Example #1
            public string write()
                MyIni ini = new MyIni();


                foreach (var kv in config)
                    ini.Set(name, kv.Key, kv.Value);

Example #2
        public Program()
            // The constructor, called only once every session and
            // always before any other method is called. Use it to
            // initialize your script.
            // The constructor is optional and can be removed if not
            // needed.
            // It's recommended to set RuntimeInfo.UpdateFrequency
            // here, which will allow your script to run itself without a
            // timer block.

            // Me.CustomData = defaultParam_ini;
            bool             needResetIni = false;
            MyIniParseResult result;

            if (!param_ini.TryParse(Me.CustomData, out result))
                Me.CustomData = "";
                param_ini.TryParse("", out result);

                needResetIni = true;
            param_ini.SetSectionComment("Thruster_architecture", " Each modifiaction need a recompile to be apply\n Delete a line \"Key = Value\" to recover default value\n (or delete all Custom data)");

            needResetIni |= getOrAddIniBool("Thruster_architecture", "AUTO_FIT_GRAVITY_FEILD", ref AUTO_FIT_GRAVITY_FEILD, com_autoFit);
            needResetIni |= getOrAddIniFloat("Thruster_architecture", "FILLING_OF_GRAVITY_FEILD", ref FILLING_OF_GRAVITY_FEILD, com_filling);

            needResetIni |= getOrAddIniString("Thrusters_components", "GROUP_NAME_OF_THRUSTER_COMPONENT", ref GROUP_NAME_OF_THRUSTER_COMPONENT, com_groupName);
            needResetIni |= getOrAddIniBool("Thrusters_components", "RENAME_GRAVITY_GENERATOR", ref RENAME_GRAVITY_GENERATOR, com_rename);

            needResetIni |= getOrAddIniInt("Time_optimisation", "NB_SIMPLEX_STEPS_PER_TICKS", ref NB_SIMPLEX_STEPS_PER_TICKS, com_nbSimplex);

            param_ini.SetSectionComment("Developper_option", about);

            needResetIni |= getOrAddIniBool("Developper_option", "USE_DEBUG", ref USE_DEBUG, com_useDebug);
            needResetIni |= getOrAddIniBool("Developper_option", "COMPUTE_NEW_STATS_SHIP_EVERY_TIME", ref COMPUTE_NEW_STATS_SHIP_EVERY_TIME);

            if (needResetIni)
                Me.CustomData = param_ini.ToString();


            Me.GetSurface(0).WriteText("::GRAVITY THRUSTER::");

            stateOfShip    = new StateOfShip[2];
            stateOfShip[0] = new StateOfShip(this);
            stateOfShip[1] = new StateOfShip(this);
            //stateOfShip[0] = new StateOfShip(this);
            idCurrentStateOfShip = 0;
            idNextStateOfShip    = 1;

            //nexStateOfShip = new StateOfShip(this);

            firstCompute = true;

            NewStateOfShipNeedMoreComputeTime = stateOfShip[idNextStateOfShip].ComputeNewStateMachine_OverTime(NB_SIMPLEX_STEPS_PER_TICKS);

            Runtime.UpdateFrequency = UpdateFrequency.Once | UpdateFrequency.Update10;