Example #1
        public Color StringToColor(string sInput)
            Color  cColor;
            string sFixed = FixName(sInput);

            if (sFixed.StartsWith("#") && sFixed.Length == 7)             // an RGB value in the form #RRGGBB
                int red   = System.Convert.ToInt32(sFixed.Substring(1, 2), 16);
                int green = System.Convert.ToInt32(sFixed.Substring(3, 2), 16);
                int blue  = System.Convert.ToInt32(sFixed.Substring(5, 2), 16);
                return(Color.FromArgb(red, green, blue));;
            else if (NamedColors.ContainsKey(sFixed))             // a named Color
                NamedColor nc = (NamedColor)NamedColors[sFixed];
                cColor = Color.FromName(sFixed);
                if (cColor.IsKnownColor)
Example #2
        public PenX3D WithColor(NamedColor color)
            var result = (PenX3D)MemberwiseClone();

            result._material = Materials.GetMaterialWithNewColor(result._material, color);
Example #3
        public SceneViewModel()
            Colors         = NamedColorCollection.GetNamedColors();
            _selectedColor = Colors.Random();

            Grid = new Grid
                Length  = 5.0D,
                Segment = 6.0D

            Position = new Point3D(50, 50, 50);
            for (var x = 0; x < 6; x++)
                for (var z = 0; z < 6; z++)
                    Grid.Place(x, 0, z, new Cube(_selectedColor.Color));

            Selection = new SelectionViewModel(Grid, CubeHelper.CreateSelection());
            Selection.PropertyChanged += (sender, args) => { RaisePropertyChangedEvent(nameof(SelectionTransform)); };

            GridView = new GridViewModel();
            GridView.PropertyChanged += (sender, args) => { RaisePropertyChangedEvent(nameof(Model)); };

        public static void SetDependentColors(Application app)
            Color mainBackgroundColor = (Color)app.Resources[Key_BackgroundColor];
            Color textColor           = (Color)app.Resources[Key_TextColor];

            app.Resources[Key_ContrastColor] = NamedColor.BlackOrWhiteForContrast(mainBackgroundColor);

            app.Resources[Key_DisabledTextColor] = NamedColor.BlendColors(mainBackgroundColor, textColor, 0.5);

            app.Resources[Key_backgroundTextBlend05PcColor] = NamedColor.BlendColors(mainBackgroundColor, textColor, 0.05);
            app.Resources[Key_backgroundTextBlend10PcColor] = NamedColor.BlendColors(mainBackgroundColor, textColor, 0.10);
            app.Resources[Key_backgroundTextBlend25PcColor] = NamedColor.BlendColors(mainBackgroundColor, textColor, 0.25);
            app.Resources[Key_backgroundTextBlend50PcColor] = NamedColor.BlendColors(mainBackgroundColor, textColor, 0.50);
            app.Resources[Key_backgroundTextBlend75PcColor] = NamedColor.BlendColors(mainBackgroundColor, textColor, 0.75);
            app.Resources[Key_backgroundTextBlend85PcColor] = NamedColor.BlendColors(mainBackgroundColor, textColor, 0.85);
            app.Resources[Key_backgroundTextBlend95PcColor] = NamedColor.BlendColors(mainBackgroundColor, textColor, 0.95);

            if (mainBackgroundColor == NamedColor.Black)
                app.Resources[Key_EntryBackgroundColor] = NamedColor.White;
                app.Resources[Key_EntryTextColor]       = NamedColor.Black;
                app.Resources[Key_EntryBackgroundColor] = mainBackgroundColor;
                app.Resources[Key_EntryTextColor]       = app.Resources[Key_TextColor];
Example #5
		public override Image GetImage(double maxEffectiveResolutionDpi, NamedColor foreColor, NamedColor backColor)
			int pixelDim = GetPixelDimensions(maxEffectiveResolutionDpi);
			Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(pixelDim, pixelDim, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
			using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp))
				using (var brush = new SolidBrush(backColor))
					g.FillRectangle(brush, new Rectangle(Point.Empty, bmp.Size));

				g.CompositingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.CompositingMode.SourceCopy; // we want the foreground color to be not influenced by the background color if we have a transparent foreground color

				using (Pen pen = new Pen(foreColor, (float)(pixelDim * _structureFactor)))
					pen.Alignment = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.PenAlignment.Center;
					g.DrawLine(pen, -1 * bmp.Width, -0.5f * bmp.Height, 1 * bmp.Width, 1.5f * bmp.Height);
					g.DrawLine(pen, 0 * bmp.Width, -0.5f * bmp.Height, 2 * bmp.Width, 1.5f * bmp.Height);
					g.DrawLine(pen, -1 * bmp.Width, 1.5f * bmp.Height, 1 * bmp.Width, -0.5f * bmp.Height);
					g.DrawLine(pen, 0 * bmp.Width, 1.5f * bmp.Height, 2 * bmp.Width, -0.5f * bmp.Height);

			return bmp;
Example #6
        private static BrushX GetShadowBrush(BrushX mainBrush)
            BrushX cachedShadowBrush = null;

            switch (mainBrush.BrushType)
            case BrushType.SolidBrush:
                cachedShadowBrush = new BrushX(NamedColor.FromArgb(mainBrush.Color.Color.A, 0, 0, 0));

            case BrushType.HatchBrush:
                cachedShadowBrush = new BrushX(NamedColor.FromArgb(mainBrush.Color.Color.A, 0, 0, 0));

            case BrushType.TextureBrush:
                cachedShadowBrush = new BrushX(NamedColors.Black);

            case BrushType.LinearGradientBrush:
            case BrushType.PathGradientBrush:
                cachedShadowBrush           = mainBrush.Clone();
                cachedShadowBrush.Color     = NamedColor.FromArgb(mainBrush.Color.Color.A, 0, 0, 0);
                cachedShadowBrush.BackColor = NamedColor.FromArgb(mainBrush.BackColor.Color.A, 0, 0, 0);
Example #7
 private void btnChange_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (CanChange)
         NamedColor origColor = SelectedNamedColor;
         string     name      = tbColorName.Text.Trim();
         Color      color     = ucColor.BackColor;
         origColor.Name  = name;
         origColor.Color = color;
         foreach (ListViewItem lvi in listView.Items)
             if (lvi.Tag == origColor)
                 lvi.Text = origColor.Name;
                 lvi.SubItems[1].BackColor = origColor.Color;
         if (app.GetControlsAttr(ControlsAttr.AutoSave))
             using (Context context = lib.GetContext()) origColor.Save(context);
         if (OnNamedColorChanged != null)
             OnNamedColorChanged(this, new NamedColorEventArgs(origColor));
Example #8
        public void RgbVersionReturnsNullForInvalidNames(string nameValue)
            var name = new NamedColor(nameValue);
            var rgb  = name.RedGreenBlue;

            Assert.That(rgb, Is.Null);
Example #9
        private async Task ConfirmColorAsync(NamedColor color)
            var parameters = new NavigationParameters();

            parameters.Add("color", color);
            await NavigationService.GoBackAsync(parameters);
Example #10
        private void ProcessFileLine(string sLine)
            int start = sLine.IndexOf("\t\t");

            if (start != -1)
                string colorName = FixName(sLine.Substring(start + 2));
                if (!IsKnownColor(colorName))
                    string colorValue = sLine.Substring(0, start).Trim();
                    colorValue = colorValue.Replace("  ", " ");
                    colorValue = colorValue.Replace("  ", " ");
                    colorValue = colorValue.Replace("  ", " ");
                    string[] colorValues = colorValue.Split(' ');
                    if ((colorValues.Length == 3) && (colorName.Length > 0))
                        NamedColor nc = new NamedColor
                            Name = colorName
                        byte red   = byte.Parse(colorValues[0]);
                        byte green = byte.Parse(colorValues[1]);
                        byte blue  = byte.Parse(colorValues[2]);
                        nc.Color = Color.FromArgb(red, green, blue);
                        if (!NamedColors.ContainsKey(nc.Name))
                            NamedColors.Add(nc.Name, nc);
Example #11
        public void NamedVersionIsItself()
            var original = new NamedColor("Derp");
            var copy     = original.Name;

            Assert.That(original, Is.SameAs(copy));
Example #12
        public override Image GetImage(double maxEffectiveResolutionDpi, NamedColor foreColor, NamedColor backColor)
            int pixelDim = GetPixelDimensions(maxEffectiveResolutionDpi);
            var bmp      = new Bitmap(pixelDim, pixelDim, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);

            using (var g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp))
                using (var brush = new SolidBrush(backColor))
                    g.FillRectangle(brush, new Rectangle(Point.Empty, bmp.Size));

                g.CompositingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.CompositingMode.SourceCopy; // we want the foreground color to be not influenced by the background color if we have a transparent foreground color

                using (var pen = new Pen(foreColor, (float)(pixelDim * _structureFactor)))
                    pen.Alignment = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.PenAlignment.Center;
                    g.DrawLine(pen, -1 * bmp.Width, -0.5f * bmp.Height, 1 * bmp.Width, 1.5f * bmp.Height);
                    g.DrawLine(pen, 0 * bmp.Width, -0.5f * bmp.Height, 2 * bmp.Width, 1.5f * bmp.Height);
                    g.DrawLine(pen, -1 * bmp.Width, 1.5f * bmp.Height, 1 * bmp.Width, -0.5f * bmp.Height);
                    g.DrawLine(pen, 0 * bmp.Width, 1.5f * bmp.Height, 2 * bmp.Width, -0.5f * bmp.Height);

Example #13
 public FilledRectangle(NamedColor c)
     _brush = new BrushX(c)
         ParentObject = this
Example #14
        public override Image GetImage(double maxEffectiveResolutionDpi, NamedColor foreColor, NamedColor backColor)
            int pixelDim = GetPixelDimensions(maxEffectiveResolutionDpi);
            var bmp      = new Bitmap(pixelDim, pixelDim, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);

            using (var g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp))
                using (var brush = new SolidBrush(backColor))
                    g.FillRectangle(brush, new Rectangle(Point.Empty, bmp.Size));

                g.CompositingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.CompositingMode.SourceCopy; // we want the foreground color to be not influenced by the background color if we have a transparent foreground color

                using (var brush = new SolidBrush(foreColor))
                    float s = (float)(pixelDim * _structureFactor);
                    float o = (float)(pixelDim * (0.25 - 0.5 * _structureFactor));
                    g.FillRectangle(brush, o, o, s, s);
                    g.FillRectangle(brush, o + 0.5f * pixelDim, o + 0.5f * pixelDim, s, s);

Example #15
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="HemisphericAmbientLight"/> class with default values.
 /// </summary>
 public HemisphericAmbientLight()
     _colorBelow            = NamedColors.White;
     _colorAbove            = NamedColors.White;
     _lightAmplitude        = 1;
     _directionBelowToAbove = new VectorD3D(0, 0, 1);
Example #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Shows the custom color dialog (if the <see cref="ShowPlotColorsOnly"/> property is set to <c>true</c>, this command will be ignored.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The sender of this event.</param>
        /// <param name="newColor">The user selected new color.</param>
        /// <returns><c>True</c> if the user has chosen a new color. Otherwise, <c>false</c>.</returns>
        protected virtual bool InternalShowCustomColorDialog(object sender, out NamedColor newColor)
            if (ShowPlotColorsOnly)
                newColor = InternalSelectedColor;

             *                var SelectedWpfColor = GuiHelper.ToWpf(InternalSelectedColor);
             *                ColorController ctrl = new ColorController(SelectedWpfColor);
             *                ctrl.ViewObject = new ColorPickerControl(SelectedWpfColor);
            var ctrl = new Gui.Drawing.ColorManagement.NamedColorController();

            if (Current.Gui.ShowDialog(ctrl, "Select a color", false))
                newColor = (NamedColor)ctrl.ModelObject;
                newColor = InternalSelectedColor;
Example #17
 public TextGraphic(double posX, double posY,
                    string text,
                    FontX textFont,
                    NamedColor textColor, double Rotation)
     : this(new PointD2D(posX, posY), text, textFont, textColor, Rotation)
Example #18
 public TextGraphic(PointD2D graphicPosition,
                    string text, FontX textFont,
                    NamedColor textColor, double Rotation)
     : this(graphicPosition, text, textFont, textColor)
     this.Rotation = Rotation;
Example #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SpotLight"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lightAmplitude">The light amplitude.</param>
        /// <param name="color">The color of light.</param>
        /// <param name="position">The position of the light.</param>
        /// <param name="directionToLight">The direction from the scene to the light.</param>
        /// <param name="range">The range of the light.</param>
        /// <param name="outerConeAngle">The outer cone angle in radians.</param>
        /// <param name="innerConeAngle">The inner cone angle in radians.</param>
        /// <param name="isAffixedToCamera">Value indicating whether the light source is affixed to the camera coordinate system or the world coordinate system.</param>
        public SpotLight(double lightAmplitude, NamedColor color, PointD3D position, VectorD3D directionToLight, double range, double outerConeAngle, double innerConeAngle, bool isAffixedToCamera)
            _isAffixedToCamera = isAffixedToCamera;

            VerifyLightAmplitude(lightAmplitude, nameof(lightAmplitude));
            _lightAmplitude = lightAmplitude;

            _color = color;

            VerifyPosition(position, nameof(position));
            _position = position;

            var dlen = VerifyDirection(directionToLight, nameof(directionToLight));

            _directionToLight = directionToLight / dlen;

            VerifyRange(range, nameof(range));
            _range = range;

            VerifyAngle(outerConeAngle, nameof(outerConeAngle));
            _outerConeAngle = outerConeAngle;

            VerifyAngle(innerConeAngle, nameof(innerConeAngle));
            _innerConeAngle = innerConeAngle;
 public SampleSettingsViewModel(IDictionary <string, object> dictionary)
     Name                 = GetDictionaryEntry <string>(dictionary, "Name");
     BirthDate            = GetDictionaryEntry(dictionary, "BirthDate", new DateTime(1980, 1, 1));
     CodesInCSharp        = GetDictionaryEntry <bool>(dictionary, "CodesInCSharp");
     NumberOfCopies       = GetDictionaryEntry(dictionary, "NumberOfCopies", 1.0);
     BackgroundNamedColor = NamedColor.Find(GetDictionaryEntry(dictionary, "BackgroundNamedColor", "White"));
Example #21
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SpotLight"/> class with default values.
 /// </summary>
 public SpotLight()
     _lightAmplitude   = 1;
     _color            = NamedColors.White;
     _range            = 1;
     _directionToLight = new VectorD3D(0, 0, -1);
     _outerConeAngle   = Math.PI / 2;
Example #22
 private void EhFrameColorChanged(NamedColor obj)
     if (null != _doc.Frame)
         _doc = _doc.WithFrame(_doc.Frame.WithColor(obj));
         _view.ScatterSymbolForPreview = _doc;
Example #23
 public TextGraphic(PointD3D graphicPosition, string text, FontX3D textFont, NamedColor textColor)
     : base(new ItemLocationDirectAutoSize())
     SetPosition(graphicPosition, Main.EventFiring.Suppressed);
     Font  = textFont;
     Text  = text;
     Color = textColor;
Example #24
        public void ShouldInitializeProperties()
            NamedColor color = new NamedColor("color", Colors.AliceBlue);

            Assert.AreEqual <string>("color", color.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual <Color>(Colors.AliceBlue, color.Color);
Example #25
 private void EhInsetColorChanged(NamedColor obj)
     if (null != _doc.Inset)
         _doc = _doc.WithInset(_doc.Inset.WithColor(obj));
         _view.ScatterSymbolForPreview = _doc;
Example #26
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="DyeColor"></param>
 public override void dyeColor(NamedColor DyeColor)
     foreach (KeyValuePair <Vector2, StardewValley.Object> pair in this.objects)
         (pair.Value as CustomObject).dyeColor(DyeColor);
     this.info.DyedColor = DyeColor;
Example #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the brushes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="scatterSymbol">ScatterSymbol, already processed via <see cref="CalculateOverriddenScatterSymbol"/></param>
        /// <param name="plotColor">The current plot color.</param>
        /// <param name="cachedPathData">The cached path data.</param>
        /// <param name="cachedBrushData">Cached brush data, which will be filled-in during this call..</param>
        /// <returns>True if new cached brush data were calculated; false if the cached data were up-to-date.</returns>
        private bool CalculateBrushes(IScatterSymbol scatterSymbol, NamedColor plotColor, CachedPathData cachedPathData, ref CachedBrushData cachedBrushData)
            if (plotColor == cachedBrushData.PlotColor)
                return(false); // cached data valid and could be reused;
            cachedBrushData.PlotColor = plotColor;

            var plotColorInfluence = _overridePlotColorInfluence ?? scatterSymbol.PlotColorInfluence;

            if (null != cachedPathData.InsetPath)
                var insetColor = _overrideInsetColor ?? scatterSymbol.Inset.Color;
                if (plotColorInfluence.HasFlag(PlotColorInfluence.InsetColorFull))
                    insetColor = plotColor;
                else if (plotColorInfluence.HasFlag(PlotColorInfluence.InsetColorPreserveAlpha))
                    insetColor = plotColor.NewWithAlphaValue(insetColor.Color.A);

                cachedBrushData.InsetBrush = new SolidBrush(insetColor);

            if (null != cachedPathData.FillPath)
                var fillColor = _overrideFillColor ?? scatterSymbol.FillColor;
                if (plotColorInfluence.HasFlag(PlotColorInfluence.FillColorFull))
                    fillColor = plotColor;
                else if (plotColorInfluence.HasFlag(PlotColorInfluence.FillColorPreserveAlpha))
                    fillColor = plotColor.NewWithAlphaValue(fillColor.Color.A);

                cachedBrushData.FillBrush = new SolidBrush(fillColor);

            if (null != cachedPathData.FramePath)
                var frameColor = _overrideFrameColor ?? scatterSymbol.Frame.Color;
                if (plotColorInfluence.HasFlag(PlotColorInfluence.FrameColorFull))
                    frameColor = plotColor;
                else if (plotColorInfluence.HasFlag(PlotColorInfluence.FrameColorPreserveAlpha))
                    frameColor = plotColor.NewWithAlphaValue(frameColor.Color.A);

                cachedBrushData.FrameBrush = new SolidBrush(frameColor);

Example #28
        private static void UpdateThemeColorMonos(NamedColor c)
            var allAffected = ResourcesV2.FindAllInScene <ThemeColor>().Filter(x => x._colorName == c.colorName);

            foreach (var themeColor in allAffected)
Example #29
        public void RgbVersionWorks(string nameValue, byte red, byte green, byte blue)
            var name = new NamedColor(nameValue);
            var rgb  = name.RedGreenBlue;

            Assert.That(rgb.Red, Is.EqualTo(red));
            Assert.That(rgb.Green, Is.EqualTo(green));
            Assert.That(rgb.Blue, Is.EqualTo(blue));
Example #30
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates and then validates a Hankies Pattern
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">This pattern's unique ID</param>
        /// <param name="createdAt">When this pattern was originaly created
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="name">A name for this patter that is dispayed to
        /// customers</param>
        /// <param name="location">The URI location of this pattern's SVG image</param>
        /// <param name="color">If this pattern has a color detail that should
        /// be appiled to the SVG.</param>
        public Pattern(Guid id, DateTimeOffset createdAt, string name,
                       Uri location, NamedColor color) : base(id, createdAt)
            Name     = name;
            Location = location;
            Color    = color;

Example #31
 public ColorGroupStyle(ColorGroupStyle from)
     _isStepEnabled     = from._isStepEnabled;
     _isInitialized     = from._isInitialized;
     _listOfValues      = from._listOfValues;
     _colorIndex        = from._colorIndex;
     _cachedColor       = from._cachedColor;
     _isLocalGroupStyle = from._isLocalGroupStyle;
Example #32
		public FrameBase WithColor(NamedColor value)
			if (_color == value)
				return this;
				var result = (FrameBase)this.MemberwiseClone();
				result._color = value;
				return result;
Example #33
		public ColorProviderBase()
			this._colorBelow = NamedColors.Black;
			this._cachedGdiColorBelow = NamedColors.Black;

			this._colorAbove = NamedColors.Snow;
			this._cachedGdiColorAbove = NamedColors.Snow;

			this._colorInvalid = NamedColors.Transparent;
			this._cachedGdiColorInvalid = NamedColors.Transparent;

			_alphaChannel = 255;
			_colorSteps = 0;
Example #34
		public static ColorProviderBGMYR NewFromColorBelowAboveInvalidAndTransparency(NamedColor colorBelow, NamedColor colorAbove, NamedColor colorInvalid, double transparency)
			var result = new ColorProviderBGMYR();
			result._colorBelow = colorBelow;
			result._cachedGdiColorBelow = colorBelow;

			result._colorAbove = colorAbove;
			result._cachedGdiColorAbove = colorAbove;

			result._colorInvalid = colorInvalid;
			result._cachedGdiColorInvalid = colorInvalid;

			result._alphaChannel = GetAlphaFromTransparency(transparency);

			return result;
Example #35
		public override Image GetImage(double maxEffectiveResolutionDpi, NamedColor foreColor, NamedColor backColor)
			int pixelDim = GetPixelDimensions(maxEffectiveResolutionDpi);
			Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(pixelDim, pixelDim, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
			using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp))
				using (var brush = new SolidBrush(backColor))
					g.FillRectangle(brush, new Rectangle(Point.Empty, bmp.Size));

				g.CompositingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.CompositingMode.SourceCopy; // we want the foreground color to be not influenced by the background color if we have a transparent foreground color

				using (var brush = new SolidBrush(foreColor))
					float s = (float)(0.5 * pixelDim - pixelDim * _structureFactor);
					var points = new PointF[] { new PointF(s, 0.5f * pixelDim), new PointF(0.5f * pixelDim, s), new PointF(pixelDim - s, 0.5f * pixelDim), new PointF(0.5f * pixelDim, pixelDim - s) };
					g.FillPolygon(brush, points);

			return bmp;
Example #36
		public override Image GetImage(double maxEffectiveResolutionDpi, NamedColor foreColor, NamedColor backColor)
			int pixelDim = GetPixelDimensions(maxEffectiveResolutionDpi);
			Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(pixelDim, pixelDim, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
			bmp.SetResolution(2000, 2000);
			using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp))
				using (var brush = new SolidBrush(backColor))
					g.FillRectangle(brush, new Rectangle(Point.Empty, bmp.Size));

				g.CompositingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.CompositingMode.SourceCopy; // we want the foreground color to be not influenced by the background color if we have a transparent foreground color

				using (var brush = new SolidBrush(foreColor))
					double w = pixelDim * _structureFactor;
					double s = 0.5 * (pixelDim - w);
					g.FillEllipse(brush, (float)s, (float)s, (float)w, (float)w);

			return bmp;
Example #37
		public LineShape(PointD3D startPosition, PointD3D endPosition, double lineWidth, NamedColor lineColor)
			this(startPosition, null)
			this._location.SizeX = RADouble.NewAbs(endPosition.X - startPosition.X);
			this._location.SizeY = RADouble.NewAbs(endPosition.Y - startPosition.Y);
			this._location.SizeZ = RADouble.NewAbs(endPosition.Z - startPosition.Z);
			_linePen = _linePen.WithUniformThickness(lineWidth).WithColor(lineColor);
Example #38
		public bool Remove(NamedColor item)
			throw new NotImplementedException();
Example #39
			public object Deserialize(object o, Altaxo.Serialization.Xml.IXmlDeserializationInfo info, object parent)
				string colorSetName = info.GetString("Name");
				var colorSetLevel = (Altaxo.Main.ItemDefinitionLevel)info.GetEnum("Level", typeof(Altaxo.Main.ItemDefinitionLevel));
				var creationDate = info.GetDateTime("CreationDate");
				var isPlotColorSet = info.GetBoolean("IsPlotColorSet");

				int count = info.OpenArray("Colors");
				var colors = new NamedColor[count];
				for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
					string name = info.GetStringAttribute("Name");
					string cvalue = info.GetString("e");
					colors[i] = new NamedColor(AxoColor.FromInvariantString(cvalue), name);


				return new ColorSet(colorSetName, colors);
Example #40
		public bool Contains(NamedColor item)
			return _innerList.Contains(item);
Example #41
		public void CopyTo(NamedColor[] array, int arrayIndex)
			_innerList.CopyTo(array, arrayIndex);
Example #42
		public void Insert(int index, NamedColor item)
			throw new NotImplementedException();
Example #43
		public void Add(NamedColor item)
			throw new NotImplementedException();
Example #44
		/// <summary>
		/// Tries to find a color with the color and the name of the given named color.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="colorValue">The color value to find.</param>
		/// <param name="colorName">The color name to find.</param>
		/// <param name="namedColor">On return, if a color with the same color value and name is found in the collection, that color is returned.</param>
		/// <returns>
		///   <c>True</c>, if the color with the given color value and name is found in this collection. Otherwise, <c>false</c> is returned.
		/// </returns>
		public bool TryGetValue(AxoColor colorValue, string colorName, out NamedColor namedColor)
			int idx;
			if (_namecolorToIndexDictionary.Value.TryGetValue(new ColorNameKey(colorValue, colorName), out idx))
				namedColor = this._innerList[idx];
				return true;
				namedColor = default(NamedColor);
				return false;
Example #45
		/// <summary>
		/// Get the index of the given color in the ColorSet.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="color">The color.</param>
		/// <returns>The index of the color in the set. If the color is not found in the set, a negative value is returned.</returns>
		public virtual int IndexOf(NamedColor color)
			int idx;
			if (_namecolorToIndexDictionary.Value.TryGetValue(new ColorNameKey(color.Color, color.Name), out idx))
				return idx;
				return -1;
Example #46
		/// <summary>
		/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="DirectionalLight"/> class with default values.
		/// </summary>
		public DirectionalLight()
			_lightAmplitude = 1;
			_color = NamedColors.White;
			_directionToLight = new VectorD3D(-Math.Sqrt(0.25), -Math.Sqrt(0.25), Math.Sqrt(0.5));
Example #47
 public static NamedColorValue Parse(NamedColor color)
     return new NamedColorValue(color);
Example #48
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets a new instance of <see cref="DirectionalLight"/> with the provided value for <see cref="Color"/>.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="color">The new value for <see cref="Color"/>.</param>
		/// <returns>New instance of <see cref="DirectionalLight"/> with the provided value for <see cref="Color"/></returns>
		public DirectionalLight WithColor(NamedColor color)
			if (!(color == _color))
				var result = (DirectionalLight)this.MemberwiseClone();
				result._color = color;
				return result;
				return this;
Example #49
		public Square(NamedColor fillColor, bool isFillColorInfluencedByPlotColor)
			: base(fillColor, isFillColorInfluencedByPlotColor)
Example #50
		/// <summary>
		/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="DirectionalLight"/> class.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="lightAmplitude">The light amplitude.</param>
		/// <param name="color">The color of light.</param>
		/// <param name="directionToLight">The direction from the scene to the light.</param>
		/// <param name="isAffixedToCamera">Value indicating whether the light source is affixed to the camera coordinate system or the world coordinate system.</param>
		public DirectionalLight(double lightAmplitude, NamedColor color, VectorD3D directionToLight, bool isAffixedToCamera)
			_isAffixedToCamera = isAffixedToCamera;

			VerifyLightAmplitude(lightAmplitude, nameof(lightAmplitude));
			_lightAmplitude = lightAmplitude;

			_color = color;

			var len = VerifyDirection(directionToLight, nameof(directionToLight));
			_directionToLight = directionToLight / len;
Example #51
		public LineShape(PointD2D startPosition, PointD2D endPosition, double lineWidth, NamedColor lineColor)
			this(startPosition, null)
			this._location.SizeX = RADouble.NewAbs(endPosition.X - startPosition.X);
			this._location.SizeY = RADouble.NewAbs(endPosition.Y - startPosition.Y);
			this.Pen.Width = (float)lineWidth;
			this.Pen.Color = lineColor;
Example #52
		public LineShape(double startX, double startY, double endX, double endY, double lineWidth, NamedColor lineColor)
			this(new PointD2D(startX, startY), new PointD2D(endX, endY), null)
			this.Pen.Width = (float)lineWidth;
			this.Pen.Color = lineColor;
Example #53
		public IMaterial WithColor(NamedColor color)
			return this;
Example #54
		private ColorSet(Altaxo.Serialization.Xml.IXmlDeserializationInfo info)
			_name = info.GetString("Name");

			int count = info.OpenArray("Colors");
			_innerList = new NamedColor[count];
			for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
				string name = info.GetStringAttribute("Name");
				string cvalue = info.GetString("e");
				_innerList[i] = new NamedColor(AxoColor.FromInvariantString(cvalue), name, this);

Example #55
		public TextGraphic(PointD2D graphicPosition, string text,
			FontX textFont, NamedColor textColor)
			: base(new ItemLocationDirectAutoSize())
			this.SetPosition(graphicPosition, Main.EventFiring.Suppressed);
			this.Font = textFont;
			this.Text = text;
			this.Color = textColor;
Example #56
 internal NamedColorValue(NamedColor color)
     Color = color;
Example #57
		public TextGraphic(PointD2D graphicPosition,
			string text, FontX textFont,
			NamedColor textColor, double Rotation)
			: this(graphicPosition, text, textFont, textColor)
			this.Rotation = Rotation;
Example #58
		public TextGraphic(double posX, double posY,
			string text,
			FontX textFont,
			NamedColor textColor, double Rotation)
			: this(new PointD2D(posX, posY), text, textFont, textColor, Rotation)
Example #59
		public abstract Image GetImage(double maxEffectiveResolutionDpi, NamedColor foreColor, NamedColor backColor);
Example #60
		public abstract IMaterial WithColor(NamedColor color);