Example #1
        public CefClientApp(IntPtr processHandle, CefRenderProcessListener renderProcessListener)
            this.renderProcessListener = renderProcessListener;
            //dev note: multiprocess debuging: renderer process debugger
            //if you want to break in the renderer process
            //1. set break point after, MessageBox.Show();
            //2. call pop up message box
            //3. then, use Visual studio to find what process that own the pop up
            // ( Debug-> Attach To Process -> select process the own the pop up
            //4. select process id that is renderer process
            //5. push ok button on the pop msgbox , then debugger will break on the
            //  break point after popup
            //if (Cef3Binder.s_dbugIsRendererProcess)
            //    System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Renderer", "Renderer");

            lock (sync_)
                //init once
                if (!isInitWithProcessHandle)
                    isInitWithProcessHandle = true;
                    //1. register mx callback
                    this.mxCallback = new MyCefCallback(MxCallBack);
                    Cef3Binder.RegisterManagedCallBack(this.mxCallback, 3);
                    //2. create client app
                    this.clientAppPtr = Cef3Binder.MyCefCreateClientApp(processHandle);
Example #2
        public MyCefBrowser(IWindowControl parentControl,
                            int x, int y, int w, int h, string initUrl, bool isOsr)
            //global handler
            this.managedCallback = new MyCefCallback(this.HandleNativeReq);

            //cef-specific collection of cef-handler
            myBwHandler = new MyCefBwHandler(this);
            this.currentUrl = initUrl;
            //create cef browser view handler
            this.parentControl = parentControl;
            this.topForm       = parentControl.GetTopLevelControl() as IWindowForm;

            //for specific browser
            if (this.IsOsr = isOsr)
                _myCefBw = new MyCefBw(Cef3Binder.MyCefCreateMyWebBrowserOSR(managedCallback));
                Cef3Binder.MyCefSetupBrowserHwndOSR(_myCefBw.ptr, parentControl.GetHandle(), x, y, w, h, initUrl, IntPtr.Zero);
                _myCefBw = new MyCefBw(Cef3Binder.MyCefCreateMyWebBrowser(managedCallback));
                Cef3Binder.MyCefSetupBrowserHwnd(_myCefBw.ptr, parentControl.GetHandle(), x, y, w, h, initUrl, IntPtr.Zero);

            Cef3Binder.MyCefBwCall(this._myCefBw.ptr, CefBwCallMsg.CefBw_MyCef_EnableKeyIntercept, 1);

            //register mycef browser
Example #3

        public MyCefBrowser(IWindowControl parentControl,
                            int x, int y, int w, int h, string initUrl, bool isOsr)
            this.currentUrl = initUrl;
            //create cef browser view handler
            this.parentControl = parentControl;
            this.topForm       = (IWindowForm)parentControl.GetTopLevelControl();
            //ui process ***
            this.managedCallback = new MyCefCallback(this.MxCallBack);
            //for specific browser
            if (this.IsOsr = isOsr)
                this.myCefBrowser = Cef3Binder.MyCefCreateMyWebBrowserOSR(managedCallback);
                Cef3Binder.MyCefSetupBrowserHwndOSR(myCefBrowser, parentControl.GetHandle(), x, y, w, h, initUrl, IntPtr.Zero);
                this.myCefBrowser = Cef3Binder.MyCefCreateMyWebBrowser(managedCallback);
                Cef3Binder.MyCefSetupBrowserHwnd(myCefBrowser, parentControl.GetHandle(), x, y, w, h, initUrl, IntPtr.Zero);

            Cef3Binder.MyCefEnableKeyIntercept(myCefBrowser, 1);
            //register mycef browser
Example #4
        public CefClientApp(IntPtr processHandle)
            //dev note: multiprocess debuging: renderer process debugger
            //if you want to break in the renderer process
            //1. set break point after, MessageBox.Show();
            //2. call pop up message box
            //3. then, use Visual studio to find what process that own the pop up
            // ( Debug-> Attach To Process -> select process the own the pop up
            //4. select process id that is renderer process
            //5. push ok button on the pop msgbox , then debugger will break on the
            //  break point after popup
            //if (Cef3Binder.s_dbugIsRendererProcess)
            //    System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Renderer", "Renderer");

            lock (sync_)
                //init once
                if (!isInitWithProcessHandle)
                    isInitWithProcessHandle = true;
                    //1) register mx callback,
                    //call-back must be created first (before client app).
                    Cef3Binder.RegisterManagedCallBack(this.mxCallback = GetManagedCallbackImpl(), 3);
                    //2) create client app
                    //1 process have 1 client app instance.
                    this.clientAppPtr = Cef3Binder.MyCefCreateClientApp(processHandle);
                    //the registered callback from previous step(1) was attached to the new client app.
Example #5
        public void PrintToPdf(string filename)
            MyCefCallback cb = null;

            cb = new MyCefCallback((id, args) =>
                //remove after finish
                var metArg = new NativeCallArgs(args);
                int isOK   = metArg.GetArgAsInt32(1);
            Cef3Binder.MyCefPrintToPdf(_myCefBw.ptr, IntPtr.Zero, filename, cb);
Example #6
        public void PrintToPdf(string pdfConfig, string filename)
            IntPtr        nativePdfConfig = Cef3Binder.MyCefCreatePdfPrintSetting(pdfConfig);
            MyCefCallback cb = null;

            cb = new MyCefCallback((id, args) =>
                //remove after finish
                var metArg = new NativeCallArgs(args);
                int isOK   = metArg.GetArgAsInt32(1);
            Cef3Binder.MyCefPrintToPdf(_myCefBw.ptr, nativePdfConfig, filename, cb);
Example #7
        public void GetText(Action <string> strCallback)
            using (var bw = _myCefBw.GetBrowser())
                using (var frame1 = bw.GetMainFrame())
                    //List<long> idens = new List<long>();
                    //bw.GetFrameIdentifiers(idens); //test only

                    MyCefCallback visitorCallback = (int methodId, IntPtr nativeArgs) =>
                        //wrap with the specific pars
                        //var pars = new Auto.CefStringVisitor(nativeArgs);
                        //string data = pars._string;

                        //MyCefNativeMetArgs metArgs = new MyCefNativeMetArgs(nativeArgs);
                        //if (metArgs.GetArgCount() == 1)
                        //    JsValue value;
                        //    metArgs.GetArg(1, out value);
                        //    string data = Cef3Binder.MyCefJsReadString(ref value);

                    Auto.CefStringVisitor visitor = Auto.CefStringVisitor.New(visitorCallback);


                    //keep alive callback
                    //InternalGetText((id, nativePtr) =>
                    //    //INIT_MY_MET_ARGS(metArgs, 1)
                    //    //SetCefStringToJsValue2(&vargs[1], string);

                    //    var args = new NativeCallArgs(nativePtr);
                    //    strCallback(args.GetArgAsString(1));
                    //Cef3Binder.MyCefDomGetTextWalk(this.myCefBrowser, strCallback);
Example #8
 public static extern IntPtr NewInstance(int typeName, MyCefCallback callback, ref JsValue v1);
Example #9
 public static extern void MyCefPrintToPdf(IntPtr myCefBw, IntPtr setting, string filename, MyCefCallback callback);
Example #10
 public static Cef3FuncHandler CreateFuncHandler(MyCefCallback cefCallback)
     //store in cbs, prevent collected by GC
     return(new Cef3FuncHandler(Cef3Binder.MyCefJs_New_V8Handler(cefCallback)));
Example #11
 public static extern int RegisterManagedCallBack(MyCefCallback funcPtr, int callbackKind);
Example #12
 void InternalGetText(MyCefCallback strCallback)
     //keep alive callback
     Cef3Binder.MyCefDomGetTextWalk(this.myCefBrowser, strCallback);
Example #13
 public static extern IntPtr MyCefCreateMyWebBrowserOSR(MyCefCallback mxcallback);
Example #14
 public MyCefDevWindow()
     //create cef browser view handler
     this.managedCallback = new MyCefCallback(this.MxCallBack);
     this.myCefBrowser    = Cef3Binder.MyCefCreateMyWebBrowser(managedCallback);
Example #15
 public static extern void MyCefDomGetSourceWalk(IntPtr g_ClientHandler, MyCefCallback strCallBack);
Example #16
        public static IntPtr NewInstance(int typeName, MyCefCallback callback)
            JsValue not_used = new JsValue();

            return(NewInstance(typeName, callback, ref not_used));
Example #17
        public void OnContextCreated(CefRenderProcessHandler.OnContextCreatedArgs args)
            //this is TEST CODE

            //eg  "<html><head><script>function docload(){ console.log(test001()); console.log(test_myobj.myprop);console.log(test_myobj[12345]);}</script><body onload=\"docload()\"><h1>hello!</h1></body></html>"

            CefV8Context context = args.context();

            //global => window object
            CefV8Value cefV8Global = context.GetGlobal();

            Auto.CefV8Handler funcHandler = new Auto.CefV8Handler(Cef3Binder.MyCefJs_New_V8Handler(Test002));
            CefV8Value        func        = Auto.CefV8Value.CreateFunction("test001", funcHandler);

            cefV8Global.SetValue("test001", func, cef_v8_propertyattribute_t.V8_PROPERTY_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY);


            CefV8Accessor accessor = CefV8Accessor.New((id, argPtr) =>
                //this shows the unsafe and low-level interface to native.
                //you can use a 'higher' level wrapper.

                //from https://github.com/v8/v8/wiki/Embedder%27s-Guide
                //accessor callbacks are invoked when a specific object property is accessed by a script
                //An accessor is a C++callback that calculates and returns a value when an object property is accessed by a JavaScript script.
                //Accessors are configured through an object template, using the SetAccessor method.
                //This method takes the name of the property with which it is associated and two callbacks to run when a script attempts to read or write the property.

                CefV8Accessor.GetArgs arg = new CefV8Accessor.GetArgs(argPtr);
                arg.retval(CefV8Value.CreateString("hello! from accessor").nativePtr);
                arg.myext_setRetValue(true);//finish the accessor!

            CefV8Interceptor intercepter = CefV8Interceptor.New((id, argPtr) =>
                //from https://github.com/v8/v8/wiki/Embedder%27s-Guide
                //interceptor callbacks are invoked when any object property is accessed by a script Accessors and interceptors are discussed later in this document.
                //  You can also specify a callback for whenever a script accesses any object property. These are called interceptors. For efficiency, there are two types of interceptors:
                //  named property interceptors - called when accessing properties with string names. An example of this, in a browser environment, is document.theFormName.elementName.
                //  indexed property interceptors - called when accessing indexed properties. An example of this, in a browser environment, is document.forms.elements[0].

                //this shows the unsafe and low-level interface to native.
                //you can use a 'higher' level wrapper.

                if ((id >> 16) != CefV8Interceptor._typeNAME)
                int met_id = id & 0xffff;
                switch (met_id)
                case CefV8Interceptor.MyCefV8Interceptor_Get_1:
                        //by name
                        CefV8Interceptor.get_bynameArgs arg = new CefV8Interceptor.get_bynameArgs(argPtr);
                        arg.retval(CefV8Value.CreateString("hello! from intercepter" + arg.name()).nativePtr);

                case CefV8Interceptor.MyCefV8Interceptor_Get_2:
                        //by indexed property
            //The difference between accessors and interceptors is that interceptors handle all properties,
            //while accessors are associated with one specific property.
            CefV8Accessor    empty             = new CefV8Accessor();
            CefV8Interceptor empty_interceptor = new CefV8Interceptor();
            CefV8Value       cef_object        = CefV8Value.CreateObject(accessor, empty_interceptor);

            //if you want to use accessor, your must set it with SetValue() like this
            cef_object.SetValue("myprop", cef_v8_accesscontrol_t.V8_ACCESS_CONTROL_DEFAULT, cef_v8_propertyattribute_t.V8_PROPERTY_ATTRIBUTE_NONE);

            //set to global object
            cefV8Global.SetValue("test_myobj", cef_object, cef_v8_propertyattribute_t.V8_PROPERTY_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY);


            //TEST 1: raw, low level interface
            IntPtr ret       = IntPtr.Zero;
            IntPtr exception = IntPtr.Zero;
            //string jscode = "(function(){ return function (){return 1.25;}})()";
            string jscode = "(function(){ return function (){ console.log('hello-eval1'); return 1.25;}})()";

            if (context.Eval(jscode, "", 1, ref ret, ref exception))
                dbugRenderProcessLog.WriteLine("eval success");
                dbugRenderProcessLog.WriteLine("eval fail");
            using (CefV8Value cefv8_ret = new CefV8Value(ret))
                using (CefV8Value cefv8_excep = new CefV8Value(exception))
                    if (cefv8_ret.IsFunction())
                        CefV8Value     obj1            = new CefV8Value(); //empty
                        CefV8ValueList args1           = CefV8ValueList.NewList();
                        CefV8Value     innerFuncResult = cefv8_ret.ExecuteFunction(obj1, args1);

                        double innerDouble = innerFuncResult.GetDoubleValue();
                        double v8ret_double = cefv8_ret.GetDoubleValue();

            //low-level example, TODO: make this to O-O style
            var myfunc2 = MyJsFunc <double> .Create(context,
                                                    "function(a00){ console.log(a00);}");

            var myfunc3 = MyJsFunc <string> .Create(context,
                                                    "function(a00){ console.log(a00);}");

            var myfunc4 = MyJsFunc <double, string> .Create(context,
                                                            "function(a00,a02){ console.log(a00); console.log(a02);}");

            myfunc4.Invoke(101, "hello_myfunc4");
            var myfunc5 = MyJsFunc <string, string> .Create(context,
                                                            "function(a00,a02){ console.log(a00); console.log(a02);}");

            myfunc5.Invoke("HELLOO!", "hello_myfunc5");
            var myfunc6 = MyJsFunc.Create(context,
                                          "function(){ document.title='hello1'; document.write('0'); return document; }");
            var        doc              = myfunc6.Invoke();
            CefV8Value docTitle         = doc.GetValue("title");
            string     docTitleAsString = docTitle.GetStringValue();
            CefV8Value docBody          = doc.GetValue("body");

            if (!docBody.IsNull())
                //get innerHTML property
                CefV8Value innerHtmlProp = docBody.GetValue("innerHTML");
                if (innerHtmlProp.IsString())
                //set innerHTML property
                docBody.SetValue("innerHTML", CefV8Value.CreateString("A_Z"), cef_v8_propertyattribute_t.V8_PROPERTY_ATTRIBUTE_NONE);

            CefV8Value docWrite = doc.GetValue("write");

            if (docWrite.IsFunction()) //try getting 'write' method of the document object
                CefV8ValueList writeArgs = CefV8ValueList.NewList();
                docWrite.ExecuteFunction(doc, writeArgs);
            //if we write() all
            //we need to get doc again
            doc         = myfunc6.Invoke();
            cefV8Global = context.GetGlobal();

            //low-level example, TODO: make this to O-O style
            CefV8Value cefGlobal_addEventListener = cefV8Global.GetValue("addEventListener");

            if (cefGlobal_addEventListener.IsFunction())
                MyCefCallback cefWindowOnLoad = (id, argsPtr) =>
                    //arg as mouse event args
                    CefV8Handler.ExecuteArgs args2        = new CefV8Handler.ExecuteArgs(argsPtr);
                    CefV8ValueList           argumentList = args2.arguments();
                    int argCount = argumentList.GetListCount();
                var            v8Handler  = new CefV8Handler(Cef3Binder.MyCefJs_New_V8Handler(cefWindowOnLoad));
                CefV8ValueList handleArgs = CefV8ValueList.NewList();
                CefV8Value v8Loadhandler = CefV8Value.CreateFunction("mydocload", v8Handler);
                cefGlobal_addEventListener.ExecuteFunction(cefV8Global, handleArgs);
            //low-level example, TODO: make this to O-O style
            CefV8Value doc_addEventListener = doc.GetValue("addEventListener");

            if (doc_addEventListener.IsFunction())
                MyCefCallback mouseDownCallback = (id, argsPtr) =>
                    //arg as mouse event args
                    CefV8Handler.ExecuteArgs args2        = new CefV8Handler.ExecuteArgs(argsPtr);
                    CefV8ValueList           argumentList = args2.arguments();
                    int        argCount = argumentList.GetListCount();
                    CefV8Value v8arg    = argumentList.GetElement(0);
                    //get button propery
                    CefV8Value v8button = v8arg.GetValue("button");
                    if (v8button.IsInt())
                        int button = v8button.GetIntValue();
                var            v8Handler  = new CefV8Handler(Cef3Binder.MyCefJs_New_V8Handler(mouseDownCallback));
                CefV8ValueList handleArgs = CefV8ValueList.NewList();
                CefV8Value v8Loadhandler = CefV8Value.CreateFunction("mycallback", v8Handler);
                cefGlobal_addEventListener.ExecuteFunction(doc, handleArgs);

Example #18
 public static void NotifyRendererAsync(MyCefCallback callback)
     Cef3Binder.MyCefJsNotifyRenderer(callback, IntPtr.Zero);
Example #19
 internal static extern IntPtr MyCefJs_New_V8Handler(MyCefCallback managedCallback);
Example #20
 internal static extern void MyCefJsNotifyRenderer(MyCefCallback handler, IntPtr pars);