Example #1
    void Update()
        // report location position
        if (locationEnabled && Input.location.status == LocationServiceStatus.Running)
            lastLoc = Input.location.lastData;

            compHeading = Input.compass.enabled ? Input.compass.trueHeading : 0f;

            if (locationInfoText)
                string sMessage = "LocStatus: " + Input.location.status.ToString() + ", Enabled: " + Input.location.isEnabledByUser;
                sMessage += "\nLat: " + lastLoc.latitude + ", Lon: " + lastLoc.longitude + ", Alt: " + lastLoc.altitude;
                sMessage += "\nHeading: " + FormatHeading(compHeading) + ", Start: " + FormatHeading(startHeading);

                locationInfoText.text = sMessage;
            string sMessage = "LocStatus: " + Input.location.status.ToString() + ", Enabled: " + Input.location.isEnabledByUser;
            locationInfoText.text = sMessage;

        // report gyro rotation
        string sGyroMessage = string.Empty;

        if (gyroEnabled)
            gyroAttitude = gyro.attitude;
            gyroRotation = gyroParentRot * (gyroAttitude * initialGyroRot);

            sGyroMessage = "GyroEnabled: " + gyro.enabled +
                           "\nAtt: " + FormatQuat(gyroAttitude) + ", Rot: " + FormatQuat(gyroRotation);

        // get the main camera
        Camera mainCamera = arManager ? arManager.GetMainCamera() : null;

        // report ar-camera pose and point-cloud size
        if (mainCamera)
            camPosition = mainCamera.transform.position;
            camRotation = mainCamera.transform.rotation;

            sGyroMessage += string.Format("\nCamPos: {0}, CamRot: {1}\n", camPosition, FormatQuat(camRotation));

        if (gyroInfoText)
            gyroInfoText.text = sGyroMessage;

        // set start heading, when one is available
        //if (!startHeadingSet && mainCamera && gyroEnabled && gyroAttitude != Quaternion.identity)
        if (!startHeadingSet && mainCamera && locationEnabled && compHeading != 0f)
            Debug.Log("Set heading with gyroRot: " + gyroRotation.eulerAngles + ", and gyroAtt: " + gyroAttitude.eulerAngles + ", compHead: " + compHeading);

            //startHeading = (gyroRotation.eulerAngles.y + 90f);
            startHeading = compHeading;

//			if (startHeading >= 360f)
//				startHeading -= 360f;

            startHeadingSet = true;

        // check for click
        if (arManager && arManager.IsInitialized() && arManager.IsInputAvailable(true))
            MultiARInterop.InputAction action = arManager.GetInputAction();
            float navMagnitude = action == MultiARInterop.InputAction.Grip ? arManager.GetInputNavCoordinates().magnitude : 0f;

            if (action == MultiARInterop.InputAction.Grip && navMagnitude >= 0.1f && !routineRunning)
                routineRunning = true;
    void Update()
        // check for click
        if (objectPrefab && arManager && arManager.IsInitialized() && arManager.IsInputAvailable(true))
            MultiARInterop.InputAction action = arManager.GetInputAction();

            if (action == MultiARInterop.InputAction.Click && (Time.time - lastInstanceTime) >= 1.5f)
                // dont allow too often instance creation
                lastInstanceTime = Time.time;

                // remove current object, if any
                if (objectInstance)

                // raycast world
                MultiARInterop.TrackableHit hit;
                if (arManager.RaycastToWorld(true, out hit))
                    // instantiate the object and anchor it to the world position
                    objectInstance = Instantiate(objectPrefab, hit.point, !verticalModel ? hit.rotation : Quaternion.identity);
                    arManager.AnchorGameObjectToWorld(objectInstance, hit);

                    // get object renderer & initial scale
                    objectRenderer = GetObjectRenderer(objectInstance);
                    objectScale    = objectInstance.transform.localScale;

                    // look at the camera
                    if (modelLookingAtCamera)
                        Camera arCamera = arManager.GetMainCamera();
                        MultiARInterop.TurnObjectToCamera(objectInstance, arCamera, hit.point, hit.normal);

                    if (infoText)
                        infoText.text = string.Format("{0} placed at {1}", objectPrefab.name, hit.point);
            else if (objectInstance && action == MultiARInterop.InputAction.Grip)
                // get nav coordinates
                Vector3 navCoords = arManager.GetInputNavCoordinates();
                lastInstanceTime = Time.time;

                // estimate the scale change and target scale
                Vector3 scaleChange = navCoords.x >= 0 ? (objectScale * navCoords.x) : ((objectScale / 2f) * navCoords.x);
                targetScale = objectScale + scaleChange;

                objectInstance.transform.localScale = Vector3.Lerp(objectInstance.transform.localScale, targetScale, smoothFactor * Time.deltaTime);

                if (infoText)
                    float fScaleChange = 1f + (navCoords.x >= 0 ? navCoords.x : (0.5f * navCoords.x));
                    infoText.text = string.Format("Scale change: {0:F2}", fScaleChange);

                // outline object bounds
                if (objectRenderer && boundsPrefab)
                    Bounds objectBounds = objectRenderer.bounds;

                    // instantiate bounds-cube, if needed
                    if (boundsInstance == null)
                        boundsInstance = GameObject.Instantiate(boundsPrefab);

                    // set the bounds-cube tras=nsform
                    boundsInstance.transform.position = objectBounds.center;
                    boundsInstance.transform.rotation = objectInstance.transform.rotation;

                    Vector3 objScale    = objectInstance.transform.localScale;
                    Vector3 boundsScale = new Vector3(objectBounds.size.x / objScale.x, objectBounds.size.y / objScale.y, objectBounds.size.z / objScale.z);
                    boundsInstance.transform.localScale = boundsScale;
            else if (action == MultiARInterop.InputAction.Release)
                // instantiate bounds-cube, if needed
                if (boundsInstance != null)
                    boundsInstance = null;

                if (infoText)
                    infoText.text = "Tap to place the object, then drag right or left, to scale it up or down.";