/// this method receives a new point (HandPointContext) and updates the structures.
 /// @param newPoint the new point
 /// @param confidence the confidence of the point.
 public void UpdatePoint(Point3D newPoint, float confidence)
     if (m_lastFrame < 0)
         // this is an initialization
         if (confidence < 0.5f)
             return; // bad point, nothing to do.
         m_lastFrame = Time.frameCount;
         m_latestGoodPositionInFrame = NIConvertCoordinates.ConvertPos(newPoint);
         m_oldFrameLastGoodPosition  = m_latestGoodPositionInFrame;
     if (Time.frameCount != m_lastFrame)
         // this is a new frame.
         m_oldFrameLastGoodPosition = m_latestGoodPositionInFrame;
         m_lastFrame = Time.frameCount;
     if (confidence >= 0.5f)
         m_latestGoodPositionInFrame = NIConvertCoordinates.ConvertPos(newPoint);
Example #2
    /// mono-behavior update (called once per frame)
    public void Update()
        if (m_playerManager == null || m_playerManager.Valid == false)
            return; // we can do nothing.
        NISelectedPlayer player = m_playerManager.GetPlayer(m_playerNumber);

        if (player == null || player.Valid == false || player.Tracking == false)
            RotateToCalibrationPose(); // we don't have anything to work with.
        Vector3 skelPos = Vector3.zero;
        SkeletonJointTransformation skelTrans;

        if (player.GetReferenceSkeletonJointTransform(SkeletonJoint.Torso, out skelTrans))
            if (skelTrans.Position.Confidence < 0.5f)
                player.RecalcReferenceJoints(); // we NEED the torso to be good.
            if (skelTrans.Position.Confidence >= 0.5f)
                skelPos = NIConvertCoordinates.ConvertPos(skelTrans.Position.Position);
        UpdateSkeleton(player, skelPos);
    /// @brief Gets the starting position if @ref m_startingPoseReferenceType is TrackedJointReference
    /// @return The reference position of the tracked joint (zero if there is a problem).
    protected Vector3 GetStartingPosFromTrackedJoint()
        // The position we count from is the initial calibration pose.
        NISelectedPlayer player = m_playerManager.GetPlayer(m_playerNum);

        if (player == null || player.Valid == false)
            return(Vector3.zero); // no position.
        SkeletonJointTransformation skelTrans;

        if (player.GetReferenceSkeletonJointTransform(m_jointToUse, out skelTrans) == false)
            return(Vector3.zero); // we don't have the transform
        Point3D pos = skelTrans.Position.Position;
        Vector3 res = NIConvertCoordinates.ConvertPos(pos);

        if (skelTrans.Position.Confidence < 0.5f || float.IsNaN(res.magnitude) || res.z >= 0)
            // this means the value is irrelevant.
            SkeletonJointPosition skelJointPos;
            if (player.GetSkeletonJointPosition(m_jointToUse, out skelJointPos) == false)
            res = NIConvertCoordinates.ConvertPos(skelJointPos.Position);
    /// returns the current position with confidence
    /// @param confidence the confidence of the point
    /// @return the position
    public Vector3 GetPosWithConfidence(out float confidence)
        Point3D where = GetSkelPoint(out confidence);
        Vector3 res = NIConvertCoordinates.ConvertPos(where);

    /// mono-behavior update (called once per frame)
    public void Update()
        if (m_mapper.Valid == false)
            return; // we can do nothing.
        if (m_skeletonsControllers == null)
            return; // we don't have any skeletons controllers to update
        for (int i = 0; i < m_skeletonsControllers.Length; i++)
            int userID = m_mapper.GetPlayerOpenNIID(i);

            if (userID < 0)
                m_skeletonsControllers[i].RotateToCalibrationPose(); // we don't have anything to work with.
            Vector3 skelPos = Vector3.zero;
            SkeletonJointTransformation skelTrans;
            if (m_mapper.GetJointInitialTransform(i, SkeletonJoint.Torso, out skelTrans))
                if (skelTrans.Position.Confidence >= 0.5f)
                    skelPos = NIConvertCoordinates.ConvertPos(skelTrans.Position.Position);
            m_skeletonsControllers[i].UpdateSkeleton(userID, m_mapper.UsersGenerator, skelPos);
Example #6
    /// @brief Utility method to calculate the @b LOCAL position of a joint
    /// This method receives joint information and calculates the @b LOCAL position rotation of the joint
    /// (compare to its parent transform) in Unity coordinate system.
    /// @param centerOffset the new central position
    /// @param joint the joint we want to calculate the position for
    /// @param skelTrans the new transformation of the joint
    /// @return the @b LOCAL position rotation of the joint (compare to its parent transform) in
    /// Unity coordinate system
    protected Vector3 CalcJointPosition(SkeletonJoint joint, ref SkeletonJointTransformation skelTrans, ref SkeletonJointPosition centerOffset)
        Vector3 v3pos    = NIConvertCoordinates.ConvertPos(skelTrans.Position.Position);
        Vector3 v3Center = NIConvertCoordinates.ConvertPos(centerOffset.Position);

        v3pos -= v3Center;
        return(v3pos * m_scale);
    // protected methods

    /// this method tries to fill a new point on each of the relevant joints.
    /// It returns true if it succeed and false otherwise
    /// @note it will fail if even one of the points has a low confidence!
    /// @return true on success, false on failure.
    protected bool FillPoints()
        // first we find a reference to the skeleton capability
        NISkeletonTracker hand = m_pointTracker as NISkeletonTracker;

        if (hand == null)
            return(false); // no hand to track
        NISelectedPlayer player = hand.GetTrackedPlayer();

        if (player == null || player.Valid == false || player.Tracking == false)
            return(false); // no player to work with...
        // We need to figure out if we have a good confidence on all joints

        SkeletonJointPosition rightHand;
        SkeletonJointPosition leftHand;
        SkeletonJointPosition rightElbow;
        SkeletonJointPosition leftElbow;

        if (player.GetSkeletonJointPosition(SkeletonJoint.RightHand, out rightHand) == false || rightHand.Confidence <= 0.5f)
        if (player.GetSkeletonJointPosition(SkeletonJoint.LeftHand, out leftHand) == false || leftHand.Confidence <= 0.5f)
        if (player.GetSkeletonJointPosition(SkeletonJoint.RightElbow, out rightElbow) == false || rightElbow.Confidence <= 0.5f)
        if (player.GetSkeletonJointPosition(SkeletonJoint.LeftElbow, out leftElbow) == false || leftElbow.Confidence <= 0.5f)
        Vector3 pos = NIConvertCoordinates.ConvertPos(rightHand.Position);

        m_pointsRightHand.AddPoint(ref pos);
        pos = NIConvertCoordinates.ConvertPos(leftHand.Position);
        m_pointsLeftHand.AddPoint(ref pos);
        pos = NIConvertCoordinates.ConvertPos(rightElbow.Position);
        m_pointsRightElbow.AddPoint(ref pos);
        pos = NIConvertCoordinates.ConvertPos(leftElbow.Position);
        m_pointsLeftElbow.AddPoint(ref pos);
 /// @brief updates the root position
 /// This method updates the root position and if m_updateRootPosition is true, also move the entire transform
 /// @note we do not update if we do not have a high enough confidence!
 /// @param skelRoot the new central position
 /// @param centerOffset the offset we should use on the center (when moving the root).
 /// This is usually the starting position (so the skeleton will not "jump" when doing the first update
 protected void UpdateRoot(SkeletonJointPosition skelRoot, Vector3 centerOffset)
     if (skelRoot.Confidence < 0.5f)
         return; // we are not confident enough!
     m_rootPosition  = NIConvertCoordinates.ConvertPos(skelRoot.Position);
     m_rootPosition -= centerOffset;
     m_rootPosition *= m_scale;
     m_rootPosition += m_originalRootPosition;
     if (m_updateRootPosition)
         transform.position = transform.rotation * m_rootPosition;
Example #9
 /// This gets the center of mass for a specific user
 /// @param niUserID the NI id of a user
 /// @return position of the center of mass of the user (undefined if none was found).
 public Vector3 GetUserCenterOfMass(int niUserID)
         Point3D com = m_userGenerator.GetCoM(niUserID);
         if (com.Z <= 0)
             return(Vector3.forward); // this means a positive 'z' which is illegal!
    /// returns the current position with confidence
    /// @param confidence the confidence of the point
    /// @return the position
    public Vector3 GetPosWithConfidence(out float confidence)
        confidence = 0.0f;
        NISelectedPlayer player = m_playerManager.GetPlayer(m_playerNum);

        if (player == null || player.Valid == false || player.Tracking == false)
            return(Vector3.zero); // no position.
        SkeletonJointPosition skelJointPos;

        if (player.GetSkeletonJointPosition(m_jointToUse, out skelJointPos) == false)
        confidence = skelJointPos.Confidence;
Example #11
    /// @brief Utility method to calculate the rotation of a joint
    /// This method receives joint information and calculates the rotation of the joint in Unity
    /// coordinate system.
    /// @param centerOffset the new central position
    /// @param joint the joint we want to calculate the rotation for
    /// @param skelTrans the new transformation of the joint
    /// @return the rotation of the joint in Unity coordinate system
    protected Quaternion CalcRotationForJoint(SkeletonJoint joint, ref SkeletonJointTransformation skelTrans, ref SkeletonJointPosition centerOffset)
        // In order to convert the skeleton's orientation to Unity orientation we will
        // use the Quaternion.LookRotation method to create the relevant rotation Quaternion.
        // for Quaternion.LookRotation to work it needs a "forward" vector and an "upward" vector.
        // These are generally the "Z" and "Y" axes respectively in the sensor's coordinate
        // system. The orientation received from the skeleton holds these values in their
        // appropriate members.

        // Get the forward axis from "z".
        Point3D sensorForward = Point3D.ZeroPoint;

        sensorForward.X = skelTrans.Orientation.Z1;
        sensorForward.Y = skelTrans.Orientation.Z2;
        sensorForward.Z = skelTrans.Orientation.Z3;
        // convert it to Unity
        Vector3 worldForward = NIConvertCoordinates.ConvertPos(sensorForward);

        worldForward *= -1.0f; // because the Unity "forward" axis is opposite to the world's "z" axis.
        if (worldForward.magnitude == 0)
            return(Quaternion.identity); // we don't have a good point to work with.
        // Get the upward axis from "Y".
        Point3D sensorUpward = Point3D.ZeroPoint;

        sensorUpward.X = skelTrans.Orientation.Y1;
        sensorUpward.Y = skelTrans.Orientation.Y2;
        sensorUpward.Z = skelTrans.Orientation.Y3;
        // convert it to Unity
        Vector3 worldUpwards = NIConvertCoordinates.ConvertPos(sensorUpward);

        if (worldUpwards.magnitude == 0)
            return(Quaternion.identity); // we don't have a good point to work with.
        Quaternion jointRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(worldForward, worldUpwards);

        Quaternion newRotation = transform.rotation * jointRotation * m_jointsInitialRotations[(int)joint];

        // we try to limit the speed of the change.
        return(Quaternion.Slerp(m_jointTransforms[(int)joint].rotation, newRotation, Time.deltaTime * m_rotationDampening));
Example #12
    // protected methods

    /// this method tries to fill a new point on each of the relevant joints.
    /// It returns true if it succeed and false otherwise
    /// @note it will fail if even one of the points has a low confidence!
    /// @return true on success, false on failure.
    protected bool FillPoints()
        // first we find a reference to the skeleton capability
        NISkeletonTracker hand = m_pointTracker as NISkeletonTracker;

        if (hand == null)
            return(false); // no hand to track
        int userID;
        SkeletonCapability capability = hand.GetSkeletonCapability(out userID);

        if (capability == null)
            return(false); // no skeleton capability
        // now that we have a legal capability lets make sure all relevant joints are supported
        if (capability.IsJointActive(SkeletonJoint.RightHand) == false)
            return(false); // joint not supported!
        if (capability.IsJointActive(SkeletonJoint.LeftHand) == false)
            return(false); // joint not supported!
        if (capability.IsJointActive(SkeletonJoint.RightElbow) == false)
            return(false); // joint not supported!
        if (capability.IsJointActive(SkeletonJoint.LeftElbow) == false)
            return(false); // joint not supported!
        // since now we know all relevant joints are supported we need to figure out if we have
        // a good confidence for
        SkeletonJointPosition rightHand = capability.GetSkeletonJointPosition(userID, SkeletonJoint.RightHand);

        if (rightHand.Confidence <= 0.5f)
            return(false); // we have low confidence so lets ignore this set
        SkeletonJointPosition leftHand = capability.GetSkeletonJointPosition(userID, SkeletonJoint.LeftHand);

        if (leftHand.Confidence <= 0.5f)
            return(false); // we have low confidence so lets ignore this set
        SkeletonJointPosition rightElbow = capability.GetSkeletonJointPosition(userID, SkeletonJoint.RightElbow);

        if (rightElbow.Confidence <= 0.5f)
            return(false); // we have low confidence so lets ignore this set
        SkeletonJointPosition leftElbow = capability.GetSkeletonJointPosition(userID, SkeletonJoint.LeftElbow);

        if (leftElbow.Confidence <= 0.5f)
            return(false); // we have low confidence so lets ignore this set
        Vector3 pos = NIConvertCoordinates.ConvertPos(rightHand.Position);

        m_pointsRightHand.AddPoint(ref pos);
        pos = NIConvertCoordinates.ConvertPos(leftHand.Position);
        m_pointsLeftHand.AddPoint(ref pos);
        pos = NIConvertCoordinates.ConvertPos(rightElbow.Position);
        m_pointsRightElbow.AddPoint(ref pos);
        pos = NIConvertCoordinates.ConvertPos(leftElbow.Position);
        m_pointsLeftElbow.AddPoint(ref pos);
    /// This is the mono-behavior Update.<br>
    /// This method checks if the floor normal is already calculated. If not, it checks if
    /// we have a calibrated user. It then goes over the various calibrated users and attempts
    /// to find one which has legal head and torso positions. Once it finds one it creates the normal
    /// from them.<br>
    /// @note The assumption is that immediately after calibration, the calibrated user stands erect
    /// and that the floor's is leveled. In addition, we assume that even if the joint's confidence is
    /// low, as long as the value is legal (i.e. non zero and is a number) then it is a legal position
    /// (as was defined in the calibration).
    public void Update()
        if (NIConvertCoordinates.NormalUpdated)
            return; // nothing to do here, already got a normal.
        if (m_manager.m_useSkeleton == false || m_manager.UserSkeletonValid == false)
            return; // we don't have a valid user generator to work with
        // get the list of users
        IList <int> userList = m_manager.UserGenrator.Users;

        if (userList == null || userList.Count <= 0)
            return; // no users
        // for each user we try to find if it is calibrated and has valid data
        foreach (int uniqueID in userList)
            if (uniqueID < 0)
                continue; // an invalid user
            int userID = m_manager.UserGenrator.GetNIUserId(uniqueID);
            if (userID < 0)
                continue; // an invalid user
            if (m_manager.UserGenrator.GetUserCalibrationState(userID) != NIUserAndSkeleton.CalibrationState.calibrated)
                continue; // we only initialize based on calibrated users as we need the skeleton.
            if (m_manager.UserGenrator.Skeleton == null)
                continue; // no skeleton
            if (m_manager.UserGenrator.Skeleton.IsJointAvailable(SkeletonJoint.Head) == false ||
                m_manager.UserGenrator.Skeleton.IsJointAvailable(SkeletonJoint.Torso) == false)
                return; // we don't have the relevant joints.
            SkeletonJointTransformation skelTransform;
            skelTransform = m_manager.UserGenrator.Skeleton.GetSkeletonJoint(userID, SkeletonJoint.Head);
            Vector3 headPos = NIConvertCoordinates.ConvertPos(skelTransform.Position.Position);
            float   mag     = headPos.sqrMagnitude;
            if (float.IsNaN(mag) || float.IsInfinity(mag))
                continue; // not a good number
            if (headPos.z >= 0)
                continue; // this is not a good value
            skelTransform = m_manager.UserGenrator.Skeleton.GetSkeletonJoint(userID, SkeletonJoint.Torso);
            Vector3 torsoPos = NIConvertCoordinates.ConvertPos(skelTransform.Position.Position);
            mag = torsoPos.sqrMagnitude;
            if (float.IsNaN(mag) || float.IsInfinity(mag))
                continue; // not a good number
            if (torsoPos.z >= 0)
                continue; // this is not a good value
            // if we are here we have two good values.
            NIConvertCoordinates.UpdateFloorNormal(headPos - torsoPos, false);
            m_manager.Log("Updated floor normal", NIEventLogger.Categories.Initialization, NIEventLogger.Sources.Skeleton);