protected void btnAddForecast_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string Mode = "INSERT"; if (ddlForcastStage.SelectedIndex != 0) { int i = SV.ForeCastAction(3, Convert.ToInt32(M_id), Convert.ToInt32(ddlForcastStage.SelectedValue), Convert.ToInt32(txtActualEffort.Text), Convert.ToInt32(txtcompleted.Text), Convert.ToDateTime(txtForecastStart.Text), Convert.ToDateTime(txtForecastStart.Text), Mode); if (i > 0) { MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Success, commessage.RecordSaved, 125, 300); StageView(); int j = SV.AuditStage(1, Mode, USERID); ddlForcastStage.SelectedIndex = 0; txtActualEffort.Text = ""; txtcompleted.Text = ""; txtForecastEnd.Text = ""; txtForecastEnd.Text = ""; lbl.Text = ""; } } else { MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Success, "Please Select Stage", 125, 300); } }
protected void DeleteCase_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string Mode = "DELETE"; if (lbl.Text != "") { dt = CS.CaseChk(Convert.ToInt32(lbl.Text)); if (Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0][0]) != "") { MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Success, "Case is under judgement.", 125, 300); } else { if (ddlcaseStatus.SelectedIndex != 0) { int i = CS.CloseCaseAction(Convert.ToInt32(lbl.Text), Convert.ToInt32(ddlcaseStatus.SelectedValue), Mode); if (i > 0) { int j = CS.AuditCase(Convert.ToInt32(lbl.Text), Mode, USERID); Case_Grid(); lbl.Text = ""; MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Success, commessage.DeletedRecord, 125, 300); } } else { MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Success, "Please Select Status.", 125, 300); } } } else { MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Success, "Please Select Case.", 125, 300); } }
protected void btnAddStage_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string Mode = "UPDATE"; if (lbl.Text.ToString() != "") { if (ddlStageStage.SelectedIndex != 0) { int i = SV.StageAction(Convert.ToInt32(lbl.Text), Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["Matter_Id"].ToString()), Convert.ToInt32(ddlStageStage.SelectedValue), 1, //int i = SV.StageAction(Convert.ToInt32(lbl.Text),1, Convert.ToInt32(ddlStageStage.SelectedValue), 1, txtstageDiscription.Text, Convert.ToDateTime(txtstageopebdate.Text), Convert.ToDateTime(txtstagecloseDate.Text), Convert.ToInt32(ddlPStage.SelectedValue), Mode); if (i > 0) { StageView(); int j = SV.AuditStage(Convert.ToInt32(lbl.Text), Mode, USERID); lbl.Text = ""; ddlStageStage.SelectedIndex = 0; txtstageDiscription.Text = ""; txtstagecloseDate.Text = ""; txtstageopebdate.Text = ""; ddlPStage.SelectedIndex = 0; MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Success, commessage.RecordSaved, 125, 300); } } else { MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Success, "Please Select Stage.", 125, 300); } } else { MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Success, "Please Select the Record.", 125, 300); } }
protected void AddDecision_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtDecisionCaseno.Text != "") { if (ddlDecisionoutcome.SelectedIndex != 0) { string Mode = "INSERT"; int i = SH.DecisionAction(Convert.ToInt32(lbl.Text), Convert.ToInt32(ddlDecisionoutcome.SelectedValue), txtDecisiondetails.Text, Mode); if (i > 0) { int j = SH.AuditHearings(Convert.ToInt32(lbl.Text), Mode, USERID); ddlDecisionoutcome.SelectedIndex = 0; txtDecisiondetails.Text = ""; Hearing_Grid(); MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Success, commessage.RecordSaved, 125, 300); } } else { MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Success, "Please Slect Judgement.", 125, 300); } } else { MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Success, "Please Selec the Case.", 125, 300); } }
protected void hearingDocument_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (lbl.Text != "") { if (lbldocumentcaseno.Text != "0000") { string Mode = "UPDATE"; string @Hearingerror = ""; int i = SH.AddHearingDocument(Convert.ToInt32(lbl.Text), ClientDocket, opponentgDocket, PleadingDocket, Mode, out @Hearingerror); if (i > 0) { int j = SH.AuditHearings(Convert.ToInt32(lbl.Text), Mode, USERID); int K = SH.AuditPleadings(Convert.ToInt32(lbl.Text), Mode, USERID); Hearing_Grid(); lbl.Text = ""; ClientDocket = ""; opponentgDocket = ""; PleadingDocket = ""; MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Success, commessage.DeletedRecord, 125, 300); } else { MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Success, @Hearingerror, 125, 300); } } } }
protected void Resendalert_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (lblresendMatterno.Text != "000-000-0000") { string ToMail = ""; string ToCC = ""; string ToBcc = ""; string Subject = ""; dt = AL.GetMatterID(lblalertMatterno.Text); lbl.Text = dt.Rows[0]["Matter_ID"].ToString(); dt = AL.GetAlertMailtoAssigned_Responsiable(Convert.ToInt32(lbl.Text)); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { ToMail = dt.Rows[0][0].ToString() + " ," + dt.Rows[0][1].ToString(); } dt = AL.GetAlertMailToFallower(Convert.ToInt32(lbl.Text)); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { ToCC += dt.Rows[i][0].ToString() + ","; } } //SendMail(ToMail, ToCC, ToBcc, Subject, true); MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Success, "Your Alert has been sent sucessdully.", 125, 300); } else { MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Success, "Please Select Matter.", 125, 300); } }
protected void btnCloseMatter_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string Mode = "UPDATE"; if (ddlCloseMatter.SelectedIndex != 0) { if (ddlcMatterStatusdata.SelectedIndex != 0) { string parameter2 = ""; int i = MV.MatterClose(ddlCloseMatter.SelectedItem.ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(ddlcMatterStatusdata.SelectedValue), Mode, out parameter2); if (i > 0) { ddlCloseMatter.SelectedIndex = 0; ddlcMatterStatusdata.SelectedIndex = 0; int j = SV.AuditMatter(Convert.ToInt32(ddlCloseMatter.SelectedValue.ToString()), Mode, USERID); MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Success, commessage.UpdatedRecord, 125, 300); } else { MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Warning, parameter2, 125, 300); } } else { MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Info, "Please Select status.", 125, 300); } } else { MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Info, "Please Select Matter number.", 125, 300); } }
protected void AddFallower_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ddlFallowerMatter.SelectedIndex != 0) { if (ddlemp.SelectedIndex != 0) { string Mode = "INSERT"; int i = MDetails.AddFallower(Convert.ToInt32(ddlemp.SelectedValue), Convert.ToInt32(ddlFallowerMatter.SelectedValue), Mode); if (i > 0) { ddlemp.SelectedIndex = 0; BindFallowerGrid(); MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Success, commessage.RecordSaved, 125, 300); } } else { MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Warning, "Please Select Employee Name.", 125, 300); } } else { MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Warning, "Please Select Matter.", 125, 300); } }
protected void btndeleteStage_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtmatternoclsoe.Text != "" && lbl.Text != "") { string Mode = "DELETE"; int i = SV.ClosStageAction(Convert.ToInt32(lbl.Text), Convert.ToInt32(ddlStageStatus.SelectedValue), Mode); if (i > 0) { StageView(); int j = SV.AuditStage(Convert.ToInt32(lbl.Text), Mode, USERID); ddlStageStage.SelectedIndex = 0; txtActualEffort.Text = ""; txtcompleted.Text = ""; txtForecastEnd.Text = ""; txtForecastEnd.Text = ""; lbl.Text = ""; MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Success, commessage.DeletedRecord, 125, 300); } else { MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Success, "Stage is used by Case.", 125, 300); } } else { MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Success, "Please Select Stage.", 125, 300); } }
protected void Deletehearing_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (lblMatterCase.Text != "0000") { if (lbl.Text != "") { dt = SH.ChkDecision(Convert.ToInt32(lbl.Text)); if (Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0][0]) != "") { MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Success, "Heraings is under process.", 125, 300); } else { string Mode = "DELETE"; int i = SH.DeleteHearings(Convert.ToInt32(lbl.Text), Mode); if (i > 0) { int j = SH.AuditHearings(Convert.ToInt32(lbl.Text), Mode, USERID); Hearing_Grid(); lbl.Text = ""; MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Success, commessage.DeletedRecord, 125, 300); } } } else { MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Success, "Please Select the Case.", 125, 300); } } }
protected void AddJudgement_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (lbl.Text != "") { #region **********************Check Decision Details*********** dt = SH.ChkDecision(Convert.ToInt32(lbl.Text)); if (Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0][0]) != "") { #endregion #region ***************Add Judgement Details********************************* if (lblJudgementcaseno.Text != "") { if (ddlJudgements.SelectedIndex != 0) { string Mode = "INSERT"; int i = SH.JudgementAction(Convert.ToInt32(ddlJudgements.SelectedValue), JudgementDocket, Convert.ToInt32(lbl.Text), Convert.ToDateTime(judgementdate.Text), (txtJudgementDeatils.Text), Mode); if (i > 0) { int j = SH.AuditJudgement(Convert.ToInt32(lbl.Text), Mode, USERID); ddlJudgements.SelectedIndex = 0; JudgementDocket = ""; judgementdate.Text = ""; txtJudgementDeatils.Text = ""; Hearing_Grid(); MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Success, commessage.RecordSaved, 125, 300); } } else { ddlJudgements.SelectedIndex = 0; JudgementDocket = ""; judgementdate.Text = ""; txtJudgementDeatils.Text = ""; MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Success, "Please Slect Judgement.", 125, 300); } } else { ddlJudgements.SelectedIndex = 0; JudgementDocket = ""; judgementdate.Text = ""; txtJudgementDeatils.Text = ""; MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Success, "Please Selec the Case.", 125, 300); } #endregion } else { MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Success, "Please Add the Decision Details First.", 125, 300); } } else { MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Success, "Case/Hearing Not Fond .", 125, 300); } }
protected void Addalert_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string Mode = "INSERT"; if (lblalertMatterno.Text != "") { dt = AL.GetMatterID(lblalertMatterno.Text); lbl.Text = dt.Rows[0]["Matter_ID"].ToString(); int j = AL.SaveAlert(Convert.ToInt32(AddlAlerttype.SelectedValue), Convert.ToInt32(AddlConcernEmp.Text), Convert.ToInt32(AddlCreatedEmp.SelectedValue), Convert.ToDateTime(txtAduedate.Text), txtAdiscription.Text, Convert.ToDateTime(txtAcdate.Text), Convert.ToInt32(lbl.Text), Mode); if (j > 0) { AddlAlerttype.SelectedIndex = 0; AddlConcernEmp.SelectedIndex = 0; AddlCreatedEmp.SelectedIndex = 0; txtAduedate.Text = ""; txtAdiscription.Text = ""; txtAcdate.Text = ""; Alert_Grid(); MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Success, commessage.RecordSaved, 125, 300); } //string ToMail = "*****@*****.**"; //string ToCC = "*****@*****.**"; //string ToBcc = "*****@*****.**"; //string Subject = "Test Notification Mail"; string ToMail = ""; string ToCC = ""; string ToBcc = ""; string Subject = ""; dt = AL.GetAlertMailtoAssigned_Responsiable(Convert.ToInt32(lbl.Text)); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { ToMail = dt.Rows[0][0].ToString() + " ," + dt.Rows[0][1].ToString(); } dt = AL.GetAlertMailToFallower(Convert.ToInt32(lbl.Text)); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { ToCC += dt.Rows[i][0].ToString() + ","; } } //SendMail(ToMail, ToCC, ToBcc, Subject, true); lbl.Text = ""; } else { MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Success, "Please Select Matter.", 125, 300); } }
protected void btnAddMatter_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string Mode = "INSERT"; if (ddlMatterNumber.SelectedIndex != 0) { if (ddlOfficeName.SelectedIndex != 0) { int Client_Name = 0; int Assigened_ID = 0; int superviser_ID = 0; int MatteType_ID = 0; dt = MV.GetMatterDetails(ddlMatterNumber.SelectedValue); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { Client_Name = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["Client_Name"]); Assigened_ID = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["assigned_ID"]); superviser_ID = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["superviser_ID"]); MatteType_ID = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["MatteType_ID"]); } try { dt = MV.UniqueMatterNo(ddlMatterNumber.SelectedValue); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Info, "Matter Number Already Exist.", 125, 300); } else { int i = MV.MatterAction(ddlMatterNumber.SelectedValue, Client_Name, superviser_ID, Assigened_ID, MatteType_ID, Convert.ToDateTime(txtOpenDate.Text), txtMatterDiscription.Text, Convert.ToInt32(ddlOfficeName.SelectedValue), Mode); if (i > 0) { int j = SV.AuditMatter(Convert.ToInt32(ddlMatterNumber.SelectedItem.ToString()), Mode, USERID); ddlOfficeName.SelectedIndex = 0; ddlMatterNumber.SelectedIndex = 0; MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Success, commessage.RecordSaved, 125, 300); } } } catch (Exception ex) { MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Error, ex.Message.ToString(), 125, 300); } } else { MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Info, "Please Select office.", 125, 300); } } else { MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Info, "Please Select Matter number.", 125, 300); } }
protected void Delete_Fallower(object sender, GridViewDeleteEventArgs e) { int FallowerID = (int)DtgFallower.DataKeys[e.RowIndex].Value; string Mode = "DELETE"; int i = MDetails.DeleteFallower(FallowerID, Mode); if (i > 0) { BindFallowerGrid(); MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Warning, commessage.DeletedRecord, 125, 300); } }
protected void Delete_Party(object sender, GridViewDeleteEventArgs e) { int Pid = (int)AddPartyGrid.DataKeys[e.RowIndex].Value; string Mode = "DELETE"; int i = PL.DeleteParty(Pid, Mode); if (i > 0) { BindParty(); MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Warning, commessage.DeletedRecord, 125, 300); } }
protected void FileUploadCompleteJudge(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (lbldocumentcaseno.Text.ToString() != "") { string filename = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(FileuploadJudgement.FileName); FileuploadJudgement.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~/Upload_Document/" + lbldocumentcaseno.Text + "_" + filename)); JudgementDocket = lbldocumentcaseno.Text + "_" + filename; } else { MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Success, "Please Select Case no", 125, 300); } }
protected void CreatePleading_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (lbl.Text != "") { if (lblpleadingCaseno.Text != "") { if (ddlpladingsst.SelectedIndex != 0) { if (ddlplpreaparedby.SelectedIndex != 0) { if (ddlreviewby.SelectedIndex != 0) { string Mode = "INSERT"; int i = SH.PleadingAction(Convert.ToInt32(lbl.Text), Convert.ToInt32(ddlpladingsst.SelectedValue), Convert.ToInt32(ddlplpreaparedby.SelectedValue), Convert.ToDateTime(txtpladingdate.Text), Convert.ToInt32(ddlreviewby.SelectedValue), Mode); if (i > 0) { int K = SH.AuditPleadings(Convert.ToInt32(lbl.Text), Mode, USERID); txtpladingdate.Text = ""; ddlpladingsst.SelectedIndex = 0; ddlplpreaparedby.SelectedIndex = 0; ddlreviewby.SelectedIndex = 0; Hearing_Grid(); MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Success, commessage.RecordSaved, 125, 300); } } else { MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Success, "Please Slect Employee", 125, 300); } } else { MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Success, "Please Slect Status", 125, 300); } } else { MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Success, "Please Slect Outcome", 125, 300); } } else { MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Success, "Please Select the Case.", 125, 300); } } else { MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Success, "No Hearing Found.", 125, 300); } }
protected void GetMatterDetailsClose() { dt = MV.CloseMatterDetails(lblCloseMatterNo.Text); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { lblcclientdata.Text = dt.Rows[0]["Company_Name"].ToString(); lblCresonsiabledata.Text = dt.Rows[0]["REP"].ToString(); lblCAssignneddata.Text = dt.Rows[0]["Assigned"].ToString(); lblCMattertypedata.Text = dt.Rows[0]["Matter_Type_Desc"].ToString(); lblCdateopendata.Text = Convert.ToDateTime(dt.Rows[0]["Open_date"]).ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy"); lblCofficedata.Text = dt.Rows[0]["Office_Desc_En"].ToString(); } else { MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Success, commessage.NoRecordFound, 125, 300); } }
protected void GetMatterDetails(object sender, EventArgs e) { dt = MV.GetMatterDetails(ddlMatterNumber.SelectedValue); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { lblcleintdata.Text = dt.Rows[0]["Company_Name"].ToString(); lblResponsibalelawyerdata.Text = dt.Rows[0]["REP"].ToString(); lblAssignedLawyerdata.Text = dt.Rows[0]["Assigned"].ToString(); lblmattertypedata.Text = dt.Rows[0]["Matter_Type_Desc"].ToString(); txtOpenDate.Text = Convert.ToDateTime(dt.Rows[0]["Date_Opend"]).ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy"); } else { lblcleintdata.Text = ""; lblResponsibalelawyerdata.Text = ""; lblAssignedLawyerdata.Text = ""; lblmattertypedata.Text = ""; txtOpenDate.Text = ""; MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Success, commessage.NoRecordFound, 125, 300); } }
protected void GetMatterDetailsClose(object sender, EventArgs e) { dt = MV.CloseMatterDetails(ddlCloseMatter.SelectedItem.ToString()); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { lblcclientdata.Text = dt.Rows[0]["Company_Name"].ToString(); lblCresonsiabledata.Text = dt.Rows[0]["REP"].ToString(); lblCAssignneddata.Text = dt.Rows[0]["Assigned"].ToString(); lblCMattertypedata.Text = dt.Rows[0]["Matter_Type_Desc"].ToString(); lblCdateopendata.Text = Convert.ToDateTime(dt.Rows[0]["Open_date"]).ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy"); lblCofficedata.Text = dt.Rows[0]["Office_Desc_En"].ToString(); } else { lblcleintdata.Text = ""; lblResponsibalelawyerdata.Text = ""; lblAssignedLawyerdata.Text = ""; lblmattertypedata.Text = ""; txtOpenDate.Text = ""; MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Success, commessage.NoRecordFound, 125, 300); } }
protected void btnAddPOAS_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string Mode = "INSERT"; if (lbl.Text.ToString() != "") { dt = FPL.PartyID(Convert.ToInt32(lbl.Text)); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { if (ddlPOATypes.SelectedIndex != 0) { if (ddlLocation.SelectedIndex != 0) { int i = FPL.AddPoas(Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0][0]), Convert.ToInt32(ddlPOATypes.SelectedValue), Convert.ToInt32(ddlLocation.SelectedValue), "", Convert.ToDateTime(txtissuedate.Text), Mode); if (i > 0) { ddlPOATypes.SelectedIndex = 0; ddlLocation.SelectedIndex = 0; txtissuedate.Text = ""; MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Success, commessage.RecordSaved, 125, 300); } } else { MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Success, "Please Select Location.", 125, 300); } } else { MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Success, "Please Select Type.", 125, 300); } } } else { MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Success, "Please Select the Record.", 125, 300); } }
protected void btnAddFeeDetails_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string Mode = "UPDATE"; if (lbl.Text.ToString() != "") { int i = FPL.AddFeedetails(Convert.ToInt32(lbl.Text), Convert.ToInt32(txtFeeamonut.Text), Convert.ToInt32(txtSucessFess.Text), txtFeeDiscription.Text, txtFeeEstimate.Text, Filepath, Mode); if (i > 0) { int j = SM.AuditMatter(Convert.ToInt32(lbl.Text), Mode, USERID); Filepath = ""; txtFeeamonut.Text = ""; txtSucessFess.Text = ""; txtFeeDiscription.Text = ""; txtFeeEstimate.Text = ""; MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Success, commessage.RecordSaved, 125, 300); } } else { MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Success, "Please Select the Record.", 125, 300); } }
protected void Addhearing_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (lblMatterCase.Text != "0000") { if (ddlHearingStaus.SelectedIndex != 0) { if (ddlAttendby.SelectedIndex != 0) { string Mode = "INSERT"; int i = SH.HearingsAction(lblMatterCase.Text, Convert.ToDateTime(txthearngDate.Text), Convert.ToInt32(ddlAttendby.SelectedValue), Convert.ToInt32(ddlHearingStaus.SelectedValue), txthearingNotes.Text, Mode); if (i > 0) { int j = SH.AuditHearings(Convert.ToInt32(lbl.Text), Mode, USERID); txthearngDate.Text = ""; txthearingNotes.Text = ""; ddlHearingStaus.SelectedIndex = 0; ddlAttendby.SelectedIndex = 0; Hearing_Grid(); MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Success, commessage.RecordSaved, 125, 300); } } else { MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Success, "Please Slect Employee", 125, 300); } } else { MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Success, "Please Slect Status", 125, 300); } } else { MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Success, "Please Select the Case.", 125, 300); } }
protected void btnCloseMatter_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string Mode = "UPDATE"; if (ddlcMatterStatusdata.SelectedIndex != 0) { string Warning = ""; int i = MV.MatterClose(lblCloseMatterNo.Text, Convert.ToInt32(ddlcMatterStatusdata.SelectedValue), Mode, out Warning); if (i > 0) { int j = SV.AuditMatter(Convert.ToInt32(lblCloseMatterNo.Text), Mode, USERID); ddlcMatterStatusdata.SelectedIndex = 0; MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Success, commessage.UpdatedRecord, 125, 300); } else { MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Warning, Warning, 125, 300); } } else { MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Success, "Please Select Status.", 125, 300); } }
protected void ImgBtnSave_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { /// <summary> /// This event is used to save all records in database. /// </summary> try { #region Check if mapping exist in table*************************************** if (HidAutoId.Value == "0") { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); string query = @"select AutoId from tblWarehouseMapping where WareHouseId ='" + HidWarehouseId.Value + "' and CustomerId ='" + HidCustomerId.Value + "'"; dt = com.executeSqlQry(query); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Info, "Mapping is already exist. Please check it.", 125, 300); return; } dt = null; } #endregion ******************************************************************** objConnectionClass.OpenConnection(); SqlCommand cmd; cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.Connection = objConnectionClass.PolypexSqlConnection; cmd.CommandTimeout = 60; cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; #region All Parameters if (HidAutoId.Value == "0") { cmd.Parameters.Add("@AutoId", SqlDbType.Int).Value = 0; } else { cmd.Parameters.Add("@AutoId", SqlDbType.Int).Value = com.STRToInt(HidAutoId.Value); } cmd.Parameters.Add("@CustomerId", SqlDbType.Int).Value = com.STRToInt(HidCustomerId.Value); cmd.Parameters.Add("@PlantId", SqlDbType.Int).Value = com.STRToInt(ddlPlant.SelectedValue); cmd.Parameters.Add("@WareHouseId", SqlDbType.Int).Value = com.STRToInt(HidWarehouseId.Value); cmd.Parameters.Add("@ActiveStatus", SqlDbType.Bit).Value = chkActive.Checked; cmd.Parameters.Add("@CreatedBy", SqlDbType.Int).Value = com.STRToInt(Session["UserId"].ToString()); cmd.Parameters.Add("@ModifiedBy", SqlDbType.Int).Value = com.STRToInt(Session["UserId"].ToString()); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ErrorStatus", SqlDbType.VarChar, 10)); cmd.Parameters["@ErrorStatus"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; cmd.CommandText = "SP_InsertUpdate_In_tblWarehouseMapping"; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); ErrorStatus = cmd.Parameters["@ErrorStatus"].Value.ToString(); if (ErrorStatus == "0") { MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Info, objcommonmessage.RecordSaved, 125, 300); #region Clear All records after save ClearFields(); makeGrid(); #endregion } else { MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Info, objcommonmessage.RecordNotSaved, 125, 300); } ErrorStatus = ""; #endregion } catch { MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Info, objcommonmessage.RecordNotSaved, 125, 300); } finally { objConnectionClass.CloseConnection(); } }
protected void AddCase_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string Mode = "INSERT"; if (lblCasematterNum.Text != "") { if (ddlCasestage.SelectedIndex != 0) { if (ddlclerkname.SelectedIndex != 0) { if (ddlcasetypedata.SelectedIndex != 0) { if (ddlClientCapty.SelectedIndex != 0) { if (ddlOppCap.SelectedIndex != 0) { if (ddlDepartmentADDPOPUP.SelectedIndex != 0) { if (ddljudgename.SelectedIndex != 0) { if (ddlcourtname.SelectedIndex != 0) { int i = CS.CaseAction(txtcasenumber.Text, Convert.ToInt32(ddlcourtname.SelectedValue), Convert.ToInt32(ddljudgename.Text), Convert.ToInt32(ddlClientCapty.SelectedValue), Convert.ToInt32(ddlOppCap.SelectedValue), txtxCasediscription.Text, Convert.ToDateTime(txtfillindatde.Text), Convert.ToDateTime(txtEdate.Text), Convert.ToInt32(ddlCasestage.SelectedValue), Convert.ToInt32(ddlclerkname.SelectedValue), Convert.ToInt32(ddlcasetypedata.SelectedValue), 1, txtHallnoADDPoPUP.Text, Convert.ToInt32(ddlDepartmentADDPOPUP.SelectedValue), Mode); if (i > 0) { int j = CS.AuditCase(1, Mode, USERID); ddlCasestage.SelectedIndex = 0; ddlclerkname.SelectedIndex = 0; txtcasenumber.Text = ""; ddlcasetypedata.SelectedIndex = 0; txtfillindatde.Text = ""; txtEdate.Text = ""; ddlClientCapty.SelectedIndex = 0; ddlOppCap.SelectedIndex = 0; txtHallnoADDPoPUP.Text = ""; ddlDepartmentADDPOPUP.SelectedIndex = 0; ddljudgename.SelectedIndex = 0; ddlcourtname.SelectedIndex = 0; txtxCasediscription.Text = ""; Case_Grid(); MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Success, commessage.RecordSaved, 125, 300); } } else { MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Success, "Please Select Court.", 125, 300); } } else { MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Success, "Please Select Judge.", 125, 300); } } else { MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Success, "Please Select department.", 125, 300); } } else { MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Success, "Please Select Opponent Capacity.", 125, 300); } } else { MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Success, "Please Select Client Capacity.", 125, 300); } } else { MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Success, "Please Select Case type.", 125, 300); } } } else { MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Success, "Please Select Clerk name.", 125, 300); } } else { MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Success, "Please Select stage.", 125, 300); } }
protected void btnAddparty_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string Mode = "INSERT"; int Rank = 0; if (lbl.Text.ToString() != "") { if (ddlParty.SelectedIndex != 0) { if (ddlPartyType.SelectedIndex != 0) { if (ddlRole.SelectedIndex != 0) { #region ************Insert Party *************** if (ddlRole.SelectedValue.ToString() == "1") { Rank = 0; } else { dt = PL.OPPonentRank(Convert.ToInt32(lbl.Text)); if (dt.Rows[0]["RANK"].ToString() != "") { Rank = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["RANK"]); } else { Rank = 1; } } dt = PL.ChkClient(Convert.ToInt32(lbl.Text), Convert.ToInt32(ddlRole.SelectedValue)); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Success, "Client Already Added.", 125, 300); } else { #region *********************Add Parties******************************************** int i = PL.AddParty(Convert.ToInt32(lbl.Text), Convert.ToInt32(ddlParty.SelectedValue), Convert.ToInt32(ddlPartyType.SelectedValue), Convert.ToInt32(ddlRole.SelectedValue), Rank, Mode); if (i > 0) { ddlParty.SelectedIndex = 0; ddlPartyType.SelectedIndex = 0; ddlRole.SelectedIndex = 0; BindParty(); MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Success, commessage.RecordSaved, 125, 300); } #endregion } #endregion } else { MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Success, "Please Select Type.", 125, 300); } } else { MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Success, "Please Select Role.", 125, 300); } } else { MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Success, "Please Select Party.", 125, 300); } } else { MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Success, "Please Select the Record.", 125, 300); } }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { try { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); if (HidAutoId.Value == "") { string sql = "select LoginID from Com_Login_Mst where LoginID ='" + txtLoginId.Text.Trim() + "'"; dt = com.executeSqlQry(sql); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { if (dt.Rows[0]["LoginID"].ToString().ToLower() == txtLoginId.Text.Trim().ToLower()) { MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Info, "Login ID is already created.", 125, 300); return; } } dt = null; } else { if (ViewState["LoginId"].ToString().ToLower() != txtLoginId.Text.Trim().ToLower()) { string sql = "select LoginID from Com_Login_Mst where LoginID ='" + txtLoginId.Text.Trim() + "'"; dt = com.executeSqlQry(sql); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { if (dt.Rows[0]["LoginID"].ToString().ToLower() == txtLoginId.Text.Trim().ToLower()) { MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Info, "Login ID is already created.", 125, 300); return; } } dt = null; } } #region Line Item Records DataTable dtlineitem = new DataTable(); dtlineitem = (DataTable)ViewState["Group"]; int TotalLineItem = dtlineitem.Rows.Count; if (dtlineitem.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = TotalLineItem; i > 0; i--) { dtlineitem.Rows.RemoveAt(i - 1); } } for (int i = 0; i < Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["TotalGroup"].ToString()); i++) { if (listBoxUserGroup.Items[i].Selected == true) { DataRow objdrLineItem = dtlineitem.NewRow(); objdrLineItem["GroupID"] = com.STRToInt(listBoxUserGroup.Items[i].Value); dtlineitem.Rows.Add(objdrLineItem); } } if (dtlineitem.Rows.Count == 0) { MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Info, "Select atleast one user group.", 125, 300); return; } #endregion objConnectionClass.OpenConnection(); SqlCommand cmd; cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.Connection = objConnectionClass.PolypexSqlConnection; cmd.CommandTimeout = 60; cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; if (HidAutoId.Value == "") { cmd.Parameters.Add("@UserID", SqlDbType.Int).Value = 0; } else { cmd.Parameters.Add("@UserID", SqlDbType.Int).Value = Convert.ToInt32(HidAutoId.Value); } cmd.Parameters.Add("@UserName", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = txtEmployeeName.Text.Trim(); cmd.Parameters.Add("@LocationID", SqlDbType.Int).Value = Convert.ToInt32(ddlEmployeeLocation.SelectedValue); cmd.Parameters.Add("@EmailID", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = txtEmailID.Text.Trim(); cmd.Parameters.Add("@LoginID", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = txtLoginId.Text.Trim(); //Added by Lalit 9July 2013 cmd.Parameters.Add("@UserTypeId", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = DdlUserType.SelectedValue; //End #region Table Parameter cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@dtLineItemsOfGroup", dtlineitem); #endregion cmd.Parameters.Add("@ActiveStatus", SqlDbType.Bit).Value = ChkStatus.Checked; cmd.Parameters.Add("@CreatedBy", SqlDbType.Int).Value = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserId"].ToString()); cmd.Parameters.Add("@ModifiedBy", SqlDbType.Int).Value = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserId"].ToString()); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ErrorStatus", SqlDbType.VarChar, 10)); cmd.Parameters["@ErrorStatus"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; cmd.Parameters.Add("@NewEmployeeCode", SqlDbType.VarChar, 30); cmd.Parameters["@NewEmployeeCode"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; cmd.CommandText = "SP_InsertUpdate_In_Com_UserAndLogin_Mst"; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); ErrorStatus = cmd.Parameters["@ErrorStatus"].Value.ToString(); RecordNo = cmd.Parameters["@NewEmployeeCode"].Value.ToString(); if (ErrorStatus == "0") { if (RecordNo != "0") { MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Info, objcommonmessage.RecordSaved + ". User Code is:" + RecordNo, 125, 300); } else { MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Info, objcommonmessage.RecordSaved, 125, 300); } #region Clear All records after save ClearAll(); #endregion } else { MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Info, objcommonmessage.RecordNotSaved, 125, 300); return; } ErrorStatus = ""; RecordNo = ""; } catch (Exception ex) { MyMessageBoxInfo.Show(MyMessageBox.MessageType.Info, objcommonmessage.RecordNotSaved, 125, 300); } }