public override FakeRow Populate(GDID parentGdid) { int age = getFakeAge(parentGdid); ID = parentGdid; Name = NaturalTextGenerator.GenerateFullName(true); Age = age; DOB = DateTime.Now.AddYears(-age); Sex = parentGdid.ID % 2 == 0 ? Sex.Male : Sex.Female; Income = parentGdid.ID % 79 * 1000; Debt = parentGdid.ID % 11 * 1000; Rating = parentGdid.ID % 2 == 0 ? (double?)null : 3.25; Notes = parentGdid.ToString(); Voter = parentGdid.ID % 2 == 0 ? (bool?)null : true; MilitarySvc = parentGdid.ID % 2 == 0 ? (bool?)null : false; Address1 = NaturalTextGenerator.GenerateAddressLine(); Address2 = parentGdid.ID % 7 == 0 ? NaturalTextGenerator.GenerateAddressLine() : null; City = NaturalTextGenerator.GenerateCityName(); State = "OH"; Zip = "44000" + parentGdid.ID % 999; Phone1 = "(555) 222-3222"; Phone2 = parentGdid.ID % 3 == 0 ? "(555) 737-9789" : null; Email1 = NaturalTextGenerator.GenerateEMail(); Email2 = parentGdid.ID % 5 == 0 ? NaturalTextGenerator.GenerateEMail() : null; URL = parentGdid.ID % 2 == 0 ? "" + parentGdid.ID : null; Tags = getFakeTags(); return(this); }
protected override void DoHandleWork(WorkContext work) { var cnt = work.MatchedVars["cnt"].AsInt(10); var pretty = work.MatchedVars["pretty"].AsBool(true); if (cnt > 10000) { cnt = 10000; } if (cnt < 0) { cnt = 1; } var lst = new List <object>(); for (var i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { lst.Add(new { FirstName = NaturalTextGenerator.GenerateFirstName(), MiddleName = NaturalTextGenerator.GenerateFirstName(), LastName = NaturalTextGenerator.GenerateLastName(), Address = "{0}\n{1}".Args(NaturalTextGenerator.GenerateAddressLine(), NaturalTextGenerator.GenerateUSCityStateZip()), Email = NaturalTextGenerator.GenerateEMail() }); } work.Response.WriteJSON(lst, pretty ? NFX.Serialization.JSON.JSONWritingOptions.PrettyPrint : NFX.Serialization.JSON.JSONWritingOptions.Compact); }
public static N3_PartyAddress Make() { return(new N3_PartyAddress { AddressInformation1 = NaturalTextGenerator.GenerateAddressLine(), AddressInformation2 = NaturalTextGenerator.GenerateUSCityStateZip() }); }
public static CommunicationNumber Make() { return(new CommunicationNumber { Communication_Number_Qualifier = "QW", Communication_Number = NaturalTextGenerator.GenerateEMail() }); }
public static LQ_HealthCareRemarkCode Make() { return(new LQ_HealthCareRemarkCode { Code_List_Qualifier_Code = "QK", Industry_Code = NaturalTextGenerator.GenerateWord() }); }
public static HumanName Build() { return(new HumanName { FirstName = NaturalTextGenerator.GenerateFirstName(), MiddleName = ExternalRandomGenerator.Instance.NextRandomInteger > 500000000 ? NaturalTextGenerator.GenerateFirstName() : null, LastName = NaturalTextGenerator.GenerateLastName() }); }
public static AMT_ServiceSupplementalAmount Make() { return(new AMT_ServiceSupplementalAmount { Amount_Qualifier_Code = "SD", Monetary_Amount = ExternalRandomGenerator.Instance.AsDecimal(), Credit_Debit_Flag_Code = NaturalTextGenerator.GenerateWord() }); }
public void GenerateRandomSizes() { for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) { var txt = NaturalTextGenerator.Generate(0); Console.WriteLine(txt); Assert.IsTrue(txt.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace()); Assert.IsTrue(txt.Length > 4); } }
public static REF_Identification Make() { return(new REF_Identification { Reference_Identification_Qualifier = "RF", Reference_Identification = NaturalTextGenerator.GenerateWord(), Description = NaturalTextGenerator.Generate(50), Description2 = NaturalTextGenerator.Generate(20) }); }
public static TRN_ReassociationTraceNumber Make() { return(new TRN_ReassociationTraceNumber { Trace_Type_Code = "TT", Reference_Identification = NaturalTextGenerator.GenerateWord(), Originatin_Company_Identifier = NaturalTextGenerator.GenerateWord(), Reference_Identification2 = NaturalTextGenerator.GenerateWord() }); }
public static QTY_ServiceSupplementalQuantity Make() { return(new QTY_ServiceSupplementalQuantity { Quantity_Qualifier = "DG", Quantity = ExternalRandomGenerator.Instance.AsInt(), Info = NaturalTextGenerator.Generate(15), Description = NaturalTextGenerator.Generate(35) }); }
private static string[] Generate(int arraySize) { var array = new string[arraySize]; for (var index = 0; index < array.Length; index++) { array[index] = NaturalTextGenerator.GenerateFirstName(); } return(array); }
public static TradingRec Build() { return(new TradingRec { Symbol = NaturalTextGenerator.GenerateFirstName(), Volume = ExternalRandomGenerator.Instance.NextScaledRandomInteger(-25000, 25000), Bet = ExternalRandomGenerator.Instance.NextScaledRandomInteger(-250000, 250000) * 10000L, Price = ExternalRandomGenerator.Instance.NextScaledRandomInteger(0, 1000000) * 10000L }); }
public static REF_AdditionalPartyIdentification Make() { return(new REF_AdditionalPartyIdentification { Reference_Identification_Qualifier = "QU", Reference_Identification = NaturalTextGenerator.GenerateWord(), Description = NaturalTextGenerator.Generate(70), Description2 = NaturalTextGenerator.Generate(30) }); }
public void GenerateDefault() { for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) { var txt = NaturalTextGenerator.Generate(); Console.WriteLine(txt); Aver.IsTrue(txt.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace()); Aver.IsTrue(txt.Length > 4); } }
public static QTY_ClaimSupplementalInformationQuantity Make() { return(new QTY_ClaimSupplementalInformationQuantity { Quantity_Qualifier = "QQ", Quantity = ExternalRandomGenerator.Instance.AsDecimal(), Description = NaturalTextGenerator.Generate(), Free_form_Information = NaturalTextGenerator.Generate() }); }
public override FakeRow Populate(GDID parentGdid) { ID = parentGdid; From = $"{Ambient.Random.NextScaledRandomInteger(200, 999)}{Ambient.Random.NextScaledRandomInteger(100, 999)}{Ambient.Random.NextScaledRandomInteger(0, 9999):D4}"; To = $"{Ambient.Random.NextScaledRandomInteger(200, 999)}{Ambient.Random.NextScaledRandomInteger(100, 999)}{Ambient.Random.NextScaledRandomInteger(0, 9999):D4}"; Host = $"127.0.0.{Ambient.Random.NextScaledRandomInteger(1, 20)}"; Body = NaturalTextGenerator.Generate(50); SentDate = DateTime.Now.AddHours(Ambient.Random.NextScaledRandomInteger(1, 12)).AddMinutes(Ambient.Random.NextScaledRandomInteger(1, 60)); return(this); }
public static AccoungInfo Make() { return(new AccoungInfo { Account_Number = NaturalTextGenerator.GenerateWord(), Account_Number_Qualifier = "Q", DFI_Identification_Number = ExternalRandomGenerator.Instance.NextRandomInteger.ToString(), DFI_Number_Qualifier = "Q" }); }
public void GenerateEMails() { for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) { var txt = NaturalTextGenerator.GenerateEMail(); Console.WriteLine(txt); Assert.IsTrue(txt.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace()); Assert.IsTrue(txt.Length >= 3); Assert.IsTrue(txt.Length <= 100); } }
public void GenerateUSCityStateZipNames() { for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) { var txt = NaturalTextGenerator.GenerateUSCityStateZip(); Console.WriteLine(txt); Assert.IsTrue(txt.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace()); Assert.IsTrue(txt.Length >= 3); Assert.IsTrue(txt.Length <= 50); } }
public void GenerateFulltNames_withMiddle() { for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) { var txt = NaturalTextGenerator.GenerateFullName(true); Console.WriteLine(txt); Assert.IsTrue(txt.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace()); Assert.IsTrue(txt.Length >= 6); Assert.IsTrue(txt.Length <= 40); } }
public override FakeRow Populate(GDID parentGdid) { ID = parentGdid; Name = NaturalTextGenerator.GenerateWord(5, 8) + NaturalTextGenerator.GenerateWord(5, 8) + ".txt"; FullName = $@"c:\{NaturalTextGenerator.GenerateWord(5, 12)}\{NaturalTextGenerator.GenerateWord(3, 8)}\{Name}"; Host = $"127.0.0.{Ambient.Random.NextScaledRandomInteger(1, 20)}"; FileId = Guid.NewGuid(); CreateDate = DateTime.Now.AddHours(Ambient.Random.NextScaledRandomInteger(1, 12)).AddMinutes(Ambient.Random.NextScaledRandomInteger(1, 60)); Length = Ambient.Random.NextRandomUnsignedLong; return(this); }
public void GenerateCityNames() { for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) { var txt = NaturalTextGenerator.GenerateCityName(); Console.WriteLine(txt); Aver.IsTrue(txt.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace()); Aver.IsTrue(txt.Length >= 3); Aver.IsTrue(txt.Length <= 40); } }
public static RDM_RemittanceDeliveryMethod Make() { return(new RDM_RemittanceDeliveryMethod { Report_Transmission_Code = NaturalTextGenerator.GenerateWord(), Name = NaturalTextGenerator.GenerateFullName(), Communication_Number = NaturalTextGenerator.GenerateEMail(), Info1 = NaturalTextGenerator.Generate(50), Info2 = NaturalTextGenerator.Generate(20) }); }
//makes fake weather data for the day private WeatherDay makeFake(DateTime when, string area) { return(new WeatherDay { AsOfDate = when, LocalityName = "{0} near {1}".Args(area, NaturalTextGenerator.GenerateCityName()), PrecipitationChance = ExternalRandomGenerator.Instance.NextScaledRandomInteger(0, 100), TemperatureLowF = ExternalRandomGenerator.Instance.NextScaledRandomInteger(42, 50), TemperatureHighF = ExternalRandomGenerator.Instance.NextScaledRandomInteger(62, 74), }); }
public void GenerateUpToSize(int sz) { for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) { var txt = NaturalTextGenerator.Generate(sz); Console.WriteLine(txt); Assert.IsTrue(txt.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace()); Assert.IsTrue(txt.Length > 0); Assert.IsTrue(txt.Length <= sz); } }
public void GenerateDefaultWordSizes() { for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) { var txt = NaturalTextGenerator.GenerateWord(); Console.WriteLine(txt); Assert.IsTrue(txt.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace()); Assert.IsTrue(txt.Length >= 4); Assert.IsTrue(txt.Length <= 20); } }
public void GenerateWordSizes(int min, int max) { for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) { var txt = NaturalTextGenerator.GenerateWord(min, max); Console.WriteLine(txt); Assert.IsTrue(txt.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace()); Assert.IsTrue(txt.Length >= min); Assert.IsTrue(txt.Length <= max); } }
public static PER_PartyContactInformation Make() { return(new PER_PartyContactInformation { Contact_Function_Code = "RP", Name = NaturalTextGenerator.GenerateFirstName(), CommunicationNumber1 = CommunicationNumber.Make(), CommunicationNumber2 = CommunicationNumber.Make(), CommunicationNumber3 = CommunicationNumber.Make(), Contact_Inquiry_Reference = NaturalTextGenerator.GenerateWord() }); }
public static N1_PartyIdentification Make() { return(new N1_PartyIdentification { Entity_Identifier_Code = "TY", Name = NaturalTextGenerator.GenerateFullName(), Identification_Code_Qualifier = "CU", Identification_Code = NaturalTextGenerator.GenerateWord(), Entity_Relationship_Code = NaturalTextGenerator.GenerateWord(), Entity_Identifier_Code2 = NaturalTextGenerator.GenerateWord() }); }