Example #1
        public static bool GetMaximumRotation_Assembly_ComposedPatterns(List <MyPatternOfComponents> listOfPatternOnThePath,
                                                                        MyCircumForPath pathObject, ref int i, ref int numOfPatterns, ref bool noStop,
                                                                        ref MyComposedPatternOfComponents outputComposedPattern, SldWorks SwApplication, ref StringBuilder fileOutput)
            var listOfPatternsOfNew = new List <MyPatternOfComponents> {
            var lengthOfNew = 1;
            var exit        = false;

            //Computation of the rotation angle:
            double[] planeNormal =

            var teta = FunctionsLC.FindAngle(listOfPatternOnThePath[0].patternCentroid,
                                             listOfPatternOnThePath[1].patternCentroid, pathObject.circumcenter);

            var axisDirection = Part.PartUtilities.GeometryAnalysis.establishAxisDirection(listOfPatternOnThePath[0].patternCentroid,
                                                                                           pathObject.circumcenter, planeNormal);

            while (i < (numOfPatterns - 1) && exit == false)
                if (IsRotationTwoPatterns_Assembly(listOfPatternOnThePath[i], listOfPatternOnThePath[i + 1], teta, axisDirection,
                                                   SwApplication, ref fileOutput))
                    listOfPatternsOfNew.Add(listOfPatternOnThePath[i + 1]);
                    lengthOfNew += 1;

                    exit   = true;
                    noStop = false;


            if (lengthOfNew > 1)
                outputComposedPattern.ListOfMyPatternOfComponents         = listOfPatternsOfNew;
                outputComposedPattern.pathOfMyComposedPatternOfComponents = pathObject;

                outputComposedPattern.typeOfMyComposedPatternOfComponents = "ROTATION";

                outputComposedPattern.constStepOfMyComposedPatternOfComponents = listOfPatternsOfNew[0].patternCentroid.Distance(

        //Restituisce le equazioni cartesiane della circonferenza passante per V1, V2, V3
        public static MyCircumForPath CircumPassingThrough(MyVertex V1, MyVertex V2, MyVertex V3, ref StringBuilder fileOutput, ModelDoc2 SwModel, SldWorks swApplication)
            //The circumference does not exist if the 3 points lie on the same line or if 2 of them are coincident.
            if (V1.Lieonline(LinePassingThrough(V2, V3)) || V1.Equals(V2) || V1.Equals(V3) || V2.Equals(V3))
                MyCircumForPath OutputCircum = new MyCircumForPath();
                MyPlane CircumPlane = PlanePassingThrough(V1, V2, V3);

                //There is a unique sphere passing through 4 points: we must arbitrarily choose a fourth point not lying on the V1-V2-V3 plane
                //So we choose the point resulting from adding the normal direction to a point lying on the V1-V2-V3 plane, for example V1

                MyVertex V4 = new MyVertex(V1.x + CircumPlane.a * 10, V1.y + CircumPlane.b * 10, V1.z + CircumPlane.c * 10);
                //Vertex V4 = new Vertex(0, 0, 0);
                //if (SwModel != null)
                //    SwModel = swApplication.ActiveDoc;
                //    SwModel.ClearSelection2(true);
                //    SwModel.Insert3DSketch();
                //    SwModel.CreatePoint2(V1.x, V1.y, V1.z);
                //    SwModel.InsertSketch();
                //    SwModel.CreatePoint2(V2.x, V2.y, V2.z);
                //    SwModel.InsertSketch();
                //    SwModel.CreatePoint2(V3.x, V3.y, V3.z);
                //    SwModel.InsertSketch();
                //    SwModel.CreatePoint2(V4.x, V4.y, V4.z);
                //    SwModel.InsertSketch();

                MySphere CircumSphere = SpherePassingThrough(V1, V2, V3, V4, ref fileOutput, SwModel);

                if (CircumSphere.centerSphere == null)
                else if (CircumSphere.centerSphere != null)
                    MyCircumForPath OutputCircum = new MyCircumForPath(CircumPlane, CircumSphere);
            MyCircumForPath OutputCircumNull = new MyCircumForPath();

        //It detect the maximum symmetry relation in a set of MyRepeatedEntity, starting from index i of the list of MyRE
        public static bool GetMaximumRotation(List <MyRepeatedEntity> listOfREOnThePath, MyCircumForPath pathObject,
                                              ref int i, ref int numOfRE, ref bool noStop, ref MyPattern outputPattern,
                                              List <MyGroupingSurface> listOfInitialGroupingSurface)
            //const string nameFile = "GetRotationalPatterns.txt";
            //KLdebug.Print(" ", nameFile);
            //KLdebug.Print("NUOVO AVVIO DI RICERCA ROTAZIONE", nameFile);
            //KLdebug.Print(" ", nameFile);
            //var whatToWrite = "";

            var listOfREOfNewMyPattern = new List <MyRepeatedEntity> {
            var lengthOfCurrentPath = 1;   // = it represents the number of couples related by translation
            var exit = false;

            //Computation of the rotation angle:
            double[] planeNormal =
            var teta = FunctionsLC.FindAngle(listOfREOnThePath[0].centroid, listOfREOnThePath[1].centroid, pathObject.circumcenter);

            var axisDirection = establishAxisDirection(listOfREOnThePath[0].centroid, listOfREOnThePath[1].centroid,
                                                       pathObject.circumcenter, planeNormal);

            //var SwModel = (ModelDoc2)SwApplication.ActiveDoc;
            //SwModel.CreatePoint2(pathObject.circumcenter.x, pathObject.circumcenter.y, pathObject.circumcenter.z);

            while (i < (numOfRE - 1) && exit == false) //fino alla penultima RE
                //KLdebug.Print(" ", nameFile);
                //KLdebug.Print(" ", nameFile);
                //whatToWrite = string.Format("         Confronto {0}^ RE e la {1}^ RE: ", i, i + 1);
                //KLdebug.Print(whatToWrite, nameFile);

                if (IsRotationTwoRE(listOfREOnThePath[i], listOfREOnThePath[i + 1], teta, axisDirection, pathObject.circumcenter))
                    listOfREOfNewMyPattern.Add(listOfREOnThePath[i + 1]);
                    lengthOfCurrentPath += 1;
                    //KLdebug.Print("Aggiunta " + (i + 1) + "-esima RE al MYPattern. lengthOfCurrentPath = " + lengthOfCurrentPath, nameFile);
                    exit   = true;
                    noStop = false;

                    //KLdebug.Print(" ", nameFile);
                    //KLdebug.Print("------>>> Interruzione alla posizione: " + i, nameFile);
                    //KLdebug.Print(" ", nameFile);

            // KLdebug.Print(" ", nameFile);

            if (lengthOfCurrentPath > 1)
                outputPattern.listOfMyREOfMyPattern = listOfREOfNewMyPattern;
                outputPattern.pathOfMyPattern       = pathObject;
                var listOfGroupingSurfaceForThisPattern = findGroupingSurfacesForThisPattern(listOfInitialGroupingSurface,
                                                                                             listOfREOfNewMyPattern, lengthOfCurrentPath);
                outputPattern.listOfGroupingSurfaces = listOfGroupingSurfaceForThisPattern;
                //KLdebug.Print("lengthOfCurrentPath = " + lengthOfCurrentPath, nameFile);

                outputPattern.typeOfMyPattern      = "ROTATION";
                outputPattern.constStepOfMyPattern = listOfREOfNewMyPattern[0].centroid.Distance(listOfREOfNewMyPattern[1].centroid);
                //KLdebug.Print("CREATO PATTERN Rotazionale circolare DI LUNGHEZZA = " + lengthOfCurrentPath, nameFile);

                outputPattern.angle = teta;
            //KLdebug.Print("lengthOfCurrentPath = " + lengthOfCurrentPath, nameFile);
            //KLdebug.Print("IL PATTERN TRANS ha LUNGHEZZA NULLA, NON HO CREATO NIENTE.", nameFile);
            //KLdebug.Print(" ", nameFile);
        public static bool KLGetMaximumRotation_Assembly(List <MyRepeatedComponent> listOfComponentsOnThePath,
                                                         MyCircumForPath pathObject,
                                                         ref int i, ref int numOfComp, ref bool noStop, ref MyPatternOfComponents outputPattern)
            //const string nameFile = "GetRotationalPatterns.txt";
            //KLdebug.Print(" ", nameFile);
            //KLdebug.Print("NUOVO AVVIO DI RICERCA ROTAZIONE", nameFile);
            //KLdebug.Print(" ", nameFile);
            //var whatToWrite = "";

            var listOfREOnThePath =
                new List <MyRepeatedEntity>(listOfComponentsOnThePath.Select(comp => comp.RepeatedEntity));

            var listOfREOfNewMyPattern = new List <MyRepeatedEntity> {
            var listOfComponetsOfNewMyPattern = new List <MyRepeatedComponent> {

            var lengthOfCurrentPath = 1;   // = it represents the number of couples related by translation
            var exit = false;

            if (pathObject.circumplane == null)
                exit   = true;
                noStop = false;
            //Computation of the rotation angle:
            double[] planeNormal =
            var teta = FunctionsLC.FindAngle(listOfREOnThePath[0].centroid, listOfREOnThePath[1].centroid, pathObject.circumcenter);

            var axisDirection = Part.PartUtilities.GeometryAnalysis.establishAxisDirection(listOfREOnThePath[0].centroid, listOfREOnThePath[1].centroid,
                                                                                           pathObject.circumcenter, planeNormal);

            while (i < (numOfComp - 1) && exit == false) //fino alla penultima RE
                //KLdebug.Print(" ", nameFile);
                //KLdebug.Print(" ", nameFile);
                //whatToWrite = string.Format("         Confronto {0}^ RE e la {1}^ RE: ", i, i + 1);
                //KLdebug.Print(whatToWrite, nameFile);

                if (true)
                //if (Part.PartUtilities.GeometryAnalysis.IsRotationTwoRE(listOfREOnThePath[i], listOfREOnThePath[i + 1], teta, axisDirection, pathObject.circumcenter))
                    listOfREOfNewMyPattern.Add(listOfREOnThePath[i + 1]);
                    listOfComponetsOfNewMyPattern.Add(listOfComponentsOnThePath[i + 1]);
                    lengthOfCurrentPath += 1;
                    //KLdebug.Print("Aggiunta " + (i + 1) + "-esima RE al MYPattern. lengthOfCurrentPath = " + lengthOfCurrentPath, nameFile);
                    exit   = true;
                    noStop = false;

                    //KLdebug.Print(" ", nameFile);
                    //KLdebug.Print("------>>> Interruzione alla posizione: " + i, nameFile);
                    //KLdebug.Print(" ", nameFile);

            // KLdebug.Print(" ", nameFile);

            if (lengthOfCurrentPath > 1)
                outputPattern.listOfMyRCOfMyPattern = listOfComponetsOfNewMyPattern;

                outputPattern.listOfMyRCOfMyPattern = listOfComponentsOnThePath;
                outputPattern.pathOfMyPattern       = pathObject;

                outputPattern.typeOfMyPattern      = "ROTATION";
                outputPattern.constStepOfMyPattern = listOfREOfNewMyPattern[0].centroid.Distance(listOfREOfNewMyPattern[1].centroid);
                //KLdebug.Print("CREATO PATTERN Rotazionale circolare DI LUNGHEZZA = " + lengthOfCurrentPath, nameFile);

                outputPattern.angle = teta;
            //KLdebug.Print("lengthOfCurrentPath = " + lengthOfCurrentPath, nameFile);
            //KLdebug.Print("IL PATTERN TRANS ha LUNGHEZZA NULLA, NON HO CREATO NIENTE.", nameFile);
            //KLdebug.Print(" ", nameFile);

            //const string nameFile = "GetRotationalPatterns.txt";
            //KLdebug.Print(" ", nameFile);
            //KLdebug.Print("NUOVO AVVIO DI RICERCA ROTAZIONE", nameFile);
            //KLdebug.Print(" ", nameFile);
            //var whatToWrite = "";

            ////var newMyPattern = new MyPattern();

            //var listOfCompOfNewMyPattern = new List<MyRepeatedComponent> { listOfComponentsOnThePath[i] };
            //var lengthOfCurrentPath = 1; // = it represents the number of couples related by translation
            //var exit = false;

            ////Computation of the rotation angle:
            //double[] planeNormal =
            //    pathObject.circumplane.a,
            //    pathObject.circumplane.b,
            //    pathObject.circumplane.c

            //var teta = FunctionsLC.FindAngle(listOfComponentsOnThePath[0].Origin, listOfComponentsOnThePath[1].Origin,
            //    pathObject.circumcenter);
            //KLdebug.Print("   --->>> TETA = " + teta, nameFile);

            //var axisDirection =
            //    BRepUtilities.GeometryAnalysis.establishAxisDirection(listOfComponentsOnThePath[0].Origin,
            //        listOfComponentsOnThePath[1].Origin,
            //        pathObject.circumcenter, planeNormal);

            //while (i < (numOfComp - 1) && exit == false) //fino alla penultima Comp
            //    KLdebug.Print(" ", nameFile);
            //    KLdebug.Print(" ", nameFile);
            //    whatToWrite = string.Format("         Confronto {0}^ COMP e la {1}^ COMP: ", i, i + 1);
            //    KLdebug.Print(whatToWrite, nameFile);

            //    KLdebug.PrintTransformMatrix(listOfComponentsOnThePath[i].Transform, nameFile, SwApplication);
            //    KLdebug.PrintTransformMatrix(listOfComponentsOnThePath[i + 1].Transform, nameFile, SwApplication);

            //    if (IsRotationTwoComp_Assembly(listOfComponentsOnThePath[i], listOfComponentsOnThePath[i + 1], teta, axisDirection))
            //    {
            //        listOfCompOfNewMyPattern.Add(listOfComponentsOnThePath[i + 1]);
            //        lengthOfCurrentPath += 1;
            //        KLdebug.Print(
            //            "Aggiunta " + (i + 1) + "-esima COMP al MYPattern. lengthOfCurrentPath = " + lengthOfCurrentPath,
            //            nameFile);
            //        i++;
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        exit = true;
            //        noStop = false;

            //        KLdebug.Print(" ", nameFile);
            //        KLdebug.Print("------>>> Interruzione alla posizione: " + i, nameFile);
            //        KLdebug.Print(" ", nameFile);

            //        i++;
            //    }
            //KLdebug.Print(" ", nameFile);

            //if (lengthOfCurrentPath > 1)
            //    outputPattern.listOfMyRCOfMyPattern = listOfCompOfNewMyPattern;
            //    outputPattern.pathOfMyPattern = pathObject;
            //    KLdebug.Print("lengthOfCurrentPath = " + lengthOfCurrentPath, nameFile);

            //    outputPattern.typeOfMyPattern = "ROTATION";
            //    outputPattern.angle = teta;
            //    KLdebug.Print("CREATO PATTERN Rotazionale circolare DI LUNGHEZZA = " + lengthOfCurrentPath, nameFile);
            //    return true;
            //KLdebug.Print("lengthOfCurrentPath = " + lengthOfCurrentPath, nameFile);
            //KLdebug.Print("IL PATTERN TRANS ha LUNGHEZZA NULLA, NON HO CREATO NIENTE.", nameFile);
            //KLdebug.Print(" ", nameFile);
            //return false;
Example #5
        //Crea il massimo path CIRCONFERENZA a partire dai 3 punti dati
        public static List <int> ThreePointsGivenPathsCircum(MyMatrAdj MatrAdjToSee,
                                                             List <MyVertex> ListCentroid, List <int> ListOfExtremePoints, int Point1,
                                                             int Point2, int Point3, ref StringBuilder fileOutput, ref bool ToleranceOk,
                                                             out MyPathGeometricObject pathCurve, ModelDoc2 swModel = null, SldWorks swApplication = null)
            List <int> Path = new List <int>();


            MyCircumForPath CircumPath = FunctionsLC.CircumPassingThrough(
                ListCentroid[Point1], ListCentroid[Point2], ListCentroid[Point3], ref fileOutput, swModel, swApplication);

            //procedo nella direzione Point2-Point3
            fileOutput.AppendLine("Point3: " + Point3);
            List <int> BranchesThird = MatrAdjToSee.matr.GetRow(Point3).Find(entry => entry == 1).ToList();

            //cerco tra questi
            //foreach (int ind in BranchesThird)
            //    fileOutput.AppendLine("\n branch del 3° punto " + Point3 + ": " + ind);

            int Next = BranchesThird.FindIndex(ind_branch => ListCentroid[ind_branch].Lieoncircum(CircumPath));

            while (Next != -1 && BranchesThird[Next] != Point1)
            // mi devo fermare anche quando completo la circonferenza, se non va all'infinito
                // Check if the tolerance is too rough
                int NumOfFound =
                    BranchesThird.FindAll(ind_branch => ListCentroid[ind_branch].Lieoncircum(CircumPath)).Count;
                if (NumOfFound == 1)
                    //List<int> listafind = BranchesThird.FindAll(ind_branch => ListCentroid[ind_branch].Lieoncircum(CircumPath));
                    //foreach (int ind in listafind)
                    //    fileOutput.AppendLine("Branch candidato a proseguire il path (dovrebbe essere solo uno!): " + ind);
                    //fileOutput.AppendLine("Next: " + Next);

                    int NextInd = BranchesThird[Next];
                    //fileOutput.AppendLine("Nextind: " + NextInd);
                    BranchesThird = MatrAdjToSee.matr.GetRow(NextInd).Find(entry => entry == 1).ToList();
                    //cerco tra questi
                    //rimuovo dai branch trovati l'ultimo elemento che avevo aggiunto al path (in coda), perché se no tornerei indietro
                    Path.Add(NextInd);     //aggiungo in coda al path
                    Next = BranchesThird.FindIndex(ind_branch => ListCentroid[ind_branch].Lieoncircum(CircumPath));
                    fileOutput.AppendLine("NumOfFound > 1  !!!!");
                    //End the execution in the higher levels
                    ToleranceOk = false;
                    pathCurve   = null;

            #region Check if I can invert the direction of expansion on not

            //se non ho ancora completato il giro (Next=-1) e Point1 non era un Extreme point, inverto la direzione procedendo verso Point2-Point1
            if (Next == -1)
                if (!(ListOfExtremePoints.Contains(Point1)))
                    fileOutput.AppendLine("non ho ancora completato il giro");

                    BranchesThird = MatrAdjToSee.matr.GetRow(Point1).Find(entry => entry == 1).ToList();
                    //cerco tra questi
                    Next = BranchesThird.FindIndex(ind_branch => ListCentroid[ind_branch].Lieoncircum(CircumPath));
                    while (Next != -1)
                    // qui sono sicura che che non completerò mai la crf, se no l'avrebbe già completata nell'altro while
                        // Check if the tolerance is too rough
                        int NumOfFound =
                            BranchesThird.FindAll(ind_branch => ListCentroid[ind_branch].Lieoncircum(CircumPath))
                        if (NumOfFound == 1)
                            //List<int> listafind = BranchesThird.FindAll(ind_branch => ListCentroid[ind_branch].Lieoncircum(CircumPath));
                            //foreach (int ind in listafind)
                            //    fileOutput.AppendLine("Branch candidato a proseguire il path (dovrebbe essere solo uno!): " + ind);
                            //fileOutput.AppendLine("Next: " + Next);
                            int NextInd = BranchesThird[Next];
                            //fileOutput.AppendLine("Nextind: " + NextInd);

                            BranchesThird = MatrAdjToSee.matr.GetRow(NextInd).Find(entry => entry == 1).ToList();
                            //cerco tra questi
                            //rimuovo dai branch trovati l'ultimo elemento che avevo aggiunto al path (in testa), perché se no tornerei indietro
                            Path.Insert(0, NextInd);     //aggiungo in testa al path
                            Next =
                                    ind_branch => ListCentroid[ind_branch].Lieoncircum(CircumPath));
                            fileOutput.AppendLine("NumOfFound > 1  !!!!  ERRORE. ");
                            //End the execution in the higher levels
                            ToleranceOk = false;
                            pathCurve   = null;
            else                               //si è usciti dal 1° while perché BranchesThird[Next] == Point1, cioè ho completato il giro
                Path.Add(BranchesThird[Next]); //aggiungo Point1 al Path (faccio un ciclo chiuso)


            fileOutput.AppendLine("\n Nuovo path circonferenza:");
            foreach (int ind in Path)
                fileOutput.AppendLine(" - " + ind);
            pathCurve = CircumPath;

            if (CircumPath != null)
        } //fine ThreePointsGivenPathsCircum