Example #1
        public void MesssageHeadersCanBeRead()
            var msg1 = new MqttMessageBase(MessageType.Connect)
                Duplicate        = false,
                QualityOfService = QualityOfService.AtMostOnce,
                Retain           = false

            Assert.AreEqual(MessageType.Connect, msg1.MessageType);
            Assert.AreEqual(QualityOfService.AtMostOnce, msg1.QualityOfService);
            Assert.AreEqual(false, msg1.Duplicate);
            Assert.AreEqual(false, msg1.Retain);

            var msg2 = new MqttMessageBase(MessageType.ConnAck)
                Duplicate        = true,
                QualityOfService = QualityOfService.ExactlyOnce,
                Retain           = true

            Assert.AreEqual(MessageType.ConnAck, msg2.MessageType);
            Assert.AreEqual(QualityOfService.ExactlyOnce, msg2.QualityOfService);
            Assert.AreEqual(true, msg2.Duplicate);
            Assert.AreEqual(true, msg2.Retain);
Example #2
        public void CannotCreateFromIncompleteFrame()
            var msgBuilder = new MqttReceivedMessageBuilder();



            MqttMessageBase msg = null;

                msg = msgBuilder.GetMessage();
            catch (MessageFrameException)
            catch (Exception)
                Assert.Fail("Invalid Exception type.");

            Assert.IsNull(msg, "GetMessage succeeded but should have failed.");
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves a message into the store and begins the response timer. If the message is not pulled from the store
        /// before the response timer ends, the MessageTimeout event is fired.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="message">The message sent to the remote endpoint. I.e. Publish, Subscribe, etc.</param>
        /// <param name="eventData">Client defined data associated with the message.</param>
        /// <param name="clientUid">The socket connection context.</param>
        public void Add(IMqttMessage message, object eventData, string clientUid)
            var storeData = new MessageStoreData
                Message       = message,
                MessageId     = MqttMessageBase.GetMessageIdOrDefault(message),
                EventData     = eventData,
                ResponseTimer = new TimeoutTimer(MqttProtocolInformation.Settings.NetworkTimeout),
                ClientUid     = clientUid

            lock (_lock)

            storeData.ResponseTimer.TimeOutData = storeData;
            storeData.ResponseTimer.Timeout    += ResponseTimerOnTimeout;
Example #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Finds the original message for the given response, pulls it out of the store, stops the response timeout
 /// and returns the client defined event data
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="responseMessage">The expected response message for the stored message. I.e. PubAck, SubAck, etc.</param>
 /// <param name="clientUid">The connection context.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public object Remove(IMqttMessage responseMessage, string clientUid)
     return(Remove(responseMessage.MessageType, MqttMessageBase.GetMessageIdOrDefault(responseMessage), clientUid));
Example #5
        public void SendMessageAsync(IMqttMessage msg, object eventData, string clientUid)
            Logger.LogMessage("Protocol", LogLevel.Verbose, "SendMessageAsync(" + msg.MessageType + ")");

            var args = new SocketEventArgs
                MessageToSend = msg,
                ClientUid     = clientUid

            // If we expect a response, push the event data on our stack and retrieve it with the response
            if (args.MessageToSend.ExpectedResponse != MessageType.None)
                _messageStore.Add(args.MessageToSend, eventData, clientUid);

            args.OnOperationComplete((eventArgs) =>
                MessageType messageType = eventArgs.MessageToSend.MessageType;

                string exceptionText = eventArgs.SocketException == null
                    ? "Success."
                    : "Error: " + eventArgs.SocketException.ToString();
                Logger.LogMessage("Protocol", LogLevel.Verbose, "SendMessageAsync(" + messageType + ") completed callback. " + exceptionText);

                if (eventArgs.SocketException != null)
                    // Clean up pending message queue
                    _messageStore.Remove(args.MessageToSend.ExpectedResponse, MqttMessageBase.GetMessageIdOrDefault(args.MessageToSend), clientUid);

                OnSendMessageAsyncCompleted(clientUid, eventArgs.MessageToSend, eventArgs.SocketException);

                if (messageType == MessageType.Connect && eventArgs.SocketException != null)
                    FireConnectComplete(new MqttNetEventArgs
                        Message             = args.MessageToSend,
                        Exception           = eventArgs.SocketException,
                        AdditionalErrorInfo = eventArgs.AdditionalErrorInfo,
                        EventData           = eventData,
                        ClientUid           = clientUid
                else if (messageType == MessageType.Disconnect)
                    FireSendMessageComplete(new MqttNetEventArgs
                        Message             = args.MessageToSend,
                        Exception           = eventArgs.SocketException,
                        AdditionalErrorInfo = eventArgs.AdditionalErrorInfo,
                        EventData           = eventData,
                        ClientUid           = clientUid
                else if (messageType == MessageType.Subscribe && eventArgs.SocketException != null)
                    FireSubscribeMessageComplete(new MqttNetEventArgs
                        Message             = args.MessageToSend,
                        Exception           = eventArgs.SocketException,
                        AdditionalErrorInfo = eventArgs.AdditionalErrorInfo,
                        EventData           = eventData,
                        ClientUid           = clientUid
                else if (args.MessageToSend.ExpectedResponse == MessageType.None || eventArgs.SocketException != null)
                    FireSendMessageComplete(new MqttNetEventArgs
                        Message             = args.MessageToSend,
                        Exception           = eventArgs.SocketException,
                        AdditionalErrorInfo = eventArgs.AdditionalErrorInfo,
                        EventData           = eventData,
                        ClientUid           = clientUid
