public Window_Add_Solution() { Grid Grid_Add_Solution = new MyGrid(); Grid_Add_Solution.Name = "Grid_Add_Solution"; MyLabel Add_New_Solution_lbl = new MyLabel("Add_New_Solution_lbl", 30, 110, 0, 0, "Выберите компоненты, образующие смесь:"); MyComboBox First_Compound = new MyComboBox("", 200, 30, 140, 0, 0); First_Compound.Items.Add("Выберите компонент"); foreach (var a in Database.Query("select name from liquid_list")[0]) { First_Compound.Items.Add(a); } First_Compound.Items.Add("Добавить жидкость..."); First_Compound.SelectedIndex = 0; First_Compound.SelectionChanged += First_Compound_Selection_Changed; MyComboBox Second_Compound = new MyComboBox("", 200, 240, 140, 0, 0); Second_Compound.Items.Add("Выберите компонент"); foreach (var a in Database.Query("select name from liquid_list")[0]) { Second_Compound.Items.Add(a); } Second_Compound.SelectedIndex = 0; Second_Compound.SelectionChanged += Second_Compound_Selection_Changed; MyButton Add_New_Compound = new MyButton("Liquid_Add", 200, 30, 180, 0, 0, "Добавление новой жидкости"); Add_New_Compound.Height = 30; Add_New_Compound.Background = Brushes.DarkGreen; Add_New_Compound.Foreground = Brushes.LightGray; Add_New_Compound.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; Add_New_Compound.Click += Add_New_Compound_Click; MyButton Help = new MyButton("Help", 70, 18, 0, 0, 7, "Справка"); Help.Height = 30; Help.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left; Help.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom; Help.Background = Brushes.DarkGreen; Help.Click += Help_Click; MyButton Solution_Add = new MyButton("Add_New_Compound", 150, 0, 0, 20, 7, "Добавить смесь"); Solution_Add.Height = 30; Solution_Add.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right; Solution_Add.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom; Solution_Add.Background = Brushes.DarkGreen; Solution_Add.Click += Solution_Add_Click; /* MyButton Cancel_Solution_Add = new MyButton("Cancel_Solution_Add", 100, 0, 0, 140, 30, "Отменить"); Cancel_Solution_Add.Height = 30; Cancel_Solution_Add.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right; Cancel_Solution_Add.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom; Cancel_Solution_Add.Click += Cancel_Solution_Add_Click; */ Image Add_Solution_Img_Top = new Image() { Width = 650, Height = 90, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top, Name = "Add_Solution_Img_Top", Margin = new Thickness(0, 0, 0, 0) }; BitmapImage Add_Solution_Img_Top_bi = new BitmapImage(); Add_Solution_Img_Top_bi.BeginInit(); Add_Solution_Img_Top_bi.UriSource = new Uri(@"C:\EasyPACT\EasyPACT_Graphic\EasyPACT_New_Solution_Top.jpg"); Add_Solution_Img_Top_bi.EndInit(); Add_Solution_Img_Top.Source = Add_Solution_Img_Top_bi; Image Add_Solution_Img_Bottom = new Image() { Width = 900, Height = 50, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top, Name = "Add_Solution_Img_Bottom", Margin = new Thickness(0, 366, 0, 0) }; BitmapImage Add_Solution_Img_Bottom_bi = new BitmapImage(); Add_Solution_Img_Bottom_bi.BeginInit(); Add_Solution_Img_Bottom_bi.UriSource = new Uri(@"C:\EasyPACT\EasyPACT_Graphic\EasyPACT_New_Solution_Bottom.jpg"); Add_Solution_Img_Bottom_bi.EndInit(); Add_Solution_Img_Bottom.Source = Add_Solution_Img_Bottom_bi; Grid container_Solution = new Grid(); container_Solution.Name = "container_Solution"; container_Solution.Children.Add(Add_Solution_Img_Top);//0 container_Solution.Children.Add(First_Compound);//1 container_Solution.Children.Add(Second_Compound);//2 container_Solution.Children.Add(Add_New_Compound);//3 container_Solution.Children.Add(Add_New_Solution_lbl);//4 container_Solution.Children.Add(Add_Solution_Img_Bottom);//5 container_Solution.Children.Add(Help);//6 container_Solution.Children.Add(Solution_Add);//7 //container_Solution.Children.Add(Cancel_Solution_Add);//6 this.Content = container_Solution; this.Title = "Добавление новой смеси - EasyPACT"; Uri iconUri = new Uri("C://EasyPACT/EasyPACT_Graphic/EasyPACT_Icon.jpg", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute); this.Icon = BitmapFrame.Create(iconUri); this.Width = 658; this.Height = 450; this.MinWidth = 658; this.MaxWidth = 658; this.MinHeight = 450; this.MaxHeight = 450; }
public void SetGrid(MyGrid m) { this.inGrid = m; }
/// <summary> /// code for paging /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void MyGrid_PageIndexChanging(object sender, GridViewPageEventArgs e) { MyGrid.PageIndex = e.NewPageIndex; MyGrid.DataBind(); Binddata1(); }
private void BtnChange_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { MyGrid.CancelEdit(); }
private void Awake() { ServiceLocator.Provide(this); grid = new MyGrid <HeatSource>(gridOrigin, cellSize, numberOfCells); }
/// <summary> /// A* 算法 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> IEnumerator Count() { //延时等待前面操作完成 yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.1f)); //添加起始点 openList.Add(myGrids[startX, startY]); //声明当前格子变量,并赋初值 MyGrid currentGrid = openList[0] as MyGrid; //循环遍历路径最小的点 while (openList.Count > 0 && currentGrid.gridType != MyGridType.End) { currentGrid = openList[0] as MyGrid; //将当前格子从开启列表中移除 openList.Remove(currentGrid); //加入封闭列表 closeList.Add(currentGrid); //如果当前点为目标点 if (currentGrid.gridType == MyGridType.End) { Debug.Log("Find"); //生成结果 GenerateResult(currentGrid); } //遍历四周格子 for (int i = -1; i <= 1; i++) { for (int j = -1; j <= 1; j++) { if (i != 0 || j != 0) { int tempX = currentGrid.x + i; int tempY = currentGrid.y + j; //未超出所有格子范围且不是障碍物且不是重复格子 if (tempX >= 0 && tempY >= 0 && tempX < row && tempY < colomn && myGrids[tempX, tempY].gridType != MyGridType.Obstacle && !closeList.Contains(myGrids[tempX, tempY])) { //计算g值 int g = currentGrid.g + (int)(Mathf.Sqrt(Mathf.Abs(i) + Mathf.Abs(j)) * 10); //与原g值比较 if (myGrids[tempX, tempY].g == 0 || myGrids[tempX, tempY].g > g) { myGrids[tempX, tempY].g = g; myGrids[tempX, tempY].parent = currentGrid; } //使用Manhattan法计算h值 myGrids[tempX, tempY].h = (int)((Mathf.Abs(targetX - tempX) + Mathf.Abs(targetY - tempY)) * 10); //计算f值 myGrids[tempX, tempY].f = myGrids[tempX, tempY].g + myGrids[tempX, tempY].h; if (!openList.Contains(myGrids[tempX, tempY])) { openList.Add(myGrids[tempX, tempY]); } openList.Sort(); } } } } if (openList.Count == 0) { Debug.Log("Can Not Find"); } } }
public ResultWindow(double Temperature_Out, double NK_dou, double VP) { this.Temperature_Out = Temperature_Out; this.NK_dou = NK_dou; this.VP = VP; MyLabel proizv = new MyLabel("proizv", 270, 330, 0, 0, "Введите производительность насоса, кг/с:"); MyTextBox proizv_txt = new MyTextBox("proizv_txt", 60, 560, 332, 0, 0); MyButton proizv_but = new MyButton("", 100, 630, 330, 0, 0, "Получить ответ"); proizv_but.Background = Brushes.DarkGreen; proizv_but.Foreground = Brushes.LightGray; proizv_but.Height = 23; proizv_but.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; proizv_but.Click += proizv_but_Click; MyLabel Machine = new MyLabel("Machine", 270, 130, 0, 0, "Требуемый насос", 15); Machine.FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold; MyLabel MachineRes = new MyLabel("MachineRes", 270, 160, 0, 0, ""); MyLabel TO = new MyLabel("TO", 270, 200, 0, 0, "Требуемый теплообменный аппарат", 15); TO.FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold; MyLabel TORes = new MyLabel("TORes", 270, 230, 0, 0, ""); Image Result_Img_Top = new Image() { Width = 900, Height = 90, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top, Name = "Result_Img_Top", Margin = new Thickness(0, 0, 0, 0) }; BitmapImage Result_Img_Top_bi = new BitmapImage(); Result_Img_Top_bi.BeginInit(); Result_Img_Top_bi.UriSource = new Uri(@"C:\EasyPACT\EasyPACT_Graphic\EasyPACT_Results.jpg"); Result_Img_Top_bi.EndInit(); Result_Img_Top.Source = Result_Img_Top_bi; Image Result_Img_Bottom = new Image() { Width = 900, Height = 50, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top, Name = "Result_Img_Bottom", Margin = new Thickness(0, 366, 0, 0) }; BitmapImage Result_Img_Bottom_bi = new BitmapImage(); Result_Img_Bottom_bi.BeginInit(); Result_Img_Bottom_bi.UriSource = new Uri(@"C:\EasyPACT\EasyPACT_Graphic\EasyPACT_Bottom_First.jpg"); Result_Img_Bottom_bi.EndInit(); Result_Img_Bottom.Source = Result_Img_Bottom_bi; Image Animation = new Image() { Width = 200, Height = 270, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left, Name = "Animation", Margin = new Thickness(10, 40, 0, 0) }; BitmapImage Animation_bi = new BitmapImage(); Animation_bi.BeginInit(); Animation_bi.UriSource = new Uri(@"C:\EasyPACT\EasyPACT_Graphic\Animation.png"); Animation_bi.EndInit(); Animation.Source = Animation_bi; MyButton Next_last = new MyButton("Next_last", 150, 0, 0, 20, 7, "Закрыть"); Next_last.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right; Next_last.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom; Next_last.Background = Brushes.DarkGreen; Next_last.FontSize = 12; Next_last.Foreground = Brushes.LightGray; Next_last.Click += Next_last_Click; MyButton Cred = new MyButton("Cred", 80, 18, 0, 0, 7, "Разработчики"); Cred.Foreground = Brushes.LightGray; Cred.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom; Cred.Background = Brushes.DarkGreen; Cred.FontSize = 10; Cred.Click += OpenCredits_Click; Grid ResultWindow = new MyGrid(); ResultWindow.Name = "ResultWindow"; ResultWindow.Children.Add(Result_Img_Top);//0 ResultWindow.Children.Add(Result_Img_Bottom);//1 ResultWindow.Children.Add(Animation);//2 ResultWindow.Children.Add(Machine);//3 ResultWindow.Children.Add(MachineRes);//4 ResultWindow.Children.Add(TO);//5 ResultWindow.Children.Add(TORes);//6 ResultWindow.Children.Add(Next_last);//7 ResultWindow.Children.Add(Cred);//8 ResultWindow.Children.Add(proizv);//9 ResultWindow.Children.Add(proizv_txt);//10 ResultWindow.Children.Add(proizv_but);//11 this.Content = ResultWindow; this.Title = "Вывод результатов - EasyPACT"; Uri iconUri = new Uri("C://EasyPACT/EasyPACT_Graphic/EasyPACT_Icon.jpg", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute); this.Icon = BitmapFrame.Create(iconUri); this.MinWidth = 908; this.MaxWidth = 908; this.MinHeight = 450; this.MaxHeight = 450; }
public FileTransferPage() : base("File Transfer") { MyLogger.TestMethodAdded += (name, task) => { var ti = new MyToolbarItem(name); ti.Clicked += async delegate { await task(); }; this.ToolbarItems.Add(ti); }; { GDmain = new MyGrid(); GDmain.RowDefinitions.Add(new Xamarin.Forms.RowDefinition { Height = new Xamarin.Forms.GridLength(1, Xamarin.Forms.GridUnitType.Auto) }); GDmain.RowDefinitions.Add(new Xamarin.Forms.RowDefinition { Height = new Xamarin.Forms.GridLength(1, Xamarin.Forms.GridUnitType.Star) }); { GDctrl = new MyGrid(); GDctrl.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new Xamarin.Forms.ColumnDefinition { Width = new Xamarin.Forms.GridLength(3, Xamarin.Forms.GridUnitType.Star) }); GDctrl.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new Xamarin.Forms.ColumnDefinition { Width = new Xamarin.Forms.GridLength(1, Xamarin.Forms.GridUnitType.Star) }); GDctrl.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new Xamarin.Forms.ColumnDefinition { Width = new Xamarin.Forms.GridLength(2, Xamarin.Forms.GridUnitType.Star) }); GDctrl.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new Xamarin.Forms.ColumnDefinition { Width = new Xamarin.Forms.GridLength(4, Xamarin.Forms.GridUnitType.Star) }); GDctrl.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new Xamarin.Forms.ColumnDefinition { Width = new Xamarin.Forms.GridLength(1, Xamarin.Forms.GridUnitType.Star) }); GDctrl.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new Xamarin.Forms.ColumnDefinition { Width = new Xamarin.Forms.GridLength(1, Xamarin.Forms.GridUnitType.Star) }); GDctrl.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new Xamarin.Forms.ColumnDefinition { Width = new Xamarin.Forms.GridLength(1, Xamarin.Forms.GridUnitType.Star) }); GDctrl.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new Xamarin.Forms.ColumnDefinition { Width = new Xamarin.Forms.GridLength(1, Xamarin.Forms.GridUnitType.Star) }); GDctrl.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new Xamarin.Forms.ColumnDefinition { Width = new Xamarin.Forms.GridLength(1, Xamarin.Forms.GridUnitType.Star) }); int columnNumber = 0; { var sw = new MySwitch("Auto Restart Failed tasks", "Manual Restart Failed Tasks", false); FTmain = new FileTransferContentView(); sw.Toggled += delegate { FTmain.SetAutoRestartFailedTasks(sw.IsToggled); }; sw.IsToggled = true; GDctrl.Children.Add(sw, columnNumber++, 0); } { var toSpeedText = new Func <long, string>((value) => { double v = value; if (v <= 1023) { return($"{v.ToString("F5").Remove(5).PadRight(5, '0')} B/s"); } v /= 1024; if (v <= 1023) { return($"{v.ToString("F5").Remove(5).PadRight(5, '0')} KB/s"); } v /= 1024; return($"{v.ToString("F5").Remove(5).PadRight(5, '0')} MB/s"); }); var lbl = new MyLabel($"{toSpeedText(0)}") { VerticalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center }; System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim semaphoreSlim = new System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim(1, 1); long totalAmountSent = 0; CloudFile.Networker.ChunkProcceeded += async(coda) => { totalAmountSent += coda; DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now; await semaphoreSlim.WaitAsync(); while ((DateTime.Now - startTime).TotalSeconds <= 5) { lbl.Text = $"{toSpeedText(totalAmountSent / 5)}"; await Task.Delay(100); } totalAmountSent -= coda; lbl.Text = toSpeedText(totalAmountSent / 5); lock (semaphoreSlim) semaphoreSlim.Release(); }; GDctrl.Children.Add(lbl, columnNumber++, 0); } { var btn = new MyButton("Reset"); GDctrl.Children.Add(btn, columnNumber++, 0); var lbl = new MyLabel("") { VerticalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center }; long totalAmountLeft = 0, totalFilesLeft = 0, totalFoldersLeft = 0; long totalAmount = 0, totalFiles = 0, totalFolders = 0; btn.Clicked += async delegate { btn.IsEnabled = false; if (await MyLogger.Ask("Are you sure to reset the statistic data?\r\nIncluding: total data amount, file count, folder count")) { totalAmount = totalFiles = totalFolders = 0; } btn.IsEnabled = true; }; var toSizeText = new Func <long, string>((value) => { double v = value; if (v <= 1023) { return($"{v.ToString("F5").Remove(5)} B"); } v /= 1024; if (v <= 1023) { return($"{v.ToString("F5").Remove(5)} KB"); } v /= 1024; if (v <= 1023) { return($"{v.ToString("F5").Remove(5)} MB"); } v /= 1024; if (v <= 1023) { return($"{v.ToString("F5").Remove(5)} GB"); } v /= 1024; return($"{v.ToString("F5").Remove(5)} TB"); }); System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim semaphoreSlim = new System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim(1, 1); DateTime lastUpdate = DateTime.MinValue; var showResult = new Func <Task>(async() => { var updateTime = DateTime.Now; await semaphoreSlim.WaitAsync(); if (updateTime <= lastUpdate) { return; } lbl.Text = $"{toSizeText(totalAmountLeft)} / {toSizeText(totalAmount)} \t{totalFilesLeft } / {totalFiles} files \t{totalFoldersLeft } / {totalFolders} folders"; await Task.Delay(100); lock (semaphoreSlim) semaphoreSlim.Release(); }); CloudFile.Networker.TotalAmountRemainChanged += async(coda) => { if (coda < 0) { totalAmount -= coda; } totalAmountLeft += coda; await showResult(); }; CloudFile.Networker.TotalFilesRemainChanged += async(coda) => { if (coda < 0) { totalFiles -= coda; } totalFilesLeft += coda; await showResult(); }; CloudFile.Networker.TotalFoldersRemainChanged += async(coda) => { if (coda < 0) { totalFolders -= coda; } totalFoldersLeft += coda; await showResult(); }; GDctrl.Children.Add(lbl, columnNumber++, 0); } { var actions = new Dictionary <CloudFile.Networker.NetworkStatus, Func <int, Task> >(); foreach (var status in Enum.GetValues(typeof(CloudFile.Networker.NetworkStatus)).Cast <CloudFile.Networker.NetworkStatus>()) { networkers[status] = new HashSet <CloudFile.Networker>(); string text; Func <CloudFile.Networker, Task> clickAction = null; switch (status) { case CloudFile.Networker.NetworkStatus.Completed: text = "\u2714"; break; case CloudFile.Networker.NetworkStatus.ErrorNeedRestart: { text = "\u26a0"; clickAction = new Func <CloudFile.Networker, Task>(async(networker) => { await networker.ResetAsync(); await networker.StartAsync(); }); } break; case CloudFile.Networker.NetworkStatus.Networking: { text = "\u23f8"; clickAction = new Func <CloudFile.Networker, Task>(async(networker) => { await networker.PauseAsync(); }); } break; case CloudFile.Networker.NetworkStatus.NotStarted: { text = "\u23f0"; clickAction = new Func <CloudFile.Networker, Task>(async(networker) => { await networker.StartAsync(); }); } break; case CloudFile.Networker.NetworkStatus.Paused: { text = "\u25b6"; clickAction = new Func <CloudFile.Networker, Task>(async(networker) => { await networker.StartAsync(); }); } break; default: throw new Exception($"status: {status}"); } MyButton btn = new MyButton(text) { Opacity = 0 }; if (status == CloudFile.Networker.NetworkStatus.Completed) { btn.IsEnabled = false; } btn.Clicked += async delegate { IEnumerable <Task> tasks; lock (networkers) { tasks = networkers[status].ToList().Select(async(networker) => { await clickAction(networker); }); } await Task.WhenAll(tasks); }; int number = 0; System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim semaphoreSlim = new System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim(1, 1); DateTime lastUpdate = DateTime.Now; actions[status] = new Func <int, Task>(async(difference) => { bool isZeroBefore = (number == 0); number += difference; DateTime updateTime = DateTime.Now; await semaphoreSlim.WaitAsync(); try { if (updateTime <= lastUpdate) { return; } lastUpdate = updateTime; btn.Text = $"{text}{number}"; if (number == 0 && !isZeroBefore) { await btn.FadeTo(0, 500); } if (number != 0 && isZeroBefore) { await btn.FadeTo(1, 500); } await Task.Delay(100); } finally { lock (semaphoreSlim) semaphoreSlim.Release(); } }); GDctrl.Children.Add(btn, columnNumber++, 0); } FTmain.StatusEnter += async(networker, status) => { networkers[status].Add(networker); await actions[status](1); }; FTmain.StatusLeave += async(networker, status) => { networkers[status].Remove(networker); await actions[status](-1); }; } GDmain.Children.Add(GDctrl, 0, 0); } { GDmain.Children.Add(new Frame { OutlineColor = Color.Accent, Padding = new Thickness(5), Content = FTmain }, 0, 1); } this.Content = GDmain; } }
/// <summary> /// 基于栅格数据的构造函数 /// </summary> /// <param name="grid"></param> internal MySpaceData(MyGrid grid) { myGrid = grid; dataName = grid.Name; dataType = MySpaceDataType.MyGrid; }
IEnumerator FindPath(Vector3 seeker, Vector3 target) { MyGrid grid = MyGrid.Instance; Node start = grid.GetNode(grid.ClampCoordinate(seeker)); Node end = grid.GetNode(grid.ClampCoordinate(target)); if (!NeighboursAreNotWalkable(ref start) && !NeighboursAreNotWalkable(ref end)) { Heap <Node> openList = new Heap <Node>(grid.MaxSize); List <Node> closeList = new List <Node>(); openList.Add(start); int loopsPerFrameCounter = 0; while (openList.Count > 0) { if (++loopsPerFrameCounter > maxIterationsPerFrame) { loopsPerFrameCounter = 0; yield return(null); } Node currentNode = openList.RemoveTop(); closeList.Add(currentNode); if (currentNode == end) { break; } foreach (Node node in grid.GetNeighbours(currentNode)) { if (++loopsPerFrameCounter > maxIterationsPerFrame) { loopsPerFrameCounter = 0; yield return(null); } if (closeList.Contains(node)) { continue; } int newCost = currentNode.gCost + GetDistance(currentNode, node) + node.extraCost; if (newCost >= node.gCost && openList.Contains(node)) { continue; } node.gCost = newCost; node.hCost = GetDistance(node, end); node.parent = currentNode; if (openList.Contains(node)) { continue; } openList.Add(node); } } StartCoroutine(SimplifyPathBeforeAddingTo(start, end, currentRequest.path)); } }
void Awake() { grid = GetComponent <MyGrid>(); requestManager = GetComponent <PathRequestManager>(); }
private void Awake() { meshRenderer = GetComponent <MeshRenderer>(); mainGameObject = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MainGameObject"); myGrid = mainGameObject.GetComponent <MyGrid>(); }
private void Awake() { requestManager = GetComponent <PathRequestManager>(); grid = GetComponent <MyGrid>(); }
internal void Scan() { using (_scanLock.AcquireExclusiveUsing()) { if (!Scanning && Session.Tick - _lastScan > 100) { Scanning = true; _lastScan = Session.Tick; GridVolume.Radius = MaxTargetingRange; MyGamePruningStructure.GetAllTopMostEntitiesInSphere(ref GridVolume, _possibleTargets); foreach (var grid in PrevSubGrids) { RemSubGrids.Add(grid); } PrevSubGrids.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < _possibleTargets.Count; i++) { var ent = _possibleTargets[i]; using (ent.Pin()) { if (ent is MyVoxelBase || ent.Physics == null || ent is MyFloatingObject || ent.MarkedForClose || !ent.InScene || ent.IsPreview || ent.Physics.IsPhantom) { continue; } var grid = ent as MyCubeGrid; if (grid != null && MyGrid.IsSameConstructAs(grid)) { PrevSubGrids.Add(grid); continue; } Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.MyDetectedEntityInfo entInfo; if (!CreateEntInfo(ent, MyOwner, out entInfo)) { continue; } switch (entInfo.Relationship) { case MyRelationsBetweenPlayerAndBlock.Owner: case MyRelationsBetweenPlayerAndBlock.FactionShare: case MyRelationsBetweenPlayerAndBlock.Friends: continue; } if (grid != null) { FatMap fatMap; if (!Session.GridToFatMap.TryGetValue(grid, out fatMap) || fatMap.Trash) { continue; } var allFat = fatMap.MyCubeBocks; var fatCount = allFat.Count; if (fatCount <= 0 || !grid.IsPowered) { continue; } if (fatCount <= 20) // possible debris { var valid = false; for (int j = 0; j < fatCount; j++) { var fat = allFat[j]; if (fat is IMyTerminalBlock && fat.IsWorking) { valid = true; break; } } if (!valid) { continue; } } int partCount; GridAi targetAi; if (Session.GridTargetingAIs.TryGetValue(grid, out targetAi)) { targetAi.TargetAisTmp.Add(this); TargetAisTmp.Add(targetAi); partCount = targetAi.Construct.BlockCount; } else { partCount = fatMap.MostBlocks; } NewEntities.Add(new DetectInfo(Session, ent, entInfo, partCount, fatCount)); ValidGrids.Add(ent); } else { NewEntities.Add(new DetectInfo(Session, ent, entInfo, 1, 0)); } } } FinalizeTargetDb(); SubGridDetect(); } Scanning = false; } }
public void Click(int mouse) { RaycastHit hit; if (Physics.Raycast(CameraController.Instance.mouseRay, out hit)) { //Debug.Log(hit.collider); if (hit.collider != null && hit.collider.GetComponent <MyGrid>() != null) { MyGrid g = hit.collider.GetComponent <MyGrid>(); //Debug.Log(g + "is clicked"); if (mouse == 0) //sweep { if (g.state == GridState.Undiscovered) { if (g.isMine) { g.state = GridState.Discovered; StartCoroutine(GameOverAsync(g, false)); return; } else { g.state = GridState.Discovered; RevealSurroundings(g); } } } else if (mouse == 1) //flag { if (g.state != GridState.Discovered) { g.state = g.state == GridState.Flag ? GridState.Undiscovered : GridState.Flag; } } else if (mouse == 2) { if (g.state == GridState.Discovered) { int mine = g.mineSuround; int flag = 0; foreach (Vector2Int vec in GetAllDirections(g.location)) { MyGrid g2 = FindGrid(vec.x, vec.y); if (g2 != null && g2.state == GridState.Flag) { flag++; } } if (flag >= mine) { foreach (Vector2Int vec in GetAllDirections(g.location)) { MyGrid g2 = FindGrid(vec.x, vec.y); //if(g2 != null && g2.state != GridState.Flag) { // g2.state = GridState.Discovered; // if(g2.isMine) { // StartCoroutine(GameOverAsync(g2, false)); // return; // } //} if (g2 != null && g2.state != GridState.Flag) { if (g2.state == GridState.Undiscovered) { if (g2.isMine) { g2.state = GridState.Discovered; StartCoroutine(GameOverAsync(g2, false)); return; } else { g2.state = GridState.Discovered; RevealSurroundings(g2); } } } } } } } else { throw new Exception("???"); } } } }
internal void FilterIt(GridFilterInfo filter) { try { // first for rowExpression foreach (MyGrid grid in m_grids) { foreach (Xceed.Grid.DataRow row in grid.DataRows) { row.Visible = true; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.RowExpression)) { string[] expressions = filter.RowExpression.Split(new char[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (string expression in expressions) { int idx = expression.IndexOf(':'); if (idx == -1) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid expression format"); } string gridName = expression.Substring(0, idx).Trim(); string realExpression = expression.Substring(idx + 1).Trim(); MyGrid grid = FindGridByName(gridName); if (grid == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid Grid Name"); } EvaluationEngine.Parser.Token token = new EvaluationEngine.Parser.Token(realExpression); MatchCollection mc = m_regex.Matches(realExpression); foreach (Xceed.Grid.DataRow row in grid.DataRows) { Dictionary <string, string> variables = new Dictionary <string, string>(); foreach (Match m in mc) { variables[m.Groups[1].Value] = m.Groups[0].Value; } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> kvp in variables) { if (row.Cells[kvp.Key] == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid Grid Cell's Name"); } else { if (row.Cells[kvp.Key].ParentColumn.DataType == typeof(string)) { token.Variables[kvp.Value].VariableValue = row.Cells[kvp.Key].GetDisplayText() == null ? string.Empty : row.Cells[kvp.Key].GetDisplayText(); } else { token.Variables[kvp.Value].VariableValue = row.Cells[kvp.Key].Value == null ? string.Empty : row.Cells[kvp.Key].Value. ToString(); } } } EvaluationEngine.Evaluate.Evaluator eval = new EvaluationEngine.Evaluate.Evaluator(token); string ErrorMsg = ""; string result = ""; if (eval.Evaluate(out result, out ErrorMsg) == false) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Error evaluating the tokens: " + ErrorMsg + System.Environment.NewLine + expression); } row.Visible = (result == "true"); } } } // Then for columnExpression foreach (MyGrid grid in m_grids) { foreach (Xceed.Grid.Column column in grid.Columns) { column.Fixed = false; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.ColumnExpression)) { string[] expressions = filter.ColumnExpression.Split(new char[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (string expression in expressions) { int idx = expression.IndexOf(':'); if (idx == -1) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid expression format"); } string gridName = expression.Substring(0, idx).Trim(); string realExpression = expression.Substring(idx + 1).Trim(); MyGrid grid = FindGridByName(gridName); grid.BeginInit(); if (grid == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid Grid Name"); } EvaluationEngine.Parser.Token token = new EvaluationEngine.Parser.Token(realExpression); MatchCollection mc = m_regex.Matches(realExpression); foreach (Xceed.Grid.Column column in grid.Columns) { Dictionary <string, string> variables = new Dictionary <string, string>(); foreach (Match m in mc) { if (m.Groups[0].Value != "$ColumnName$") { throw new NotSupportedException("ColumnExpression Format is invalid !"); } variables[m.Groups[1].Value] = m.Groups[0].Value; } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> kvp in variables) { token.Variables[kvp.Value].VariableValue = column.FieldName; } EvaluationEngine.Evaluate.Evaluator eval = new EvaluationEngine.Evaluate.Evaluator(token); string ErrorMsg = ""; string result = ""; if (eval.Evaluate(out result, out ErrorMsg) == false) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Error evaluating the tokens: " + ErrorMsg + System.Environment.NewLine + expression); } column.Fixed = (result == "true"); } grid.EndInit(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionProcess.ProcessWithNotify(ex); } }
private void Awake() { Instance = this; }
private void InitializeViews() { //this.GestureRecognizers.Add(new Xamarin.Forms.TapGestureRecognizer //{ // NumberOfTapsRequired = 1, // Command = new Xamarin.Forms.Command(async () => { await MyLogger.Alert("Tapped"); }) //}); this.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new Xamarin.Forms.ColumnDefinition { Width = new Xamarin.Forms.GridLength(0, Xamarin.Forms.GridUnitType.Absolute) }); this.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new Xamarin.Forms.ColumnDefinition { Width = new Xamarin.Forms.GridLength(4, Xamarin.Forms.GridUnitType.Star) }); this.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new Xamarin.Forms.ColumnDefinition { Width = new Xamarin.Forms.GridLength(4, Xamarin.Forms.GridUnitType.Star) }); this.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new Xamarin.Forms.ColumnDefinition { Width = new Xamarin.Forms.GridLength(1, Xamarin.Forms.GridUnitType.Star) }); this.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new Xamarin.Forms.ColumnDefinition { Width = new Xamarin.Forms.GridLength(50, Xamarin.Forms.GridUnitType.Absolute) }); this.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new Xamarin.Forms.ColumnDefinition { Width = new Xamarin.Forms.GridLength(50, Xamarin.Forms.GridUnitType.Absolute) }); this.RowDefinitions.Add(new Xamarin.Forms.RowDefinition { Height = new Xamarin.Forms.GridLength(25, Xamarin.Forms.GridUnitType.Absolute) }); this.RowDefinitions.Add(new Xamarin.Forms.RowDefinition { Height = new Xamarin.Forms.GridLength(5, Xamarin.Forms.GridUnitType.Absolute) }); { LBname = new MyLabel(""); LBname.SetBinding(MyLabel.TextProperty, new Xamarin.Forms.Binding("LBname")); this.Children.Add(new MyScrollView(ScrollOrientation.Horizontal) { Content = LBname }, 1, 0); } { AIprogress = new MyActivityIndicator(); AIprogress.SetBinding(MyActivityIndicator.IsVisibleProperty, new Xamarin.Forms.Binding("AIvisible")); AIprogress.SetBinding(MyActivityIndicator.IsRunningProperty, new Xamarin.Forms.Binding("AIvisible")); this.Children.Add(AIprogress, 0, 1); MyGrid.SetColumnSpan(AIprogress, this.ColumnDefinitions.Count - 2); } { PBprogress = new MyProgressBar(); PBprogress.SetBinding(MyProgressBar.IsVisibleProperty, new Xamarin.Forms.Binding("PBvisible")); PBprogress.SetBinding(MyProgressBar.ProgressProperty, new Xamarin.Forms.Binding("Progress")); this.Children.Add(PBprogress, 0, 1); MyGrid.SetColumnSpan(PBprogress, this.ColumnDefinitions.Count - 2); } { LBstatus = new MyLabel(""); LBstatus.SetBinding(MyLabel.TextProperty, new Xamarin.Forms.Binding("LBstatus")); this.Children.Add(LBstatus, 2, 0); } { LBspeed = new MyLabel("1.404 MB/s"); LBspeed.SetBinding(MyLabel.TextProperty, new Xamarin.Forms.Binding("LBspeed")); this.Children.Add(LBspeed, 3, 0); } { BTNmessage = new MyButton(""); BTNmessage.SetBinding(MyButton.TextProperty, new Xamarin.Forms.Binding("BTNmessage")); BTNmessage.SetBinding(MyButton.IsEnabledProperty, new Xamarin.Forms.Binding("BTNmessageEnabled")); BTNmessage.SetBinding(MyButton.CommandProperty, new Xamarin.Forms.Binding("BTNmessageClicked")); this.Children.Add(BTNmessage, 4, 0); MyGrid.SetRowSpan(BTNmessage, 2); } { BTNcontrol = new MyButton(""); BTNcontrol.SetBinding(MyButton.TextProperty, new Xamarin.Forms.Binding("BTNcontrol")); BTNcontrol.SetBinding(MyButton.IsEnabledProperty, new Xamarin.Forms.Binding("BTNcontrolEnabled")); BTNcontrol.SetBinding(MyButton.CommandProperty, new Xamarin.Forms.Binding("BTNcontrolClicked")); this.Children.Add(BTNcontrol, 5, 0); MyGrid.SetRowSpan(BTNcontrol, 2); } }
private void Awake() { manager = GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent <Manager>(); grid = GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent <MyGrid>(); }
protected void ChangePage(Object sender, GridViewPageEventArgs e) { MyGrid.PageIndex = e.NewPageIndex; MyGrid.DataBind(); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { // Move Left if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftArrow)) { // Modify position transform.position += new Vector3(-1, 0, 0); // See if valid if (isValidGridPos()) { // Its valid. Update grid. updateGrid(); } else { // Its not valid. revert. transform.position += new Vector3(1, 0, 0); } } // Move Right else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.RightArrow)) { // Modify position transform.position += new Vector3(1, 0, 0); // See if valid if (isValidGridPos()) { // It's valid. Update grid. updateGrid(); } else { // It's not valid. revert. transform.position += new Vector3(-1, 0, 0); } } // Rotate else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.UpArrow)) { transform.Rotate(0, 0, -90); // See if valid if (isValidGridPos()) { // It's valid. Update grid. updateGrid(); } else { // It's not valid. revert. transform.Rotate(0, 0, 90); } } // Fall else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.DownArrow)) { // Modify position transform.position += new Vector3(0, -1, 0); // See if valid if (isValidGridPos()) { // It's valid. Update grid. updateGrid(); } else { // It's not valid. revert. transform.position += new Vector3(0, 1, 0); foreach (Transform child in transform) { while (MyGrid.insideBorder(child.position) && isValidGridPos()) { child.position += new Vector3(0, -1, 0); if (isValidGridPos()) { // It's valid. Update grid. updateGrid(); } } { // It's not valid. revert. child.position += new Vector3(0, 1, 0); // Clear filled horizontal lines MyGrid.deleteFullRows(); // Spawn next Group FindObjectOfType <Spawner>().spawnNext(); // Disable script enabled = false; } } } } // Move Downwards and Fall else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.DownArrow) || Time.time - lastFall >= 1) { // Modify position transform.position += new Vector3(0, -1, 0); // See if valid if (isValidGridPos()) { // It's valid. Update grid. updateGrid(); } else { // It's not valid. revert. transform.position += new Vector3(0, 1, 0); foreach (Transform child in transform) { while (MyGrid.insideBorder(child.position) && isValidGridPos()) { child.position += new Vector3(0, -1, 0); if (isValidGridPos()) { // It's valid. Update grid. updateGrid(); } } { // It's not valid. revert. child.position += new Vector3(0, 1, 0); // Clear filled horizontal lines MyGrid.deleteFullRows(); // Spawn next Group FindObjectOfType <Spawner>().spawnNext(); // Disable script enabled = false; } } } lastFall = Time.time; } }
private void Grid_OnGridValueChanged(object sender, MyGrid <HeatMapGridObject> .OnGridObjectChangedEventArgs e) { updateMesh = true; }
private void ButtonHandler(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var myg1 = new MyGrid(textBox10.Text, textBox11.Text, textBox12.Text); gride.Add(myg1); }
public void SetGrid(MyGrid myGrid) { this.inGrid = myGrid; }
public HeatMapGridObject(MyGrid <HeatMapGridObject> grid, int x, int y) { this.grid = grid; this.x = x; this.y = y; }
protected void shoplist() { Hashtable Hash; if (Session["ShoppingCar"] == null) { Hash = new Hashtable(); } else { Hash = (Hashtable)Session["ShoppingCar"]; } if (Hash.Count == 0) { Msg.Visible = true; Msg.Text = "您还没有购物呢?赶快购物吧!"; } string[] ArrKey = new string[Hash.Count]; int[] ArrVal = new int[Hash.Count]; string Products = "('"; Hash.Keys.CopyTo(ArrKey, 0); Hash.Values.CopyTo(ArrVal, 0); int k = 0; for (int j = 0; j < ArrKey.Length; j++) { if (k > 0) { Products += "','"; } k++; Products += ArrKey.GetValue(j).ToString(); } Products += "')"; SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(SqlHelper.connstring); conn.Open(); string mysql = "select * from ShangPinInfo where ShangPinID in" + Products; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(mysql, conn); SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); da.Fill(ds, "ShangPinInfo"); DataTable Table1 = new DataTable(); Table1 = ds.Tables["ShangPinInfo"]; Table1.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("PurchaseCount", System.Type.GetType("System.Int32"))); DataColumn[] Keys = { Table1.Columns["ShangPinID"] }; Table1.PrimaryKey = Keys; foreach (string X in Hash.Keys) { Table1.Rows.Find(X)["PurchaseCount"] = Hash[X]; } Table1.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("TotalPrice", System.Type.GetType("System.Double"), "ShangPinPrice*PurchaseCount")); for (int I = 0; I < Table1.Rows.Count; I++) { TtlPrice += Convert.ToDouble(Table1.Rows[I]["TotalPrice"]); } Label1.Text = TtlPrice.ToString(); Session["TotalPrice"] = Label1.Text.ToString(); MyGrid.DataSource = Table1.DefaultView; MyGrid.DataBind(); }
public List <Nodo> FindPath(Nodo startNode, Nodo targetNode, int distance, MyGrid grid, float [,] mapaCostes) { List <Nodo> ClosedList = new List <Nodo>(); Nodo actualNode = startNode; int moveCost; switch (distance) { case 1: moveCost = actualNode.igCost + GetManhattenDistance(actualNode, targetNode); break; case 2: moveCost = actualNode.igCost + GetChebyshevDistance(actualNode, targetNode); break; case 3: moveCost = actualNode.igCost + GetEuclideDistance(actualNode, targetNode); break; default: moveCost = actualNode.igCost + GetManhattenDistance(actualNode, targetNode); break; } actualNode.ihCost = moveCost; //Mientras el estado actual no sea el estado objetivo while (actualNode != targetNode) { Nodo nextNode = null; List <Nodo> nodesVecinos = grid.GetNeighboringNodes(actualNode); foreach (Nodo NeighborNode in nodesVecinos) { moveCost = 0; switch (distance) { case 1: moveCost = actualNode.igCost + GetManhattenDistance(NeighborNode, targetNode); break; case 2: moveCost = actualNode.igCost + GetChebyshevDistance(NeighborNode, targetNode); break; case 3: moveCost = actualNode.igCost + GetEuclideDistance(NeighborNode, targetNode); break; } NeighborNode.igCost = moveCost; } float minCost = Mathf.Infinity; foreach (Nodo NeighborNode in nodesVecinos) { if (NeighborNode.bIsWall) { if (minCost == Mathf.Infinity) { nextNode = NeighborNode; minCost = NeighborNode.FCost; } else if (NeighborNode.FCost < nextNode.FCost) { nextNode = NeighborNode; minCost = NeighborNode.FCost; } } } ClosedList.Add(actualNode); actualNode = nextNode; } return(ClosedList); }
public ResistanceOut(EasyPACT.LiquidInPipeline lip_In, EasyPACT.LiquidInPipeline lip_Out, double Temperature_Out, double NK_dou, double VP) { this.lip_In = lip_In; this.lip_Out = lip_Out; this.Temperature_Out = Temperature_Out; this.NK_dou = NK_dou; this.VP = VP; Grid Grid_Add_Resistance = new MyGrid(); Grid_Add_Resistance.Name = "Grid_Add_Resistance"; MyLabel Pipe_Resist_In = new MyLabel("Pipe_Resist_In", 30, 100, 0, 0, "Нагнетательный трубопровод", 14); Pipe_Resist_In.FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold; MyLabel Local_Resistance_In_lbl = new MyLabel("Local_Resistance_In_lbl", 30, 140, 0, 0, "Местное сопротивление:"); MyComboBox Local_Resistance_In = new MyComboBox("Local_Resistance_In_1", 200, 200, 142, 0, 0); Local_Resistance_In.Items.Add("Выберите сопротивление"); Local_Resistance_In.Items.Add("Вход в трубу"); Local_Resistance_In.Items.Add("Выход и трубы"); Local_Resistance_In.Items.Add("Диафрагма"); Local_Resistance_In.Items.Add("Отвод"); Local_Resistance_In.Items.Add("Колено"); Local_Resistance_In.Items.Add("Вентиль нормальный"); //Local_Resistance_In.Items.Add("Вентиль прямоточный"); //Local_Resistance_In.Items.Add("Кран пробочный"); //Local_Resistance_In.Items.Add("Задвижка"); Local_Resistance_In.SelectedIndex = 0; Local_Resistance_In.SelectionChanged += Local_Resistance_In_SelectionChanged; // Комбобоксы для сопротивлений MyComboBox First = new MyComboBox("First_1", 200, 410, 142, 0, 0); First.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; MyComboBox Second = new MyComboBox("Second_1", 200, 620, 142, 0, 0); Second.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; MyTextBox Third = new MyTextBox("Third_1", 200, 410, 142, 0, 0); Third.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; /* MyLabel Number_Local_Resistance_In_lbl = new MyLabel("Number_Local_Resistance_In_lbl", 334, 100, 0, 0, "Количество:"); MyTextBox Number_Local_Resistance_In = new MyTextBox("Number_Local_Resistance_In", 60, 425, 100, 0, 0); MyLabel Shtyk = new MyLabel("Shtyk", 489, 100, 0, 0, "штук."); MyLabel Size = new MyLabel("Size_1", 556, 100, 0, 0, "Размеры"); MyComboBox Size_Choose = new MyComboBox("", 100, 620, 102, 0, 0); */ MyButton Add_New_Local_Resistance = new MyButton("Add_New_Local_Resistance", 100, 100, 170, 0, 0, "Добавить"); Add_New_Local_Resistance.Click += Add_New_Local_Resistance_Click; ScrollBar hSBar = new ScrollBar(); hSBar.Orientation = Orientation.Vertical; hSBar.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right; hSBar.Width = 10; hSBar.Height = 200; hSBar.Minimum = 0; hSBar.Value = 0; hSBar.Scroll += scroll; hSBar.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; MyButton Next_3 = new MyButton("Next_3", 150, 0, 0, 20, 7, "Далее"); Next_3.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right; Next_3.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom; Next_3.Background = Brushes.DarkGreen; Next_3.FontSize = 12; Next_3.Foreground = Brushes.LightGray; Next_3.Click += Next_3_Click; MyButton Help_Add_Resistance = new MyButton("Help_Add_Resistance", 70, 18, 0, 0, 7, "Справка"); Help_Add_Resistance.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom; Help_Add_Resistance.Background = Brushes.DarkGreen; Help_Add_Resistance.FontSize = 12; Help_Add_Resistance.Foreground = Brushes.LightGray; Help_Add_Resistance.Click += Help_Add_Resistance_Click; Image Resistance_Img_Top = new Image() { Width = 900, Height = 90, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top, Name = "Resistance_Img_Top", Margin = new Thickness(0, 0, 0, 0) }; var Resistance_Img_Top_bi = new BitmapImage(); Resistance_Img_Top_bi.BeginInit(); Resistance_Img_Top_bi.UriSource = new Uri(@"C:\EasyPACT\EasyPACT_Graphic\EasyPACT_Resists.jpg"); Resistance_Img_Top_bi.EndInit(); Resistance_Img_Top.Source = Resistance_Img_Top_bi; Image Resistance_Img_Bottom = new Image() { Width = 900, Height = 50, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top, Name = "Resistance_Img_Bottom", Margin = new Thickness(0, 366, 0, 0) }; BitmapImage Resistance_Img_Bottom_bi = new BitmapImage(); Resistance_Img_Bottom_bi.BeginInit(); Resistance_Img_Bottom_bi.UriSource = new Uri(@"C:\EasyPACT\EasyPACT_Graphic\EasyPACT_Bottom_First.jpg"); Resistance_Img_Bottom_bi.EndInit(); Resistance_Img_Bottom.Source = Resistance_Img_Bottom_bi; Grid_Add_Resistance.Children.Add(Local_Resistance_In_lbl);//0 Grid_Add_Resistance.Children.Add(Local_Resistance_In);//1 Grid_Add_Resistance.Children.Add(Add_New_Local_Resistance);//2 Grid_Add_Resistance.Children.Add(hSBar);//3 Grid_Add_Resistance.Children.Add(First);//4 Grid_Add_Resistance.Children.Add(Second);//5 Grid_Add_Resistance.Children.Add(Third);//6 Grid_Add_Resistance.Children.Add(Resistance_Img_Bottom);//7 Grid_Add_Resistance.Children.Add(Next_3);//8 Grid_Add_Resistance.Children.Add(Help_Add_Resistance);//9 Grid_Add_Resistance.Children.Add(Resistance_Img_Top);//10 Grid_Add_Resistance.Children.Add(Pipe_Resist_In);//11 this.Content = Grid_Add_Resistance; Uri iconUri = new Uri("C://EasyPACT/EasyPACT_Graphic/EasyPACT_Icon.jpg", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute); this.Icon = BitmapFrame.Create(iconUri); this.MinHeight = 450; this.MinWidth = 900; this.MaxHeight = 450; this.MaxWidth = 900; this.Title = "Местные сопротивления - Нагнетательный трубопровод - EasyPACT"; }
private void tsbSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (m_haveSaved) { if (!ServiceProvider.GetService <IMessageBox>().ShowYesNoDefaultNo("已保存过一次,是否再次保存(会导致2份记录)?", "确认")) { return; } } int cnt = 0; IBatchDao batchDao = m_cm.Dao as IBatchDao; if (batchDao == null) { ServiceProvider.GetService <IMessageBox>().ShowWarning("不支持批量保存,将逐条保存!"); } try { m_cm.CancelEdit(); MyGrid.CancelEditCurrentDataRow(m_excelGrid); if (batchDao != null) { batchDao.SuspendOperation(); } foreach (Xceed.Grid.DataRow row in m_excelGrid.DataRows) { bool hasValue = false; foreach (GridColumnInfo info in ADInfoBll.Instance.GetGridColumnInfos(m_excelGrid.GridName)) { if (row.Cells[info.GridColumnName] != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.PropertyName)) { if (row.Cells[info.GridColumnName].ReadOnly) { continue; } if (row.Cells[info.GridColumnName].Value != null) { hasValue = true; } } } if (!hasValue) { continue; } object entity = m_cm.AddNew(); if (entity == null) { continue; } foreach (GridColumnInfo info in ADInfoBll.Instance.GetGridColumnInfos(m_excelGrid.GridName)) { if (row.Cells[info.GridColumnName] != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.PropertyName)) { if (row.Cells[info.GridColumnName].ReadOnly) { continue; } EntityScript.SetPropertyValue(entity, info.Navigator, info.PropertyName, row.Cells[info.GridColumnName].Value); } } m_cm.EndEdit(false); m_cm.Dao.Save(entity); cnt++; } if (batchDao != null) { batchDao.ResumeOperation(); } m_haveSaved = true; MessageForm.ShowInfo(string.Format("已保存{0}条记录!", cnt)); } catch (Exception ex) { if (batchDao != null) { batchDao.CancelSuspendOperation(); } ExceptionProcess.ProcessWithNotify(ex); } }
internal void Scan() { MyGamePruningStructure.GetAllTopMostEntitiesInSphere(ref ScanVolume, _possibleTargets); NearByEntitiesTmp = _possibleTargets.Count; foreach (var grid in PrevSubGrids) { RemSubGrids.Add((MyCubeGrid)grid); } PrevSubGrids.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < NearByEntitiesTmp; i++) { var ent = _possibleTargets[i]; using (ent.Pin()) { if (ent is MyVoxelBase || ent.Physics == null || ent is MyFloatingObject || ent.MarkedForClose || !ent.InScene || ent.IsPreview || ent.Physics.IsPhantom) { continue; } var grid = ent as MyCubeGrid; if (grid != null && MyGrid.IsSameConstructAs(grid)) { PrevSubGrids.Add(grid); continue; } Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.MyDetectedEntityInfo entInfo; if (!CreateEntInfo(ent, AiOwner, out entInfo)) { continue; } switch (entInfo.Relationship) { case MyRelationsBetweenPlayerAndBlock.Owner: case MyRelationsBetweenPlayerAndBlock.FactionShare: case MyRelationsBetweenPlayerAndBlock.Friends: continue; } if (grid != null) { GridMap gridMap; if (!Session.GridToInfoMap.TryGetValue(grid, out gridMap) || gridMap.Trash) { continue; } var allFat = gridMap.MyCubeBocks; var fatCount = allFat.Count; if (fatCount <= 0) { continue; } var loneWarhead = false; if (fatCount <= 20) // possible debris { var valid = false; for (int j = 0; j < fatCount; j++) { var fat = allFat[j]; var warhead = fat is IMyWarhead; if (warhead || fat is IMyTerminalBlock && fat.IsWorking) { loneWarhead = warhead && fatCount == 1; valid = true; break; } } if (!valid) { continue; } } int partCount; GridAi targetAi; if (Session.GridTargetingAIs.TryGetValue(grid, out targetAi)) { targetAi.TargetAisTmp.Add(this); TargetAisTmp.Add(targetAi); partCount = targetAi.Construct.BlockCount; } else { partCount = gridMap.MostBlocks; } NewEntities.Add(new DetectInfo(Session, ent, entInfo, partCount, !loneWarhead? fatCount : 2));// bump warhead to 2 fatblocks so its not ignored by targeting ValidGrids.Add(ent); } else { NewEntities.Add(new DetectInfo(Session, ent, entInfo, 1, 0)); } } } FinalizeTargetDb(); SubGridDetect(); }
public Window_Add_Pipeline(EasyPACT.Liquid liq, double Temperature_Out, double NK_dou, double VP) { Grid Grid_Add_Pipeline = new MyGrid(); Grid_Add_Pipeline.Name = "Grid_Add_Pipeline"; this.liq = liq; this.Temperature_Out = Temperature_Out; this.NK_dou = NK_dou; this.VP = VP; MyButton Next_2 = new MyButton("Next_2", 150, 0, 0, 20, 7, "Продолжить"); Next_2.Height = 30; Next_2.FontSize = 12; Next_2.Foreground = Brushes.LightGray; Next_2.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right; Next_2.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom; Next_2.Background = Brushes.DarkGreen; Next_2.Click += Next_2_Click; MyButton Help_Add_Pipeline = new MyButton("Help_Add_Liquid", 70, 18, 0, 0, 7, "Справка"); Help_Add_Pipeline.Height = 30; Help_Add_Pipeline.Foreground = Brushes.LightGray; Help_Add_Pipeline.FontSize = 12; Help_Add_Pipeline.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom; Help_Add_Pipeline.Background = Brushes.DarkGreen; Help_Add_Pipeline.Click += Help_Add_Pipeline_Click; /* MyButton Cancel_Add_Pipeline = new MyButton("Cancel_Add_Pipeline", 100, 0, 0, 140, 30, "Отменить"); Cancel_Add_Pipeline.Height = 30; Cancel_Add_Pipeline.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right; Cancel_Add_Pipeline.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom; //Cancel_Add_Liquid.Click += Cancel_Add_Liquid_Click; */ //MyLabel Add_New_Pipeline_lbl = new MyLabel("Add_New_Pipeline_lbl", 30, 110, 0, 0, "Всасывающий трубопровод.", 14); MyLabel Pipeline_In_lbl = new MyLabel("Pipeline_In_lbl", 30, 100, 0, 0, "Всасывающий трубопровод", 16); Pipeline_In_lbl.FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold; MyLabel Pipeline_Type_lbl = new MyLabel("Pipeline_Type_lbl_1", 30, 140, 0, 0, "Тип трубопровода:"); MyComboBox Pipeline_Type = new MyComboBox("Pipeline_Type_1", 460, 163, 142, 0, 0); foreach (var a in Database.Query("select name from XII")[0]) { Pipeline_Type.Items.Add(a); } Pipeline_Type.SelectedIndex = 0; MyLabel Material_In_lbl = new MyLabel("Material_In_lbl_1", 633, 140, 0, 0, "Материал:"); MyComboBox Material_In = new MyComboBox("Material_In_1", 150, 713, 142, 0, 0); foreach (var a in Database.Query("select name from XXVIII")[0]) { Material_In.Items.Add(a); } Material_In.SelectedIndex = 32; MyLabel Length_In_lbl = new MyLabel("Length_In_lbl_1", 30, 170, 0, 0, "Длина:"); MyTextBox Length_In = new MyTextBox("Length_In_1", 60, 88, 172, 0, 0); MyComboBox Length_In_Measure_Choose = new MyComboBox("Length_In_Measure_Choose_1", 120, 153, 172, 0, 0); Length_In_Measure_Choose.SelectedIndex = 0; Length_In_Measure_Choose.Items.Add("м"); Length_In_Measure_Choose.Items.Add("см"); Length_In_Measure_Choose.Items.Add("мм"); Length_In_Measure_Choose.SelectedIndex = 0; //Length_In_Measure_Choose.SelectionChanged += Length_In_Measure_Choose_SelectionChanged; MyLabel Length_In_Help = new MyLabel("Length_In_Help", 82, 197, 0, 0, "Пример: '20'; '33.1'; '10.83'", 10); MyLabel Diameter_In_lbl = new MyLabel("Diameter_lbl_1", 283, 170, 0, 0, "Диаметр:"); MyTextBox Diameter_In = new MyTextBox("Diameter_In_1", 60, 360, 172, 0, 0); MyComboBox Diameter_In_Measure_Choose = new MyComboBox("Diameter_In_Measure_Choose_1", 120, 425, 172, 0, 0); Diameter_In_Measure_Choose.SelectedIndex = 0; Diameter_In_Measure_Choose.Items.Add("м"); Diameter_In_Measure_Choose.Items.Add("см"); Diameter_In_Measure_Choose.Items.Add("мм"); Diameter_In_Measure_Choose.SelectedIndex = 0; //Diameter_In_Measure_Choose.SelectionChanged += Diameter_In_Measure_Choose_SelectionChanged; MyLabel Diameter_In_Help = new MyLabel("Diameter_In_Help", 354, 197, 0, 0, "Пример: '12'; '23.1'; '65.34'", 10); MyLabel Wall_Width_In_lbl = new MyLabel("Wall_Width_In_lbl_1", 556, 170, 0, 0, "Толщина стенки:"); MyTextBox Wall_Width_In = new MyTextBox("Wall_Width_In_1", 60, 678, 172, 0, 0); MyComboBox Wall_Width_In_Measure_Choose = new MyComboBox("Wall_Width_In_Measure_Choose_1", 120, 743, 172, 0, 0); Wall_Width_In_Measure_Choose.SelectedIndex = 0; Wall_Width_In_Measure_Choose.Items.Add("м"); Wall_Width_In_Measure_Choose.Items.Add("см"); Wall_Width_In_Measure_Choose.Items.Add("мм"); Wall_Width_In_Measure_Choose.SelectedIndex = 0; //Wall_Width_In_Measure_Choose.SelectionChanged += Wall_Width_In_Measure_Choose_SelectionChanged; MyLabel Wall_Width_In_Help = new MyLabel("", 672, 197, 0, 0, "Пример: '2'; '3.4'; '12.15'", 10); // Нагнетающий MyLabel Pipeline_Out_lbl = new MyLabel("Pipeline_Out_lbl", 30, 230, 0, 0, "Нагнетательный трубопровод", 16); Pipeline_Out_lbl.FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold; MyLabel Pipeline_Out_Type_lbl = new MyLabel("Pipeline_Out_Type_lbl_1", 30, 270, 0, 0, "Тип трубопровода:"); MyComboBox Pipeline_Out_Type = new MyComboBox("Pipeline_Out_Type_1", 460, 163, 272, 0, 0); foreach (var a in Database.Query("select name from XII")[0]) { Pipeline_Out_Type.Items.Add(a); } Pipeline_Out_Type.SelectedIndex = 0; MyLabel Material_Out_lbl = new MyLabel("Material_Out_lbl_1", 633, 270, 0, 0, "Материал:"); MyComboBox Material_Out = new MyComboBox("Material_Out_1", 150, 713, 272, 0, 0); foreach (var a in Database.Query("select name from XXVIII")[0]) { Material_Out.Items.Add(a); } Material_Out.SelectedIndex = 32; MyLabel Length_Out_lbl = new MyLabel("Length_In_lbl_1", 30, 300, 0, 0, "Длина:"); MyTextBox Length_Out = new MyTextBox("Length_Out_1", 60, 88, 302, 0, 0); MyComboBox Length_Out_Measure_Choose = new MyComboBox("Length_Out_Measure_Choose_1", 120, 153, 302, 0, 0); Length_Out_Measure_Choose.SelectedIndex = 0; Length_Out_Measure_Choose.Items.Add("м"); Length_Out_Measure_Choose.Items.Add("см"); Length_Out_Measure_Choose.Items.Add("мм"); Length_Out_Measure_Choose.SelectedIndex = 0; //Length_In_Measure_Choose.SelectionChanged += Length_In_Measure_Choose_SelectionChanged; MyLabel Length_Out_Help = new MyLabel("Length_Out_Help", 82, 327, 0, 0, "Пример: '20'; '33.1'; '10.83'", 10); MyLabel Diameter_Out_lbl = new MyLabel("Diameter_Out_lbl_1", 283, 300, 0, 0, "Диаметр:"); MyTextBox Diameter_Out = new MyTextBox("Diameter_Out_1", 60, 360, 302, 0, 0); MyComboBox Diameter_Out_Measure_Choose = new MyComboBox("Diameter_Out_Measure_Choose_1", 120, 425, 302, 0, 0); Diameter_Out_Measure_Choose.SelectedIndex = 0; Diameter_Out_Measure_Choose.Items.Add("м"); Diameter_Out_Measure_Choose.Items.Add("см"); Diameter_Out_Measure_Choose.Items.Add("мм"); Diameter_Out_Measure_Choose.SelectedIndex = 0; //Diameter_Out_Measure_Choose.SelectionChanged += Diameter_Out_Measure_Choose_SelectionChanged; MyLabel Diameter_Out_Help = new MyLabel("Diameter_Out_Help", 354, 327, 0, 0, "Пример: '12'; '23.1'; '65.34'", 10); MyLabel Wall_Width_Out_lbl = new MyLabel("Wall_Width_Out_lbl_1", 556, 300, 0, 0, "Толщина стенки:"); MyTextBox Wall_Width_Out = new MyTextBox("Wall_Width_Out_1", 60, 678, 302, 0, 0); MyComboBox Wall_Width_Out_Measure_Choose = new MyComboBox("Wall_Width_Out_Measure_Choose_1", 120, 743, 302, 0, 0); Wall_Width_Out_Measure_Choose.SelectedIndex = 0; Wall_Width_Out_Measure_Choose.Items.Add("м"); Wall_Width_Out_Measure_Choose.Items.Add("cм"); Wall_Width_Out_Measure_Choose.Items.Add("мм"); Wall_Width_Out_Measure_Choose.SelectedIndex = 0; //Wall_Width_Out_Measure_Choose.SelectionChanged += Wall_Width_Out_Measure_Choose_SelectionChanged; MyLabel Wall_Width_Out_Help = new MyLabel("", 672, 327, 0, 0, "Пример: '2'; '3.4'; '12.15'", 10); /* MyLabel Pipeline_Out_Type_lbl = new MyLabel("Pipeline_Out_Type_lbl_1", 30, 110, 0, 0, "Тип трубопровода:"); MyComboBox Pipeline_Out_Type = new MyComboBox("Pipeline_Out_Type_1", 460, 163, 112, 0, 0); foreach (var a in Database.Query("select name from XII")[0]) { Pipeline_Type.Items.Add(a); } Pipeline_Type.SelectedIndex = 0; */ /* MyButton Add_New_Pipe = new MyButton("Add_New_Pipe", 250, 30, 202, 0, 0, "Добавить новую трубу"); Add_New_Pipe.Click += Add_New_Pipe_Click; */ Image Add_Pipeline_Img_Top = new Image() { Width = 900, Height = 90, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top, Name = "Add_Pipeline_Img_Top", Margin = new Thickness(0, 0, 0, 0) }; BitmapImage Add_Pipeline_Img_Top_bi = new BitmapImage(); Add_Pipeline_Img_Top_bi.BeginInit(); Add_Pipeline_Img_Top_bi.UriSource = new Uri(@"C:\EasyPACT\EasyPACT_Graphic\EasyPACT_Pipe_Params.jpg"); Add_Pipeline_Img_Top_bi.EndInit(); Add_Pipeline_Img_Top.Source = Add_Pipeline_Img_Top_bi; Image Add_Pipeline_Img_Bottom = new Image() { Width = 900, Height = 50, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top, Name = "Add_Pipeline_Img_Bottom", Margin = new Thickness(0, 366, 0, 0) }; BitmapImage Add_Pipeline_Img_Bottom_bi = new BitmapImage(); Add_Pipeline_Img_Bottom_bi.BeginInit(); Add_Pipeline_Img_Bottom_bi.UriSource = new Uri(@"C:\EasyPACT\EasyPACT_Graphic\EasyPACT_Bottom_First.jpg"); Add_Pipeline_Img_Bottom_bi.EndInit(); Add_Pipeline_Img_Bottom.Source = Add_Pipeline_Img_Bottom_bi; /* var scrbr = new ScrollBar(); scrbr.Orientation = Orientation.Vertical; scrbr.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right; scrbr.Width = 20; scrbr.Height = 100; scrbr.Scroll += scrbr_Scroll; */ /* MyLabel Local_Resistance_In_lbl = new MyLabel("Local_Resistance_In_lbl", 30, 200, 0, 0, "Местные сопротивления:"); MyComboBox Local_Resistance_In = new MyComboBox("Local_Resistance_In", 124, 200, 202, 0, 0); Local_Resistance_In.Items.Add("Всякая фигня"); Local_Resistance_In.SelectedIndex = 0; MyLabel Number_Local_Resistance_In_lbl = new MyLabel("Number_Local_Resistance_In_lbl", 334, 200, 0, 0, "Количество:"); MyTextBox Number_Local_Resistance_In = new MyTextBox("Number_Local_Resistance_In", 60, 425, 202, 0, 0); MyLabel Shtyk = new MyLabel("Shtyk", 489, 200, 0, 0, "штук."); MyLabel Size = new MyLabel("Size_1", 556, 200, 0, 0, "Размеры"); MyComboBox Size_Choose = new MyComboBox("", 100, 620, 202, 0, 0); */ Grid_Add_Pipeline.Children.Add(Add_Pipeline_Img_Top);//0 Grid_Add_Pipeline.Children.Add(Add_Pipeline_Img_Bottom);//1 Grid_Add_Pipeline.Children.Add(Next_2);//2 Grid_Add_Pipeline.Children.Add(Help_Add_Pipeline);//3 Grid_Add_Pipeline.Children.Add(Pipeline_Type);//4 Grid_Add_Pipeline.Children.Add(Material_In_lbl);//5 Grid_Add_Pipeline.Children.Add(Material_In);//6 Grid_Add_Pipeline.Children.Add(Length_In_lbl);//7 Grid_Add_Pipeline.Children.Add(Length_In);//8 Grid_Add_Pipeline.Children.Add(Length_In_Measure_Choose);//9 Grid_Add_Pipeline.Children.Add(Length_In_Help);//10 Grid_Add_Pipeline.Children.Add(Diameter_In_lbl);//11 Grid_Add_Pipeline.Children.Add(Diameter_In);//12 Grid_Add_Pipeline.Children.Add(Diameter_In_Measure_Choose);//13 Grid_Add_Pipeline.Children.Add(Diameter_In_Help);//14 Grid_Add_Pipeline.Children.Add(Wall_Width_In_lbl);//15 Grid_Add_Pipeline.Children.Add(Wall_Width_In);//16 Grid_Add_Pipeline.Children.Add(Wall_Width_In_Measure_Choose);//17 Grid_Add_Pipeline.Children.Add(Wall_Width_In_Help);//18 Grid_Add_Pipeline.Children.Add(Pipeline_Type_lbl);//19 // Нагнетающий Grid_Add_Pipeline.Children.Add(Pipeline_Out_Type_lbl);//20 Grid_Add_Pipeline.Children.Add(Pipeline_Out_Type);//21 Grid_Add_Pipeline.Children.Add(Material_Out_lbl);//22 Grid_Add_Pipeline.Children.Add(Material_Out);//23 Grid_Add_Pipeline.Children.Add(Length_Out_lbl);//24 Grid_Add_Pipeline.Children.Add(Length_Out);//25 Grid_Add_Pipeline.Children.Add(Length_Out_Measure_Choose);//26 Grid_Add_Pipeline.Children.Add(Length_Out_Help);//27 Grid_Add_Pipeline.Children.Add(Diameter_Out_lbl);//28 Grid_Add_Pipeline.Children.Add(Diameter_Out);//29 Grid_Add_Pipeline.Children.Add(Diameter_Out_Measure_Choose);//30 Grid_Add_Pipeline.Children.Add(Diameter_Out_Help);//31 Grid_Add_Pipeline.Children.Add(Wall_Width_Out_lbl);//32 Grid_Add_Pipeline.Children.Add(Wall_Width_Out);//33 Grid_Add_Pipeline.Children.Add(Wall_Width_Out_Measure_Choose);//34 Grid_Add_Pipeline.Children.Add(Wall_Width_Out_Help);//35 Grid_Add_Pipeline.Children.Add(Pipeline_In_lbl);//36 Grid_Add_Pipeline.Children.Add(Pipeline_Out_lbl);//37 Content = Grid_Add_Pipeline; Uri iconUri = new Uri("C://EasyPACT/EasyPACT_Graphic/EasyPACT_Icon.jpg", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute); this.Icon = BitmapFrame.Create(iconUri); this.MinWidth = 908; this.MaxWidth = 908; this.MinHeight = 450; this.MaxHeight = 450; Title = "Добавление нового трубопровода - EasyPACT"; }
private void FinalizeTargetDb() { MyPlanetTmp = MyGamePruningStructure.GetClosestPlanet(GridVolume.Center); ShieldNearTmp = false; ObstructionsTmp.Clear(); StaticsInRangeTmp.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < _possibleTargets.Count; i++) { var ent = _possibleTargets[i]; var hasPhysics = ent.Physics != null; if (Session.ShieldApiLoaded && hasPhysics && !ent.Physics.Enabled && ent.Physics.IsPhantom && !ent.Render.CastShadows) { long testId; long.TryParse(ent.Name, out testId); if (testId != 0) { MyEntity shieldEnt; if (testId == MyGrid.EntityId) { MyShieldTmp = ent; } else if (MyEntities.TryGetEntityById(testId, out shieldEnt)) { var shieldGrid = shieldEnt as MyCubeGrid; if (shieldGrid != null && MyGrid.IsSameConstructAs(shieldGrid)) { MyShieldTmp = ent; } } else if (!ShieldNearTmp) { ShieldNearTmp = true; } } } var voxel = ent as MyVoxelBase; var grid = ent as MyCubeGrid; var blockingThings = ent.Physics != null && (voxel != null && voxel.RootVoxel == voxel || grid != null); if (!blockingThings) { continue; } if (ent.Physics.IsStatic) { if (voxel is MyPlanet) { continue; } StaticsInRangeTmp.Add(ent); } if (grid != null && (PrevSubGrids.Contains(grid) || ValidGrids.Contains(ent) || grid.PositionComp.LocalVolume.Radius < 6)) { continue; } ObstructionsTmp.Add(ent); } ValidGrids.Clear(); _possibleTargets.Clear(); }
private void CheckBox_Checked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { MyGrid.SelectAll(); }
public Window_Add_Liquid() { Grid Grid_Add_Liquid = new MyGrid(); Grid_Add_Liquid.Name = "Grid_Add_Liquid"; MyButton OK_Add_Liquid = new MyButton("OK_Add_Liquid", 150, 0, 0, 20, 7, "Добавить"); OK_Add_Liquid.Height = 30; OK_Add_Liquid.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right; OK_Add_Liquid.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom; OK_Add_Liquid.Background = Brushes.DarkGreen; OK_Add_Liquid.Click += OK_Add_Liquid_Click; MyButton Help_Add_Liquid = new MyButton("Help_Add_Liquid", 70, 18, 0, 0, 7, "Справка"); Help_Add_Liquid.Height = 30; Help_Add_Liquid.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom; Help_Add_Liquid.Background = Brushes.DarkGreen; Help_Add_Liquid.Click += Help_Add_Liquid_Click; /* MyButton Cancel_Add_Liquid = new MyButton("Cancel_Add_Liquid", 100, 0, 0, 140, 30, "Отменить"); Cancel_Add_Liquid.Height = 30; Cancel_Add_Liquid.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right; Cancel_Add_Liquid.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom; Cancel_Add_Liquid.Click += Cancel_Add_Liquid_Click; */ MyLabel New_Liquid_Name_lbl = new MyLabel("New_Liquid_Name_lbl",160, 30, 120, 0, 0, "Название вещества:"); New_Liquid_Name_lbl.Height = 28; MyTextBox New_Liquid_Name = new MyTextBox("New_Liquid_Name", 100, 171, 121, 0, 0); MyLabel New_Liquid_Name_Help = new MyLabel("New_Liquid_Name_Help", 30, 145, 0, 0, "Пример: 'Ацетон'; 'Азотная кислота, 50%'", 10); MyLabel New_Chemical_Formula_lbl = new MyLabel("New_Chemical_Formula_lbl", 170, 332, 120, 0, 0, "Химическая формула:"); MyTextBox New_Chemical_Formula = new MyTextBox("New_Chemical_Formula", 100, 483, 121, 0, 0); MyLabel New_Chemical_Formula_Help = new MyLabel("New_Chemical_Formula_Help", 332, 145, 0, 0, "Пример: 'CH3COCH3'; 'NH3', 'HNO3'", 10); MyLabel New_Molar_Mass_lbl = new MyLabel("New_Molar_Mass_lbl",640, 120, 0, 0,"Молярная масса:"); MyTextBox New_Molar_Mass = new MyTextBox("New_Molar_Mass", 100, 760, 121, 0, 0); MyLabel New_Molar_Mass_Help = new MyLabel("New_Molar_Mass_Help", 640, 145, 0, 0, "Пример: '63.01'; '17.03'", 10); MyLabel Table_Data_lbl = new MyLabel("Table_Data_lbl", 397, 178, 0, 0,"Зависимости", 14); MyLabel New_Temp_Viscosity_lbl = new MyLabel("New_Temp_Viscosity_lbl",58, 210, 0, 0,"Вязкость от температуры"); MyLabel New_Temp_Density_lbl = new MyLabel("New_Temp_Density_lbl",360, 210, 0, 0,"Плотность от температуры"); MyLabel New_Pressure_BoilingPoint_lbl = new MyLabel("New_Pressure_BoilingPoint_lbl", 667, 210, 0, 0, "Точка кипения от давления"); MyLabel First_Temperature_lbl = new MyLabel("First_Temperature_lbl",35, 240, 0, 0,"Температура"); MyTextBox First_Temperature = new MyTextBox("First_Temperature_1", 100, 30, 260, 0, 0); MyLabel First_Viscosity_lbl = new MyLabel("First_Viscosity_lbl", 163, 240, 0, 0, "Вязкость"); MyTextBox First_Viscosity = new MyTextBox("First_Viscosity_1", 100, 145, 260, 0, 0); MyLabel Second_Temperature_lbl = new MyLabel("Second_Temperature_lbl",343, 240, 0, 0,"Температура"); MyTextBox Second_Temperature = new MyTextBox("Second_Temperature_1", 100, 337, 260, 0, 0); MyLabel Second_Density_lbl = new MyLabel("Second_Density_lbl",465, 240, 0, 0,"Плотность"); MyTextBox Second_Density = new MyTextBox("Second_Density_1", 100, 452, 260, 0, 0); MyLabel Third_Pressure_lbl = new MyLabel("Third_Pressure_lbl", 660, 240, 0, 0,"Давление"); MyTextBox Third_Pressure = new MyTextBox("Third_Pressure_1", 100, 645, 260, 0, 0); MyLabel Third_Temperature_lbl = new MyLabel("Third_Temperature_lbl",758, 240, 0, 0,"Точка кипения"); MyTextBox Third_Temperature = new MyTextBox("Third_Temperature_1", 100, 760, 260, 0, 0); MyButton Add_Temp_Viscosity = new MyButton("Add_Temp_Viscosity", 120, 77, 285, 0, 0, "Добавить точку"); Add_Temp_Viscosity.Click += Add_Temp_Viscosity_Click; MyButton Add_Temp_Density = new MyButton("Add_Temp_Density", 120, 385, 285, 0, 0, "Добавить точку"); Add_Temp_Density.Click += Add_Temp_Density_Click; MyButton Add_Pressure_BoilingPoint = new MyButton("Add_Pressure_BoilingPoint", 120, 695, 285, 0, 0, "Добавить точку"); Add_Pressure_BoilingPoint.Click += Add_Pressure_BoilingPointy_Click; Image Add_Liquid_Img_Top = new Image() { Width = 900, Height = 90, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top, Name = "Add_Liquid_Img_Top", Margin = new Thickness(0, 0, 0, 0) }; BitmapImage Add_Liquid_Img_Top_bi = new BitmapImage(); Add_Liquid_Img_Top_bi.BeginInit(); Add_Liquid_Img_Top_bi.UriSource = new Uri(@"C:\EasyPACT\EasyPACT_Graphic\EasyPACT_Add_New_Liquid.jpg"); Add_Liquid_Img_Top_bi.EndInit(); Add_Liquid_Img_Top.Source = Add_Liquid_Img_Top_bi; Image Add_Liquid_Img_Bottom = new Image() { Width = 900, Height = 50, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top, Name = "Add_Liquid_Img_Bottom", Margin = new Thickness(0, 366, 0, 0) }; BitmapImage Add_Liquid_Img_Bottom_bi = new BitmapImage(); Add_Liquid_Img_Bottom_bi.BeginInit(); Add_Liquid_Img_Bottom_bi.UriSource = new Uri(@"C:\EasyPACT\EasyPACT_Graphic\EasyPACT_Bottom_First.jpg"); Add_Liquid_Img_Bottom_bi.EndInit(); Add_Liquid_Img_Bottom.Source = Add_Liquid_Img_Bottom_bi; Grid_Add_Liquid.Children.Add(Add_Liquid_Img_Top);//0 Grid_Add_Liquid.Children.Add(New_Liquid_Name);//1 Grid_Add_Liquid.Children.Add(New_Liquid_Name_Help);//2 Grid_Add_Liquid.Children.Add(New_Chemical_Formula_lbl);//3 Grid_Add_Liquid.Children.Add(New_Chemical_Formula);//4 Grid_Add_Liquid.Children.Add(New_Chemical_Formula_Help);//5 Grid_Add_Liquid.Children.Add(New_Molar_Mass_lbl);//6 Grid_Add_Liquid.Children.Add(New_Molar_Mass);//7 Grid_Add_Liquid.Children.Add(New_Molar_Mass_Help);//8 Grid_Add_Liquid.Children.Add(Add_Liquid_Img_Bottom);//9 Grid_Add_Liquid.Children.Add(OK_Add_Liquid);//10 //Grid_Add_Liquid.Children.Add(Cancel_Add_Liquid);//11 Grid_Add_Liquid.Children.Add(Help_Add_Liquid);//11 Grid_Add_Liquid.Children.Add(Table_Data_lbl);//12 Grid_Add_Liquid.Children.Add(New_Temp_Viscosity_lbl);//13 Grid_Add_Liquid.Children.Add(New_Temp_Density_lbl);//14 Grid_Add_Liquid.Children.Add(New_Pressure_BoilingPoint_lbl);//15 Grid_Add_Liquid.Children.Add(First_Temperature_lbl);//16 Grid_Add_Liquid.Children.Add(First_Temperature);//17 Grid_Add_Liquid.Children.Add(First_Viscosity_lbl);//18 Grid_Add_Liquid.Children.Add(First_Viscosity);//19 Grid_Add_Liquid.Children.Add(Second_Temperature_lbl);//20 Grid_Add_Liquid.Children.Add(Second_Temperature);//21 Grid_Add_Liquid.Children.Add(Second_Density_lbl);//22 Grid_Add_Liquid.Children.Add(Second_Density);//23 Grid_Add_Liquid.Children.Add(Third_Pressure_lbl);//24 Grid_Add_Liquid.Children.Add(Third_Pressure);//25 Grid_Add_Liquid.Children.Add(Third_Temperature_lbl);//26 Grid_Add_Liquid.Children.Add(Third_Temperature);//27 Grid_Add_Liquid.Children.Add(Add_Temp_Viscosity);//28 Grid_Add_Liquid.Children.Add(Add_Temp_Density);//29 Grid_Add_Liquid.Children.Add(Add_Pressure_BoilingPoint);//30 Grid_Add_Liquid.Children.Add(New_Liquid_Name_lbl);//31 Name = "Window_Add_Liquid"; Content = Grid_Add_Liquid; Uri iconUri = new Uri("C://EasyPACT/EasyPACT_Graphic/EasyPACT_Icon.jpg", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute); this.Icon = BitmapFrame.Create(iconUri); this.MinWidth = 908; this.MaxWidth = 908; this.MinHeight = 450; this.MaxHeight = 450; Title = "Добавление новой жидкости - EasyPACT"; }
public Pathfinding(int width, int height) { Instance = this; grid = new MyGrid <PathNode>(width, height, 10f,, (MyGrid <PathNode> g, int x, int y) => new PathNode(g, x, y)); }