Example #1
        public void Draw(NSRect aCellFrame, NSView aControlView)
            BookmarkData item = ObjectValue.CastAs <BookmarkData>();

            // create attributes for the title and subtitle text
            NSMutableParagraphStyle style = new NSMutableParagraphStyle();


            NSDictionary titleAttr = NSDictionary.DictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys(FontManager.FontMedium, NSAttributedString.NSFontAttributeName,
                                                                               NSColor.WhiteColor, NSAttributedString.NSForegroundColorAttributeName,
                                                                               style, NSAttributedString.NSParagraphStyleAttributeName,
            NSDictionary subtitleAttr = NSDictionary.DictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys(FontManager.FontSmall, NSAttributedString.NSFontAttributeName,
                                                                                  NSColor.WhiteColor, NSAttributedString.NSForegroundColorAttributeName,
                                                                                  style, NSAttributedString.NSParagraphStyleAttributeName,


            NSPoint pt = aCellFrame.origin;

            // draw title
            NSString title = NSString.StringWithUTF8String(item.Bookmark.Title);

            title.DrawAtPointWithAttributes(pt, titleAttr);

            NSSize size = title.SizeWithAttributes(titleAttr);

            pt.y += size.height;

            // draw breadcrumb
            List <string> titleTrail = new List <string>();

            foreach (Breadcrumb bc in item.Bookmark.BreadcrumbTrail)
            string   breadcrumb  = string.Join("/", titleTrail.ToArray());
            NSString breadcrumb2 = NSString.StringWithUTF8String(breadcrumb);

            breadcrumb2.DrawAtPointWithAttributes(pt, subtitleAttr);
Example #2
        private void Draw(NSRect aRect, NSImage aLeft, NSImage aRight, NSImage aFiller)
            // draw the background
            NSRect leftRect = new NSRect(aRect.MinX, aRect.MinY, aLeft.Size.width, aRect.Height);

            aLeft.DrawInRectFromRectOperationFraction(leftRect, NSRect.NSZeroRect, NSCompositingOperation.NSCompositeSourceOver, 1.0f);

            NSRect rightRect = new NSRect(aRect.MaxX - aRight.Size.width, aRect.MinY, aRight.Size.width, aRect.Height);

            aRight.DrawInRectFromRectOperationFraction(rightRect, NSRect.NSZeroRect, NSCompositingOperation.NSCompositeSourceOver, 1.0f);

            NSRect fillerRect = new NSRect(aRect.MinX + aLeft.Size.width, aRect.MinY, aRect.Width - aLeft.Size.width - aRight.Size.width, aRect.Height);

            aFiller.DrawInRectFromRectOperationFraction(fillerRect, NSRect.NSZeroRect, NSCompositingOperation.NSCompositeSourceOver, 1.0f);

            // draw image
            if (iText != null && iImage != null)
                // button has text and an image
                NSSize imgSz   = ImageSize;
                NSRect imgRect = new NSRect(iTextLeft ? fillerRect.MaxX - imgSz.width : fillerRect.MinX,
                                            aRect.MidY - imgSz.height * 0.5f,
                                            imgSz.width, imgSz.height);

                // fit the image to the available rect
                imgRect = NSImageHelper.CentreImageInRect(iImage, imgRect);

                iImage.DrawInRectFromRectOperationFraction(imgRect.IntegralRect(), NSRect.NSZeroRect, NSCompositingOperation.NSCompositeSourceOver, 1.0f);
            else if (iImage != null)
                // image only - draw centred
                NSSize imgSz   = ImageSize;
                NSRect dstRect = new NSRect(aRect.MidX - imgSz.width * 0.5f, aRect.MidY - imgSz.height * 0.5f,
                                            imgSz.width, imgSz.height);

                // fit the image to the available rect
                dstRect = NSImageHelper.CentreImageInRect(iImage, dstRect);

                iImage.DrawInRectFromRectOperationFraction(dstRect.IntegralRect(), NSRect.NSZeroRect, NSCompositingOperation.NSCompositeSourceOver, 1.0f);
Example #3
        public override void DrawRect(NSRect aRect)
            // draw bars
            if (iMaxValue > 0)
                // draw the current value bar
                NSColor colour = NSColor.ColorWithCalibratedRedGreenBlueAlpha(71.0f / 255.0f, 172.0f / 255.0f, 220.0f / 255.0f, 1.0f);

                DrawArc(0, iValue, true);

                // draw the preview bar
                if (iPreviewEnabled)
                    colour = NSColor.ColorWithCalibratedRedGreenBlueAlpha(187.0f / 255.0f, 187.0f / 255.0f, 0.0f / 255.0f, 1.0f);

                    DrawArc(iValue, iPreviewValue, (iPreviewValue > iValue));

            // draw text
            if (iText != null)
                NSMutableParagraphStyle style = new NSMutableParagraphStyle();

                NSDictionary dict = NSDictionary.DictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys(FontManager.FontMedium, NSAttributedString.NSFontAttributeName,
                                                                              style, NSAttributedString.NSParagraphStyleAttributeName,
                                                                              NSColor.WhiteColor, NSAttributedString.NSForegroundColorAttributeName,

                NSSize size = iText.SizeWithAttributes(dict);
                NSRect rect = new NSRect((Bounds.Width - size.width) * 0.5f, (Bounds.Height - size.height) * 0.5f, size.width, size.height);

                iText.DrawInRectWithAttributes(rect, dict);
Example #4
        public void DrawText(NSRect aRect)
            if (iText == null)

            // assume images for the background are the same for the no-hover, hover and down states
            NSImage left       = iLeft;
            NSImage right      = iRight;
            NSRect  fillerRect = new NSRect(aRect.MinX + left.Size.width, aRect.MinY, aRect.Width - left.Size.width - right.Size.width, aRect.Height);

            // calculate the text rect
            NSSize textSz   = TextSize;
            NSSize imgSz    = ImageSize;
            NSRect textRect = new NSRect(iTextLeft ? fillerRect.MinX + iTextPadding: fillerRect.MinX + imgSz.width + iTextPadding,
                                         aRect.MidY - textSz.height * 0.5f,
                                         fillerRect.Width - imgSz.width - 2.0f * iTextPadding,

            // draw
            iText.DrawInRectWithAttributes(textRect.IntegralRect(), TextAttributes);
Example #5
        private NSImage GetImage(Uri aUri)
            ArtworkCache.Item item = ArtworkCacheInstance.Instance.Artwork(aUri);
            NSImage           img  = null;

            if (item != null)
                if (!item.Failed)
                    img = item.Image;
                    img = Properties.Resources.IconLoading;
            if (img != null)
                NSSize size = img.Size;
                size     = new NSSize(kMaxImageSize, (size.height / size.width) * kMaxImageSize);
                img.Size = size;
Example #6
 // Changing frame (which is what happens when the window is resized) should cause relayout.
 public void setFrameSize(NSSize size)
     SuperCall(NSView.Class, "setFrameSize:", size);
Example #7
 public NSRect(float x, float y, float width, float height)
     origin = new NSPoint(x, y);
     size = new NSSize(width, height);
Example #8
		private void splitView(NSSplitView splitView) resizeSubviewsWithOldSize(NSSize oldSize)
			NSArray subviews = splitView.subviews();
			bool isVertical = splitView.isVertical();
			if (this.bottomRightHidden())
				CGSize size0 = this.frame().size;
				CGSize size1 = this.frame().size;
				if (isVertical)
					size1.width = 1;
					size1.height = 1;
			if (this.topLeftHidden())
			CGFloat delta = isVertical ? splitView.bounds.size.width - oldSize.width : splitView.bounds.size.height - oldSize.height;
			int start = _priorityViewIndex == 1 ? 1 : 0;
			int end = _priorityViewIndex == 1 ? -1 : 2;
			int direction = _priorityViewIndex == 1 ? -1 : 1;
			for (int i = start; i != end; i += direction)
				NSView view = subviews.objectAtIndex(i);
				NSSize frameSize = view.frame().size;
				CGFloat size;
				if (isVertical)
					frameSize.height = splitView.bounds.size.height;
					size = frameSize.width;
					frameSize.width = splitView.bounds.size.width;
					size = frameSize.height;
				CGFloat minLengthValue = i == 0 ? _minTopLeft : _minBottomRight;
				if ((delta > 0) || ((size + delta) >= minLengthValue))
					size += delta;
					delta = 0;
					if (delta < 0)
						delta += (size - minLengthValue);
						size = minLengthValue;
				if (isVertical)
					frameSize.width = size;
					frameSize.height = size;
			CGFloat offset = 0;
			CGFloat dividerThickness = this.dividerThickness();
			for (int i = 0; i < subviews.count(); i++)
				NSView view = subviews.objectAtIndex(i);
				NSRect viewFrame = view.frame;
				NSPoint viewOrigin = viewFrame.origin;
				if (isVertical)
					viewOrigin.x = offset;
					offset += (viewFrame.size.width + dividerThickness);
					viewOrigin.y = offset;
					offset += (viewFrame.size.height + dividerThickness);
Example #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <c>NSRect</c> struct using the supplied coordinates, width, and height.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="x">The x coordinate of the top left corner of the rectangle.</param>
 /// <param name="y">The y coordinate of the top left corner of the rectangle.</param>
 /// <param name="width">The width of the rectangle.</param>
 /// <param name="height">The height of the rectangle.</param>
 public NSRect(double x, double y, double width, double height)
     location = new NSPoint(x, y);
     size     = new NSSize(width, height);
Example #10
        private void DoAdjustFrame(NSSize size)
            NSRect frame = DoGetFrame(size);
            frame.origin += m_offset;

            // We'll allow the annotation to extend to the left or the right, but if it
            // scrolls too far up or down we'll hide it.
            NSRect content = m_parent.contentRectForFrameRect(m_parent.frame());
            if (frame.Bottom >= content.Bottom && frame.Top < content.Top)
                setFrame_display(frame, false);			// this is in screen coordinates even though we are a child window
                frame.origin.x -= 8000;
                setFrame_display(frame, false);
Example #11
 public static extern void NSShowAnimationEffect(int animationEffect, NSPoint centerLocation, NSSize size, IntPtr animationDelegate, IntPtr didEndSelector, IntPtr contextInfo);
Example #12
 public static void NSShowAnimationEffect(int animationEffect, NSPoint centerLocation, NSSize size, NSObject animationDelegate, Selector didEndSelector, IntPtr contextInfo)
     NativeMethods.NSShowAnimationEffect(animationEffect, centerLocation, size, animationDelegate, didEndSelector, contextInfo);
Example #13
 internal extern static void Void_objc_msgSend(IntPtr receiver, IntPtr selector, NSSize arg0);
Example #14
 // Changing frame (which is what happens when the window is resized) should cause relayout.
 public void setFrameSize(NSSize size)
     SuperCall(NSView.Class, "setFrameSize:", size);
Example #15
        private void DoFindLargestFont(ITextOverlay overlay, NSRect rect)
            float[] candidates = new float[]{12.0f, 14.0f, 18.0f, 24.0f, 36.0f, 48.0f, 64.0f, 72.0f, 06.0f, 144.0f, 288.0f, 0.0f};

            int i = 0;
            while (candidates[i + 1] != 0.0f)
                var attrs = NSMutableDictionary.Create();
                NSFont font = NSFont.fontWithName_size(NSString.Create("Verdana"), candidates[i + 1]);
                attrs.setObject_forKey(font, Externs.NSFontAttributeName);

                attrs.setObject_forKey(overlay.Color, Externs.NSForegroundColorAttributeName);

                NSMutableParagraphStyle style = NSMutableParagraphStyle.Create();
                attrs.setObject_forKey(style, Externs.NSParagraphStyleAttributeName);

                var candidate = NSAttributedString.Create(overlay.Text, attrs);
                NSSize size = candidate.size();
                if (size.width <= rect.size.width && size.height <= rect.size.height)
                    m_overlay = candidate.Retain();
                    m_overlaySize = size;
Example #16
 public extern static IntPtr SendIntPtr(IntPtr receiver, IntPtr selector, NSSize size);
Example #17
        public void Show(NSPoint aAnchor, bool aAnchorOnLeft, NSSize aSize)
            // calculate the rect for the window - the passed in arguments are "preferred" values
            // and will only be honoured if possible
            float x, y, w, h, anchorPos;
            bool  anchorOnTop = false;

            if (NSScreen.MainScreen == null)
                Linn.UserLog.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + ": Logging for #822 MainScreen null");
            if (ViewBkgd == null)
                Linn.UserLog.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + ": Logging for #822 ViewBkgd null");
            if (Window == null)
                Linn.UserLog.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + ": Logging for #822 Window null");
            if (ViewContent == null)
                Linn.UserLog.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + ": Logging for #822 ViewContent null");
            if (iView == null)
                Linn.UserLog.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + ": Logging for #822 iView null");
            if (iView.View == null)
                Linn.UserLog.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + ": Logging for #822 iView.View null");
            if (iAnimation == null)
                Linn.UserLog.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + ": Logging for #822 iAnimation null");

            NSRect screenFrame = NSScreen.MainScreen.VisibleFrame;

            // determine the y-pos, height and anchor position
            if (aAnchor.y - aSize.height > screenFrame.MinY)
                // window can fit in available screen with given coords and anchor at the top
                h           = aSize.height;
                y           = aAnchor.y - aSize.height;
                anchorOnTop = true;
            else if (aAnchor.y + aSize.height < screenFrame.MaxY)
                // window can fit in available screen with given coords and anchor at the bottom
                h           = aSize.height;
                y           = aAnchor.y;
                anchorOnTop = false;
            else if (aAnchor.y > screenFrame.MidY)
                // window height is truncated with anchor at top
                h           = aAnchor.y - screenFrame.MinY;
                y           = screenFrame.MinY;
                anchorOnTop = true;
                // window height is truncated with anchor at bottom
                h           = screenFrame.MaxY - aAnchor.y;
                y           = aAnchor.y;
                anchorOnTop = false;

            // determine x-pos and width
            const float anchorIndent = 50.0f;

            if (aAnchorOnLeft)
                float left  = aAnchor.x - anchorIndent;
                float right = left + aSize.width;
                if (right < screenFrame.MaxX)
                    // anchor ok on the left
                    x         = left;
                    w         = aSize.width;
                    anchorPos = anchorIndent;
                    // move anchor to the right
                    x         = aAnchor.x + anchorIndent - aSize.width;
                    w         = aSize.width;
                    anchorPos = aSize.width - anchorIndent;
                float left = aAnchor.x + anchorIndent - aSize.width;
                if (left > screenFrame.MinX)
                    // anchor ok on right
                    x         = left;
                    w         = aSize.width;
                    anchorPos = aSize.width - anchorIndent;
                    // move anchor to the left
                    x         = aAnchor.x - anchorIndent;
                    w         = aSize.width;
                    anchorPos = anchorIndent;

            // set the target rect for the window
            ViewBkgd.AnchorOnTop = anchorOnTop;
            ViewBkgd.AnchorPos   = anchorPos;

            NSRect targetFrame  = new NSRect(x, y, w, h);
            NSRect initialFrame = GetMinimalRect(targetFrame);

            // initialise the content view to be the target size - this avoids adverse animation
            // effects where the view could potentially have a 0 or -ve height
            Window.SetFrameDisplay(targetFrame, false);
            iView.View.Frame = ViewContent.Bounds;

            // initialise and show the window
            Window.SetFrameDisplay(initialFrame, false);

            // the popover closes when it resigns key window status. Normally, this would mean
            // it can no longer be seen (the main window is on top). Given that this window should
            // animate when closing, setting the window level will ensure that the popover is always
            // on top of the main window, so the closing animation can be seen
            Window.Level = NSWindowLevel.NSFloatingWindowLevel;

            // animate
            NSViewAnimationHelper.SetFrames(iAnimation, Window, initialFrame, targetFrame);
            iAnimation.Duration = 0.2;
Example #18
 public NSRect(float x, float y, float width, float height)
     origin = new NSPoint(x, y);
     size   = new NSSize(width, height);
Example #19
        private NSRect DoGetFrame(NSSize size)
            NSRect bbox = m_editor.GetBoundingBox(new NSRange(m_range.Index, m_range.Length));
            NSPoint origin = m_parent.convertBaseToScreen(bbox.origin);

            if (m_alignment == AnnotationAlignment.Bottom)
                origin.y -= size.height;
            else if (m_alignment == AnnotationAlignment.Top)
                origin.y += size.height;

            NSRect frame = new NSRect(origin, size);
            return frame;
Example #20
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <c>NSRect</c> struct using the supplied location and size.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="location">The location of the top left corner of the rectangle.</param>
 /// <param name="size">The size of the rectangle.</param>
 public NSRect(NSPoint location, NSSize size)
     this.location = location;
     this.size     = size;