private void ButtonClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Log.Info("After confirming the name of the new layer"); var newLayerName = _addNewLayerTextBox.Text; if (_container.LayerNames.Contains(newLayerName)) { NaroMessage.Show("Layer name already exist, please pick another!"); Log.Info("The new layer cannot be added because of duplicate names"); return; } DialogResult = true; if (_updateValue) { _container.LayerNames[_index] = newLayerName; Log.Info("Layer " + newLayerName + "added"); _container.LayerColors[_index] = ShapeUtils.FromWpfColor(LayerColor); } Close(); }
public static void SaveShapeToStep(IEnumerable <TopoDSShape> shapes, string fileName) { var aWriter = new STEPControlWriter(); foreach (var shape in shapes) { if (shape != null) { aWriter.Transfer(shape, STEPControlStepModelType.STEPControl_ShellBasedSurfaceModel, true); } } var status = aWriter.Write(fileName); if (status == IFSelectReturnStatus.IFSelect_RetError || status == IFSelectReturnStatus.IFSelect_RetFail) { NaroMessage.Show("Error has occured while saving to STEP format"); } }
public static NodeBuilder ApplyToolOnOtherShape(Document document, Node sourceTool, Node destinationShape) { var oldTool = new NodeBuilder(sourceTool); var newTool = new NodeBuilder(document, sourceTool.Get <FunctionInterpreter>().Name); if (oldTool[0].Name != InterpreterNames.Reference && oldTool[0].Name != InterpreterNames.ReferenceList) { NaroMessage.Show("You should pick a tool as source selection"); return(new NodeBuilder(null)); } newTool[0].ReferenceData = new SceneSelectedEntity { Node = destinationShape, ShapeCount = oldTool[0].ReferenceData.ShapeCount, ShapeType = oldTool[0].ReferenceData.ShapeType }; var result = SyncronizeNodeFunctions(sourceTool, ref newTool); return(result ? newTool : new NodeBuilder(null)); }
public void PushValue(object data) { if (data == null) { return; } // Try to propose to the meta action the parameter value var dependency = _metaAction.Dependency; //Dependency.Inputs.Inputs[InputNames.FacePickerPlane].Send(NotificationNames.Resume); InitAnimateSession(); if (!BridgedProposeDependency(data, dependency)) { return; } var documentNodeBuilder = dependency.DocumentNodeBuilder; if (documentNodeBuilder != null && documentNodeBuilder.LastExecute && dependency.StepName == InterpreterNames.Reference) { var dependencyNode = dependency.DocumentNodeBuilder[dependency.StepIndex]; var step = dependency.Steps[dependency.StepIndex]; dependencyNode.ReferenceData = step.Get <SceneSelectedEntity>(); if (!dependencyNode.IsValid) { NaroMessage.Show(@"Tool does not work with this shape"); return; } } if (data is Mouse3DPosition) { Inputs[InputNames.CoordinateParser].Send(NotificationNames.SetLastPoint, (data as Mouse3DPosition).Point); } dependency.PushCandidate(); UpdateParserAndView(dependency); }
private void InstallPluginClicked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var fileOpenDialog = new OpenFileDialog { Filter = "Naro Plugin Assembly (*.dll)|*.dll" }; var result = fileOpenDialog.ShowDialog(); if ((bool)(!result)) { return; } var fileName = fileOpenDialog.FileName; if (!PluginUtil.IsNaroPlugin(fileName)) { NaroMessage.Show("You should select a NaroCAD plugin!"); return; } File.Copy(fileName, AppSettings.Instance.StartFolder); UpdatePluginList(); }
public override void OnActivate() { base.OnActivate(); //if (Document.HistoryCount == 0) // ExitFromApplication(); var result = NaroMessage.Show("NaroCAD can now attempt to update. Do you want to save your work?", "Restarting NaroCAD", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel); switch (result) { case DialogResult.Yes: SaveFile(); break; case DialogResult.Cancel: BackToNeutralModifier(); return; } RestartApplication(); }
public static void Main(object data) { var logic = (UpdateLogic)data; Log.Info("Started updater logic"); CalculateLengthOfNaroVersions(); DeleteDirectory(FailedUpdateDirectory); VersionObject currentVersionData; try { currentVersionData = DeserializeFromXml(versionFileName); } catch { Log.Error("The versioning file is corrupt."); DeleteDirectory(AuxiliaryDirectory); DeleteFile(HelperVersioningFile); NaroMessage.Show("The versioning file is corrupt. It is recomanded to download and reinstall NaroCAD."); return; } CalculateNaroVersion(currentVersionData); if (MainUpdateWasJustDone()) { if (AttemptToFinalizeUpdate(currentVersionData.GetListOfFiles(), DeserializeFromXml(HelperVersioningFile).GetListOfFiles())) { Log.Info("NaroCAD update successfully compleated"); UpdaterWindowsManager.ShowDownloadsFinishedWindow(new List <string> { "", "Update Successfully Compleated", "Enjoy NaroCAD" }); UpdaterWindowsManager.DownloadFinishedLoop(); } } AttemptToDownloadUpdateFiles(_control); }
public override void OnActivate() { DefaultInterpreters.Setup(); UpdaterSetup(); var somethingLoaded = false; try { if (NaroStartInfo.Instance.Arguments.Length > 0) { var fileName = NaroStartInfo.Instance.Arguments[0]; if (File.Exists(fileName)) { Document.LoadFromXml(fileName); somethingLoaded = true; } else { NaroMessage.Show(ExtensionsResources.File_not_found_on_disk); } } } catch { NaroMessage.Show(ExtensionsResources.Invalid_file_to_load); } if (!somethingLoaded) { RestoreAutoSavedFile(); } Inputs[InputNames.SelectionContainerPipe].Send(NotificationNames.SwitchSelectionMode, TopAbsShapeEnum.TopAbs_SOLID); BackToNeutralModifier(); }
private void GlassButton1Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DoRenderLogic(); try { var proc = new Process { StartInfo = { FileName = "sunflow.exe", Arguments = "-o render.png", WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Normal } }; proc.Start(); } catch (Exception ex) { NaroMessage.Show(ex.Message); return; } Close(); WriteOptionsConfig(); }
private void WarnNoSelectedAndBackToNone() { NaroMessage.Show("Please pick a shape to switch action"); BackToNeutralModifier(); }
public void ShowInteger(int dataValue) { NaroMessage.Show(dataValue.ToString()); }
public void ShowDouble(double dataValue) { NaroMessage.Show(dataValue.ToString()); }
private static void SelectEdgeBeforeStartActionMessage() { NaroMessage.Show("Select_Edge_Before_Using"); }
private void ErrorSplineSelected() { NaroMessage.Show(@"Please select a spline first"); BackToNeutralModifier(); }
private void OnChange(Node pathnode) { NaroMessage.Show("In notification"); }