Example #1
    public static void DestroyNetworkedObject(object caller, DataStreamReader stream, ref DataStreamReader.Context context, NetworkConnection source)
        MyClientBehaviour client = caller as MyClientBehaviour;
        uint networkId           = stream.ReadUInt(ref context);

        NetworkId.DestroyNetworked(networkId, ref client.repository);
Example #2
    public static void PlayerShoot(object caller, DataStreamReader stream, ref DataStreamReader.Context context, NetworkConnection source)
        MyClientBehaviour client = caller as MyClientBehaviour;

        //playerId and bullet id
        uint playerId  = stream.ReadUInt(ref context);
        uint networkId = stream.ReadUInt(ref context);

        float posX = stream.ReadFloat(ref context);
        float posY = stream.ReadFloat(ref context);
        float posZ = stream.ReadFloat(ref context);
        float rotX = stream.ReadFloat(ref context);
        float rotY = stream.ReadFloat(ref context);
        float rotZ = stream.ReadFloat(ref context);

        //spawn a bullet with the received networkId and position/direction
        GameObject bullet;
        uint       id = NetworkId.Spawn(Resources.Load("ClientBullet"), ref client.repository, networkId);

        if (NetworkId.Find(id, out bullet, ref client.repository))
            //set playerId on bullet script, set position and direction of player that's shooting
            bullet.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(rotX, rotY, rotZ);
            bullet.transform.position = new Vector3(posX, posY, posZ);
Example #3
    public static void PlayerUpdate(object caller, DataStreamReader stream, ref DataStreamReader.Context context, NetworkConnection source)
        //Debug.Log("Got Player Update from server");

        MyClientBehaviour client = caller as MyClientBehaviour;
        uint numPlayers          = stream.ReadUInt(ref context);

        for (int i = 0; i < numPlayers; ++i)
            uint  playerIndex = stream.ReadUInt(ref context);
            float posX        = stream.ReadFloat(ref context);
            float posY        = stream.ReadFloat(ref context);
            float posZ        = stream.ReadFloat(ref context);
            float rotX        = stream.ReadFloat(ref context);
            float rotY        = stream.ReadFloat(ref context);
            float rotZ        = stream.ReadFloat(ref context);

            ClientUpdate clientUpdate;
            clientUpdate.position.x = posX;
            clientUpdate.position.y = posY;
            clientUpdate.position.z = posZ;
            clientUpdate.euler.x    = rotX;
            clientUpdate.euler.y    = rotY;
            clientUpdate.euler.z    = rotZ;

            client.ApplyClientUpdate(clientUpdate, playerIndex);
Example #4
    public static void PlayerJoined(object caller, DataStreamReader stream, ref DataStreamReader.Context context, NetworkConnection source)
        //got remote player joined from server
        MyClientBehaviour client = caller as MyClientBehaviour;

        uint index = stream.ReadUInt(ref context);

Example #5
    public static void AssignPlayerIndex(object caller, DataStreamReader stream, ref DataStreamReader.Context context, NetworkConnection source)
        //got player index from server
        MyClientBehaviour client = caller as MyClientBehaviour;

        uint index = stream.ReadUInt(ref context);

        Debug.Log("Assigned player index " + index + " to my client instance");

        //TODO: Make this a function?
        client.playerIndex = index;
        client.name        = "Client" + index;
    public void CreateRemoteClientForIndex(uint index)
        Debug.Log("CreateRemoteClientForIndex " + index);

        //instantiate remoteClient prefab for index if not already existing
        if (remoteClients.ContainsKey(index))
            Debug.Log("Client Index already exists! " + index);

        Object prefab = Resources.Load("RemoteClient");

        GameObject clientObject = Instantiate(prefab) as GameObject;

        clientObject.name = "RemoteClient" + index;
        MyClientBehaviour remoteClient = clientObject.GetComponent <MyClientBehaviour>();

        remoteClient.playerIndex = index;

        remoteClients[index] = remoteClient;
Example #7
    public static void Ping(object caller, DataStreamReader stream, ref DataStreamReader.Context context, NetworkConnection source)
        MyClientBehaviour client = caller as MyClientBehaviour;

        //TODO: get network time, correct offsets, send pong
 private void Start()
     clientBehaviour = this.gameObject.GetComponent <MyClientBehaviour>();