Example #1
 public void addActionTemplate(Name a, int p)
     if (!actions.ContainsKey(a))
         actions.Add(a, new List <Effect>());
         actionNames.Add(new KeyValuePair <Name, Name>(a, a));
         priorityRules.Add(a, p);
 public void Add_FilledNameSearchTree_False(string name, string value)
     var tree = new NameSearchTree<string>();
     Assert.Throws<DuplicatedKeyException>(() =>
         tree.Add(Name.BuildName(name), value);
         tree.Add(Name.BuildName(name), String.Empty);
        public void Add_FilledNameSearchTree_False(string name, string value)
            var tree = new NameSearchTree <string>();

            Assert.Throws <Exception>(() =>
                tree.Add(Name.BuildName(name), value);
                tree.Add(Name.BuildName(name), String.Empty);
 public void Add_FilledNameSearchTree_False(string name, string value)
     for (int i = 0; i < rep; i++)
         var tree = new NameSearchTree <string>();
         Assert.Throws <DuplicatedKeyException>(() =>
             tree.Add(Name.BuildName(name), value);
             tree.Add(Name.BuildName(name), String.Empty);
        public void Special_Test_For_Bug_22_11_2017()
            for (int i = 0; i < rep; i++)
                var tree = new NameSearchTree <byte>();

                var n1    = (Name)"Speak(-,end,Meanings(a(b),c(d)),t)";
                var n2    = (Name)"Speak(-,end,Meanings(a(c),e),t)";
                var test1 = (Name)"Speak(-,end,*,t)";

                tree.Add(n1, 0);
                tree.Add(n2, 0);
                Assert.IsTrue(tree.Unify(test1).All(r => r.Item1 == 0));
Example #6
        public void SetObjectData(ISerializationData dataHolder, ISerializationContext context)
            actions       = new Dictionary <Name, List <Effect> >();
            priorityRules = new Dictionary <Name, int>();

            var actionsJson = dataHolder.GetValue <Dictionary <Name, List <Effect> > >("Effects");

            foreach (var k in actionsJson.Keys)
                if (actionsJson[k] != null)
                    actions.Add(k, actionsJson[k]);

            priorityRules = dataHolder.GetValue <Dictionary <Name, int> >("Priorities");

            actionNames = new NameSearchTree <Name>();

            foreach (var k in actions.Keys)
                actionNames.Add(new KeyValuePair <Name, Name>(k, k));
Example #7
		public void SetPerspective(Name newPerspective)
				throw new ArgumentException("Only primitive symbols are allowed to be perspectives.");

			if(newPerspective == Name.NIL_SYMBOL)
				throw new ArgumentException("NIL symbol cannot be used as a perspective.");

			if (newPerspective == Name.SELF_SYMBOL)
				throw new ArgumentException("SELF symbol cannot be set as a default a perspectives.");

			if (newPerspective==Perspective)

				throw new ArgumentException($"The is already beliefs containing perspectives for {newPerspective}. Changing to the requested perspective would result in belief conflicts.");

			//Modify believes to reflect perspective changes
			var newStorage = new NameSearchTree<KnowledgeEntry>();
			foreach (var entry in m_knowledgeStorage)
				var newProperty = entry.Key.SwapTerms(Perspective, newPerspective);
			m_knowledgeStorage = newStorage;
			Perspective = newPerspective;
        public void Contains_NameSearchTreeThatContainsName_True(string name, string value)
            var tree = new NameSearchTree <string>();

            tree.Add(Name.BuildName(name), value);
Example #9
        private void internal_RegistDynamicProperty(Name propertyName, MethodInfo surogate, DynamicPropertyCalculator converted)
            if (!propertyName.IsPrimitive)
                throw new ArgumentException("The property name must be a primitive symbol.", nameof(propertyName));

            var p = surogate.GetParameters();
            var propertyParameters = p.Skip(1).Select(p2 => Name.BuildName("[" + p2.Name + "]")).ToArray();
            var template           = Name.BuildName(propertyParameters.Prepend(propertyName));

            var r = m_dynamicProperties.Unify(template).FirstOrDefault();

            if (r != null)
                var t = r.Item1.DeclaringType;
                if (t == surogate.DeclaringType)

                throw new ArgumentException("There is already a registed property with the name " + propertyName + " that receives " + (p.Length - 3) + "parameters.");

            if (_willCollideDelegate(template))
                throw new ArgumentException("There are already stored property values that will collide with the given dynamic property.");

            m_dynamicProperties.Add(template, new DynamicKnowledgeEntry(converted, propertyParameters, surogate.DeclaringType));
 public void Add_EmptyNameSearchTree_True(string name, string value)
     for (int i = 0; i < rep; i++)
         var tree = new NameSearchTree <string>();
         tree.Add(Name.BuildName(name), value);
Example #11
        private IEnumerable <DynamicPropertyResult> LastEventIdPropertyCalculator(IQueryContext context, Name type, Name subject, Name def, Name target)
            ulong min = ulong.MinValue;

            var allEvents = m_registry.Values;

            foreach (var eve in allEvents)
                if (eve.Timestamp >= min)
                    min = eve.Timestamp;

            var lastEvents = m_registry.Where(x => x.Value.Timestamp == min);

            var lastIndexes = new NameSearchTree <List <uint> >();

            //  Now we get a similar object as m_typeIndexes but only with the last events
            foreach (var ind in m_typeIndexes)
                foreach (var eve in lastEvents)
                    if (ind.Key.ToString() == eve.Value.EventName.ToString() && !lastIndexes.Contains(ind))

            // Now that we have the events of the last tick we can now ask the context

            var key = Name.BuildName((Name)AMConsts.EVENT, type, subject, def, target);

            foreach (var c in context.Constraints)
                var unifiedSet = lastIndexes.Unify(key, c);
                foreach (var pair in unifiedSet)
                    foreach (var id in pair.Item1)
                        yield return(new DynamicPropertyResult(new ComplexValue(Name.BuildName(id)), new SubstitutionSet(pair.Item2)));

                if (!unifiedSet.Any())
                    yield return(new DynamicPropertyResult(new ComplexValue(Name.BuildName(-1)), c));
Example #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds an emotional reaction to an event
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="emotionalAppraisalRule">the AppraisalRule to add</param>
        public void AddOrUpdateAppraisalRule(AppraisalRuleDTO emotionalAppraisalRuleDTO)
            AppraisalRule existingRule     = null;
            var           existingRulePair = findExistingAppraisalRule(emotionalAppraisalRuleDTO.Id, out existingRule);

            if (existingRule == null)
                this.AddEmotionalReaction(new AppraisalRule(emotionalAppraisalRuleDTO));
                existingRule.Desirability     = emotionalAppraisalRuleDTO.Desirability;
                existingRule.Praiseworthiness = emotionalAppraisalRuleDTO.Praiseworthiness;
                existingRule.EventName        = Name.BuildName(emotionalAppraisalRuleDTO.EventMatchingTemplate);
                Rules.Add(existingRule.EventName, existingRulePair.Value);
        public void Remove_NameSearchTreeThatContainsName_True(string name, string value)
            var tree = new NameSearchTree <string>();

            tree.Add(Name.BuildName(name), value);
            var removeSuccess = tree.Remove(Name.BuildName(name));

            private static NameSearchTree <int> BuildInput()
                NameSearchTree <int> dict = new NameSearchTree <int>();

                for (int i = 0; i < inputStrings.Length; i++)
                    dict.Add(Name.BuildName(inputStrings[i]), i);
Example #15
        public void AddEmotionalReaction(AppraisalRule appraisalRule)
            var name = appraisalRule.EventName;

            HashSet <AppraisalRule> ruleSet;

            if (!Rules.TryGetValue(name, out ruleSet))
                ruleSet = new HashSet <AppraisalRule>();
                Rules.Add(name, ruleSet);
Example #16
        public void AddClaim(ClaimDTO claim)
            Name n = null;

                n = (Name)claim.ActionTemplate;
                m_claimTree.Add(n, claim.ClaimSI);
            catch (DuplicatedKeyException)
                throw new Exception($"There is already a claim associated to the action template \"{n}\"");
        public void LoadFromDTO(SocialImportanceDTO dto)
            m_attributionRules = dto.AttributionRules.Select(adto => new AttributionRule(adto)).ToArray();

            if (dto.Claims != null)
                foreach (var c in dto.Claims)
                    var n = Name.BuildName(c.ActionTemplate);
                    m_claimTree.Add(n, c.ClaimSI);

            //TODO load the rest
Example #18
        public void AddDialog(DialogStateAction action)
            if (m_dialogDictionary.ContainsKey(action.Id))
                throw new Exception($"Duplicate Dialog State Action with the same id \"{action.Id}\"");

            var key = action.BuildSpeakAction();
            HashSet <DialogStateAction> set;

            if (!m_nameToDialogues.TryGetValue(key, out set))
                set = new HashSet <DialogStateAction>();
                m_nameToDialogues.Add(key, set);
            m_dialogDictionary[action.Id] = action;
Example #19
        public void SetObjectData(ISerializationData dataHolder, ISerializationContext context)
            m_attributionRules = new HashSet <AttributionRule>(dataHolder.GetValue <AttributionRule[]>("AttributionRules"));

            foreach (var rule in m_attributionRules)
                rule.GUID = Guid.NewGuid();

            var claims = dataHolder.GetValue <ClaimDTO[]>("Claims");

            m_claimTree = new NameSearchTree <uint>();
            foreach (var c in claims)
                m_claimTree.Add(Name.BuildName(c.ActionTemplate), c.ClaimSI);

            m_cachedSI = new NameSearchTree <NameSearchTree <float> >();
Example #20
        public void RegistDynamicProperty(Name propertyTemplate, DynamicPropertyCalculator surogate, IEnumerable <string> arguments)
            if (surogate == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(surogate));

            if (propertyTemplate.IsGrounded)
                throw new ArgumentException("Grounded names cannot be used as dynamic properties", nameof(propertyTemplate));

            var r = m_dynamicProperties.Unify(propertyTemplate).FirstOrDefault();

            if (r != null)
                throw new ArgumentException(
                          $"The given template {propertyTemplate} will collide with already registed {propertyTemplate.MakeGround(r.Item2)} dynamic property", nameof(propertyTemplate));

            if (m_knowledgeStorage.Unify(propertyTemplate).Any())
                throw new ArgumentException($"The given template {propertyTemplate} will collide with stored constant properties", nameof(propertyTemplate));

            Name[] args;
            if (arguments == null)
                args = new Name[0];
                args = arguments.Distinct().Select(s => Name.BuildName("[" + s + "]")).ToArray();
            m_dynamicProperties.Add(propertyTemplate, new DynamicKnowledgeEntry(surogate, args));
 public void Remove_NameSearchTreeThatContainsName_True(string name, string value)
     var tree = new NameSearchTree<string>();
     tree.Add(Name.BuildName(name), value);
     var removeSuccess = tree.Remove(Name.BuildName(name));
Example #22
        public void SetPerspective(Name newPerspective)
                throw new ArgumentException("Only primitive symbols are allowed to be perspectives.");

            if(newPerspective == Name.NIL_SYMBOL)
                throw new ArgumentException("NIL symbol cannot be used as a perspective.");

            if (newPerspective == Name.SELF_SYMBOL)
                throw new ArgumentException("SELF symbol cannot be set as a default a perspectives.");

            if (newPerspective==Perspective)

                throw new ArgumentException($"The is already beliefs containing perspectives for {newPerspective}. Changing to the requested perspective would result in belief conflicts.");

            //Modify believes to reflect perspective changes
            var newStorage = new NameSearchTree<KnowledgeEntry>();
            foreach (var entry in m_knowledgeStorage)
                var newProperty = entry.Key.SwapTerms(Perspective, newPerspective);
            m_knowledgeStorage = newStorage;
            Perspective = newPerspective;
        public void Special_Test_For_Bug_22_11_2017()
            var tree = new NameSearchTree<byte>();

            var n1 = (Name) "Speak(-,end,Meanings(a(b),c(d)),t)";
            var n2 = (Name)"Speak(-,end,Meanings(a(c),e),t)";
            var test1 = (Name)"Speak(-,end,*,t)";

            tree.Add(n2, 0);
            Assert.IsTrue(tree.Unify(test1).All(r => r.Item1 == 0));
 public void Add_EmptyNameSearchTree_True(string name, string value)
     var tree = new NameSearchTree<string>();
     tree.Add(Name.BuildName(name), value);
 private static NameSearchTree<int> BuildInput()
     NameSearchTree<int> dict = new NameSearchTree<int>();
     for (int i = 0; i < inputStrings.Length; i++)
         dict.Add(Name.BuildName(inputStrings[i]), i);
     return dict;
 public void Contains_NameSearchTreeThatContainsName_True(string name, string value)
     var tree = new NameSearchTree<string>();
     tree.Add(Name.BuildName(name), value);