Example #1
        private void DbSchemaForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var sqlTypes = Enum.GetValues(typeof(DbDataType)).Cast <DbDataType>().ToList();

            this.dataGridViewTextBoxColumn6.DataSource = sqlTypes;

            var collationTypes = Enum.GetValues(typeof(DbFieldCollationType)).Cast <DbFieldCollationType>().ToList();

            this.dataGridViewTextBoxColumn16.DataSource = collationTypes;

            var indexTypes = Enum.GetValues(typeof(DbIndexType)).Cast <DbIndexType>().ToList();

            this.dataGridViewTextBoxColumn10.DataSource = indexTypes;

            var changeActionTypes = Enum.GetValues(typeof(DbForeignKeyActionType)).
                                    Cast <DbForeignKeyActionType>().ToList();

            this.dataGridViewTextBoxColumn12.DataSource = changeActionTypes;
            this.dataGridViewTextBoxColumn13.DataSource = changeActionTypes;

            var agent2 = new SqliteAgent("fake conn string", "fake path", null, null);
            var agent1 = new MySqlAgent("fake conn string", string.Empty, null, null);
            var agents = new List <SqlAgentBase>()
                agent1, agent2

            this.sqlAgentsComboBox.DisplayMember = "Name";
            this.sqlAgentsComboBox.DataSource    = agents;

            if (_currentSource == null)
                _currentSource = new DbSchema();
                this.Text      = "New Database Schema";
            else if (!_currentFilePath.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                this.Text = "Database Schema: " + _currentFilePath;
                this.Text = "Database Schema For " + _dbName;

            this.dbSchemaBindingSource.DataSource = _currentSource;

            ContextMenuStrip  mnu      = new ContextMenuStrip();
            ToolStripMenuItem mnuCopy  = new ToolStripMenuItem("Copy");
            ToolStripMenuItem mnuPaste = new ToolStripMenuItem("Paste");

            //Assign event handlers
            mnuCopy.Click  += new EventHandler(mnuCopy_Click);
            mnuPaste.Click += new EventHandler(mnuPaste_Click);
            //Add to main context menu
            mnu.Items.AddRange(new ToolStripItem[] { mnuCopy, mnuPaste });
            //Assign to datagridview
            this.fieldsDataGridView.ContextMenuStrip = mnu;
Example #2
        private async void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var sqlAgent = new MySqlAgent("Server=localhost;Port=3306;Uid=root;Pwd=angelas;CharSet=utf8;", "vnext",
                                          null, null);

                await sqlAgent.ExecuteInTransactionAsync(async (ct) =>
                    var res = await sqlAgent.ExecuteInTransactionAsync(ThrowingMethod, ct);
                    var i   = 11;
                }, CancellationToken.None);
            catch (Exception ex)
Example #3
        private async Task InsertSimpleDocuments(IProgress <int> progress)
            //var sqlDictionary = new SqlDictionary(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetFullPath(Application.ExecutablePath)), "SqlDictionary"));
            var sqlAgent = new MySqlAgent("Server=localhost;Port=3306;Uid=root;Pwd=angelas;CharSet=utf8;", "vnext",
                                          null, null);
            var service = new MySqlOrmService(sqlAgent);

                //var numberTemplate = new ComplexNumberTemplate
                //    Comments = "some comments",
                //    DocumentType = 3,
                //    ExtendedDocumentTypeId = null,
                //    FormatString = "{1}",
                //    HasExternalProvider = false,
                //    IsArchived = false,
                //    ResetPolicy = ResetPolicyType.never,
                //    Serial = "SER"

                //await numberTemplate.Save(service);

                //var q = 1;

                //var savedTemplate = await ComplexNumberTemplate.Fetch(service, numberTemplate.Id);

                //q = 2;

                //savedTemplate.Comments = "some modified comments";
                //savedTemplate.DocumentType = 4;
                //savedTemplate.FormatString = "{0}{1}";
                //savedTemplate.ResetPolicy = ResetPolicyType.day;
                //savedTemplate.Serial = "SERI";

                //await savedTemplate.Save(service);

                //q = 2;

                //var allTemplates = await ComplexNumberTemplate.FetchAll(service);

                //q = 2;

                //await savedTemplate.Delete(service);

                //allTemplates = await ComplexNumberTemplate.FetchAll(service);

                //q = 3;
            catch (Exception ex)
                var i = 1;

            //var account = new Account();
            //account.AccountName = "VAT receivable";
            //account.AccountType = 3;
            //account.BalanceAndIncomeLineId = null;
            //account.Id = 2201L;
            //account.InsertedAt = DateTime.UtcNow;
            //account.InsertedBy = "";
            //account.OfficialCode = "";
            //account.UpdatedAt = account.InsertedAt;
            //account.UpdatedBy = account.InsertedBy;

            //await account.Save(sqlAgent);

            //var q = 1;

            //var savedAccount = await Account.Fetch(sqlAgent, 2201L);

            //q = 2;

            //await savedAccount.Delete(sqlAgent);

            //q = 3;


            await sqlAgent.ExecuteInTransactionAsync(async (ct) =>
                await sqlAgent.ExecuteInsertAsync("InsertAccount", new SqlParam[] {
                    new SqlParam("AA", 220L), new SqlParam("AB", "VAT receivable"), new SqlParam("AC", DateTime.UtcNow)
                await sqlAgent.ExecuteInsertAsync("InsertAccount", new SqlParam[] {
                    new SqlParam("AA", 240L), new SqlParam("AB", "Accounts receivable"), new SqlParam("AC", DateTime.UtcNow)
                await sqlAgent.ExecuteInsertAsync("InsertAccount", new SqlParam[] {
                    new SqlParam("AA", 271L), new SqlParam("AB", "Bank account"), new SqlParam("AC", DateTime.UtcNow)
                await sqlAgent.ExecuteInsertAsync("InsertAccount", new SqlParam[] {
                    new SqlParam("AA", 410L), new SqlParam("AB", "Accounts payable"), new SqlParam("AC", DateTime.UtcNow)
                await sqlAgent.ExecuteInsertAsync("InsertAccount", new SqlParam[] {
                    new SqlParam("AA", 445L), new SqlParam("AB", "VAT payable"), new SqlParam("AC", DateTime.UtcNow)
                await sqlAgent.ExecuteInsertAsync("InsertAccount", new SqlParam[] {
                    new SqlParam("AA", 505L), new SqlParam("AB", "Revenus"), new SqlParam("AC", DateTime.UtcNow)
                await sqlAgent.ExecuteInsertAsync("InsertAccount", new SqlParam[] {
                    new SqlParam("AA", 601L), new SqlParam("AB", "Expenses"), new SqlParam("AC", DateTime.UtcNow)

                for (int i = 1; i <= 250000; i++)
                    var dayCounter = (int)((250000 - i) / 200);
                    await InsertInvoiceMade(DateTime.Today.AddDays(-dayCounter), i, new Random(), sqlAgent, 1);
                    var progressValue = (i + 1) / 2500;
            }, CancellationToken.None);
Example #4
 private async Task InsertLedgerEntry(int transactionId, long account, bool isDebit, decimal amount, MySqlAgent agent, int version)
     if (version == 1)
         await agent.ExecuteInsertAsync("InsertEntry1", new SqlParam[] { new SqlParam("AA", transactionId),
                                                                         new SqlParam("AB", account), new SqlParam("AC", isDebit?"D":"C"), new SqlParam("AD", amount) });
     else if (version == 2)
         await agent.ExecuteInsertAsync("InsertEntry2", new SqlParam[] { new SqlParam("AA", transactionId),
                                                                         new SqlParam("AB", account), new SqlParam("AC", isDebit?1:0), new SqlParam("AD", amount) });
     else if (version == 3)
         await agent.ExecuteInsertAsync("InsertEntry3", new SqlParam[] { new SqlParam("AA", transactionId),
                                                                         new SqlParam("AB", account), new SqlParam("AC", isDebit?amount:-amount) });
     else if (version == 4)
         decimal?debitAmount, creditAmount;
         if (isDebit)
             debitAmount  = amount;
             creditAmount = new decimal?();
             debitAmount  = new decimal?();
             creditAmount = amount;
         await agent.ExecuteInsertAsync("InsertEntry4", new SqlParam[] { new SqlParam("AA", transactionId),
                                                                         new SqlParam("AB", account), new SqlParam("AC", debitAmount), new SqlParam("AD", creditAmount) });
         await agent.ExecuteInsertAsync("InsertEntry1", new SqlParam[] { new SqlParam("AA", transactionId),
                                                                         new SqlParam("AB", account), new SqlParam("AC", isDebit?"Debit":"Credit"), new SqlParam("AD", (long)(amount * 100)) });
Example #5
        private async Task InsertInvoiceMade(DateTime invoiceDate, int seq, Random rnd, MySqlAgent agent, int version)
            var amount      = Math.Round(((Decimal)rnd.Next(10000, 1000000) / 100), 2);
            var amountVat   = Math.Round(amount * 0.21m, 2);
            var total       = Math.Round(amount + amountVat, 2);
            var paymentDate = invoiceDate.AddDays(rnd.Next(1, 90));

            int documentId = (int)await agent.ExecuteInsertAsync("InsertDocument", new SqlParam[] {
                new SqlParam("AA", invoiceDate), new SqlParam("AB", "INV" + seq.ToString()),
                new SqlParam("AC", "Invoice made description seq " + seq.ToString()), new SqlParam("AD", 1),
                new SqlParam("AE", DateTime.UtcNow)

            int transactionId = (int)await agent.ExecuteInsertAsync("InsertTransaction", new SqlParam[] {
                new SqlParam("AA", documentId), new SqlParam("AB", invoiceDate)

            await InsertLedgerEntry(transactionId, 505L, false, amount, agent, version);
            await InsertLedgerEntry(transactionId, 445L, false, amountVat, agent, version);
            await InsertLedgerEntry(transactionId, 240L, true, total, agent, version);

            documentId = (int)await agent.ExecuteInsertAsync("InsertDocument", new SqlParam[] {
                new SqlParam("AA", paymentDate), new SqlParam("AB", seq.ToString()),
                new SqlParam("AC", "Payment received description seq " + seq.ToString()), new SqlParam("AD", 2),
                new SqlParam("AE", DateTime.UtcNow)

            transactionId = (int)await agent.ExecuteInsertAsync("InsertTransaction", new SqlParam[] {
                new SqlParam("AA", documentId), new SqlParam("AB", paymentDate)
            await InsertLedgerEntry(transactionId, 240L, false, total, agent, version);
            await InsertLedgerEntry(transactionId, 271L, true, total, agent, version);

            var amount2      = Math.Min(Math.Round(((Decimal)rnd.Next(10000, 1000000) / 100), 2), amount);
            var amountVat2   = Math.Round(amount2 * 0.21m, 2);
            var total2       = Math.Round(amount2 + amountVat2, 2);
            var paymentDate2 = invoiceDate.AddDays(rnd.Next(1, 90));

            documentId = (int)await agent.ExecuteInsertAsync("InsertDocument", new SqlParam[] {
                new SqlParam("AA", invoiceDate.AddDays(1)), new SqlParam("AB", "REC" + seq.ToString()),
                new SqlParam("AC", "Invoice received description seq " + seq.ToString()), new SqlParam("AD", 3),
                new SqlParam("AE", DateTime.UtcNow)

            transactionId = (int)await agent.ExecuteInsertAsync("InsertTransaction", new SqlParam[] {
                new SqlParam("AA", documentId), new SqlParam("AB", invoiceDate.AddDays(1))
            await InsertLedgerEntry(transactionId, 601L, true, amount2, agent, version);
            await InsertLedgerEntry(transactionId, 220L, true, amountVat2, agent, version);
            await InsertLedgerEntry(transactionId, 410L, false, total2, agent, version);

            documentId = (int)await agent.ExecuteInsertAsync("InsertDocument", new SqlParam[] {
                new SqlParam("AA", paymentDate2), new SqlParam("AB", seq.ToString()),
                new SqlParam("AC", "Payment made description seq " + seq.ToString()), new SqlParam("AD", 2),
                new SqlParam("AE", DateTime.UtcNow)

            transactionId = (int)await agent.ExecuteInsertAsync("InsertTransaction", new SqlParam[] {
                new SqlParam("AA", documentId), new SqlParam("AB", paymentDate2)
            await InsertLedgerEntry(transactionId, 410L, true, total2, agent, version);
            await InsertLedgerEntry(transactionId, 271L, false, total2, agent, version);