public List <MyCountry> GetCountryMasterRecord(MyCountry Data) { DataTable dt = GetCountryRecord(Data); for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { int St = 0; if (dt.Rows[i]["Status"].ToString() != "") { St = Int32.Parse(dt.Rows[i]["Status"].ToString()); } else { St = 0; } ListCountry.Add(new MyCountry { ID = Int32.Parse(dt.Rows[i]["ID"].ToString()), CountryCode = dt.Rows[i]["CountryCode"].ToString(), CountryName = dt.Rows[i]["CountryName"].ToString(), Status = St }); } return(ListCountry); }
public List <MyCountry> Countryviewparticular(MyCountry Data) { MasterManager cm = new MasterManager(); List <MyCountry> st = cm.GetCountryMasterRecord(Data); return(st); }
public List <MyCountry> Countryview(MyCountry Data) { MasterManager cm = new MasterManager(); List <MyCountry> st = cm.GetCountryMaster(Data); return(st); }
public List <MyCountry> countryBind(MyCountry Data) { MasterManager cm = new MasterManager(); List <MyCountry> st = cm.GetCommonCountryMaster(Data); return(st); }
public ActionResult Index() { var model = new ViewModel(); var c1 = new MyCountry { Country = "South Africa", CountryCode = 1 }; var c2 = new MyCountry { Country = "Russia", CountryCode = 2 }; model.Country = new List <MyCountry> { c1, c2 }; var r1 = new Region { RegionName = "Gauteng", CountryCode = 1 }; var r2 = new Region { RegionName = "Western Cape", CountryCode = 1 }; var r3 = new Region { RegionName = "Siberia", CountryCode = 2 }; model.Region = new List <Region> { r1, r2, r3 }; return(View(model)); }
public bool SpawnWorldAgentInThisCity() { if (worldAgentDock == null) { WorldAgent worldAgent = MyCountry.SpawnWorldAgent(entrance.position, MyCountry.isPlayerCountry); OnThisObjectReached(worldAgent); return(true); } return(false); }
private void OnDestroy() { MyCountry.RemoveAgentFromList(this); AgentManager.instance.RemoveFromList(this); if (MyCountry.isPlayerCountry) { ActionManager.instance.CreateAction(ActionManager.ActionInformationContent.PlayerWorldAgentDestroyed); UIManager.instance.WorldAgentPanel.Close(); WorldAgentWorldInfoPanelUI.instance.Close(); } }
private void Update() { foreach (ProduceItem item in produceItem) { item.UpdateMe(CountryManager.instance.IsItDefaultCountry(MyCountry) == false); if (item.GetCumulatedItemsAmount() > 0) { Item takenItem = item.TakeItem(); MyCountry.AddItem(takenItem); } } }
public void SetItem(CountryUpgradeObject item) { country = GameManager.instance.globalCountryManager.myCountry; upgradeObject = item; if (upgradeObject.upgradeType == UpgradeObject.UpgradeType.Increment) { upgradeObject.Apply(country); //change this later } RefreshItem(); }
public List <MyCountry> GetCommonCountryMaster(MyCountry Data) { DataTable dt = GetCommonCountryValues(Data); for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { ListCountry.Add(new MyCountry { ID = Int32.Parse(dt.Rows[i]["ID"].ToString()), CountryName = dt.Rows[i]["CountryName"].ToString(), }); } return(ListCountry); }
public DataTable GetCountryValues(MyCountry Data) { string strWhere = ""; string _Query = " select * from NVO_CountryMaster"; if (Data.CountryCode != "") { if (strWhere == "") { strWhere += _Query + " where CountryCode like '%" + Data.CountryCode + "%'"; } else { strWhere += " and CountryCode like '%" + Data.CountryCode + "%'"; } } if (Data.CountryName != "") { if (strWhere == "") { strWhere += _Query + " where CountryName like '%" + Data.CountryName + "%'"; } else { strWhere += " and CountryName like '%" + Data.CountryName + "%'"; } } if (Data.Status.ToString() == "1") { if (strWhere == "") { strWhere += _Query + " where Status =" + Data.Status.ToString(); } } if (strWhere == "") { strWhere = _Query; } return(GetViewData(strWhere, "")); }
private void InitiateCountries() { if (!gameState.isInitialized()) { return; } Country.countryCounter = gameState.countryCounter; var countries = gameState.GetCountries(); myCountry = gameState.myCountry; if (myCountry == null) { myCountry = new MyCountry("New Country"); //should jump to create country scene } List <Country> countryToDelete = new List <Country>(); foreach (var country in countries) { if (!GameManager.instance.gamedatabaseManager.currentMap.countryDataObjectDictionary.ContainsKey(country.countryID)) { //country never existed in the first place, remove it countryToDelete.Add(country); continue; } AddCountry(country, false); } foreach (var country in countryToDelete) { DeleteCountry(country); } AddMapDataCountries(); }
public DataTable GetCommonCountryValues(MyCountry Data) { string _Query = "Select * from NVO_CountryMaster"; return(GetViewData(_Query, "")); }
private void Start() { country = GameManager.instance.globalCountryManager.myCountry; }
private void OnDrawGizmos() { Gizmos.color = MyCountry.GetCountryColor(); Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(transform.position, blackboard.sightDistance); }
public GameState(string countryName) { myCountry = new MyCountry(countryName); myShip = new Ship(); }
public List <MyCountry> InsertCountryMaster(MyCountry Data) { DbConnection con = null; DbTransaction trans; try { con = _dbFactory.GetConnection(); con.Open(); trans = _dbFactory.GetTransaction(con); DbCommand Cmd = _dbFactory.GetCommand(); Cmd.Connection = con; Cmd.Transaction = trans; try { Cmd.CommandText = " IF((select count(*) from NVO_CountryMaster where ID=@ID)<=0) " + " BEGIN " + " INSERT INTO NVO_CountryMaster(CountryCode,CountryName,Status) " + " values (@CountryCode,@CountryName,@Status) " + " END " + " ELSE " + " UPDATE NVO_CountryMaster SET CountryCode=@CountryCode,CountryName=@CountryName,Status=@Status where ID=@ID"; Cmd.Parameters.Add(_dbFactory.GetParameter("@ID", Data.ID)); Cmd.Parameters.Add(_dbFactory.GetParameter("@CountryCode", Data.CountryCode)); Cmd.Parameters.Add(_dbFactory.GetParameter("@CountryName", Data.CountryName)); Cmd.Parameters.Add(_dbFactory.GetParameter("@Status", Data.Status)); int result = Cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); Cmd.CommandText = "select ident_current('NVO_CountryMaster')"; if (Data.ID == 0) { Data.ID = Int32.Parse(Cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString()); } else { Data.ID = Data.ID; } trans.Commit(); return(ListCountry); } catch (Exception ex) { string ss = ex.ToString(); trans.Rollback(); return(ListCountry); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { if (con != null && con.State != ConnectionState.Closed) { con.Close(); } } }
public DataTable GetCountryRecord(MyCountry Data) { string _Query = "Select * from NVO_CountryMaster where ID=" + Data.ID; return(GetViewData(_Query, "")); }