Example #1
 public static void MoveAllContentsTo(this MyInventory fromInventory, MyInventoryBase toInventory)
     foreach (var item in fromInventory.GetItems())
         toInventory.AddItems(item.Amount, item.Content);
        private static void AddItemsFuzzy(MyInventoryBase inventory, MyDefinitionId itemDefinition, int amount)
            if (itemDefinition.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_ItemTagDefinition))
                inventory.AddItemsWithTag(itemDefinition.SubtypeId, amount, true);

            inventory.AddItems(itemDefinition, amount);
Example #3
        // ReSharper disable once MemberCanBeMadeStatic.Local
        private void UninstallToInventory(MyInventoryBase inv, MyDefinitionId id, ref int amount)
            var toAdd = Math.Min(amount, inv.ComputeAmountThatFits(id));

            // ReSharper disable once ConvertIfStatementToConditionalTernaryExpression
            if (inv.AddItems(id, toAdd))
                amount = toAdd;
                amount = 0;
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Add items of the definition id specified.
        /// If Id is an item, simply add the items.
        /// If Id is a tag, add a random item with that tag.
        /// If Id is loot table, add results of that loot table.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inventory"></param>
        /// <param name="id"></param>
        /// <param name="amount"></param>
        /// <returns>True if item added, false if item didn't fit</returns>
        public static bool AddItemsFuzzyOrLoot(this MyInventoryBase inventory, MyDefinitionId id, int amount = 1)
            var result = true;

            if (id.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_LootTableDefinition))
                var lootTableDefinition = MyDefinitionManager.Get <MyLootTableDefinition>(id);
                for (var i = 0; i < amount; i++)
            else if (id.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_ItemTagDefinition))
                result = inventory.AddItemsWithTag(id.SubtypeId, amount, true);
                result = inventory.AddItems(id, amount);

Example #5
        public void MoveUnneededItemsFromConstructionStockpile(MyInventoryBase toInventory)
            if (m_stockpile == null) return;

            Debug.Assert(toInventory != null);
            if (toInventory == null) return;


            foreach (var item in m_tmpItemList)
                var amount = (int)toInventory.ComputeAmountThatFits(item.Content.GetId());
                amount = Math.Min(amount, item.Amount);
                toInventory.AddItems(amount, item.Content);
                m_stockpile.RemoveItems(amount, item.Content);
            CubeGrid.SyncObject.SendStockpileChanged(this, m_stockpile.GetSyncList());
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Moves items with the given flags from the construction inventory to the character.
        /// If the flags are None, all items are moved.
        /// </summary>
        public void MoveItemsFromConstructionStockpile(MyInventoryBase toInventory, MyItemFlags flags = MyItemFlags.None)
            if (m_stockpile == null) return;

            Debug.Assert(toInventory != null);
            if (toInventory == null) return;

            foreach (var item in m_stockpile.GetItems())
                if (flags == MyItemFlags.None || (item.Content.Flags & flags) != 0)
            foreach (var item in m_tmpItemList)
                var amount = (int)toInventory.ComputeAmountThatFits(item.Content.GetId());
                amount = Math.Min(amount, item.Amount);
                toInventory.AddItems(amount, item.Content);
                m_stockpile.RemoveItems(amount, item.Content);
            CubeGrid.SyncObject.SendStockpileChanged(this, m_stockpile.GetSyncList());
Example #7
        private void updateFoodLogic()
            float elapsedMinutes = (float)(mTimer.Elapsed.Seconds / 60);
            //float CurPlayerHealth = -1f;
            bool ChangedStance = false;
            MyObjectBuilder_Character character;
            MyCharacterMovementEnum   curmove = MyCharacterMovementEnum.Sitting;

            foreach (var player in _players)
                if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(player.Controller?.ControlledEntity?.Entity?.DisplayName))
                    PlayerData playerData = _playerDataStorage.Retrieve(player);
                    Logging.Instance.WriteLine(playerData.ToString() + "Loaded to Server");

                    IMyEntity entity = player.Controller.ControlledEntity.Entity;
                    entity = GetCharacterEntity(entity);
                    //					//MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("DEBUG", "Character: " + entity.DisplayName); // gets me player name

                    float currentModifier = 1f;
                    float fatigueRate     = 0f;
                    bool  dead            = false;
                    bool  forceEating     = false;
                    float recycleBonus    = 1f;
                    bool  fatigueBonus    = false;
                    bool  hungerBonus     = false;
                    bool  thirstBonus     = false;

                    // if we were under the effects of a bonus, keep it until we no longer are
                    fatigueBonus = playerData.fatigue > Config.MaxValue;
                    thirstBonus  = playerData.thirst > Config.MaxValue;
                    hungerBonus  = playerData.hunger > Config.MaxValue;

                    if (entity is IMyCharacter)
                        character = entity.GetObjectBuilder() as MyObjectBuilder_Character;
                        //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("DEBUG", "State: " + character.MovementState);

                        if (playerData.Entity == null || playerData.Entity.Closed || playerData.Entity.EntityId != entity.EntityId)
                            bool bReset = false;

                            if (!playerData.loaded)
                                bReset            = true;
                                playerData.loaded = true;
                            else if ((playerData.Entity != null) && (playerData.Entity != entity))
                                bReset = true;

                            if (bReset)
                                playerData.hunger  = Config.StartingHunger;
                                playerData.thirst  = Config.StartingThirst;
                                playerData.fatigue = Config.StartingFatigue;

                            playerData.Entity = entity;

                        //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("DEBUG", "State: " + character.MovementState + ":" + playerData.LastMovement);
                        ChangedStance = playerData.LastMovement != character.MovementState;

                        curmove = character.MovementState;

                        switch (character.MovementState)                           // this should be all of them....

                        case MyCharacterMovementEnum.Sitting:
                            IMyCubeBlock cb = player.Controller.ControlledEntity.Entity as IMyCubeBlock;
                            //cb.DisplayNameText is name of individual block, cb.DefinitionDisplayNameText is name of block type
                            currentModifier = Config.DefaultModifier;
                            fatigueRate     = Config.FatigueSitting;

                            // special case: we may be interacting with a bed, a lunchroom seat or treadmill, so let's
                            String seatmodel = cb.DefinitionDisplayNameText.ToLower();
                            String seatname  = cb.DisplayNameText.ToLower();

                            if (seatmodel.Contains("cryo"))     // you're in a cryopd not an oxygen bed
                                currentModifier = 0.0000125f;
                                fatigueRate     = 0.0000125f;
                            else if (seatmodel.Contains("treadmill"))
                                currentModifier = RUNNING_MODIFIER;                                         // jog...
                                fatigueRate     = FATIGUE_RUNNING / 2.5f;                                   // but pace yourself
                            else if (seatmodel.Contains("bed") || seatmodel.Contains("bunk"))
                                currentModifier = DEFAULT_MODIFIER / 2f;                                // nap time! Needs are reduced.
                                fatigueRate     = FATIGUE_SITTING * 3f;                                 //  nap time! Rest is greatly sped up.
                                fatigueBonus   |= !ChangedStance;                                       // longer nap? OK, allow for extra resting
                            else if (seatmodel.Contains("toilet") && ChangedStance)
                                forceEating  = true;                                        // also forces defecation, so this makes sense. but use changedstance to do it only once.
                                recycleBonus = 1.5f;
                            else if (seatname.Contains("noms"))
                                forceEating  = true;                                        // also forces crapping, fortunately the suit takes care of it. Eat continuously while sitting.
                                hungerBonus |= playerData.hunger > Config.MaxValue * 0.99;  // get to 100% first, then apply bonus.
                                thirstBonus |= playerData.thirst > Config.MaxValue * 0.99;  // get to 100% first, then apply bonus.

                        case MyCharacterMovementEnum.Flying:
                            currentModifier = FLYING_MODIFIER;
                            fatigueRate     = FATIGUE_FLYING;                                 // operating a jetpack is surprisingly hard

                        case MyCharacterMovementEnum.Falling:
                            currentModifier = FLYING_MODIFIER;
                            fatigueRate     = FATIGUE_WALKING;                                 // change nothing for the first iteration (prevents jump exploit)
                            if (!ChangedStance)
                                fatigueRate = FATIGUE_STANDING;                                         // freefall is actually relaxing when you are used to it. A professional space engineer would be.

                        case MyCharacterMovementEnum.Crouching:
                        case MyCharacterMovementEnum.CrouchRotatingLeft:
                        case MyCharacterMovementEnum.CrouchRotatingRight:
                            currentModifier = DEFAULT_MODIFIER;
                            fatigueRate     = FATIGUE_CROUCHING;

                        case MyCharacterMovementEnum.Standing:
                        case MyCharacterMovementEnum.RotatingLeft:
                        case MyCharacterMovementEnum.RotatingRight:
                            currentModifier = DEFAULT_MODIFIER;
                            fatigueRate     = FATIGUE_STANDING;

                        case MyCharacterMovementEnum.CrouchWalking:
                        case MyCharacterMovementEnum.CrouchBackWalking:
                        case MyCharacterMovementEnum.CrouchStrafingLeft:
                        case MyCharacterMovementEnum.CrouchStrafingRight:
                        case MyCharacterMovementEnum.CrouchWalkingRightFront:
                        case MyCharacterMovementEnum.CrouchWalkingRightBack:
                        case MyCharacterMovementEnum.CrouchWalkingLeftFront:
                        case MyCharacterMovementEnum.CrouchWalkingLeftBack:
                            currentModifier = RUNNING_MODIFIER;
                            fatigueRate     = FATIGUE_RUNNING;                                 // doing the duckwalk is more tiring than walking: try it if you don't believe me

                        case MyCharacterMovementEnum.Walking:
                        case MyCharacterMovementEnum.BackWalking:
                        case MyCharacterMovementEnum.WalkStrafingLeft:
                        case MyCharacterMovementEnum.WalkStrafingRight:
                        case MyCharacterMovementEnum.WalkingRightFront:
                        case MyCharacterMovementEnum.WalkingRightBack:
                        case MyCharacterMovementEnum.WalkingLeftFront:
                        case MyCharacterMovementEnum.WalkingLeftBack:
                            currentModifier = DEFAULT_MODIFIER;
                            fatigueRate     = FATIGUE_WALKING;

                        case MyCharacterMovementEnum.LadderUp:
                            currentModifier = RUNNING_MODIFIER;
                            fatigueRate     = FATIGUE_RUNNING;

                        case MyCharacterMovementEnum.LadderDown:
                            currentModifier = DEFAULT_MODIFIER;
                            fatigueRate     = FATIGUE_WALKING;

                        case MyCharacterMovementEnum.Running:
                        case MyCharacterMovementEnum.Backrunning:
                        case MyCharacterMovementEnum.RunStrafingLeft:
                        case MyCharacterMovementEnum.RunStrafingRight:
                        case MyCharacterMovementEnum.RunningRightFront:
                        case MyCharacterMovementEnum.RunningRightBack:
                        case MyCharacterMovementEnum.RunningLeftBack:
                        case MyCharacterMovementEnum.RunningLeftFront:
                            currentModifier = RUNNING_MODIFIER;
                            fatigueRate     = FATIGUE_RUNNING;

                        case MyCharacterMovementEnum.Sprinting:
                        case MyCharacterMovementEnum.Jump:
                            currentModifier = SPRINTING_MODIFIER;
                            fatigueRate     = FATIGUE_SPRINTING;

                        case MyCharacterMovementEnum.Died:
                            currentModifier = DEFAULT_MODIFIER;              // unused, but let's have them
                            fatigueRate     = FATIGUE_STANDING;              // unused, but let's have them
                            dead            = true;                          // for death recovery logic
                        playerData.LastMovement = character.MovementState;                         // track delta
                    else if (playerData.Entity != null || !playerData.Entity.Closed)
                        entity = playerData.Entity;

                    // Sanity checks
                    if (hungerBonus)
                        if (playerData.hunger > Config.MaxValue * FOOD_BONUS)
                            playerData.hunger = Config.MaxValue * FOOD_BONUS;
                        if (playerData.hunger > Config.MaxValue)
                            playerData.hunger = Config.MaxValue;

                    if (thirstBonus)
                        if (playerData.thirst > Config.MaxValue * DRINK_BONUS)
                            playerData.thirst = Config.MaxValue * DRINK_BONUS;
                        if (playerData.thirst > Config.MaxValue)
                            playerData.thirst = Config.MaxValue;

                    // Cause needs
                    if (FATIGUE_ENABLED)
                        playerData.fatigue += (fatigueRate * FOOD_LOGIC_SKIP_TICKS / 60 * 20);                        // / 15);
                        playerData.fatigue  = Math.Max(playerData.fatigue, MIN_VALUE);
                        if (fatigueBonus)
                            playerData.fatigue = Math.Min(playerData.fatigue, Config.MaxValue * REST_BONUS);
                            playerData.fatigue = Math.Min(playerData.fatigue, Config.MaxValue);
                        playerData.fatigue = 9001f;

                    if (playerData.fatigue <= 0)
                        // fatigue consequences
                        // at 0, start causing extra thirst
                        // at specified, force walk instead of run (unless overriding by sprinting)
                        // at specified, force crouch, and do damage flashes
                        // at specified, breathing reflex / mess with helmet, and do a bit of actual damage (just in case thirst isn't already causing it)
                        // at specified, cause heart attack

                        if (playerData.fatigue <= (0.00f * MIN_VALUE))
                            if (EXTRA_THIRST_FROM_FATIGUE > 0)
                                // positive: pile on to thirst, per second
                                playerData.thirst -= (EXTRA_THIRST_FROM_FATIGUE * FOOD_LOGIC_SKIP_TICKS / 60);
                            else                                 // negative: multiply modifier
                                currentModifier *= -EXTRA_THIRST_FROM_FATIGUE;

                        if (playerData.fatigue <= (FATIGUE_LEVEL_FORCEWALK * MIN_VALUE))
                        {                         // force player to walk if they were running
                            switch (curmove)
                            case MyCharacterMovementEnum.Sprinting:
                            case MyCharacterMovementEnum.Running:
                            case MyCharacterMovementEnum.Backrunning:
                            case MyCharacterMovementEnum.RunStrafingLeft:
                            case MyCharacterMovementEnum.RunStrafingRight:
                            case MyCharacterMovementEnum.RunningRightFront:
                            case MyCharacterMovementEnum.RunningRightBack:
                            case MyCharacterMovementEnum.RunningLeftBack:
                            case MyCharacterMovementEnum.RunningLeftFront:
                                VRage.Game.ModAPI.Interfaces.IMyControllableEntity ce = player.Controller.ControlledEntity.Entity as VRage.Game.ModAPI.Interfaces.IMyControllableEntity;

                        if (playerData.fatigue <= (FATIGUE_LEVEL_FORCECROUCH * MIN_VALUE))
                            bool iscrouching = false;
                            switch (curmove)
                            case MyCharacterMovementEnum.Crouching:
                            case MyCharacterMovementEnum.CrouchWalking:
                            case MyCharacterMovementEnum.CrouchBackWalking:
                            case MyCharacterMovementEnum.CrouchStrafingLeft:
                            case MyCharacterMovementEnum.CrouchStrafingRight:
                            case MyCharacterMovementEnum.CrouchWalkingRightFront:
                            case MyCharacterMovementEnum.CrouchWalkingRightBack:
                            case MyCharacterMovementEnum.CrouchWalkingLeftFront:
                            case MyCharacterMovementEnum.CrouchWalkingLeftBack:
                                iscrouching = true;
                            if (!iscrouching)
                                VRage.Game.ModAPI.Interfaces.IMyControllableEntity ce = player.Controller.ControlledEntity.Entity as VRage.Game.ModAPI.Interfaces.IMyControllableEntity;
                                ce.Crouch();                                 // force player to crouch

                        if (playerData.fatigue <= (FATIGUE_LEVEL_HELMET * MIN_VALUE))
                            VRage.Game.ModAPI.Interfaces.IMyControllableEntity ce = player.Controller.ControlledEntity.Entity as VRage.Game.ModAPI.Interfaces.IMyControllableEntity;
                            ce.SwitchHelmet();                             // force player to switch helmet, panic reaction from trying to catch breath

                            var destroyable = entity as IMyDestroyableObject;
                            destroyable.DoDamage(0.001f, MyStringHash.GetOrCompute("Fatigue"), true);                             // starting to hurt

                        if (playerData.fatigue <= (FATIGUE_LEVEL_NOHEALING * MIN_VALUE))
                            var destroyable = entity as IMyDestroyableObject;
                            destroyable.DoDamage(0.001f, MyStringHash.GetOrCompute("Fatigue"), true); // starting to hurt
                            if (IsAutohealingOn)                                                      // fatigued? no autohealing, either.
                                const float HealthTick = 100f / 240f * FOOD_LOGIC_SKIP_TICKS / 60f;
                                destroyable.DoDamage(HealthTick, MyStringHash.GetOrCompute("Testing"), false);

                        if (playerData.fatigue <= (FATIGUE_LEVEL_HEARTATTACK * MIN_VALUE))
                            var destroyable = entity as IMyDestroyableObject;
                            destroyable.DoDamage(1000f, MyStringHash.GetOrCompute("Fatigue"), true);                             // sudden, but very avoidable, heart attack ;)

                    if (playerData.thirst > MIN_VALUE)
                        playerData.thirst -= elapsedMinutes * mThirstPerMinute * currentModifier;
                        playerData.thirst  = Math.Max(playerData.thirst, MIN_VALUE);

                    if (playerData.hunger > MIN_VALUE)
                        playerData.hunger -= elapsedMinutes * mHungerPerMinute * currentModifier;
                        playerData.hunger  = Math.Max(playerData.hunger, MIN_VALUE);

                    // Try to meet needs
                    if (playerData.hunger < (Config.MaxValue * HUNGRY_WHEN) || forceEating)
                        playerEatSomething(entity, playerData, hungerBonus?Config.MaxValue * 1.25f:Config.MaxValue, recycleBonus);

                    if (playerData.thirst < (Config.MaxValue * THIRSTY_WHEN) || forceEating)
                        playerDrinkSomething(entity, playerData, thirstBonus?Config.MaxValue * 1.25f:Config.MaxValue, recycleBonus);

                    // Cause damage if needs are unmet
                    if (playerData.thirst <= 0)
                        var destroyable = entity as IMyDestroyableObject;
                        if (DAMAGE_SPEED_THIRST > 0)
                            destroyable.DoDamage((IsAutohealingOn ? (DAMAGE_SPEED_THIRST + 1f) : DAMAGE_SPEED_THIRST), MyStringHash.GetOrCompute("Thirst"), true);
                            destroyable.DoDamage(((IsAutohealingOn ? (-DAMAGE_SPEED_THIRST + 1f) : -DAMAGE_SPEED_THIRST) + DAMAGE_SPEED_THIRST * playerData.thirst), MyStringHash.GetOrCompute("Thirst"), true);

                    if (playerData.hunger <= 0)
                        var destroyable = entity as IMyDestroyableObject;
                        if (DAMAGE_SPEED_HUNGER > 0)
                            destroyable.DoDamage((IsAutohealingOn ? (DAMAGE_SPEED_HUNGER + 1f) : DAMAGE_SPEED_HUNGER), MyStringHash.GetOrCompute("Hunger"), true);
                            destroyable.DoDamage(((IsAutohealingOn ? (-DAMAGE_SPEED_HUNGER + 1f) : -DAMAGE_SPEED_HUNGER) + DAMAGE_SPEED_HUNGER * playerData.hunger), MyStringHash.GetOrCompute("Hunger"), true);

                     * character = entity.GetObjectBuilder(false) as MyObjectBuilder_Character;
                     * if (character.Health == null) // ok, so the variable exists, but it's always null for some reason?
                     *      CurPlayerHealth = 101f;
                     * else
                     *      CurPlayerHealth = (float) (character.Health);
                     * if (IsAutohealingOn && CurPlayerHealth < 70f)
                     * {
                     *      const float HealthTick = 100f / 240f * FOOD_LOGIC_SKIP_TICKS / 60f;
                     *      var destroyable = entity as IMyDestroyableObject;
                     *      destroyable.DoDamage(HealthTick, MyStringHash.GetOrCompute("Testing"), false);
                     * }

                    if (dead && DEATH_RECOVERY > 0.0)
                        MyInventoryBase inventory = ((MyEntity)entity).GetInventoryBase();
                        if (playerData.hunger > 0)
                            inventory.AddItems((MyFixedPoint)((1f / Config.MaxValue) * DEATH_RECOVERY * (playerData.hunger)), new MyObjectBuilder_Ore()
                                SubtypeName = "Organic"
                        if (playerData.thirst > 0)
                            inventory.AddItems((MyFixedPoint)((1f / Config.MaxValue) * DEATH_RECOVERY * (playerData.thirst)), new MyObjectBuilder_Ingot()
                                SubtypeName = "GreyWater"

                    //Sends data from Server.cs to Client.cs
                    string message = MyAPIGateway.Utilities.SerializeToXML <PlayerData>(playerData);
                    Logging.Instance.WriteLine(("Message sent from Server.cs to Client.cs: " + message));

            // Reinitialize the timer

            mTimer = new MyGameTimer();
Example #8
        private static bool playerDrinkSomething(IMyEntity entity, PlayerData playerData, float maxval_cap, float crapbonus)
            MyInventoryBase inventory = ((MyEntity)entity).GetInventoryBase();
            var             items     = inventory.GetItems();

            foreach (IMyInventoryItem item in items)
                float result;

                // Getting the item type

                string szItemContent = item.Content.ToString();

                //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("DEBUG", "szItemContent: " + item.Content.SubtypeName);

                string szTypeName = szItemContent.Substring(szItemContent.IndexOf(OBJECT_BUILDER_PREFIX) + OBJECT_BUILDER_PREFIX.Length);

                // Type verification

                if (!szTypeName.Equals("Ingot"))

                if (mBeverageTypes.TryGetValue(item.Content.SubtypeName, out result))
                    float canConsumeNum = Math.Min(((maxval_cap - playerData.thirst) / result), (float)item.Amount);

                    //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("DEBUG", "canDrink: " + canConsumeNum);

                    if (canConsumeNum > 0)
                        inventory.Remove(item, (MyFixedPoint)canConsumeNum);
                        playerData.thirst += result * (float)canConsumeNum;
                        if (item.Content.SubtypeName.Contains("offee"))                                                                 // TODO parametrize this
                            playerData.fatigue = Config.MaxValue;                                                                       // TODO parametrize this
                        if (item.Content.SubtypeName.Contains("ouillon"))                                                               // TODO parametrize this
                            playerData.hunger += Math.Max(0f, Math.Min(result * (float)canConsumeNum, maxval_cap - playerData.hunger)); // TODO parametrize this
                        // waste management line
                        if (CRAP_AMOUNT > 0.0)
                            inventory.AddItems((MyFixedPoint)(canConsumeNum * CRAP_AMOUNT * crapbonus), new MyObjectBuilder_Ingot()
                                SubtypeName = "GreyWater"
                            if (CROSS_CRAP_AMOUNT > 0.0)
                                inventory.AddItems((MyFixedPoint)(canConsumeNum * (1 - CRAP_AMOUNT) * CROSS_CRAP_AMOUNT), new MyObjectBuilder_Ore()
                                    SubtypeName = "Organic"

Example #9
        public static bool Apply <TInstance>(MyInventoryBase items, ListReader <ImmutableInventoryAction> actions,
                                             LuckyLoot.LootContext?luckContext = null, ActionWithArg <TInstance, ImmutableInventoryAction>?errorReporter = null)
            var luck    = luckContext ?? LuckyLoot.DefaultLoot;
            var success = true;

            foreach (var action in actions)
                switch (action.Mode)
                case ImmutableInventoryAction.InventoryActionMode.GiveTakeItem:
                    if (action.Amount > 0)
                        success = action.TargetId.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_ItemTagDefinition)
                                ? items.AddItemsWithTag(action.TargetId.SubtypeId, action.Amount)
                                : items.AddItems(action.TargetId, action.Amount);
                        success = action.TargetId.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_ItemTagDefinition)
                                ? items.RemoveItemsWithTag(action.TargetId.SubtypeId, -action.Amount)
                                : items.RemoveItems(action.TargetId, -action.Amount);

                case ImmutableInventoryAction.InventoryActionMode.RepairDamageItem:
                    var remaining = action.Amount;
                    if (action.TargetId.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_ItemTagDefinition))
                        foreach (var item in items.Items)
                            if (item is MyDurableItem durable && item.HasTag(action.TargetId.SubtypeId))
                                ApplyDurability(durable, ref remaining);
                                if (durable.Durability == 0)
                                    var broken = durable.GetDefinition().BrokenItem;
                                    var amount = item.Amount;
                                    if (!items.Remove(item))

                                    if (broken.HasValue && !items.AddItems(broken.Value, amount))

                                if (remaining == 0)
                        foreach (var item in items.Items)
                            if (item is MyDurableItem durable && item.DefinitionId == action.TargetId)
                                ApplyDurability(durable, ref remaining);
                                if (durable.Durability == 0)
                                    var broken = durable.GetDefinition().BrokenItem;
                                    var amount = item.Amount;
                                    if (!items.Remove(item))
                                    if (broken.HasValue && !items.AddItems(broken.Value, amount))

                                if (remaining == 0)

                    success = remaining == 0;

                case ImmutableInventoryAction.InventoryActionMode.GiveTakeLootTable:
                    using (ItemCollection.Borrow(out var tmp))
                        using (PoolManager.Get(out HashSet <MyStringHash> tmpSet))
                            var table = MyDefinitionManager.Get <MyLootTableDefinition>(action.TargetId);
                            for (var pass = 0; pass < Math.Abs(action.Amount); pass++)
                                tmp.GenerateLuckyContent(table, luck, tmpSet);

                        if (action.Amount > 0)
                            foreach (var item in tmp.Items)
                                success &= items.Add(item);
                            foreach (var item in tmp.Items)
                                success &= items.RemoveItems(item.DefinitionId, item.Amount);


                    throw new Exception("Bad mode");

                if (!success)

Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Moves items with the given flags from the construction inventory to the character.
        /// If the flags are None, all items are moved.
        /// </summary>
        public void MoveItemsFromConstructionStockpile(MyInventoryBase toInventory, MyItemFlags flags = MyItemFlags.None)
            if (m_stockpile == null) return;

            Debug.Assert(toInventory != null);
            if (toInventory == null) return;

            foreach (var item in m_stockpile.GetItems())
                if (flags == MyItemFlags.None || (item.Content.Flags & flags) != 0)
            foreach (var item in m_tmpItemList)
                // If the item is just some component that is represented by another components, use the first
                // ME Example: ScrapWoodComponent has representation as ScrapWood or ScrapWoodBranches
                MyComponentSubstitutionDefinition substitution;
                if (MyDefinitionManager.Static.TryGetComponentSubstitutionDefinition(item.Content.GetId(), out substitution))
                    Debug.Assert(substitution.ProvidingComponents.Count > 0, "Invalid component substitution definition for: " + item.Content.GetId().ToString());
                    MyDefinitionId componentId = item.Content.GetId();
                    int componentAmount = (int)item.Amount;
                    MyObjectBuilder_Base itemBuilder = item.Content;
                    if (substitution.ProvidingComponents.Count > 0)
                        componentId = substitution.ProvidingComponents.First().Key;
                        componentAmount = componentAmount * substitution.ProvidingComponents.First().Value;
                        itemBuilder = MyObjectBuilderSerializer.CreateNewObject(componentId);
                    var amount = (int)toInventory.ComputeAmountThatFits(componentId);
                    amount = Math.Min(amount, componentAmount);                   
                    toInventory.AddItems(amount, itemBuilder);
                    var removedAmount = amount;
                    if (substitution.ProvidingComponents.Count > 0)
                        removedAmount = removedAmount / substitution.ProvidingComponents.First().Value;
                    m_stockpile.RemoveItems(amount, item.Content);
                    var amount = (int)toInventory.ComputeAmountThatFits(item.Content.GetId());
                    amount = Math.Min(amount, item.Amount);
                    toInventory.AddItems(amount, item.Content);
                    m_stockpile.RemoveItems(amount, item.Content);
            CubeGrid.SyncObject.SendStockpileChanged(this, m_stockpile.GetSyncList());