public override bool MakeFirstResponder(NSResponder aResponder) { var prevFirstResponder = FirstResponder; if (base.MakeFirstResponder(aResponder) && IsKeyWindow && prevFirstResponder != FirstResponder) { var prev = XplatUICocoa.GetHandle(prevFirstResponder); var next = XplatUICocoa.GetHandle(aResponder); if (prev != IntPtr.Zero) { driver.SendMessage(prev, Msg.WM_KILLFOCUS, next, IntPtr.Zero); } if (next != IntPtr.Zero && FirstResponder == aResponder) { driver.SendMessage(next, Msg.WM_SETFOCUS, prev, IntPtr.Zero); } // If the newly focused control is not a MWF control's view, then it must be some embedded native control. Try // to update the ActiveControl chain in Form to match it using similar approach as in Control.WmSetFocus. var wrapperControl = Control.FromChildHandle(next); if (wrapperControl != null && wrapperControl.Handle != next) { wrapperControl.Select(wrapperControl); } return(true); } return(false); }
public void WindowDidUpdate(NSNotification notification) { if (this.View != null && this.View.Window != null && this.View.Window.FirstResponder != null) { NSTextField tv = ApiUtils.GetFirstResponderTextField(this.View.Window); if (tv != null) { if (m_prevResponder != tv && ApiUtils.IsTextFieldFirstResponder(this.View.Window, textFieldComputerName) && textFieldComputerName.StringValue.IsEqualToString(NSString.Empty) && !textFieldDisplayName.StringValue.IsEqualToString(NSString.Empty)) { textFieldComputerName.StringValue = textFieldDisplayName.StringValue; } m_prevResponder = tv; } else { m_prevResponder = this.View.Window.FirstResponder; } } }
public override bool MakeFirstResponder(NSResponder aResponder) { var ok = base.MakeFirstResponder(aResponder); var next = FirstResponder; if (ok) { var c = XplatUICocoa.GetHandle(next); if (prevFocus != c && !(next is MonoWindow)) { if (prevFocus != IntPtr.Zero) { driver.SendMessage(prevFocus, Msg.WM_KILLFOCUS, c, IntPtr.Zero); } // If sending WM_SETFOCUS causes another immediate change of focus, we need to have prevFocus updated var oldPrefFocus = prevFocus; prevFocus = c; if (c != IntPtr.Zero) { driver.SendMessage(c, Msg.WM_SETFOCUS, oldPrefFocus, IntPtr.Zero); } } else { prevFocus = c; } } return(ok); }
public void WindowDidUpdate(NSNotification notification) { if (View != null && View.Window != null && View.Window.FirstResponder != null) { NSTextField tv = ApiUtils.GetFirstResponderTextField(View.Window); if (tv != null) { if (m_prevResponder != tv && ApiUtils.IsTextFieldFirstResponder(View.Window, textFieldComputerName) && NSString.IsNullOrEmpty(textFieldComputerName.StringValue) && !NSString.IsNullOrEmpty(textFieldDisplayName.StringValue)) { textFieldComputerName.StringValue = textFieldDisplayName.StringValue; } m_prevResponder = tv; } else { m_prevResponder = View.Window.FirstResponder; } } }
/// <summary> /// Gets a Boolean value indicating of the given command is allowed to execute. /// </summary> /// <param name="command">The command of interest.</param> /// <returns><c>true</c> if the command should be allowed to execute, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns> protected override bool HandleCanExecuteChangedForCommand(VisualRelayCommand command) { var context = Context; if (command.UniqueId == CancelRomsImportCommand.UniqueId) { context = ProgressIndicatorViewModel; } var canExecute = command.CanExecute(context); if (command.UniqueId == RemoveRomsCommand.UniqueId) { if (canExecute) { NSResponder firstResponder = null; if ((NSApplication.SharedApplication != null) && (NSApplication.SharedApplication.MainWindow != null)) { firstResponder = NSApplication.SharedApplication.MainWindow.FirstResponder; canExecute = firstResponder is NSTableView; if (canExecute) { canExecute = (RomListView != null) && (RomListView.FindChild <NSTableView>() == firstResponder); } command.MenuItem.NativeMenuItem.KeyEquivalent = canExecute ? RemoveRomsCommand.KeyboardShortcutKey : string.Empty; command.MenuItem.NativeMenuItem.KeyEquivalentModifierMask = (NSEventModifierMask)(canExecute ? RemoveRomsCommand.KeyboardShortcutModifiers : OSModifierKeys.None); } } } return(canExecute); }
public ModalDialogContext() { keyWindow = NSApplication.SharedApplication.KeyWindow; if (keyWindow != null) { firstResponder = keyWindow.FirstResponder; } }
void TickHandleAction(NSTimer obj) { if (window.FirstResponder != responder) { responder = (AppKit.NSResponder)window.FirstResponder; Changed?.Invoke(this, responder); } }
public virtual bool EmbeddedControlDoCommandBySelector(NSResponder target, Selector selector) { // This method allows you to choose which [menu] commands should be processed by embedded native control itself, // and which commands should be handled in the form of WM_KEYDOWN/WM_KEYUP message pair by it's WinForms parent control. // By default, the parent control performs all commands (copy:, paste:, etc..). return((snatchCommands ? this : target).TryToPerformwith(selector, this)); }
/// <summary> /// Ensures that an event handler is invoked on main the thread. /// </summary> /// <param name="instance">Typically a NSController or NSView that must handle an event from a ViewModel.</param> /// <param name="sender">Sender of the orginal event.</param> /// <param name="args">Event data.</param> /// <param name="handler">The event handler to ensure is executed on the main thread.</param> /// <typeparam name="TEventArgs">The data type of the event handler's data.</typeparam> public static void HandleEventOnMainThread <TEventArgs>(this NSResponder instance, object sender, TEventArgs args, System.Action <object, TEventArgs> handler) where TEventArgs : System.EventArgs { if (!OSDispatcher.IsMainThread) { instance.InvokeOnMainThread(() => handler(sender, args)); return; } handler(sender, args); }
public override bool ValidateProposedFirstResponder(NSResponder responder, NSEvent forEvent) { if (responder is PropertyButton) { return(true); } return(base.ValidateProposedFirstResponder(responder, forEvent)); }
public override bool MakeFirstResponder(NSResponder aResponder) { if (aResponder is NSView view) { context.ChangeFocusedView(new MacViewWrapper(view)); RefreshBar(view); } return(base.MakeFirstResponder(aResponder)); }
// See first paragraph under "How the Field Editor Works" // static NSResponder ResolveResponder(NSResponder responder) { if (responder is NSText text && text.FieldEditor) { return((text.WeakDelegate as NSResponder) ?? responder); } return(responder); }
private static bool GetInheritedValue(this NSResponder visual, string property, out object propertyValue) { bool gotValue = false; propertyValue = null; var window = visual as NSWindow; var view = visual as NSView; NSResponder root = window; if (root == null) { if (view != null) { root = view.Window; } if (root == null) { root = INTV.Shared.Utility.SingleInstanceApplication.Current; } } while ((visual != null) && !gotValue) { var properties = AttachedProperties.GetEntry(visual); if (properties != null) { gotValue = properties.TryGetValue(property, out propertyValue); } if (!gotValue) { if (view != null) { window = view.Window; visual = view.Superview; view = visual as NSView; if (view == null) { visual = window; } if (visual == null) { visual = INTV.Shared.Utility.SingleInstanceApplication.Current; } } else if (window != null) { visual = INTV.Shared.Utility.SingleInstanceApplication.Current; window = null; } else { visual = null; } } } return(gotValue); }
public override bool MakeFirstResponder(NSResponder aResponder) { var result = base.MakeFirstResponder(aResponder); if (result) { var notification = NSNotification.FromName(CustomWindowNotifications.WindowMakeFirstResponder, aResponder); NSNotificationCenter.DefaultCenter.PostNotification(notification); } return(result); }
public bool ValidateProposedFirstResponder(NSResponder responder, NSEvent forEvent) { if (responder is PropertyButton) { return(true); } bool baseRet = bool_objc_msgSendSuper_IntPtr_IntPtr(this.SuperHandle, selValidateProposedFirstResponder_ForEvent_Handle, responder.Handle, forEvent == null ? IntPtr.Zero : forEvent.Handle); return(true); }
NSViewController GetViewController() { NSResponder r = this; while (r != null) { var c = r as NSViewController; if (c != null) { return(c); } r = r.NextResponder; } return(null); }
public override void Validate() { NSResponder responder = NSApplication.SharedApplication.KeyWindow; while (responder != null) { if (responder.RespondsToSelector(Action)) { Enabled = true; return; } responder = responder.NextResponder; } Enabled = false; }
public override void ObserveValue(NSString keyPath, NSObject ofObject, NSDictionary change, IntPtr context) { var window = ofObject as NSWindow; if (window != null && keyPath == key) { var firstResponder = change [ChangeNewKey] as NSResponder; if (firstResponder != null && !(firstResponder is NSWindow) && (!(firstResponder is NSView view) || view.Window == window)) { this.prevFirstResponder = ResolveResponder(firstResponder); } } else { base.ObserveValue(keyPath, ofObject, change, context); } }
/// <summary>If the standard PerformKeyEquivalent doesn't work, then use this /// to try to execute the given command directly. Used as a workaround.</summary> /// <param name="responder">The recipient of the event.</param> /// <param name="theEvent">The event to handle</param> /// <param name="command">The command.</param> /// <param name="context">Data context for the command.</param> /// <returns><c>true</c> if the command using the delete key was executed, otherwise <c>false</c>.</returns> /// <remarks>This is to work around an as-yet unsuccessfully diagnosed problem with the /// 'delete' key shortcut that arises when cancelling cell edits in the NSOutlineView / NSTableView. /// It seems that other shortcuts aside from delete will work. It may be that when the /// field editor becomes active, the cancel isn't being processed properly, or the /// re-enabling of keyboard shortcuts isn't happening in the right order, or something /// about the editor itself and its temporary requisition of the delete key is at play here. /// Blather aside, this will explicitly check for the backspace / delete key and treat /// it as if it were a command shortcut.</remarks> public static bool PerformKeyEquivalentForDelete(this NSResponder responder, NSEvent theEvent, VisualRelayCommand command, object context) { var didIt = false; if (theEvent.Window.FirstResponder == responder) { var isDeleteOrBackspace = (theEvent.Characters == NSBackspaceCharacterString) || (theEvent.Characters == NSDeleteCharacterString); var deleteCommandUsesBackspaceOrDelete = (command.KeyboardShortcutKey == NSBackspaceCharacterString) || (command.KeyboardShortcutKey == NSDeleteCharacterString); if (isDeleteOrBackspace && deleteCommandUsesBackspaceOrDelete) { didIt = command.CanExecute(context); if (didIt) { command.Execute(context); } } } return(didIt); }
/// <summary> /// Gets a Boolean value indicating of the given command is allowed to execute. /// </summary> /// <param name="command">The command of interest.</param> /// <returns><c>true</c> if the command should be allowed to execute, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns> protected override bool HandleCanExecuteChangedForCommand(VisualRelayCommand command) { var canExecute = base.HandleCanExecuteChangedForCommand(command); if (canExecute && (command.UniqueId == DeleteItemsCommand.UniqueId)) { NSResponder firstResponder = null; if ((NSApplication.SharedApplication != null) && (NSApplication.SharedApplication.MainWindow != null)) { firstResponder = NSApplication.SharedApplication.MainWindow.FirstResponder; canExecute = firstResponder is NSOutlineView; if (canExecute) { canExecute = (MenuLayoutView != null) && (MenuLayoutView.FindChild <NSOutlineView>() == firstResponder); } command.MenuItem.NativeMenuItem.KeyEquivalent = canExecute ? DeleteItemsCommand.KeyboardShortcutKey : string.Empty; command.MenuItem.NativeMenuItem.KeyEquivalentModifierMask = (NSEventModifierMask)(canExecute ? DeleteItemsCommand.KeyboardShortcutModifiers : OSModifierKeys.None); } } return(canExecute); }
void RefreshDebugData(NSResponder firstResponder) { view = firstResponder as NSView; if (view != null) { debugOverlayWindow.AlignWith(view); } nextKeyView = view?.NextValidKeyView as NSView; if (nextKeyView != null) { debugNextOverlayWindow.AlignWith(nextKeyView); } previousKeyView = view?.PreviousValidKeyView as NSView; if (previousKeyView != null) { debugPreviousOverlayWindow.AlignWith(previousKeyView); } RefreshStatusWindow(); }
public virtual bool EmbeddedControlDoCommandBySelector(NSResponder target, Selector selector) { return(eventResponder.EmbeddedControlDoCommandBySelector(target, selector)); }
public override void UIMakeFirstResponder(WebView sender, NSResponder newResponder);
public override bool ValidateProposedFirstResponder(NSResponder responder, NSEvent forEvent) { return(true); }
public bool validateProposedFirstResponder(NSResponder responder, NSEvent ev) { return(true); }
public override bool ValidateProposedFirstResponder(NSResponder responder, NSEvent forEvent) { var valid = base.ValidateProposedFirstResponder(responder, forEvent); return(Handler?.ValidateProposedFirstResponder(responder, forEvent, valid) ?? valid); }
private void DoDump(NSResponder o, ref int indent) { if (NSObject.IsNullOrNil(o)) { DoDump1(NSApplication.sharedApplication(), ref indent); } else { DoDump(o.nextResponder(), ref indent); DoDump1(o, ref indent); } }
private void DoDump1(NSResponder o, ref int indent) { Console.Write("{0}{1}", new string(' ', 3*indent), o); List<string> extras = new List<string>(); if (o == NSApplication.sharedApplication().keyWindow()) extras.Add("key"); if (o == NSApplication.sharedApplication().mainWindow()) extras.Add("main"); if (o.respondsToSelector("isVisible")) if ((sbyte) o.Call("isVisible") == 0) extras.Add("hidden"); if (extras.Count > 0) Console.Write(" [{0}]", string.Join(", ", extras.ToArray())); Console.WriteLine(); if (o.respondsToSelector("delegate")) { NSObject d = (NSObject) o.Call("delegate"); if (!NSObject.IsNullOrNil(d)) { Console.WriteLine("{0}{1}", new string(' ', 3*indent), d); } } ++indent; }
public static bool MakeFirstResponder(NSResponder aResponder) { return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Creates an OSVisual from a platform-specific object. /// </summary> /// <param name="responder">The OS-specific object to place into the abstraction..</param> /// <returns>The abstraction.</returns> public static OSVisual FromObject(NSResponder responder) { return(new OSVisual(responder)); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="INTV.Shared.View.OSVisual"/> struct. /// </summary> /// <param name="responder">A responder.</param> public OSVisual(NSResponder responder) { _visual = responder; }