public static StackSource Exceptions(this TraceEvents events, TraceProcess process = null, Predicate <TraceEvent> predicate = null)
            // optimization only
            if (process != null)
                var start = Math.Max(events.StartTimeRelativeMSec, process.StartTimeRelativeMsec);
                var end   = Math.Min(events.EndTimeRelativeMSec, process.EndTimeRelativeMsec);
                events = events.FilterByTime(start, end);
                events = events.Filter(x => (predicate == null || predicate(x)) && x.ProcessID == process.ProcessID);
                events = events.Filter(x => (predicate == null || predicate(x)) && x.ProcessID != 0); // TODO: Is it really correc that x.ProcessID != 0 should be there? What if we want see these?

            var eventSource = events.GetSource();
            var stackSource = new MutableTraceEventStackSource(events.Log)
                ShowUnknownAddresses = true
            var sample = new StackSourceSample(stackSource);

            eventSource.Clr.ExceptionStart += data =>
                sample.Metric           = 1;
                sample.TimeRelativeMSec = data.TimeStampRelativeMSec;

                // Create a call stack that ends with the 'throw'
                var nodeName  = "Throw(" + data.ExceptionType + ") " + data.ExceptionMessage;
                var nodeIndex = stackSource.Interner.FrameIntern(nodeName);
                sample.StackIndex = stackSource.Interner.CallStackIntern(nodeIndex, stackSource.GetCallStack(data.CallStackIndex(), data));

            eventSource.Kernel.MemoryAccessViolation += data =>
                sample.Metric           = 1;
                sample.TimeRelativeMSec = data.TimeStampRelativeMSec;

                // Create a call stack that ends with the 'throw'
                var nodeName  = "AccessViolation(ADDR=" + data.VirtualAddress.ToString("x") + ")";
                var nodeIndex = stackSource.Interner.FrameIntern(nodeName);
                sample.StackIndex = stackSource.Interner.CallStackIntern(nodeIndex, stackSource.GetCallStack(data.CallStackIndex(), data));



Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a sample representing the pinned object allocation.
        /// </summary>
        private void WriteAllocationStack(
            Address objectAddress,
            PinningRoot pinnedRoot,
            PinningStackAnalysisObject liveObjectInfo)
            // Get the pinned object from the pinned root.
            PinnedObject pinnedObject = null;

            foreach (PinnedObject o in pinnedRoot.PinnedObjects)
                if (o.ObjectAddress == objectAddress)
                    pinnedObject = o;

            // This should not happen, but we put this here to ensure that we don't crash.
            if (null == pinnedObject)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, "Pinned object could not be found, but was found in the _RootTable.");

            // Get the allocation call stack.
            StackSourceCallStackIndex rootCallStackIndex = liveObjectInfo.AllocStack;

            // Add the generation pseudo-node.
            string generationString = "GENERATION " + pinnedObject.Generation;
            StackSourceFrameIndex     generationFrameIndex = _StackSource.Interner.FrameIntern(generationString);
            StackSourceCallStackIndex callStackIndex       = _StackSource.Interner.CallStackIntern(generationFrameIndex, rootCallStackIndex);

            // Add the type of the object.
            string objectTypeString = "OBJECT_TYPE " + pinnedObject.ObjectType;
            StackSourceFrameIndex objectTypeFrameIndex = _StackSource.Interner.FrameIntern(objectTypeString);

            callStackIndex = _StackSource.Interner.CallStackIntern(objectTypeFrameIndex, callStackIndex);

            // Set the object instance.
            string objectInstanceString = "OBJECT_INSTANCE " + pinnedObject.ObjectAddress;
            StackSourceFrameIndex objectInstanceFrameIndex = _StackSource.Interner.FrameIntern(objectInstanceString);

            callStackIndex = _StackSource.Interner.CallStackIntern(objectInstanceFrameIndex, callStackIndex);

            // Setup the sample.
            _Sample.TimeRelativeMSec = liveObjectInfo.AllocationTimeRelativeMSec;
            _Sample.Metric           = pinnedObject.ObjectSize;
            _Sample.StackIndex       = callStackIndex;
Example #3
        public StackSource GetStackSource(TraceEvents events)
            if (events == null)

            var stackSource = new MutableTraceEventStackSource(events.Log);
            var eventSource = events.GetSource();

            var sample = new StackSourceSample(stackSource);

            var clrTraceEventParser = new ClrTraceEventParser(eventSource);

            clrTraceEventParser.GCAllocationTick += delegate(GCAllocationTickTraceData data)
                var size = data.AllocationAmount64;
                sample.Metric           = size;
                sample.Count            = 1;
                sample.TimeRelativeMSec = data.TimeStampRelativeMSec;

                sample.StackIndex = stackSource.Interner.CallStackIntern(stackSource.Interner.FrameIntern("Type " + data.TypeName), stackSource.GetCallStack(data.CallStackIndex(), data));
                if (data.AllocationKind == GCAllocationKind.Large)
                    sample.StackIndex = stackSource.Interner.CallStackIntern(stackSource.Interner.FrameIntern("LargeObject"), sample.StackIndex);


Example #4
        public StackSource GetStackSource(TraceEvents events)
            if (events == null)

            var stackSource = new MutableTraceEventStackSource(events.Log)
                ShowUnknownAddresses = true
            var eventSource = events.GetSource();

            var sample = new StackSourceSample(stackSource);

            var clrTraceEventParser = new ClrTraceEventParser(eventSource);

            clrTraceEventParser.ContentionStart += delegate(ContentionTraceData data)
                sample.Metric           = 1;
                sample.TimeRelativeMSec = data.TimeStampRelativeMSec;

                string nodeName  = data.ContentionFlags == ContentionFlags.Native ? "Native Contention" : "Managed Contention";
                var    nodeIndex = stackSource.Interner.FrameIntern(nodeName);
                sample.StackIndex = stackSource.Interner.CallStackIntern(nodeIndex, stackSource.GetCallStack(data.CallStackIndex(), data));

Example #5
        public StackSource GetStackSource(TraceEvents events)
            if (events == null)

            var stackSource = new MutableTraceEventStackSource(events.Log)
                ShowUnknownAddresses = true
            var eventSource = events.GetSource();

            var sample = new StackSourceSample(stackSource);

            var clrTraceEventParser = new ClrTraceEventParser(eventSource);

            clrTraceEventParser.ExceptionStart += delegate(ExceptionTraceData data)
                sample.Metric           = 1;
                sample.TimeRelativeMSec = data.TimeStampRelativeMSec;

                // Create a call stack that ends with the 'throw'
                var nodeName  = "Throw(" + data.ExceptionType + ") " + data.ExceptionMessage;
                var nodeIndex = stackSource.Interner.FrameIntern(nodeName);
                sample.StackIndex = stackSource.Interner.CallStackIntern(nodeIndex, stackSource.GetCallStack(data.CallStackIndex(), data));

        internal void StopScan(StreamscanrequestStartArgs_V1TraceData data)
            // Get the requesting user process based on the PID logged inside the engine.
            TraceProcess process      = _traceLog.Processes.GetProcess(data.PID, data.TimeStampRelativeMSec);
            ProcessIndex processIndex = process.ProcessIndex;

            if (processIndex == ProcessIndex.Invalid)

            // Get the file scan operation.
            Dictionary <ThreadIndex, FileScanOperation> processContainer = GetOrCreateProcessContainer(processIndex);
            FileScanOperation operation = processContainer.Values.Where(s => s.File.Equals(data.Path, System.StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).FirstOrDefault();

            if (operation != null)
                operation.StopTimeRelativeMSec = data.TimeStampRelativeMSec;

                // Create the stack.
                StackSourceFrameIndex fileNodeIndex   = _stackSource.Interner.FrameIntern($"File ({operation.File})");
                StackSourceFrameIndex reasonNodeIndex = _stackSource.Interner.FrameIntern($"Reason ({(operation.Reason != null ? operation.Reason : "Unknown")})");
                StackSourceFrameIndex resultNodeIndex = _stackSource.Interner.FrameIntern($"Scan Result ({operation.Result})");
                _sample.StackIndex       = _stackSource.Interner.CallStackIntern(resultNodeIndex, operation.RequestorStack);
                _sample.StackIndex       = _stackSource.Interner.CallStackIntern(reasonNodeIndex, _sample.StackIndex);
                _sample.StackIndex       = _stackSource.Interner.CallStackIntern(fileNodeIndex, _sample.StackIndex);
                _sample.Metric           = (float)(operation.StopTimeRelativeMSec - operation.StartTimeRelativeMSec);
                _sample.TimeRelativeMSec = operation.StartTimeRelativeMSec;
        public StackSource GetStackSource(TraceEvents events)
            if (events == null)

            TraceLog log         = events.Log;
            var      stackSource = new MutableTraceEventStackSource(log)
                ShowUnknownAddresses = true
            var eventSource = events.GetSource();

            var sample = new StackSourceSample(stackSource);

            var kernelTraceEventParser = new KernelTraceEventParser(eventSource);

            kernelTraceEventParser.PerfInfoSample += delegate(SampledProfileTraceData data)
                sample.Metric           = events.Log.SampleProfileInterval.Milliseconds;
                sample.TimeRelativeMSec = data.TimeStampRelativeMSec;
                sample.StackIndex       = stackSource.GetCallStack(data.CallStackIndex(), data);

Example #8
        public static StackSource AnyStacks(this TraceLog eventLog, TraceProcess process = null, bool showUnknownAddresses = false, Predicate <TraceEvent> predicate = null)
            var stackSource = new MutableTraceEventStackSource(eventLog);
            var sample      = new StackSourceSample(stackSource);

            TraceEvents events = process == null?eventLog.Events.Filter(x => (predicate == null || predicate(x)) && x.ProcessID != 0) : process.EventsInProcess.Filter(x => predicate == null || predicate(x));

            var eventSource = events.GetSource();

            eventSource.AllEvents += data =>
                var callStackIdx = data.CallStackIndex();
                StackSourceCallStackIndex stackIndex = callStackIdx != CallStackIndex.Invalid ? stackSource.GetCallStack(callStackIdx, data) : StackSourceCallStackIndex.Invalid;

                var eventNodeName = "Event " + data.ProviderName + "/" + data.EventName;
                stackIndex              = stackSource.Interner.CallStackIntern(stackSource.Interner.FrameIntern(eventNodeName), stackIndex);
                sample.StackIndex       = stackIndex;
                sample.TimeRelativeMSec = data.TimeStampRelativeMSec;
                sample.Metric           = 1;



Example #9
        public static StackSource Exceptions(this TraceLog eventLog, TraceProcess process = null, bool showUnknownAddresses = false, Predicate <TraceEvent> predicate = null)
            var         stackSource = new MutableTraceEventStackSource(eventLog);
            var         sample      = new StackSourceSample(stackSource);
            TraceEvents events      = process == null?eventLog.Events.Filter(x => (predicate == null || predicate(x)) && x.ProcessID != 0) : process.EventsInProcess.Filter(x => predicate == null || predicate(x));

            var eventSource = events.GetSource();

            eventSource.Clr.ExceptionStart += data =>
                sample.Metric           = 1;
                sample.TimeRelativeMSec = data.TimeStampRelativeMSec;

                // Create a call stack that ends with the 'throw'
                var nodeName  = "Throw(" + data.ExceptionType + ") " + data.ExceptionMessage;
                var nodeIndex = stackSource.Interner.FrameIntern(nodeName);
                sample.StackIndex = stackSource.Interner.CallStackIntern(nodeIndex, stackSource.GetCallStack(data.CallStackIndex(), data));

            eventSource.Kernel.MemoryAccessViolation += data =>
                sample.Metric           = 1;
                sample.TimeRelativeMSec = data.TimeStampRelativeMSec;

                // Create a call stack that ends with the 'throw'
                var nodeName  = "AccessViolation(ADDR=" + data.VirtualAddress.ToString("x") + ")";
                var nodeIndex = stackSource.Interner.FrameIntern(nodeName);
                sample.StackIndex = stackSource.Interner.CallStackIntern(nodeIndex, stackSource.GetCallStack(data.CallStackIndex(), data));



        /// <summary>
        /// Mark the thread as unblocked.
        /// </summary>
        public void LogBlockingStop(
            ComputingResourceStateMachine stateMachine,
            TraceThread thread,
            TraceEvent data)
            if ((null == stateMachine) || (null == thread) || (null == data))

            // Only add a sample if the thread was blocked.
            if (ThreadBlocked)
                StackSourceSample            sample      = stateMachine.Sample;
                MutableTraceEventStackSource stackSource = stateMachine.StackSource;

                // Set the time and metric.
                sample.TimeRelativeMSec = this.BlockTimeStartRelativeMSec;
                sample.Metric           = (float)(data.TimeStampRelativeMSec - this.BlockTimeStartRelativeMSec);

                /* Generate the stack trace. */

                CallStackIndex            traceLogCallStackIndex = data.CallStackIndex();
                ScenarioThreadState       scenarioThreadState    = stateMachine.Configuration.ScenarioThreadState[ThreadIndex];
                StackSourceCallStackIndex callStackIndex         = scenarioThreadState.GetCallStackIndex(stateMachine.StackSource, thread, data);

                // Add the thread.
                StackSourceFrameIndex threadFrameIndex = stackSource.Interner.FrameIntern(thread.VerboseThreadName);
                callStackIndex = stackSource.Interner.CallStackIntern(threadFrameIndex, callStackIndex);

                // Add the full call stack.
                callStackIndex = stackSource.GetCallStack(traceLogCallStackIndex, callStackIndex, null);

                // Add Pseud-frames representing the kind of resource.
                StackSourceFrameIndex frameIndex = stackSource.Interner.FrameIntern("BLOCKED TIME");
                callStackIndex = stackSource.Interner.CallStackIntern(frameIndex, callStackIndex);

                // Add the call stack to the sample.
                sample.StackIndex = callStackIndex;

                // Add the sample.

                // Mark the thread as executing.
                BlockTimeStartRelativeMSec = -1;
        /// <summary>
        /// Log a CPU sample on this thread.
        /// </summary>
        public void LogCPUSample(
            ComputingResourceStateMachine stateMachine,
            TraceThread thread,
            TraceEvent data)
            if ((null == stateMachine) || (null == thread) || (null == data))

            StackSourceSample sample = stateMachine.Sample;

            sample.Metric           = 1;
            sample.TimeRelativeMSec = data.TimeStampRelativeMSec;
            MutableTraceEventStackSource stackSource = stateMachine.StackSource;

            // Attempt to charge the CPU to a request.
            CallStackIndex traceLogCallStackIndex = data.CallStackIndex();

            ScenarioThreadState       scenarioThreadState = stateMachine.Configuration.ScenarioThreadState[ThreadIndex];
            StackSourceCallStackIndex callStackIndex      = scenarioThreadState.GetCallStackIndex(stackSource, thread, data);

            // Add the thread.
            StackSourceFrameIndex threadFrameIndex = stackSource.Interner.FrameIntern(thread.VerboseThreadName);

            callStackIndex = stackSource.Interner.CallStackIntern(threadFrameIndex, callStackIndex);

            // Rest of the stack.
            // NOTE: Do not pass a call stack map into this method, as it will skew results.
            callStackIndex = stackSource.GetCallStack(traceLogCallStackIndex, callStackIndex, null);

            // Add the CPU frame.
            StackSourceFrameIndex cpuFrameIndex = stackSource.Interner.FrameIntern("CPU");

            callStackIndex = stackSource.Interner.CallStackIntern(cpuFrameIndex, callStackIndex);

            // Add the sample.
            sample.StackIndex = callStackIndex;
        public static StackSource AnyStacks(this TraceEvents events, TraceProcess process = null, Predicate <TraceEvent> predicate = null)
            // optimization only
            if (process != null)
                var start = Math.Max(events.StartTimeRelativeMSec, process.StartTimeRelativeMsec);
                var end   = Math.Min(events.EndTimeRelativeMSec, process.EndTimeRelativeMsec);
                events = events.FilterByTime(start, end);
                events = events.Filter(x => (predicate == null || predicate(x)) && x.ProcessID == process.ProcessID);
                events = events.Filter(x => (predicate == null || predicate(x)) && x.ProcessID != 0); // TODO: Is it really correc that x.ProcessID != 0 should be there? What if we want see these?

            var stackSource = new MutableTraceEventStackSource(events.Log)
                ShowUnknownAddresses = true
            var sample      = new StackSourceSample(stackSource);
            var eventSource = events.GetSource();

            eventSource.AllEvents += data =>
                var callStackIdx = data.CallStackIndex();
                StackSourceCallStackIndex stackIndex = callStackIdx != CallStackIndex.Invalid ? stackSource.GetCallStack(callStackIdx, data) : StackSourceCallStackIndex.Invalid;

                var eventNodeName = "Event " + data.ProviderName + "/" + data.EventName;
                stackIndex              = stackSource.Interner.CallStackIntern(stackSource.Interner.FrameIntern(eventNodeName), stackIndex);
                sample.StackIndex       = stackIndex;
                sample.TimeRelativeMSec = data.TimeStampRelativeMSec;
                sample.Metric           = 1;


Example #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate the thread time stacks, outputting to 'stackSource'.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="outputStackSource"></param>
        /// <param name="traceEvents">Optional filtered trace events.</param>
        public void GenerateThreadTimeStacks(MutableTraceEventStackSource outputStackSource, TraceEvents traceEvents = null)
            m_outputStackSource   = outputStackSource;
            m_sample              = new StackSourceSample(outputStackSource);
            m_nodeNameInternTable = new Dictionary <double, StackSourceFrameIndex>(10);
            m_ExternalFrameIndex  = outputStackSource.Interner.FrameIntern("UNMANAGED_CODE_TIME");
            m_cpuFrameIndex       = outputStackSource.Interner.FrameIntern("CPU_TIME");

            TraceLogEventSource eventSource = traceEvents == null?m_eventLog.Events.GetSource() :

            if (GroupByStartStopActivity)
                UseTasks = true;

            if (UseTasks)
                m_activityComputer = new ActivityComputer(eventSource, m_symbolReader);
                m_activityComputer.AwaitUnblocks += delegate(TraceActivity activity, TraceEvent data)
                    var sample = m_sample;
                    sample.Metric           = (float)(activity.StartTimeRelativeMSec - activity.CreationTimeRelativeMSec);
                    sample.TimeRelativeMSec = activity.CreationTimeRelativeMSec;

                    // The stack at the Unblock, is the stack at the time the task was created (when blocking started).
                    sample.StackIndex = m_activityComputer.GetCallStackForActivity(m_outputStackSource, activity, GetTopFramesForActivityComputerCase(data, data.Thread(), true));

                    StackSourceFrameIndex awaitFrame = m_outputStackSource.Interner.FrameIntern("AWAIT_TIME");
                    sample.StackIndex = m_outputStackSource.Interner.CallStackIntern(awaitFrame, sample.StackIndex);


                    if (m_threadToStartStopActivity != null)
                        UpdateStartStopActivityOnAwaitComplete(activity, data);

                // We can provide a bit of extra value (and it is useful for debugging) if we immediately log a CPU
                // sample when we schedule or start a task.  That we we get the very instant it starts.
                var tplProvider = new TplEtwProviderTraceEventParser(eventSource);
                tplProvider.AwaitTaskContinuationScheduledSend += OnSampledProfile;
                tplProvider.TaskScheduledSend += OnSampledProfile;
                tplProvider.TaskExecuteStart  += OnSampledProfile;
                tplProvider.TaskWaitSend      += OnSampledProfile;
                tplProvider.TaskWaitStop      += OnTaskUnblock; // Log the activity stack even if you don't have a stack.

            if (GroupByStartStopActivity)
                m_startStopActivities = new StartStopActivityComputer(eventSource, m_activityComputer, IgnoreApplicationInsightsRequestsWithRelatedActivityId);

                // Maps thread Indexes to the start-stop activity that they are executing.
                m_threadToStartStopActivity = new StartStopActivity[m_eventLog.Threads.Count];

                /*********  Start Unknown Async State machine for StartStop activities ******/
                // The delegates below along with the AddUnkownAsyncDurationIfNeeded have one purpose:
                // To inject UNKNOWN_ASYNC stacks when there is an active start-stop activity that is
                // 'missing' time.   It has the effect of insuring that Start-Stop tasks always have
                // a metric that is not unrealistically small.
                m_activityComputer.Start += delegate(TraceActivity activity, TraceEvent data)
                    StartStopActivity newStartStopActivityForThread = m_startStopActivities.GetCurrentStartStopActivity(activity.Thread, data);
                    UpdateThreadToWorkOnStartStopActivity(activity.Thread, newStartStopActivityForThread, data);

                m_activityComputer.AfterStop += delegate(TraceActivity activity, TraceEvent data, TraceThread thread)
                    StartStopActivity newStartStopActivityForThread = m_startStopActivities.GetCurrentStartStopActivity(thread, data);
                    UpdateThreadToWorkOnStartStopActivity(thread, newStartStopActivityForThread, data);

                m_startStopActivities.Start += delegate(StartStopActivity startStopActivity, TraceEvent data)
                    // We only care about the top-most activities since unknown async time is defined as time
                    // where a top  most activity is running but no thread (or await time) is associated with it
                    // fast out otherwise (we just insure that we mark the thread as doing this activity)
                    if (startStopActivity.Creator != null)
                        UpdateThreadToWorkOnStartStopActivity(data.Thread(), startStopActivity, data);

                    // Then we have a refcount of exactly one
                    Debug.Assert(m_unknownTimeStartMsec.Get((int)startStopActivity.Index) >= 0); // There was nothing running before.

                    m_unknownTimeStartMsec.Set((int)startStopActivity.Index, -1);                // Set it so just we are running.
                    m_threadToStartStopActivity[(int)data.Thread().ThreadIndex] = startStopActivity;

                m_startStopActivities.Stop += delegate(StartStopActivity startStopActivity, TraceEvent data)
                    // We only care about the top-most activities since unknown async time is defined as time
                    // where a top  most activity is running but no thread (or await time) is associated with it
                    // fast out otherwise
                    if (startStopActivity.Creator != null)

                    double unknownStartTime = m_unknownTimeStartMsec.Get((int)startStopActivity.Index);
                    if (0 < unknownStartTime)
                        AddUnkownAsyncDurationIfNeeded(startStopActivity, unknownStartTime, data);

                    // Actually emit all the async unknown events.
                    List <StackSourceSample> samples = m_startStopActivityToAsyncUnknownSamples.Get((int)startStopActivity.Index);
                    if (samples != null)
                        foreach (var sample in samples)
                            m_outputStackSource.AddSample(sample);  // Adding Unknown ASync

                        m_startStopActivityToAsyncUnknownSamples.Set((int)startStopActivity.Index, null);

                    m_unknownTimeStartMsec.Set((int)startStopActivity.Index, 0);
                    Debug.Assert(m_threadToStartStopActivity[(int)data.Thread().ThreadIndex] == startStopActivity ||
                                 m_threadToStartStopActivity[(int)data.Thread().ThreadIndex] == null);
                    m_threadToStartStopActivity[(int)data.Thread().ThreadIndex] = null;

            eventSource.Clr.GCAllocationTick          += OnSampledProfile;
            eventSource.Clr.GCSampledObjectAllocation += OnSampledProfile;

            var eventPipeTraceEventPraser = new SampleProfilerTraceEventParser(eventSource);

            eventPipeTraceEventPraser.ThreadSample += OnSampledProfile;

            if (IncludeEventSourceEvents)
                eventSource.Dynamic.All += delegate(TraceEvent data)
                    // TODO decide what the correct heuristic is.
                    // Currently I only do this for things that might be an EventSoruce (uses the name->Guid hashing)
                    // Most importantly, it excludes the high volume CLR providers.
                    if (!TraceEventProviders.MaybeAnEventSource(data.ProviderGuid))

                    //  We don't want most of the FrameworkEventSource events either.
                    if (data.ProviderGuid == FrameworkEventSourceTraceEventParser.ProviderGuid)
                        if (!((TraceEventID)140 <= data.ID && data.ID <= (TraceEventID)143))    // These are the GetResponce and GetResestStream events

                    // We don't care about EventPipe sample profiler events.
                    if (data.ProviderGuid == SampleProfilerTraceEventParser.ProviderGuid)

                    // We don't care about the TPL provider.  Too many events.
                    if (data.ProviderGuid == TplEtwProviderTraceEventParser.ProviderGuid)

                    // We don't care about ManifestData events.
                    if (data.ID == (TraceEventID)0xFFFE)

                    TraceThread thread = data.Thread();
                    if (thread == null)

                    StackSourceCallStackIndex stackIndex = GetCallStack(data, thread);

                    // Tack on additional info about the event.
                    var fieldNames = data.PayloadNames;
                    for (int i = 0; i < fieldNames.Length; i++)
                        var fieldName      = fieldNames[i];
                        var value          = data.PayloadString(i);
                        var fieldNodeName  = "EventData: " + fieldName + "=" + value;
                        var fieldNodeIndex = m_outputStackSource.Interner.FrameIntern(fieldNodeName);
                        stackIndex = m_outputStackSource.Interner.CallStackIntern(fieldNodeIndex, stackIndex);
                    stackIndex = m_outputStackSource.Interner.CallStackIntern(m_outputStackSource.Interner.FrameIntern("EventName: " + data.ProviderName + "/" + data.EventName), stackIndex);

                    m_threadState[(int)thread.ThreadIndex].LogThreadStack(data.TimeStampRelativeMSec, stackIndex, thread, this, false);


            m_threadState = null;
Example #14
    /// <summary>
    /// If you place a file called PerfViewExtensions\PerfViewStartup next to the PerfView.exe it will
    /// run execute commands in that file.  If you put
    /// DeclareFileView .etl "Demo View In Etl File" DemoDeclareFileView
    /// It will create a child node for all .etl files called 'Demo View In Etl File'  If you click
    /// on this node it will execute this user command.  It is passed the name of the file that was
    /// opened and the name of the view that was opened (in this case 'Demo View In Etl File').
    /// </summary>
    public void DemoDeclareFileView(string fileName, string viewName)
        // This demo creates a view that shows you all the START events in a stack view.
        LogFile.WriteLine("************ In DemoDeclareFileView file = {0} view = {1}", fileName, viewName);

        // This is an example of opening an ETL file.
        ETLDataFile etlFile = OpenETLFile(fileName);

        // An ETLData file is a high level construct that knows about high level 'views' of the data (CPU stacks, thread time Stacks ...)

        // However if you want to create a new view, you probably want a TraceLog which is the underlying ETW data.
        TraceLog traceLog = etlFile.TraceLog;

        // A tracelog represent the whole ETL file (which has process, images, threads etc), we want events, and we want callbacks
        // for each event which is what GetSource() does.   THus we get a source (which we can add callbacks to)
        var eventSource = traceLog.Events.GetSource();

        // At this point create the 'output' of our routine.  Our goal is to produce stacks that we will view in the
        // stack viewer.   Thus we create an 'empty' one fo these.
        var stackSource = new MutableTraceEventStackSource(traceLog);
        // A stack source is  list of samples.  We create a sample structure, mutate it and then call AddSample() repeatedly to add samples.
        var sample = new StackSourceSample(stackSource);

        // Setup the callbacks, In this case we are going to watch for stacks where GCs happen
        eventSource.Clr.GCStart += delegate(GCStartTraceData data)
            // An TraceLog should have a callstack associated with this event;
            CallStackIndex callStackIdx = data.CallStackIndex();
            if (callStackIdx != CallStackIndex.Invalid)
                // Convert the TraceLog call stack to a MutableTraceEventStackSource call stack
                StackSourceCallStackIndex stackCallStackIndex = stackSource.GetCallStack(callStackIdx, data);

                // Add a pseudo frame on the bottom of the stack
                StackSourceFrameIndex frameIdxForName = stackSource.Interner.FrameIntern("GC Gen " + data.Depth + "Reason " + data.Reason);
                stackCallStackIndex = stackSource.Interner.CallStackIntern(frameIdxForName, stackCallStackIndex);

                // create a sample with that stack and add it to the stack source (list of samples)
                sample.Metric           = 1;
                sample.TimeRelativeMSec = data.TimeStampRelativeMSec;
                sample.StackIndex       = stackCallStackIndex;
        // You can set up other callback for other events.

        // This causes the TraceLog source to actually spin through all the events calling our callbacks as requested.

        // We are done adding sample to our stack Source, so we tell the MutableTraceEventStackSource that.
        // after that is becomes viewable (and read-only).

        // Take the stack source (raw data) and make it into a 'Stacks' allows you to add filtering to and send to 'OpendStackViewer'
        Stacks stacksForViewer = new Stacks(stackSource, viewName, etlFile);

        // Set any filtering options here.

        // Now we can display the viewer.
Example #15
        internal static IDictionary<int, GCProcess> Collect(
            TraceEventSource source, 
            float sampleIntervalMSec, 
            IDictionary<int, GCProcess> perProc = null, 
            MutableTraceEventStackSource stackSource = null,
            Predicate<TraceEvent> filterFunc = null)
            if (perProc == null)
                perProc = new Dictionary<int, GCProcess>();

            source.Kernel.AddCallbackForEvents(delegate (ProcessCtrTraceData data)
                if (filterFunc != null && !filterFunc.Invoke(data))

                var stats = perProc.GetOrCreate(data.ProcessID);
                stats.PeakVirtualMB = ((double)data.PeakVirtualSize) / 1000000.0;
                stats.PeakWorkingSetMB = ((double)data.PeakWorkingSetSize) / 1000000.0;

            Action<RuntimeInformationTraceData> doAtRuntimeStart = delegate (RuntimeInformationTraceData data)
                if (filterFunc != null && !filterFunc.Invoke(data))

                var stats = perProc.GetOrCreate(data.ProcessID);
                stats.RuntimeVersion = "V " + data.VMMajorVersion.ToString() + "." + data.VMMinorVersion + "." + data.VMBuildNumber
                    + "." + data.VMQfeNumber;
                stats.StartupFlags = data.StartupFlags;
                stats.Bitness = (data.RuntimeDllPath.ToLower().Contains("framework64") ? 64 : 32);
                if (stats.CommandLine == null)
                    stats.CommandLine = data.CommandLine;

            // log at both startup and rundown
            //var clrRundown = new ClrRundownTraceEventParser(source);
            //clrRundown.RuntimeStart += doAtRuntimeStart;
            source.Clr.AddCallbackForEvent("Runtime/Start", doAtRuntimeStart);

            Action<ProcessTraceData> processStartCallback = data =>
                if (filterFunc != null && !filterFunc.Invoke(data))

                var stats = perProc.GetOrCreate(data.ProcessID);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(data.KernelImageFileName))
                    // When we just have an EventSource (eg, the source was created by 
                    // ETWTraceEventSource), we don't necessarily have the process names
                    // decoded - it all depends on whether we have seen a ProcessStartGroup 
                    // event or not. When the trace was taken after the process started we 
                    // know we didn't see such an event.
                    string name = GetImageName(data.KernelImageFileName);

                    // Strictly speaking, this is not really fixing it 'cause 
                    // it doesn't handle when a process with the same name starts
                    // with the same pid. The chance of that happening is really small.
                    if (stats.isDead == true)
                        stats = new GCProcess();
                        perProc[data.ProcessID] = stats;

                var commandLine = data.CommandLine;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(commandLine))
                    stats.CommandLine = commandLine;

            source.Kernel.AddCallbackForEvent("Process/Start", processStartCallback);
            source.Kernel.AddCallbackForEvent("Process/DCStart", processStartCallback);

            Action<ProcessTraceData> processEndCallback = delegate (ProcessTraceData data)
                if (filterFunc != null && !filterFunc.Invoke(data))

                var stats = perProc.GetOrCreate(data.ProcessID);

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(stats.ProcessName))
                    stats.ProcessName = GetImageName(data.KernelImageFileName);

                if (data.OpcodeName == "Stop")
                    stats.isDead = true;

            source.Kernel.AddCallbackForEvent("Process/Stop", processEndCallback);
            source.Kernel.AddCallbackForEvent("Process/DCStop", processEndCallback);

#if (!CAP)
            CircularBuffer<ThreadWorkSpan> RecentThreadSwitches = new CircularBuffer<ThreadWorkSpan>(10000);
            source.Kernel.AddCallbackForEvent("Thread/CSwitch", delegate (CSwitchTraceData data)
                if (filterFunc != null && !filterFunc.Invoke(data))

                RecentThreadSwitches.Add(new ThreadWorkSpan(data));
                GCProcess stats;
                if (perProc.TryGetValue(data.ProcessID, out stats))
                    stats.ThreadId2Priority[data.NewThreadID] = data.NewThreadPriority;
                    if (stats.IsServerGCThread(data.ThreadID) > -1)
                        stats.ServerGcHeap2ThreadId[data.ProcessorNumber] = data.ThreadID;

                foreach (var gcProcess in perProc.Values)
                    GCEvent _event = gcProcess.GetCurrentGC();
                    // If we are in the middle of a GC.
                    if (_event != null)
                        if ((_event.Type != GCType.BackgroundGC) && (gcProcess.isServerGCUsed == 1))
                            _event.AddServerGcThreadSwitch(new ThreadWorkSpan(data));

            CircularBuffer<ThreadWorkSpan> RecentCpuSamples = new CircularBuffer<ThreadWorkSpan>(1000);
            StackSourceSample sample = new StackSourceSample(stackSource);

            source.Kernel.AddCallbackForEvent("PerfInfo/Sample", delegate (SampledProfileTraceData data)
                if (filterFunc != null && !filterFunc.Invoke(data))

                RecentCpuSamples.Add(new ThreadWorkSpan(data));
                GCProcess processWithGc = null;
                foreach (var gcProcess in perProc.Values)
                    GCEvent e = gcProcess.GetCurrentGC();
                    // If we are in the middle of a GC.
                    if (e != null)
                        if ((e.Type != GCType.BackgroundGC) && (gcProcess.isServerGCUsed == 1))
                            e.AddServerGcSample(new ThreadWorkSpan(data));
                            processWithGc = gcProcess;

                if (stackSource != null && processWithGc != null)
                    GCEvent e = processWithGc.GetCurrentGC();
                    sample.Metric = 1;
                    sample.TimeRelativeMSec = data.TimeStampRelativeMSec;
                    var nodeName = string.Format("Server GCs #{0} in {1} (PID:{2})", e.GCNumber, processWithGc.ProcessName, processWithGc.ProcessID);
                    var nodeIndex = stackSource.Interner.FrameIntern(nodeName);
                    sample.StackIndex = stackSource.Interner.CallStackIntern(nodeIndex, stackSource.GetCallStack(data.CallStackIndex(), data));

                GCProcess stats;
                if (perProc.TryGetValue(data.ProcessID, out stats))
                    if (stats.IsServerGCThread(data.ThreadID) > -1)
                        stats.ServerGcHeap2ThreadId[data.ProcessorNumber] = data.ThreadID;

                    var cpuIncrement = sampleIntervalMSec;
                    stats.ProcessCpuMSec += cpuIncrement;

                    GCEvent _event = stats.GetCurrentGC();
                    // If we are in the middle of a GC.
                    if (_event != null)
                        bool isThreadDoingGC = false;
                        if ((_event.Type != GCType.BackgroundGC) && (stats.isServerGCUsed == 1))
                            int heapIndex = stats.IsServerGCThread(data.ThreadID);
                            if (heapIndex != -1)
                                _event.AddServerGCThreadTime(heapIndex, cpuIncrement);
                                isThreadDoingGC = true;
                        else if (data.ThreadID == stats.suspendThreadIDGC)
                            _event.GCCpuMSec += cpuIncrement;
                            isThreadDoingGC = true;
                        else if (stats.IsBGCThread(data.ThreadID))
                            Debug.Assert(stats.currentBGC != null);
                            if (stats.currentBGC != null)
                                stats.currentBGC.GCCpuMSec += cpuIncrement;
                            isThreadDoingGC = true;

                        if (isThreadDoingGC)
                            stats.GCCpuMSec += cpuIncrement;

            source.Clr.AddCallbackForEvent("GC/SuspendEEStart", delegate (GCSuspendEETraceData data)
                if (filterFunc != null && !filterFunc.Invoke(data))

                var stats = perProc.GetOrCreate(data.ProcessID);
                switch (data.Reason)
                    case GCSuspendEEReason.SuspendForGC:
                        stats.suspendThreadIDGC = data.ThreadID;
                    case GCSuspendEEReason.SuspendForGCPrep:
                        stats.suspendThreadIDBGC = data.ThreadID;
                        stats.suspendThreadIDOther = data.ThreadID;

                stats.suspendTimeRelativeMSec = data.TimeStampRelativeMSec;

            // In 2.0 we didn't have this event.

            source.Clr.AddCallbackForEvent("GC/SuspendEEStop", delegate (GCNoUserDataTraceData data)
                if (filterFunc != null && !filterFunc.Invoke(data))

                GCProcess stats = perProc.GetOrCreate(data.ProcessID);

                if ((stats.suspendThreadIDBGC > 0) && (stats.currentBGC != null))
                    stats.currentBGC._SuspendDurationMSec += data.TimeStampRelativeMSec - stats.suspendTimeRelativeMSec;

                stats.suspendEndTimeRelativeMSec = data.TimeStampRelativeMSec;

            source.Clr.AddCallbackForEvent("GC/RestartEEStop", delegate (GCNoUserDataTraceData data)
                if (filterFunc != null && !filterFunc.Invoke(data))

                GCProcess stats = perProc.GetOrCreate(data.ProcessID);
                GCEvent _event = stats.GetCurrentGC();
                if (_event != null)
                    if (_event.Type == GCType.BackgroundGC)
                        stats.AddConcurrentPauseTime(_event, data.TimeStampRelativeMSec);
                        Debug.Assert(_event.PauseStartRelativeMSec != 0);
                        // In 2.0 Concurrent GC, since we don't know the GC's type we can't tell if it's concurrent 
                        // or not. But we know we don't have nested GCs there so simply check if we have received the
                        // GCStop event; if we have it means it's a blocking GC; otherwise it's a concurrent GC so 
                        // simply add the pause time to the GC without making the GC complete.
                        if (_event.GCDurationMSec == 0)
                            _event.isConcurrentGC = true;
                            stats.AddConcurrentPauseTime(_event, data.TimeStampRelativeMSec);
                            _event.PauseDurationMSec = data.TimeStampRelativeMSec - _event.PauseStartRelativeMSec;
                            if (_event.HeapStats != null)
                                _event.isComplete = true;
                                stats.lastCompletedGC = _event;

                // We don't change between a GC end and the pause resume.   
                //Debug.Assert(stats.allocTickAtLastGC == stats.allocTickCurrentMB);
                // Mark that we are not in suspension anymore.  
                stats.suspendTimeRelativeMSec = -1;
                stats.suspendThreadIDOther = -1;
                stats.suspendThreadIDBGC = -1;
                stats.suspendThreadIDGC = -1;

            source.Clr.AddCallbackForEvent("GC/AllocationTick", delegate (GCAllocationTickTraceData data)
                if (filterFunc != null && !filterFunc.Invoke(data))

                GCProcess stats = perProc.GetOrCreate(data.ProcessID);

                if (stats.HasAllocTickEvents == false)
                    stats.HasAllocTickEvents = true;

                double valueMB = data.GetAllocAmount(ref stats.SeenBadAllocTick) / 1000000.0;

                if (data.AllocationKind == GCAllocationKind.Small)
                    // Would this do the right thing or is it always 0 for SOH since AllocationAmount 
                    // is an int??? 
                    stats.allocTickCurrentMB[0] += valueMB;
                    stats.allocTickCurrentMB[1] += valueMB;

            source.Clr.AddCallbackForEvent("GC/Start", delegate (GCStartTraceData data)
                if (filterFunc != null && !filterFunc.Invoke(data))

                GCProcess stats = perProc.GetOrCreate(data.ProcessID);

                // We need to filter the scenario where we get 2 GCStart events for each GC.
                if ((stats.suspendThreadIDGC > 0) &&
                    !(( > 0) &&[ - 1].GCNumber == data.Count))
                    GCEvent _event = new GCEvent(stats);
                    Debug.Assert(0 <= data.Depth && data.Depth <= 2);
                    // _event.GCGeneration = data.Depth;   Old style events only have this in the GCStop event.  
                    _event.Reason = data.Reason;
                    _event.GCNumber = data.Count;
                    _event.Type = data.Type;
                    _event.Index =;
                    _event.is20Event = data.IsClassicProvider;
                    bool isEphemeralGCAtBGCStart = false;
                    // Detecting the ephemeral GC that happens at the beginning of a BGC.
                    if ( > 0)
                        GCEvent lastGCEvent =[ - 1];
                        if ((lastGCEvent.Type == GCType.BackgroundGC) &&
                            (!lastGCEvent.isComplete) &&
                            (data.Type == GCType.NonConcurrentGC))
                            isEphemeralGCAtBGCStart = true;

                    Debug.Assert(stats.suspendTimeRelativeMSec != -1);
                    if (isEphemeralGCAtBGCStart)
                        _event.PauseStartRelativeMSec = data.TimeStampRelativeMSec;
                        _event.PauseStartRelativeMSec = stats.suspendTimeRelativeMSec;
                        if (stats.suspendEndTimeRelativeMSec == -1)
                            stats.suspendEndTimeRelativeMSec = data.TimeStampRelativeMSec;

                        _event._SuspendDurationMSec = stats.suspendEndTimeRelativeMSec - stats.suspendTimeRelativeMSec;

                    _event.GCStartRelativeMSec = data.TimeStampRelativeMSec;

                    if (_event.Type == GCType.BackgroundGC)
                        stats.currentBGC = _event;
                        _event.ProcessCpuAtLastGC = stats.ProcessCpuAtLastGC;

#if (!CAP)
                    if ((_event.Type != GCType.BackgroundGC) && (stats.isServerGCUsed == 1))
                        foreach (var s in RecentCpuSamples)
                        foreach (var s in RecentThreadSwitches)

            source.Clr.AddCallbackForEvent("GC/PinObjectAtGCTime", delegate (PinObjectAtGCTimeTraceData data)
                if (filterFunc != null && !filterFunc.Invoke(data))

                GCProcess stats = perProc.GetOrCreate(data.ProcessID);
                GCEvent _event = stats.GetCurrentGC();
                if (_event != null)
                    if (!_event.PinnedObjects.ContainsKey(data.ObjectID))
                        _event.PinnedObjects.Add(data.ObjectID, data.ObjectSize);

            // Some builds have this as a public event, and some have it as a private event.
            // All will move to the private event, so we'll remove this code afterwards.
            source.Clr.AddCallbackForEvent("GC/PinPlugAtGCTime", delegate (PinPlugAtGCTimeTraceData data)
                if (filterFunc != null && !filterFunc.Invoke(data))

                GCProcess stats = perProc.GetOrCreate(data.ProcessID);
                GCEvent _event = stats.GetCurrentGC();
                if (_event != null)
                    // ObjectID is supposed to be an IntPtr. But "Address" is defined as UInt64 in 
                    // TraceEvent.
                    _event.PinnedPlugs.Add(new GCEvent.PinnedPlug(data.PlugStart, data.PlugEnd));

            source.Clr.AddCallbackForEvent("GC/Mark", delegate (GCMarkWithTypeTraceData data)
                if (filterFunc != null && !filterFunc.Invoke(data))

                GCProcess stats = perProc.GetOrCreate(data.ProcessID);
                stats.AddServerGCThreadFromMark(data.ThreadID, data.HeapNum);

                GCEvent _event = stats.GetCurrentGC();
                if (_event != null)
                    if (_event.PerHeapMarkTimes == null)
                        _event.PerHeapMarkTimes = new Dictionary<int, GCEvent.MarkInfo>();

                    if (!_event.PerHeapMarkTimes.ContainsKey(data.HeapNum))
                        _event.PerHeapMarkTimes.Add(data.HeapNum, new GCEvent.MarkInfo());

                    _event.PerHeapMarkTimes[data.HeapNum].MarkTimes[(int)data.Type] = data.TimeStampRelativeMSec;
                    _event.PerHeapMarkTimes[data.HeapNum].MarkPromoted[(int)data.Type] = data.Promoted;

            source.Clr.AddCallbackForEvent("GC/GlobalHeapHistory", delegate (GCGlobalHeapHistoryTraceData data)
                if (filterFunc != null && !filterFunc.Invoke(data))

                GCProcess stats = perProc.GetOrCreate(data.ProcessID);

            source.Clr.AddCallbackForEvent("GC/PerHeapHistory", delegate (GCPerHeapHistoryTraceData3 data)
                if (filterFunc != null && !filterFunc.Invoke(data))

                GCProcess stats = perProc.GetOrCreate(data.ProcessID);

            // See if the source knows about the CLR Private provider, if it does, then 
            var gcPrivate = new ClrPrivateTraceEventParser(source);

            gcPrivate.GCPinPlugAtGCTime += delegate (PinPlugAtGCTimeTraceData data)
                if (filterFunc != null && !filterFunc.Invoke(data))

                GCProcess stats = perProc[data];
                GCEvent _event = stats.GetCurrentGC();
                if (_event != null)
                    // ObjectID is supposed to be an IntPtr. But "Address" is defined as UInt64 in 
                    // TraceEvent.
                    _event.PinnedPlugs.Add(new GCEvent.PinnedPlug(data.PlugStart, data.PlugEnd));

            // Sometimes at the end of a trace I see only some mark events are included in the trace and they
            // are not in order, so need to anticipate that scenario.
            gcPrivate.GCMarkStackRoots += delegate (GCMarkTraceData data)
                if (filterFunc != null && !filterFunc.Invoke(data))

                GCProcess stats = perProc[data];
                stats.AddServerGCThreadFromMark(data.ThreadID, data.HeapNum);

                GCEvent _event = stats.GetCurrentGC();
                if (_event != null)
                    if (_event.PerHeapMarkTimes == null)
                        _event.PerHeapMarkTimes = new Dictionary<int, GCEvent.MarkInfo>();

                    if (!_event.PerHeapMarkTimes.ContainsKey(data.HeapNum))
                        _event.PerHeapMarkTimes.Add(data.HeapNum, new GCEvent.MarkInfo(false));

                    _event.PerHeapMarkTimes[data.HeapNum].MarkTimes[(int)MarkRootType.MarkStack] = data.TimeStampRelativeMSec;

            gcPrivate.GCMarkFinalizeQueueRoots += delegate (GCMarkTraceData data)
                if (filterFunc != null && !filterFunc.Invoke(data))

                GCProcess stats = perProc[data];
                GCEvent _event = stats.GetCurrentGC();
                if (_event != null)
                    if ((_event.PerHeapMarkTimes != null) && _event.PerHeapMarkTimes.ContainsKey(data.HeapNum))
                        _event.PerHeapMarkTimes[data.HeapNum].MarkTimes[(int)MarkRootType.MarkFQ] =

            gcPrivate.GCMarkHandles += delegate (GCMarkTraceData data)
                if (filterFunc != null && !filterFunc.Invoke(data))

                GCProcess stats = perProc[data];
                GCEvent _event = stats.GetCurrentGC();
                if (_event != null)
                    if ((_event.PerHeapMarkTimes != null) && _event.PerHeapMarkTimes.ContainsKey(data.HeapNum))
                        _event.PerHeapMarkTimes[data.HeapNum].MarkTimes[(int)MarkRootType.MarkHandles] =

            gcPrivate.GCMarkCards += delegate (GCMarkTraceData data)
                if (filterFunc != null && !filterFunc.Invoke(data))

                GCProcess stats = perProc[data];
                GCEvent _event = stats.GetCurrentGC();
                if (_event != null)
                    if ((_event.PerHeapMarkTimes != null) && _event.PerHeapMarkTimes.ContainsKey(data.HeapNum))
                        _event.PerHeapMarkTimes[data.HeapNum].MarkTimes[(int)MarkRootType.MarkOlder] =

            gcPrivate.GCGlobalHeapHistory += delegate (GCGlobalHeapHistoryTraceData data)
                if (filterFunc != null && !filterFunc.Invoke(data))

                GCProcess stats = perProc[data];

            gcPrivate.GCPerHeapHistory += delegate (GCPerHeapHistoryTraceData data)
                if (filterFunc != null && !filterFunc.Invoke(data))

                GCProcess stats = perProc[data];

            gcPrivate.GCBGCStart += delegate (GCNoUserDataTraceData data)
                if (filterFunc != null && !filterFunc.Invoke(data))

                GCProcess stats = perProc[data];
                if (stats.currentBGC != null)
                    if (stats.backgroundGCThreads == null)
                        stats.backgroundGCThreads = new Dictionary<int, object>(16);
                    stats.backgroundGCThreads[data.ThreadID] = null;

            source.Clr.AddCallbackForEvent("GC/Stop", delegate (GCEndTraceData data)
                if (filterFunc != null && !filterFunc.Invoke(data))

                GCProcess stats = perProc.GetOrCreate(data.ProcessID);
                GCEvent _event = stats.GetCurrentGC();
                if (_event != null)
                    _event.GCDurationMSec = data.TimeStampRelativeMSec - _event.GCStartRelativeMSec;
                    _event.GCGeneration = data.Depth;

            source.Clr.AddCallbackForEvent("GC/HeapStats", delegate (GCHeapStatsTraceData data)
                if (filterFunc != null && !filterFunc.Invoke(data))

                GCProcess stats = perProc.GetOrCreate(data.ProcessID);
                GCEvent _event = stats.GetCurrentGC();

                var sizeAfterMB = (data.GenerationSize1 + data.GenerationSize2 + data.GenerationSize3) / 1000000.0;
                if (_event != null)
                    _event.HeapStats = (GCHeapStatsTraceData)data.Clone();

                    if (_event.Type == GCType.BackgroundGC)
                        _event.ProcessCpuMSec = stats.ProcessCpuMSec - _event.ProcessCpuAtLastGC;
                        _event.DurationSinceLastRestartMSec = data.TimeStampRelativeMSec - stats.lastRestartEndTimeRelativeMSec;
                        _event.ProcessCpuMSec = stats.ProcessCpuMSec - stats.ProcessCpuAtLastGC;
                        _event.DurationSinceLastRestartMSec = _event.PauseStartRelativeMSec - stats.lastRestartEndTimeRelativeMSec;

                    if (stats.HasAllocTickEvents)
                        _event.HasAllocTickEvents = true;
                        _event.AllocedSinceLastGCBasedOnAllocTickMB[0] = stats.allocTickCurrentMB[0] - stats.allocTickAtLastGC[0];
                        _event.AllocedSinceLastGCBasedOnAllocTickMB[1] = stats.allocTickCurrentMB[1] - stats.allocTickAtLastGC[1];

                    // This is where a background GC ends.
                    if ((_event.Type == GCType.BackgroundGC) && (stats.currentBGC != null))
                        stats.currentBGC.isComplete = true;
                        stats.lastCompletedGC = stats.currentBGC;
                        stats.currentBGC = null;

                    if (_event.isConcurrentGC)
                        _event.isComplete = true;
                        stats.lastCompletedGC = _event;

                stats.ProcessCpuAtLastGC = stats.ProcessCpuMSec;
                stats.allocTickAtLastGC[0] = stats.allocTickCurrentMB[0];
                stats.allocTickAtLastGC[1] = stats.allocTickCurrentMB[1];
                stats.lastRestartEndTimeRelativeMSec = data.TimeStampRelativeMSec;

            source.Clr.AddCallbackForEvent("GC/TerminateConcurrentThread", delegate (GCTerminateConcurrentThreadTraceData data)
                if (filterFunc != null && !filterFunc.Invoke(data))

                GCProcess stats = perProc.GetOrCreate(data.ProcessID);
                if (stats.backgroundGCThreads != null)
                    stats.backgroundGCThreads = null;

            gcPrivate.GCBGCAllocWaitStart += delegate (BGCAllocWaitTraceData data)
                if (filterFunc != null && !filterFunc.Invoke(data))

                GCProcess stats = perProc[data];
                Debug.Assert(stats.currentBGC != null);

                if (stats.currentBGC != null)
                    stats.currentBGC.AddLOHWaitThreadInfo(data.ThreadID, data.TimeStampRelativeMSec, data.Reason, true);

            gcPrivate.GCBGCAllocWaitStop += delegate (BGCAllocWaitTraceData data)
                if (filterFunc != null && !filterFunc.Invoke(data))

                GCProcess stats = perProc[data];

                GCEvent _event = stats.GetLastBGC();

                if (_event != null)
                    _event.AddLOHWaitThreadInfo(data.ThreadID, data.TimeStampRelativeMSec, data.Reason, false);

            gcPrivate.GCJoin += delegate (GCJoinTraceData data)
                if (filterFunc != null && !filterFunc.Invoke(data))

                GCProcess gcProcess = perProc[data];
                GCEvent _event = gcProcess.GetCurrentGC();
                if (_event != null)

            return perProc;