Example #1
    public override _Tensor[] ForwardPass(_Tensor[] inputs)
        results[0] = (NN_Utils.GEMM(kernel, inputs[0])) + bias;
        activationFunction.Activate(ref results[0]);

    /// <summary>
    ///     Computes the probability of choosing an action given a stack of frames and the value function
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="inputTensor">
    ///     Input tensor of shape HxWxM
    /// </param>

    public double[,] Predict(double[,,] inputTensor)
        double[,,] dw_h_conv1 = NN_Utils.DepthWiseConv(inputTensor, W_DW_conv1, W_conv1_size[4]);
        double[,,] h_conv1    = NN_Utils.PointWiseConv(dw_h_conv1, PW_conv1);
        NN_Utils.ReLU(ref h_conv1);

        double[,,] dw_h_conv2 = NN_Utils.DepthWiseConv(h_conv1, W_DW_conv2, W_conv2_size[4]);
        double[,,] h_conv2    = NN_Utils.PointWiseConv(dw_h_conv2, PW_conv2);
        NN_Utils.ReLU(ref h_conv2);

        double[,] h_conv3_flat = NN_Utils.Flatten(h_conv2);

        double[,] h_fc1         = new double[1, W_fc1_size[1]];
        double[,] action_output = new double[1, W_fc2_size[1]];

        NN_Utils.GEMM(h_conv3_flat, W_fc_1, ref h_fc1);
        NN_Utils.ReLU(ref h_fc1);
        NN_Utils.GEMM(h_fc1, W_fc_2, ref action_output);
        NN_Utils.Softmax(ref action_output);

        Value_funtion = 0d;
        for (int i = 0; i < h_fc1.GetLength(0); i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < h_fc1.GetLength(1); j++)
                Value_funtion += h_fc1[i, j];
