Example #1
        void CopyFileToDocumentsDirectory(NSUrl fromUrl)
            NSUrl toURL = DocumentsDirectory.Append(fromUrl.LastPathComponent, false);

            bool              success = false;
            NSError           error;
            NSFileCoordinator fileCoordinator = new NSFileCoordinator();

            fileCoordinator.CoordinateWriteWrite(fromUrl, NSFileCoordinatorWritingOptions.ForMoving, toURL, NSFileCoordinatorWritingOptions.ForReplacing, out error, (src, dst) => {
                NSFileManager fileManager = new NSFileManager();
                success = fileManager.Copy(src, dst, out error);

                if (success)
                    var attributes = new NSFileAttributes {
                        FileExtensionHidden = true
                    fileManager.SetAttributes(attributes, dst.Path);
                    Console.WriteLine("Moved file: {0} to: {1}.", src.AbsoluteString, dst.AbsoluteString);

            // In your app, handle this gracefully.
            if (!success)
                Console.WriteLine("Couldn't move file: {0} to: {1}. Error: {3}.", fromUrl.AbsoluteString,
                                  toURL.AbsoluteString, error.Description);
        private void DocumentPicker_DidPickDocument(object sender, UIDocumentPickedEventArgs e)

            var doc      = new UIDocument(e.Url);
            var fileName = doc.LocalizedName;

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fileName))
                var path = doc.FileUrl?.ToString();
                if (path != null)
                    path = WebUtility.UrlDecode(path);
                    var split = path.LastIndexOf('/');
                    fileName = path.Substring(split + 1);

            var     fileCoordinator = new NSFileCoordinator();
            NSError error;

            fileCoordinator.CoordinateRead(e.Url, NSFileCoordinatorReadingOptions.WithoutChanges, out error, (url) =>
                var data = NSData.FromUrl(url).ToArray();
                SelectFileResult(data, fileName ?? "unknown_file_name");

Example #3
        public Task <IFile> CreateFile(string path, byte[] contents)
            var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <IFile> ();

            var f = new CloudFile(path, documentsUrl);

            if (contents != null)
                var     c = new NSFileCoordinator(filePresenterOrNil: (INSFilePresenter)null);
                NSError coordErr;
                c.CoordinateWrite(f.LocalUrl, NSFileCoordinatorWritingOptions.ForReplacing, out coordErr, newUrl => {
                    using (var d = NSData.FromArray(contents)) {
                        NSError error;
                        if (d.Save(newUrl, false, out error))
                            tcs.SetException(new CloudException("Failed to create new file", error));
                if (coordErr != null)
                    tcs.TrySetException(new CloudException("Could not coordinate iCloud write for CreateFile", coordErr));

		void CopyFileToDocumentsDirectory(NSUrl fromUrl)
			NSUrl toURL = DocumentsDirectory.Append (fromUrl.LastPathComponent, false);

			bool success = false;
			NSError error;
			NSFileCoordinator fileCoordinator = new NSFileCoordinator ();

			fileCoordinator.CoordinateWriteWrite (fromUrl, NSFileCoordinatorWritingOptions.ForMoving, toURL, NSFileCoordinatorWritingOptions.ForReplacing, out error, (src, dst) => {
				NSFileManager fileManager = new NSFileManager();
				success = fileManager.Copy(src, dst, out error);

				if (success) {
					var attributes = new NSFileAttributes {
						ExtensionHidden = true
					fileManager.SetAttributes (attributes, dst.Path);
					Console.WriteLine ("Moved file: {0} to: {1}.", src.AbsoluteString, dst.AbsoluteString);

			// In your app, handle this gracefully.
			if (!success)
				Console.WriteLine ("Couldn't move file: {0} to: {1}. Error: {3}.", fromUrl.AbsoluteString,
					toURL.AbsoluteString, error.Description);
Example #5
        public Task <bool> Move(string fromPath, string toPath)
            var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <bool> ();

            var fromLocalPath = GetLocalPath(fromPath);
            var toLocalPath   = GetLocalPath(toPath);

            var fromUrl = NSUrl.FromFilename(fromLocalPath);
            var toUrl   = NSUrl.FromFilename(toLocalPath);

            Task.Run(() => {
                var c = new NSFileCoordinator(filePresenterOrNil: null);
                NSError coordErr;
                c.CoordinateReadWrite(fromUrl, NSFileCoordinatorReadingOptions.WithoutChanges, toUrl, NSFileCoordinatorWritingOptions.ForReplacing, out coordErr, (newFromUrl, newToUrl) => {
                    try {
                        var man = new NSFileManager();
                        NSError moveErr;

                        var r = man.Move(newFromUrl, newToUrl, out moveErr);
                        Debug.WriteLineIf(!r, moveErr);

                        needsRefresh = true;

                    } catch (Exception ex) {

        public static Task<NSUrl> CopyToDocumentsDirectoryAsync(NSUrl fromUrl)
            var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<NSUrl>();

            NSUrl localDocDir = GetDocumentDirectoryUrl ();
            NSUrl toURL = localDocDir.Append (fromUrl.LastPathComponent, false);

            bool success = false;
            NSError coordinationError, copyError = null;
            NSFileCoordinator fileCoordinator = new NSFileCoordinator ();

            ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem (_ => {
                fileCoordinator.CoordinateReadWrite (fromUrl, 0, toURL, NSFileCoordinatorWritingOptions.ForReplacing, out coordinationError, (src, dst) => {
                    NSFileManager fileManager = new NSFileManager();
                    success = fileManager.Copy(src, dst, out copyError);

                    if (success) {
                        var attributes = new NSFileAttributes {
                            ExtensionHidden = true
                        fileManager.SetAttributes (attributes, dst.Path);
                        Console.WriteLine ("Copied file: {0} to: {1}.", src.AbsoluteString, dst.AbsoluteString);

                // In your app, handle this gracefully.
                if (!success)
                    Console.WriteLine ("Couldn't copy file: {0} to: {1}. Error: {2}.", fromUrl.AbsoluteString,
                        toURL.AbsoluteString, (coordinationError ?? copyError).Description);


            return tcs.Task;
Example #7
        public Task <bool> Move(string newPath)
            var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <bool> ();

            NSUrl newUrl = documentsUrl.Append(newPath, false);

            Task.Factory.StartNew(() => {
                var c = new NSFileCoordinator(filePresenterOrNil: null);
                NSError coordErr;
                c.CoordinateWriteWrite(LocalUrl, NSFileCoordinatorWritingOptions.ForMoving, newUrl, NSFileCoordinatorWritingOptions.ForReplacing, out coordErr, (url1, url2) => {
                    bool r = false;
                    using (var m = new NSFileManager()) {
                        NSError remErr;
                        r = m.Move(url1, url2, out remErr);
                        if (r)
                            Path      = newPath;
                            LocalUrl  = newUrl;
                            LocalPath = LocalUrl.Path;

Example #8
        public Task <bool> DeleteFile(string path)
            var localUrl = documentsUrl.Append(path, false);

            var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <bool> ();

            Task.Factory.StartNew(() => {
                var c = new NSFileCoordinator(filePresenterOrNil: null);
                NSError coordErr;
                c.CoordinateWrite(localUrl, NSFileCoordinatorWritingOptions.ForDeleting, out coordErr, newUrl => {
                    bool r = false;
                    using (var m = new NSFileManager()) {
                        NSError remErr;
                        r = m.Remove(newUrl, out remErr);
                if (coordErr != null)

Example #9
        public Task <bool> CreateDirectory(string path)
            var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <bool> ();

            var localPath = GetLocalPath(path);

            var url = NSUrl.FromFilename(localPath);

            Task.Factory.StartNew(() => {
                var c = new NSFileCoordinator(filePresenterOrNil: null);
                NSError coordErr;
                c.CoordinateWrite(url, NSFileCoordinatorWritingOptions.ForReplacing, out coordErr, newUrl => {
                    try {
                        if (Directory.Exists(newUrl.Path))

                        var man = new NSFileManager();
                        NSError mkdirErr;
                        var r = man.CreateDirectory(newUrl, false, null, out mkdirErr);
                        Debug.WriteLineIf(!r, mkdirErr);

                    } catch (Exception ex) {

Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Moves a file from a given source url location to a given destination url.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns><c>true</c>, if file was moved, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns>
        /// <param name="fromURL">From UR.</param>
        /// <param name="toURL">To UR.</param>
        private bool MoveFile(string fromURL, string toURL)
            bool successful = true;

            // Get source options
            var srcURL    = NSUrl.FromFilename(fromURL);
            var srcIntent = NSFileAccessIntent.CreateReadingIntent(srcURL, NSFileCoordinatorReadingOptions.ForUploading);

            // Get destination options
            var dstURL    = NSUrl.FromFilename(toURL);
            var dstIntent = NSFileAccessIntent.CreateReadingIntent(dstURL, NSFileCoordinatorReadingOptions.ForUploading);

            // Create an array
            var intents = new NSFileAccessIntent[] {

            // Initialize a file coordination with intents
            var queue           = new NSOperationQueue();
            var fileCoordinator = new NSFileCoordinator();

            fileCoordinator.CoordinateAccess(intents, queue, (err) => {
                // Was there an error?
                if (err != null)
                    // Yes, inform caller
                    Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}", err.LocalizedDescription);
                    successful = false;

            // Return successful
		/// <summary>
		/// Moves a file from a given source url location to a given destination url.
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns><c>true</c>, if file was moved, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns>
		/// <param name="fromURL">From UR.</param>
		/// <param name="toURL">To UR.</param>
		private bool MoveFile(string fromURL, string toURL) {
			bool successful = true;

			// Get source options
			var srcURL = NSUrl.FromFilename (fromURL);
			var srcIntent = NSFileAccessIntent.CreateReadingIntent (srcURL, NSFileCoordinatorReadingOptions.ForUploading);

			// Get destination options
			var dstURL = NSUrl.FromFilename (toURL);
			var dstIntent = NSFileAccessIntent.CreateReadingIntent (dstURL, NSFileCoordinatorReadingOptions.ForUploading);

			// Create an array
			var intents = new NSFileAccessIntent[] {

			// Initialize a file coordination with intents
			var queue = new NSOperationQueue ();
			var fileCoordinator = new NSFileCoordinator ();
			fileCoordinator.CoordinateAccess (intents, queue, (err) => {
				// Was there an error?
				if (err!=null) {
					// Yes, inform caller
					Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}",err.LocalizedDescription);
					successful = false;

			// Return successful
			return successful;
Example #12
        public Task <bool> CreateDirectory(string path)
            var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <bool> ();

            var localPath = GetLocalPath(path);

            var url = NSUrl.FromFilename(localPath);

            var     c = new NSFileCoordinator(filePresenterOrNil: (INSFilePresenter)null);
            NSError coordErr;

            c.CoordinateWrite(url, NSFileCoordinatorWritingOptions.ForReplacing, out coordErr, newUrl => {
                try {
                    var man = new NSFileManager();
                    NSError mkdirErr;
                    var r = man.CreateDirectory(newUrl, true, null, out mkdirErr);
                    Debug.WriteLineIf(!r, mkdirErr);

                } catch (Exception ex) {
            if (coordErr != null)

Example #13
        void abreDocumento(object s, EventArgs e)
            // Allow the Document picker to select a range of document types
            var allowedUTIs = new string[] {

            // Display the picker
            //var picker = new UIDocumentPickerViewController (allowedUTIs, UIDocumentPickerMode.Open);
            var pickerMenu = new UIDocumentMenuViewController(allowedUTIs, UIDocumentPickerMode.Open);

            pickerMenu.DidPickDocumentPicker += (sender, args) =>
                // Wireup Document Picker
                args.DocumentPicker.DidPickDocument += (sndr, pArgs) =>
                    // IMPORTANT! You must lock the security scope before you can
                    // access this file
                    var securityEnabled = pArgs.Url.StartAccessingSecurityScopedResource();

                    // Open the document
                    funciones.MessageBox("Aviso", pArgs.Url.ToString());

                    // TODO: This should work but doesn't
                    // Apple's WWDC 2014 sample project does this but it blows
                    // up in Xamarin
                    NSFileCoordinator fileCoordinator = new NSFileCoordinator();
                    NSError           err;
                    fileCoordinator.CoordinateRead(pArgs.Url, 0, out err, (NSUrl newUrl) =>
                        NSData data = NSData.FromUrl(newUrl);
                        Console.WriteLine("Data: {0}", data);

                    // IMPORTANT! You must release the security lock established
                    // above.

                // Display the document picker
                PresentViewController(args.DocumentPicker, true, null);

            pickerMenu.ModalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationStyle.Popover;
            PresentViewController(pickerMenu, true, null);
            UIPopoverPresentationController presentationPopover = pickerMenu.PopoverPresentationController;

            if (presentationPopover != null)
                presentationPopover.SourceView = this.View;
                presentationPopover.PermittedArrowDirections = UIPopoverArrowDirection.Down;
                presentationPopover.SourceRect = ((UIButton)s).Frame;
Example #14
 public void CoordinateRead_Null()
     using (var url = GetUrl())
         using (var fc = new NSFileCoordinator()) {
             NSError err;
             // NULL is not documented by Apple but it crash the app with:
             // NSFileCoordinator: A surprising server error was signaled. Details: Connection invalid
             Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException> (() => fc.CoordinateRead(url, NSFileCoordinatorReadingOptions.WithoutChanges, out err, null));
 public void CoordinateWrite_Null()
     using (var url = GetUrl())
         using (var fc = new NSFileCoordinator()) {
             NSError err;
             // NULL is not documented by Apple but it crash the app with:
             // NSFileCoordinator: A surprising server error was signaled. Details: Connection invalid
             fc.CoordinateWrite(url, NSFileCoordinatorWritingOptions.ForDeleting, out err, null);
 public void CoordinateBatch_Action()
     using (var url = GetUrl())
         using (var fc = new NSFileCoordinator()) {
             NSError err;
             fileop = false;
             fc.CoordinateBatc(new NSUrl[] { url }, NSFileCoordinatorReadingOptions.WithoutChanges, new NSUrl[] { url }, NSFileCoordinatorWritingOptions.ForDeleting, out err, Action);
             Assert.True(fileop, "fileop/sync");
             Assert.Null(err, "NSError");
 public void CoordinateReadWrite()
     using (var url = GetUrl())
         using (var fc = new NSFileCoordinator()) {
             NSError err;
             fileop = false;
             fc.CoordinateReadWrite(url, NSFileCoordinatorReadingOptions.WithoutChanges, url, NSFileCoordinatorWritingOptions.ForDeleting, out err, FileOp);
             Assert.True(fileop, "fileop/sync");
             Assert.Null(err, "NSError");
        public FileProvider()
            NSError error;

            FileCoordinator = new NSFileCoordinator ();
            FileCoordinator.PurposeIdentifier = ProviderIdentifier;

            FileCoordinator.CoordinateWrite (DocumentStorageUrl, 0, out error, (newUrl) => {
                NSError err;

                // ensure that the DocumentStorageUrl actually exists
                NSFileManager.DefaultManager.CreateDirectory (newUrl, true, null, out err);
        public FileProvider()
            NSError error;

            FileCoordinator = new NSFileCoordinator();
            FileCoordinator.PurposeIdentifier = ProviderIdentifier;

            FileCoordinator.CoordinateWrite(DocumentStorageUrl, 0, out error, (newUrl) => {
                NSError err;

                // ensure that the DocumentStorageUrl actually exists
                NSFileManager.DefaultManager.CreateDirectory(newUrl, true, null, out err);
Example #20
        public void CoordinateBatch_Action_Null()
            using (var url = GetUrl())
                using (var fc = new NSFileCoordinator()) {
                    NSError err;
                    // NULL is not documented by Apple but it crash the app with:
                    // NSFileCoordinator: A surprising server error was signaled. Details: Connection invalid
#if NET
                    Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException> (() => fc.CoordinateBatch(new NSUrl[] { url }, NSFileCoordinatorReadingOptions.WithoutChanges, new NSUrl[] { url }, NSFileCoordinatorWritingOptions.ForDeleting, out err, null));
                    Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException> (() => fc.CoordinateBatc(new NSUrl[] { url }, NSFileCoordinatorReadingOptions.WithoutChanges, new NSUrl[] { url }, NSFileCoordinatorWritingOptions.ForDeleting, out err, null));
		public void DeleteFileAtURL(NSUrl fileURL)
			var fileCoordinator = new NSFileCoordinator ();
			NSError error;
			bool success = false;

			fileCoordinator.CoordinateWrite (fileURL, NSFileCoordinatorWritingOptions.ForDeleting, out error,
				writingURL => {
					NSFileManager fileManager = new NSFileManager();
					success = fileManager.Remove(writingURL, out error);

				// In your app, handle this gracefully.
			if (!success) {
				string msg = string.Format("Couldn't delete file at URL {0}. Error: {1}.", fileURL.AbsoluteString, error.Description);
				throw new InvalidProgramException (msg);
Example #22
            public override async Task DeleteAsync(CancellationToken ct, StorageDeleteOption options)
                var intent = NSFileAccessIntent.CreateWritingIntent(_nsUrl, NSFileCoordinatorWritingOptions.ForDeleting);

                using var coordinator = new NSFileCoordinator();
                await coordinator.CoordinateAsync(new[] { intent }, new NSOperationQueue(), () =>
                    using var _ = _nsUrl.BeginSecurityScopedAccess();
                    NSError deleteError;

                    NSFileManager.DefaultManager.Remove(_nsUrl, out deleteError);

                    if (deleteError != null)
                        throw new UnauthorizedAccessException($"Can't delete file. {deleteError}");
Example #23
        public void DeleteFileAtURL(NSUrl fileURL)
            var     fileCoordinator = new NSFileCoordinator();
            NSError error;
            bool    success = false;

            fileCoordinator.CoordinateWrite(fileURL, NSFileCoordinatorWritingOptions.ForDeleting, out error,
                                            writingURL => {
                NSFileManager fileManager = new NSFileManager();
                success = fileManager.Remove(writingURL, out error);

            // In your app, handle this gracefully.
            if (!success)
                string msg = string.Format("Couldn't delete file at URL {0}. Error: {1}.", fileURL.AbsoluteString, error.Description);
                throw new InvalidProgramException(msg);
Example #24
        public Task <IFile> CreateFile(string path, byte[] contents)
            var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <IFile> ();

            var f = new CloudFile(path, documentsUrl);

            if (contents != null)
                Task.Factory.StartNew(() => {
                    var c = new NSFileCoordinator(filePresenterOrNil: null);
                    NSError coordErr;
                    c.CoordinateWrite(f.LocalUrl, NSFileCoordinatorWritingOptions.ForReplacing, out coordErr, newUrl => {
                        var newPath = newUrl.Path;

//						Console.WriteLine ("CLOUD WRITE TO " + newUrl + "    from: " + f.LocalUrl + "    at: " + newPath);

                        var dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(newPath);
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dir) && dir != "/" && !Directory.Exists(dir))

                        try {
                            File.WriteAllBytes(newPath, contents);
                        } catch (Exception ex) {
                    if (coordErr != null)
                        tcs.SetException(new Exception("Could not coordinate iCloud write for CreateFile: " + coordErr.DebugDescription));

Example #25
        void PrintFileContent(NSUrl url)
            NSData            data            = null;
            NSError           error           = null;
            NSFileCoordinator fileCoordinator = new NSFileCoordinator();

            fileCoordinator.CoordinateRead(url, (NSFileCoordinatorReadingOptions)0, out error, newUrl => {
                data = NSData.FromUrl(newUrl);

            if (error != null)
                Console.WriteLine("CoordinateRead error {0}", error);
                Console.WriteLine("File name: {0}", url.LastPathComponent);
Example #26
        public Task <bool> Delete()
            var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <bool> ();

            var     c = new NSFileCoordinator(filePresenterOrNil: (INSFilePresenter)null);
            NSError coordErr;

            c.CoordinateWrite(LocalUrl, NSFileCoordinatorWritingOptions.ForDeleting, out coordErr, newUrl => {
                bool r = false;
                using (var m = new NSFileManager()) {
                    NSError remErr;
                    r = m.Remove(newUrl, out remErr);
            if (coordErr != null)

        static Task <NSUrl> CopyToDocumentsDirectoryAsync(NSUrl fromUrl)
            var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <NSUrl>();

            NSUrl localDocDir = GetDocumentDirectoryUrl();
            NSUrl toURL       = localDocDir.Append(fromUrl.LastPathComponent, false);

            bool              success = false;
            NSError           coordinationError, copyError = null;
            NSFileCoordinator fileCoordinator = new NSFileCoordinator();

            ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(_ => {
                fileCoordinator.CoordinateReadWrite(fromUrl, 0, toURL, NSFileCoordinatorWritingOptions.ForReplacing, out coordinationError, (src, dst) => {
                    NSFileManager fileManager = new NSFileManager();
                    success = fileManager.Copy(src, dst, out copyError);

                    if (success)
                        var attributes = new NSFileAttributes {
                            FileExtensionHidden = true
                        fileManager.SetAttributes(attributes, dst.Path);
                        Console.WriteLine("Copied file: {0} to: {1}.", src.AbsoluteString, dst.AbsoluteString);

                // In your app, handle this gracefully.
                if (!success)
                    Console.WriteLine("Couldn't copy file: {0} to: {1}. Error: {2}.", fromUrl.AbsoluteString,
                                      toURL.AbsoluteString, (coordinationError ?? copyError).Description);


Example #28
        public static async Task CoordinateAsync(this NSFileCoordinator coordinator, NSFileAccessIntent[] intents, NSOperationQueue queue, Action operation)
            var completionSource = new TaskCompletionSource <bool>();

            coordinator.CoordinateAccess(intents, queue, (error) =>
                    if (error != null)
                        throw new UnauthorizedAccessException($"Could not coordinate file system operation. {error}");

                catch (Exception ex)

            await completionSource.Task;
Example #29
        public static async Task <FileResult[]> EnsurePhysicalFileResultsAsync(params NSUrl[] urls)
            if (urls == null || urls.Length == 0)
                return(Array.Empty <FileResult>());

            var opts    = NSFileCoordinatorReadingOptions.WithoutChanges;
            var intents = urls.Select(x => NSFileAccessIntent.CreateReadingIntent(x, opts)).ToArray();

            using var coordinator = new NSFileCoordinator();

            var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <FileResult[]>();

            coordinator.CoordinateAccess(intents, new NSOperationQueue(), error =>
                if (error != null)
                    tcs.TrySetException(new NSErrorException(error));

                var bookmarks = new List <FileResult>();

                foreach (var intent in intents)
                    var url    = intent.Url;
                    var result = new BookmarkDataFileResult(url);


            return(await tcs.Task);
Example #30
		public Task<IFile> CreateFile (string path, byte[] contents)
			var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<IFile> ();

			var f = new CloudFile (path, documentsUrl);

			if (contents != null) {
				Task.Factory.StartNew (() => {
					var c = new NSFileCoordinator (filePresenterOrNil: null);
					NSError coordErr;
					c.CoordinateWrite (f.LocalUrl, NSFileCoordinatorWritingOptions.ForReplacing, out coordErr, newUrl => {

						var newPath = newUrl.Path;

//						Console.WriteLine ("CLOUD WRITE TO " + newUrl + "    from: " + f.LocalUrl + "    at: " + newPath);

						var dir = Path.GetDirectoryName (newPath);
						if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (dir) && dir != "/" && !Directory.Exists (dir)) {
							Directory.CreateDirectory (dir);

						try {
							File.WriteAllBytes (newPath, contents);
							tcs.SetResult (f);							
						} catch (Exception ex) {
							tcs.SetException (ex);
					if (coordErr != null) {
						tcs.SetException (new Exception ("Could not coordinate iCloud write for CreateFile: " + coordErr.DebugDescription));
			} else {
				tcs.SetResult (f);

			return tcs.Task;
		/// <summary>
		/// Views the did load.
		/// </summary>
		public override void ViewDidLoad ()
			base.ViewDidLoad ();

			// Save the default text area height
			_documentTextHeight = DocumentText.Frame.Height;

			// var picker = new UIDocumentPickerViewController (srcURL, UIDocumentPickerMode.ExportToService);

			// Watch for a new document being created
			ThisApp.DocumentLoaded += (document) => {
				// Display the contents of the document
				DocumentText.Text = document.Contents;

				// Watch for the document being modified by an outside source
				document.DocumentModified += (doc) => {
					// Display the updated contents of the document
					DocumentText.Text = doc.Contents;
					Console.WriteLine("Document contents have been updated");

			// Wireup events for the text editor
			DocumentText.ShouldBeginEditing= delegate(UITextView field){
				return true;
			DocumentText.ShouldEndEditing= delegate (UITextView field){
				ThisApp.Document.Contents = DocumentText.Text;
				return true;

			// Wireup the Save button
			SaveButton.Clicked += (sender, e) => {
				// Close the keyboard

				// Save the changes to the document

			// Wireup the Action buttom
			ActionButton.Clicked += (s, e) => {

				// Allow the Document picker to select a range of document types
				var allowedUTIs = new string[] {

				// Display the picker
				//var picker = new UIDocumentPickerViewController (allowedUTIs, UIDocumentPickerMode.Open);
				var pickerMenu = new UIDocumentMenuViewController(allowedUTIs, UIDocumentPickerMode.Open);
				pickerMenu.DidPickDocumentPicker += (sender, args) => {

					// Wireup Document Picker
					args.DocumentPicker.DidPickDocument += (sndr, pArgs) => {

						// IMPORTANT! You must lock the security scope before you can
						// access this file
						var securityEnabled = pArgs.Url.StartAccessingSecurityScopedResource();

						// Open the document

						// TODO: This should work but doesn't
						// Apple's WWDC 2014 sample project does this but it blows
						// up in Xamarin
						 NSFileCoordinator fileCoordinator = new NSFileCoordinator();
						 NSError err;
						 fileCoordinator.CoordinateRead (pArgs.Url, 0, out err, (NSUrl newUrl) => {
							NSData data = NSData.FromUrl(newUrl);
							Console.WriteLine("Data: {0}",data);

						// IMPORTANT! You must release the security lock established
						// above.

					// Display the document picker

				pickerMenu.ModalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationStyle.Popover;
				UIPopoverPresentationController presentationPopover = pickerMenu.PopoverPresentationController;
				if (presentationPopover!=null) {
					presentationPopover.SourceView = this.View;
					presentationPopover.PermittedArrowDirections = UIPopoverArrowDirection.Down;
					presentationPopover.SourceRect = ((UIButton)s).Frame;

Example #32
		public Task<bool> CreateDirectory (string path)
			var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<bool> ();

			var localPath = GetLocalPath (path);

			var url = NSUrl.FromFilename (localPath);

			Task.Factory.StartNew (() => {
				var c = new NSFileCoordinator (filePresenterOrNil: null);
				NSError coordErr;
				c.CoordinateWrite (url, NSFileCoordinatorWritingOptions.ForReplacing, out coordErr, newUrl => {
					try {
						if (Directory.Exists (newUrl.Path)) {
							tcs.SetResult (true);

						var man = new NSFileManager ();
						NSError mkdirErr;
						var r = man.CreateDirectory (newUrl, false, null, out mkdirErr);
						Debug.WriteLineIf (!r, mkdirErr);

						tcs.SetResult (r);

					} catch (Exception ex) {
						Debug.WriteLine (ex);
						tcs.SetResult (false);

			return tcs.Task;
Example #33
		public Task<bool> Move (string fromPath, string toPath)
			var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<bool> ();

			var fromLocalPath = GetLocalPath (fromPath);
			var toLocalPath = GetLocalPath (toPath);

			var fromUrl = NSUrl.FromFilename (fromLocalPath);
			var toUrl = NSUrl.FromFilename (toLocalPath);

			Task.Run (() => {
				var c = new NSFileCoordinator (filePresenterOrNil: null);
				NSError coordErr;
				c.CoordinateReadWrite (fromUrl, NSFileCoordinatorReadingOptions.WithoutChanges, toUrl, NSFileCoordinatorWritingOptions.ForReplacing, out coordErr, (newFromUrl, newToUrl) => {
					try {
						var man = new NSFileManager ();
						NSError moveErr;

						var r = man.Move (newFromUrl, newToUrl, out moveErr);
						Debug.WriteLineIf (!r, moveErr);

						needsRefresh = true;

						tcs.SetResult (r);

					} catch (Exception ex) {
						Debug.WriteLine (ex);
						tcs.SetResult (false);

			return tcs.Task;
Example #34
		public Task<bool> Delete ()
			var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<bool> ();

			Task.Factory.StartNew (() => {
				var c = new NSFileCoordinator (filePresenterOrNil: null);
				NSError coordErr;
				c.CoordinateWrite (LocalUrl, NSFileCoordinatorWritingOptions.ForDeleting, out coordErr, newUrl => {
					bool r = false;
					using (var m = new NSFileManager ()) {
						NSError remErr;
						r = m.Remove (newUrl, out remErr);
					tcs.SetResult (r);

			return tcs.Task;
Example #35
		public Task<bool> Move (string newPath)
			var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<bool> ();

			NSUrl newUrl = documentsUrl.Append (newPath, false);

			Task.Factory.StartNew (() => {
				var c = new NSFileCoordinator (filePresenterOrNil: null);
				NSError coordErr;
				c.CoordinateWriteWrite (LocalUrl, NSFileCoordinatorWritingOptions.ForMoving, newUrl, NSFileCoordinatorWritingOptions.ForReplacing, out coordErr, (url1, url2) => {
					bool r = false;
					using (var m = new NSFileManager ()) {
						NSError remErr;
						r = m.Move (url1, url2, out remErr);
						if (r) {
							Path = newPath;
							LocalUrl = newUrl;
							LocalPath = LocalUrl.Path;
					tcs.SetResult (r);

			return tcs.Task;
		void PrintFileContent(NSUrl url)
			NSData data = null;
			NSError error = null;
			NSFileCoordinator fileCoordinator = new NSFileCoordinator ();
			fileCoordinator.CoordinateRead (url, (NSFileCoordinatorReadingOptions)0, out error, newUrl => {
				data = NSData.FromUrl(newUrl);

			if (error != null) {
				Console.WriteLine ("CoordinateRead error {0}", error);
			} else {
				Console.WriteLine ("File name: {0}", url.LastPathComponent);
				Console.WriteLine (data);
Example #37
        /// <summary>
        /// Views the did load.
        /// </summary>
        public override void ViewDidLoad()

            // Save the default text area height
            _documentTextHeight = DocumentText.Frame.Height;

            // var picker = new UIDocumentPickerViewController (srcURL, UIDocumentPickerMode.ExportToService);

            // Watch for a new document being created
            ThisApp.DocumentLoaded += (document) => {
                // Display the contents of the document
                DocumentText.Text = document.Contents;

                // Watch for the document being modified by an outside source
                document.DocumentModified += (doc) => {
                    // Display the updated contents of the document
                    DocumentText.Text = doc.Contents;
                    Console.WriteLine("Document contents have been updated");

            // Wireup events for the text editor
            DocumentText.ShouldBeginEditing = delegate(UITextView field){
                MoveDocumentText(_documentTextHeight - 170f);
            DocumentText.ShouldEndEditing = delegate(UITextView field){
                ThisApp.Document.Contents = DocumentText.Text;

            // Wireup the Save button
            SaveButton.Clicked += (sender, e) => {
                // Close the keyboard

                // Save the changes to the document

            // Wireup the Action buttom
            ActionButton.Clicked += (s, e) => {
                // Allow the Document picker to select a range of document types
                var allowedUTIs = new string[] {

                // Display the picker
                //var picker = new UIDocumentPickerViewController (allowedUTIs, UIDocumentPickerMode.Open);
                var pickerMenu = new UIDocumentMenuViewController(allowedUTIs, UIDocumentPickerMode.Open);
                pickerMenu.DidPickDocumentPicker += (sender, args) => {
                    // Wireup Document Picker
                    args.DocumentPicker.DidPickDocument += (sndr, pArgs) => {
                        // IMPORTANT! You must lock the security scope before you can
                        // access this file
                        var securityEnabled = pArgs.Url.StartAccessingSecurityScopedResource();

                        // Open the document

                        // TODO: This should work but doesn't
                        // Apple's WWDC 2014 sample project does this but it blows
                        // up in Xamarin
                        NSFileCoordinator fileCoordinator = new NSFileCoordinator();
                        NSError           err;
                        fileCoordinator.CoordinateRead(pArgs.Url, 0, out err, (NSUrl newUrl) => {
                            NSData data = NSData.FromUrl(newUrl);
                            Console.WriteLine("Data: {0}", data);

                        // IMPORTANT! You must release the security lock established
                        // above.

                    // Display the document picker
                    PresentViewController(args.DocumentPicker, true, null);

                pickerMenu.ModalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationStyle.Popover;
                PresentViewController(pickerMenu, true, null);
                UIPopoverPresentationController presentationPopover = pickerMenu.PopoverPresentationController;
                if (presentationPopover != null)
                    presentationPopover.SourceView = this.View;
                    presentationPopover.PermittedArrowDirections = UIPopoverArrowDirection.Down;
                    presentationPopover.SourceRect = ((UIButton)s).Frame;