Example #1
        private void PageLoad()
                var obj = NBrightBuyUtils.GetSettings(PortalId, ModuleId);
                obj.ModuleId = base.ModuleId; // need to pass the moduleid here, becuase it doesn;t exists in url for settings and on new settings it needs it.

                // check the moduleref is unique, if not the module have been copied, so create new moduleref
                var objCtrl   = new NBrightBuyController();
                var moduleKey = obj.GetXmlProperty("genxml/hidden/modref");
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(moduleKey))
                    var modl = objCtrl.GetDataListCount(PortalId, -1, "SETTINGS", " and [XMLData].value('(genxml/hidden/modref)[1]','nvarchar(max)') = '" + moduleKey + "'", "", "", false, false);
                    if (modl > 1)
                        // we have multiple refs, reset this one.
                        obj.SetXmlProperty("genxml/hidden/modref", Utils.GetUniqueKey(10));

                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(SettingsTemplate))
                    SettingsTemplate = ModuleConfiguration.DesktopModule.ModuleName + "settings.cshtml";                                         // default to name of module
                var strOut = NBrightBuyUtils.RazorTemplRender(SettingsTemplate, ModuleId, "", obj, ControlPath, "config", Utils.GetCurrentCulture(), StoreSettings.Current.Settings());
                var lit    = new Literal();
                lit.Text = strOut;
            catch (Exception exc)
                Exceptions.ProcessModuleLoadException(this, exc);