Example #1
 /// <summary>
 /// For backward compatibility with old wrappers.
 /// </summary>
 public void ReviseMyMessagesFolders(MyMessagesFolderOperationCodeType Operation, List <string> FolderNameList, List <Int64> FolderIDList)
     this.Operation      = Operation;
     this.FolderNameList = FolderNameList;
     this.FolderIDList   = FolderIDList;
 /// <summary>
 /// For backward compatibility with old wrappers.
 /// </summary>
 public void ReviseMyMessagesFolders(MyMessagesFolderOperationCodeType Operation, StringCollection FolderNameList, Int64Collection FolderIDList)
     this.Operation      = Operation;
     this.FolderNameList = FolderNameList;
     this.FolderIDList   = FolderIDList;
		/// <summary>
		/// Renames, removes, or restores the specified My Messages folders for
		/// a given user.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="Operation">
		/// Indicates the type of operation to perform on a
		/// specified My Messages folder. Operations include creating,
		/// renaming, removing, and restoring folders. Operations
		/// cannot be performed on the Inbox and Sent folders.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="FolderIDList">
		/// An ID that uniquely identifies the My Messages
		/// folder to perform the operation on. This value is set by
		/// eBay and cannot be changed. Retrieve FolderIDs
		/// by calling GetMyMessages with a DetailLevel of
		/// ReturnSummary. Inbox is FolderID = 0, and Sent is
		/// FolderID = 1.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="FolderNameList">
		/// The name of a specified My Messages folder. Depending
		/// on the specified Operation, the value is an existing
		/// folder name or a new folder name. Retrieve existing
		/// FolderNames by calling GetMyMessages with a DetailLevel
		/// of ReturnSummary. Inbox is FolderID = 0, and Sent is
		/// FolderID = 1.
		/// </param>
		public void ReviseMyMessagesFolders(MyMessagesFolderOperationCodeType Operation, Int64Collection FolderIDList, StringCollection FolderNameList)
			this.Operation = Operation;
			this.FolderIDList = FolderIDList;
			this.FolderNameList = FolderNameList;
