================================
            // Create Experience pages
            // =================================================

            // ExperienceHeroPage
            this.Root.Items.Add(new NavigationPage()
                Name    = "ExperienceHeroPage",
                Order   = 0,
                Section = sectionExperience,

            // ExperienceColorsPage
            this.Root.Items.Add(new NavigationPage()
                Name    = "ExperienceColorsPage",
                Order   = 1,
                Section = sectionExperience,

            // ExperienceInnovationPage
            this.Root.Items.Add(new NavigationPage()
                Name    = "ExperienceInnovationPage",
                Order   = 2,
                Section = sectionExperience,

            // ExperiencePerformancePage
            this.Root.Items.Add(new NavigationPage()
                Name    = "ExperiencePerformancePage",
                Order   = 3,
                Section = sectionExperience,

            // ExperienceSpeakersPage
            this.Root.Items.Add(new NavigationPage()
                Name    = "ExperienceSpeakersPage",
                Order   = 4,
                Section = sectionExperience,

            // ExperienceSleekPage
            this.Root.Items.Add(new NavigationPage()
                Name    = "ExperienceSleekPage",
                Order   = 5,
                Section = sectionExperience,

            // AccessoriesTouchPage
            this.Root.Items.Add(new NavigationPage()
                Name    = "AccessoriesTouchPage",
                Order   = 6,
                Section = sectionExperience,

            // =================================================
            // Create Accessories Pages
            // =================================================

            // AccessoriesMousePage
            this.Root.Items.Add(new NavigationPage()
                Name    = "AccessoriesMousePage",
                Order   = 7,
                Section = sectionAccessories,

            //// AccessoriesPenPage
            //this.Root.Items.Add(new NavigationPage()
            //    Name = "AccessoriesPenPage",
            //    Order = 8,
            //    Section = sectionAccessories,

            // =================================================
            // Create Best of Microsoft Pages
            // =================================================

            // BestOfMicrosoftPage
            this.Root.Items.Add(new NavigationPage()
                Name    = "BestOfMicrosoftPage",
                Order   = 8,
                Section = sectionBestOfMicrosoft,

            // =================================================
            // Create Compare Pages
            // =================================================

            // ComparePage
            this.Root.Items.Add(new NavigationPage()
                Name    = "ComparePage",
                Order   = 9,
                Section = sectionCompare,

            // =================================================
        public void RenderNavigation()
            // This method creates the sections and the page tree

            // =================================================
            // Create the sections
            // =================================================
            NavigationSection sectionExperience = new NavigationSection()
                Name  = "Experience",
                Text  = this.NavBarExperience, // from language file
                Order = 0


            NavigationSection sectionAccessories = new NavigationSection()
                Name  = "Accessories",
                Text  = this.NavBarAccessories, // from language file
                Order = 1


            NavigationSection sectionBestOfMicrosoft = new NavigationSection()
                Name  = "BestOfMicrosoft",
                Text  = this.NavBarBestOfMicrosoft, // from language file
                Order = 2


            NavigationSection sectionCompare = new NavigationSection()
                Name  = "Compare",
                Text  = this.NavBarCompare, // from language file
                Order = 3


            // =================================================
            // Create the page tree
            // =================================================

            // create the root
            this.Root = new NavigationFlipView()
                Name          = "RootFlipView",
                Order         = 0,
                SelectedIndex = 0,

            // =================================================
            // Create Experience pages
            // =================================================

            // ExperienceHeroPage
            this.Root.Items.Add(new NavigationPage()
                Name    = "ExperienceHeroPage",
                Order   = 0,
                Section = sectionExperience,

            // ExperienceCreativityPage
            this.Root.Items.Add(new NavigationPage()
                Name    = "ExperienceCreativityPage",
                Order   = 1,
                Section = sectionExperience,

            // ExperienceCraftedPage
            this.Root.Items.Add(new NavigationPage()
                Name    = "ExperienceCraftedPage",
                Order   = 2,
                Section = sectionExperience,

            // ExperiencePixelSensePage
            this.Root.Items.Add(new NavigationPage()
                Name    = "ExperiencePixelSensePage",
                Order   = 3,
                Section = sectionExperience,

            // =================================================
            // Create Accessories pages
            // =================================================

            // AccessoriesPenPage
            this.Root.Items.Add(new NavigationPage()
                Name    = "AccessoriesPenPage",
                Order   = 4,
                Section = sectionExperience,

            // AccessoriesDialPage
            this.Root.Items.Add(new NavigationPage()
                Name    = "AccessoriesDialPage",
                Order   = 5,
                Section = sectionAccessories,

            // AccessoriesMousePage
            this.Root.Items.Add(new NavigationPage()
                Name    = "AccessoriesMousePage",
                Order   = 6,
                Section = sectionAccessories,

            // =================================================
            // Create Best of Microsoft pages
            // =================================================

            // BestOfMicrosoftPage
            this.Root.Items.Add(new NavigationPage()
                Name    = "BestOfMicrosoftPage",
                Order   = 7,
                Section = sectionBestOfMicrosoft,

            // =================================================
            // Create Compare pages
            // =================================================

            // ComparePage
            this.Root.Items.Add(new NavigationPage()
                Name    = "ComparePage",
                Order   = 8,
                Section = sectionCompare,
        public void RenderNavigation()
            // This method creates the sections and the page tree

            // =================================================
            // Create the sections
            // =================================================
            NavigationSection sectionExperience = new NavigationSection()
                Name  = "Audio",
                Text  = this.NavBarAudio, // from language file
                Order = 0


            NavigationSection sectionDesign = new NavigationSection()
                Name  = "Design",
                Text  = this.NavBarDesign, // from language file
                Order = 1


            NavigationSection sectionTech = new NavigationSection()
                Name  = "Tech",
                Text  = this.NavBarTech, // from language file
                Order = 2


            NavigationSection sectionProductivity = new NavigationSection()
                Name  = "Productivity",
                Text  = this.NavBarProductivity, // from language file
                Order = 3


            NavigationSection sectionSpecs = new NavigationSection()
                Name  = "Specs",
                Text  = this.NavBarSpecs, // from language file
                Order = 4


            NavigationSection sectionContents = new NavigationSection()
                Name  = "Contents",
                Text  = this.NavBarContents, // from language file
                Order = 5


            // =================================================
            // Create the page tree
            // =================================================

            // create the root
            this.Root = new NavigationFlipView()
                Name          = "RootFlipView",
                Order         = 0,
                SelectedIndex = 0,

            // =================================================
            // Create Experience pages
            // =================================================

            //// AudioTryItPage
            //this.Root.Items.Add(new NavigationPage()
            //    Name = "AudioTryItPage",
            //    Order = 0,
            //    Section = sectionExperience,

            // AudioListenPage
            this.Root.Items.Add(new NavigationPage()
                Name    = "AudioListenPage",
                Order   = 0,
                Section = sectionExperience,

            // =================================================
            // Create Design pages
            // =================================================

            // DesignPage
            this.Root.Items.Add(new NavigationPage()
                Name    = "DesignPage",
                Order   = 1,
                Section = sectionDesign,

            // =================================================
            // Create Tech pages
            // =================================================

            // TechPage
            this.Root.Items.Add(new NavigationPage()
                Name    = "TechPage",
                Order   = 2,
                Section = sectionTech,

            // =================================================
            // Create Productivity pages
            // =================================================

            // ProductivityPage
            this.Root.Items.Add(new NavigationPage()
                Name    = "ProductivityPage",
                Order   = 3,
                Section = sectionProductivity,

            // =================================================
            // Create Specs pages
            // =================================================

            // SpecsPage
            this.Root.Items.Add(new NavigationPage()
                Name    = "SpecsPage",
                Order   = 4,
                Section = sectionSpecs,

            // =================================================
            // Create Contents pages
            // =================================================

            // InTheBoxPage
            this.Root.Items.Add(new NavigationPage()
                Name    = "ContentsPage",
                Order   = 5,
                Section = sectionContents,