Example #1
        protected void btnsendLink_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string Message = string.Empty;

            Message  = "Welcome to Pune PWD DBS Software\n";
            Message += "Click here to download DBS App:- \n";
            Message += " http://pwdpune.sghitech.co.in/AndroidApplication/DBS.apk";
            objSendSMS.SendSMS(Message, txtMobileNo.Text.Trim(), "", "");
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Sending Scheduler email to user using Quartz.Net
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="recepientEmail">
        /// <param name="subject">
        /// <param name="body">

        public void RenDateMsg()
            MyAssociation k = new MyAssociation();

            string curdate = DateTime.Now.ToString("MMM dd yyyy");

            ArrayList objAL_Month = new ArrayList();
            ArrayList objAL_Day15 = new ArrayList();
            ArrayList objAL_Day7  = new ArrayList();
            ArrayList objAL_Day3  = new ArrayList();
            ArrayList objAL_Day1  = new ArrayList();
            ArrayList objAL_today = new ArrayList();

            SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("Select SmsId,WorkId,ShakhaAbhyantaName, ShakhaAbhiyantMobile, UpabhyantaName, UpAbhiyantaMobile, KamacheName, ThekedaarName, ThekedarMobile,convert(date,KamPurnDate,105) as KamPurnDate,MudatVadDate,Message,BeforMonth,Befor_15Days,Befor_7Days,Befor_3Days,Befor_1Day,SameDays from SendSms_tbl where convert(date,KamPurnDate,105) between CONVERT(date,GETDATE(),105) and convert(date,dateadd(day,31,GETDATE()),105)", con);

            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@date", curdate);
                SqlDataReader reader1 = cmd.ExecuteReader();

                if (reader1 != null)
                    while (reader1.Read())
                        string Message             = string.Empty;
                        string UId                 = reader1["SmsId"].ToString();
                        string WorkId              = reader1["WorkId"].ToString();
                        string ShakhaAbhyantaName  = reader1["ShakhaAbhyantaName"].ToString();
                        string ShakhaAbhyantMobile = reader1["ShakhaAbhiyantMobile"].ToString();
                        string UpabhyantaName      = reader1["UpabhyantaName"].ToString();
                        string UpbhyantaMobile     = reader1["UpAbhiyantaMobile"].ToString();
                        string KamacheName         = reader1["KamacheName"].ToString();
                        string ThekedaarName       = reader1["ThekedaarName"].ToString();
                        string ThekedaarMobile     = reader1["ThekedarMobile"].ToString();
                        string KamPurnDate1        = reader1["KamPurnDate"].ToString();
                        string MudatVadDate        = reader1["MudatVadDate"].ToString();
                        string KamPurnDate         = string.Empty;

                        Message  = "Welcome to Division Budget Software\r\n";
                        Message += "P.W.(East) Division Pune\r\n";

                        Message += "Work Id: " + WorkId + "\r\n";

                        Message += "Stipulated Date of completion: " + KamPurnDate1 + "\r\n";

                        int BeforMonth   = Convert.ToInt16(reader1["BeforMonth"]);
                        int Befor_15Days = Convert.ToInt16(reader1["Befor_15Days"]);
                        int Befor_7Days  = Convert.ToInt16(reader1["Befor_7Days"]);
                        int Befor_3Days  = Convert.ToInt16(reader1["Befor_3Days"]);
                        int Befor_1Day   = Convert.ToInt16(reader1["Befor_1Day"]);
                        int SameDays     = Convert.ToInt16(reader1["SameDays"]);

                        //DateTime dt = DateTime.ParseExact(date, "MM/dd/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                        //For Currant Date

                        if (KamPurnDate1 == "" || KamPurnDate1 == "0" || KamPurnDate1 == null)
                            string oldstr = reader1["KamPurnDate"].ToString();
                            // KamPurnDate = DateTime.ParseExact(oldstr, "dd/MM/yyyy", null).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy");

                            DateTime dtsame = Convert.ToDateTime(oldstr);

                            string dtsame1 = dtsame.ToString("MMM dd yyy");
                            // DateTime dtSameDay = Convert.ToDateTime(date);

                            //For Before 1 Month
                            DateTime dt = Convert.ToDateTime(oldstr);
                            dt = dt.AddMonths(-1);
                            string dtMonth = dt.ToString("MMM dd yyyy");

                            //For Before 15 Day
                            DateTime dt1 = Convert.ToDateTime(oldstr);
                            dt1 = dt1.AddDays(-15);
                            string dtDay15 = dt1.ToString("MMM dd yyyy");

                            //For Before 7 Day
                            DateTime dt2 = Convert.ToDateTime(oldstr);
                            dt2 = dt2.AddDays(-7);
                            string dtDay7 = dt2.ToString("MMM dd yyyy");

                            //For Before 3 Day
                            DateTime dt3 = Convert.ToDateTime(oldstr);
                            dt3 = dt3.AddDays(-3);
                            string dtDay3 = dt3.ToString("MMM dd yyyy");

                            //For Before 1 Day
                            DateTime dt4 = Convert.ToDateTime(oldstr);
                            dt4 = dt4.AddDays(-1);
                            string dtDay1 = dt4.ToString("MMM dd yyyy");

                            //For Sending Message One Month Before
                            if (dtMonth == curdate && BeforMonth == 0)
                                Message += "Remaining Days: 30 Days\r\n";
                                Message += "Please submit Extension proposal\r\n";

                                Message += "WebSite Url:  http://www.pwdpune.sghitech.co.in";

                                k.SendSMS(Message, ThekedaarMobile, UpbhyantaMobile, ShakhaAbhyantMobile);

                            //For Sending Message Before 15 Days
                            else if (curdate == dtDay15 && Befor_15Days == 0)
                                Message += "Remaining Days: 15 Days\r\n";
                                Message += "Please submit Extension proposal\r\n";

                                Message += "WebSite Url:   http://www.pwdpune.sghitech.co.in";
                                k.SendSMS(Message, ThekedaarMobile, UpbhyantaMobile, ShakhaAbhyantMobile);
                            //For Sending Message Before 7 day
                            else if (curdate == dtDay7 && Befor_7Days == 0)
                                Message += "Remaining Days: 07 Days\r\n";
                                Message += "Please submit Extension proposal\r\n";

                                Message += "WebSite Url:   http://www.pwdpune.sghitech.co.in";
                                k.SendSMS(Message, ThekedaarMobile, UpbhyantaMobile, ShakhaAbhyantMobile);

                            //For Sending Message Before 3 day
                            else if (curdate == dtDay3 && Befor_3Days == 0)
                                Message += "Remaining Days: 03 Days\r\n";
                                Message += "Please submit Extension proposal\r\n";

                                Message += "WebSite Url:  http://www.pwdpune.sghitech.co.in";
                                k.SendSMS(Message, ThekedaarMobile, UpbhyantaMobile, ShakhaAbhyantMobile);

                            //   For Sending Message Before 1 Day
                            else if (curdate == dtDay1 && Befor_1Day == 0)
                                Message += "Remaining Days: 1 Day\r\n";
                                Message += "Please submit Extension proposal\r\n";

                                Message += "WebSite Url:  http://www.pwdpune.sghitech.co.in";
                                k.SendSMS(Message, ThekedaarMobile, UpbhyantaMobile, ShakhaAbhyantMobile);
                            //For Sending Message On Currante date
                            else if (curdate == dtsame1 && SameDays == 0)
                                Message += "Today is: Last date\r\n";
                                Message += "Please submit Extension proposal\r\n";

                                Message += "WebSite Url:  http://www.pwdpune.sghitech.co.in";
                                k.SendSMS(Message, ThekedaarMobile, UpbhyantaMobile, ShakhaAbhyantMobile);


                    foreach (string usrid in objAL_Month)
                        string userid = usrid;

                        SqlCommand upcmd = new SqlCommand("update [SendSms_tbl] set BeforMonth=@mon where SmsId = '" + userid + "'", con);
                        upcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@mon", 1);

                    foreach (string usrid in objAL_Day15)
                        string userid = usrid;

                        SqlCommand upcmd = new SqlCommand("update [SendSms_tbl] set Befor_15Days=@hm where SmsId = '" + userid + "'", con);
                        upcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@hm", 1);

                    foreach (string usrid in objAL_Day7)
                        string userid = usrid;

                        SqlCommand upcmd = new SqlCommand("update [SendSms_tbl] set Befor_7Days=@weak where SmsId = '" + userid + "'", con);
                        upcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@weak", 1);

                    foreach (string usrid in objAL_Day3)
                        string userid = usrid;

                        SqlCommand upcmd = new SqlCommand("update [SendSms_tbl] set Befor_3Days=@threeday where SmsId = '" + userid + "'", con);
                        upcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@threeday", 1);


                    foreach (string usrid in objAL_Day1)
                        string userid = usrid;

                        SqlCommand upcmd = new SqlCommand("update [SendSms_tbl] set Befor_1Day=@oneday where SmsId = '" + userid + "'", con);
                        upcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@oneday", 1);

                    foreach (string usrid in objAL_today)
                        string userid = usrid;

                        SqlCommand upcmd = new SqlCommand("update [SendSms_tbl] set SameDays=@today where SmsId = '" + userid + "'", con);
                        upcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@today", 1);

            catch (Exception)
Example #3
        protected void BtnSav_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string[] NameOrMobileNo = txtName.Text.Split(new[] { ':' }, 2);
            string[] NameOrMobile   = new string[2];
            if (NameOrMobileNo.Length > 1)
                NameOrMobile = NameOrMobileNo;
                NameOrMobile[0] = NameOrMobileNo[0];
                NameOrMobile[1] = "0000000000";
            // string MobileNo = txtName.Text.Split(':')[1];//Take textBox Value After Colon(:) we get Mobile No Hear
            string post = ddlPost.SelectedItem.Text;
            //string name = txtName.Text.Trim().Split(':')[0];//Take TextBox Valu before Colon(:) We Get Name Hear
            string menuType = rdbMenuTag.SelectedItem.Text.Trim();
            string ErrorPage;

            if (menuType == "Setting")
                ErrorPage = rdbErrorPageSetting.SelectedItem.Text.Trim();
            else if (menuType == "DBS Report")
                ErrorPage = rdbDBSReport.SelectedItem.Text.Trim();
                ErrorPage = rdbErrorPageHead.SelectedItem.Text.Trim();

            if (ErrorImgUpload.HasFile)
                int            length      = ErrorImgUpload.PostedFile.ContentLength;
                byte[]         imgbyte     = new byte[length];
                HttpPostedFile img         = ErrorImgUpload.PostedFile;
                string         contentType = ErrorImgUpload.PostedFile.ContentType;
                //set the binary data
                img.InputStream.Read(imgbyte, 0, length);
                string filename = Path.GetFileName(ErrorImgUpload.PostedFile.FileName);

                strcmd = "Insert into [tblComplaint] ([Post],[Name] ,[MenuType],[Error_PageName],[Error_Description],[Error_PageUrl],[ComplaintDate],[Error_Ans],[Error_Img],[Error_imgType],[Error_imgName],[Contact_No]) OUTPUT inserted.Complaint_Id values(N'" + post + "',N'" + NameOrMobile[0] + "',N'" + menuType + "',N'" + ErrorPage + "',N'" + txtDescription.Text.Trim() + "','" + txtErrorPageUrl.Text.Trim() + "','" + lblQueryDate.Text.Trim() + "','Pending','" + imgbyte + "','" + contentType + "','" + filename + "','" + NameOrMobile[1] + "')";
                strcmd = "Insert into [tblComplaint] ([Post],[Name] ,[MenuType],[Error_PageName],[Error_Description],[Error_PageUrl],[ComplaintDate],[Error_Ans],[Contact_No])  OUTPUT inserted.Complaint_Id values(N'" + post + "',N'" + NameOrMobile[0] + "',N'" + menuType + "',N'" + ErrorPage + "',N'" + txtDescription.Text.Trim() + "','" + txtErrorPageUrl.Text.Trim() + "','" + lblQueryDate.Text.Trim() + "','Pending','" + NameOrMobile[1] + "')";
            cmd = new SqlCommand(strcmd, con);
            // int ComplaintId=0;
            if (con.State != ConnectionState.Open)
            int ComplentId = (int)cmd.ExecuteScalar();

            if (ComplentId > 0)
                string Message = string.Empty;

                Message = " Welcome to P.W (East) D. Pune DBS complaint portal.\n Your complaint has been registered successfully.\n Your compliant Id is: SGPEDBS_00" + ComplentId + " . \n Your compliant will be solved within 7 working days.\n Please visit to http://mahapwddbs.com to check your complaint status.";

                objSmS.SendSMS(Message, NameOrMobile[1], "", "");

                //Send Error Complaint sms to sghitech
                Message = "Alert of PWD East Pune Error \n Post:- " + post + " \n Name:- " + NameOrMobile[0] + "\n Error Page:- \n" + ErrorPage + " \nDesc:- \n" + txtDescription.Text.Trim() + "\n Url:-" + txtErrorPageUrl.Text.Trim();

                objSmS.SendSMS(Message, "9096408111", "", "");

                ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.Page, this.Page.GetType(), "alert", "alert('Your Complaint Send Succesfully...!!!');window.location ='ComplaintForm.aspx';", true);