Example #1
        public async Task <RuntimeResult> search([Remainder] string msg)
            Console.WriteLine("we in!");
                EmbedBuilder embedBuilerr = await spotifyService.Search(msg, Context.User);

                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embedBuilerr.Build());

            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("we messed up");
Example #2
        public async Task <RuntimeResult> Listenn(float minutes, SocketUser user = null)
            if (user == null)
                user = Context.User;

            DateTime utcNow = DateTime.UtcNow;

            if (_dictionary.ContainsKey(user.Id))
                return(MyCommandResult.FromError($"Shhh... :eyes: 'Listen' is already running for user {user.Mention}!\nEstimated end time : `{(_dictionary[user.Id].Item1 - (utcNow - _dictionary[user.Id].Item2) ).ToString(@"hh\:mm\:ss")}`"));
                TimeSpan span = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(minutes);                          // converting float minutes to timespan minutes
                _dictionary.Add(user.Id, new Tuple <TimeSpan, DateTime>(span, utcNow)); //filling dict

            Random random = new Random();
            Color  color  = new Color(random.Next(0, 255), random.Next(0, 255), random.Next(0, 255));

                Console.Write(user.Username + "\n"); //test : see which user we listen to
                var embedBuilder = new EmbedBuilder();
                if (minutes < 0.5f)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Time period must be more than 0,5 min.");
                if (minutes > 60f)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Time period cant be more than 1 hour.");

                int         p        = (int)(minutes * 60) / wait_seconds; //How many times loop will run
                song_data[] songData = new song_data[p];
                int         d        = 0;
                var         embed    = new EmbedBuilder();
                embed.Description += $"starting... \nListening for {minutes} minute(s)..";
                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embed.Build());

                for (int i = 0; i < p; i++)
                    bool Spotify_exists = false;         //To determine whether first activity check contains spotify
                    var  activities     = user.Activities;
                    foreach (var activity in activities) //Typecheck....
                        if (activity is SpotifyGame spot)
                            Spotify_exists = true;
                            //Console.WriteLine($"{d + 1} song recieved");
                            var tuple = spotify.Listen(spot.TrackTitle + " " + spot.Artists.First());
                            songData[d].s_popularity = tuple.Result.Item1; // <- song pop
                            songData[d].a_popularity = tuple.Result.Item2; // <- artist pop
                            songData[d].genre_string = tuple.Result.Item3;

                    if (!Spotify_exists && i == 0)
                        throw new Exception($"No spotify activity detected.\n[What is spotify activity?]({spotify_activity_Explanation}) :confused:");

                    if (i != p - 1) //For not delaying after last time
                        await Task.Delay(wait_seconds * 1000);


                var     distinct_data   = songData.Distinct();              //Deletes similar elements.
                float[] popularities    = new float[distinct_data.Count()]; // song popularities
                int     dd              = 0;
                string  distinct_genres = "";
                foreach (var data in distinct_data)
                    popularities[dd] = (data.s_popularity * 0.25f + data.a_popularity * 0.75f);
                    distinct_genres = distinct_genres + "+" + data.genre_string;//all genres to one string, in order to pass it to GetTopGenres();

                //Console.WriteLine($"\n\n{distinct_genres}"); - in case you wanna see it

                var topGenres = spotify.GetTopGenres(distinct_genres);
                var field     = new EmbedFieldBuilder();

                field.WithName($"How basic your music taste is, based on {popularities.Length} song(s) ");
                field.WithValue($"Your current songs are `{Math.Round(popularities.Average(), 1)}%` basic.");
                field.IsInline = true;

                var author = new EmbedAuthorBuilder();
                author.Name    += $"for {user.Username}";
                author.IconUrl += user.GetAvatarUrl();

                if (topGenres.Length > 2)
                    var genre_field = new EmbedFieldBuilder();
                    genre_field.WithName("**Top genres are** :");
                    genre_field.IsInline = true;

                    var genre_arr = topGenres.Split(", ");
                    foreach (var genre in genre_arr)
                        genre_field.Value += $"• {genre}\n";

                RemoveUser(user, _dictionary);
                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(user.Mention, false, embedBuilder.Build());

            catch (Exception e)
                RemoveUser(user, _dictionary);
                return(MyCommandResult.FromError($"Command aborted : {e.Message}"));