Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Discards the message.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="failMsg"></param>
        public static async Task <bool> HandleMessageDiscardAsync(MtaQueuedMessage msg)
            await MtaTransaction.LogTransactionAsync(msg, TransactionStatus.Discarded, string.Empty, null, null);

            msg.IsHandled = true;
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Discards the message.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="failMsg"></param>
        public async Task <bool> HandleMessageDiscardAsync()
            await MtaTransaction.LogTransactionAsync(this, TransactionStatus.Discarded, string.Empty, null, null);

            IsHandled = true;
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// This method handle successful delivery.
        /// Logs success
        /// Deletes queued data
        /// </summary>
        public static async Task <bool> HandleDeliverySuccessAsync(MtaQueuedMessage msg, VirtualMTA ipAddress, MXRecord mxRecord, string response)
            await MtaTransaction.LogTransactionAsync(msg, TransactionStatus.Success, response, ipAddress, mxRecord);

            msg.IsHandled = true;
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// This method handle successful delivery.
        /// Logs success
        /// Deletes queued data
        /// </summary>
        public async Task <bool> HandleDeliverySuccessAsync(VirtualMta.VirtualMTA ipAddress, DNS.MXRecord mxRecord, string response)
            await MtaTransaction.LogTransactionAsync(this, TransactionStatus.Success, response, ipAddress, mxRecord);

            IsHandled = true;
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles a service unavailable event, should be same as defer but only wait 1 minute before next retry.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sndIpAddress"></param>
        internal async Task <bool> HandleServiceUnavailableAsync(VirtualMta.VirtualMTA ipAddress)
            // Log deferral
            await MtaTransaction.LogTransactionAsync(this, TransactionStatus.Deferred, "Service Unavailable", ipAddress, null);

            // Set next retry time and release the lock.
            this.AttemptSendAfterUtc = DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(15);
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// This method handles message throttle.
        ///	Logs throttle
        /// Sets the next rety date time
        /// </summary>
        internal async Task <bool> HandleDeliveryThrottleAsync(VirtualMta.VirtualMTA ipAddress, DNS.MXRecord mxRecord)
            // Log deferral
            await MtaTransaction.LogTransactionAsync(this, TransactionStatus.Throttled, string.Empty, ipAddress, mxRecord);

            // Set next retry time and release the lock.
            this.AttemptSendAfterUtc = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(1);
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles a service unavailable event, should be same as defer but only wait 1 minute before next retry.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sndIpAddress"></param>
        internal static async Task <bool> HandleServiceUnavailableAsync(MtaQueuedMessage msg, VirtualMTA ipAddress)
            // Log deferral
            await MtaTransaction.LogTransactionAsync(msg, TransactionStatus.Deferred, "Service Unavailable", ipAddress, null);

            // Set next retry time and release the lock.
            msg.AttemptSendAfterUtc = DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(15);
            await Requeue(msg);

Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// This method handles message throttle.
        ///	Logs throttle
        /// Sets the next rety date time
        /// </summary>
        internal static async Task <bool> HandleDeliveryThrottleAsync(MtaQueuedMessage msg, VirtualMTA ipAddress, MXRecord mxRecord)
            // Log deferral
            await MtaTransaction.LogTransactionAsync(msg, TransactionStatus.Throttled, string.Empty, ipAddress, mxRecord);

            // Set next retry time and release the lock.
            msg.AttemptSendAfterUtc = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(1);
            await Requeue(msg);

Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// This method handles message deferal.
        ///	Logs deferral
        ///	Fails the message if timed out
        /// or
        /// Sets the next rety date time
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="defMsg">The deferal message from the SMTP server.</param>
        /// <param name="ipAddress">IP Address that send was attempted from.</param>
        /// <param name="mxRecord">MX Record of the server tried to send too.</param>
        /// <param name="isServiceUnavailable">If false will backoff the retry, if true will use the MtaParameters.MtaRetryInterval,
        /// this is needed to reduce the tail when sending as a message could get multiple try again laters and soon be 1h+ before next retry.</param>
        public static async Task <bool> HandleDeliveryDeferralAsync(MtaQueuedMessage msg, string defMsg, VirtualMTA ipAddress, MXRecord mxRecord, bool isServiceUnavailable = false, int?overrideTimeminutes = null)
            // Log the deferral.
            await MtaTransaction.LogTransactionAsync(msg, TransactionStatus.Deferred, defMsg, ipAddress, mxRecord);

            // This holds the maximum interval between send retries. Should be put in the database.
            int maxInterval = 3 * 60;

            // Increase the defered count as the queued messages has been deferred.

            // Hold the minutes to wait until next retry.
            double nextRetryInterval = MtaParameters.MtaRetryInterval;

            if (overrideTimeminutes.HasValue)
                nextRetryInterval = overrideTimeminutes.Value;
                if (!isServiceUnavailable)
                    // Increase the deferred wait interval by doubling for each retry.
                    for (int i = 1; i < msg.DeferredCount; i++)
                        nextRetryInterval = nextRetryInterval * 2;

                    // If we have gone over the max interval then set to the max interval value.
                    if (nextRetryInterval > maxInterval)
                        nextRetryInterval = maxInterval;
                    nextRetryInterval = 1;                     // For service unavalible use 1 minute between retries.

            // Set next retry time and release the lock.
            msg.AttemptSendAfterUtc = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(nextRetryInterval);
            await Requeue(msg);

Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// This method handles failure of delivery.
        /// Logs failure
        /// Deletes queued data
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="failMsg"></param>
        public static async Task <bool> HandleDeliveryFailAsync(MtaQueuedMessage msg, string failMsg, VirtualMTA ipAddress, MXRecord mxRecord)
            await MtaTransaction.LogTransactionAsync(msg, TransactionStatus.Failed, failMsg, ipAddress, mxRecord);

                // Send fails to Manta.Core.Events
                for (int i = 0; i < msg.RcptTo.Length; i++)
                    EmailProcessingDetails processingInfo = null;
                    EventsManager.Instance.ProcessSmtpResponseMessage(failMsg, msg.RcptTo[i], msg.InternalSendID, out processingInfo);
            catch (Exception)

            msg.IsHandled = true;

Example #11
        private async Task <bool> SendMessageAsync(MtaQueuedMessage msg)
            // Check that the message next attempt after has passed.
            if (msg.AttemptSendAfterUtc > DateTime.UtcNow)
                await Task.Delay(50);                 // To prevent a tight loop within a Task thread we should sleep here.


            if (await MtaTransaction.HasBeenHandledAsync(msg.ID))
                msg.IsHandled = true;

            // Get the send that this message belongs to so that we can check the send state.
            Send snd = await SendManager.Instance.GetSendAsync(msg.InternalSendID);

            switch (snd.SendStatus)
            // The send is being discarded so we should discard the message.
            case SendStatus.Discard:
                await msg.HandleMessageDiscardAsync();


            // The send is paused, the handle pause state will delay, without deferring, the message for a while so we can move on to other messages.
            case SendStatus.Paused:

            // Send is active so we don't need to do anything.
            case SendStatus.Active:

            // Unknown send state, requeue the message and log error. Cannot send!
                msg.AttemptSendAfterUtc = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(1);
                Logging.Error("Failed to send message. Unknown SendStatus[" + snd.SendStatus + "]!");

            bool result;

            // Check the message hasn't timed out. If it has don't attempt to send it.
            // Need to do this here as there may be a massive backlog on the server
            // causing messages to be waiting for ages after there AttemptSendAfter
            // before picking up. The MAX_TIME_IN_QUEUE should always be enforced.
            if (msg.AttemptSendAfterUtc - msg.QueuedTimestampUtc > new TimeSpan(0, MtaParameters.MtaMaxTimeInQueue, 0))
                await msg.HandleDeliveryFailAsync(MtaParameters.TIMED_OUT_IN_QUEUE_MESSAGE, null, null);

                result = false;
                MailAddress mailAddress = new MailAddress(msg.RcptTo[0]);
                MailAddress mailFrom    = new MailAddress(msg.MailFrom);
                MXRecord[]  mXRecords   = DNSManager.GetMXRecords(mailAddress.Host);
                // If mxs is null then there are no MX records.
                if (mXRecords == null || mXRecords.Length < 1)
                    await msg.HandleDeliveryFailAsync("550 Domain Not Found.", null, null);

                    result = false;
                else if (IsMxBlacklisted(mXRecords))
                    await msg.HandleDeliveryFailAsync("550 Domain blacklisted.", null, mXRecords[0]);

                    result = false;
                    // The IP group that will be used to send the queued message.
                    VirtualMtaGroup virtualMtaGroup = VirtualMtaManager.GetVirtualMtaGroup(msg.VirtualMTAGroupID);
                    VirtualMTA      sndIpAddress    = virtualMtaGroup.GetVirtualMtasForSending(mXRecords[0]);

                    SmtpOutboundClientDequeueResponse dequeueResponse = await SmtpClientPool.Instance.DequeueAsync(sndIpAddress, mXRecords);

                    switch (dequeueResponse.DequeueResult)
                    case SmtpOutboundClientDequeueAsyncResult.Success:
                    case SmtpOutboundClientDequeueAsyncResult.NoMxRecords:
                    case SmtpOutboundClientDequeueAsyncResult.FailedToAddToSmtpClientQueue:
                    case SmtpOutboundClientDequeueAsyncResult.Unknown:
                        break;                                 // Don't need to do anything for these results.

                    case SmtpOutboundClientDequeueAsyncResult.FailedToConnect:
                        await msg.HandleFailedToConnectAsync(sndIpAddress, mXRecords[0]);


                    case SmtpOutboundClientDequeueAsyncResult.ServiceUnavalible:
                        await msg.HandleServiceUnavailableAsync(sndIpAddress);


                    case SmtpOutboundClientDequeueAsyncResult.Throttled:
                        await msg.HandleDeliveryThrottleAsync(sndIpAddress, mXRecords[0]);


                    case SmtpOutboundClientDequeueAsyncResult.FailedMaxConnections:
                        msg.AttemptSendAfterUtc = DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(2);

                    SmtpOutboundClient smtpClient = dequeueResponse.SmtpOutboundClient;

                    // If no client was dequeued then we can't currently send.
                    // This is most likely a max connection issue. Return false but don't
                    // log any deferal or throttle.
                    if (smtpClient == null)
                        result = false;
                            Action <string> failedCallback = delegate(string smtpResponse)
                                // If smtpRespose starts with 5 then perm error should cause fail
                                if (smtpResponse.StartsWith("5"))
                                    msg.HandleDeliveryFailAsync(smtpResponse, sndIpAddress, smtpClient.MXRecord).Wait();
                                    // If the MX is actively denying use service access, SMTP code 421 then we should inform
                                    // the ServiceNotAvailableManager manager so it limits our attepts to this MX to 1/minute.
                                    if (smtpResponse.StartsWith("421"))
                                        ServiceNotAvailableManager.Add(smtpClient.SmtpStream.LocalAddress.ToString(), smtpClient.MXRecord.Host, DateTime.UtcNow);
                                        msg.HandleDeliveryDeferral(smtpResponse, sndIpAddress, smtpClient.MXRecord, true);
                                        // Otherwise message is deferred
                                        msg.HandleDeliveryDeferral(smtpResponse, sndIpAddress, smtpClient.MXRecord, false);
                                throw new SmtpTransactionFailedException();
                            // Run each SMTP command after the last.
                            await smtpClient.ExecHeloOrRsetAsync(failedCallback);

                            await smtpClient.ExecMailFromAsync(mailFrom, failedCallback);

                            await smtpClient.ExecRcptToAsync(mailAddress, failedCallback);

                            await smtpClient.ExecDataAsync(msg.Message, failedCallback, async (response) => {
                                await msg.HandleDeliverySuccessAsync(sndIpAddress, smtpClient.MXRecord, response);


                            result = true;
                        catch (SmtpTransactionFailedException)
                            // Exception is thrown to exit transaction, logging of deferrals/failers already handled.
                            result = false;
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            Logging.Error("MessageSender error.", ex);
                            if (msg != null)
                                msg.HandleDeliveryDeferral("Connection was established but ended abruptly.", sndIpAddress, smtpClient.MXRecord, false);
                            result = false;
                            if (smtpClient != null)
                                smtpClient.IsActive   = false;
                                smtpClient.LastActive = DateTime.UtcNow;