public static Container StartupAndRegisterClientServices(IConfiguration root, Container c) { try { var reg = new MyRegistry(root, Helper.GetPlatform().ToString()); reg.For <MyRegistry>().Use(reg); c.Inject(typeof(Container), c); c.Configure(x => { x.AddRegistry(reg); }); var clientServicePartitionValidator = c.GetInstance <ClientServicePartitionValidator>(); clientServicePartitionValidator.ValidateServicePartitions(); c.Inject <ClientServicePartitionValidator>(clientServicePartitionValidator); return(c); } catch (Exception e) { L.Trace(e.Message); if (e.InnerException != null) { L.Trace($"Inner exception is {e.InnerException.Message}"); L.Trace($"{e.InnerException.StackTrace}"); } L.Trace("Error on initialization ... quitting"); throw e; } }
public void GetViewSettingsTest() { string value = MyRegistry.GetViewSettings("VIEW_FirearmList", out _errOut, "In Stocks"); TestContext.WriteLine(value); General.HasValue(value, _errOut); }
public void GetSettingsTest() { string lastSucBackup = ""; bool alertOnBackUp = false; int trackHistoryDays = 30; bool trackHistory = false; bool autoBackup = false; bool uoimg = false; bool usePl = false; bool useIPer = false; bool useCcid = false; bool useaa = false; bool useAacid = false; bool useUniqueCustId = false; bool bUseselectiveboundbook = false; MyRegistry.GetSettings(out lastSucBackup, out alertOnBackUp, out trackHistoryDays, out trackHistory, out autoBackup, out uoimg, out usePl, out useIPer, out useCcid, out useaa, out useAacid, out useUniqueCustId, out bUseselectiveboundbook, out _errOut); TestContext.WriteLine($"lastSucBackup: {lastSucBackup}"); TestContext.WriteLine($"alertOnBackUp: {alertOnBackUp}"); TestContext.WriteLine($"trackHistoryDays: {trackHistoryDays}"); TestContext.WriteLine($"trackHistory: {trackHistory}"); TestContext.WriteLine($"autoBackup: {autoBackup}"); TestContext.WriteLine($"uoimg: {uoimg}"); TestContext.WriteLine($"usePl: {usePl}"); TestContext.WriteLine($"useIPer: {useIPer}"); TestContext.WriteLine($"useCcid: {useCcid}"); TestContext.WriteLine($"useaa: {useaa}"); TestContext.WriteLine($"useAacid: {useAacid}"); TestContext.WriteLine($"useUniqueCustId: {useUniqueCustId}"); TestContext.WriteLine($"bUseselectiveboundbook: {bUseselectiveboundbook}"); General.HasValue(trackHistory.ToString(), _errOut); }
public void UpDateAppDetailsTest() { string path = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory; bool value = MyRegistry.UpDateAppDetails("1.0", "My Gun Collection Unit Test", path, $"{path}", Path.Combine(path, "log.err"), _databasePath, Path.GetFullPath(_databasePath), out _errOut); General.HasTrueValue(value, _errOut); }
public void GetLastWorkingDirTest() { string value = MyRegistry.GetLastWorkingDir(out _errOut); TestContext.WriteLine(value); General.HasValue(value, _errOut); }
public TransactionRoles(ClientServicePartitionValidator validator, IClientFactory factory, MyRegistry reg) { this.factory = factory; this.validator = validator; this.reg = reg; roleCheck = EnumHelper.EnumPrompt <RoleCheck>(); }
public VMuseRegistry(MyRegistry root, VMfunction parent) : base(root, parent) { this.CommandOpen = new DelegateCommand(() => new RegistryWindow() { DataContext = this }.ShowDialog()); this.CommandSet = new DelegateCommand(() => this.SetVar = this.Parent.SelectVar()); }
private static string Convert(MyRegistry input, Function f, ref int i) { return(string.Join("\n", new List <string> { string.Format("{0}const reg = await get{1}Registry(namespace.{2}).catch(function (error) {{", Indent(i), input.Variable.Value.Type.Name.Replace("My", ""), input.Variable.Value.ObjectName), string.Format("{0}throw new Error('[{1}] An error occurred: ' + error);", Indent(i + 1), f.Name), string.Format("{0}}});", Indent(i)), string.Format("{0}await reg.{1}({2}).catch(function (error) {{", Indent(i), input.Action, ConvertOutput(input.Variable.Output)), string.Format("{0}throw new Error('[{1}] An error occurred: ' + error);", Indent(i + 1), f.Name), string.Format("{0}}});", Indent(i)) })); }
public void GetHotxesTest() { List <HotFixList> value = MyRegistry.GetHotxes(out _errOut); foreach (HotFixList h in value) { TestContext.WriteLine($"id: {h.Id}"); TestContext.WriteLine($"DateInstalled: {h.DateInstalled}"); TestContext.WriteLine($"Was from Install: {h.WasFromInstall}"); } General.HasTrueValue(value.Count > 0, _errOut); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var registry = new MyRegistry(); var catalog = registry.catalogManager.CreateNewCatalog(); registry.catalogManager.FillLiteratureContent(catalog); registry.catalogPrinter.PrintLiteratureContent(catalog); registry.catalogPrinter.PrintMusicContent(catalog); registry.catalogManager.FillMusicContent(catalog); registry.catalogPrinter.PrintMusicContent(catalog); Console.ReadKey(); }
public ClientServicePartitionValidator(ILogger <Test> logger, Container c, MyRegistry reg, ClientFactory factory) { this.logger = logger; this.reg = reg; this.c = c; this.clientFactory = factory; if (!Directory.Exists(reg.DataDirectory + "/db")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(reg.DataDirectory + "/db"); } dbConnection = reg.DataDirectory + "/db/client.mdb"; c.Inject(typeof(IClientFactory), factory); }
public LoadFuzzyNames(ClientServicePartitionValidator validator,IClientFactory factory,MyRegistry reg) { this.factory = factory; this.validator = validator; this.reg = reg; Console.WriteLine($"Enter file name from '{reg.DataDirectory}\\input' or 'y' to use default ('Retail-Large.csv')"); var s = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); if (s == "y") DataFile = $"{reg.DataDirectory}\\input\\Retail-Large.csv"; else { DataFile = $"{reg.DataDirectory}\\input\\s"; } if (File.Exists(DataFile) == false) throw new Exception($"File does not exist - {DataFile}"); }
public LoadFromCSV(ClientServicePartitionValidator validator, IClientFactory factory, MyRegistry reg) { this.factory = factory; this.reg = reg; this.validator = validator; dataType = EnumHelper.Parse <DataType>(Helper.Prompt($"Enter type of data - {EnumHelper.ListValues(typeof(DataType))}")); if (dataType == DataType.Party) { partyType = EnumHelper.EnumPrompt <Party.Types.PartyType>(); } if (dataType == DataType.AccountToParty) { linkageDirection = EnumHelper.EnumPrompt <LinkageDirection>(); } }
public FrmMain() { InitializeComponent(); // Form initial settings ShowInTaskbar = false; Visible = false; // Add app to Startup if (Properties.Settings.Default.AddedToStartup) { return; } MyRegistry.AddToStartup(); Properties.Settings.Default.AddedToStartup = true; // Error handling for application var currentDomain = AppDomain.CurrentDomain; currentDomain.UnhandledException += CrashHandler; Application.ThreadException += CrashHandler_thread; }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { Container c = null; if (args.Length == 0) { throw new Exception("Invalid argument - expecting name of node from appsettings.json, e.g., 'Apple'"); } var reg = new MyRegistry(args[0]); c = new Container(reg); reg.For <IContainer>().Use(c); c.GetInstance <Node>().Run(); /* * * var workers = c.GetInstance<WorkerActors>(); * * for (byte i = 0; i < workers.NumNodes; i++) * { * var z = new MyWorkerActor($"{workers.Service}_{i}",i,c.GetInstance<IWorker>()); * z.Run(); * } */ Console.ReadLine(); L.CloseLog(); } catch (Exception e) { L.Exception(e); Console.WriteLine(e.Message); Console.ReadLine(); } }
public void SaveFirearmListSortTest() { bool value = MyRegistry.SaveFirearmListSort("In Stock", out _errOut); General.HasTrueValue(value, _errOut); }
public void HideRows() { if (gridView1.Rows.Count <= 0) { return; } var isUpdateAvailable = false; // Row associated with the currency manager's position cannot be made invisible var currencyManager = (CurrencyManager)BindingContext[gridView1.DataSource]; currencyManager.SuspendBinding(); foreach (DataGridViewRow row in gridView1.Rows) { // Make row invisible whose folder not exists if (Directory.Exists(Convert.ToString(row.Cells["InstallationFolder"].Value))) { row.Visible = true; #region Toggle button enabling as per key availability if (MyRegistry.CheckKeyExistence(row.Cells["RegistryKey"].Value.ToString())) //Key exist true { var button = (DataGridViewDisableButtonCell)row.Cells["OpenDirectory"]; if (button.Enabled) { button.Enabled = false; button.ReadOnly = true; button.UseColumnTextForButtonValue = false; button.Value = "Already installed"; } UpdaterNotifyIcon.Text = "No new updates"; UpdaterNotifyIcon.Icon = Properties.Resources.AppIco; } else { var button = (DataGridViewDisableButtonCell)row.Cells["OpenDirectory"]; if (!button.Enabled) { button.Enabled = true; button.UseColumnTextForButtonValue = false; button.Value = "Open"; } isUpdateAvailable = true; UpdaterNotifyIcon.Text = "Updates available!"; UpdaterNotifyIcon.Icon = Properties.Resources.IcoUpdateReady; } #endregion } else { row.Visible = false; if (!isUpdateAvailable) { UpdaterNotifyIcon.Text = "No new updates"; UpdaterNotifyIcon.Icon = Properties.Resources.AppIco; } } } currencyManager.ResumeBinding(); }
public void SetSettingDetailsTest() { bool value = MyRegistry.SetSettingDetails(out _errOut); General.HasTrueValue(value, _errOut); }
/// <summary> /// Mies the gun collection is installed. /// </summary> /// <param name="errOut">The error out.</param> /// <returns><c>true</c> if XXXX, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns> public static bool MyGunCollectionIsInstalled(out string errOut) { return(MyRegistry.MyGunCollectionIsInstalled(out errOut)); }
public void SaveLastWorkingDirTest() { bool value = MyRegistry.SaveLastWorkingDir(Path.GetFullPath(_databasePath), out _errOut); General.HasTrueValue(value, _errOut); }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { var s2 = Stopwatch.StartNew(); for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) { var stream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("this is a blooming small test")); var z22 = MurMurHash3.Hash(stream); // var mm1 = z22 % 100; } s2.Stop(); var q24 = s2.ElapsedMilliseconds; Container c = null; var reg = new MyRegistry(args.Any() == false ? "appsettings.json" : args[0]); c = new Container(reg); reg.For <IContainer>().Use(c); var databasePath = reg.DataDirectory; var db = new SQLiteConnection(databasePath + "\\client.mdb"); db.CreateTable <ClientWithBucket>(); bool clearBucketState = false; if (clearBucketState) { db.Delete <ClientWithBucket>("IFuzzyMatcher"); } var clientFactory = new ClientFactory(c); var bucketMax = clientFactory.GetClientBuckets <IFuzzyMatcher>().Max(); var bucketMin = clientFactory.GetClientBuckets <IFuzzyMatcher>().Min(); if (bucketMin != 0) { throw new Exception($"Minimum bucket is not zero it is - {bucketMin} - should be zero"); } if (db.Find <ClientWithBucket>("IFuzzyMatcher") == null) { db.Insert(new ClientWithBucket { BucketCount = bucketMax, ClientName = "IFuzzyMatcher" }); } else { var ppp = db.Find <ClientWithBucket>("IFuzzyMatcher"); if (ppp.BucketCount != bucketMax) { throw new Exception($"We have (dynamic) bucketMax for 'IFuzzyMatcher = {bucketMax} - but last recorded run bucketMax was - {ppp.BucketCount}... cannot continue - need to match bucketCount - or rebuild"); } } var multiplexer = new Multiplexer <FuzzyWordEntry>(bucketMax + 1 /*number of buckets*/); CsvReader rdr = new CsvReader(new StreamReader(@"C:\home\colin\as\input\Retail-Large.csv")); var records = rdr.GetRecords <Retail>(); records.Take(100000) .Do(x => multiplexer.Add(x.Name, new FuzzyWordEntry { DocId = Int32.Parse(x.Id), Phrase = x.Name })); List <Task> tasks = new List <Task>(); multiplexer.GetBuckets().Do(x => { tasks.Add(new Task(() => clientFactory.GetClient <IFuzzyMatcher>(x.Item1).AddEntry(x.Item2))); tasks.Last().Start(); }); Task.WaitAll(tasks.ToArray()); foreach (var bucket in clientFactory.GetClientBuckets <IFuzzyMatcher>()) { var z = clientFactory.GetClient <IFuzzyMatcher>(bucket); if (false) { } else { var q = z.FuzzyQuery(new List <string>(new[] { "aleshia tomkiewicz", "daniel towers", "morna dick", "colin dick" })); foreach (var g in q) { Console.WriteLine(g.Query); foreach (var n in g.Detail) { Console.WriteLine($" {n.Candidate} - {n.Score} - {n.PhraseId}"); } } } } Console.ReadLine(); L.CloseLog(); } catch (Exception e) { L.Exception(e); } }
/// <summary> /// Finds the next command for auto completion /// </summary> /// <param name="partialCommand">The partial command being completed</param> /// <param name="lastResult">The last result returned. Null to get the first match</param> /// <param name="registries">The list of registries to search for matches</param> /// <returns>The next command matching the partial string</returns> public static string FindNextCommand(ReadOnlySpan <char> partialCommand, ReadOnlySpan <char> lastResult, IEnumerable <TerminalRegistry> registries) { //**************************************** ReadOnlySpan <char> CommandText, PartialText; ReadOnlySpan <char> Prefix = default; ReadOnlySpan <char> InstanceName = default; int CharIndex; TerminalTypeSet? TypeSet = null; TerminalTypeInstance?TypeInstance; var PartialMatches = new List <string>(); //**************************************** if (partialCommand.StartsWith("help ".AsSpan(), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { partialCommand = partialCommand.Slice(5); Prefix = "Help ".AsSpan(); } //**************************************** // Find the first word (split on a space) CharIndex = partialCommand.IndexOf(' '); // If there's a space, we're parsing an Instance Type and optional Instance Name, with a partial Command/Variable if (CharIndex != -1) { CommandText = partialCommand.Slice(0, CharIndex); PartialText = partialCommand.Slice(CharIndex + 1); CharIndex = CommandText.IndexOf('.'); // Split into Type and Name if necessary if (CharIndex != -1) { InstanceName = CommandText.Slice(CharIndex + 1); CommandText = CommandText.Slice(0, CharIndex); } foreach (var Registry in registries) { if (Registry.TryGetTypeSet(CommandText, out TypeSet)) { break; } } // If the instance type doesn't match, return the partial command as is if (TypeSet == null) { return(Prefix.Concat(partialCommand)); } if (InstanceName == null) { TypeInstance = TypeSet.Default; CommandText = TypeSet.TypeName.AsSpan(); } else { if (!TypeSet.TryGetNamedInstance(InstanceName, out TypeInstance)) { return(Prefix.Concat(partialCommand)); } CommandText = $"{TypeSet.TypeName}.{TypeInstance.Name}".AsSpan(); } // If the instance doesn't exist, return as is if (TypeInstance == null) { return(Prefix.Concat(partialCommand)); } // Add matching commands foreach (var MyCommand in TypeInstance.Type.Commands) { if (MyCommand.Name.StartsWith(PartialText, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { PartialMatches.Add(CommandText.Concat(" ", MyCommand.Name)); } } // Add matching variables foreach (var MyVariable in TypeInstance.Type.Variables) { if (MyVariable.Name.StartsWith(PartialText, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { PartialMatches.Add(CommandText.Concat(" ", MyVariable.Name)); } } } else { CharIndex = partialCommand.IndexOf('.'); // If there's a dot, we're parsing an Instance Type, with a partial Instance Name if (CharIndex != -1) { CommandText = partialCommand.Slice(0, CharIndex); PartialText = partialCommand.Slice(CharIndex + 1); foreach (var MyRegistry in registries) { if (MyRegistry.TryGetTypeSet(CommandText, out TypeSet)) { break; } } // If the instance type doesn't match, return the partial command as is if (TypeSet == null) { return(Prefix.Concat(partialCommand)); } foreach (var MyInstanceName in TypeSet.Instances) { if (MyInstanceName.StartsWith(PartialText, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { PartialMatches.Add(string.Format("{0}.{1}", TypeSet.TypeName, MyInstanceName)); } } } else { // No dot, we're parsing a partial Command/Variable/Instance Type foreach (var Registry in registries) { // Add matching commands foreach (var Command in Registry.Commands) { if (Command.Name.StartsWith(partialCommand, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { PartialMatches.Add(Command.Name); } } // Add matching variables (with an equals sign, so they can't be the same as commands) foreach (var Variable in Registry.Variables) { if (Variable.Name.StartsWith(partialCommand, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { PartialMatches.Add(Variable.Name); } } foreach (var Instance in Registry.DefaultInstances) { foreach (var Command in Instance.Type.Commands) { if (Command.Name.StartsWith(partialCommand, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { PartialMatches.Add(Command.Name); } } // Add matching variables (with an equals sign, so they can't be the same as commands) foreach (var Variable in Instance.Type.Variables) { if (Variable.Name.StartsWith(partialCommand, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { PartialMatches.Add(Variable.Name); } } } // Add matching type sets foreach (var Type in Registry.TypeSets) { // Only add ones that have an instance if (Type.TypeName.StartsWith(partialCommand, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) && Type.HasInstance) { PartialMatches.Add(Type.TypeName); } } } } } //**************************************** // Any results? if (PartialMatches.Count == 0) { return(""); } // Sort them, so we can pick the next matching result PartialMatches.Sort(); if (lastResult != null) { // Find one greater than our last match (user has requested the next one) foreach (var NextCommand in PartialMatches) { if (NextCommand.AsSpan().CompareTo(lastResult, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > 0) { return(Prefix.Concat(NextCommand)); } } // Nothing greater, go back to the start } return(Prefix.Concat(PartialMatches[0])); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the database location. /// </summary> /// <param name="errOut">The error out.</param> /// <returns>System.String.</returns> public static string GetDatabaseLocation(out string errOut) { return(MyRegistry.GetDatabaseLocation(out errOut)); }
public GenerateTestFiles(MyRegistry reg) { this.reg = reg; TransactionsPerRetailCustomer = Int32.Parse(As.Shared.Helper.Prompt("Number of transactions per customer")); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the MGC executable path. /// </summary> /// <param name="errOut">The error out.</param> /// <returns>System.String.</returns> public static string GetMgcExePath(out string errOut) { return(MyRegistry.GetMgcExePath(out errOut)); }