Example #1
    static void CheckReader()
        long kbyte = 1024;
        long mbyte = 1024 * kbyte;
        long gbyte = 1024 * mbyte;
        long size  = mbyte;

        Console.WriteLine("Запишем файлы при помощи разных потоков:\n" +
                          $"FileStream. Milliseconds:{MyFunctions.FileStreamSampleWrite("../../../FileStream.bin", size)}\n" +
                          $"BinaryStream. Milliseconds:{MyFunctions.BinaryStreamSampleWrite("../../../BinaryStream.bin", size)}\n" +
                          $"StreamWriter. Milliseconds:{MyFunctions.StreamWriterSampleWrite("../../../StreamWriter.bin", size)}\n" +
                          $"BufferedStream. Milliseconds:{MyFunctions.BufferedStreamSampleWrite("../../../BufferedStream.bin", size)}\n");

        Console.WriteLine("Прочтём файлы при помощи разных потоков:");
        byte[] bytesFromFileStream      = MyFunctions.FileStreamSampleRead("../../../FileStream.bin");
        int[]  integersFromBinatyStream = MyFunctions.BinaryStreamSampleRead("../../../BinaryStream.bin");
        string stringFromSreamReader    = MyFunctions.StreamReaderSample("../../../StreamWriter.bin");

        byte[] bytesFromBufferedStream = MyFunctions.BufferedStreamSampleRead("../../../BufferedStream.bin");
Example #2
        static void ComplexValue()
            Complex complex1 = new Complex
                re = 1,
                im = 2

            Complex complex2 = new Complex
                re = 3,
                im = 4

            Complex result;

            int numbetCaseTask = Convert.ToInt32(MyFunctions.GetDouble("1) Сумма комплексных числел;\n" +
                                                                       "2) Разность комплексных числел;\n" +
                                                                       "3) Произведение комплексных чисел.\n\n" +
                                                                       "Введите номер варианта задания(1-3): ", true, 1, 3, true, true));


            switch (numbetCaseTask)
            case 1:
                result = complex1 + complex2;
                Console.WriteLine($"Сумма комплескных чисел: ({complex1.re}+{complex2.re})+({complex1.im}+{complex2.im})i={result.ToString()}\n");

            case 2:
                result = complex1 - complex2;
                Console.WriteLine($"Разность комплескных чисел: ({complex1.re}-{complex2.re})+({complex1.im}-{complex2.im})i={result.ToString()}\n");

            case 3:
                result = complex1 * complex2;
                Console.WriteLine($"Произведение комплескных чисел: {complex1.re}*{complex2.re}-{complex1.im}*{complex2.im}+({complex1.im}*{complex2.re}+{complex1.re}*{complex2.im})i={result.ToString()}\n");
Example #3
        public bool Check_Dependecies_Recursively(List <string> tmp_list, string Curr_Cell_Address)
            foreach (var item in tmp_list)
                List <string> tmp_list2 = MyFunctions.ExtractReferencedCells(Table_List.Single(x => x.Address.Equals(item)).Formula);

                if (tmp_list2.Any())
                    if (tmp_list2.Any(x => x == Curr_Cell_Address))
                        Check_Dependecies_Recursively(tmp_list2, Curr_Cell_Address);

Example #4
        static void Main(string[] args)
            while (true)

                int numbetTask = Convert.ToInt32(MyFunctions.GetDouble("Введите номер задания(1-3): ", true, 1, 3, true, true));


                if (numbetTask == 1)
                    Console.WriteLine("Задание №1:\n" +
                                      "Структура Complex.\n");
                else if (numbetTask == 2)
                    Console.WriteLine("Задание №2:\n" +
                                      "С клавиатуры вводятся числа, пока не будет введен 0.\n" +
                                      "Подсчитать сумму всех нечетных положительных чисел.\n");
                else if (numbetTask == 3)
                    Console.WriteLine("Задание №3:\n" +
                                      "Класс дробей \n");



                if (!MyFunctions.GetBool("Начать заново?(y/n) "))
Example #5
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string      answer         = "<option value=''>--Seleccionar--</option>";
            MyConstants mc             = new MyConstants();
            MyFunctions mf             = new MyFunctions();
            var         listNUmberDate = DaysToChoose(DateTime.Now.ToString(mc.DateFormatBd));

            int    monthC       = DateTime.Now.Month;
            string monthCurrent = mf.GetMonth((monthC).ToString());
            string monthNext    = mf.GetMonth((monthC + 1).ToString());
            string monthNextDos = mf.GetMonth((monthC + 2).ToString());
            //el dia de pago de cuotas
            string stringMonth = monthCurrent;
            int    interr      = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < listNUmberDate.Length; i++)
                if (listNUmberDate[i] == 0)
                    stringMonth = monthNext;

                    //if (interr > 1)
                    //    stringMonth = monthNextDos;
                if (listNUmberDate[i] != 0)
                    answer += $"<option value='{listNUmberDate[i].ToString()}_{stringMonth}' data-category='{stringMonth}'>{listNUmberDate[i].ToString()}</option>";

                    //ListItem item = new ListItem(listNUmberDate[i].ToString(), listNUmberDate[i].ToString() + "_" + stringMonth);
                    //item.Attributes["data-category"] = stringMonth;

Example #6
        static void Main(string[] args)
            while (true)

                int numbetTask = Convert.ToInt32(MyFunctions.GetDouble("Введите номер задания(1-3): ", true, 1, 3, true, true));


                if (numbetTask == 1)
                    Console.WriteLine("Задание №1:\n" +
                                      "Найти и вывести количество пар элементов массива.\n");
                else if (numbetTask == 2)
                    Console.WriteLine("Задание №2:\n" +
                                      "Реализуйте задачу 1 в виде статического класса StaticClass.\n");
                else if (numbetTask == 3)
                    Console.WriteLine("Задание №3:\n" +
                                      "Дописать класс для работы с одномерным массивом.\n");



                if (!MyFunctions.GetBool("Начать заново?(y/n) "))
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// This event is activated when the button Export is clicked
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void button_Export_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //check is the data calculated
            if (dataGridView1.DataSource == null || dataGridView2.DataSource == null)
            //open file save dialog and set the settings
            SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog1 = new SaveFileDialog();

            saveFileDialog1.Title            = "Save CSV Files";
            saveFileDialog1.CheckFileExists  = false;
            saveFileDialog1.OverwritePrompt  = true;
            saveFileDialog1.CheckPathExists  = true;
            saveFileDialog1.DefaultExt       = "csv";
            saveFileDialog1.Filter           = "CSV files (*.csv)|*.csv";
            saveFileDialog1.FilterIndex      = 1;
            saveFileDialog1.RestoreDirectory = true;

            if (saveFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                //get the file name
                string dir = saveFileDialog1.FileName;
                if (dir.Contains("."))
                    dir = dir.Substring(0, dir.LastIndexOf("."));
                //export the files
                    MyFunctions.ExportDataTable(MyFunctions.PrepareArrayForExport(dataGridView1), dir + "_Data.csv");
                    MyFunctions.ExportDataTable(MyFunctions.PrepareArrayForExport(dataGridView2), dir + "_StDev.csv");
                    MessageBox.Show("The files are opened in another application or administrative rights are required!");
 public LinqWindow()
     if (bl == null)
         bl = new BL_imp();
     list  = MyFunctions.ChildWhithoutContract();
     list1 = MyFunctions.NannyByTAMAT();
     ChildwithoutContract.ItemsSource = list;
     NannyByTMT.ItemsSource           = list1;
     foreach (var mo in bl.getMotherList()) //show the mothers
         ComboBoxItem item = new ComboBoxItem();
         item.Content = "ID: " + mo.Id + ", First Name: " + mo.FirstName + ", Last Name: " + mo.LastName;
     backgroundWorker                            = new BackgroundWorker();
     backgroundWorker.DoWork                    += BackgroundWorker_DoWork;
     backgroundWorker.RunWorkerCompleted        += BackgroundWorker_RunWorkerCompleted;
     backgroundWorker.WorkerSupportsCancellation = true;
Example #9
        public static IHostBuilder CreateHostBuilder(string[] args) =>
        .ConfigureServices((context, services) =>
        .ConfigureWebHostDefaults(webBuilder =>
            webBuilder.ConfigureKestrel(opt =>
                /* opt.ListenAnyIP(5001, listenOpt =>
                 * {
                 *   listenOpt.UseHttps(
                 *    @"D:\localshop.pfx",
                 *     "pa55w0rd!");
                 * });*/
                MyFunctions.writeFile("going to ConfigureKestrel on port 10770");
                Console.WriteLine("configured Kestrel ok\r\n");
                MyFunctions.writeFile("Done  Kestrel config");

            webBuilder.UseStartup <Startup>();
 private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
         if (errorMessage.Any())
             string err = "Exception:";
             foreach (var item in errorMessage)
                 err += "\n" + item;
         string id = (string)((ComboBoxItem)Mothersname.SelectedItem).Content;
         bl.removeMother(MyFunctions.FindMotherById(id.Substring(4, 9)));
     catch (Exception ex)
Example #11
    void SoundedPartnerVoice()
        // ここに音声再生を追加?
        string    str   = MyFunctions.GetOnlyFileName(csvFileName);
        AudioClip voice = Resources.Load <AudioClip>("voice/" + str + '/' + soundCount);

        if (voice != null)
            voiceDelayTime = voice.length;
            voiceDelayTime = noChoiceWaitTime;
        Debug.Log("voice/" + str + '/' + soundCount);
        if (voice == null)
Example #12
        public bool CheckFormulaForCircuitReference(string a, string Curr_Cell_Address)
            bool result = false;

            if (a.IndexOf("$!?") > -1)
                List <string> tmp_list = MyFunctions.ExtractReferencedCells(a);

                if (tmp_list.Any())
                    if (tmp_list.Any(x => x == Curr_Cell_Address))
                        return(Check_Dependecies_Recursively(tmp_list, Curr_Cell_Address));
Example #13
    override public void Think()
        MyFunctions.LookAtOnlyYAxis(transform, target.position);
        spoted = MyFunctions.Distance(transform.position, target.position) < DistanceToStartFollowin;

        //if(Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.KeypadEnter)) Debug.LogWarning(MyFunctions.Distance(transform.position, target.position));

        if (spoted)
            if (MyFunctions.Distance(transform.position, target.position) > DistanceToKeepFromTarget)
                anim.SetBool("Walking", true);    //NÃO VAI CONTROLAR ANIMAÇÃO
                anim.SetBool("Wrecking", false);
                transform.Translate(0, 0, 1 * Time.deltaTime);
                anim.SetBool("Walking", false);    //NÃO VAI CONTROLAR ANIMAÇÃO
                anim.SetBool("Wrecking", true);
 private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
         if (errorMessage.Any())
             string err = "Exception:";
             foreach (var item in errorMessage)
                 err += "\n" + item;
         string id = (string)((ComboBoxItem)Contractsname.SelectedItem).Content;
         bl.removeContract(MyFunctions.GetContractsBy(x => x.ContractID == id.Substring(13, 8))[0]);
     catch (Exception ex)
Example #15
        public async Task <ActionResult <UserTicket> > Post([FromBody] UserTicket achat)
            var findTicket = await _context.Tickets.FindAsync(achat.TicketId);

            var findUser = await _context.Users.FindAsync(achat.UserId);

            if (findTicket == null || findUser == null)
                return(NotFound("Le client et le ticket n'existe pas"));

            achat.CodeQr = MyFunctions.GenererCodeQr(_context.UsersTickets);

            await _context.UsersTickets.AddAsync(achat);

            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            var Lastachat = from a in _context.UsersTickets
                            join t in _context.Tickets on a.TicketId equals t.Id
                            join u in _context.Users on a.UserId equals u.Id
                            where a.Id == achat.Id
                            select new

Example #16
        private void R_Treeview_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Takes the contents of console and sends it to a textbox
            Console.SetOut(new ControlWriter(tbLog));

            // Initializes RDotNet

            // Populate the treeview with 'Supplemental Path'
            // 64 bit
            //string folderPath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, @"..\..\..\..\")) + @"User_library";

            // Any CPU
            string folderPath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, @"..\..\..\")) + @"User_library";

            myGlobalVars.xmlLibPath = folderPath;

            listDirectory(treeView1, myGlobalVars.xmlLibPath);
            //ListDirectory(treeView1, @"C:\Work\VS_projects\Projects\R_treeview_ex\User_library");
            btnCreateR.Visible = false;
            btnCreateR.Enabled = false;

Example #17
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            MyConstants mc = new MyConstants();

                var dataSche = (Dictionary <string, object>)Session["changingschedule"];

                string token        = "";
                int    numberQuotes = 0;

                token        = Request["token"].ToString();
                numberQuotes = int.Parse(Request["numcuotes"].ToString());

                string codeCurrency = Request["typeCurrency"].ToString();

                var newUserName = User.Identity.Name.Split('¬')[1];

                var idMemberDetails = 0;

                BrTypeChange brTypeChange = new BrTypeChange();
                var          arrayTypes   = brTypeChange.GetTypesChange().Split('|');

                var tcBuy  = decimal.Parse(arrayTypes[1]);
                var tcSale = decimal.Parse(arrayTypes[0]);

                if (Session["quotePay"] == null || Session["numCuota"] == null)
                    //MessageError.Text = "Ocurrio un error.";
                var totalPay = decimal.Parse(Session["quotePay"].ToString());

                var description = Session["numCuota"].ToString();

                var methods2 = "CULQI";

                var recibe = string.Empty;

                if (Session["StatusCalendar"] == null || Session["CurrencyCode"] == null)
                    //MessageError.Text = "Ocurrio un error.";

                idMemberDetails = int.Parse(Session["StatusCalendar"].ToString());

                //monto| fecha de expiration |codecurrency | description| typechange
                BrMembershipPayDetail brMembership = new BrMembershipPayDetail();
                var response = brMembership.GetQuote(idMemberDetails, User.Identity.Name.Split('¬')[1]).Split('|');

                if (decimal.Parse(response[0]) == 0)
                    //MessageError.Text = "Ocurrio un error.";
                var amountCro = decimal.Parse(response[0]);

                var codeCurrencyCro = response[2];
                var tcCrono         = decimal.Parse(response[4]);

                var idInfo = idMemberDetails.ToString();
                //dos es que wallet es una parte del pago de una cuota
                var typeInfo         = "2";
                var walleOperationId = "2";

                bool IsPay = brMembership.IsPayQuote(idMemberDetails.ToString());

                if (!IsPay)
                    //MessageWarning.Text = "Tu Cuota ya esta Pagada.Verifica tu cronograma de pagos.";

                BrWallet    brWallet   = new BrWallet();
                MyMessages  myMessages = new MyMessages();
                MyFunctions mf         = new MyFunctions();

                var amountWallet = decimal.Parse(brWallet.GetAmount(User.Identity.Name.Split('¬')[1]));

                BrPerson brPerson   = new BrPerson();
                var      dataPerson = brPerson.GetByUserName(newUserName).Split('|');
                PayCulqi payCulqi   = new PayCulqi();

                decimal surcharge         = (1 + mc.Surcharge);
                var     amountRestan      = 0m;
                var     amountPayCulqires = 0d;

                var tcSend = 0m;

                if (codeCurrencyCro == "USD")
                    if (codeCurrency == "PEN")
                        tcSend            = tcSale;
                        amountRestan      = ((amountCro - amountWallet) * tcSale) * surcharge;
                        amountPayCulqires = double.Parse(amountRestan.ToString());
                    if (codeCurrency == "USD")
                        tcSend            = tcBuy;
                        amountRestan      = (amountCro - amountWallet) * surcharge;
                        amountPayCulqires = double.Parse(amountRestan.ToString());

                if (codeCurrencyCro == "PEN")
                    if (codeCurrency == "USD")
                        tcSend            = tcCrono;
                        amountRestan      = ((amountCro * tcCrono) - amountWallet) * surcharge;
                        amountPayCulqires = double.Parse(amountRestan.ToString());
                    if (codeCurrency == "PEN")
                        tcSend            = tcBuy;
                        amountRestan      = (amountCro - (amountWallet * tcBuy)) * surcharge;
                        amountPayCulqires = double.Parse(amountRestan.ToString());

                string[] culqiAnwser = payCulqi.newPayment(newUserName, dataPerson[1], amountPayCulqires, token, numberQuotes, codeCurrency).Split('¬');
                if (culqiAnwser[0] == "false")
                    Response.Write("false¬" + culqiAnwser[1]);

                var namePeson = User.Identity.Name.Split('¬')[0];

                var dateCurrent = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd").Split('-');

                string tranferId    = "";
                string numReceipt   = "0";
                string datecomplete = dateCurrent[2] + " de " + mf.GetMonth(dateCurrent[1]) + " del " + dateCurrent[0];
                string nAffiliate   = "";

                string hour = DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss");

                namePeson = myMessages.ToCapitalize(namePeson);
                var moneyStatus = 1;

                string imgTicketWalle = "";

                var action       = dataSche["Action"];
                var valueQuote   = Convert.ToDouble(dataSche["ValueQuote"]);
                var numQuote     = Convert.ToDouble(dataSche["NumQuote"]);
                var idMembership = Convert.ToInt32(dataSche["IdMembership"]);

                var lastpaydate = Convert.ToDateTime(dataSche["PayDate"]);

                var smallDate = DateTime.Now - lastpaydate;

                var numberDays = smallDate.Days;

                int numQuotes = int.Parse(numQuote.ToString());

                BrMembershipPayDetail payDetail = new BrMembershipPayDetail();
                bool responseb = payDetail.PutQuotesChangingSchedule(idMembership, numQuotes, recibe, 2);

                if (numberDays > 0)
                    BrDaysFree brDaysFree = new BrDaysFree();
                    var        dataanw    = brDaysFree.Put(User.Identity.Name.Split('¬')[1], numberDays, idMembership);

                if (amountWallet > 0)
                    imgTicketWalle = GetRecibo(tranferId, User.Identity.Name.Split('¬')[1], numReceipt, datecomplete, nAffiliate, "", namePeson, hour, amountWallet.ToString() + $" USD  Atravez de Wallet.", "", $" {description}", "WL");

                    //amount | @idInfo | @typeInfo | @walletOperationId | @currencyCode | @typeChange | idmembershipDetail | imgTicket
                    string data   = $"{(amountWallet * tcSend).ToString()}|{idInfo}|{typeInfo}|{walleOperationId}|PEN|{tcSend}|{idMemberDetails.ToString()}|{imgTicketWalle}";
                    bool   answer = brWallet.Put(data, User.Identity.Name.Split('¬')[1], moneyStatus);


                    if (!answer)
                        //MessageError.Text = "Ocurrio un error.";
                //MessageSucces.Text = "Su Pago de Realizo Con Exito.";


                var amountOthers = amountCro;
                //esta en estado pendienete
                var statusPay = 1;

                //marcar como pagado en la tabla membershipdetails

                //TODO: Agregar los detalles del pago
                BrUser brUser      = new BrUser();
                var    recibeCulqi = GetRecibo(tranferId, User.Identity.Name.Split('¬')[1], numReceipt, datecomplete, nAffiliate, "", namePeson, hour, amountRestan.ToString("0.00") + $" {codeCurrency}  Atravez de Culqi.", "", $" {description}", "CQ");

                bool habiliAccount = brUser.BiPayQuote(idMemberDetails, imgTicketWalle + '~' + recibeCulqi, amountWallet, amountRestan, "WALLET", methods2, statusPay, tcBuy);

                var urlRedirect = "EndPaymendMbs";

            catch (Exception ex)
                Email email = new Email();
                email.SendEmail(mc.ErrorEmail, "error-inresorts", ex.StackTrace + '¬' + DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString(), false);
                Response.Write("false¬ocurrio un error");
Example #18
        public int GetKittenCount()
            var f = new MyFunctions();

Example #19
        public void Pagares2(string _correlativo, string _cc)
            string[] arrayLogin = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name.Split('¬');
            //Session["cronogramaya"] = "6857.5|6142.5|0|11/2/2018¬89.57|24|10|Mensual^Inicial nro: 1|11/2/2018|S/. 6857.5|S/. 715|S/. 0|S/. 715¬Inicial nro: 2|12/2/2018|S/. 6142.5|S/. 800|S/. 0|S/. 800¬Inicial nro: 3|1/2/2018|S/. 5342.5|S/. 1000|S/. 0|S/. 1000¬Cuota nro: 1|11/1/2018|S/. 4342.5|S/. 164.89|S/. 34.63|S/. 199.52¬Cuota nro: 2|12/1/2018|S/. 4177.61|S/. 166.21|S/. 33.31|S/. 199.52¬Cuota nro: 3|1/1/2019|S/. 4011.4|S/. 167.53|S/. 31.99|S/. 199.52¬Cuota nro: 4|2/1/2019|S/. 3843.87|S/. 168.87|S/. 30.65|S/. 199.52¬Cuota nro: 5|3/1/2019|S/. 3675|S/. 170.22|S/. 29.3|S/. 199.52¬Cuota nro: 6|4/1/2019|S/. 3504.78|S/. 171.57|S/. 27.95|S/. 199.52¬Cuota nro: 7|5/1/2019|S/. 3333.21|S/. 172.94|S/. 26.58|S/. 199.52¬Cuota nro: 8|6/1/2019|S/. 3160.27|S/. 174.32|S/. 25.2|S/. 199.52¬Cuota nro: 9|7/1/2019|S/. 2985.95|S/. 175.71|S/. 23.81|S/. 199.52¬Cuota nro: 10|8/1/2019|S/. 2810.24|S/. 177.11|S/. 22.41|S/. 199.52¬Cuota nro: 11|9/1/2019|S/. 2633.13|S/. 178.52|S/. 21|S/. 199.52¬Cuota nro: 12|10/1/2019|S/. 2454.61|S/. 179.95|S/. 19.57|S/. 199.52¬Cuota nro: 13|11/1/2019|S/. 2274.66|S/. 181.38|S/. 18.14|S/. 199.52¬Cuota nro: 14|12/1/2019|S/. 2093.28|S/. 182.83|S/. 16.69|S/. 199.52¬Cuota nro: 15|1/1/2020|S/. 1910.45|S/. 184.29|S/. 15.23|S/. 199.52¬Cuota nro: 16|2/1/2020|S/. 1726.16|S/. 185.76|S/. 13.76|S/. 199.52¬Cuota nro: 17|3/1/2020|S/. 1540.4|S/. 187.24|S/. 12.28|S/. 199.52¬Cuota nro: 18|4/1/2020|S/. 1353.16|S/. 188.73|S/. 10.79|S/. 199.52¬Cuota nro: 19|5/1/2020|S/. 1164.43|S/. 190.24|S/. 9.29|S/. 199.52¬Cuota nro: 20|6/1/2020|S/. 974.19|S/. 191.75|S/. 7.77|S/. 199.52¬Cuota nro: 21|7/1/2020|S/. 782.44|S/. 193.28|S/. 6.24|S/. 199.52¬Cuota nro: 22|8/1/2020|S/. 589.16|S/. 194.82|S/. 4.7|S/. 199.52¬Cuota nro: 23|9/1/2020|S/. 394.34|S/. 196.38|S/. 3.14|S/. 199.52¬Cuota nro: 24|10/1/2020|S/. 197.96|S/. 197.94|S/. 1.58|S/. 199.52¬~446.01~4788.5";
            //Session["datos"] = "Jorge Samir|Pazo Torres|birthDay|M|DocumentType|73680055$NombreC|ApellidoC|1|313231c$bankName|nombreBankAccount|TypeAccount|nroAccount|nroTaxer|SocialReason|fiscalAdress|UserType$email|nroCell|nroCell2|country|State|City|Calle comercio 715 El Agustino";
            //Session["carrito"] = "6000.00|descripcionDB|60|9750.00|3.25|10|TOP";
            string[] datos      = Session["datos"].ToString().Split('$');
            string[] carrito    = Session["carrito"].ToString().Split('|');
            string[] cronograma = Session["cronogramaYa"].ToString().Split('|');

            string[] arrayperson    = datos[0].Split('|');
            string[] arraycontacto  = datos[3].Split('|');
            string   totaldolares   = cronograma[0];
            string   primeracuota   = carrito[3];
            string   tipocambio     = carrito[4];
            decimal  typeChange     = decimal.Parse(tipocambio);
            string   numerodecuotas = carrito[2];
            string   codemem        = carrito[6];

            Numalet     numalet = new Numalet();
            MyFunctions mf      = new MyFunctions();
            MyConstants mc      = new MyConstants();

            //string fechaActual = DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString();
            var dateCurrent = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd").Split('-');;

            string fechaActual = dateCurrent[2] + " de " + mf.GetMonth(dateCurrent[1]) + " del " + dateCurrent[0];

            var bankAccount = mc.BankAccount;

            string codigo    = "";
            string nombre    = "";
            string dni       = "";
            string domicilio = "";
            string username  = "";

            nombre   = arrayperson[0].ToUpper() + " " + arrayperson[1].ToUpper();
            dni      = arrayperson[5];
            username = (arrayperson[0].Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + arrayperson[1].Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + dni).ToUpper();

            dni = arrayperson[5];
            string userName = (arrayperson[0].Substring(0, 1) + arrayperson[1].Substring(0, 1) + dni).ToUpper();

            domicilio = arraycontacto[6];
            string distrito = arraycontacto[5];
            string correo   = arraycontacto[0];
            string telefono = arraycontacto[1];

            string fecha = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy");

            string[] array1   = Session["cronogramaYa"].ToString().Split('^');
            string[] datosMem = array1[0].Split('|');
            string[] array2   = array1[1].Split('~');

            string[] cuotas = array2[0].Split('¬');

            decimal totalpagar = 0, interestotal = 0, importefinanciado = 0, porcefinanciado = 0, valorcuotas = 0;
            int     ncuotas = 0, interruptor = 0;
            string  fechacuotas = "";

            List <Pagare> listPagare = new List <Pagare>();

            for (int i = 0; i < cuotas.Length - 1; i++)
                var fila = cuotas[i].Split('|');
                if (fila[0].Substring(0, 7) != "Inicial")
                    if (fila[0].Substring(0, 7) != "Upgrade")
                        totalpagar   += decimal.Parse(fila[5].Replace("S/.", ""));
                        interestotal += decimal.Parse(fila[4].Replace("S/.", ""));

                        if (interruptor != 1)
                            interruptor       = 1;
                            importefinanciado = decimal.Parse(fila[2].Replace("S/.", ""));
                            fechacuotas       = DateTime.Parse(fila[1]).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
                            valorcuotas       = decimal.Parse(fila[5].Replace("S/.", ""));
                    if (i != 0)
                        listPagare.Add(new Pagare
                            Id               = 1,
                            Codigo           = codigo,
                            NombreCompleto   = nombre,
                            Dni              = dni,
                            Domicilio        = domicilio,
                            Fecha            = fechaActual,
                            FechaCuotas      = DateTime.Parse(fila[1]).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"),
                            MontoSoles       = decimal.Parse(fila[5].Replace("S/.", "")),
                            MontoSolesLetras = numalet.ToCustomCardinal(decimal.Parse(mf.GetAmountCurrency(fila[5].Replace("S/.", ""), _cc, typeChange))),
                            NCuotas          = 1,
                            ValorCuotas      = decimal.Parse(fila[5].Replace("S/.", ""))
            porcefinanciado = (importefinanciado * 100) / decimal.Parse(datosMem[0]);

            listPagare.Add(new Pagare
                Id               = 1,
                Codigo           = codigo,
                NombreCompleto   = nombre,
                Dni              = dni,
                Domicilio        = domicilio,
                Fecha            = fechaActual,
                FechaCuotas      = fechacuotas,
                MontoSoles       = importefinanciado,
                MontoSolesLetras = numalet.ToCustomCardinal(double.Parse(mf.GetAmountCurrency(importefinanciado.ToString(), _cc, typeChange))),
                NCuotas          = ncuotas,
                ValorCuotas      = valorcuotas

            using (Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4, 10, 10, 10, 10))
                string datecur = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy;MM;dd;hh;mm;ss;fff");
                string ruta    = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Resources/PoliticsPdf/") + "PAG" + username + _correlativo + ".pdf";
                this.RutaUrlPagare = "~/Resources/PoliticsPdf/" + "PAG" + username + _correlativo + ".pdf";
                string destin = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Resources/trash/") + "PAG" + username + _correlativo + datecur + ".pdf";
                if (File.Exists(ruta))
                    File.Move(ruta, destin);

                FileStream stream = new FileStream(ruta, FileMode.Create);
                PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, stream);

                string cadenfinal = string.Empty;

                for (int i = 0; i < listPagare.Count; i++)
                    cadenfinal += "<div style='text-align: center;font-family:cambria;font-size: 12pt;font-weight: bold;'>PAGARÉ CODIGO: " + userName.ToUpper() + "-" + (i + 1).ToString() + "</div>";
                    cadenfinal += "<div style='text-align: center;font-family:cambria;font-size: 10pt;font-weight: bold;'>POR UN VALOR DE( " + listPagare[i].MontoSolesLetras.ToUpper() + " " + _cc + " )</div>";
                    cadenfinal += "<div style='text-align: center;font-family:cambria;font-size: 10pt;font-weight: bold;'>( " + mf.GetAmountCurrency(listPagare[i].MontoSoles.ToString(), _cc, typeChange) + " " + _cc + " )ESTE VALOR ES EL SALDO A FINANCIAR</div>";
                    cadenfinal += "<p style='text-align: justify;font-family:cambria;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 13px;'>Yo <b>" + listPagare[i].NombreCompleto + "</b> identificado(a) con DNI Nº <b>" + listPagare[i].Dni + "</b> con domicilio y residencia en <b>" + listPagare[i].Domicilio + "</b>.</p>" +
                                  "<p style='text-align: justify;font-family:cambria;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 13px;'>Me comprometo a pagar incondicionalmente a VALLE ENCANTADO S.A.C " +
                                  "la suma de <b>" + listPagare[i].MontoSolesLetras + " " + _cc + " ( " + mf.GetAmountCurrency(listPagare[i].MontoSoles.ToString(), _cc, typeChange) + " " + _cc + " ) </b> pagadero en <b>" + listPagare[i].NCuotas + "</b> cuotas mensuales y consecutivas con vencimiento la primera " +
                                  "de ella el día <b>" + listPagare[i].FechaCuotas + "</b>, por valor de <b>( " + mf.GetAmountCurrency(listPagare[i].ValorCuotas.ToString(), _cc, typeChange) + " " + _cc + ")</b>.El pago de dichas cuotas se realizará en Soles a razón del cambio oficial vigente" +
                                  " a la fecha en que se efectúe éste. En caso de mora y mientras ella subsista pagaré intereses moratorios a la tasa máxima establecida para" +
                                  " el periodo correspondiente. De igual manera me obligo a pagar todos los gastos y costos de la cobranza judicial. </p>";
                    cadenfinal += "<p style='text-align: justify;font-family:cambria;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 13px;'>En el evento en que el deudor no pague en el plazo" +
                                  " estipulado una o más cuotas, el tenedor de este título podrá declarar vencidos todos los plazos de esta obligación y pedir su inmediato" +
                                  " pago total o el pago del saldo.</p>";

                    cadenfinal += "<p style='text-align: justify;font-family:cambria;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 13px;'>También acepto que <b>VALLE ENCANTADO S.A.C</b>, declare de plazo vencido la obligación a la que se refiere este pagaré y exigir su pago total en el evento en que sea perseguido judicialmente. El recibo de abono de parciales no implica novación y cualquier pago que se efectúe se imputará primero a gastos, penalidades, y por último a capital. El suscriptor de este pagaré hace constatar que la obligación de pagarla indivisiblemente y solidariamente subsiste en caso de prórroga o prórrogas o de cualquier modificación a lo estipulado. El deudor declara que la suma que debe conforme a este pagaré, no estará sujeta ni a deducción ni a descuentos de cualquier naturaleza, incluyendo sin limitación cualquier impuesto que pueda gravar su pago, por lo tanto, en caso de existir alguna de estas deducciones o descuentos, el deudor deberá aumentar la suma a pagar de tal manera que el tenedor reciba siempre el valor estipulado del pagaré. El deudor acepta desde ahora el endoso, cesión o transferencia que de este pagaré a VALLE ENCANTADO S.A.C. todos los gastos e impuestos relacionados con la suscripción de este pagaré serán por cuenta del deudor.</p>";
                    cadenfinal += $"<p style='text-align: justify;font-family:cambria;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 13px;'>Todos los pagos que deban hacerse según este pagaré serán hechos exclusivamente en Soles, a la<b> Cuenta Recaudadora Soles BCP N° {bankAccount}</b>, en su oficina central ubicada en Av. Guardia Civil 1321 oficina 602 – Surquillo o en Ribera del Río Club Resort ubicada en Mz. B Lt. 72. Tercera Etapa - Cieneguilla.</p>";
                    cadenfinal += "<p style='text-align: justify;font-family:cambria;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 13px;'>Todos los cálculos de intereses se efectuarán sobre la base de un año de trescientos sesenta (360) días, en cada caso por el número de días efectivamente transcurridos (incluyendo el primer día, pero excluyendo el último día) durante el pazo por el cual deban pagarse tale intereses. Si cualquiera de las fechas de pago de principal o intereses antes indicadas coincidiera con un día no hábil, se entenderá que el pago respectivo deberá ser efectuado el día hábil inmediatamente siguiente." +
                                  "Cualquier referencia en este pagaré al agente deberá entenderse efectuada a cualquier tenedor del mismo, sea que lo adquiera por endoso o de otro modo.</p>";

                    cadenfinal += "<p style='text-align: justify;font-family:cambria;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 13px;'>En caso de mora, no será necesario requerimiento alguno para que el Cliente incurra en la misma, de acuerdo a lo establecido en el artículo 1333 inciso 1 del Código Civil Peruano. En dicho caso, durante todo el periodo de incumplimiento el cliente pagara a una tasa equivalente al máximo de interés permitido por la ley, por concepto de interés moratorio.</p>";
                    cadenfinal += "<p style='text-align: justify;font-family:cambria;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 13px;'>De conformidad con lo establecido por el artículo 158.2 concordante con el artículo 52° de la Ley de Títulos Valores, este pagaré no requerirá ser protestado por la falta de pago de cualquiera de las cuotas para ejercitar las acciones derivadas del mismo.</p>";
                    cadenfinal += "<p style='text-align: justify;font-family:cambria;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 13px;'>Adicionalmente, el cliente se obliga incondicionalmente a pagar al Agente todos los gastos en que éste incurra en razón de su incumplimiento, obligándose a pagar sobre éstos el mismo interés moratorio pactado en este pagaré.</p>";
                    cadenfinal += "<p style='text-align: justify;font-family:cambria;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 13px;'>Asimismo, el cliente acepta las renovaciones y prórrogas de vencimiento de este pagaré que el agente considere conveniente efectuar, ya sea por su importe parcial o total, aun cuando no hayan sido comunicadas al cliente. Dichas modificaciones serán anotadas en este mismo instrumento o en hoja anexa, sin que sea necesaria la suscripción de tal instrumento.</p>";

                    cadenfinal += "<p style='text-align: justify;font-family:cambria;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 13px;'>Este pagare se devolverá a su cancelación total. Queda expresamente establecido que el domicilio del cliente es <b>" + listPagare[i].Domicilio + " - Lima Perú</b>, lugar a donde se dirigirán todas las comunicaciones y notificaciones derivadas de este pagaré.</p>";
                    cadenfinal += "<p style='text-align: justify;font-family:cambria;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 13px;'>Queda establecido que las obligaciones contenidas en este pagaré, constituyendo el presente acuerdo pacto en contrario a lo dispuesto por el artículo 1233° del Código Civil.</p>";
                    cadenfinal += "<p style='text-align: justify;font-family:cambria;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 13px;'>Este pagaré se regirá bajo las leyes de la República del Perú.</p>";
                    cadenfinal += "<p style='text-align: justify;font-family:cambria;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 13px;'>Cualquier acción o procedimiento legal relacionado con y derivado del presente pagaré podrá ser iniciado ante los órganos judiciales del Cercado de Lima, Lima, Perú. El cliente renuncia a la jurisdicción de cualquier otro tribunal que pudiere corresponderle por cualquier otra razón.</p>";
                    cadenfinal += "<p style='text-align: justify;font-family:cambria;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 13px;'>En constancia de lo anterior, se firma el presente pagaré el día <b>" + listPagare[i].Fecha + "</b> en la ciudad de Lima,El Deudor.</p>";

                    cadenfinal += "<br /><br /><br /><br />";
                    cadenfinal += "<div style='text-align: center;font-family:cambria;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 13px;'>______________________________</div>";
                    cadenfinal += "<div style='text-align: center;font-family:cambria;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 13px;'>FIRMA</div>";
                    cadenfinal += "<div style='text-align: center;font-family:cambria;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 13px;'>DNI:<b>" + listPagare[i].Dni + "</b></div>";
                    if (listPagare[i].Domicilio.Length < 30)
                        cadenfinal += "<br />";
                    cadenfinal += "<br />";
                StyleSheet styleSheet = new StyleSheet();

                Dictionary <string, string> stylep = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                    { "font-family", "Calibri" },
                    { "text-align", "justify" },
                    { "line-height", "normal" },
                    { "font-size", "10pt" }

                styleSheet.ApplyStyle("p", stylep);

                var parsehtml = HTMLWorker.ParseToList(new StringReader(cadenfinal), styleSheet);

                foreach (var htmlElement in parsehtml)
                    document.Add(htmlElement as IElement);
Example #20
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string action = string.Empty;
            string answer = "ocurrio un error";

            action = Request["action"];

            if (action == "period")
                BrBonus     brBonus = new BrBonus();
                MyFunctions mf      = new MyFunctions();
                MyConstants mc      = new MyConstants();
                var         data    = brBonus.GetPeriod(User.Identity.Name.Split('¬')[1]);

                var pag = int.Parse(Request["pag"]);

                //var init = pag - 10;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(data))
                    var stringHtml = "";
                    var arrayData  = data.Split('¬');
                    pag = arrayData.Length > pag ? pag : arrayData.Length;
                    for (int i = 0; i < pag; i++)
                        var row = arrayData[i].Split('|');
                        if (row.Length > 1)
                            var dateUpdate = DateTime.Now;

                            dateUpdate = dateUpdate < DateTime.Parse(row[3]) ? dateUpdate : DateTime.Parse(row[3]);

                            var acordion = "";
                            acordion += $"<div class='accordion' id='accordionExample{i}'>";
                            acordion += "<div class='card'> <div class='card-header' id='headingOne'><h2 style='' class='mb-0'>";
                            acordion += "<div style='font-family: open sans, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; color:black'>";
                            acordion += "<div class='card-body table-responsive'>";
                            acordion += "<table class='table thead-dark table-bordered'>";
                            acordion += "<thead style='font-size: 15px'>";
                            acordion += "<tr>";
                            acordion += "<th>Periodo</th>";
                            acordion += "<th>actualizado a </th>";
                            acordion += "<th>Comisión</th>";
                            acordion += "<th></th>";
                            acordion += "</tr>";
                            acordion += "</thead>";
                            acordion += "<tbody>";
                            acordion += "<tr>";
                            acordion += $"<td>{mf.DateFormatClient(row[1])} - {mf.DateFormatClient(row[2])}</td>";
                            acordion += $"<td>{mf.DateFormatClient(dateUpdate.ToString(mc.DateFormatBd))}</td>";
                            acordion += $"<td> {row[5]} {row[4]}</td>";

                            acordion += "<td> <button type='button' id='myBtn' data-toggle='modal' data-target='#myModal' style='color:white;' class='btn btn-xl m-t-n-xs ' >Resumen </button>";
                            acordion += "<button style='background-color:white' class='btn ' type='button' data-toggle='collapse' data-target='#collapse" + i + "' aria-expanded='true' ";
                            acordion += $"aria-controls='collapse{i}'  onclick=ShowBonus('divBonus{i}',{row[0]})>ver detalle</button></div></td>";

                            acordion += "</tr>";
                            acordion += "</tbody>";
                            acordion += "</table>";
                            acordion += "</div>";
                            acordion += " ";
                            acordion += $"</div> <div id='collapse{i}' class='collapse' aria-labelledby='headingOne'";
                            acordion += $"data-parent='#accordionExample{i}'>";
                            acordion += "<div class='card-body table-responsive'>";

                            acordion += $"<div id='divBonus{i}'>";
                            acordion += "";
                            acordion += "</div>";

                            acordion += "</div></div></div>";
                            acordion += "</div></div>";

                            stringHtml += acordion;

                    answer = stringHtml;
                brBonus = null;

            if (action == "bonus")
                var         id      = int.Parse(Request["period"]);
                BrBonus     brBonus = new BrBonus();
                MyFunctions mf      = new MyFunctions();

                var tableHtml = "";
                var data      = brBonus.GetListBonus(User.Identity.Name.Split('¬')[1], id);

                tableHtml += "<table class='table table-hover'>";
                //tableHtml += "<thead>";
                tableHtml += "<tr>";
                tableHtml += "<th>#</th>";
                tableHtml += "<th>Nombres</th>";
                tableHtml += "<th>Tipo de Comision</th>";
                tableHtml += "<th>Nivel</th>";
                tableHtml += "<th>Fecha</th>";
                tableHtml += "<th>Puntos</th>";
                tableHtml += "<th>Porcentaje</th>";
                tableHtml += "<th>Monto</th>";
                tableHtml += "<th>Por Estado</th>";
                tableHtml += "<th>Por Nivel</th>";
                tableHtml += "</tr>";
                //tableHtml += "</thead>";
                //tableHtml += "<tbody>";

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(data))
                    var arrayData   = data.Split('¬');
                    var amountTotal = 0m;
                    var symbol      = "";

                    for (int i = 0; i < arrayData.Length; i++)
                        var row        = arrayData[i].Split('|');
                        var interrutor = 0;

                        if (row.Length > 5)
                            if (i > 0)
                                if (arrayData[i - 1].Split('|')[0] != row[0])
                                    tableHtml += "<tr>";
                                    tableHtml += "<td colspan='10'>.</td>";
                                    tableHtml += "</tr>";

                            var clasCss  = "label-danger";
                            var clasCssn = "label-danger";
                            var status   = "NO";
                            var nivel    = "NO";
                            if (row[7] == "1" || row[7] == "6" || row[7] == "7")
                                clasCss = "label-success";
                                status  = "SI";

                            if (int.Parse(row[8]) == 1)
                                clasCssn = "label-success";
                                nivel    = "SI";
                            if (interrutor == 2)
                                amountTotal += decimal.Parse(row[6]);
                            symbol = row[9];

                            tableHtml += "<tr>";
                            tableHtml += $"<td>{(i + 1).ToString()}</td>";
                            tableHtml += $"<td>{row[0]}</td>";
                            tableHtml += $"<td>{row[1]}</td>";
                            tableHtml += $"<td>{row[2]}</td>";
                            tableHtml += $"<td>{mf.DateFormatClient(row[3])}</td>";
                            tableHtml += $"<td>{row[4]}</td>";
                            tableHtml += $"<td>{row[5]}</td>";
                            tableHtml += $"<td>{row[9]} {row[6]}</td>";
                            tableHtml += $"<td><span class='{clasCss}'>{status}</span></td>";
                            tableHtml += $"<td><span class='{clasCssn}'>{nivel}</span></td>";
                            tableHtml += "</tr>";
                        row = null;
                    tableHtml += $"<tr><td colspan='7'></td><td class='label-success'>{symbol} {amountTotal.ToString()}</td><td colspan='2'></td><tr>";
                    tableHtml += "<tr><td>No hay Datos</td></tr>";
                //tableHtml += "</tbody>";
                tableHtml += "</table>";

                answer = tableHtml;

Example #21
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            BrHistoryRange brHistoryRange = new BrHistoryRange();
            MyFunctions    mf             = new MyFunctions();
            string         cboUpli        = string.Empty;

            var action = Request["action"];
            var answer = string.Empty;

            if (action == "get")
                string data = brHistoryRange.GetListRange(User.Identity.Name.Split('¬')[1]);
                answer += "";
                var arrayData = data.Split('¬');
                answer  = "<table class='table table-hover'>";
                answer += "<thead>";
                answer += "<tr>";
                answer += "<th></th>";
                answer += "<th>Ciclo</th>";
                answer += "<th>Rango</th>";
                answer += "<th>Estado</th>";
                answer += "<th>Puntos Rama 1</th>";
                answer += "<th>Puntos Rama 2</th>";
                answer += "<th>Puntos Rama 3</th>";
                answer += "<th>Puntos Rama 4</th>";
                answer += "<th>Rango</th>";
                answer += "</tr>";
                answer += "<tbody>";

                for (int i = 0; i < arrayData.Length; i++)
                    var row = arrayData[i].Split('|');
                    if (row.Length > 2)
                        var item = (i + 1).ToString();
                        answer += "<tr>";
                        answer += $"<td>{item}</td>";
                        answer += $"<td>{mf.DateFormatClient(row[0])} - {mf.DateFormatClient(row[1])}</td>";
                        answer += $"<td>{row[8]}</td>";
                        answer += $"<td>{row[2]}</td>";
                        answer += $"<td>{row[4]}</td>";
                        answer += $"<td>{row[5]}</td>";
                        answer += $"<td>{row[6]}</td>";
                        answer += $"<td>{row[7]}</td>";
                        answer += $"<td><a href='#' class='btn btn-primaryVerde' onclick=ShowModal('{row[3]}') ><i class='fas fa-award'></i></a></td>";
                        answer += "</tr>";
                        answer += "<tr>";
                        answer += $"<td>No hay Datos</td>";
                        answer += "</tr>";
                answer += "</tbody>";
                answer += "</table>";

            if (action == "getresidual")
                string data = brHistoryRange.GetListRangeResidual(User.Identity.Name.Split('¬')[1]);
                answer += "";
                var arrayData = data.Split('¬');
                answer  = "<table class='table table-hover'>";
                answer += "<thead>";
                answer += "<tr>";
                answer += "<th></th>";
                answer += "<th>Ciclo</th>";
                answer += "<th>Rango</th>";
                answer += "<th>Estado</th>";
                answer += "<th>Puntos Rama 1</th>";
                answer += "<th>Puntos Rama 2</th>";
                answer += "<th>Puntos Rama 3</th>";
                answer += "<th>Puntos Rama 4</th>";
                answer += "<th>Rango</th>";
                answer += "</tr>";
                answer += "<tbody>";

                for (int i = 0; i < arrayData.Length; i++)
                    var row = arrayData[i].Split('|');
                    if (row.Length > 2)
                        var item = (i + 1).ToString();
                        answer += "<tr>";
                        answer += $"<td>{item}</td>";
                        answer += $"<td>{mf.DateFormatClient(row[0])} - {mf.DateFormatClient(row[1])}</td>";
                        answer += $"<td>{row[8]}</td>";
                        answer += $"<td>{row[2]}</td>";
                        answer += $"<td>{row[4]}</td>";
                        answer += $"<td>{row[5]}</td>";
                        answer += $"<td>{row[6]}</td>";
                        answer += $"<td>{row[7]}</td>";
                        answer += $"<td><a href='#' class='btn btn-primaryVerde' onclick=ShowModal('{row[3]}') ><i class='fas fa-award'></i></a></td>";
                        answer += "</tr>";
                        answer += "<tr>";
                        answer += $"<td>No hay Datos</td>";
                        answer += "</tr>";
                answer += "</tbody>";
                answer += "</table>";

Example #22
        public void Cronograma2(int _nAfiliate, string _cc, string correlativo)
            string[] arrayLogin = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name.Split('¬');
            string   tipocambio = "", numerodecuotas = "", nombre = "", dni = "", domicilio = "", distrito = "", correo = "", telefono = "", codemem = "";

            string username = "", fecha = "";

            //Session["cronogramaya"] = "6857.5|6142.5|0|11/2/2018¬89.57|24|10|Mensual^Inicial nro: 1|11/2/2018|S/. 6857.5|S/. 715|S/. 0|S/. 715¬Inicial nro: 2|12/2/2018|S/. 6142.5|S/. 800|S/. 0|S/. 800¬Inicial nro: 3|1/2/2018|S/. 5342.5|S/. 1000|S/. 0|S/. 1000¬Cuota nro: 1|11/1/2018|S/. 4342.5|S/. 164.89|S/. 34.63|S/. 199.52¬Cuota nro: 2|12/1/2018|S/. 4177.61|S/. 166.21|S/. 33.31|S/. 199.52¬Cuota nro: 3|1/1/2019|S/. 4011.4|S/. 167.53|S/. 31.99|S/. 199.52¬Cuota nro: 4|2/1/2019|S/. 3843.87|S/. 168.87|S/. 30.65|S/. 199.52¬Cuota nro: 5|3/1/2019|S/. 3675|S/. 170.22|S/. 29.3|S/. 199.52¬Cuota nro: 6|4/1/2019|S/. 3504.78|S/. 171.57|S/. 27.95|S/. 199.52¬Cuota nro: 7|5/1/2019|S/. 3333.21|S/. 172.94|S/. 26.58|S/. 199.52¬Cuota nro: 8|6/1/2019|S/. 3160.27|S/. 174.32|S/. 25.2|S/. 199.52¬Cuota nro: 9|7/1/2019|S/. 2985.95|S/. 175.71|S/. 23.81|S/. 199.52¬Cuota nro: 10|8/1/2019|S/. 2810.24|S/. 177.11|S/. 22.41|S/. 199.52¬Cuota nro: 11|9/1/2019|S/. 2633.13|S/. 178.52|S/. 21|S/. 199.52¬Cuota nro: 12|10/1/2019|S/. 2454.61|S/. 179.95|S/. 19.57|S/. 199.52¬Cuota nro: 13|11/1/2019|S/. 2274.66|S/. 181.38|S/. 18.14|S/. 199.52¬Cuota nro: 14|12/1/2019|S/. 2093.28|S/. 182.83|S/. 16.69|S/. 199.52¬Cuota nro: 15|1/1/2020|S/. 1910.45|S/. 184.29|S/. 15.23|S/. 199.52¬Cuota nro: 16|2/1/2020|S/. 1726.16|S/. 185.76|S/. 13.76|S/. 199.52¬Cuota nro: 17|3/1/2020|S/. 1540.4|S/. 187.24|S/. 12.28|S/. 199.52¬Cuota nro: 18|4/1/2020|S/. 1353.16|S/. 188.73|S/. 10.79|S/. 199.52¬Cuota nro: 19|5/1/2020|S/. 1164.43|S/. 190.24|S/. 9.29|S/. 199.52¬Cuota nro: 20|6/1/2020|S/. 974.19|S/. 191.75|S/. 7.77|S/. 199.52¬Cuota nro: 21|7/1/2020|S/. 782.44|S/. 193.28|S/. 6.24|S/. 199.52¬Cuota nro: 22|8/1/2020|S/. 589.16|S/. 194.82|S/. 4.7|S/. 199.52¬Cuota nro: 23|9/1/2020|S/. 394.34|S/. 196.38|S/. 3.14|S/. 199.52¬Cuota nro: 24|10/1/2020|S/. 197.96|S/. 197.94|S/. 1.58|S/. 199.52¬~446.01~4788.5";
            //Session["datos"] = "Nombre|Apellidos|birthDay|M|DocumentType|NroDoc$NombreC|ApellidoC|1|313231c$bankName|nombreBankAccount|TypeAccount|nroAccount|nroTaxer|SocialReason|fiscalAdress|UserType$email|nroCell|nroCell2|country|State|City|Adress";
            //Session["carrito"] = "6000.00|descripcionDB|60|9750.00|3.25|10|TOP";

            string[] datos      = Session["datos"].ToString().Split('$');
            string[] carrito    = Session["carrito"].ToString().Split('|');
            string[] cronograma = Session["cronogramaYa"].ToString().Split('|');

            string[] arrayperson   = datos[0].Split('|');
            string[] arraycontacto = datos[3].Split('|');
            string   totaldolares  = cronograma[0];
            string   primeracuota  = carrito[3];

            tipocambio = carrito[4];
            decimal typeChange = decimal.Parse(tipocambio);

            numerodecuotas = carrito[2];
            codemem        = carrito[1];

            nombre   = arrayperson[0].ToUpper() + " " + arrayperson[1].ToUpper();
            dni      = arrayperson[5];
            username = (arrayperson[0].Substring(0, 1) + arrayperson[1].Substring(0, 1) + dni).ToUpper();

            domicilio = arraycontacto[6];
            distrito  = arraycontacto[5];
            correo    = arraycontacto[0];
            telefono  = arraycontacto[1];

            fecha = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy");

            MyFunctions mf = new MyFunctions();
            MyConstants mc = new MyConstants();

            string[] array1   = Session["cronogramaYa"].ToString().Split('^');
            string[] datosMem = array1[0].Split('|');
            string[] array2   = array1[1].Split('~');

            string[] cuotas = array2[0].Split('¬');

            decimal totalpagar = 0, interestotal = 0, importefinanciado = 0, porcefinanciado = 0;
            int     ncuotas = 0, interruptor = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < cuotas.Length - 1; i++)
                var fila = cuotas[i].Split('|');
                if (fila[0].Substring(0, 7) != "Inicial")
                    totalpagar   += decimal.Parse(fila[5].Replace("S/.", ""));
                    interestotal += decimal.Parse(fila[4].Replace("S/.", ""));
                    if (interruptor != 1)
                        interruptor               = 1;
                        importefinanciado         = decimal.Parse(fila[2].Replace("S/.", ""));
                        Session["financedAmount"] = importefinanciado;
            porcefinanciado = (importefinanciado * 100) / decimal.Parse(datosMem[0]);

            using (Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4, 10, 10, 10, 10))
                string ruta = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Resources/PoliticsPdf/") + $"CRO{username}{correlativo}.pdf";

                string datecur = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy;MM;dd;hh;mm;ss;fff");
                string destin  = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Resources/trash/") + "CRO" + username + correlativo + datecur + ".pdf";

                if (File.Exists(ruta))
                    File.Move(ruta, destin);

                FileStream stream = new FileStream(ruta, FileMode.Create);
                PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, stream);


                string cadenfinal = string.Empty;
                cadenfinal += "<div style='text-align: center;font-family:cambria;font-size: 12pt;font-weight: bold;'>CRONOGRAMA DE PAGOS</div>";
                cadenfinal += "<p style='font-family:cambria;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 8px;'>Número de Membresia: AR" + _nAfiliate.ToString("00000") + " </p>";
                cadenfinal += "<p style='font-family:cambria;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 13px;'>Código: " + username + " </p>";
                //cadenfinal += "<p style='font-family:cambria;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 13px;'><b>Nombre:</b>" + datosMem[0] + "</p>";
                //cadenfinal += "<p style='text-align: justify;font-family:cambria;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 13px;'>Importe Membresia: S/. " + datosMem[0] + "</p>";
                cadenfinal += "<p style='text-align: justify;font-family:cambria;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 13px;'>Nombre del Cliente: " + nombre + " </p>";
                cadenfinal += "<p style='text-align: justify;font-family:cambria;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 13px;'>Documento de Identidad: " + dni + "</p>";
                cadenfinal += "<p style='text-align: justify;font-family:cambria;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 13px;'>Correo Electronico: " + correo + " </p>";
                cadenfinal += "<p style='text-align: justify;font-family:cambria;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 13px;'>Telefono de Contacto: " + telefono + " </p>";
                cadenfinal += "<p style='text-align: justify;font-family:cambria;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 13px;'>Producto: Membresia " + codemem + "</p>";
                cadenfinal += "<p style='text-align: justify;font-family:cambria;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 13px;'> </p>";

                cadenfinal += "<br/> <table ><tr>";
                cadenfinal += "<td height='100' style='font-family:cambria;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 8px;'>Importe de la Membresia </td>";
                cadenfinal += "<td height='100' style='font-family:cambria;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 8px;'> " + mf.GetAmountCurrency(datosMem[0], _cc, typeChange) + " " + _cc + "</td>";
                cadenfinal += "<td height='100' style='font-family:cambria;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 8px;'>% Financiamiento </td>";
                cadenfinal += "<td height='100' style='font-family:cambria;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 8px;'> " + porcefinanciado.ToString("0.00") + "% </td></tr>";

                cadenfinal += "<tr><td height='100' style='font-family:cambria;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 8px;'>Importe Financiado </td>";
                cadenfinal += "<td height='100' style='font-family:cambria;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 8px;'> " + mf.GetAmountCurrency(importefinanciado.ToString(), _cc, typeChange) + " " + _cc + " </td>";
                cadenfinal += "<td height='100' style='font-family:cambria;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 8px;'>Cuotas a Pagar </td>";
                cadenfinal += "<td height='100' style='font-family:cambria;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 8px;'>" + ncuotas + " </td></tr>";

                cadenfinal += "<tr><td height='100' style='font-family:cambria;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 8px;'>Cantidad Total a Pagar </td>";
                cadenfinal += "<td height='100' style='font-family:cambria;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 8px;'> " + mf.GetAmountCurrency(totalpagar.ToString(), _cc, typeChange) + " " + _cc + " </td>";
                cadenfinal += "<td height='100' style='font-family:cambria;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 8px;'>Tasa Efectiva Anual </td>";
                cadenfinal += "<td height='100' style='font-family:cambria;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 8px;'> " + mc.AmountInteresAnual.ToString() + " %</td></tr>";

                cadenfinal += "<tr><td height='100' style='font-family:cambria;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 8px;'>Monto total de Interes </td>";
                cadenfinal += "<td height='100' style='font-family:cambria;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 8px;'> " + mf.GetAmountCurrency(interestotal.ToString(), _cc, typeChange) + " " + _cc + " </td>";
                cadenfinal += "<td height='100' style='font-family:cambria;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 8px;'>Periodicidad </td>";
                cadenfinal += "<td height='100' style='font-family:cambria;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 8px;'> Mensual </td></tr>";

                cadenfinal += "<tr><td height='100' style='font-family:cambria;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 8px;'>Fecha Emision Cronograma</td>";
                cadenfinal += "<td height='100' style='font-family:cambria;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 8px;'> " + fecha + " </td>";
                cadenfinal += "<td height='100' style='font-family:cambria;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 8px;'> </td>";
                cadenfinal += "<td height='100' style='font-family:cambria;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 8px;'> </td></tr>";
                cadenfinal += "</tr></table>";

                cadenfinal += "<table border='1' height='100' style='font-family:cambria;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 8px;'>";
                cadenfinal += "<tr height='100' style='font-family:cambria;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 8px;'>";
                cadenfinal += "<th height='100' bgcolor='#858282' style='font-family:cambria;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 8px;'>N°</th>";
                cadenfinal += "<th height='100' bgcolor='#858282' style='font-family:cambria;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 8px;'>Vencimiento</th>";
                cadenfinal += "<th height='100' bgcolor='#858282' style='font-family:cambria;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 8px;'>Capital</th>";
                cadenfinal += "<th height='100' bgcolor='#858282' style='font-family:cambria;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 8px;'>Amortizacion</th>";
                cadenfinal += "<th height='100' bgcolor='#858282' style='font-family:cambria;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 8px;'>Interes</th>";
                cadenfinal += "<th height='100' bgcolor='#858282' style='font-family:cambria;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 8px;'>Cuota</th>";
                cadenfinal += "</tr>";

                for (int i = 0; i < cuotas.Length - 1; i++)
                    var fila = cuotas[i].Split('|');
                    cadenfinal += "<tr height='100' style='font-family:cambria;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 8px;'>";
                    cadenfinal += "<td height='100' style='font-family:cambria;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 8px;'> " + fila[0] + "</td>";
                    cadenfinal += "<td height='100' style='font-family:cambria;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 8px;'>" + DateTime.Parse(fila[1]).ToString("dd-MM-yyyy") + " </td>";
                    cadenfinal += "<td height='100' style='font-family:cambria;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 8px;'>" + mf.GetAmountCurrency(fila[2].Replace("S/.", ""), _cc, typeChange) + " " + _cc + "</td>";
                    cadenfinal += "<td height='100' style='font-family:cambria;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 8px;'>" + mf.GetAmountCurrency(fila[3].Replace("S/.", ""), _cc, typeChange) + " " + _cc + "</td>";
                    cadenfinal += "<td height='100' style='font-family:cambria;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 8px;'>" + mf.GetAmountCurrency(fila[4].Replace("S/.", ""), _cc, typeChange) + " " + _cc + "</td>";
                    cadenfinal += "<td height='100' style='font-family:cambria;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 8px;'>" + mf.GetAmountCurrency(fila[5].Replace("S/.", ""), _cc, typeChange) + " " + _cc + "</td>";

                    cadenfinal += "</tr>";

                cadenfinal += "</table>";
                cadenfinal += "<p style='text-align: justify;font-family:cambria;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 13px;'>Este Cronograma se elabora bajo el supuesto cumpliento de pagos de las cuotas en las fechas indicadas.Cualquier alteracion en los pagos o en las condiciones del financiamiento,deja sin efecto este documento.</p>";
                cadenfinal += "<p style='text-align: justify;font-family:cambria;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 13px;'>El atraso de una cuota mensual por mas de 8 días generará una penalidad de S/.30 soles.</p>";
                cadenfinal += "<p style='text-align: justify;font-family:cambria;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 13px;'>Si tuviera alguna consulta sirvase comunicarse con su asesor de membresías o a la línea de atención al cliente (01)-434-9481.</p>";

                cadenfinal += "<br />";
                cadenfinal += "<br />";
                cadenfinal += "<br />";

                cadenfinal += "<div style='text-align: right;'>";

                cadenfinal += "<div style='text-align: left;width: 200px;margin-left:100px' >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;_____________________________</div>";
                cadenfinal += "<div style='text-align: left;width: 200px;margin-left:100px'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Omar Urteaga Cabrera</div>";
                cadenfinal += "<div style='text-align: left;width: 200px;margin-left:100px'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Gerente General</div>";
                cadenfinal += "<div style='text-align: left;width: 200px;margin-left:100px'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ribera del Rio Club Resort</div>";
                cadenfinal += "</div>";

                var parsehtml = HTMLWorker.ParseToList(new StringReader(cadenfinal), null);

                foreach (var htmlElement in parsehtml)
                    document.Add(htmlElement as IElement);
Example #23
        public void paint_shape()
            myPoint MyPoint = new myPoint();

            int i = 0;

            foreach (string item in ChessEngine1.Board_Array_Letters)
                texts_list.Add(new text()
                    x                 = i * ChessEngine1.MyCell.width + ChessEngine1.MyCell.width * 0.9,
                    y                 = ChessEngine1.MyCell.height * 0.3,
                    content           = item,
                    dominant_baseline = "middle",

                texts_list.Add(new text()
                    x                 = i * ChessEngine1.MyCell.width + ChessEngine1.MyCell.width * 0.9,
                    y                 = ChessEngine1.compSettings.CompHeight - ChessEngine1.MyCell.height * 0.25,
                    content           = item,
                    dominant_baseline = "middle",

                int k = 8 - i;

                texts_list.Add(new text()
                    x           = ChessEngine1.MyCell.width * 0.25,
                    y           = i * ChessEngine1.MyCell.height + ChessEngine1.MyCell.height * 1.1,
                    content     = k.ToString(),
                    text_anchor = "middle",

                texts_list.Add(new text()
                    x           = ChessEngine1.compSettings.CompWidth - ChessEngine1.MyCell.width * 0.25,
                    y           = i * ChessEngine1.MyCell.height + ChessEngine1.MyCell.height * 1.1,
                    content     = k.ToString(),
                    text_anchor = "middle",


            int row_index    = 0;
            int column_index = 0;

            string tmp_color = string.Empty;

            rects_list.Add(new rect
                x            = ChessEngine1.MyCell.width / 2,
                y            = ChessEngine1.MyCell.height / 2,
                width        = ChessEngine1.compSettings.CompWidth - ChessEngine1.MyCell.width,
                height       = ChessEngine1.compSettings.CompHeight - ChessEngine1.MyCell.height,
                stroke       = ChessEngine1.MyCell.black_color,
                stroke_width = ChessEngine1.MylineWidths.dafis_charcho,

            for (int index = 0; index < ChessEngine1.Board_Array.Length; index++)
                if (index > 7)
                    column_index = (index) % 8;
                    row_index    = (index - column_index) / 8;
                    column_index = index;
                    row_index    = 0;

                MyPoint.X = ChessEngine1.MyCell.width * column_index;
                MyPoint.Y = ChessEngine1.MyCell.height * row_index;

                if (MyFunctions.Get_Cell_Color_By_Index(index))
                    tmp_color = ChessEngine1.MyCell.black_color;
                    tmp_color = ChessEngine1.MyCell.white_color;

                rects_list.Add(new rect
                    x      = MyPoint.X + ChessEngine1.MyCell.width / 2,
                    y      = MyPoint.Y + ChessEngine1.MyCell.height / 2,
                    width  = ChessEngine1.MyCell.width,
                    height = ChessEngine1.MyCell.height,
                    fill   = tmp_color,
Example #24
        protected void BtnPayFastSend_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string pin          = string.Empty;
            string codeUserna   = string.Empty;
            string descripcion  = string.Empty;
            string datepay      = string.Empty;
            string currencycode = string.Empty;

                if (!file_upload2.HasFile)
                    PayFastInfo.Style.Add("color", "red");
                    PayFastInfo.Text = "No hay una Imagen Seleccionada.";

                pin        = Pin.Text.Trim();
                codeUserna = CodeUserName.Text.Trim();

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pin) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(codeUserna))
                    PayFastInfo.Style.Add("color", "red");
                    PayFastInfo.Text = "Ocurrio un error.";

                if (0 == decimal.Parse(pin))
                    PayFastInfo.Style.Add("color", "red");
                    PayFastInfo.Text = "Ocurrio un error.";

                MyFunctions mf = new MyFunctions();

                string[] arraynombreArchivo2 = file_upload2.FileName.Split('.');

                int indice = (arraynombreArchivo2.Length - 1);

                string extension = arraynombreArchivo2[indice];

                if (extension.ToLower() != "png" && extension.ToLower() != "jpg" && extension.ToLower() != "jpeg")
                    PayFastInfo.Style.Add("color", "red");
                    PayFastInfo.Text = "Extensiones aceptadas: png, jpg, jpeg";

                var    key           = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
                string nombreArchivo = $"payfast{key}__{pin}" + codeUserna + "." + extension;

                string ruta = Server.MapPath("~/Resources/RecibosRegister/" + nombreArchivo);

                ComprimirImagen(file_upload2.FileContent, ruta, "Jpeg", 40);

                BrMembershipPayDetail brMembership = new BrMembershipPayDetail();

                bool issucess = brMembership.PutReceiptQuote(pin, nombreArchivo);
                if (issucess)
                    PayFastInfo.Style.Add("color", "green");
                    PayFastInfo.Text = "La operacion se realizo con exito. Dentro de las 24 horas se confirmara su pago.";
            catch (Exception ex)
                PayFastInfo.Style.Add("color", "red");
                PayFastInfo.Text = "Ocurrio un error.";
Example #25
        public void TestMethod1()
            MyFunctions reverseOp = new MyFunctions();

            string revString = reverseOp.ReverseString("abcd");
Example #26
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string   action = Request["action"];
            string   answer = "ocurrio un error";
            BrWallet brWallet;

            if (action == "get")
                brWallet = new BrWallet();
                MyFunctions mf = new MyFunctions();

                var tableHtml = string.Empty;

                var data = brWallet.GetAdminMake();

                var arrayData = data.Split('¬');

                tableHtml  = "<table class='table table-hover'>";
                tableHtml += "<thead>";
                tableHtml += "<tr>";
                tableHtml += "<th>#</th>";
                tableHtml += "<th>Doc</th>";
                tableHtml += "<th>Fecha</th>";
                tableHtml += "<th>Monto</th>";
                tableHtml += "<th>Nombres</th>";
                tableHtml += "<th>Email</th>";
                tableHtml += "<th>Telefono</th>";
                tableHtml += "<th>Genero</th>";
                tableHtml += "<th>Titular de la cuenta</th>";
                tableHtml += "<th>Nro de la cuenta</th>";
                tableHtml += "<th>Banco</th>";
                tableHtml += "<th>Interbancario</th>";
                tableHtml += "<th>Voucher</th>";
                tableHtml += "<th></th>";
                tableHtml += "</tr>";
                tableHtml += "</thead>";
                tableHtml += "<tbody>";

                for (int i = 0; i < arrayData.Length; i++)
                    var row  = arrayData[i].Split('|');
                    var item = (i + 1).ToString();
                    if (row.Length > 2)
                        tableHtml += "<tr>";
                        tableHtml += $"<td>{item}</td>";
                        tableHtml += $"<td><a href='/Resources/wallet/{row[1]}' target='_blank'><img src='/Resources/RecibosRegister/pdf.png' width='50' alt='recibo'/></a></td>";
                        tableHtml += $"<td>{mf.DateFormatClient(row[2])}</td>";
                        tableHtml += $"<td>{row[3]}</td>";
                        tableHtml += $"<td>{row[4]}</td>";
                        tableHtml += $"<td>{row[5]}</td>";
                        tableHtml += $"<td>{row[6]}</td>";
                        tableHtml += $"<td>{row[7]}</td>";
                        tableHtml += $"<td>{row[8]}</td>";
                        tableHtml += $"<td>{row[9]}</td>";
                        tableHtml += $"<td>{row[10]}</td>";
                        tableHtml += $"<td>{row[11]}</td>";
                        if (row[12] != "")
                            tableHtml += $"<td><a href='/Resources/Make/{row[12]}' target='_blank'><img src='/Resources/RecibosRegister/pdf.png' width='50' alt='recibo'/></a></td>";
                            tableHtml += "<td></td>";
                            tableHtml += "<td></td>";
                            tableHtml += $"<td><input type='button' value='Comprobante' class='btn btn-success' onclick='DisplayModalPay({row[0]})' /></td>";
                        tableHtml += "</tr>";
                        tableHtml += "<tr>";
                        tableHtml += $"<td>no hay datos</td>";
                        tableHtml += "</tr>";
                tableHtml += "</tbody>";
                tableHtml += "</table>";
                brWallet   = null;
                answer     = tableHtml;

            if (action == "voucher")

Example #27
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string action = Request["action"];
            string answer = "ha ocurrido un error";

            if (action == "get")
                BrPromoter  brPromoter = new BrPromoter();
                MyFunctions mf         = new MyFunctions();
                string      cboUpli    = string.Empty;

                string data = brPromoter.GetListByUserName(User.Identity.Name.Split('¬')[1]);

                if (data != "")
                    var activos   = data.Split('$')[0];
                    var noactivos = data.Split('$')[1];

                    var arrayData = activos.Split('¬');
                    answer  = "<table class='table table-hover'>";
                    answer += "<thead>";
                    answer += "<tr>";
                    answer += "<th></th>";
                    answer += "<th>Nombres</th>";
                    answer += "<th>Fecha de afiliacion</th>";
                    answer += "<th>Estado</th>";
                    answer += "</tr>";
                    answer += "<tbody>";

                    for (int i = 0; i < arrayData.Length; i++)
                        var row = arrayData[i].Split('|');
                        if (row.Length > 2)
                            var item = (i + 1).ToString();
                            answer += "<tr>";
                            answer += $"<td>{item}</td>";
                            answer += $"<td>{row[0]}</td>";
                            answer += $"<td>{mf.DateFormatClient(row[1])}</td>";
                            answer += $"<td>{row[2]}</td>";
                            answer += "</tr>";
                            answer += "<tr>";
                            answer += $"<td>No hay Datos</td>";
                            answer += "</tr>";
                    answer += "</tbody>";
                    answer += "</table>";

                    var arrayDatano = noactivos.Split('¬');
                    answer += "$<table class='table table-hover'>";
                    answer += "<thead>";
                    answer += "<tr>";
                    answer += "<th></th>";
                    answer += "<th>Nombres</th>";
                    answer += "<th>Fecha de afiliacion</th>";
                    answer += "<th>Estado</th>";
                    answer += "</tr>";
                    answer += "<tbody>";

                    for (int i = 0; i < arrayDatano.Length; i++)
                        var row = arrayDatano[i].Split('|');
                        if (row.Length > 2)
                            var item = (i + 1).ToString();
                            answer += "<tr>";
                            answer += $"<td>{item}</td>";
                            answer += $"<td>{row[0]}</td>";
                            answer += $"<td>{mf.DateFormatClient(row[1])}</td>";
                            answer += $"<td>{row[2]}</td>";
                            answer += "</tr>";
                            answer += "<tr>";
                            answer += $"<td>No hay Datos</td>";
                            answer += "</tr>";
                    answer += "</tbody>";
                    answer += "</table>";

            if (action == "getCode")
                BrPromoter brPromoter = new BrPromoter();

                var code = Request["code"];
                answer = brPromoter.GetCodeByUserName(User.Identity.Name.Split('¬')[1]);

            if (action == "save")
                BrPromoter brPromoter = new BrPromoter();

                var code = Request["code"];
                var data = brPromoter.SaveCode(User.Identity.Name.Split('¬')[1], code);

                if (data)
                    answer = "La operacion se realizo con exito";

Example #28
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var action = string.Empty;
            var answer = string.Empty;

            action = Request["action"];
            answer = "ocurrio un error";
            BrWallet brWallet;

            if (action == "get")
                brWallet = new BrWallet();
                MyFunctions mf = new MyFunctions();

                var tableHtml = string.Empty;

                var data = brWallet.GetAdmin();

                var arrayData = data.Split('¬');

                tableHtml  = "<table class='table table-hover'>";
                tableHtml += "<thead>";
                tableHtml += "<tr>";
                tableHtml += "<th>#</th>";
                tableHtml += "<th>Doc</th>";
                tableHtml += "<th>Fecha</th>";
                tableHtml += "<th>Monto</th>";
                tableHtml += "<th>Nombres</th>";
                tableHtml += "<th>Email</th>";
                tableHtml += "<th>Telefono</th>";
                tableHtml += "<th>Genero</th>";
                tableHtml += "<th></th>";
                tableHtml += "<th></th>";
                tableHtml += "</tr>";
                tableHtml += "</thead>";
                tableHtml += "<tbody>";

                for (int i = 0; i < arrayData.Length; i++)
                    var row  = arrayData[i].Split('|');
                    var item = (i + 1).ToString();
                    if (row.Length > 2)
                        tableHtml += "<tr>";
                        tableHtml += $"<td>{item}</td>";
                        tableHtml += $"<td><a href='/Resources/wallet/{row[1]}' target='_blank'><img src='/Resources/RecibosRegister/pdf.png' width='50' alt='recibo'/></a></td>";
                        tableHtml += $"<td>{mf.DateFormatClient(row[2])}</td>";
                        tableHtml += $"<td>{row[3]}</td>";
                        tableHtml += $"<td>{row[4]}</td>";
                        tableHtml += $"<td>{row[5]}</td>";
                        tableHtml += $"<td>{row[6]}</td>";
                        tableHtml += $"<td>{row[7]}</td>";
                        tableHtml += $"<td><input type='button' value='Aceptar' class='btn btn-primary' onclick='ShowModal({row[0]})' /></td>";
                        tableHtml += $"<td><input type='button' value='Rechazar' class='btn btn-success' onclick='DisplayModalRefuse({row[0]})' /></td>";
                        tableHtml += "</tr>";
                        tableHtml += "<tr>";
                        tableHtml += $"<td>no hay datos</td>";
                        tableHtml += "</tr>";
                tableHtml += "</tbody>";
                tableHtml += "</table>";
                brWallet   = null;
                answer     = tableHtml;

            if (action == "acept")
                var id = 0;

                id = int.Parse(Request["id"]);
                var obs = Request["obs"];
                brWallet = new BrWallet();

                var data = brWallet.ChangeStatus(id, obs, 1);

                if (data)
                    answer = "La operacion se realizo con exito.";

                brWallet = null;

            if (action == "refuse")
                var id = 0;

                id = int.Parse(Request["id"]);
                var obs = Request["obs"];
                brWallet = new BrWallet();

                var data = brWallet.ChangeStatus(id, obs, 2);

                if (data)
                    answer = "La operacion se realizo con exito.";

                brWallet = null;

Example #29
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var answer = "ocurrio un error";
            var action = Request["action"];

            if (action == "get")
                BrWallet    brWallet  = new BrWallet();
                MyFunctions mf        = new MyFunctions();
                string      tableHtml = "";
                var         arrayData = brWallet.Get(User.Identity.Name.Split('¬')[1]);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(arrayData))
                    string[] arrayRows = arrayData.Split('¬');
                    tableHtml  = "<table class='table table-hover'><thead>";
                    tableHtml += "<tr>";
                    tableHtml += "<th>#</th>";
                    tableHtml += "<th>Fecha</th>";
                    tableHtml += "<th>Operacion</th>";
                    tableHtml += "<th>Monto</th>";
                    tableHtml += "</tr></thead><tbody>";
                    for (int i = 0; i < arrayRows.Length; i++)
                        string[] row = arrayRows[i].Split('|');
                        if (row.Length > 2)
                            var classtr = "";
                            var restan  = "";
                            if (row[3] == "1")
                                classtr = "text-red";
                                restan  = "-";
                            tableHtml += $"<tr >";
                            tableHtml += $"<td>{(i + 1).ToString()}</td>";
                            tableHtml += $"<td>{mf.DateFormatClient(row[0])}</td>";
                            tableHtml += $"<td>{row[2]}</td>";
                            tableHtml += $"<td class='{classtr}'>{restan}{row[1]}</td>";
                            tableHtml += "</tr>";
                    tableHtml += "</tbody></table>";
                    answer     = tableHtml;
                    answer = "No hay Datos";

            if (action == "getDoc")
                BrWallet    brWallet = new BrWallet();
                MyFunctions mf       = new MyFunctions();
                var         data     = brWallet.GetDocsByUser(User.Identity.Name.Split('¬')[1]);

                answer = "no hay datos";

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(data))
                    var tableHtml = "<table class='table table-hover'>";
                    tableHtml += "<tr>";
                    tableHtml += $"<th>#</th>";
                    tableHtml += $"<th>Archivo</th>";
                    tableHtml += $"<th>Fecha</th>";
                    tableHtml += $"<th>Monto</th>";
                    tableHtml += $"<th>Estado</th>";
                    tableHtml += $"<th>Obs</th>";
                    tableHtml += $"<th>Voucher</th>";
                    tableHtml += "</tr>";
                    var arrayData = data.Split('¬');

                    for (int i = 0; i < arrayData.Length; i++)
                        var row = arrayData[i].Split('|');
                        tableHtml += "<tr>";
                        tableHtml += $"<td>{(i + 1).ToString()}</td>";
                        tableHtml += $"<td><a target='_blank' href='/Resources/wallet/{row[1]}' ><img src='../Resources/RecibosRegister/pdf.png' width='30px' /></a></td>";
                        tableHtml += $"<td>{mf.DateFormatClient(row[2])}</td>";
                        tableHtml += $"<td>{row[3]}</td>";
                        tableHtml += $"<td>{row[4]}</td>";
                        tableHtml += $"<td>{row[5]}</td>";

                        if (row[6] != "")
                            tableHtml += $"<td><a target='_blank' href='/Resources/Make/{row[6]}' ><img src='../Resources/RecibosRegister/pdf.png' width='30px' /></a></td>";
                            tableHtml += "<td></td>";
                        tableHtml += "</tr>";
                    tableHtml += "</table>";

                    answer = tableHtml;

            if (action == "infoper")
                var usernameBen = Request["userNameBen"];
                var amountleter = Request["amount"];

                answer = "false";
                Validation val = new Validation();
                if (val.IsDecimal(amountleter))
                    var amount = decimal.Parse(amountleter);

                    BrUser brUser        = new BrUser();
                    var    dataPersonBen = brUser.GetPersonalInformation(usernameBen).Split('|');
                    var    dataPerson    = brUser.GetPersonalInformation(User.Identity.Name.Split('¬')[1]).Split('|');

                    if (dataPersonBen.Length > 1)
                        BrWallet brWallet     = new BrWallet();
                        var      amountWallet = decimal.Parse(brWallet.GetAmount(User.Identity.Name.Split('¬')[1]));
                        if (amountWallet >= amount)
                            var emailfull  = dataPerson[5].Split('@')[0];
                            var emailfront = emailfull.Substring(0, (emailfull.Length / 2) + 2);

                            MyMessages  mm    = new MyMessages();
                            MyFunctions mf    = new MyFunctions();
                            Email       email = new Email();

                            var numberOne   = (new Random().Next(89) + 10).ToString("00");
                            var numberTwo   = ((new Random().Next(32) + 1) * 3).ToString("00");
                            var numberThree = ((new Random().Next(18) + 1) * 5).ToString("00");

                            var token = $"{numberOne}{numberTwo}{numberThree}";

                            var body = mm.EmailClaveDigital(token, mf.ToCapitalize(dataPersonBen[1]));
                            if (email.SendEmail(dataPerson[5], "Clave Digital - Inresorts", body, true))
                                BrWalletToken brWalletToken = new BrWalletToken();

                                var dateEnd = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(5);

                                var isSuccess = brWalletToken.PutToken(User.Identity.Name.Split('¬')[1], token, dateEnd, DateTime.Now.ToString(), 1, amount, usernameBen);

                                if (isSuccess)
                                    answer = $"true|{dataPersonBen[1]} {dataPersonBen[2]}|{emailfront}|{amountleter}";

            if (action == "validtoken")
                answer = "false";
                var token  = Request["clave"];
                var amount = decimal.Parse(Request["amount"]);

                BrWalletToken brWalletToken = new BrWalletToken();
                var           data          = brWalletToken.GetInfoToken(User.Identity.Name.Split('¬')[1], token, amount).Split('|');

                if (data.Length > 1)
                    var dateend = DateTime.Parse(data[0]);
                    if (DateTime.UtcNow <= dateend)
                        BrWallet brWallet     = new BrWallet();
                        var      amountWallet = decimal.Parse(brWallet.GetAmount(User.Identity.Name.Split('¬')[1]));
                        if (amountWallet >= amount)
                            var isSuccess = brWallet.PutTransferenciaBetwenWallet(data[1], User.Identity.Name.Split('¬')[1], amount);
                            if (isSuccess)
                                MyMessages  mm    = new MyMessages();
                                MyFunctions mf    = new MyFunctions();
                                Email       email = new Email();
                                var         name  = User.Identity.Name.Split('¬')[0].Split()[0];
                                var         body  = mm.EmailTranferSuccess(mf.ToCapitalize(name), mf.ToCapitalize(data[3]), amount.ToString());

                                var send = email.SendEmail(data[2], "Transferencia Exitosa - Inresorts", body, true);
                                answer = "true";

            if (action == "sendreport")
                var subjet   = Request["subjet"].Trim().ToUpper();
                var messagge = Request["messagge"].Trim();

                Email       email = new Email();
                MyMessages  mm    = new MyMessages();
                MyConstants mc    = new MyConstants();
                var         body  = mm.ReportProblemWallet(User.Identity.Name.Split('¬')[1], subjet, messagge);

                var send = email.SendEmail(mc.EmailEmpresa, "Problemas del Wallet - Inresorts", body, true);
                answer = "false";
                if (send)
                    answer = "true";

Example #30
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string action = Request["action"];
            string answer = "ha ocurrido un error";

            if (action == "get")
                BrPlacement brPlacement = new BrPlacement();
                MyFunctions mf          = new MyFunctions();
                string      cboUpli     = string.Empty;
                var         upliners    = brPlacement.GetUpliners(User.Identity.Name.Split('¬')[1]).Split('¬');

                cboUpli  = "<select>";
                cboUpli += $"<option value='0'>--Seleccionar--</option>";

                for (int i = 0; i < upliners.Length; i++)
                    var row = upliners[i].Split('|');
                    if (row.Length > 1)
                        cboUpli += $"<option value='{row[0]}'>{row[1]}</option>";
                cboUpli += "/<select>";

                string data = brPlacement.GetSponsored(User.Identity.Name.Split('¬')[1]);

                var arrayData = data.Split('¬');
                answer  = "<table class='table table-hover'>";
                answer += "<thead>";
                answer += "<tr>";
                answer += "<th></th>";
                answer += "<th>Nombres</th>";
                answer += "<th>Fecha</th>";
                answer += "<th>Tipo de Membresia</th>";
                answer += "<th>Estado</th>";
                answer += "<th>Upliner</th>";
                answer += "<th></th>";
                answer += "</tr>";
                answer += "<tbody>";

                for (int i = 0; i < arrayData.Length; i++)
                    var row = arrayData[i].Split('|');
                    if (row.Length > 2)
                        var item = (i + 1).ToString();
                        var id   = $"{item}_{row[2]}";
                        answer += "<tr>";
                        answer += $"<td>{item}</td>";
                        answer += $"<td>{row[1]}</td>";
                        answer += $"<td>{mf.DateFormatClient(row[3])}</td>";
                        answer += $"<td>{row[5]}</td>";

                        if (row[4] == "0")
                            row[6] = "Pendiente";
                        answer += $"<td>{row[6]}</td>";

                        answer += $"<td id='{id}'>{cboUpli}</td>";
                        if (row[4] == "1" || row[4] == "2")
                            answer += $"<td><input type='button' onclick=ShowModalAsignar('{id}','{row[1].Replace(' ', '_')}') name='name' value='Posicionar' class='btn btn-primary' style='box-shadow: 1px 2px 0px black;background: white; color: #000000; border: 1px solid #000000;'></td>";
                            answer += $"<td></td>";
                        answer += "</tr>";
                        answer += "<tr>";
                        answer += $"<td>No hay Datos</td>";
                        answer += "</tr>";
                answer += "</tbody>";
                answer += "</table>";

            if (action == "posi")
                var userNamechildren = Request["children"];
                var fatherId         = int.Parse(Request["father"]);

                BrAccount brAccount = new BrAccount();

                var existFather   = brAccount.Exist(fatherId);
                var existChildren = brAccount.Exist(userNamechildren);

                if (existFather && existChildren)
                    //validar si tiene ya sus tres
                    //verdadero por que pasa el limite
                    var brUser      = new BrUser();
                    var isCompleted = brUser.IsTeamCompleted(fatherId);

                    if (isCompleted)
                        answer = "El usuario ya tiene su equipo completo.";
                        //validar si al affliate ya no se le pueden establecer mas hijos
                        var help = brUser.IsHelpTeam(fatherId);

                        var idCurrent = int.Parse(User.Identity.Name.Split('¬')[2]);

                        if (idCurrent == 1)
                            help = false;

                        if (help)
                            answer = "El usuario ya no puede recibir mas ayuda.";
                            var       data      = $"{userNamechildren}|{fatherId}";
                            BrPartner brPartner = new BrPartner();
                            var       IsAssign  = brPartner.Assign(data);

                            if (IsAssign)
                                answer = "La operacion se realizo con exito.";