private bool SetQuoteLineForQuoteExplorer()
        // Convert QuoteID to an integer
        // Create a List of IntQuoteTran Items
        // Add all rows from IntQuoteTable that have ID equal to the given quoteid AND ts_QuoteDescription is not "None" AND ts_Price is not 0
        // If List contains no values, return false (invalid quote)
        // For each item in List,
        //      Create a MyQuoteLine Item
        //      Set MyQuoteLine, get IMA_ItemID from row and set MyQuoteLine PartNumber
        // Add MyQuoteLine to QuoteLines

        int quoteId = Convert.ToInt32(this.QuoteId);
        List <IntQuoteTran> quoteTrans = BV2.IntQuoteTrans.Where(z => z.QuoteID == quoteId && z.ts_QuoteDescription != "None" && z.ts_Price != 0).ToList();

        if (quoteTrans.Count == 0)
        foreach (IntQuoteTran line in quoteTrans)
            MyQuoteLine quoteLine = new MyQuoteLine
                PartName       = line.ts_QuoteDescription,
                ComponentPrice = Convert.ToDouble(line.ts_Price)
            tItem itemId = BV2.tItems.Where(z => z.ItemID == line.ItemID.ToString()).FirstOrDefault();
            quoteLine.PartNumber = itemId.IMA_ItemID;
 private void SetQuoteLineCharacteristics(XmlNodeList charNodes, MyQuoteLine ql)
     // For each <characteristics> node
     //      If node has a PartNumber node, set MyQuote.Partnumber
     //      If noes has a SalesPriceDom node, set MyQuote.ComponentPrice
     foreach (XmlNode node in charNodes)
         if (node.Attributes != null)
             if (node.Attributes["name"].Value.Equals("PartNumber"))
                 ql.PartNumber = node.InnerText.ToString();
             if (node.Attributes["name"].Value.Equals("SalesPriceDom"))
                 double outDouble = new double();
                 if (double.TryParse(node.InnerText.ToString(), out outDouble))
                     ql.ComponentPrice = outDouble;
                     ql.ComponentPrice = 0;
    private void SetQuoteLineFromCudXML(string cudXml)
        // Create an XMLDocument object from the cudXML string
        // Get all nodes with <list-entity/values/value>
        // For each <value> node,
        //      Create a MyQuoteLine object
        //      Set MyQuoteLine.PartNumber to the <list-entity/values/value/key-value> inner node
        //      Get all <list-entity/values/value/characteristics> nodes
        //      Set MyQuoteLine Characteristics and add to QuoteLines
        XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

        XmlNodeList itemVals = doc.DocumentElement.SelectNodes("/*[name() = 'user-selections']/*[name()='list-entity']/*[name() = 'values']/*[name() = 'value']");

        foreach (XmlNode itemVal in itemVals)
            MyQuoteLine ql = new MyQuoteLine
                PartNumber = itemVal.SelectSingleNode("*[name() = 'key-value']").InnerText.ToString()
            XmlNodeList charNodes = itemVal.SelectNodes("*[name() = 'characteristics']/*[name()='characteristic']");
            SetQuoteLineCharacteristics(charNodes, ql);
    private void SetQuoteLineForQuickShip()
        // Create a List of VW_OMCQuickShip Items
        // Add all rows from VW_OMCQuickShip that have an OrderLineID or OrderLineParentLineID equal to the given quoteID
        // For each VW_OMCQuickShip item in the list
        //      Create a MyQuoteLine object
        //      Set MyQuoteLine, and and MyQuoteLine to QuoteLines
        List <VW_OMCQuickShip> quickShipPrices = BV2.VW_OMCQuickShip.Where(z => z.OrderLineID == WebQuote.cudID ||
                                                                           z.OrderLineParentLineID == WebQuote.cudID).ToList();

        foreach (var line in quickShipPrices)
            MyQuoteLine quoteLine = new MyQuoteLine
                PartNumber     = line.OrderLineProductID,
                PartName       = line.OrderLineProductName,
                ComponentPrice = Double.Parse(line.OrderLineUnitPriceWithVAT.ToString())