Example #1
        internal static XmlSchemaComplexType GenerateComplexTypeABIE(GeneratorContext context, XmlSchema schema, IAbie abie, string abiePrefix)
            // R A4CE, R AF95: a complex type must be defined for each ABIE
            XmlSchemaComplexType complexTypeBIE = new XmlSchemaComplexType();

            // R 9D83: the name of the ABIE must be the DictionaryEntryName with all whitespace and separators
            //         removed. The 'Details' suffix is replaced with 'Type'.
            complexTypeBIE.Name = abie.Name + "Type";

            if (context.Annotate)
                complexTypeBIE.Annotation = GetABIEAnnotation(abie);

            // create the sequence for the BBIEs within the ABIE
            XmlSchemaSequence sequenceBBIEs = new XmlSchemaSequence();

            foreach (IBbie bbie in abie.Bbies)
                // R 89A6: for every BBIE a named element must be locally declared
                XmlSchemaElement elementBBIE = new XmlSchemaElement();

                // R AEFE, R 96D9, R9A40, R A34A are implemented in GetXsdElementNameFromBbie(...)
                elementBBIE.Name = NDR.GetXsdElementNameFromBbie(bbie);

                // R 8B85: every BBIE type must be named the property term and qualifiers and the
                //         representation term of the basic business information entity (BBIE) it represents
                //         with the word 'Type' appended.
                elementBBIE.SchemaTypeName =
                    new XmlQualifiedName(NSPREFIX_BDT + ":" + NDR.GetXsdTypeNameFromBdt(bbie.Bdt));

                // R 90F9: cardinality of elements within the ABIE
                elementBBIE.MinOccursString = AdjustLowerBound(bbie.LowerBound);
                elementBBIE.MaxOccursString = AdjustUpperBound(bbie.UpperBound);

                if (context.Annotate)
                    elementBBIE.Annotation = GetBBIEAnnotation(bbie);

                // add the element created to the sequence

            foreach (IAsbie asbie in abie.Asbies.OrderBy(a => a.Name))
                XmlSchemaElement elementASBIE = new XmlSchemaElement();

                // R A08A: name of the ASBIE
                elementASBIE.Name           = NDR.GetXsdElementNameFromAsbie(asbie);
                elementASBIE.SchemaTypeName =
                    new XmlQualifiedName(abiePrefix + ":" + asbie.AssociatedAbie.Name + "Type");

                if (context.Annotate)
                    elementASBIE.Annotation = GetASBIEAnnotiation(asbie);

                if (asbie.AggregationKind == AggregationKind.Shared)
                    XmlSchemaElement refASBIE = new XmlSchemaElement();
                    refASBIE.RefName = new XmlQualifiedName(abiePrefix + ":" + elementASBIE.Name);

                    // every shared ASCC may only appear once in the XSD file
                    if (!globalASBIEs.Contains(elementASBIE.Name))
                        // R 9241: for ASBIEs with AggregationKind = shared a global element must be declared.
                    //R 9025: ASBIEs with Aggregation Kind = composite a local element for the
                    //        associated ABIE must be declared in the associating ABIE complex type.

            // add the sequence created to the complex type
            complexTypeBIE.Particle = sequenceBBIEs;
Example #2
        ///<param name="context"></param>
        ///<param name="bdts"></param>
        public static void GenerateXSD(GeneratorContext context, IEnumerable <IBdt> bdts)
            var schema = new XmlSchema {
                TargetNamespace = context.TargetNamespace

            schema.Namespaces.Add(context.NamespacePrefix, context.TargetNamespace);
            schema.Namespaces.Add("xsd", "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema");
            schema.Namespaces.Add("ccts", "urn:un:unece:uncefact:documentation:standard:XMLNDRDocumentation:3");
            schema.Version = context.DocLibrary.VersionIdentifier.DefaultTo("1");

            foreach (IBdt bdt in bdts)
                var sups = new List <IBdtSup>(bdt.Sups);
                if (sups.Count == 0)
                    var simpleType = new XmlSchemaSimpleType {
                        Name = NDR.GetXsdTypeNameFromBdt(bdt)
                    var simpleTypeRestriction = new XmlSchemaSimpleTypeRestriction
                        BaseTypeName = GetXmlQualifiedName(bdt.Con.BasicType.Name)
                    simpleType.Content = simpleTypeRestriction;
                    if (context.Annotate)
                        simpleType.Annotation = GetTypeAnnotation(bdt);
                    var complexType = new XmlSchemaComplexType
                        Name = NDR.GetXsdTypeNameFromBdt(bdt)
                    var simpleContent          = new XmlSchemaSimpleContent();
                    var simpleContentExtension = new XmlSchemaSimpleContentExtension
                        BaseTypeName = GetXmlQualifiedName(bdt.Con.BasicType.Name)
                    foreach (IBdtSup sup in sups)
                        var attribute = new XmlSchemaAttribute
                            // Deviation from rule [R ABC1]: Using only attribute name and type as xml attribute name (instead of complete DEN), following the examples given in the specification.
                            Name           = NDR.GetXsdAttributeNameFromSup(sup),
                            SchemaTypeName = new XmlQualifiedName(GetXSDType(sup.BasicType.Name),
                        if (context.Annotate)
                            attribute.Annotation = GetAttributeAnnotation(sup);

                    simpleContent.Content    = simpleContentExtension;
                    complexType.ContentModel = simpleContent;
                    if (context.Annotate)
                        complexType.Annotation = GetTypeAnnotation(bdt);
            context.AddSchema(schema, "BusinessDataType_" + schema.Version + ".xsd");
        static XmlSchemaElement CreateBbieSchemaElement(IBbie bbie, GeneratorContext context)
            // R 89A6: for every BBIE a named element must be locally declared
            XmlSchemaElement elementBBIE = new XmlSchemaElement();

            // R AEFE, R 96D9, R9A40, R A34A are implemented in GetXsdElementNameFromBbie(...)
            elementBBIE.Name = NDR.GetXsdElementNameFromBbie(bbie);
            // R 8B85: every BBIE type must be named the property term and qualifiers and the
            //         representation term of the basic business information entity (BBIE) it represents
            //         with the word 'Type' appended.
            if (bbie.Bdt != null && bbie.Bdt.Con != null)
                if (bbie.Bdt.Con.BasicType != null && bbie.Bdt.Con.BasicType.IsEnum)
                    //figure out if the set of values is restricted
                    var basicEnum = bbie.Bdt.Con.BasicType.Enum as UpccEnum;
                    //use this method only if there are values specified in the basic enum. If not then we simply use the type
                    if (basicEnum != null && basicEnum.CodelistEntries.Any())
                        var sourceEnum = basicEnum.SourceElement as UpccEnum;
                        if (sourceEnum != null)
                            var restrictedtype = new XmlSchemaComplexType();
                            var sympleContent  = new XmlSchemaSimpleContent();
                            var restriction    = new XmlSchemaSimpleContentRestriction();
                            restriction.BaseTypeName = new XmlQualifiedName(context.NamespacePrefix + ":" + NDR.GetXsdTypeNameFromBdt(bbie.Bdt));
                            addEnumerationValues(restriction, basicEnum);
                            //add restriction to simplecontent
                            sympleContent.Content = restriction;
                            //add the restriction to the simple type
                            restrictedtype.ContentModel = sympleContent;
                            //set the type of the BBIE
                            elementBBIE.SchemaType = restrictedtype;
                if (bbie.Bdt.isDirectXSDType)
                    var XSDtype = bbie.Bdt.xsdType;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(XSDtype))
                        if (bbie.Bdt.Con.AllFacets.Any())
                            //add facets
                            var restrictedtype = new XmlSchemaSimpleType();
                            var restriction    = new XmlSchemaSimpleTypeRestriction();
                            restriction.BaseTypeName = new XmlQualifiedName(NSPREFIX_XSD + ":" + XSDtype);
                            NDR.addFacets(restriction, bbie.Bdt.Con.AllFacets);
                            //add the restriction to the simple type
                            restrictedtype.Content = restriction;
                            //set the type of the BBIE
                            elementBBIE.SchemaType = restrictedtype;
                            elementBBIE.SchemaTypeName = new XmlQualifiedName(NSPREFIX_XSD + ":" + XSDtype);
                if (bbie.Facets.Any())
                    //add facets
                    if (bbie.Bdt.Sups.Any())
                        //create a complex type
                        var complexType = new XmlSchemaComplexType();
                        //add the simple content extension
                        var simpleContent = new XmlSchemaSimpleContent();
                        var restriction   = new XmlSchemaSimpleContentRestriction();
                        restriction.BaseTypeName = new XmlQualifiedName(context.NamespacePrefix + ":" + NDR.GetXsdTypeNameFromBdt(bbie.Bdt));
                        //add the facets
                        NDR.addFacets(restriction, bbie.Facets);
                        //add the simple content to the complex object
                        simpleContent.Content    = restriction;
                        complexType.ContentModel = simpleContent;
                        //add the complex type to the element
                        elementBBIE.SchemaType = complexType;
                        //create a simple type
                        var restrictedtype = new XmlSchemaSimpleType();
                        var restriction    = new XmlSchemaSimpleTypeRestriction();
                        restriction.BaseTypeName = new XmlQualifiedName(context.NamespacePrefix + ":" + NDR.GetXsdTypeNameFromBdt(bbie.Bdt));
                        NDR.addFacets(restriction, bbie.Facets);
                        //add the restriction to the simple type
                        restrictedtype.Content = restriction;
                        //set the type of the BBIE
                        elementBBIE.SchemaType = restrictedtype;
                if (elementBBIE.SchemaType == null && elementBBIE.SchemaTypeName.IsEmpty)
                    //use type without facets
                    elementBBIE.SchemaTypeName = new XmlQualifiedName(context.NamespacePrefix + ":" + NDR.GetXsdTypeNameFromBdt(bbie.Bdt));
            // R 90F9: cardinality of elements within the ABIE
            elementBBIE.MinOccursString = AdjustLowerBound(bbie.LowerBound);
            elementBBIE.MaxOccursString = AdjustUpperBound(bbie.UpperBound);

Example #4
        public static void GenerateXSD(GeneratorContext context, XmlSchema schema)
            var enums         = new List <IEnum>();
            var generatedBDTs = new List <string>();

            //loop the bdt's
            foreach (IBdt bdt in context.Elements
                     .OfType <IBdt>().Where(x => !x.isDirectXSDType))
                var xsdBdtName = NDR.GetXsdTypeNameFromBdt(bdt);
                //get the enum from the CON attribute and add it to the enums list.
                var enumToAdd = bdt.Con?.BasicType?.Enum;
                if (enumToAdd != null && !enums.Any(x => x.Name == enumToAdd.Name))
                //make sure we don't generate two BDT's witht he same xsdBdtName
                if (!generatedBDTs.Contains(xsdBdtName))
                    //add the xsdBdtName to the list

                    var sups = new List <IBdtSup>(bdt.Sups);
                    if (!sups.Any())
                        var simpleType = new XmlSchemaSimpleType {
                            Name = xsdBdtName
                        var simpleTypeRestriction = new XmlSchemaSimpleTypeRestriction();
                        simpleTypeRestriction.BaseTypeName = GetXmlQualifiedName(NDR.getConBasicTypeName(bdt), context, bdt.Con?.BasicType);
                        simpleType.Content = simpleTypeRestriction;
                        if (bdt.Con != null &&
                            bdt.Con.BasicType != null &&
                            bdt.Con.BasicType.Prim != null)
                            var XSDtype = bdt.Con.BasicType.Prim.xsdType;
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(XSDtype))
                                simpleTypeRestriction.BaseTypeName = new XmlQualifiedName(NSPREFIX_XSD + ":" + XSDtype);

                        if (context.Annotate)
                            simpleType.Annotation = GetTypeAnnotation(bdt);
                        //create the complex type
                        var complexType = new XmlSchemaComplexType();
                        complexType.Name = xsdBdtName;
                        //add the simple content extension
                        var simpleContent          = new XmlSchemaSimpleContent();
                        var simpleContentExtension = new XmlSchemaSimpleContentExtension();
                        //get the xsd type if the con is a primitive
                        if (bdt.Con.BasicType != null &&
                            bdt.Con.BasicType.Prim != null)
                            simpleContentExtension.BaseTypeName = GetXmlQualifiedName(bdt.Con.BasicType.Prim.xsdType, context, bdt.Con.BasicType);
                            var basicEnum = bdt.Con?.BasicType?.Enum;
                            if (basicEnum != null)
                                //enum was already added tot he list above
                                simpleContentExtension.BaseTypeName = new XmlQualifiedName(context.NamespacePrefix + ":" + NDR.GetBasicTypeName(basicEnum));
                                simpleContentExtension.BaseTypeName = GetXmlQualifiedName(NDR.getConBasicTypeName(bdt), context, bdt.Con.BasicType);

                        foreach (IBdtSup sup in sups)
                            var attribute = new XmlSchemaAttribute();
                            // Deviation from rule [R ABC1]: Using only attribute name and type as xml attribute name (instead of complete DEN), following the examples given in the specification.
                            attribute.Name = sup.Name;
                            //set optional or required
                            attribute.Use = sup.IsOptional() ? XmlSchemaUse.Optional : XmlSchemaUse.Required;
                            //set the type of the attribute
                            if (sup.BasicType != null &&
                                //figure out if the set of values is restricted
                                var basicEnum = sup.BasicType.Enum as UpccEnum;
                                //add the enum to the list
                                if (!enums.Any(x => x.Name == basicEnum.Name))
                                if (basicEnum.CodelistEntries.Any())
                                    //add the restrictions
                                    var restrictedtype = new XmlSchemaSimpleType();
                                    var restriction    = new XmlSchemaSimpleTypeRestriction();
                                    restriction.BaseTypeName = new XmlQualifiedName(context.NamespacePrefix + ":" + NDR.GetBasicTypeName(basicEnum));
                                    addEnumerationValues(restriction, basicEnum);
                                    //add the restriction to the simple type
                                    restrictedtype.Content = restriction;
                                    //set the type of the attribute
                                    attribute.SchemaType = restrictedtype;
                                    attribute.SchemaTypeName = new XmlQualifiedName(context.NamespacePrefix + ":" + NDR.GetBasicTypeName(basicEnum));
                            //set regular type name if not restricted
                            if (attribute.SchemaTypeName.IsEmpty &&
                                attribute.SchemaType == null)
                                attribute.SchemaTypeName = GetXmlQualifiedName(NDR.GetBasicTypeName(sup as UpccAttribute), context, sup.BasicType);
                            //annotate if needed
                            if (context.Annotate)
                                attribute.Annotation = GetAttributeAnnotation(sup);
                            //add the attribute

                        simpleContent.Content    = simpleContentExtension;
                        complexType.ContentModel = simpleContent;
                        if (context.Annotate)
                            complexType.Annotation = GetTypeAnnotation(bdt);