// Update is called once per frame void Update() { while (client.Count() > 0) { string s = client.Receive(); msgq.Enqueue(s); Debug.Log("received :" + s); } if (BirdMovement1.gameOver && !check) { client.Publish(topic, System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("0/ON/10")); StartCoroutine("Spegni"); check = true; } if (BirdMovement1.inviaMessaggio) { if (alterna) { client.Publish(topic, System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("1/PULSE/1")); } else { client.Publish(topic, System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("2/PULSE/1")); } alterna = !alterna; } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { while (client.Count() > 0) { s = client.Receive(); msgq.Enqueue(s); // Debug.Log("received :" + s); Console.WriteLine(s); if (s.Contains("box1:")) { TextMesh textObject = GameObject.Find("rack1:").GetComponent <TextMesh>(); textObject.text = s; PlaceHolder[0] = s; } if (s.Contains("box2:")) { TextMesh textObject = GameObject.Find("rack2:").GetComponent <TextMesh>(); textObject.text = s; PlaceHolder[1] = s; } if (s.Contains("box3:")) { TextMesh textObject = GameObject.Find("rack3:").GetComponent <TextMesh>(); textObject.text = s; PlaceHolder[2] = s; } } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { while (client.Count() > 0) { //for(int i =0;i<100;i++) //{ string s = client.Receive(); msgq.Enqueue(s); // Debug.Log("received :" + s); Console.WriteLine(s); if (s.Contains("rack1:")) { TextMesh textObject = GameObject.Find("rack1:").GetComponent <TextMesh>(); textObject.text = s; } if (s.Contains("rack2:")) { TextMesh textObject = GameObject.Find("rack2:").GetComponent <TextMesh>(); textObject.text = s; } if (s.Contains("rack3:")) { TextMesh textObject = GameObject.Find("rack3:").GetComponent <TextMesh>(); textObject.text = s; } // } } }
/// <summary> /// Listen payload from broker /// </summary> private void listenMqtt() { while (client.Count() > 0) { string s = client.Receive(); payload = s.Split(','); } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { while (client.Count() > 0) { string s = client.Receive(); msgq.Enqueue(s); Debug.Log("received :" + s); lastMessage = s; //GUILayout.Label(s); } if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) == true) { client.Publish(topic, System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("nice click!")); } }
void ReadTopics() { while (client.Count() > 0) { MqttMsgPublishEventArgs args = client.ReceiveEvent(); string strData = string.Empty; for (int i = 0; i < args.Message.Length; i++) { strData += ((char)args.Message[i] - '0').ToString(); } float val = float.Parse(strData); if (args.Topic == innerTempTopic) { EventManager.UpdateInnerTemp(val); } else if (args.Topic == innerHumidityTopic) { EventManager.UpdateInnerHumidity(val); } else if (args.Topic == shadeStateTopic) { EventManager.UpdateShadeState(val); } else if (args.Topic == windowStateTopic) { EventManager.UpdateWindowState(val); } else if (args.Topic == outerTempTopic) { EventManager.UpdateOuterTemp(val); } else if (args.Topic == outerLightTopic) { EventManager.UpdateOuterLight(val); } else if (args.Topic == outerWindTopic) { EventManager.UpdateOuterWind(val); } else { Debug.Log("This topic is not registered!!!: " + args.Topic); } } }
void Update() { //received data while (client.Count() > 0 && send == false) { string s = client.Receive(); Debug.Log(s); position.text = s; if (s != oldmessage) { //sendaudrino.GetComponent<SendingAudrino>().sendmessage(s); SendingAudrino.sendmessage(s); oldmessage = s; } } //if(!Message.Equals(PrevMsg)) //client.Publish(topic, System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(Message)); // PrevMsg = Message; }
void Update() { if (live2DModel == null) { load(); } live2DModel.setMatrix(transform.localToWorldMatrix * live2DCanvasPos); if (!Application.isPlaying) { live2DModel.update(); return; } while (client.Count() > 0) { meanindex = (meanindex + 1) % mean_size; string jsonLine = client.Receive().Split('\n')[0]; var json = MiniJSON.Json.Deserialize(jsonLine) as Dictionary <string, object>; Debug.Log(jsonLine); if (json == null) { continue; } Debug.Log(json["AcX"].GetType() + "type of json"); Debug.Log(json["AcX"]); acX = (Int64)json["AcX"] / AccRatio; acY = (Int64)json["AcY"] / AccRatio; acZ = (Int64)json["AcZ"] / AccRatio; _lastGyX[meanindex] = ((Int64)json["GyX"]); _lastGyY[meanindex] = ((Int64)json["GyY"]); _lastGyZ[meanindex] = ((Int64)json["GyZ"]); gyX = gyY = gyZ = 0.0f; for (var i = 0; i < mean_size; i++) { gyX += _lastGyX[i]; gyY += _lastGyY[i]; gyY += _lastGyY[i]; } gyX = gyX / GyroRatio; gyY = gyY / GyroRatio; gyZ = gyZ / GyroRatio; Debug.LogFormat("{0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5}", acX, acY, acZ, gyX, gyY, gyZ); break; } live2DModel.setParamFloat("PARAM_ANGLE_X", acX); // head panning : value range -30.0 to 30.0 (degree) live2DModel.setParamFloat("PARAM_ANGLE_Y", acY); // head banking back and forth : -30 to 30 live2DModel.setParamFloat("PARAM_BODY_ANGLE_X", acZ); // body angle sideway : -30.0 to 30.0 live2DModel.setParamFloat("PARAM_EYE_L_OPEN", gyX + 0.5f); // 0 to 1 live2DModel.setParamFloat("PARAM_EYE_R_OPEN", gyX + 0.5f); // live2DModel.setParamFloat("PARAM_BROW_L_Y", gyX); // -1.0 to 1.0 live2DModel.setParamFloat("PARAM_BROW_R_Y", gyX); // live2DModel.setParamFloat("PARAM_MOUTH_OPEN_Y", gyY + 0.5f); // 0 to 1.0 live2DModel.setParamFloat("PARAM_MOUTH_FORM", gyZ); // -1.0 to 1.0 live2DModel.setParamFloat("PARAM_BREATH", 1); eyeBlink.setParam(live2DModel); if (physics != null) { physics.updateParam(live2DModel); } live2DModel.update(); }