private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var expenseTranID = Convert.ToInt32(dgExpenseTransaction.CurrentRow.Cells["ExpenseTransactionID"].Value.ToString()); if (expenseTranID == 0) { MyMessageBox.ShowBox("Please select a value from the Expense Transaction!!!"); } else { var retStr = MyMessageBoxYesorNo.ShowBox("Are you Sure You want to Delete??"); if (retStr == "1") { ExpenseTransactionBL obj = new ExpenseTransactionBL(); var flag = obj.DeleteExpenseTransaction(expenseTranID); LoadDefaultValues(); if (flag) { MyMessageBox.ShowBox("Expense Transaction Deleted"); } else { MyMessageBox.ShowBox("Expense Transaction Failed to Delete."); } } } }
private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var SparePartsInfoID = Convert.ToInt32(dgSparePartsInfo.CurrentRow.Cells["SparePartsInfoID"].Value.ToString()); if (SparePartsInfoID == 0) { MyMessageBox.ShowBox("Please select a value from the SpareParts Info!!!"); } else { var retStr = MyMessageBoxYesorNo.ShowBox("Are you Sure You want to Delete??"); if (retStr == "1") { SparePartsInfoBL obj = new SparePartsInfoBL(); var flag = obj.DeleteSparePartsInfo(SparePartsInfoID); LoadDefaultValues(); if (flag) { MyMessageBox.ShowBox("SpareParts Information Deleted"); } else { MyMessageBox.ShowBox("SpareParts Information Failed to Delete."); } } } }
private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var vehicleInventoryID = Convert.ToInt32(dgVehicleInventory.CurrentRow.Cells["VehicleInventoryID"].Value.ToString()); if (vehicleInventoryID == 0) { MyMessageBox.ShowBox("Please select a value from the Vehicle Invetory!!!"); } else { var retStr = MyMessageBoxYesorNo.ShowBox("Are you Sure You want to Delete??"); if (retStr == "1") { VehicleInventoryBL obj = new VehicleInventoryBL(); var flag = obj.DeleteVehicleInventory(vehicleInventoryID); LoadDefaultValues(); if (flag) { MyMessageBox.ShowBox("Vehicle Inventory Deleted"); } else { MyMessageBox.ShowBox("Vehicle Inventory Failed to Delete."); } } } }
private void btnRemove_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var retStr = MyMessageBoxYesorNo.ShowBox("Are you Sure You want to Remove??"); if (retStr == "1") { if (lstBoxSPInvlist.SelectedIndex != -1) { lstBoxSPInvlist.Items.RemoveAt(lstBoxSPInvlist.SelectedIndex); } else { MyMessageBox.ShowBox("Please Select SpareParts Inventory from Right grid to Remove"); } } }
private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string id = MyMessageBoxYesorNo.ShowBox("Are you sure to Delete??"); if (id == "1") { var expenseID = dgExpenses.CurrentRow.Cells["ExpenseID"].Value.ToString(); ExpensesBL expen = new ExpensesBL(); var result = expen.DeleteExpenses(Convert.ToInt32(expenseID)); if (result) { MyMessageBox.ShowBox("Expenses Deleted"); } else { MyMessageBox.ShowBox("Failed"); } clear(); LoadExpenses(); } }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtCustomerName.Text == "" || ddlEmployees.SelectedIndex == -1 || ddlModel.SelectedIndex == -1 || txtDealerRemark.Text == "" || ddlStatus.SelectedIndex == -1 || (!rdnPayCash.Checked && !rdnPayFinance.Checked)) { MyMessageBox.ShowBox("Please enter all Mandatory Fields !!!"); return; } //ReadyToDeliver bool flgRTOD = false; if (rdnRtoDYes.Checked) { flgRTOD = true; string result = MyMessageBoxYesorNo.ShowBox("Are you sure to Deliver the Vehicles? Please validate Vehicle, Spare Parts, Insurance, Finance and RTO is Alloted"); if (result != "1") { return; } } //Get Sales Executive Id int SalesExecutiveId = 0; if (ddlEmployees.SelectedIndex != -1) { var salesItem = (ComboboxItem)ddlEmployees.SelectedItem; SalesExecutiveId = Convert.ToInt32(salesItem.Value); } int Model = 0; if (ddlModel.SelectedIndex != -1) { var modelItem = (ComboboxItem)ddlModel.SelectedItem; Model = Convert.ToInt32(modelItem.Value); } //Get StatusId int StatusId = 0; if (ddlStatus.SelectedIndex != -1) { var statusitem = (ComboboxItem)ddlStatus.SelectedItem; StatusId = Convert.ToInt32(statusitem.Value); } //AdvanceAmountMode bool flgAdvCash = false; if (rdnAdvCash.Checked) { flgAdvCash = true; } //CashOrFinance bool flagCash = false; if (rdnPayCash.Checked) { flagCash = true; } //FinancierId int?financierId = null; if (ddlFinance.SelectedIndex != -1) { var financeItem = (ComboboxItem)ddlFinance.SelectedItem; financierId = Convert.ToInt32(financeItem.Value); } int?advanceChequeNo = null; if (txtChequeNo.Text != "") { advanceChequeNo = Convert.ToInt32(txtChequeNo.Text); } //Populate VehicleBookingDTO VehicleBookingDTO dto = new VehicleBookingDTO() { CustomerID = Convert.ToInt32(txtCustomerId.Text), VehicleEnquiryID = _vehicleEnquiryId, ReferenceBy = txtReferenceBy.Text, SalesExecutiveId = SalesExecutiveId, ModelID = Model, Color1 = ddlColor1.Text, Color2 = ddlColor2.Text, Color3 = ddlColor3.Text, CustomerRemark = txtCustomerRemark.Text, ClosingRemark = txtDealerRemark.Text, ReadyToDeliver = flgRTOD, AdvanceAmount = Convert.ToInt32(txtAdvanceAmount.Text), AdvanceMode = flgAdvCash, AdvanceChequeNo = advanceChequeNo ?? 0, IsCash = flagCash, FinancierInfoId = financierId, FinancierRemark = txtFinanceRemark.Text, StatusId = StatusId, FollowupDescription = txtDealerRemark.Text, FollowupIsActive = true, FollowupDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dtFollowupDate.Text), CommittedDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dtCommittedDate.Text), CreatedBy = GlobalSetup.Userid, CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, ModifiedBy = GlobalSetup.Userid, ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now }; if (_mode == "EDIT" || _mode == "DELIVERY") { dto.VehicleBookingID = _vehicleBookingId; } //Save VehicleBooking VehicleBookingBL bl = new VehicleBookingBL(); var flag = bl.SaveVehicleBooking(dto, _mode); if (flag) { MyMessageBox.ShowBox("Vehicle Booking Saved"); Clear(); this.Close(); } else { MyMessageBox.ShowBox("Vehicle Booking Failed to Save"); } }
private void btnGenerateInvoice_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string result = MyMessageBoxYesorNo.ShowBox("Please verify the margin price for Vehicle, Extra Fittings and Customer Credit???"); if (result == "1") { if (invMargin.Text == "0" || invMargin.Text == "") { MyMessageBox.ShowBox("Invoice Margin Cannot be Empty!!!"); return; } if (lblWarrantyMargin.Text == "0" || lblWarrantyMargin.Text == "") { MyMessageBox.ShowBox("Warranty Margin Price Cannot be Empty!!!"); return; } if ((fMargin1.Visible && (fMargin1.Text == "0" || fMargin1.Text == "")) || (fMargin2.Visible && (fMargin2.Text == "0" || fMargin2.Text == "")) || (fMargin3.Visible && (fMargin3.Text == "0" || fMargin3.Text == "")) || (fMargin4.Visible && (fMargin4.Text == "0" || fMargin4.Text == "")) || (fMargin5.Visible && (fMargin5.Text == "0" || fMargin5.Text == "")) || (fMargin6.Visible && (fMargin6.Text == "0" || fMargin6.Text == "")) || (fMargin7.Visible && (fMargin7.Text == "0" || fMargin7.Text == "")) || (fMargin8.Visible && (fMargin8.Text == "0" || fMargin8.Text == "")) || (fMargin9.Visible && (fMargin9.Text == "0" || fMargin9.Text == "")) || (fMargin10.Visible && (fMargin10.Text == "0" || fMargin10.Text == ""))) { MyMessageBox.ShowBox("Extra Fitting Margin Price Cannot be Empty!!!"); return; } if (txtDiscount.Text != "" && txtRemarks.Text == "") { MyMessageBox.ShowBox("Discount Remarks Cannot be Empty for Discount Offer!!!"); return; } if (txtDiscount.Text != "") { var discountAmt = Convert.ToInt32(txtDiscount.Text); //Add Discount margin var sp = new InvoiceMarginDTO() { InvoiceID = _invoiceId, InvoiceType = "SALES", VehicleBookingID = _vehicleBookingId, MarginTypeID = 5,//For Discount Margin ManualAmount = 0, MarginID = _vehicleBookingId, MarginAmount = -discountAmt, ActualAmount = 0, IsReceived = false, ReceivedDate = null, IsCash = false, ChequeBankTranNo = "", Remarks = txtRemarks.Text, CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, CreatedBy = GlobalSetup.Userid, ModifiedBy = null, ModifiedDate = null, InvoiceDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dtInvoice.Text) }; lst.Add(sp); } if (txtFinanceMargin.Text != "") { var finmarginType = lst.Where(x => x.MarginTypeID == 2).FirstOrDefault(); finmarginType.MarginAmount = Convert.ToInt32(txtFinanceMargin.Text); } string result1 = MyMessageBoxYesorNo.ShowBox("Previously Generated Invoice will be Deleted???"); if (result1 == "1") { InvoiceBL bl = new InvoiceBL(); var flag = bl.SaveInvoiceMargin(lst, _vehicleBookingId); if (flag) { MyMessageBox.ShowBox("Invoice Margin Created !!!"); } else { MyMessageBox.ShowBox("Invoice Margin failed to create !!!"); } } } }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ddlModelName.SelectedIndex == -1 || txtIdentificationNo.Text == "" || txtOtherDescription.Text == "" || ddlQuantity.SelectedIndex == -1 || txtMarginPrice.Text == "" || txtShowRoomPrice.Text == "") { MyMessageBox.ShowBox("Please Select All Mandatory Fields !!!"); return; } if (txtMarginPrice.Text == "0" || txtShowRoomPrice.Text == "0") { MyMessageBox.ShowBox("Price cannot be 0 !!!"); return; } if (Convert.ToInt32(ddlQuantity.Text) > 5) { string ok = MyMessageBoxYesorNo.ShowBox("Are you sure you want to add " + ddlQuantity.Text + " Quantity"); if (ok != "1") { return; } } SparePartsInventoryDTO info = new SparePartsInventoryDTO(); var selItem = (ComboboxItem)ddlModelName.SelectedItem; info.SparePartsInventoryID = _SparePartsInventoryID; info.SparePartsInfoID = Convert.ToInt32(selItem.Value); info.IdentificationNo = txtIdentificationNo.Text; info.OtherDescription = txtOtherDescription.Text; info.CreatedDate = System.DateTime.Now; info.CreatedBy = GlobalSetup.Userid; info.ModifiedDate = System.DateTime.Now; info.MarginPrice = Convert.ToInt32(txtMarginPrice.Text); info.ShowRoomPrice = Convert.ToInt32(txtShowRoomPrice.Text); var invSelitem = (ComboboxItem)ddlInvStatus.SelectedItem; info.SparePartsInventoryStatusTypeID = Convert.ToInt32(invSelitem.Value); int quantity = Convert.ToInt32(ddlQuantity.Text); SparePartsInventoryBL viBL = new SparePartsInventoryBL(); var flag = false; var identno = info.IdentificationNo; using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope()) { try { for (int i = 1; i <= quantity; i++) { info.IdentificationNo = identno + " --" + i.ToString() + " -" + System.DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); viBL.SaveInventorySpareParts(info, _mode); } flag = true; scope.Complete(); } catch (Exception ex) { flag = false; } if (flag) { MyMessageBox.ShowBox("SpareParts Inventory Saved", "SpareParts Inventory"); Clear(); } else { MyMessageBox.ShowBox("SpareParts Inventory Failed to Save", "SpareParts Inventory"); } } this.Close(); }