Example #1
            public void Adjust(MyPageSize myPageSize)
                var pageMediaSize = pageMediaSizes
                                    // PageMediaSize の選定方法は必要に応じて修正してください。
                                    .FirstOrDefault(oneSize => (oneSize.PageMediaSizeName + "").Contains(myPageSize.name));

                if (pageMediaSize != null)
                    ticket.PageMediaSize   = pageMediaSize;
                    ticket.PageOrientation = myPageSize.tate ? PageOrientation.Portrait : PageOrientation.Landscape;
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// store a pdf to a file. will call PrintPage automatically
        /// </summary>
        public void SavePDF(string AFilename, PaperKind APaperKind, Margins AMargins, float AWidthInPoint, float AHeightInPoint)
            if (Directory.Exists("/usr/share/fonts/"))
                PdfSharp.Internal.NativeMethods.FontDirectory = "/usr/share/fonts/";

            if (RegionInfo.CurrentRegion == null)
                // https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=588708
                // RegionInfo.CurrentRegion is null
                throw new Exception("Mono bug: CurrentRegion is still null, invariant culture. Please set LANG environment variable");

            FPdfDocument = new PdfDocument();

                PdfPage page = FPdfDocument.AddPage();

                if (APaperKind != PaperKind.Custom)
                    // see if we can match PaperKind to PageSize by name
                    foreach (PageSize MyPageSize in Enum.GetValues(typeof(PageSize)))
                        if (MyPageSize.ToString() == APaperKind.ToString())
                            page.Size = MyPageSize;

                if ((AWidthInPoint != -1) && (AHeightInPoint != -1))
                    // to get the points, eg. inch * 72
                    page.Width  = AWidthInPoint;
                    page.Height = AHeightInPoint;

                FXGraphics      = XGraphics.FromPdfPage(page, XGraphicsUnit.Inch);
                FXGraphics.MFEH = PdfFontEmbedding.Always;

                // it seems for Linux we better reset the FEv, otherwise the positions are only correct on the first page, but wrong on the following pages
                // was: if (FEv == null)
                if (true)
                    PrinterSettings myPrinterSettings = new PrinterSettings();
                    PageSettings    myPageSettings    = new PageSettings(myPrinterSettings);
                    myPageSettings.Color     = true;
                    myPageSettings.Landscape = false;
                    myPageSettings.Margins   = AMargins;
                    myPageSettings.PaperSize =
                        new PaperSize(page.Size.ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(page.Width.Point / 72.0f * 100.0f),
                                      Convert.ToInt32(page.Height.Point / 72.0f * 100.0f));

                        myPageSettings.PrinterResolution.X = DEFAULTPRINTERRESOLUTION;
                        myPageSettings.PrinterResolution.Y = DEFAULTPRINTERRESOLUTION;
                    catch (Exception)
                        // if no printer is installed we get an exception, but it should work anyway
                    FEv = new PrintPageEventArgs(FXGraphics.Graphics,
                                                 new Rectangle(20, 20, 787, 1110),
                                                 new Rectangle(0, 0, 827, 1169),
                    FEv.HasMorePages      = true;
                    FEv.Graphics.PageUnit = GraphicsUnit.Inch;
                    FEv.Graphics.TranslateTransform(0, 0);

                PrintPage(null, FEv);
            } while (HasMorePages());

            // should we catch an exception if document cannot be written?
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// store a pdf to a file. will call PrintPage automatically
        /// </summary>
        public void SavePDF(string AFilename, PaperKind APaperKind, Margins AMargins, float AWidthInPoint, float AHeightInPoint)
            if (RegionInfo.CurrentRegion == null)
                // https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=588708
                // RegionInfo.CurrentRegion is null
                throw new Exception("Mono bug: CurrentRegion is still null, invariant culture. Please set LANG environment variable");

            FPdfDocument = new PdfDocument();
            bool firstPage = true;

                PdfPage page = FPdfDocument.AddPage();

                if (APaperKind != PaperKind.Custom)
                    // see if we can match PaperKind to PageSize by name
                    foreach (PageSize MyPageSize in Enum.GetValues(typeof(PageSize)))
                        if (MyPageSize.ToString() == APaperKind.ToString())
                            page.Size = MyPageSize;

                if ((AWidthInPoint != -1.0) && (AHeightInPoint != -1.0))
                    // to get the points, eg. inch * 72
                    page.Width  = AWidthInPoint;
                    page.Height = AHeightInPoint;

                FXGraphics = XGraphics.FromPdfPage(page, XGraphicsUnit.Inch);

                // it seems for Linux we better reset the FEv, otherwise the positions are only correct on the first page, but wrong on the following pages
                // was: if (FEv == null)
                if (true)
                    PrinterSettings myPrinterSettings = new PrinterSettings();
                    PageSettings    myPageSettings    = new PageSettings(myPrinterSettings);
                    myPageSettings.Color     = true;
                    myPageSettings.Landscape = false;
                    myPageSettings.Margins   = AMargins;
                    myPageSettings.PaperSize =
                        new PaperSize(page.Size.ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(page.Width.Point / 72.0f * 100.0f),
                                      Convert.ToInt32(page.Height.Point / 72.0f * 100.0f));


                if (firstPage)
                    firstPage = false;
            } while (HasMorePages());

            // should we catch an exception if document cannot be written?

            // Console.WriteLine("PDF has been written to " + Path.GetFullPath(AFilename));