/// <summary>Updates the specified NWService.Dal.EntityClasses.CustomerEntity entity with the values stored in the dto object specified</summary>
 /// <param name="toUpdate">the entity instance to update.</param>
 /// <param name="dto">The dto object containing the source values.</param>
 /// <remarks>The PK field of toUpdate is set only if it's not marked as readonly.</remarks>
 public static void UpdateFromCustomer(this NWService.Dal.EntityClasses.CustomerEntity toUpdate, NWService.Dtos.DtoClasses.Customer dto)
     if ((toUpdate == null) || (dto == null))
     toUpdate.Address      = dto.Address;
     toUpdate.City         = dto.City;
     toUpdate.CompanyName  = dto.CompanyName;
     toUpdate.ContactName  = dto.ContactName;
     toUpdate.ContactTitle = dto.ContactTitle;
     toUpdate.Country      = dto.Country;
     toUpdate.CustomerId   = dto.CustomerId;
     toUpdate.Fax          = dto.Fax;
     toUpdate.Phone        = dto.Phone;
     toUpdate.PostalCode   = dto.PostalCode;
     toUpdate.Region       = dto.Region;
 /// <summary>Creates a primary key predicate to be used in a Where() clause in a Linq query which is executed on the database to fetch the original entity instance the specified <see cref="dto"/> object was projected from.</summary>
 /// <param name="dto">The dto object for which the primary key predicate has to be created for.</param>
 /// <returns>ready to use expression</returns>
 public static System.Linq.Expressions.Expression <Func <NWService.Dal.EntityClasses.CustomerEntity, bool> > CreatePkPredicate(NWService.Dtos.DtoClasses.Customer dto)
     return(p__0 => p__0.CustomerId == dto.CustomerId);
 /// <summary>Creates a primary key predicate to be used in a Where() clause in a Linq query on an IEnumerable in-memory set of entity instances to retrieve the original entity instance the specified <see cref="dto"/> object was projected from.</summary>
 /// <param name="dto">The dto object for which the primary key predicate has to be created for.</param>
 /// <returns>ready to use func</returns>
 public static Func <NWService.Dal.EntityClasses.CustomerEntity, bool> CreateInMemoryPkPredicate(NWService.Dtos.DtoClasses.Customer dto)
     return(p__0 => p__0.CustomerId == dto.CustomerId);