public string ToClass(string str) { string flag = ""; MySQLConnection DBConn; DBConn = new MySQLConnection(new MySQLConnectionString(Form2.Ip, Form2.KuName, Form2.Username, Form2.Password, Form2.Port).AsString); DBConn.Open(); MySQLCommand DBComm = new MySQLCommand("select CLASS from config", DBConn); MySQLDataReader DBReader = DBComm.ExecuteReaderEx(); while (DBReader.Read()) { flag = DBReader.GetString(0); DBComm = new MySQLCommand("select keyword from config where CLASS='" + DBReader.GetString(0) + "'", DBConn); MySQLDataReader DBReader1 = DBComm.ExecuteReaderEx(); if (DBReader1.Read()) { if (str.Contains(DBReader1.GetString(0))) { flag = DBReader.GetString(0); DBConn.Close(); return(flag); } } } DBConn.Close(); return(flag); }
private void timer5_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { DBConn.Open(); MySQLCommand DBComm = new MySQLCommand("select * from `parkingsystem`.`record`", DBConn); MySQLCommand firstCmd = new MySQLCommand("set names big5", DBConn); firstCmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); MySQLDataReader DBReader = DBComm.ExecuteReaderEx(); bool s = true; while (DBReader.Read()) { if (DBReader.GetString(2) == "E" || DBReader.GetString(2) == "") { tSSL_C.Text = "開啟"; s = false; break; } } if (s) { tSSL_C.Text = "關閉"; } DBConn.Close(); }
public void Find() { //在異常事件記錄抓未處理資料出來 DBConn.Open(); MySQLCommand DBComm = new MySQLCommand("select * from `RFID_Project`.`event_record`", DBConn); MySQLCommand firstCmd = new MySQLCommand("set names big5", DBConn); firstCmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); MySQLDataReader DBReader = DBComm.ExecuteReaderEx(); while (DBReader.Read()) { if (DBReader.GetString(5) == Global.event_place && DBReader.GetString(3) == Global.event_stu && DBReader.GetString(7) == "n") //依位置判斷未處理的異常事件 { tB_place.Text = DBReader.GetString(5); tB_temp.Text = DBReader.GetString(6); tB_date.Text = DBReader.GetString(1); tB_time.Text = DBReader.GetString(2); Time = DBReader.GetString(2); //抓學生資料 string stu_id = DBReader.GetString(3); MySQLCommand DBCom = new MySQLCommand("select * from `RFID_Project`.`student`", DBConn); MySQLDataReader DBReader_stu = DBCom.ExecuteReaderEx(); DBReader_stu.Read(); do { if (DBReader_stu.GetString(0) == stu_id) { tB_id.Text = DBReader_stu.GetString(0); tB_name.Text = DBReader_stu.GetString(2); tB_sex.Text = DBReader_stu.GetString(5); tB_tagId.Text = DBReader_stu.GetString(1); tB_class.Text = DBReader_stu.GetString(6); tB_CWHO.Text = DBReader_stu.GetString(8); tB_CTEL.Text = DBReader_stu.GetString(9); tB_address.Text = DBReader_stu.GetString(7); pB_photo.ImageLocation = DBReader_stu.GetString(4); //圖片 //抓老師資料 MySQLCommand DBComT = new MySQLCommand("select * from `RFID_Project`.`teacher`", DBConn); MySQLDataReader DBReader_teacher = DBComT.ExecuteReaderEx(); DBReader_teacher.Read(); do { if (DBReader_teacher.GetString(2) == DBReader_stu.GetString(6)) { tB_teacher.Text = DBReader_teacher.GetString(1); tB_tTEL.Text = DBReader_teacher.GetString(4); } } while (DBReader_teacher.Read()); } } while (DBReader_stu.Read()); break; } } }
/*public int ConMysql() * { * MySQLConnection DBConn; * DBConn = new MySQLConnection(new MySQLConnectionString(Form2.Ip, Form2.KuName, Form2.Username, Form2.Password, Form2.Port).AsString); * DBConn.Open(); * return 0; * } * * public int CloseMysql(MySQLConnection DBConn) * { * DBConn.Close(); * return 0; * }*/ public static int Joinclass() { if (Form3.key != "") { MySQLConnection DBConn; DBConn = new MySQLConnection(new MySQLConnectionString(Form2.Ip, Form2.KuName, Form2.Username, Form2.Password, Form2.Port).AsString); DBConn.Open(); MySQLCommand DBComm = new MySQLCommand("select CLASS from config where CLASS='" + Form3.cla + "'", DBConn); MySQLDataReader DBReader = DBComm.ExecuteReaderEx(); if (!DBReader.Read()) { DBComm = new MySQLCommand("insert into config(CLASS) values('" + Form3.cla + "')", DBConn); DBComm.ExecuteNonQuery(); } else if (Form3.cla != DBReader.GetString(0)) { DBComm = new MySQLCommand("insert into config(CLASS) values('" + Form3.cla + "')", DBConn); DBComm.ExecuteNonQuery(); } DBComm = new MySQLCommand("update config set keyword='" + Form3.key + "' where CLASS='" + Form3.cla + "'", DBConn); DBComm.ExecuteNonQuery(); DBConn.Close(); } return(0); }
public static List <string> Query() { List <string> ret = new List <string>(); lock (conn) { try { MySQLCommand commn; commn = new MySQLCommand("create table if not exists monsqldb (text varchar(1000))", conn); commn.ExecuteNonQuery(); commn = new MySQLCommand("select text from monsqldb", conn); MySQLDataReader mdr = commn.ExecuteReaderEx(); while (mdr.Read()) { ret.Add(mdr.GetString(0)); } } catch (Exception ex) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("数据库访问出错:" + ex.Message); } } return(ret); }
static void Main(string[] args) { conn = new MySQLConnection(new MySQLConnectionString("", "heartlink", "qwe", "123").AsString); cmd = new MySQLCommand(); da = new MySQLDataAdapter(); String pass = "******"; String sql = "select ID from students where password="******"ID = {0}", DBReader.GetString(0)); } } finally { DBReader.Close(); conn.Close(); } }
private void timer4_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { DBConn.Open(); MySQLCommand DBComm = new MySQLCommand("select * from `parkingsystem`.`login_record`", DBConn); MySQLCommand firstCmd = new MySQLCommand("set names big5", DBConn); firstCmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); MySQLDataReader DBReader = DBComm.ExecuteReaderEx(); DBReader.Read(); do { if (DBReader.GetString(2) == "帳密正確") { tSB_Exit.Enabled = true; tSB_search.Enabled = true; TSMI_help.Enabled = true; tabControl1.Enabled = true; MySQLCommand DBCom = new MySQLCommand("UPDATE `parkingsystem`.`login_record` SET `result` = '成功登入' WHERE CONVERT( `login_record`.`date` USING utf8 ) = '" + DBReader.GetString(0) + "' LIMIT 1 ;", DBConn); MySQLDataReader DBReader1 = DBCom.ExecuteReaderEx(); timer4.Enabled = false; break; } } while (DBReader.Read()); DBConn.Close(); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the volunteer timestamps to an array.@deprecated Use getLastActiveTimestamp. unstable!! /// </summary> /// <param name="VolunteerID"></param> /// <param name="ACTIVE_ONLY"></param> /// <param name="ONLY_TODAY"></param> /// <returns>A 2 dimension array of timestamps or an empty array</returns> public object [][] getVolunteerTimestamps(uint VolunteerID,Boolean ACTIVE_ONLY=false,Boolean ONLY_TODAY=true){ //Build Query string qry="SELECT * FROM Checkin WHERE VolunteerID="+VolunteerID; if(ACTIVE_ONLY==true) qry+=" AND Active=1"; if(ONLY_TODAY==true) qry+=" AND DATE(TimeIn)=DATE(NOW())"; qry+=" ORDER BY CheckID DESC;"; //Query Data MySQLCommand mc = new MySQLCommand(qry, vlcon); MySQLDataReader dr = mc.ExecuteReaderEx(); List<object>[] rval = { new List<object>(), new List<object>(), new List<object>(), new List<object>()};//data string list int cnt=0; try{ while (dr.Read()) { for (byte curfield = 0; curfield < rval.Length; curfield++) { rval[curfield].Insert(cnt, dr.GetString(curfield)); Console.WriteLine(rval.GetValue(curfield).ToString()); } cnt++; } }finally{ dr.Close(); mc.Dispose(); } return new object[][]{rval[0].ToArray(),rval[1].ToArray(),rval[2].ToArray(),rval[3].ToArray()}; }
RequestBean getNextRequest() { Monitor.Enter(this); RequestBean bean = null; int modenId = -1; string portName = null; for (int i = 0; i < portNameDataGridView.RowCount - 1; i++) { if ("free" == (string)portNameDataGridView.Rows [i].Cells [1].Value) { portName = (string)portNameDataGridView.Rows [i].Cells [0].Value; modenId = i; break; } } bean = new RequestBean(); bean.modenId = modenId; bean.portName = portName; bean.batchId = 1; bean.mobileId = 1; = "18601345193"; Monitor.Exit(this); return(bean); if (modenId != -1 && portName != null) { MySQLConnection conn = getConn(); string sqlstr = "select * from ring_request where doing=0 order by priority desc,time limit 1"; MySQLCommand comm = new MySQLCommand(sqlstr, conn); MySQLDataReader dbReader = comm.ExecuteReaderEx(); if (dbReader.Read()) { portNameDataGridView.Rows [modenId].Cells [1].Value = "准备中....."; string sqlstr2 = "update ring_request set doing=1 where id=" + dbReader.GetInt32(0); MySQLCommand comm2 = new MySQLCommand(sqlstr2, conn); comm2.ExecuteNonQuery(); bean = new RequestBean(); bean.modenId = modenId; bean.portName = portName; bean.batchId = dbReader.GetInt32(1); bean.mobileId = dbReader.GetInt32(0); = dbReader.GetString(2); } dbReader.Close(); } Monitor.Exit(this); return(bean); }
private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { DBConn.Open(); MySQLCommand DBComm = new MySQLCommand("select * from `parkingsystem`.`manager`", DBConn); MySQLCommand firstCmd = new MySQLCommand("set names big5", DBConn); firstCmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); MySQLDataReader DBReader = DBComm.ExecuteReaderEx(); while (DBReader.Read()) { string tagstr = DBReader.GetString(0); if (tB_id.Text == tagstr) { pictureBox1.ImageLocation = DBReader.GetString(5); //圖片 } } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string search = textBox1.Text; try { MySQLConnection DBConn; DBConn = new MySQLConnection(new MySQLConnectionString(Form2.Ip, Form2.KuName, Form2.Username, Form2.Password, Form2.Port).AsString); DBConn.Open(); //清空数据 dataGridView1.Rows.Clear(); int i = 0; MySQLCommand DBComm = new MySQLCommand("select id,DATE,IP,URL,CLASS,MD5 from xls where URL like '%" + search + "%'", DBConn); MySQLDataReader DBReader = DBComm.ExecuteReaderEx(); while (DBReader.Read()) { i = dataGridView1.Rows.Add(); dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value = DBReader.GetString(0); dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[1].Value = DBReader.GetString(1); dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[2].Value = DBReader.GetString(2); dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[3].Value = DBReader.GetString(3); dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[4].Value = DBReader.GetString(4); dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[5].Value = DBReader.GetString(5); } DBConn.Close(); } catch (MySQLException) { MessageBox.Show("请先连接数据库!"); } }
public void Grview(string str) { try { MySQLConnection DBConn; DBConn = new MySQLConnection(new MySQLConnectionString(Form2.Ip, Form2.KuName, Form2.Username, Form2.Password, Form2.Port).AsString); DBConn.Open(); //清空数据 dataGridView1.Rows.Clear(); int i = 0; MySQLCommand DBComm = new MySQLCommand("select id,DATE,IP,URL,CLASS,MD5 from xls where CLASS='" + str + "'", DBConn); MySQLDataReader DBReader = DBComm.ExecuteReaderEx(); while (DBReader.Read()) { i = dataGridView1.Rows.Add(); dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value = DBReader.GetString(0); dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[1].Value = DBReader.GetString(1); dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[2].Value = DBReader.GetString(2); dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[3].Value = DBReader.GetString(3); dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[4].Value = DBReader.GetString(4); dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[5].Value = DBReader.GetString(5); } DBConn.Close(); } finally { } }
public void Find() { DBConn.Open(); MySQLCommand DBComm = new MySQLCommand("select * from `RFID_Project`.`student`", DBConn); MySQLCommand firstCmd = new MySQLCommand("set names big5", DBConn); firstCmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); MySQLDataReader DBReader = DBComm.ExecuteReaderEx(); while (DBReader.Read()) { if (DBReader.GetString(0) == getData.ID) //依學號判斷是哪個學生 { //抓學生資料 tB_id.Text = DBReader.GetString(0); tB_name.Text = DBReader.GetString(2); tB_sex.Text = DBReader.GetString(5); tB_tagId.Text = DBReader.GetString(1); tB_class.Text = DBReader.GetString(6); tB_CWHO.Text = DBReader.GetString(8); tB_CTEL.Text = DBReader.GetString(9); tB_address.Text = DBReader.GetString(7); pB_photo.ImageLocation = DBReader.GetString(4); //圖片 //抓老師資料 MySQLCommand DBComT = new MySQLCommand("select * from `RFID_Project`.`teacher`", DBConn); MySQLDataReader DBReader_teacher = DBComT.ExecuteReaderEx(); DBReader_teacher.Read(); do { if (DBReader_teacher.GetString(2) == DBReader.GetString(6)) { tB_teacher.Text = DBReader_teacher.GetString(1); tB_tTEL.Text = DBReader_teacher.GetString(4); } } while (DBReader_teacher.Read()); } } }
/// <summary> /// Gets the data from the last active checkin today and puts it into a SCheckin struct /// </summary> /// <param name="VolunteerID">The volunteer id to search for</param> /// <returns>A SCheckin or null if there is no current checkin</returns> public SCheckin? getLastActiveTimestamp(uint VolunteerID) { //Build Query string qry = String.Format("SELECT CheckID,VolunteerID,CONCAT(DATE(TimeIn),\" \", TIME(TimeIn)),Active FROM Checkin WHERE VolunteerID={0} AND Active=1 AND DATE(TimeIn)=DATE(NOW()) ORDER BY CheckID DESC LIMIT 1;", VolunteerID); //Query Data MySQLCommand mc = new MySQLCommand(qry, vlcon); MySQLDataReader dr = mc.ExecuteReaderEx(); try { dr = mc.ExecuteReaderEx(); } catch (MySQLException) { throw new DatabaseNotOpenException(); } SCheckin rval = new SCheckin(); //int cnt = 0; try { if (dr.HasRows == false) return null; while (dr.Read()) { rval.CheckID=uint.Parse(dr.GetString(0)); rval.VolunteerID = uint.Parse(dr.GetString(1)); rval.TimeIn = dr.GetString(2); System.Console.WriteLine(rval.TimeIn); rval.Active = dr.GetString(3)=="1"?true:false; } } finally { dr.Close(); mc.Dispose(); } return rval; }
private void pB3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) //208教室 =>000022 { if (pB3.BackColor == Color.Red) { Global.event_place = "208教室"; MySQLCommand DBComm = new MySQLCommand("select * from `RFID_Project`.`event_record`", DBConn); MySQLCommand firstCmd = new MySQLCommand("set names big5", DBConn); firstCmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); MySQLDataReader DBReader = DBComm.ExecuteReaderEx(); while (DBReader.Read()) { if (DBReader.GetString(5) == Global.event_place && DBReader.GetString(7) == "n") //依位置判斷未處理的異常事件 { Global.event_stu = DBReader.GetString(3); = DBReader.GetString(0); Form_Alarm FA = new Form_Alarm(); //顯示學生詳細資料單 FA.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen; FA.Show(); } } } }
private void bt_Search_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (cB_condition.Text.Equals("Reader") && tB_find.Text != null) //reader { MySQLCommand DBComm1 = new MySQLCommand("select * from `RFID_Project`.`reader`", DBConn); MySQLCommand firstCmd = new MySQLCommand("set names big5", DBConn); firstCmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); MySQLDataReader DBReader1 = DBComm1.ExecuteReaderEx(); while (DBReader1.Read()) { if (tB_find.Text == DBReader1.GetString(0)) //查單一個設備 { tB_id.Text = DBReader1.GetString(0); tB_buy_date.Text = DBReader1.GetString(2); tB_buy_money.Text = DBReader1.GetString(3); tB_manager.Text = DBReader1.GetString(4); tB_type.Text = DBReader1.GetString(5); tB_meno.Text = "架設地點:" + DBReader1.GetString(1); break; } } } if (cB_condition.Text.Equals("Tag") && tB_find.Text != null) //tag { MySQLCommand DBComm = new MySQLCommand("select * from `RFID_Project`.`tag`", DBConn); MySQLCommand firstCmd = new MySQLCommand("set names big5", DBConn); firstCmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); MySQLDataReader DBReader = DBComm.ExecuteReaderEx(); while (DBReader.Read()) { if (tB_find.Text == DBReader.GetString(0)) //查單一個設備 { tB_id.Text = DBReader.GetString(0); tB_buy_date.Text = DBReader.GetString(1); tB_buy_money.Text = DBReader.GetString(2); tB_manager.Text = DBReader.GetString(3); tB_type.Text = DBReader.GetString(4); tB_meno.Text = "目前所屬學生:" + DBReader.GetString(5); break; } } } }
//数据库读取 public string MysqlRead(string Query) { string ReturnValue = null; MySQLConnection conn = null; MySQLCommand commn = new MySQLCommand("set names utf-8", conn); conn = new MySQLConnection(new MySQLConnectionString(DB_Address, DB_Database, DB_User, DB_Pass).AsString); string query = "select * from video"; conn.Open(); MySQLCommand cmd = new MySQLCommand(query, conn); MySQLDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReaderEx(); while (reader.Read()) { ReturnValue = reader.GetString(0); } conn.Close(); return(ReturnValue); }
/// <summary> /// Reads host and user columns from mysql database. /// </summary> public void Program() { MySQLConnection conn = new MySQLConnection(new MySQLConnectionString("localhost", "mysql", "root", "").AsString); MessageBox.Show("Connecting to database"); try { conn.Open(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); return; } // Typical low level reading MySQLCommand cmd = new MySQLCommand("select host,user from mysql.user", conn); MySQLDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReaderEx(); while (reader.Read()) { ListViewItem lvi = new ListViewItem("Low Level - Host:" + reader.GetString(0) + " , User:"******"host", "user" }, new string[] { "user" }, null, null, null).Table; foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { ListViewItem lvi = new ListViewItem("High Level - Host:" + row["host"].ToString() + " , User:"******"user"].ToString()); lvData.Items.Add(lvi); } MessageBox.Show("Closing database"); conn.Close(); MessageBox.Show("Read finished successfuly!"); }
private void timer2_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) //開啟功能 { DBConn.Open(); MySQLCommand DBComm = new MySQLCommand("select * from `RFID_Project`.`login_record`", DBConn); MySQLCommand firstCmd = new MySQLCommand("set names big5", DBConn); firstCmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); MySQLDataReader DBReader = DBComm.ExecuteReaderEx(); DBReader.Read(); do { if (DBReader.GetString(2) == "success") { MySQLCommand DBCom = new MySQLCommand("UPDATE `RFID_Project`.`login_record` SET `result` = 'login' WHERE CONVERT( `login_record`.`date` USING utf8 ) = '" + DBReader.GetString(0) + "' LIMIT 1 ;", DBConn); MySQLDataReader DBReader1 = DBCom.ExecuteReaderEx(); timer2.Enabled = false; break; } } while (DBReader.Read()); DBConn.Close(); }
public void ComboBoxshow() { try { MySQLConnection combo; combo = new MySQLConnection(new MySQLConnectionString(Form2.Ip, Form2.KuName, Form2.Username, Form2.Password, Form2.Port).AsString); combo.Open(); MySQLCommand combocmd = new MySQLCommand("select CLASS from config", combo); //combocmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); MySQLDataReader data = combocmd.ExecuteReaderEx(); comboBox1.Items.Clear(); while (data.Read()) { //comboBox1.Items.Add(data["CLASS"].ToString()); comboBox1.Items.Add(data.GetString(0)); //comboBox1.Items.Add("x"); } combo.Close(); } catch (MySQLException) { MessageBox.Show("请先连接数据库!"); } }
public bool Check() { DBConn.Open(); MySQLCommand DBComm = new MySQLCommand("select * from `RFID_Project`.`user`", DBConn); MySQLCommand firstCmd = new MySQLCommand("set names big5", DBConn); firstCmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); MySQLDataReader DBReader = DBComm.ExecuteReaderEx(); DBReader.Read(); do { string id = ("" + DBReader.GetValue(0)); //id string passoord = ("" + DBReader.GetValue(1)); //password if (tB_Id.Text == id) { if (tB_OldPW.Text == passoord) // 檢查舊密碼 { if (tB_NewPW.Text == tB_NewRPW.Text && tB_NewPW.Text != "" && tB_NewRPW.Text != "") // 新密碼兩欄位是否相同 { //更新資料庫 MySQLCommand DBCom = new MySQLCommand("UPDATE `RFID_Project`.`user` SET `password` = '" + tB_NewPW.Text + "' WHERE CONVERT( `user`.`id` USING utf8 ) = '" + DBReader.GetString(0) + "' LIMIT 1 ;", DBConn); MySQLDataReader DBReader1 = DBCom.ExecuteReaderEx(); return(true); } } } }while (DBReader.Read()); if (tB_NewPW.Text.Length <= 4) { MessageBox.Show("密碼長度需大於4個字元"); return(false); } else { MessageBox.Show("欄位有錯 ! 請再檢查一次"); } return(false); }
private void timer2_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) //持續偵測 { string Tag = ""; DBConn.Open(); MySQLCommand DBComm = new MySQLCommand("select * from `parkingsystem`.`member`", DBConn); MySQLCommand firstCmd = new MySQLCommand("set names big5", DBConn); firstCmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); request("T" + (char)13); delaytime(200); String result = response(); String result1 = response1(); String result2 = response2(); string sPattern = "[\\da-fA-F]{4} [\\da-fA-F]{4} [\\da-fA-F]{4} [\\da-fA-F]{4} [\\da-fA-F]{4} [\\da-fA-F]{4}"; MatchCollection matchs = Regex.Matches(result, sPattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); //抓一大段其中的一段字串 MatchCollection matchs1 = Regex.Matches(result1, sPattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); MatchCollection matchs2 = Regex.Matches(result2, sPattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); MySQLDataReader DBReader = DBComm.ExecuteReaderEx(); foreach (Match m in matchs) { Tag = m.Value; } int F = 0; foreach (Match m in matchs1) //1F { if (m.Value != "") { F = F + 1; //掃到 } DBReader.Read(); do { Save_state(); } while (DBReader.Read()); } tB_1F.Text = ("" + F); //message if (F >= 25) { state_1F.Text = "車位已滿"; } F = 0; foreach (Match m in matchs2) //2F { if (m.Value != "") { F = F + 1; //掃到 } DBReader.Read(); do { Save_state(); } while (DBReader.Read()); } tB_2F.Text = ("" + F); if (F >= 25) { state_2F.Text = "車位已滿"; } tSSL_state.Text = "偵測中..."; if (Tag != "") { //掃到 textBox1.Text = Tag; try { while (DBReader.Read()) { string tagstr = DBReader.GetString(1); if (textBox1.Text == tagstr) { textBox2.Text = ("" + DBReader.GetValue(2)); //MID textBox3.Text = ("" + DBReader.GetValue(3)); //carID Save_recoder(); break; } } } finally //釋放資源 { DBReader.Close(); } DBConn.Close(); } //if }
public void UPdata(string id, string EnterTime) { DBConn.Open(); MySQLCommand firstCmd = new MySQLCommand("set names big5", DBConn); firstCmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); string Out = tSSL_Now.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy年MM月dd日 HH:mm:ss"); DateTime ft = DateTime.Parse(Out); DateTime ot = DateTime.Parse(EnterTime); string result = ((TimeSpan)(ft - ot)).TotalSeconds.ToString(); //算時間(單位:秒) int money, temp, totaltime; //算錢 totaltime = int.Parse(result); temp = totaltime % 3600; //轉小時 if (temp == 0) { money = temp * 20; //剛好停整數小時 } else { totaltime = (totaltime / 3600) + 1; money = totaltime * 20; } MySQLCommand DBCo = new MySQLCommand("select * from `parkingsystem`.`member`", DBConn); MySQLDataReader DBReader1 = DBCo.ExecuteReaderEx(); while (DBReader1.Read()) { string s1 = DBReader1.GetString(1); if (id == s1) { string s2 = DBReader1.GetString(10); int temp1 = int.Parse(s2); int ss = temp1 - money; s2 = ("" + ss); MySQLCommand DBCom = new MySQLCommand("UPDATE `parkingsystem`.`member` SET `Money` = '" + s2 + "' WHERE CONVERT( `member`.`Tag_ID` USING utf8 ) = '" + id + "' LIMIT 1 ;", DBConn); MySQLDataReader DBReader2 = DBCom.ExecuteReaderEx(); break; } } string hresult = ("" + totaltime); string smoney = ("" + money); MySQLCommand DBComm = new MySQLCommand("UPDATE `parkingsystem`.`record` SET `Ttime` = '" + hresult + "',`state` = '',`Otime` = '" + Out + "',`Smoney` = '" + smoney + "' WHERE CONVERT( `record`.`Etime` USING utf8 ) = '" + EnterTime + "' LIMIT 1 ;", DBConn); MySQLDataReader DBReader = DBComm.ExecuteReaderEx(); DBConn.Close(); if (Ncar != 0) { textBox4.Text = ("" + --Ncar); textBox5.Text = ("" + ++SNcar); tB_event.Text += (Out + " 有車輛出去! " + textBox3.Text + " " + smoney + "\r\n"); //message } timer3.Enabled = true; }
public static int addvalue() { try { OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog(); ofd.Title = "打开"; ofd.InitialDirectory = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop); ofd.Filter = "Excle Document(*.xls)|*.xls|All Files|*.*"; if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { string strConn = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" + "data source=" + ofd.FileName + ";Extended Properties='Excel 8.0; HDR=Yes; IMEX=1'"; OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection(strConn); conn.Open(); string strExcel = ""; OleDbDataAdapter myCommand = null; DataTable dt = null; strExcel = "select * from [sheet1$]"; myCommand = new OleDbDataAdapter(strExcel, strConn); dt = new DataTable(); myCommand.Fill(dt); int countrow = dt.Rows.Count; string flag = null; string CLASS = null; MySQLConnection DBConn; DBConn = new MySQLConnection(new MySQLConnectionString(Form2.Ip, Form2.KuName, Form2.Username, Form2.Password, Form2.Port).AsString); DBConn.Open(); //读取config中的值 //MySQLCommand Rconfig = new MySQLCommand("select * from config", DBConn); //MySQLDataReader Rconfigdb = Rconfig.ExecuteReaderEx(); for (int i = 0; i < countrow; i++) { string row1 = dt.Rows[i][0].ToString(); string row2 = dt.Rows[i][1].ToString(); string row3 = dt.Rows[i][2].ToString(); string row4 = dt.Rows[i][3].ToString(); //flag = ToClass(row4); //判定类别 /* * while(Rconfigdb.Read()) * { * if (row4.Contains(Rconfigdb["keyword"].ToString().ToLower())) * { * flag = Rconfigdb["id"].ToString(); * CLASS = Rconfigdb["CLASS"].ToString(); * textBox2.AppendText(Rconfigdb.GetString(2)); * } * System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(0); * } * */ MySQLCommand Rconfig = new MySQLCommand("select CLASS from config", DBConn); MySQLDataReader DBReader = Rconfig.ExecuteReaderEx(); while (DBReader.Read()) { //flag = DBReader.GetString(0); Rconfig = new MySQLCommand("select * from config where CLASS='" + DBReader.GetString(0) + "'", DBConn); MySQLDataReader DBReader1 = Rconfig.ExecuteReaderEx(); if (DBReader1.Read()) { if (row4.Contains(DBReader1.GetString(2))) { flag = DBReader1.GetString(0); CLASS = DBReader1.GetString(1); } } } MySQLCommand DBComm = new MySQLCommand("insert into xls(MD5,DATE,IP,URL,FLAG,CLASS) values('" + row1 + "','" + row2 + "','" + row3 + "','" + row4 + "','" + flag + "','" + CLASS + "')", DBConn); DBComm.ExecuteNonQuery(); } DBConn.Close(); MessageBox.Show("Success!"); } } finally { } return(0); }
private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) //偵測點顏色轉換 { //if那點為紅色,判斷異常是否處理完 int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) // 目前設3台 { if (happen[i] == true) // 何點為紅色 { switch (i) //判斷為何地點 { case 0: //中央噴水池 Global.event_place = "中央噴水池"; break; case 1: //208教室 Global.event_place = "208教室"; break; case 2: //停車場 Global.event_place = "停車場"; break; } MySQLCommand DBComm1 = new MySQLCommand("select * from `RFID_Project`.`event_record`", DBConn); MySQLDataReader DBReader1 = DBComm1.ExecuteReaderEx(); while (DBReader1.Read()) { if (DBReader1.GetString(5) == Global.event_place && DBReader1.GetString(7) == "n") //未處理 { happen[i] = true; break; } else { happen[i] = false; } } //該地點事件皆處理完.變回綠色 if (happen[i] == false) { switch (i) //判斷為何地點 { case 0: //中央噴水池 //Global.p1 = true; pB1.BackColor = Color.Green; break; case 1: //208教室 // Global.p2 = true; pB3.BackColor = Color.Green; break; case 2: //停車場 //Global.p3 = true; pB10.BackColor = Color.Green; break; } } } if (happen[i] == false) { count++; } } //for if (count == 3 || Global.BeepOn == false) //全部都處理完.停止蜂鳴聲 { Global.BeepOn = false; Global.alarm_voice(Global.BeepOn); } }
public void receive(object o) { ReaderConnect r = o as ReaderConnect; String recData; Boolean repeat = false; while (r.client.Connected) { if ( { try { Byte[] data = new Byte[256]; Int32 bytes =, 0, data.Length); if (! { recData = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data, 0, bytes); if (recData.Length == 23) { this.Invoke(new UpdateMessage(printMessage), new object[] { recData }); //string test = "溫度: " + recData.Substring(18,3); //this.Invoke(new UpdateMessage(printMessage), new object[] { test }); //this.Invoke(new UpdateMessage(printMessage), new object[] { "temp_up: " + Global.temp_up + " temp_down: " + Global.temp_down }); //test體溫上下限 if (Convert.ToInt32(recData.Substring(18, 3)) > Global.temp_up || Convert.ToInt32(recData.Substring(18, 3)) < Global.temp_down) { Global.BeepOn = true; Global.alarm_voice(Global.BeepOn); //蜂鳴聲 switch (recData.Substring(1, 6)) //判斷為何地點 { case "000011": //中央噴水池 pB1.BackColor = Color.Red; happen[0] = true; break; case "000022": //208教室 pB3.BackColor = Color.Red; happen[1] = true; break; case "000033": //停車場 pB10.BackColor = Color.Red; happen[2] = true; break; } //讀取資料庫的資料 找學生 MySQLCommand DBComm = new MySQLCommand("select * from `RFID_Project`.`student`", DBConn); MySQLCommand firstCmd = new MySQLCommand("set names big5", DBConn); firstCmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); MySQLDataReader DBReader = DBComm.ExecuteReaderEx(); DBReader.Read(); do { string id = DBReader.GetValue(1).ToString(); //this.Invoke(new UpdateMessage(printMessage), new object[] { " id= " + id }); //this.Invoke(new UpdateMessage(printMessage), new object[] { " recData.Substring(9, 6)= " + recData.Substring(9, 6) }); if (recData.Substring(9, 6) == id) { record = recData; //map專用訊息 //讀取資料庫的資料 找地點 MySQLCommand DBComm_reader = new MySQLCommand("select * from `RFID_Project`.`reader`", DBConn); MySQLDataReader DBReader_reader = DBComm_reader.ExecuteReaderEx(); DBReader_reader.Read(); do { string reader_id = DBReader_reader.GetValue(0).ToString(); if (recData.Substring(1, 6) == reader_id) { string date = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"); string time = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss"); string temp = recData.Substring(18, 2) + "." + recData.Substring(20, 1); string teacher = ""; //抓老師資料 MySQLCommand DBComT = new MySQLCommand("select * from `RFID_Project`.`teacher`", DBConn); MySQLDataReader DBReader_teacher = DBComT.ExecuteReaderEx(); DBReader_teacher.Read(); do { if (DBReader_teacher.GetString(0) == DBReader.GetString(3)) { teacher = DBReader_teacher.GetString(1); } } while (DBReader_teacher.Read()); //判斷事件是否重複 try { MySQLCommand DBComRecord = new MySQLCommand("select * from `RFID_Project`.`event_record`", DBConn); MySQLDataReader DBReader_Record = DBComRecord.ExecuteReaderEx(); DBReader_Record.Read(); do { MessageBox.Show(DBReader.GetString(0) + " / " + DBReader_Record.GetString(3)); if (date == DBReader_Record.GetString(1) && DBReader.GetString(0) == DBReader_Record.GetString(3) && DBReader_reader.GetString(1) == DBReader_Record.GetString(5)) { repeat = true; break; } else { repeat = false; } } while (DBReader_Record.Read()); } catch { repeat = false; } if (repeat == false) { this.Invoke(new UpdateDatagridview(printDatagridview), new object[] { date, time, temp, DBReader.GetValue(0), DBReader.GetValue(2), DBReader_reader.GetValue(1), teacher }); Global.event_count++; this.Invoke(new UpdateCount(printCount), new object[] { }); //記錄至資料庫. 要按處理鍵.結果才會改成y MySQLCommand DBComm_DB = new MySQLCommand("INSERT INTO `RFID_Project`.`event_record` (`no`,`date`,`time`,`stu_id`,`stu_name`,`place`,`temp`,`result`)VALUES ('" + event_no + "','" + date + "','" + time + "','" + DBReader.GetValue(0) + "','" + DBReader.GetValue(2) + "','" + DBReader_reader.GetValue(1) + "','" + recData.Substring(18, 3) + "','" + "n" + "');", DBConn); //登錄記錄 MySQLDataReader DBReader_DB = DBComm_DB.ExecuteReaderEx(); event_no++; } Thread.Sleep(0); break; } } while (DBReader_reader.Read()); } } while (DBReader.Read()); } } else { this.Invoke(new UpdateMessage(printMessage), new object[] { recData }); } } else { Thread.Sleep(0); } } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show(e.ToString()); break; } } } }