Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Print a single line text for many controls. Do some formatting
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="c">Control to print (must have these properties :font, text, width and height)</param>
        /// <param name="mp">Graphics object (printed page)</param>
        /// <param name="x">X position</param>
        /// <param name="y">Y position</param>
        /// <param name="tbBoxed">Draw a box arround text</param>
        /// <param name="inBold">use bold font</param>
        /// <param name="verticalCentering">Adjust vertical to obtain precise alignment from different type of control</param>
        /// <param name="hAlignment">Horizontal alignment of text in control print area</param>
        public void PrintText(System.Windows.Forms.Control c, 
            MultiPageManagement mp,
            Single x, Single y,
            bool tbBoxed, bool inBold, bool verticalCentering,
            HorizontalAlignment hAlignment)
            Single yAdjusted = y;
            if (tbBoxed)
                mp.DrawRectangle(_Pen, x, y, c.Width, c.Height);

            Font printFont;
            if (inBold)
                printFont = new Font(c.Font.Name, c.Font.Size, FontStyle.Bold);
                printFont = new Font(c.Font.Name, c.Font.Size);

            if (verticalCentering)
                Single fontHeight = printFont.GetHeight(mp.Graphics());
                Single deltaHeight = (c.Height - fontHeight) / 2;
                yAdjusted += deltaHeight;
                yAdjusted += 2;

            mp.DrawString(c.Text, printFont, _Brush, x, yAdjusted, c.Width, c.Height, BuildFormat(hAlignment));
Example #2
        public void PrintCheckBox(System.Windows.Forms.Control c,
            ParentControlPrinting typePrint,
            MultiPageManagement mp,
            Single x, Single y,
            ref Single extendedHeight, out bool ScanForChildControls)
            ScanForChildControls = false;
            Single h = mp.FontHeight(new Font(c.Font.Name, c.Font.Size));
            extendedHeight = mp.BeginPrintUnit(y, h);

            mp.DrawRectangle(_Pen, x, y, h, h);
            if ( ((CheckBox) c).Checked )
                Single d = 3;
                mp.DrawLines(_Pen, x + d, y + d, x + h - d, y + h - d);
                PointF[] points2 = new PointF[] {new PointF(x + h - d, y + d), new PointF(x + d, y + h - d)};
                mp.DrawLines(_Pen, x + h - d, y + d, x + d, y + h - d);
            PrintText(c, mp, (float) (x + (h * 1.4)), (float) y - 2, false, false, false, HorizontalAlignment.Left);