public void OnDataAvailable(IDataReader entityInterface) { Msg[] msgList = null; SampleInfo[] infoSeq = null; status = msgDR.Read(ref msgList, ref infoSeq, Length.Unlimited, SampleStateKind.Any, ViewStateKind.New, InstanceStateKind.Any); ErrorHandler.checkStatus(status, "DataReader.Read"); if (msgList != null && msgList.Length > 0) { Console.WriteLine("=== [ListenerDataListener::OnDataAvailable] - msgList.Length : {0}", msgList.Length); foreach (Msg msg in msgList) { Console.WriteLine(" --- Message Received ---"); Console.WriteLine(" userId : {0}", msg.userID); Console.WriteLine(" message : \\ {0}", msg.message); } status = msgDR.ReturnLoan(ref msgList, ref infoSeq); ErrorHandler.checkStatus(status, "DataReader.ReturnLoan"); } guardCond.SetTriggerValue(true); }
static void Main(string[] args) { String[] sSampleState = { "READ_SAMPLE_STATE", "NOT_READ_SAMPLE_STATE" }; String[] sViewState = { "NEW_VIEW_STATE", "NOT_NEW_VIEW_STATE" }; String[] sInstanceState = { "ALIVE_INSTANCE_STATE", "NOT_ALIVE_DISPOSED_INSTANCE_STATE", "NOT_ALIVE_NO_WRITERS_INSTANCE_STATE" }; bool closed = false; int nbIter = 1; int nbIterMax = 100; ReturnCode status = ReturnCode.Error; Msg[] msgList = null; SampleInfo[] infoSeq = null; DDSEntityManager mgr = new DDSEntityManager("Lifecycle"); // Create domain participant String partitionName = "Lifecycle example"; mgr.createParticipant(partitionName); // Create type MsgTypeSupport mt = new MsgTypeSupport(); mgr.registerType(mt); // Create Topic String topicName = "Lifecycle_Msg"; mgr.createTopic(topicName); // Create Subscriber mgr.createSubscriber(); mgr.createReader(false); IDataReader dreader = mgr.getReader(); MsgDataReader LifecycleReader = dreader as MsgDataReader; ErrorHandler.checkHandle(LifecycleReader, "MsgDataReader narrow"); Console.WriteLine("=== [Subscriber] Ready ..."); while (!closed && (nbIter < nbIterMax)) { status = LifecycleReader.Read(ref msgList, ref infoSeq, Length.Unlimited, SampleStateKind.Any, ViewStateKind.Any, InstanceStateKind.Any); ErrorHandler.checkStatus(status, "MsgDataReader.Read"); for (int j = 0; j < msgList.Length; j++) { Console.WriteLine(" Message : {0}", msgList[j].message); Console.WriteLine(" writerStates : {0}", msgList[j].writerStates); Console.WriteLine(" valida data : {0}", infoSeq[j].ValidData); Console.WriteLine(" sample_state : {0}", sSampleState[index((int)infoSeq[j].SampleState)]); Console.WriteLine(" instance_state : {0}", sInstanceState[index((int)infoSeq[j].InstanceState)]); Thread.Sleep(200); closed = msgList[j].writerStates.Equals("STOPPING_SUBSCRIBER"); } status = LifecycleReader.ReturnLoan(ref msgList, ref infoSeq); ErrorHandler.checkStatus(status, "MsgDataReader.ReturnLoan"); Thread.Sleep(20); nbIter++; } Console.WriteLine("=== [Subscriber] stopping after {0} iterations - closed={1}", nbIter, closed.ToString()); if (nbIter == nbIterMax) { Console.WriteLine("*** Error : max {0} iterations reached", nbIterMax); } // Clean-up mgr.getSubscriber().DeleteDataReader(LifecycleReader); mgr.deleteSubscriber(); mgr.deleteTopic(); mgr.deleteParticipant(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { DDSEntityManager mgr = new DDSEntityManager("WaitSet"); String partitionName = "WaitSet example"; // create Domain Participant mgr.createParticipant(partitionName); // create Type MsgTypeSupport msgTS = new MsgTypeSupport(); mgr.registerType(msgTS); // create Topic mgr.createTopic("WaitSetData_Msg"); // create Subscriber mgr.createSubscriber(); // create DataReader mgr.createReader(false); // Read Events IDataReader dreader = mgr.getReader(); MsgDataReader WaitSetReader = dreader as MsgDataReader; // Create a WaitSet WaitSet w = new WaitSet(); // Create a ReadCondition IReadCondition readCond = WaitSetReader.CreateReadCondition(SampleStateKind.NotRead, ViewStateKind.New, InstanceStateKind.Alive); ErrorHandler.checkHandle(readCond, "DataReader.CreateReadCondition"); // Create a QueryCondition String[] queryStr = { "Hello again" }; Console.WriteLine("=== [WaitSetDataSubscriber] Query : message = \"Hello again"); IQueryCondition queryCond = WaitSetReader.CreateQueryCondition("message=%0", queryStr); ErrorHandler.checkHandle(queryCond, "DataReader.CreateQueryCondition"); // Obtain a StatusCondition IStatusCondition statusCond; statusCond = dreader.StatusCondition; statusCond.SetEnabledStatuses(StatusKind.LivelinessChanged); ErrorHandler.checkHandle(statusCond, "DataReader.StatusCondition"); GuardCondition escape; escape = new GuardCondition(); ReturnCode result; result = w.AttachCondition(statusCond); ErrorHandler.checkStatus(result, "WaitSet.AttachCondition (status)"); result = w.AttachCondition(readCond); ErrorHandler.checkStatus(result, "WaitSet.AttachCondition (read)"); result = w.AttachCondition(queryCond); ErrorHandler.checkStatus(result, "WaitSet.AttachCondition (query)"); result = w.AttachCondition(escape); ErrorHandler.checkStatus(result, "WaitSet.AttachCondition (guard)"); /* Initialize and pre-allocate the GuardList used to obtain * the triggered Conditions. */ ICondition[] guardList = new ICondition[4]; DDS.SampleInfo[] infoSeq = null; Msg[] msgSeq = null; bool escaped = false; bool writerLeft = false; int prevCount = 0; int count = 0; Console.WriteLine("=== [WaitSetDataSubscriber] Ready ..."); while (!escaped && count < 20) { /** * Wait until data will be available */ Duration wait_timeout = new Duration(Duration.InfiniteSec, Duration.InfiniteNanoSec); result = w.Wait(ref guardList, wait_timeout); ErrorHandler.checkStatus(result, "WaitSet.Wait"); /* Walk over all guards to display information */ foreach (ICondition guard in guardList) { if (guard == readCond) { result = WaitSetReader.ReadWithCondition(ref msgSeq, ref infoSeq, Length.Unlimited, readCond); ErrorHandler.checkStatus(result, "WaitSetReader.ReadWithCondition"); foreach (Msg msg in msgSeq) { Console.WriteLine(" --- New message received --- "); Console.WriteLine(" userID: {0}", msg.userID); Console.WriteLine(" Message : \"{0}", msg.message); } result = WaitSetReader.ReturnLoan(ref msgSeq, ref infoSeq); ErrorHandler.checkStatus(result, "WaitSet.ReturnLoan"); } else if (guard == queryCond) { result = WaitSetReader.TakeWithCondition(ref msgSeq, ref infoSeq, Length.Unlimited, queryCond); ErrorHandler.checkStatus(result, "WaitSetReader.TakeWithCondition"); foreach (Msg msg in msgSeq) { Console.WriteLine(" --- New message received with QueryCondition --- "); Console.WriteLine(" userID: {0}", msg.userID); Console.WriteLine(" Message : \" {0}", msg.message); } result = WaitSetReader.ReturnLoan(ref msgSeq, ref infoSeq); ErrorHandler.checkStatus(result, "WaitSet.ReturnLoan"); } else if (guard == statusCond) { LivelinessChangedStatus livelinessStatus = new LivelinessChangedStatus(); result = WaitSetReader.GetLivelinessChangedStatus(ref livelinessStatus); ErrorHandler.checkStatus(result, "DataReader.getLivelinessChangedStatus"); if (livelinessStatus.AliveCount < prevCount) { Console.WriteLine("!!! A WaitSetDataWriter lost its liveliness"); writerLeft = true; Console.WriteLine("Triggering escape condition."); ReturnCode status = escape.SetTriggerValue(true); } else { Console.WriteLine("!!! A WaitSetDataWriter joined"); } prevCount = livelinessStatus.AliveCount; } else if (guard == escape) { Console.WriteLine("WaitSetSubscriber has terminated."); escaped = true; ReturnCode status = escape.SetTriggerValue(false); } else { // Unknown Condition } } ++count; } // Detach all Conditions from the WaitSet result = w.DetachCondition(escape); ErrorHandler.checkStatus(result, "WaitSet.DetachCondition (escape)"); result = w.DetachCondition(readCond); ErrorHandler.checkStatus(result, "WaitSet.DetachCondition (readCond)"); result = w.DetachCondition(queryCond); ErrorHandler.checkStatus(result, "WaitSet.DetachCondition (queryCond)"); result = w.DetachCondition(statusCond); ErrorHandler.checkStatus(result, "WaitSet.DetachCondition (statusCond)"); Console.WriteLine("=== [Subscriber] Closed"); // clean up WaitSetReader.DeleteReadCondition(readCond); WaitSetReader.DeleteReadCondition(queryCond); mgr.getSubscriber().DeleteDataReader(WaitSetReader); mgr.deleteSubscriber(); mgr.deleteTopic(); mgr.deleteParticipant(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length != 1) { Console.WriteLine("Insufficient number of arguments."); usage(); Environment.Exit(-1); } else { DDSEntityManager mgr = new DDSEntityManager("Durability"); String partitionName = "Durability Example"; String durabilityKind = args[0]; // create Domain Participant mgr.createParticipant(partitionName); // set the durability kind mgr.setDurabilityKind(durabilityKind); // create Type MsgTypeSupport msgTS = new MsgTypeSupport(); mgr.registerType(msgTS); // create Topic mgr.createTopic("DurabilityData_Msg"); // create Subscriber mgr.createSubscriber(); mgr.createReader(false); IDataReader dreader = mgr.getReader(); MsgDataReader DurabilityDataReader = dreader as MsgDataReader; Msg[] msgSeq = null; DDS.SampleInfo[] infoSeq = null; Boolean terminate = false; ReturnCode status; Console.WriteLine("=== [Subscriber] Ready ..."); while (!terminate) { status = DurabilityDataReader.Take(ref msgSeq, ref infoSeq, Length.Unlimited, SampleStateKind.Any, ViewStateKind.Any, InstanceStateKind.Any); ErrorHandler.checkStatus(status, "DataReader.Take"); for (int i = 0; i < msgSeq.Length; i++) { if (infoSeq[i].ValidData) { Console.WriteLine("{0} : {1}", msgSeq[i].id, msgSeq[i].content); if (msgSeq[i].content.Equals("9")) { terminate = true; break; } } } status = DurabilityDataReader.ReturnLoan(ref msgSeq, ref infoSeq); ErrorHandler.checkStatus(status, "MsgDataReader.ReturnLoan"); } // clean up mgr.getSubscriber().DeleteDataReader(DurabilityDataReader); mgr.deleteSubscriber(); mgr.deleteTopic(); mgr.deleteParticipant(); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { OsplConfiguration.SetOsplConfiguration(); DDSEntityManager mgr = new DDSEntityManager("HelloWorld"); String partitionName = "HelloWorld example"; // create Domain Participant mgr.createParticipant(partitionName); // create Type MsgTypeSupport msgTS = new MsgTypeSupport(); mgr.registerType(msgTS); // create Topic mgr.createTopic("HelloWorldData_Msg"); // create Subscriber mgr.createSubscriber(); // create DataReader mgr.createReader(false); IDataReader dreader = mgr.getReader(); MsgDataReader HelloWorldDataReader = dreader as MsgDataReader; Msg[] msgSeq = null; DDS.SampleInfo[] infoSeq = null; Boolean terminate = false; ReturnCode status; Console.WriteLine("=== [Subscriber] Ready ..."); int count = 0; while (!terminate && count < 1500) { status = HelloWorldDataReader.Take(ref msgSeq, ref infoSeq, Length.Unlimited, SampleStateKind.Any, ViewStateKind.Any, InstanceStateKind.Any); ErrorHandler.checkStatus(status, "DataReader.Take"); for (int i = 0; i < msgSeq.Length; i++) { if (infoSeq[i].ValidData) { Console.WriteLine("=== [Subscriber] message received :"); Console.WriteLine(" userID : {0}", msgSeq[i].userID); Console.WriteLine(" Message : \"" + msgSeq[i].message + "\""); terminate = true; } } status = HelloWorldDataReader.ReturnLoan(ref msgSeq, ref infoSeq); ErrorHandler.checkStatus(status, "DataReader.ReturnLoan"); Thread.Sleep(200); ++count; } Thread.Sleep(2); // clean up mgr.getSubscriber().DeleteDataReader(HelloWorldDataReader); mgr.deleteSubscriber(); mgr.deleteTopic(); mgr.deleteParticipant(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length != 1) { Console.WriteLine("Insufficient number of arguments."); usage(); } else { DDSEntityManager mgr = new DDSEntityManager("Durability"); String partitionName = "Durability Example"; DDS.Duration timeout = new DDS.Duration(40, 0); ReturnCode status; String durabilityKind = args[0]; // create Domain Participant mgr.createParticipant(partitionName); // set the durability kind mgr.setDurabilityKind(durabilityKind); // create Type MsgTypeSupport msgTS = new MsgTypeSupport(); mgr.registerType(msgTS); // create Topic if (args[0].Equals("persistent")) { mgr.createTopic("PersistentCSDurabilityData_Msg"); } else { mgr.createTopic("CSDurabilityData_Msg"); } // create Subscriber mgr.createSubscriber(); mgr.createReader(false); IDataReader dreader = mgr.getReader(); MsgDataReader DurabilityDataReader = dreader as MsgDataReader; status = DurabilityDataReader.WaitForHistoricalData(timeout); ErrorHandler.checkStatus(status, "DurabilityDataReader.WaitForHistoricalData"); Msg[] msgSeq = null; DDS.SampleInfo[] infoSeq = null; Boolean terminate = false; Console.WriteLine("=== [Subscriber] Ready ..."); while (!terminate) { status = DurabilityDataReader.Take(ref msgSeq, ref infoSeq, Length.Unlimited, SampleStateKind.Any, ViewStateKind.Any, InstanceStateKind.Any); ErrorHandler.checkStatus(status, "DataReader.Take"); for (int i = 0; i < msgSeq.Length; i++) { if (infoSeq[i].ValidData) { Console.WriteLine(msgSeq[i].content); if (msgSeq[i].content.Equals("9")) { terminate = true; break; } } } status = DurabilityDataReader.ReturnLoan(ref msgSeq, ref infoSeq); ErrorHandler.checkStatus(status, "MsgDataReader.ReturnLoan"); } // For single process mode wait some time to ensure persistent data is stored to disk Thread.Sleep(2000); // clean up mgr.getSubscriber().DeleteDataReader(DurabilityDataReader); mgr.deleteSubscriber(); mgr.deleteTopic(); mgr.deleteParticipant(); } }