Example #1
        public double distance(Pair <double, double> point)
            // Solution found at http://www.codeguru.com/forum/printthread.php?t=194400

            Pair <double, double> AC = makeVector(lower, point);
            Pair <double, double> BC = makeVector(upper, point);
            Pair <double, double> AB = makeVector(lower, upper);

            double r_numerator   = LineSegment.dot(AC, AB);
            double r_denomenator = LineSegment.lengthSub(AB);

            double r = r_numerator / r_denomenator;

            Pair <double, double> P = new Multibrush.Pair <double, double>(lower.X + r * AB.X,
                                                                           lower.Y + r * AB.Y);
            double s = (AC.Y * AB.X - AC.X * AB.Y) / r_denomenator;

            double distanceLine = Math.Abs(s) * Math.Sqrt(r_denomenator);

            // If we lie within the partition the linesegment creates, then we just return the already calculated distance
            if ((r >= 0) && (r <= 1))
                // If that is not the case, then we need to find out whether the point is closest to A or B
                double dist1 = LineSegment.length(AC);
                double dist2 = LineSegment.length(BC);

                if (dist1 < dist2)
Example #2
        public double distance(Pair<double, double> point)
            // Solution found at http://www.codeguru.com/forum/printthread.php?t=194400

            Pair<double, double> AC = makeVector(lower, point);
            Pair<double, double> BC = makeVector(upper, point);
            Pair<double, double> AB = makeVector(lower, upper);

            double r_numerator = LineSegment.dot(AC, AB);
            double r_denomenator = LineSegment.lengthSub(AB);

            double r = r_numerator / r_denomenator;

            Pair<double, double>  P = new Multibrush.Pair<double, double>(lower.X + r * AB.X,
                                                                          lower.Y + r * AB.Y);
            double s = (AC.Y * AB.X - AC.X * AB.Y) / r_denomenator;

            double distanceLine = Math.Abs(s) * Math.Sqrt(r_denomenator);

            // If we lie within the partition the linesegment creates, then we just return the already calculated distance
            if ( (r >= 0) && (r <= 1) )
                return distanceLine;
                // If that is not the case, then we need to find out whether the point is closest to A or B
                double dist1 = LineSegment.length(AC);
                double dist2 = LineSegment.length(BC);

                if (dist1 < dist2)
                    return dist1;
                    return dist2;