private void SetProperties(NamedValueSet properties) { try { DataType = "Trade"; SourceSystem = PropertyHelper.ExtractSourceSystem(properties); var tradeId = properties.GetValue <string>(TradeProp.TradeId); Id = tradeId; Domain = SourceSystem + '.' + DataType; TradeDate = properties.GetValue <DateTime>(TradeProp.TradeDate); TradeType = EnumHelper.Parse <ItemChoiceType15>(properties.GetValue <string>(TradeProp.TradeType), true); ProductType = ProductTypeSimpleScheme.ParseEnumString(properties.GetValue <string>(TradeProp.ProductType, false)); Party1 = properties.GetValue <string>(TradeProp.Party1, false); Party2 = properties.GetValue <string>(TradeProp.Party2, false); BaseParty = properties.GetValue <string>(TradeProp.BaseParty); CounterParty = properties.GetValue <string>(TradeProp.CounterPartyId); UniqueIdentifier = BuildUniqueId(tradeId); if (properties.GetValue <string>(CurveProp.UniqueIdentifier) != null) { UniqueIdentifier = properties.GetValue <string>(CurveProp.UniqueIdentifier); } PropertyHelper.Update(Properties, CurveProp.UniqueIdentifier, UniqueIdentifier); PropertyHelper.Update(Properties, "Domain", Domain); } catch { throw new System.Exception("Invalid tradeid."); } }
//public static object[,] DoReport(TermDeposit termDeposit) //{ // if (termDeposit != null) // { // var result = new object[10, 2]; // result[0, 0] = "adjustedEffectiveDate"; // result[1, 0] = "fixedRate"; // result[2, 0] = "maturityDate"; // result[3, 0] = "dayCountFraction"; // result[4, 0] = "lenderPartyReference"; // result[5, 0] = "borrowerPartyReference"; // result[6, 0] = "currency"; // result[7, 0] = "notionalamount"; // result[8, 0] = "interest"; // result[9, 0] = "dayCount"; // result[0, 1] = termDeposit.startDate; // result[1, 1] = termDeposit.fixedRate; // result[2, 1] = termDeposit.maturityDate; // result[3, 1] = termDeposit.dayCountFraction.Value; // result[4, 1] = termDeposit.initialPayerReference.href; // result[5, 1] = termDeposit.initialReceiverReference.href; // result[6, 1] = termDeposit.principal.currency.Value; // result[7, 1] = termDeposit.principal.amount; // result[8, 1] = termDeposit.interest.amount; // result[9, 1] = termDeposit.dayCountFraction.Value; // return result; // } // return null; //} public override object[,] DoReport(Product product, NamedValueSet properties) { if (product is FxSwap fxswap) { var party1 = properties.GetValue <string>(TradeProp.Party1, true); var party2 = properties.GetValue <string>(TradeProp.Party2, true); var result = new object[7, 2]; result[0, 0] = "payerPartyReference"; result[1, 0] = "receiverPartyReference"; result[2, 0] = "amount"; result[3, 0] = "currency"; result[4, 0] = "paymentDate"; result[5, 0] = "party1"; result[6, 0] = "party2"; var temp1 = fxswap.nearLeg; result[0, 1] = temp1.exchangedCurrency1.payerPartyReference.href; result[1, 1] = temp1.exchangedCurrency1.receiverPartyReference.href; result[2, 1] = temp1.exchangedCurrency1.paymentAmount.amount; result[3, 1] = temp1.exchangedCurrency1.paymentAmount.currency.Value; var containdUnadjustedDate = AdjustableOrAdjustedDateHelper.Contains(temp1.exchangedCurrency1.paymentDate, ItemsChoiceType.unadjustedDate, out var unadjustedDate); if (containdUnadjustedDate) { result[4, 1] = ((IdentifiedDate)unadjustedDate).Value; } result[5, 1] = party1; result[6, 1] = party2; return(result); } return(null); }
public SABRVolatilitySurface(ILogger logger, ICoreCache cache, String nameSpace, NamedValueSet properties, String[] expiryTenors, Double[] strikes, Double[,] volSurface) : base(logger, cache, nameSpace, properties, expiryTenors, strikes, volSurface) { var assetClass = properties.GetString(CurveProp.AssetClass, true); var type = EnumHelper.Parse <AssetClass>(assetClass); var assetId = properties.GetValue <string>(CurveProp.AssetId, true); var baseDate = properties.GetValue <DateTime>(CurveProp.BaseDate, true); PricingStructureData = new PricingStructureData(CurveType.Parent, type); UnderlyingPriceableAssets = new List <IPriceableAssetController>(); foreach (var tenor in expiryTenors) { var expiryTenor = PeriodHelper.Parse(tenor); var offset = new Offset { period = expiryTenor.period, periodMultiplier = expiryTenor.periodMultiplier, periodSpecified = true, dayType = DayTypeEnum.Calendar, dayTypeSpecified = true }; var expiryDate = offset.Add(baseDate); var assetProperties = PriceableAssetFactory.BuildPropertiesForAssets(nameSpace, assetId, expiryDate); var asset = PriceableAssetFactory.Create(logger, cache, nameSpace, null, assetProperties, null, null); UnderlyingPriceableAssets.Add(asset); } }
//public static object[,] DoReport(TermDeposit termDeposit) //{ // if (termDeposit != null) // { // var result = new object[10, 2]; // result[0, 0] = "adjustedEffectiveDate"; // result[1, 0] = "fixedRate"; // result[2, 0] = "maturityDate"; // result[3, 0] = "dayCountFraction"; // result[4, 0] = "lenderPartyReference"; // result[5, 0] = "borrowerPartyReference"; // result[6, 0] = "currency"; // result[7, 0] = "notionalamount"; // result[8, 0] = "interest"; // result[9, 0] = "dayCount"; // result[0, 1] = termDeposit.startDate; // result[1, 1] = termDeposit.fixedRate; // result[2, 1] = termDeposit.maturityDate; // result[3, 1] = termDeposit.dayCountFraction.Value; // result[4, 1] = termDeposit.initialPayerReference.href; // result[5, 1] = termDeposit.initialReceiverReference.href; // result[6, 1] = termDeposit.principal.currency.Value; // result[7, 1] = termDeposit.principal.amount; // result[8, 1] = termDeposit.interest.amount; // result[9, 1] = termDeposit.dayCountFraction.Value; // return result; // } // return null; //} public override object[,] DoReport(Product product, NamedValueSet properties) { if (product is TermDeposit termDeposit) { var party1 = properties.GetValue <string>(TradeProp.Party1, true); var party2 = properties.GetValue <string>(TradeProp.Party2, true); var result = new object[11, 2]; result[0, 0] = "adjustedEffectiveDate"; result[1, 0] = "fixedRate"; result[2, 0] = "maturityDate"; result[3, 0] = "dayCountFraction"; result[4, 0] = "lenderPartyReference"; result[5, 0] = "borrowerPartyReference"; result[6, 0] = "currency"; result[7, 0] = "notionalAmount"; //result[8, 0] = "interest"; result[8, 0] = "dayCount"; result[9, 0] = "party1"; result[10, 0] = "party2"; result[0, 1] = termDeposit.startDate; result[1, 1] = termDeposit.fixedRate; result[2, 1] = termDeposit.maturityDate; result[3, 1] = termDeposit.dayCountFraction.Value; result[4, 1] = termDeposit.payerPartyReference.href; result[5, 1] = termDeposit.receiverPartyReference.href; result[6, 1] = termDeposit.principal.currency.Value; result[7, 1] = termDeposit.principal.amount; //result[8, 1] = termDeposit.interest.amount; result[8, 1] = termDeposit.dayCountFraction.Value; result[9, 1] = party1; result[10, 1] = party2; return(result); } return(null); }
//public static object[,] DoReport(BulletPayment bulletPayment) //{ // if (bulletPayment != null) // { // var result = new object[7, 2]; // result[0, 0] = "adjustedPaymentDate"; // result[1, 0] = "paymentAmount"; // result[2, 0] = "currency"; // result[3, 0] = "paymentType"; // result[4, 0] = "lenderPartyReference"; // result[5, 0] = "borrowerPartyReference"; // result[6, 0] = "currency"; // result[0, 1] = bulletPayment.payment.adjustedPaymentDate; // result[1, 1] = bulletPayment.payment.paymentAmount.amount; // result[2, 1] = bulletPayment.payment.paymentAmount.currency.Value; // result[3, 1] = bulletPayment.payment.paymentType.Value; // result[4, 1] = bulletPayment.payment.payerPartyReference.href; // result[5, 1] = bulletPayment.payment.receiverPartyReference.href; // result[6, 1] = bulletPayment.payment.presentValueAmount!= null ? bulletPayment.payment.presentValueAmount.amount : 0.0m; // return result; // } // return null; //} public override object[,] DoReport(Product product, NamedValueSet properties) { if (product is BulletPayment payment) { var party1 = properties.GetValue <string>(TradeProp.Party1, true); var party2 = properties.GetValue <string>(TradeProp.Party2, true); var result = new object[7, 2]; result[0, 0] = "payerPartyReference"; result[1, 0] = "receiverPartyReference"; result[2, 0] = "amount"; result[3, 0] = "currency"; result[4, 0] = "businessDayConvention"; result[5, 0] = "party1"; result[6, 0] = "party2"; var temp = payment.payment; result[0, 1] = temp.payerPartyReference.href; result[1, 1] = temp.receiverPartyReference.href; result[2, 1] = temp.paymentAmount.amount; result[3, 1] = temp.paymentAmount.currency.Value; var containsBusinessCenters = AdjustableOrAdjustedDateHelper.Contains(temp.paymentDate, ItemsChoiceType.dateAdjustments, out var businessDayAdjustments); if (containsBusinessCenters && businessDayAdjustments != null) { var businessDayConvention = ((BusinessDayAdjustments)businessDayAdjustments).businessDayConvention.ToString(); result[4, 1] = businessDayConvention; } else { result[4, 1] = "NONE"; } result[5, 1] = party1; result[6, 1] = party2; return(result); } return(null); }
public override object[,] DoReport(Product product, NamedValueSet properties) { if (product is Fra forwardRateAgreement) { var party1 = properties.GetValue <string>(TradeProp.Party1, true); var party2 = properties.GetValue <string>(TradeProp.Party2, true); var result = new object[11, 2]; result[0, 0] = "adjustedEffectiveDate"; result[1, 0] = "fixedRate"; result[2, 0] = "paymentDate"; result[3, 0] = "calculationPeriodNumberOfDays"; result[4, 0] = "adjustedTerminationDate"; result[5, 0] = "buyerPartyReference"; result[6, 0] = "sellerPartyReference"; result[7, 0] = "currency"; result[8, 0] = "notionalAmount"; result[9, 0] = "party1"; result[10, 0] = "party2"; result[0, 1] = forwardRateAgreement.adjustedEffectiveDate.Value; result[1, 1] = forwardRateAgreement.fixedRate; result[2, 1] = forwardRateAgreement.paymentDate.unadjustedDate.Value; result[3, 1] = forwardRateAgreement.calculationPeriodNumberOfDays; result[4, 1] = forwardRateAgreement.adjustedTerminationDate; result[5, 1] = forwardRateAgreement.buyerPartyReference.href; result[6, 1] = forwardRateAgreement.sellerPartyReference.href; result[7, 1] = forwardRateAgreement.notional.currency.Value; result[8, 1] = forwardRateAgreement.notional.amount; result[9, 1] = party1; result[10, 1] = party2; return(result); } return(null); }
public static void LoadPricingStructures(ILogger logger, ICoreCache targetClient, string nameSpace) { logger.LogDebug("Loading pricing structures..."); Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); const string prefix = "FpML.V5r10.ConfigData.PricingStructures"; Dictionary <string, string> chosenFiles = ResourceHelper.GetResources(assembly, prefix, "xml"); if (chosenFiles.Count == 0) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Missing Pricing Structures"); } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> file in chosenFiles) { var market = XmlSerializerHelper.DeserializeFromString <Market>(file.Value); string nvs = ResourceHelper.GetResource(assembly, file.Key.Replace(".xml", ".nvs")); var extraProps = new NamedValueSet(nvs); string idSuffix = $"{extraProps.GetValue<string>(CurveProp.Market)}.{extraProps.GetValue<string>(CurveProp.PricingStructureType)}.{extraProps.GetValue<string>(CurveProp.CurveName)}"; ItemInfo itemInfo = MakePricingStructureConfigProps("PricingStructures", idSuffix, extraProps, nameSpace); logger.LogDebug(" {0} ...", idSuffix); targetClient.SaveObject(market, itemInfo.ItemName, itemInfo.ItemProps, false, TimeSpan.MaxValue); } // foreach file logger.LogDebug("Loaded {0} pricing structures.", chosenFiles.Count); }
private void SetProperties(NamedValueSet properties) { try { DataType = FunctionProp.ValuationReport.ToString(); SourceSystem = PropertyHelper.ExtractSourceSystem(properties); PortfolioId = properties.GetValue <string>(ValueProp.PortfolioId, false); TradeId = properties.GetValue <string>(TradeProp.TradeId, true); TradeType = properties.GetValue <string>(TradeProp.TradeType, true); Id = SourceSystem + "." + TradeType + "." + TradeId; Market = PropertyHelper.ExtractMarket(Properties); MarketAndDate = PropertyHelper.ExtractMarketAndDate(Properties); MarketName = properties.GetValue <string>(ValueProp.MarketName, false) ?? MarketAndDate; DateTime?marketDate = PropertyHelper.ExtractMarketDate(Properties); MarketDate = marketDate ?? MarketDate; Domain = SourceSystem + '.' + DataType; CalculationDateTime = properties.GetValue <DateTime>(ValueProp.CalculationDateTime); BaseParty = properties.GetValue <string>(ValueProp.BaseParty); CalculationDateTime = properties.GetValue <DateTime>(ValueProp.CalculationDateTime); UniqueIdentifier = BuildUniqueId(); if (properties.GetValue <string>(ValueProp.UniqueIdentifier) != null) { UniqueIdentifier = properties.GetValue <string>(ValueProp.UniqueIdentifier); } Scenario = properties.GetValue <string>(ValueProp.Scenario); PropertyHelper.Update(Properties, ValueProp.UniqueIdentifier, UniqueIdentifier); PropertyHelper.Update(Properties, "Domain", Domain); } catch { throw new System.Exception("Invalid tradeId."); } }
public override object[,] DoReport(Product product, NamedValueSet properties) { if (product is PropertyTransaction propertyTransaction) { var party1 = properties.GetValue <string>(TradeProp.Party1, true); var party2 = properties.GetValue <string>(TradeProp.Party2, true); var result = new object[9, 2]; result[0, 0] = "buyerPartyReference"; result[1, 0] = "sellerPartyReference"; result[2, 0] = "numberOfUnits"; result[3, 0] = "unitPriceCurrency"; result[4, 0] = "unitPriceAmount"; result[5, 0] = "id"; result[6, 0] = "paryt1"; result[7, 0] = "party2"; result[8, 0] = "description"; var temp =; result[0, 1] = propertyTransaction.buyerPartyReference.href; result[1, 1] = propertyTransaction.sellerPartyReference.href; result[2, 1] = propertyTransaction.purchasePrice.amount; result[3, 1] = temp.currency.Value; result[4, 1] = propertyTransaction.purchasePrice.amount; result[5, 1] =; result[6, 1] = party1; result[7, 1] = party2; result[8, 1] = temp.description; return(result); } return(null); }
private void SendAlertSignalEmail(InternalSignal signal, NamedValueSet props) { try { var smtpHost = props.GetValue <string>(AlertRule.MailHost); IEnumerable <string> recipients = ResolveMultipleEmailAddresses(props.GetArray <string>(AlertRule.MailTo)); string sender = ResolveSingleEmailAddress(props.GetValue <string>(AlertRule.MailFrom)); var email = new MailMessage(); string instanceMsg = GetInstanceMsg(signal.ReminderCount); signal.ReminderCount += 1; email.Subject = $"QDS Alert {EnvHelper.EnvName(IntClient.Target.ClientInfo.ConfigEnv)}. {signal.RuleName}: {signal.Status}"; if (signal.Status == AlertStatus.Alerted) { email.Subject += $"({instanceMsg})"; } var body = new StringBuilder(signal.SignalMessage); if (props.GetValue <bool>("rule.DebugEnabled", false)) { body.AppendLine(); body.AppendLine(); body.AppendLine("[debug-begin]"); props.LogValues(text => body.AppendLine(" " + text)); body.AppendLine("[debug-end]"); } email.Body = body.ToString(); SendEmail(smtpHost, email, sender, recipients); } catch (Exception excp) { ReportUncaughtError("EmailAlertSignal", signal.RuleName, excp, props); } }
/// <summary> /// Create a series of CapFloor engines from a raw volatility grid and a DF curve /// </summary> /// <param name="logger">The logger.</param> /// <param name="cache">The cache.</param> /// <param name="nameSpace">The client namespace</param> /// <param name="properties">The properties of the engine, including the reference handle to access this engine collection</param> /// <param name="instruments">An array of instrument types.</param> /// <param name="rawVolatilityGrid">The raw grid used to build the engines. Assume that all volatility and strike values are 100x true</param> /// <param name="dfDataTimeGrid">The discount factor dates array.</param> /// <param name="dfGrid">The discount factors required for bootstrapping</param> /// <returns>The engine handle or an error message</returns> public string CreateCapFloorATMCurve(ILogger logger, ICoreCache cache, string nameSpace, NamedValueSet properties, String[] instruments, Decimal[] rawVolatilityGrid, DateTime[] dfDataTimeGrid, Decimal[] dfGrid) { var volatilityCheck = CheckVolatilities(rawVolatilityGrid); if (volatilityCheck != null) { throw new ArgumentException(volatilityCheck); } var id = properties.GetString("EngineHandle", true); var baseDate = properties.GetValue <DateTime>("BaseDate", true); var valuationDate = properties.GetValue("ValuationDate", DateTime.MinValue); if (valuationDate == DateTime.MinValue) { properties.Set("ValuationDate", baseDate); } properties.Set("PricingStructureType", PricingStructureTypeEnum.CapVolatilityCurve.ToString()); var strikeQuoteUnits = properties.GetString("StrikeQuoteUnits", null); if (strikeQuoteUnits == null) { properties.Set("StrikeQuoteUnits", StrikeQuoteUnitsEnum.ATMFlatMoneyness.ToString()); } var measureType = properties.GetString("MeasureType", null); if (measureType == null) { properties.Set("MeasureType", MeasureTypesEnum.Volatility.ToString()); } var quoteUnits = properties.GetString("QuoteUnits", null); if (quoteUnits == null) { properties.Set("QuoteUnits", QuoteUnitsEnum.LogNormalVolatility.ToString()); } var algorithm = properties.GetString("Algorithm", null); if (algorithm == null) { properties.Set("Algorithm", "Default"); } InterpolationMethod interp = InterpolationMethodHelper.Parse("LogLinearInterpolation"); // Check there are valid strikes IRateCurve discountCurve = new SimpleDiscountFactorCurve(baseDate, interp, true, dfDataTimeGrid, dfGrid); // Create the engines and either add to, or overwrite the existing, collection if (_capFloorEngine.ContainsKey(id)) { _capFloorEngine[id] = CreateCurves(logger, cache, nameSpace, properties, discountCurve, discountCurve, instruments, rawVolatilityGrid); } else { _capFloorEngine.Add(id, CreateCurves(logger, cache, nameSpace, properties, discountCurve, discountCurve, instruments, rawVolatilityGrid)); } return(id); }
/// <summary> /// Create a series of CapFloor engines from a raw volatility grid and a DF curve /// </summary> /// <param name="logger">The logger.</param> /// <param name="cache">The cache.</param> /// <param name="nameSpace">The client namespace</param> /// <param name="properties">The properties of the engine, including the reference handle to access this engine collection</param> /// <param name="instruments">An array of instrument types.</param> /// <param name="rawVolatilityGrid">The raw grid used to build the engines. Assume that all volatility and strike values are 100x true</param> /// <returns>The engine handle or an error message</returns> public string CreateCapFloorATMCurve(ILogger logger, ICoreCache cache, string nameSpace, NamedValueSet properties, String[] instruments, Decimal[] rawVolatilityGrid) { var volatilityCheck = CheckVolatilities(rawVolatilityGrid); if (volatilityCheck != null) { throw new ArgumentException(volatilityCheck); } var id = properties.GetString("EngineHandle", true); var baseDate = properties.GetValue <DateTime>("BaseDate", true); var valuationDate = properties.GetValue("ValuationDate", DateTime.MinValue); if (valuationDate == DateTime.MinValue) { properties.Set("ValuationDate", baseDate); } properties.Set("PricingStructureType", PricingStructureTypeEnum.CapVolatilityCurve.ToString()); var strikeQuoteUnits = properties.GetString("StrikeQuoteUnits", null); if (strikeQuoteUnits == null) { properties.Set("StrikeQuoteUnits", StrikeQuoteUnitsEnum.ATMFlatMoneyness.ToString()); } var measureType = properties.GetString("MeasureType", null); if (measureType == null) { properties.Set("MeasureType", MeasureTypesEnum.Volatility.ToString()); } var quoteUnits = properties.GetString("QuoteUnits", null); if (quoteUnits == null) { properties.Set("QuoteUnits", QuoteUnitsEnum.LogNormalVolatility.ToString()); } var algorithm = properties.GetString("Algorithm", null); if (algorithm == null) { properties.Set("Algorithm", "Default"); } var referenceDiscountCurve = properties.GetString("ReferenceCurveUniqueId", true); var referenceForecastCurve = properties.GetString("ReferenceCurrency2CurveId", referenceDiscountCurve); var discountCurve = CurveLoader.LoadInterestRateCurve(logger, cache, nameSpace, null, null, referenceDiscountCurve); var forecastCurve = CurveLoader.LoadInterestRateCurve(logger, cache, nameSpace, null, null, referenceForecastCurve); // Create the engines and either add to, or overwrite the existing, collection if (_capFloorEngine.ContainsKey(id)) { _capFloorEngine[id] = CreateCurves(logger, cache, nameSpace, properties, discountCurve, forecastCurve, instruments, rawVolatilityGrid); } else { _capFloorEngine.Add(id, CreateCurves(logger, cache, nameSpace, properties, discountCurve, forecastCurve, instruments, rawVolatilityGrid)); } return(id); }
/// <summary> /// A helper to extract properties from a named value set.. /// </summary> /// <param name="properties">The collection of properties.</param> public static string ExtractMarket(NamedValueSet properties) { string market = properties.GetValue(CurveProp.Market, ""); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(market)) { market = properties.GetValue(CurveProp.MarketAndDate, "Unspecified"); } return(market); }
public CapVolatilityCurve(ILogger logger, ICoreCache cache, string nameSpace, NamedValueSet properties, QuotedAssetSet instrumentData, IRateCurve discountCurve, IRateCurve forecastCurve, IBusinessCalendar fixingCalendar, IBusinessCalendar rollCalendar) : this(logger, cache, nameSpace, new VolatilitySurfaceIdentifier(properties), fixingCalendar, rollCalendar) { DiscountCurve = discountCurve; ForecastCurve = forecastCurve; var curveId = GetCurveId(); var volCurve = SetConfigurationData(); //TODO This for backwards compatability. AnalyticalResults is the current interface. Handle = properties.GetString(CurveProp.EngineHandle, null); BootstrapResults = new VolCurveBootstrapResults(); //Set the underlying asset information. var instrument = properties.GetString(CurveProp.Instrument, true); Asset = new AnyAssetReference { href = instrument }; UnderlyingAssetDetails = CreateUnderlyingAssetWithProperties(); var extrapolationPermitted = ExtrapolationPermittedInput ?? ExtrapolationPermitted; PriceableOptionAssets = PriceableAssetFactory.CreatePriceableRateOptionAssets(logger, cache, nameSpace, curveId.BaseDate, instrumentData, fixingCalendar, rollCalendar); BootstrapResults.Results = CapFloorBootstrapper.Bootstrap(PriceableOptionAssets, properties, DiscountCurve, ForecastCurve, curveId.BaseDate, extrapolationPermitted, InterpolationMethod, Tolerance); IsBootstrapSuccessful = true; InitialiseVolatilities(curveId.BaseDate, BootstrapResults.Results); QuoteUnits = EnumHelper.Parse <QuoteUnitsEnum>(properties.GetValue(CurveProp.QuoteUnits, QuoteUnitsEnum.LogNormalVolatility.ToString())); MeasureType = EnumHelper.Parse <MeasureTypesEnum>(properties.GetValue(CurveProp.MeasureType, MeasureTypesEnum.Volatility.ToString())); StrikeQuoteUnits = EnumHelper.Parse <StrikeQuoteUnitsEnum>(properties.GetValue(CurveProp.StrikeQuoteUnits, StrikeQuoteUnitsEnum.ATMFlatMoneyness.ToString())); //If there is a strike specified for the curve, use it! IsATMBootstrap = true; Strike = curveId.Strike; if (Strike != null) { ValidateStrike((decimal)Strike); IsFixedStrikeBootstrap = true; IsATMBootstrap = false; } if (StrikeQuoteUnits == StrikeQuoteUnitsEnum.ATMFlatMoneyness || StrikeQuoteUnits == StrikeQuoteUnitsEnum.ATMMoneyness) { IsFixedStrikeBootstrap = false; } //The points use tenor strings for expiry. var termTenors = new List <String>(); foreach (var daysDifference in VolatilityOffsets) { termTenors.Add(daysDifference + "D"); } volCurve.point = ProcessRawSurface(termTenors, Strike, VolatilityValues, curveId.StrikeQuoteUnits, curveId.UnderlyingAssetReference); // Interpolate the curve based on the respective curve interpolation SetInterpolator(volCurve, curveId.Algorithm, curveId.PricingStructureType); CreatePricingStructure(curveId, volCurve, instrumentData); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="FXCurveTerms"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="terms">The terms.</param> public FXCurveTerms(IDictionary <string, object> terms) { Terms = terms; var nvs = new NamedValueSet(); nvs.Add(terms); Market = nvs.GetValue <string>("Market", null); Currency1 = nvs.GetValue <string>("Currency1", null); Currency2 = nvs.GetValue <string>("Currency2", null); ReferenceKey = BuildKey(); CurveReferenceIdentifier = null; }
/// <summary> /// Create a series of Volatility engines from a raw volatility grid /// </summary> /// <param name="logger">The logger.</param> /// <param name="cache">The cache.</param> /// <param name="nameSpace">The client namespace</param> /// <param name="properties">The properties of the engine, including the reference handle to access this engine collection</param> /// <param name="instruments">An array of instrument types.</param> /// <param name="rawVolatilityGrid">The raw grid used to build the engines. Assume that all volatility and strike values are 100x true</param> /// <returns>The engine handle or an error message</returns> public string CreateATMVolatilityCurve(ILogger logger, ICoreCache cache, string nameSpace, NamedValueSet properties, String[] instruments, Decimal[] rawVolatilityGrid) { var volatilityCheck = CheckVolatilties(rawVolatilityGrid); if (volatilityCheck != null) { throw new ArgumentException(volatilityCheck); } var id = properties.GetString(CurveProp.EngineHandle, true); var baseDate = properties.GetValue <DateTime>(CurveProp.BaseDate, true); var valuationDate = properties.GetValue(CurveProp.ValuationDate, DateTime.MinValue); if (valuationDate == DateTime.MinValue) { properties.Set(CurveProp.ValuationDate, baseDate); } var strikeQuoteUnits = properties.GetString(CurveProp.StrikeQuoteUnits, null); if (strikeQuoteUnits == null) { properties.Set(CurveProp.StrikeQuoteUnits, StrikeQuoteUnitsEnum.ATMFlatMoneyness.ToString()); } var measureType = properties.GetString(CurveProp.MeasureType, null); if (measureType == null) { properties.Set(CurveProp.MeasureType, MeasureTypesEnum.Volatility.ToString()); } var quoteUnits = properties.GetString(CurveProp.QuoteUnits, null); if (quoteUnits == null) { properties.Set(CurveProp.QuoteUnits, QuoteUnitsEnum.LogNormalVolatility.ToString()); } var algorithm = properties.GetString(CurveProp.Algorithm, null); if (algorithm == null) { properties.Set(CurveProp.Algorithm, "Default"); } // Create the engines and either add to, or overwrite the existing, collection if (_volCurveEngines.ContainsKey(id)) { _volCurveEngines[id] = VolatilityCurveCreate(logger, cache, nameSpace, properties, instruments, rawVolatilityGrid); } else { _volCurveEngines.Add(id, VolatilityCurveCreate(logger, cache, nameSpace, properties, instruments, rawVolatilityGrid)); } return(id); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="GenericVolatilityCurve"/> class. /// This constructor is used to clone perturbed copies of a base curve. /// </summary> /// <param name="priceableRateOptionAssets">The priceableRateAssets.</param> /// <param name="pricingStructureAlgorithmsHolder">The pricingStructureAlgorithmsHolder.</param> /// <param name="curveProperties">The Curve Properties.</param> /// <param name="discountCurve">The discount rate curve.</param> /// <param name="forecastCurve">The forecast rate curve.</param> public GenericVolatilityCurve(NamedValueSet curveProperties, List <IPriceableOptionAssetController> priceableRateOptionAssets, IRateCurve discountCurve, IRateCurve forecastCurve, PricingStructureAlgorithmsHolder pricingStructureAlgorithmsHolder) : base(curveProperties, pricingStructureAlgorithmsHolder) { DiscountCurve = discountCurve; ForecastCurve = forecastCurve; var curveId = GetCurveId(); var volCurve = SetConfigurationData(); Handle = curveProperties.GetString(CurveProp.EngineHandle, null); BootstrapResults = new VolCurveBootstrapResults(); //Set the underlying asset information. var instrument = curveProperties.GetString(CurveProp.Instrument, true); Asset = new AnyAssetReference { href = instrument }; UnderlyingAssetDetails = CreateUnderlyingAssetWithProperties(); PriceableOptionAssets = priceableRateOptionAssets; BootstrapResults.Results = VolatilityCurveBootstrapper.Bootstrap(PriceableOptionAssets); IsBootstrapSuccessful = true; InitialiseVolatilities(curveId.BaseDate, BootstrapResults.Results); QuoteUnits = EnumHelper.Parse <QuoteUnitsEnum>(curveProperties.GetValue(CurveProp.QuoteUnits, QuoteUnitsEnum.LogNormalVolatility.ToString())); MeasureType = EnumHelper.Parse <MeasureTypesEnum>(curveProperties.GetValue(CurveProp.MeasureType, MeasureTypesEnum.Volatility.ToString())); StrikeQuoteUnits = EnumHelper.Parse <StrikeQuoteUnitsEnum>(curveProperties.GetValue(CurveProp.StrikeQuoteUnits, StrikeQuoteUnitsEnum.ATMFlatMoneyness.ToString())); //If there is a strike specified for the curve, use it! Strike = curveId.Strike; if (Strike != null) { ValidateStrike((decimal)Strike); IsFixedStrikeBootstrap = true; } if (StrikeQuoteUnits == StrikeQuoteUnitsEnum.ATMFlatMoneyness || StrikeQuoteUnits == StrikeQuoteUnitsEnum.ATMMoneyness) { IsATMBootstrap = true; IsFixedStrikeBootstrap = false; } //The points use tenor strings for expiry. var termTenors = new List <String>(); foreach (var daysDifference in VolatilityOffsets) { termTenors.Add(daysDifference + "D"); } volCurve.point = ProcessRawSurface(termTenors, Strike, VolatilityValues, curveId.StrikeQuoteUnits, curveId.UnderlyingAssetReference); // Interpolate the curve based on the respective curve interpolation SetInterpolator(volCurve, curveId.Algorithm, curveId.PricingStructureType); CreatePricingStructure(curveId, volCurve, PriceableOptionAssets); }
private static TimeSpan GetLifetime(NamedValueSet publishProperties) { int expiryInterval = publishProperties.GetValue("ExpiryIntervalInMins", 60); var lifetime = new TimeSpan(0, expiryInterval, 0); return(lifetime); }
private void SetProperties(NamedValueSet properties) { try { var baseDate = PropertyHelper.ExtractDateTimeProperty(CurveProp.BaseDate, properties); if (baseDate != null) { BaseDate = (DateTime)baseDate; } Id = PropertyHelper.ExtractStringProperty("AssetId", properties); //AssetType property - make sure it exists. var assetType = PropertyHelper.ExtractStringProperty("AssetType", properties); if (assetType != null) { AssetType = EnumHelper.Parse <AssetTypesEnum>(assetType); } Coupon = PropertyHelper.ExtractDecimalProperty("Coupon", properties); MaturityDate = PropertyHelper.ExtractDateTimeProperty("Maturity", properties); UniqueIdentifier = properties.GetValue <string>(CurveProp.UniqueIdentifier) ?? BuildUniqueId(); PropertyHelper.Update(Properties, CurveProp.UniqueIdentifier, UniqueIdentifier); } catch { throw new Exception("Invalid asset id."); } }
private void AddPricingStructure(PricingStructure ps, PricingStructureValuation psv, NamedValueSet nvs) { var triple = new Triplet <PricingStructure, PricingStructureValuation, NamedValueSet>(ps, psv, nvs); var identifier = nvs.GetValue <string>("UniqueIdentifier"); _curves.Add(identifier, triple); }
//Backs out the implied quotes for the asset provided and adds the spread to it. // protected static QuotedAssetSet MappedQuotedAssetSet(ILogger logger, ICoreCache cache, string nameSpace, IInterpolatedSpace referenceCurve, QuotedAssetSet spreadValues, NamedValueSet properties, IBusinessCalendar fixingCalendar, IBusinessCalendar rollCalendar) { var index = 0; var baseDate = properties.GetValue <DateTime>(CurveProp.BaseDate); //Find the backed out implied quote for each asset. // foreach (var asset in spreadValues.instrumentSet.Items) { NamedValueSet namedValueSet = PriceableAssetFactory.BuildPropertiesForAssets(nameSpace,, baseDate); var quote = spreadValues.assetQuote[index]; //Get the implied quote to use as the input market quote. Make sure it is rate controller. var priceableAsset = (PriceableRateAssetController)PriceableAssetFactory.Create(logger, cache, nameSpace, quote, namedValueSet, fixingCalendar, rollCalendar); var value = priceableAsset.CalculateImpliedQuote(referenceCurve); //Replace the market quote in the bav and remove the spread. var quotes = new List <BasicQuotation>(quote.quote); var impliedQuote = MarketQuoteHelper.ReplaceQuotationByMeasureType("MarketQuote", quotes, value); var marketQuote = new List <BasicQuotation>(impliedQuote); spreadValues.assetQuote[index].quote = MarketQuoteHelper.MarketQuoteRemoveSpreadAndNormalise(marketQuote); index++; } return(spreadValues); }
private static WorkflowOutput <HandlerResponse> RunStressGenerator(NamedValueSet properties) { var wfGenerateStressCurve = new WFGenerateStressedCurve(); IWorkContext context = new WorkContext(Engine.Logger, Engine.Cache, "UnitTest"); wfGenerateStressCurve.Initialise(context); var request = new StressedCurveGenRequest { RequestId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), RequesterId = new UserIdentity { Name = Engine.Cache.ClientInfo.Name, DisplayName = "Unit Test Agent" }, BaseDate = properties.GetValue <DateTime>("BaseDate", true), CurveSelector = new[] { new CurveSelection { NameSpace = properties.GetString("NameSpace", true), CurveName = properties.GetString("CurveName", true), CurveType = properties.GetString("PricingStructureType", true), MarketName = properties.GetString("MarketName", true) } } }; return(wfGenerateStressCurve.Execute(request)); }
/// <summary> /// Helper method used by the Caplet Bootstrap Engine to compute the /// discount factor from the Calculation Date to some date beyond /// or equal to the Calculation Date. /// </summary> /// <param name="capletBootstrapSettings">The Caplet Bootstrap /// settings object that stores the Calculation Date.</param> /// <param name="offsets">Array of offsets (number of days) from /// the Calculation Date.</param> /// <param name="discountFactors">Array of discount factors.</param> /// <param name="endDate">Target date. /// Precondition: End date cannot be before the Calculation Date.</param> /// <returns>Discount factor.</returns> public static decimal ComputeDiscountFactor (NamedValueSet capletBootstrapSettings, double[] offsets, double[] discountFactors, DateTime endDate) { // Compute and validate the offset from the start date to the // end date. var calcDate = capletBootstrapSettings.GetValue("Calculation Date", DateTime.MinValue); var timeDiff = endDate - calcDate; var offset = (double)timeDiff.Days; const string errorMessage = "End date for a discount factor cannot be before Calculation Date"; DataQualityValidator.ValidateMinimum (offset, 0.0d, errorMessage, true); // Compute the discount factor by interpolation at the target. var discountFactor = 1.0m; if (offset > 0.0d) { var interpObj = new Analytics.Interpolations.LinearInterpolation(); interpObj.Initialize(offsets, discountFactors); discountFactor = (decimal)interpObj.ValueAt(offset, true); } return(discountFactor); }
private void Initialize(ILogger logger, ICoreCache cache, string nameSpace, NamedValueSet properties, IRateCurve baseCurve, IRateCurve quoteCurve, string[] instruments, decimal[] values, FxCurve fxCurve, IBusinessCalendar fixingCalendar, IBusinessCalendar rollCalendar) { var curveId = (RateCurveIdentifier)PricingStructureIdentifier; BaseCurve = baseCurve; QuoteCurve = quoteCurve; //Holder = new PricingStructureAlgorithmsHolder(logger, cache, curveId.PricingStructureType, curveId.Algorithm); Initialize(properties, Holder); var currency = properties.GetValue <string>(CurveProp.Currency1); if (fxCurve != null && baseCurve == null) { var holder = new GenericRateCurveAlgorithmHolder(logger, cache, nameSpace); // Create discount factors, without any input points RateCurve basisAdjustedDiscountCurve = CreateBasisAdjustedDiscountCurve(fxCurve, quoteCurve, currency, curveId.BaseDate, holder); TermCurve discountCurve = ((YieldCurveValuation)basisAdjustedDiscountCurve.PricingStructureValuation).discountFactorCurve; CreateYieldCurve(); GetYieldCurveValuation().discountFactorCurve = discountCurve; SetInterpolator(discountCurve, curveId.Algorithm, PricingStructureTypeEnum.RateSpreadCurve); // Put FX curve into inputs var assetQuotes = new List <BasicAssetValuation>(); BasicAssetValuation[] fxAssetQuotes = ((FxCurveValuation)fxCurve.GetFpMLData().Second).spotRate.assetQuote; foreach (BasicAssetValuation assetQuote in fxAssetQuotes) { BasicAssetValuation clonedAssetQuote = XmlSerializerHelper.Clone(assetQuote); clonedAssetQuote.definitionRef = FxCurveName; assetQuotes.Add(clonedAssetQuote); } AddQuoteCurveInputs(assetQuotes); ((YieldCurveValuation)PricingStructureValuation).inputs = new QuotedAssetSet { assetQuote = assetQuotes.ToArray() }; } else { List <IPriceableRateAssetController> swaps = PriceableAssetFactory.CreatePriceableRateAssets(logger, cache, nameSpace, curveId.BaseDate, instruments, values, null, fixingCalendar, rollCalendar); if (fxCurve == null) { // only use the input swaps PriceableRateAssets = swaps; } else { var holder = new GenericRateCurveAlgorithmHolder(logger, cache, nameSpace); // Add synthetic input points RateCurve basisAdjustedDiscountCurve = CreateBasisAdjustedDiscountCurve(fxCurve, quoteCurve, currency, curveId.BaseDate, holder); //TODO Add some extra short end point: 1D and 1W string[] syntheticSwapPoints = { "1M", "2M", "3M", "6M", "9M" }; PriceableRateAssets = CreateSyntheticSwaps(logger, cache, nameSpace, BaseCurve, basisAdjustedDiscountCurve, currency, curveId.BaseDate, syntheticSwapPoints, fixingCalendar, rollCalendar); PriceableRateAssets.AddRange(swaps); } // bootstrap to create the discount factors PriceableRateAssets = PriceableRateAssets.OrderBy(a => a.GetRiskMaturityDate()).ToList(); Bootstrap((YieldCurveValuation)GetFpMLData().Second); } }
public string PublishLpmCapFloorVolMatrix(object[][] structurePropertiesRange, object[][] publishPropertiesRange, object[][] valuesRange, object[][] rateCurveFiltersRange) { // Translate into useful objects NamedValueSet structureProperties = structurePropertiesRange.ToNamedValueSet(); object[,] values = valuesRange.ConvertArrayToMatrix(); string[] columnNames = Array.ConvertAll(values.GetRow(0), Convert.ToString); object[] ppd = values.GetColumn(1); for (int index = 0; index < ppd.Length; index++) { ppd[index] = ppd[index] is Double?Convert.ToDouble(ppd[index]) / 100 : ppd[index]; } values.SetColumn(1, ppd); object[][] data = values.GetRows(1, values.RowCount()); // Create matrix var baseDate = structureProperties.GetValue <DateTime>(CurveProp.BaseDate, false); if (baseDate == DateTime.MinValue) { baseDate = structureProperties.GetValue <DateTime>(CurveProp.BuildDateTime, false).Date; if (baseDate == DateTime.MinValue) { baseDate = DateTime.Today; } } string sourceName = structureProperties.GetString("Source", true); string currency = structureProperties.GetString(CurveProp.Currency1, true); string marketName = structureProperties.GetString(CurveProp.MarketAndDate, true); string indexName = structureProperties.GetString(CurveProp.IndexName, true); int year = baseDate.Year; int weekOfYear = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Calendar.GetWeekOfYear(baseDate, CalendarWeekRule.FirstDay, DayOfWeek.Monday); string id = $"LPMCapFloorCurve.{currency}.{baseDate:yyyy-MM-dd}"; var matrix = new CapFloorATMMatrix(columnNames, data, structurePropertiesRange, baseDate, id); // Load underlying curve Market market = GetCurve(Logger.Target, Cache, NameSpace, rateCurveFiltersRange); // Create the capFloors and properties Market capFloors = LPMCapFloorCurve.ProcessCapFloor(Logger.Target, Cache, NameSpace, market, matrix); string newId = $"{marketName}.{indexName}.CapFloor.{currency}.{sourceName}.{year}.Week{weekOfYear}"; string name = $"CapFloor-{currency}-{sourceName}-{baseDate:dd/MM/yyyy}"; structureProperties.Set("Identifier", newId); structureProperties.Set("Name", name); // Save Publish(capFloors, "Market." + newId, structureProperties, publishPropertiesRange); return(newId); }
/// <summary> /// A helper to extract properties from a named value set. /// </summary> /// <param name="properties">The collection of properties.</param> public static PriceQuoteUnits ExtractStrikeQuoteUnits(NamedValueSet properties) { string value = properties.GetValue("StrikeQuoteUnits", "ATMFlatMoneyness"); return(new PriceQuoteUnits { Value = value }); }
///// <summary> ///// An id for a ratecurve. ///// </summary> ///// <param name="sourceSystem">The source system.</param> ///// <param name="baseParty">The base Party.</param> ///// <param name="reportId">The report Id.</param> ///// <param name="calculationDateTime">The calculationDateTime</param> //public ValuationReportIdentifier(String sourceSystem, string baseParty, string reportId, DateTime calculationDateTime) //{ // SetProperties(sourceSystem, baseParty, reportId, calculationDateTime); //} private void SetProperties(NamedValueSet properties) { try { DataType = "ValuationReport"; SourceSystem = PropertyHelper.ExtractSourceSystem(properties); Id = properties.GetValue <string>(ValueProp.PortfolioId, false); TradeId = properties.GetValue <string>(TradeProp.TradeId, true); MarketName = properties.GetValue <string>(ValueProp.MarketName, false); Domain = SourceSystem + '.' + DataType; CalculationDateTime = properties.GetValue <DateTime>("CalculationDateTime"); BaseParty = properties.GetValue <string>(ValueProp.BaseParty); UniqueIdentifier = BuildUniqueId(); if (properties.GetValue <string>(CurveProp.UniqueIdentifier) != null) { UniqueIdentifier = properties.GetValue <string>(CurveProp.UniqueIdentifier); } PropertyHelper.Update(Properties, CurveProp.UniqueIdentifier, UniqueIdentifier); PropertyHelper.Update(Properties, "Domain", Domain); } catch { throw new System.Exception("Invalid tradeid."); } }
public override object[,] DoReport(Product product, NamedValueSet properties) { if (product is FutureTransaction futureTransaction) { var party1 = properties.GetValue <string>(TradeProp.Party1, true); var party2 = properties.GetValue <string>(TradeProp.Party2, true); var result = new object[10, 2]; result[0, 0] = "buyerPartyReference"; result[1, 0] = "sellerPartyReference"; result[2, 0] = "numberOfUnits"; result[3, 0] = "currency"; result[4, 0] = "amount"; result[5, 0] = "maturity"; result[6, 0] = "id"; result[7, 0] = "paryt1"; result[8, 0] = "party2"; result[9, 0] = "exchangeId"; var temp = futureTransaction.future; result[0, 1] = futureTransaction.buyerPartyReference.href; result[1, 1] = futureTransaction.sellerPartyReference.href; result[2, 1] = futureTransaction.numberOfUnits; result[3, 1] = futureTransaction.unitPrice.currency.Value; result[4, 1] = 0.0m; if (futureTransaction.unitPrice.amountSpecified) { result[4, 1] = futureTransaction.unitPrice.amount; } result[5, 1] = DateTime.MinValue; if (temp.maturitySpecified) { result[5, 1] = temp.maturity; } result[6, 1] =; result[7, 1] = party1; result[8, 1] = party2; result[9, 1] = "Unknown"; if (futureTransaction.future.exchangeId != null) { result[9, 1] = futureTransaction.future.exchangeId.Value; } return(result); } return(null); }
/// <summary> /// A helper to extract properties from a named value set. /// </summary> /// <param name="properties">The collection of properties.</param> public static PricingStructureTypeEnum ExtractPricingStructureType(NamedValueSet properties) { var pricingStructureType = properties.GetValue <string>(CurveProp.PricingStructureType, true); if (!EnumHelper.TryParse(pricingStructureType, true, out PricingStructureTypeEnum pricingStructureTypeEnum)) { throw new ArgumentException($"PricingStructureType '{pricingStructureType}' not recognized."); } return(pricingStructureTypeEnum); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="VolatilitySurfaceTerms"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="terms">The terms.</param> public VolatilitySurfaceTerms(IDictionary <string, object> terms) { Terms = terms; var nvs = new NamedValueSet(); nvs.Add(terms); if (nvs.Get(CurveProp.Market, false) != null) { Market = nvs.GetValue <string>(CurveProp.Market, null); } else if (nvs.Get("Market", false) != null) { Market = nvs.GetValue <string>("Market", null); } Currency = nvs.GetValue <string>(CurveProp.Currency1, null); BaseDate = nvs.GetValue(CurveProp.BaseDate, DateTime.MinValue); ReferenceKey = BuildKey(); SurfaceReferenceIdentifier = null; }