Example #1
        public override void Read(string file)
            // It's compressed
            string  dec_file;
            sFolder dec_folder = pluginHost.Get_Files();

            if (dec_folder.files is List <sFile> )
                dec_file = dec_folder.files[0].path;
                string tempFile     = Path.GetTempFileName();
                Byte[] compressFile = new Byte[(new FileInfo(file).Length) - 0x08];
                Array.Copy(File.ReadAllBytes(file), 0x08, compressFile, 0, compressFile.Length);;
                File.WriteAllBytes(tempFile, compressFile);

                dec_file = pluginHost.Get_Files().files[0].path;

            BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(File.OpenRead(dec_file));

            NTFS[] map = new NTFS[br.BaseStream.Length / 2];
            for (int i = 0; i < map.Length; i++)
                map[i] = Actions.MapInfo(br.ReadUInt16());

            Set_Map(map, false, 0x100, 0x100);
Example #2
File: SLZ.cs Project: MetLob/tinke
        public override void Read(string file)
            // It's compressed
            string dec_file;
            sFolder dec_folder = pluginHost.Get_Files();

            if (dec_folder.files is List<sFile>)
                dec_file = dec_folder.files[0].path;
                string tempFile = Path.GetTempFileName();
                Byte[] compressFile = new Byte[(new FileInfo(file).Length) - 0x08];
                Array.Copy(File.ReadAllBytes(file), 0x08, compressFile, 0, compressFile.Length); ;
                File.WriteAllBytes(tempFile, compressFile);

                dec_file = pluginHost.Get_Files().files[0].path;

            BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(File.OpenRead(dec_file));
            NTFS[] map = new NTFS[br.BaseStream.Length / 2];
            for (int i = 0; i < map.Length; i++)
                map[i] = Actions.MapInfo(br.ReadUInt16());

            Set_Map(map, false, 0x100, 0x100);
Example #3
        public override void Read(string file)
            BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(File.OpenRead(file));

            scx = new sSCx();

            scx.type     = br.ReadChars(4);
            scx.unknown1 = br.ReadUInt32();
            scx.unknown2 = br.ReadUInt32();
            scx.unknown3 = br.ReadUInt32();    // Usually 0x00
            scx.unknown4 = br.ReadUInt32();

            ushort width  = br.ReadUInt16();
            ushort height = br.ReadUInt16();

            scx.size_mapData2 = br.ReadUInt32();   // Is alway the same?
            scx.size_mapData  = br.ReadUInt32();

            NTFS[] map = new NTFS[scx.size_mapData / 2];
            for (int i = 0; i < map.Length; i++)
                map[i] = Actions.MapInfo(br.ReadUInt16());

            Set_Map(map, false, width, height);
Example #4
        public void Get_Image(string fileIn)
            BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(File.OpenRead(fileIn));

            // Palette
            uint num_colors = br.ReadUInt32();

            Color[][] colors = new Color[1][];
            colors[0] = Actions.BGR555ToColor(br.ReadBytes((int)num_colors * 2));

            // Image data
            uint num_tiles = /*(ushort)*/ br.ReadUInt32();

            byte[] tiles = br.ReadBytes((int)num_tiles * 0x40);

            // Map Info
            ushort width  = (ushort)(br.ReadUInt16() * 8);
            ushort height = (ushort)(br.ReadUInt16() * 8);

            NTFS[] map = new NTFS[width * height / 0x40];

            for (int i = 0; i < map.Length; i++)
                map[i] = Actions.MapInfo(br.ReadUInt16());


            palette = new RawPalette(colors, true, ColorFormat.colors256);
            image   = new RawImage(tiles, TileForm.Horizontal, ColorFormat.colors256, width, height, true);
            Set_Map(map, true, width, height);
Example #5
        public bool ProcessFile(string filePath)
            long ms = (long)NTFS.InfoFromPath(filePath);

            if (ms >= 0)
                TermQuery q    = new TermQuery(new Term("path", filePath));
                TopDocs   hits = _index_searcher.Search(q, 1);
                if (hits.totalHits >= 1)
                    Document      doc    = _index_searcher.Doc(hits.scoreDocs.First().doc);
                    System.String mod    = doc.Get("modified");
                    bool          bypass = (mod == DateTools.TimeToString((long)ms, DateTools.Resolution.MINUTE));
                    if (!bypass)
                        _upd_file_list.Add(new BasicFileInfo(filePath, ms));
                    _add_file_list.Add(new BasicFileInfo(filePath, ms));
Example #6
        public void Read(string fileIn, int offset, int size, bool editable)
            BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(File.OpenRead(fileIn));

            prev_data = br.ReadBytes(offset);

            int file_size;

            if (size <= 0)
                file_size = (int)br.BaseStream.Length;
                file_size = size;

            NTFS[] map = new NTFS[file_size / 2];
            for (int i = 0; i < map.Length; i++)
                map[i] = Actions.MapInfo(br.ReadUInt16());

            next_data = br.ReadBytes((int)(br.BaseStream.Length - file_size));

            int width  = (map.Length * 8 >= 0x100 ? 0x100 : map.Length * 8);
            int height = (map.Length / (width / 8)) * 8;

            Set_Map(map, editable, width, height);
Example #7
        private void поискToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (folderBrowserDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)                                                                  // Если выбрали катало
                string   fileName = folderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath;                                                                 // путь к выбранному каталогу
                string[] catalogs = fileName.Split(new char[] { Path.DirectorySeparatorChar }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); //Разбиваем полный путь на имена каталогов

                NTFS ntfs = new NTFS(catalogs[0]);                                                                                     // создаем объектное представление файловой системы логического диска

                int nextRecord = 5;                                                                                                    // 5 запись -- корневой каталог, поиск начинаем с него
                MFT root;                                                                                                              // переменная для хранения текущего каталога
                for (int i = 1; i < catalogs.Length; i++)
                    root       = ntfs.GetMftRecord(nextRecord);  // читаем следующую запись МФТ со всеми аттрибутами, включая INDEX_ROOT и INDEX_ALLOCATION
                    nextRecord = FoundSubdir(root, catalogs[i]); // Ищем номер записи МФТ следующего каталога

                MFT catalog = ntfs.GetMftRecord(nextRecord); // Читаем запись найденного каталога
                display = new List <DisplayMFT>();
                display.Add(new DisplayMFT(catalog));        // Первым отображается запись самого каталога
                foreach (var index in catalog.Indexes)
                    display.Add(new DisplayMFT(ntfs.GetMftRecord((int)index.IndexedFile))); // добавляем в отображаемые записи сведения о файле в каталоге

                dataGridView1.DataSource = null;
                dataGridView1.DataSource = display; // выводим данные в таблицу
Example #8
        public void Test()
            for (int i = 0; i < testfiles.Length; i++)
                string  location = Path.Combine(Consts.TestFilesRoot, "filesystems", "ntfs_gpt", testfiles[i]);
                IFilter filter   = new LZip();
                IMediaImage image = new Vdi();
                Assert.AreEqual(true, image.Open(filter), testfiles[i]);
                Assert.AreEqual(sectors[i], image.Info.Sectors, testfiles[i]);
                Assert.AreEqual(sectorsize[i], image.Info.SectorSize, testfiles[i]);
                List <Partition> partitions = Core.Partitions.GetAll(image);
                IFilesystem      fs         = new NTFS();
                int part = -1;
                for (int j = 0; j < partitions.Count; j++)
                    if (partitions[j].Type == "Microsoft Basic data")
                        part = j;

                Assert.AreNotEqual(-1, part, $"Partition not found on {testfiles[i]}");
                Assert.AreEqual(true, fs.Identify(image, partitions[part]), testfiles[i]);
                fs.GetInformation(image, partitions[part], out _, null);
                Assert.AreEqual(clusters[i], fs.XmlFsType.Clusters, testfiles[i]);
                Assert.AreEqual(clustersize[i], fs.XmlFsType.ClusterSize, testfiles[i]);
                Assert.AreEqual("NTFS", fs.XmlFsType.Type, testfiles[i]);
                Assert.AreEqual(volumename[i], fs.XmlFsType.VolumeName, testfiles[i]);
                Assert.AreEqual(volumeserial[i], fs.XmlFsType.VolumeSerial, testfiles[i]);
                Assert.AreEqual(oemid[i], fs.XmlFsType.SystemIdentifier, testfiles[i]);
Example #9
 public static NTFS GetInstance(string path, string DS_Type)
     if (instance == null)
         instance = new NTFS(path, DS_Type);
     return instance;
Example #10
        public override void Read(string fileIn)
            BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(File.OpenRead(fileIn));

            br.ReadChars(4);    // MAP\0
            uint map_size = br.ReadUInt32();

            br.BaseStream.Position = 0x10;

            int width       = br.ReadUInt16();
            int height      = br.ReadUInt16();
            int tile_width  = br.ReadUInt16();
            int tile_height = br.ReadUInt16();

            if (tile_height != tile_width)
                System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Tile dimension doesn't agree!\nWidth:" +
                                                     tile_width.ToString() + " Height: " + tile_height.ToString());

            width  *= tile_width;
            height *= tile_height;

            br.BaseStream.Position = 0x20;
            NTFS[] map = new NTFS[(map_size - 0x20) / 2];
            for (int i = 0; i < map.Length; i++)
                map[i]          = Actions.MapInfo(br.ReadUInt16());
                map[i].nPalette = 0;

            // Get the IMY data
            br.BaseStream.Position = map_size;
            byte[] imy = br.ReadBytes((int)(br.BaseStream.Length - map_size));

            string imy_file = pluginHost.Get_TempFolder() + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + Path.GetRandomFileName();

            File.WriteAllBytes(imy_file, imy);
            // Read the file
            new IMY(pluginHost, imy_file, id, fileName);

            // Change some image parameters
            ImageBase img       = pluginHost.Get_Image();
            int       tile_size = tile_width * tile_height * img.BPP / 8;

            // Set a zero tile in the beggining
            byte[] newTiles = new byte[img.Tiles.Length + tile_size];
            Array.Copy(img.Tiles, 0, newTiles, tile_size, img.Tiles.Length);

            img.TileSize = tile_width;
            img.FormTile = TileForm.Horizontal;

            Set_Map(map, false, width, height);
Example #11
        public override void Read(string fileIn)
            BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(File.OpenRead(fileIn));

            uint header = br.ReadUInt32();

            uint        pal_length  = br.ReadUInt32();
            uint        tile_length = br.ReadUInt32();
            uint        map_length  = br.ReadUInt32();
            ColorFormat depth       = (pal_length < 0x200 ? ColorFormat.colors16 : ColorFormat.colors256);

            isMap = true;

            int width, height;

            if (header == 0x18)
                width  = (ushort)br.ReadUInt32();
                height = (ushort)br.ReadUInt32();
                width  = 0x200;
                height = 0xc0;
                isMap  = false;

            // Palette
            int num_colors = (depth == ColorFormat.colors16 ? 0x10 : 0x100);

            Color[][] colors = new Color[pal_length / (num_colors * 2)][];
            for (int i = 0; i < colors.Length; i++)
                colors[i] = Actions.BGR555ToColor(br.ReadBytes((int)(num_colors * 2)));
            palette = new RawPalette(colors, false, depth, fileName);

            // Tile data
            Byte[] tiles = br.ReadBytes((int)tile_length);
            image = new RawImage(tiles, TileForm.Horizontal, depth, width, height, false, fileName);

            // Map
            if (isMap)
                NTFS[] maps = new NTFS[map_length / 2];
                for (int i = 0; i < maps.Length; i++)
                    maps[i] = Actions.MapInfo(br.ReadUInt16());
                Set_Map(maps, false);

Example #12
File: MAP.cs Project: MetLob/tinke
        public override void Read(string fileIn)
            BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(File.OpenRead(fileIn));

            br.ReadChars(4);    // MAP\0
            uint map_size = br.ReadUInt32();

            br.BaseStream.Position = 0x10;

            int width = br.ReadUInt16();
            int height = br.ReadUInt16();
            int tile_width = br.ReadUInt16();
            int tile_height = br.ReadUInt16();

            if (tile_height != tile_width)
                System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Tile dimension doesn't agree!\nWidth:" +
                    tile_width.ToString() + " Height: " + tile_height.ToString());

            width *= tile_width;
            height *= tile_height;

            br.BaseStream.Position = 0x20;
            NTFS[] map = new NTFS[(map_size - 0x20) / 2];
            for (int i = 0; i < map.Length; i++)
                map[i] = Actions.MapInfo(br.ReadUInt16());
                map[i].nPalette = 0;

            // Get the IMY data
            br.BaseStream.Position = map_size;
            byte[] imy = br.ReadBytes((int)(br.BaseStream.Length - map_size));

            string imy_file = pluginHost.Get_TempFolder() + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + Path.GetRandomFileName();
            File.WriteAllBytes(imy_file, imy);
            // Read the file
            new IMY(pluginHost, imy_file, id, fileName);

            // Change some image parameters
            ImageBase img = pluginHost.Get_Image();
            int tile_size = tile_width * tile_height * img.BPP / 8;
            // Set a zero tile in the beggining
            byte[] newTiles = new byte[img.Tiles.Length + tile_size];
            Array.Copy(img.Tiles, 0, newTiles, tile_size, img.Tiles.Length);

            img.TileSize = tile_width;
            img.FormTile = TileForm.Horizontal;

            Set_Map(map, false, width, height);
Example #13
File: ANSC.cs Project: MetLob/tinke
        public override void Read(string fileIn)
            BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(File.OpenRead(fileIn));

            char[] header = br.ReadChars(4);
            uint size = br.ReadUInt16();
            NTFS[] map = new NTFS[(size + 2) / 2];
            for (int i = 0; i < map.Length; i++)
                map[i] = Actions.MapInfo(br.ReadUInt16());

            Set_Map(map, false, 0x100, 0xB0);
Example #14
        public override void Read(string fileIn)
            BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(File.OpenRead(fileIn));
            NTFS[] maps = new NTFS[br.BaseStream.Length / 2];

            for (int i = 0; i < maps.Length; i++)
                ushort v = br.ReadUInt16();
                maps[i].nTile = (ushort)(v & 0x1FF);
                maps[i].nPalette = (byte)(v >> 14);

            Set_Map(maps, false);
Example #15
File: ASC.cs Project: MetLob/tinke
        public override void Read(string file)
            BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(File.OpenRead(file));
            uint file_size = (uint)br.BaseStream.Length;

            ushort width = br.ReadUInt16();
            ushort height = br.ReadUInt16();
            NTFS[] map = new NTFS[(file_size - 4) / 2];

            for (int i = 0; i < map.Length; i++)
                map[i] = Actions.MapInfo(br.ReadUInt16());

            Set_Map(map, true, width * 8, height * 8);
Example #16
        public override void Read(string fileIn)
            BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(File.OpenRead(fileIn));

            NTFS[] maps = new NTFS[br.BaseStream.Length / 2];

            for (int i = 0; i < maps.Length; i++)
                ushort v = br.ReadUInt16();
                maps[i].nTile    = (ushort)(v & 0x1FF);
                maps[i].nPalette = (byte)(v >> 14);

            Set_Map(maps, false);
Example #17
        public override void Read(string fileIn)
            BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(File.OpenRead(fileIn));

            char[] header = br.ReadChars(4);
            uint   size   = br.ReadUInt16();

            NTFS[] map = new NTFS[(size + 2) / 2];
            for (int i = 0; i < map.Length; i++)
                map[i] = Actions.MapInfo(br.ReadUInt16());

            Set_Map(map, false, 0x100, 0xB0);
Example #18
        public void FileProcessor1(bool isStart, bool isFinished, string filePath)
            if (isStart)
            if (isFinished)

            UInt64 ms = NTFS.InfoFromPath(filePath);

            if (ms >= 0)

                PerFieldAnalyzerWrapper analyzer = new PerFieldAnalyzerWrapper(new StandardAnalyzer());
                analyzer.AddAnalyzer("contents", new SourceCodeAnalyzer());
                analyzer.AddAnalyzer("path2", new PathAnalyzer());

                //SourceCodeAnalyzer    analyzer = new SourceCodeAnalyzer();
                writer.AddDocument(FileDocument.Document(filePath, ms), analyzer);

                if (num_indexed_file % 20 == 1)

             * lock (dispatch_queue)
             * {
             *  if (dispatch_queue == null)
             *  {
             *      dispatch_queue = new Queue<string>();
             *  }
             *  dispatch_queue.Enqueue(filePath);
             * }
             * */
Example #19
        public override void Read(string file)
            BinaryReader br        = new BinaryReader(File.OpenRead(file));
            uint         file_size = (uint)br.BaseStream.Length;

            ushort width  = br.ReadUInt16();
            ushort height = br.ReadUInt16();

            NTFS[] map = new NTFS[(file_size - 4) / 2];

            for (int i = 0; i < map.Length; i++)
                map[i] = Actions.MapInfo(br.ReadUInt16());

            Set_Map(map, true, width * 8, height * 8);
Example #20
        public override void Read(string fileIn)
            BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(File.OpenRead(fileIn));

            // Header
            uint paletaOffset = br.ReadUInt32() * 4;
            uint tileOffset   = br.ReadUInt32() * 4;
            uint mapOffset    = br.ReadUInt32() * 4;

            // Paleta
            br.BaseStream.Position = paletaOffset;
            uint pCabeceraSize = br.ReadUInt32() * 4;
            uint pSize         = br.ReadUInt32() * 4;

            Color[][] colors = new Color[1][];
            colors[0] = Actions.BGR555ToColor(br.ReadBytes((int)(pSize - 0x08)));
            palette   = new RawPalette(colors, false, ColorFormat.colors256);

            // Image data
            br.BaseStream.Position = tileOffset;
            uint tCabeceraSize = br.ReadUInt32() * 4;
            uint tSize         = br.ReadUInt32() * 4;

            byte[] tiles = br.ReadBytes((int)(tSize - 0x08));
            image = new RawImage(tiles, TileForm.Horizontal, ColorFormat.colors256, 256, 192, false);

            // Map
            br.BaseStream.Position = mapOffset;
            uint mCabeceraSize = br.ReadUInt32() * 4;
            uint mSize         = br.ReadUInt32() * 4;

            ushort width  = br.ReadUInt16();
            ushort height = br.ReadUInt16();

            NTFS[] map = new NTFS[(mSize - 0x08) / 2];
            for (int i = 0; i < map.Length; i++)
                map[i] = Actions.MapInfo(br.ReadUInt16());

            Set_Map(map, false, width * 8, height * 8);
Example #21
        public bool ProcessFile(string filePath)
            long ms = (long)NTFS.InfoFromPath(filePath);

            if (ms >= 0)
                Logger.Log.Info("Indexing " + filePath);
                Document doc = _doc_factory.CreateFromPath(filePath, ms);
                if (doc != null)
                    _writer.AddDocument(doc, _default_analyzer);
                    if (_nb_indexed % 20 == 1)
Example #22
        public void Test()
            for (int i = 0; i < _testFiles.Length; i++)
                string location = Path.Combine(Consts.TEST_FILES_ROOT, "Filesystems",
                                               "New Technology File System (MBR)", _testFiles[i]);

                IFilter filter = new ZZZNoFilter();
                IMediaImage image = new AaruFormat();
                Assert.AreEqual(true, image.Open(filter), _testFiles[i]);
                Assert.AreEqual(_sectors[i], image.Info.Sectors, _testFiles[i]);
                Assert.AreEqual(_sectorSize[i], image.Info.SectorSize, _testFiles[i]);
                List <Partition> partitions = Core.Partitions.GetAll(image);
                IFilesystem      fs         = new NTFS();
                int part = -1;

                for (int j = 0; j < partitions.Count; j++)
                    if (partitions[j].Type == "0x07" ||

                        // Value incorrectly set by Haiku
                        partitions[j].Type == "0x86")
                        part = j;


                Assert.AreNotEqual(-1, part, $"Partition not found on {_testFiles[i]}");
                Assert.AreEqual(true, fs.Identify(image, partitions[part]), _testFiles[i]);
                fs.GetInformation(image, partitions[part], out _, null);
                Assert.AreEqual(_clusters[i], fs.XmlFsType.Clusters, _testFiles[i]);
                Assert.AreEqual(_clusterSize[i], fs.XmlFsType.ClusterSize, _testFiles[i]);
                Assert.AreEqual("NTFS", fs.XmlFsType.Type, _testFiles[i]);
                Assert.AreEqual(_volumeName[i], fs.XmlFsType.VolumeName, _testFiles[i]);
                Assert.AreEqual(_volumeSerial[i], fs.XmlFsType.VolumeSerial, _testFiles[i]);
                Assert.AreEqual(_oemId[i], fs.XmlFsType.SystemIdentifier, _testFiles[i]);
Example #23
File: SCx.cs Project: MetLob/tinke
        public override void Read(string file)
            BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(File.OpenRead(file));
            scx = new sSCx();

            scx.type = br.ReadChars(4);
            scx.unknown1 = br.ReadUInt32();
            scx.unknown2 = br.ReadUInt32();
            scx.unknown3 = br.ReadUInt32();    // Usually 0x00
            scx.unknown4 = br.ReadUInt32();

            ushort width = br.ReadUInt16();
            ushort height = br.ReadUInt16();
            scx.size_mapData2 = br.ReadUInt32();   // Is alway the same?
            scx.size_mapData = br.ReadUInt32();

            NTFS[] map = new NTFS[scx.size_mapData / 2];
            for (int i = 0; i < map.Length; i++)
                map[i] = Actions.MapInfo(br.ReadUInt16());

            Set_Map(map, false, width, height);
Example #24
        private System.Windows.Forms.Control ShowImage(sFile file)
            #region Palette
            BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(File.OpenRead(file.path));
            br.ReadUInt32(); // 4 Bytes Stupid
            uint        num_colors = 256;
            byte[]      pal        = br.ReadBytes((int)num_colors * 2);
            Color[]     colors     = Actions.BGR555ToColor(pal);
            PaletteBase palette    = new RawPalette(colors, false, ColorFormat.colors256, file.name);
            br.ReadUInt32(); // 4 Bytes Stupid

            #region Map
            NTFS[] map_info = new NTFS[1024];
            for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++)
                ushort value = br.ReadUInt16();
                map_info[i] = Actions.MapInfo(value);
            MapBase map = new RawMap(map_info, 256, 192, false, file.name);

            #region Tiles
            uint size_section = (uint)(br.ReadUInt32() * 64);
            Console.WriteLine("Size section: " + size_section.ToString("x"));
            byte[]    readsize = br.ReadBytes((int)size_section);
            ImageBase image    = new RawImage(readsize, TileForm.Horizontal, ColorFormat.colors256, 256, 192, false, file.name);



            return(new ImageControl(pluginHost, image, palette, map));
Example #25
        public void Read(string file)
            BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(File.OpenRead(file));

            if (br.ReadUInt32() != MagicStamp)
                throw new InvalidDataException();

            this.NumberImages = br.ReadUInt16();
            this.images       = new GameImage[this.NumberImages];
            for (int i = 0; i < this.NumberImages; i++)
                this.images[i]         = new GameImage();
                br.BaseStream.Position = 6 + i * HeaderSize;

                int imageOffset = br.ReadUInt16() * Padding;
                int imageSize   = br.ReadUInt16() * Padding;
                int palOffset   = br.ReadUInt16() * Padding;
                int palNumber   = br.ReadUInt16();
                int mapOffset   = br.ReadUInt16() * Padding;
                int tilesX      = br.ReadUInt16();
                int tilesY      = br.ReadUInt16();
                int mapType     = br.ReadUInt16();

                // Set map
                br.BaseStream.Position = mapOffset;
                NTFS[] map          = new NTFS[tilesX * tilesY];
                bool   multiPalette = false;
                for (int m = 0; m < map.Length; m++)
                    if (mapType == 0)
                        map[m] = Actions.MapInfo(br.ReadUInt16());
                        ushort v1 = br.ReadUInt16();
                        ushort v2 = br.ReadUInt16();
                        map[m].nPalette = (byte)v2;
                        map[m].nTile    = v1;

                    if (map[m].nPalette != 0)
                        multiPalette = true;
                this.images[i].Map = new RawMap(map, tilesX * 8, tilesY * 8, false, this.Name);

                ColorFormat depth;
                int         palSize;
                if (!multiPalette && palNumber == 0x10)
                    depth     = ColorFormat.colors256;
                    palSize   = 0x200;
                    palNumber = 1;
                    depth   = ColorFormat.colors16;
                    palSize = 0x20;

                // Set palette
                br.BaseStream.Position = palOffset;
                Color[][] colors = new Color[palNumber][];
                for (int p = 0; p < palNumber; p++)
                    colors[p] = Actions.BGR555ToColor(br.ReadBytes(palSize));
                this.images[i].Palette = new RawPalette(colors, false, depth, this.Name);

                // Set image
                br.BaseStream.Position = imageOffset;
                byte[] imgData = br.ReadBytes(imageSize);
                this.images[i].Image = new RawImage(
                    imgData.Length * (depth == ColorFormat.colors16 ? 2 : 1) / 0x100,

            br = null;
Example #26
        public static NTFS[] Create_BasicMap(int num_tiles, int startTile = 0, byte palette = 0)
            NTFS[] map = new NTFS[num_tiles];

            for (int i = startTile; i < num_tiles; i++)
                map[i] = new NTFS();
                map[i].nPalette = palette;
                map[i].yFlip = 0;
                map[i].xFlip = 0;
                //if (i >= startFillTile)
                //    map[i].nTile = (ushort)fillTile;
                map[i].nTile = (ushort)(i + startTile);

            return map;
Example #27
        public static NTFS[] Create_Map(ref byte[] data, int bpp, int tile_size, byte palette = 0)
            int ppt = tile_size * tile_size; // pixels per tile
            int tile_length = ppt * bpp / 8;

            // Divide the data in tiles
            byte[][] tiles = new byte[data.Length / tile_length][];
            for (int i = 0; i < tiles.Length; i++)
                tiles[i] = new byte[tile_length];
                Array.Copy(data, i * tiles[i].Length, tiles[i], 0, tiles[i].Length);

            NTFS[] map = new NTFS[tiles.Length];
            List<byte[]> newtiles = new List<byte[]>();
            for (int i = 0; i < map.Length; i++)
                map[i].nPalette = palette;
                map[i].xFlip = 0;
                map[i].yFlip = 0;

                int index = -1;
                byte flipX = 0;
                byte flipY = 0;

                for (ushort t = 0; t < newtiles.Count; t++)
                    if (Compare_Array(newtiles[t], tiles[i]))
                        index = t;
                    if (Compare_Array(newtiles[t], XFlip(tiles[i], tile_size, bpp)))
                        index = t;
                        flipX = 1;
                    if (Compare_Array(newtiles[t], YFlip(tiles[i], tile_size, bpp)))
                        index = t;
                        flipY = 1;
                    if (Compare_Array(newtiles[t], YFlip(XFlip(tiles[i], tile_size, bpp), tile_size, bpp)))
                        index = t;
                        flipX = 1;
                        flipY = 1;

                if (index > -1)
                    map[i].nTile = (ushort)index;
                    map[i].nTile = (ushort)newtiles.Count;
                map[i].xFlip = flipX;
                map[i].yFlip = flipY;

            // Save the new tiles
            data = new byte[newtiles.Count * tile_length];
            for (int i = 0; i < newtiles.Count; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < newtiles[i].Length; j++)
                    data[j + i * tile_length] = newtiles[i][j];
            return map;
Example #28
        public static ushort MapInfo(NTFS map)
            int npalette = map.nPalette << 12;
            int yFlip = map.yFlip << 11;
            int xFlip = map.xFlip << 10;
            int data = npalette + yFlip + xFlip + map.nTile;

            return (ushort)data;
Example #29
        public static Byte[] Apply_Map(NTFS[] map, Byte[] tiles, out Byte[] tile_pal, int bpp, int tile_size, int startInfo = 0)
            int tile_length = tile_size * tile_size * bpp / 8;
            int num_tiles = tiles.Length / tile_length;

            List<Byte> bytes = new List<byte>();
            tile_pal = new byte[(map.Length - startInfo) * tile_size * tile_size];

            for (int i = startInfo; i < map.Length; i++)
                if (map[i].nTile >= num_tiles)
                    map[i].nTile = 0;

                Byte[] currTile = new byte[tile_length];
                if (map[i].nTile * tile_length + tile_length > tiles.Length)
                    map[i].nTile = 0;

                if (tile_length < tiles.Length)
                    Array.Copy(tiles, map[i].nTile * tile_length, currTile, 0, tile_length);

                if (map[i].xFlip == 1)
                    currTile = XFlip(currTile, tile_size, bpp);
                if (map[i].yFlip == 1)
                    currTile = YFlip(currTile, tile_size, bpp);


                for (int t = 0; t < tile_size * tile_size; t++)
                    tile_pal[i * tile_size * tile_size + t] = map[i].nPalette;

            return bytes.ToArray();
Example #30
File: Scrn.cs Project: MetLob/tinke
        public void Read(string file)
            BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(File.OpenRead(file));

            if (br.ReadUInt32() != MagicStamp)
                throw new InvalidDataException();

            this.NumberImages = br.ReadUInt16();
            this.images = new GameImage[this.NumberImages];
            for (int i = 0; i < this.NumberImages; i++)
                this.images[i] = new GameImage();
                br.BaseStream.Position = 6 + i * HeaderSize;

                int imageOffset = br.ReadUInt16() * Padding;
                int imageSize = br.ReadUInt16() * Padding;
                int palOffset = br.ReadUInt16() * Padding;
                int palNumber = br.ReadUInt16();
                int mapOffset = br.ReadUInt16() * Padding;
                int tilesX = br.ReadUInt16();
                int tilesY = br.ReadUInt16();
                int mapType = br.ReadUInt16();

                // Set map
                br.BaseStream.Position = mapOffset;
                NTFS[] map = new NTFS[tilesX * tilesY];
                bool multiPalette = false;
                for (int m = 0; m < map.Length; m++)
                    if (mapType == 0)
                        map[m] = Actions.MapInfo(br.ReadUInt16());
                        ushort v1 = br.ReadUInt16();
                        ushort v2 = br.ReadUInt16();
                        map[m].nPalette = (byte)v2;
                        map[m].nTile = v1;

                    if (map[m].nPalette != 0)
                        multiPalette = true;
                this.images[i].Map = new RawMap(map, tilesX * 8, tilesY * 8, false, this.Name);

                ColorFormat depth;
                int palSize;
                if (!multiPalette && palNumber == 0x10)
                    depth = ColorFormat.colors256;
                    palSize = 0x200;
                    palNumber = 1;
                    depth = ColorFormat.colors16;
                    palSize = 0x20;

                // Set palette
                br.BaseStream.Position = palOffset;
                Color[][] colors = new Color[palNumber][];
                for (int p = 0; p < palNumber; p++)
                    colors[p] = Actions.BGR555ToColor(br.ReadBytes(palSize));
                this.images[i].Palette = new RawPalette(colors, false, depth, this.Name);

                // Set image
                br.BaseStream.Position = imageOffset;
                byte[] imgData = br.ReadBytes(imageSize);
                this.images[i].Image = new RawImage(
                    imgData.Length * (depth == ColorFormat.colors16 ? 2 : 1) / 0x100,


            br = null;
Example #31
        public static NTFS MapInfo(ushort value)
            NTFS mapInfo = new NTFS();

            mapInfo.nTile = (ushort)(value & 0x3FF);
            mapInfo.xFlip = (byte)((value >> 10) & 1);
            mapInfo.yFlip = (byte)((value >> 11) & 1);
            mapInfo.nPalette = (byte)((value >> 12) & 0xF);

            return mapInfo;
Example #32
        public void Read12(string fileIn)
            BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(File.OpenRead(fileIn));

            // Read header
            ushort bpp         = br.ReadUInt16();
            int    width       = br.ReadByte() * 8;
            int    height      = br.ReadByte() * 8;
            ushort map_offset  = br.ReadUInt16();
            ushort map_size    = br.ReadUInt16();
            ushort data_offset = br.ReadUInt16();
            ushort data_size   = br.ReadUInt16();
            ushort pal_offset  = br.ReadUInt16();
            ushort pal_size    = br.ReadUInt16();

            // Read map
            br.BaseStream.Position = map_offset;
            NTFS[] map = new NTFS[map_size / 2];
            for (int i = 0; i < map.Length; i++)
                map[i] = Actions.MapInfo(br.ReadUInt16());
            Set_Map(map, false, width, height);

            // Read image data
            ColorFormat format = ColorFormat.colors256;

            if (bpp == 0x12 || bpp == 0x1A)
                format = ColorFormat.colors16;
            else if (bpp == 0x10 || bpp == 0x18)
                format = ColorFormat.colors256;

            br.BaseStream.Position = data_offset;
            byte[]     data = br.ReadBytes(data_size);
            Encryption enc  = new Encryption(data);

            data = enc.Decrypt();

            img = new RawImage(data, TileForm.Horizontal, format, width, height, false);

            // Read palette
            if ((bpp == 0x18 || bpp == 0x1A) && pluginHost.Get_Palette().Loaded)
                pal = pluginHost.Get_Palette();
                br.BaseStream.Position = pal_offset;
                Color[] colors = Actions.BGR555ToColor(br.ReadBytes(pal_size));
                pal = new RawPalette(new Color[][] { colors }, false, ColorFormat.colors16);

            ismap = true;

            Console.WriteLine("Image with bpp: {0}", bpp.ToString("x"));
Example #33
File: Bin.cs Project: MetLob/tinke
        public override void Read(string fileIn)
            BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(File.OpenRead(fileIn));

            uint header = br.ReadUInt32();

            uint pal_length = br.ReadUInt32();
            uint tile_length = br.ReadUInt32();
            uint map_length = br.ReadUInt32();
            ColorFormat depth = (pal_length < 0x200 ? ColorFormat.colors16 : ColorFormat.colors256);
            isMap = true;

            int width, height;
            if (header == 0x18)
                width = (ushort)br.ReadUInt32();
                height = (ushort)br.ReadUInt32();
                width = 0x200;
                height = 0xc0;
                isMap = false;

            // Palette
            int num_colors = (depth == ColorFormat.colors16 ? 0x10 : 0x100);
            Color[][] colors = new Color[pal_length / (num_colors * 2)][];
            for (int i = 0; i < colors.Length; i++)
                colors[i] = Actions.BGR555ToColor(br.ReadBytes((int)(num_colors * 2)));
            palette = new RawPalette(colors, false, depth, fileName);

            // Tile data
            Byte[] tiles = br.ReadBytes((int)tile_length);
            image = new RawImage(tiles, TileForm.Horizontal, depth, width, height, false, fileName);

            // Map
            if (isMap)
                NTFS[] maps = new NTFS[map_length / 2];
                for (int i = 0; i < maps.Length; i++)
                    maps[i] = Actions.MapInfo(br.ReadUInt16());
                Set_Map(maps, false);

Example #34
        public void Read12(string fileIn)
            BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(File.OpenRead(fileIn));

            // Read header
            ushort bpp = br.ReadUInt16();
            int width = br.ReadByte() * 8;
            int height = br.ReadByte() * 8;
            ushort map_offset = br.ReadUInt16();
            ushort map_size = br.ReadUInt16();
            ushort data_offset = br.ReadUInt16();
            ushort data_size = br.ReadUInt16();
            ushort pal_offset = br.ReadUInt16();
            ushort pal_size = br.ReadUInt16();

            // Read map
            br.BaseStream.Position = map_offset;
            NTFS[] map = new NTFS[map_size / 2];
            for (int i = 0; i < map.Length; i++)
                map[i] = Actions.MapInfo(br.ReadUInt16());
            Set_Map(map, false, width, height);

            // Read image data
            ColorFormat format = ColorFormat.colors256;
            if (bpp == 0x12 || bpp == 0x1A)
                format = ColorFormat.colors16;
            else if (bpp == 0x10 || bpp == 0x18)
                format = ColorFormat.colors256;

            br.BaseStream.Position = data_offset;
            byte[] data = br.ReadBytes(data_size);
            Encryption enc = new Encryption(data);
            data = enc.Decrypt();

            img = new RawImage(data, TileForm.Horizontal, format, width, height, false);

            // Read palette
            if ((bpp == 0x18 || bpp == 0x1A) && pluginHost.Get_Palette().Loaded)
                pal = pluginHost.Get_Palette();
                br.BaseStream.Position = pal_offset;
                Color[] colors = Actions.BGR555ToColor(br.ReadBytes(pal_size));
                pal = new RawPalette(new Color[][] { colors }, false, ColorFormat.colors16);

            ismap = true;

            Console.WriteLine("Image with bpp: {0}", bpp.ToString("x"));
Example #35
        public void DoEnumerate(Object _params)
            Params myparams = (_params as Params);

            string[]  ntfs_disks = myparams.localDrives.Split(',');
            string[]  extensions = myparams.extensions.Split(',');
            JobStatus status     = myparams.jobStatus;

            if (status == null)
                status = new JobStatus("NtfsEnum");
            Stopwatch watch = myparams.jobWatch;

            if (watch == null)
                watch = new Stopwatch();

            foreach (string disk_letter in ntfs_disks)
                if (disk_letter.Trim().Length == 0)

                if (status.Cancelled)

                Dictionary <UInt64, FileNameAndFrn> result = null;
                NTFS ntfs = new NTFS();

                status.Description = string.Format("listing ntfs journal on {0}...", disk_letter);

                ntfs.Drive = disk_letter;// "D:";
                    ntfs.EnumerateVolume(out result, extensions);

                    /*new string[] {".bab" });
                     * { ".h", "*.hpp", "*.inl", "*.c", "*.cpp", ".txt", ".cs", "*.htm*", "*.ini",
                     *                        "*.xml", "*.rtf", "*.doc"
                     *                      });*/
                catch (Win32Exception win32_e)
                    win32_e = win32_e;
                catch (Exception e)
                    e = e;
                //status.Description = string.Format("listed {0} files for processing in {1} on {2}", result.Count, watch.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0, disk_letter);
                int  num_file = 0;
                bool should_close;
                myparams.fileProcessor.Start(out should_close);
                if (result != null)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <UInt64, FileNameAndFrn> entry in result)
                        if (status.Cancelled)
                        FileNameAndFrn file      = (FileNameAndFrn)entry.Value;
                        string         full_path = ntfs.DirectoryFromFrn(file.ParentFrn) + @"\" + file.Name;
                        full_path = full_path.Substring(4);
                        if ((num_file % 101) == 1)
                            status.Progress    = (num_file * 100) / result.Count;
                            status.Description = string.Format("ntfs on {3} processing file {0}/{1} - {2}",
                                                               num_file, result.Count,
                                                               StringFu.TimeSpanToString(new TimeSpan((long)(watch.ElapsedMilliseconds) * 10000)),
                string info = string.Format("ntfs file enum: {0} files - {1}",
                                            result.Count, watch.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0);
                //status.Description = info;

            if (myparams.jobStatus == null)
                status = null;
            if (myparams.jobWatch == null)
                watch = null;
Example #36
File: PCT.cs Project: MetLob/tinke
        public override void Read(string fileIn)
            BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(File.OpenRead(fileIn));

            // Header
            char[] type = br.ReadChars(4);  // "STD "
            uint unknown_header = br.ReadUInt32();
            ushort clrformat = br.ReadUInt16();
            ColorFormat format = ColorFormat.colors256;
            if (clrformat == 0)
                format = ColorFormat.colors16;
            br.BaseStream.Position = 0x10;  // Unknown values

            // Palette
            ushort unknown_pal = br.ReadUInt16();
            ushort num_colors = br.ReadUInt16();
            Color[] colors = Actions.BGR555ToColor(br.ReadBytes(num_colors * 2));
            PaletteBase palette = new RawPalette(new Color[][] { colors }, false, format);

            // Map
            int tile_width = br.ReadUInt16() * 8;
            int tile_height = br.ReadUInt16() * 8;
            int tile_size = tile_width * tile_height;
            if (tile_height != tile_width)
                System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Different tile size; height != width");

            int width = br.ReadUInt16() * tile_width;
            int height = br.ReadUInt16() * tile_height;
            uint unknown2_map = br.ReadUInt32();    // Padding ?
            NTFS[] map = new NTFS[width * height / tile_size];
            for (int i = 0; i < map.Length; i++)
                map[i] = new NTFS();
                uint mapv = br.ReadUInt32();
                map[i].nTile = (ushort)(mapv & 0xFFFFFF);
                map[i].nTile /= (ushort)(tile_size / 0x40);
                map[i].nPalette = (byte)(mapv >> 28);
            Set_Map(map, false, width, height);

            // Image
            if (clrformat == 2)
                format = ColorFormat.A3I5;
            else if (clrformat == 3)
                format = ColorFormat.A5I3;
            else if (clrformat != 0 && clrformat != 1)
                System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("ClrFormat: " + clrformat.ToString());
            byte[] tiles = br.ReadBytes((int)(br.BaseStream.Length - br.BaseStream.Position));
            ImageBase image = new RawImage(tiles, TileForm.Horizontal, format, width, height, false);
            image.TileSize = tile_width;


Example #37
File: R00.cs Project: MetLob/tinke
        public override void Read(string fileIn)
            BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(File.OpenRead(fileIn));

            // Header
            uint paletaOffset = br.ReadUInt32() * 4;
            uint tileOffset = br.ReadUInt32() * 4;
            uint mapOffset = br.ReadUInt32() * 4;

            // Paleta
            br.BaseStream.Position = paletaOffset;
            uint pCabeceraSize = br.ReadUInt32() * 4;
            uint pSize = br.ReadUInt32() * 4;

            Color[][] colors = new Color[1][];
            colors[0] = Actions.BGR555ToColor(br.ReadBytes((int)(pSize - 0x08)));
            palette = new RawPalette(colors, false, ColorFormat.colors256);

            // Image data
            br.BaseStream.Position = tileOffset;
            uint tCabeceraSize = br.ReadUInt32() * 4;
            uint tSize = br.ReadUInt32() * 4;

            byte[] tiles = br.ReadBytes((int)(tSize - 0x08));
            image = new RawImage(tiles, TileForm.Horizontal, ColorFormat.colors256, 256, 192, false);

            // Map
            br.BaseStream.Position = mapOffset;
            uint mCabeceraSize = br.ReadUInt32() * 4;
            uint mSize = br.ReadUInt32() * 4;

            ushort width = br.ReadUInt16();
            ushort height = br.ReadUInt16();

            NTFS[] map = new NTFS[(mSize - 0x08) / 2];
            for (int i = 0; i < map.Length; i++)
                map[i] = Actions.MapInfo(br.ReadUInt16());

            Set_Map(map, false, width * 8, height * 8);
Example #38
        public override void Read(string file)
            BinaryReader br   = new BinaryReader(File.OpenRead(file));
            sNCSC        ncsc = new sNCSC();

            // Nitro generic header
            ncsc.generic.id          = br.ReadChars(4);
            ncsc.generic.endianess   = br.ReadUInt16();
            ncsc.generic.constant    = br.ReadUInt16();
            ncsc.generic.file_size   = br.ReadUInt32();
            ncsc.generic.header_size = br.ReadUInt16();
            ncsc.generic.nSection    = br.ReadUInt16();

            // SCRN section
            ncsc.scrn.id       = br.ReadChars(4);
            ncsc.scrn.size     = br.ReadUInt32();
            ncsc.scrn.width    = br.ReadUInt32() * 8;
            ncsc.scrn.height   = br.ReadUInt32() * 8;
            ncsc.scrn.unknown1 = br.ReadUInt32();
            ncsc.scrn.unknown2 = br.ReadUInt32();

            NTFS[] map = new NTFS[(ncsc.scrn.size - 0x18) / 2];
            for (int i = 0; i < map.Length; i++)
                map[i] = Actions.MapInfo(br.ReadUInt16());

            // Read other sections
            for (int n = 1; n < ncsc.generic.nSection; n++)
                String type = new String(br.ReadChars(4));

                switch (type)
                case "ESCR":

                    ncsc.escr.id       = "ESCR".ToCharArray();
                    ncsc.escr.size     = br.ReadUInt32();
                    ncsc.escr.width    = br.ReadUInt32();
                    ncsc.escr.height   = br.ReadUInt32();
                    ncsc.escr.unknown  = br.ReadUInt32();
                    ncsc.escr.unknown2 = br.ReadUInt32();

                    ncsc.escr.unknownData = new uint[ncsc.escr.width * ncsc.escr.height];
                    for (int i = 0; i < ncsc.escr.unknownData.Length; i++)
                        ncsc.escr.unknownData[i] = br.ReadUInt32();

                case "CLRF":

                    ncsc.clrf.id      = "CLRF".ToCharArray();
                    ncsc.clrf.size    = br.ReadUInt32();
                    ncsc.clrf.width   = br.ReadUInt32();
                    ncsc.clrf.height  = br.ReadUInt32();
                    ncsc.clrf.unknown = br.ReadBytes((int)ncsc.clrf.size - 0x10);

                case "CLRC":

                    ncsc.clrc.id      = "CLRC".ToCharArray();
                    ncsc.clrc.size    = br.ReadUInt32();
                    ncsc.clrc.unknown = br.ReadBytes((int)ncsc.clrc.size - 0x08);

                case "GRID":

                    ncsc.grid.id      = "GRID".ToCharArray();
                    ncsc.grid.size    = br.ReadUInt32();
                    ncsc.grid.unknown = br.ReadBytes((int)ncsc.grid.size - 0x08);

                case "LINK":

                    ncsc.link.id   = "LINK".ToCharArray();
                    ncsc.link.size = br.ReadUInt32();
                    ncsc.link.link = new string(br.ReadChars((int)ncsc.link.size - 0x08));

                case "CMNT":

                    ncsc.cmnt.id      = "CMNT".ToCharArray();
                    ncsc.cmnt.size    = br.ReadUInt32();
                    ncsc.cmnt.unknown = br.ReadBytes((int)ncsc.cmnt.size - 0x08);

            Set_Map(map, false, (int)ncsc.scrn.width, (int)ncsc.scrn.height);
Example #39
File: BIN.cs Project: MetLob/tinke
        public void Read(string file)
            BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(File.OpenRead(file));

            // Header
            uint paletaOffset = br.ReadUInt32() * 4;
            uint tileOffset = br.ReadUInt32() * 4;
            uint mapOffset = br.ReadUInt32() * 4;
            ColorFormat depth;
            br.BaseStream.Position = mapOffset;
            if (br.ReadUInt32() == 0x01)
                depth = ColorFormat.colors256;
                depth = ColorFormat.colors16;

            // Palette
            Color[][] colors;
            if (paletaOffset == 0x00) // No palette
                depth = ColorFormat.colors16;
                colors = new Color[defaultPaletteData.Length / 0x20][];

                for (int i = 0; i < colors.Length; i++)
                    Byte[] data = new Byte[0x20];
                    Array.Copy(defaultPaletteData, i * 0x20, data, 0, 0x20);
                    colors[i] = Actions.BGR555ToColor(data);
                goto Tile;

            br.BaseStream.Position = paletaOffset;
            uint pCabeceraSize = br.ReadUInt32() * 4;
            uint pSize = br.ReadUInt32() * 4;
            if (pSize - 0x08 == 0x0200)
                depth = ColorFormat.colors256;
            else if (pSize - 0x08 == 0x20)
                depth = ColorFormat.colors16;

            colors = new Color[depth == ColorFormat.colors16 ? (pSize - 0x08) / 0x20 : 1][];
            uint pal_length = (depth == ColorFormat.colors16) ? 0x20 : pSize - 0x08;
            for (int i = 0; i < colors.Length; i++)
                colors[i] = Actions.BGR555ToColor(br.ReadBytes((int)pal_length));

            // Tile data
            br.BaseStream.Position = tileOffset;
            uint tCabeceraSize = br.ReadUInt32() * 4;
            uint tSize = br.ReadUInt32() * 4;
            byte[] tiles = br.ReadBytes((int)(tSize - 0x08));
            image = new RawImage(tiles, TileForm.Horizontal, depth, 0x40, tiles.Length / 0x40, false, fileName);

            // Map
            if (mapOffset == 0x00)
                hasMap = false;
                goto End;

            hasMap = true;
            br.BaseStream.Position = mapOffset;
            uint mCabeceraSize = br.ReadUInt32() * 4;
            uint[] mSize = new uint[(int)mCabeceraSize / 4];
            for (int i = 0; i < mSize.Length; i++)
                mSize[i] = (br.ReadUInt32() * 4) - mCabeceraSize - 4;

            maps = new MapBase[mSize.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < maps.Length; i++)
                ushort width = (ushort)(br.ReadUInt16() * 8);
                ushort height = (ushort)(br.ReadUInt16() * 8);

                NTFS[] map;
                if (i != 0)
                    map = new NTFS[((mSize[i] - mSize[i - 1]) - 4) / 2];
                    map = new NTFS[(mSize[i] - 4) / 2];

                for (int j = 0; j < map.Length; j++)
                    map[j] = Actions.MapInfo(br.ReadUInt16());

                maps[i] = new RawMap(map, width, height, false, fileName);


            palette = new RawPalette(colors, false, depth, fileName);
Example #40
File: NCSC.cs Project: MetLob/tinke
        public override void Read(string file)
            BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(File.OpenRead(file));
            sNCSC ncsc = new sNCSC();

            // Nitro generic header
            ncsc.generic.id = br.ReadChars(4);
            ncsc.generic.endianess = br.ReadUInt16();
            ncsc.generic.constant = br.ReadUInt16();
            ncsc.generic.file_size = br.ReadUInt32();
            ncsc.generic.header_size = br.ReadUInt16();
            ncsc.generic.nSection = br.ReadUInt16();

            // SCRN section
            ncsc.scrn.id = br.ReadChars(4);
            ncsc.scrn.size = br.ReadUInt32();
            ncsc.scrn.width = br.ReadUInt32() * 8;
            ncsc.scrn.height = br.ReadUInt32() * 8;
            ncsc.scrn.unknown1 = br.ReadUInt32();
            ncsc.scrn.unknown2 = br.ReadUInt32();

            NTFS[] map = new NTFS[(ncsc.scrn.size - 0x18) / 2];
            for (int i = 0; i < map.Length; i++)
                map[i] = Actions.MapInfo(br.ReadUInt16());

            // Read other sections
            for (int n = 1; n < ncsc.generic.nSection; n++)
                String type = new String(br.ReadChars(4));

                switch (type)
                    case "ESCR":

                        ncsc.escr.id = "ESCR".ToCharArray();
                        ncsc.escr.size = br.ReadUInt32();
                        ncsc.escr.width = br.ReadUInt32();
                        ncsc.escr.height = br.ReadUInt32();
                        ncsc.escr.unknown = br.ReadUInt32();
                        ncsc.escr.unknown2 = br.ReadUInt32();

                        ncsc.escr.unknownData = new uint[ncsc.escr.width * ncsc.escr.height];
                        for (int i = 0; i < ncsc.escr.unknownData.Length; i++)
                            ncsc.escr.unknownData[i] = br.ReadUInt32();

                    case "CLRF":

                        ncsc.clrf.id = "CLRF".ToCharArray();
                        ncsc.clrf.size = br.ReadUInt32();
                        ncsc.clrf.width = br.ReadUInt32();
                        ncsc.clrf.height = br.ReadUInt32();
                        ncsc.clrf.unknown = br.ReadBytes((int)ncsc.clrf.size - 0x10);

                    case "CLRC":

                        ncsc.clrc.id = "CLRC".ToCharArray();
                        ncsc.clrc.size = br.ReadUInt32();
                        ncsc.clrc.unknown = br.ReadBytes((int)ncsc.clrc.size - 0x08);

                    case "GRID":

                        ncsc.grid.id = "GRID".ToCharArray();
                        ncsc.grid.size = br.ReadUInt32();
                        ncsc.grid.unknown = br.ReadBytes((int)ncsc.grid.size - 0x08);

                    case "LINK":

                        ncsc.link.id = "LINK".ToCharArray();
                        ncsc.link.size = br.ReadUInt32();
                        ncsc.link.link = new string(br.ReadChars((int)ncsc.link.size - 0x08));

                    case "CMNT":

                        ncsc.cmnt.id = "CMNT".ToCharArray();
                        ncsc.cmnt.size = br.ReadUInt32();
                        ncsc.cmnt.unknown = br.ReadBytes((int)ncsc.cmnt.size - 0x08);

            Set_Map(map, false, (int)ncsc.scrn.width, (int)ncsc.scrn.height);
Example #41
        public void Read(string file)
            BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(File.OpenRead(file));

            // Header
            uint        paletaOffset = br.ReadUInt32() * 4;
            uint        tileOffset   = br.ReadUInt32() * 4;
            uint        mapOffset    = br.ReadUInt32() * 4;
            ColorFormat depth;

            br.BaseStream.Position = mapOffset;
            if (br.ReadUInt32() == 0x01)
                depth = ColorFormat.colors256;
                depth = ColorFormat.colors16;

            // Palette
            Color[][] colors;
            if (paletaOffset == 0x00) // No palette
                depth  = ColorFormat.colors16;
                colors = new Color[defaultPaletteData.Length / 0x20][];

                for (int i = 0; i < colors.Length; i++)
                    Byte[] data = new Byte[0x20];
                    Array.Copy(defaultPaletteData, i * 0x20, data, 0, 0x20);
                    colors[i] = Actions.BGR555ToColor(data);
                goto Tile;

            br.BaseStream.Position = paletaOffset;
            uint pCabeceraSize = br.ReadUInt32() * 4;
            uint pSize         = br.ReadUInt32() * 4;

            if (pSize - 0x08 == 0x0200)
                depth = ColorFormat.colors256;
            else if (pSize - 0x08 == 0x20)
                depth = ColorFormat.colors16;

            colors = new Color[depth == ColorFormat.colors16 ? (pSize - 0x08) / 0x20 : 1][];
            uint pal_length = (depth == ColorFormat.colors16) ? 0x20 : pSize - 0x08;

            for (int i = 0; i < colors.Length; i++)
                colors[i] = Actions.BGR555ToColor(br.ReadBytes((int)pal_length));

            // Tile data
            br.BaseStream.Position = tileOffset;
            uint tCabeceraSize = br.ReadUInt32() * 4;
            uint tSize         = br.ReadUInt32() * 4;

            byte[] tiles = br.ReadBytes((int)(tSize - 0x08));
            image = new RawImage(tiles, TileForm.Horizontal, depth, 0x40, tiles.Length / 0x40, false, fileName);

            // Map
            if (mapOffset == 0x00)
                hasMap = false;
                goto End;

            hasMap = true;
            br.BaseStream.Position = mapOffset;
            uint mCabeceraSize = br.ReadUInt32() * 4;

            uint[] mSize = new uint[(int)mCabeceraSize / 4];
            for (int i = 0; i < mSize.Length; i++)
                mSize[i] = (br.ReadUInt32() * 4) - mCabeceraSize - 4;

            maps = new MapBase[mSize.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < maps.Length; i++)
                ushort width  = (ushort)(br.ReadUInt16() * 8);
                ushort height = (ushort)(br.ReadUInt16() * 8);

                NTFS[] map;
                if (i != 0)
                    map = new NTFS[((mSize[i] - mSize[i - 1]) - 4) / 2];
                    map = new NTFS[(mSize[i] - 4) / 2];

                for (int j = 0; j < map.Length; j++)
                    map[j] = Actions.MapInfo(br.ReadUInt16());

                maps[i] = new RawMap(map, width, height, false, fileName);


            palette = new RawPalette(colors, false, depth, fileName);
Example #42
File: Main.cs Project: MetLob/tinke
        private System.Windows.Forms.Control ShowImage(sFile file)
            #region Palette
            BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(File.OpenRead(file.path));
            br.ReadUInt32(); // 4 Bytes Stupid
            uint num_colors = 256;
            byte[] pal = br.ReadBytes((int)num_colors * 2);
            Color[] colors = Actions.BGR555ToColor(pal);
            PaletteBase palette = new RawPalette(colors, false, ColorFormat.colors256, file.name);
            br.ReadUInt32(); // 4 Bytes Stupid

            #region Map
            NTFS[] map_info = new NTFS[1024];
            for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++)
                ushort value = br.ReadUInt16();
                map_info[i] = Actions.MapInfo(value);
            MapBase map = new RawMap(map_info, 256, 192, false, file.name);

            #region Tiles
            uint size_section = (uint)(br.ReadUInt32() * 64);
            Console.WriteLine("Size section: " + size_section.ToString("x"));
            byte[] readsize = br.ReadBytes((int)size_section);
            ImageBase image = new RawImage(readsize, TileForm.Horizontal, ColorFormat.colors256, 256, 192, false, file.name);



            return new ImageControl(pluginHost, image, palette, map);
Example #43
        public override void Read(string fileIn)
            BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(File.OpenRead(fileIn));

            // Header
            char[]      type           = br.ReadChars(4); // "STD "
            uint        unknown_header = br.ReadUInt32();
            ushort      clrformat      = br.ReadUInt16();
            ColorFormat format         = ColorFormat.colors256;

            if (clrformat == 0)
                format = ColorFormat.colors16;
            br.BaseStream.Position = 0x10;  // Unknown values

            // Palette
            ushort unknown_pal = br.ReadUInt16();
            ushort num_colors  = br.ReadUInt16();

            Color[]     colors  = Actions.BGR555ToColor(br.ReadBytes(num_colors * 2));
            PaletteBase palette = new RawPalette(new Color[][] { colors }, false, format);

            // Map
            int tile_width  = br.ReadUInt16() * 8;
            int tile_height = br.ReadUInt16() * 8;
            int tile_size   = tile_width * tile_height;

            if (tile_height != tile_width)
                System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Different tile size; height != width");

            int  width        = br.ReadUInt16() * tile_width;
            int  height       = br.ReadUInt16() * tile_height;
            uint unknown2_map = br.ReadUInt32();    // Padding ?

            NTFS[] map = new NTFS[width * height / tile_size];
            for (int i = 0; i < map.Length; i++)
                map[i] = new NTFS();
                uint mapv = br.ReadUInt32();
                map[i].nTile    = (ushort)(mapv & 0xFFFFFF);
                map[i].nTile   /= (ushort)(tile_size / 0x40);
                map[i].nPalette = (byte)(mapv >> 28);
            Set_Map(map, false, width, height);

            // Image
            if (clrformat == 2)
                format = ColorFormat.A3I5;
            else if (clrformat == 3)
                format = ColorFormat.A5I3;
            else if (clrformat != 0 && clrformat != 1)
                System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("ClrFormat: " + clrformat.ToString());
            byte[]    tiles = br.ReadBytes((int)(br.BaseStream.Length - br.BaseStream.Position));
            ImageBase image = new RawImage(tiles, TileForm.Horizontal, format, width, height, false);

            image.TileSize = tile_width;


Example #44
File: Bg.cs Project: MetLob/tinke
        public void Get_Image(string fileIn)
            BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(File.OpenRead(fileIn));

            // Palette
            uint num_colors = br.ReadUInt32();
            Color[][] colors = new Color[1][];
            colors[0] = Actions.BGR555ToColor(br.ReadBytes((int)num_colors * 2));

            // Image data
            uint num_tiles = (ushort)br.ReadUInt32();
            byte[] tiles = br.ReadBytes((int)num_tiles * 0x40);

            // Map Info
            ushort width = (ushort)(br.ReadUInt16() * 8);
            ushort height = (ushort)(br.ReadUInt16() * 8);
            NTFS[] map = new NTFS[width * height / 0x40];

            for (int i = 0; i < map.Length; i++)
                map[i] = Actions.MapInfo(br.ReadUInt16());


            palette = new RawPalette(colors, false, ColorFormat.colors256);
            image = new RawImage(tiles, TileForm.Horizontal, ColorFormat.colors256, width, height, false);
            Set_Map(map, false, width, height);