private void Start()
            // Sing Up and Change Parameter and Fetch

            var user = new NCMBUser();

            user.UserName = "******";
            user.Password = "******";

            .Catch((NCMBException e) =>
                Debug.LogError("Error on sing up:" + e);
                return(Observable.Empty <NCMBUser>());
            .SelectMany(u =>
                //Change email and Age column when signed up
                u.Email  = "*****@*****.**";
                u["Age"] = 20;
                return(u.SaveAsyncAsStream());    //Save
            .Catch((NCMBException e) =>
                Debug.LogError("Error on save:" + e);
                return(Observable.Empty <NCMBUser>());
            .SelectMany(u => u.FetchAsyncAsStream())     //Fetch
            .Catch((NCMBException e) =>
                Debug.LogError("Error on Fetch:" + e);
                return(Observable.Empty <NCMBUser>());
            .Subscribe(u =>
                Debug.Log(string.Format("{0}\t{1}\t{2}", u.UserName, u.Email, u["Age"]));
            }, e =>
                Debug.LogError("Unknown Error:" + e);