public void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision) { MovingElement movingElement = collision.gameObject.GetComponent <MovingElement>(); if (movingElement != null) { movingPlateform = movingElement; } }
private void SpawnHiddenElements(List <NewElementInfo> newElements, out List <MovingElement> hiddenElements) { hiddenElements = new List <MovingElement>(); foreach (NewElementInfo newElement in newElements) { SpawnVisualElement(newElement.coordinate.x, newElement.coordinate.y, newElement.element, out RectTransform cell); MovingElement movingElement = new MovingElement(newElement.coordinate, cell); hiddenElements.Add(movingElement); } }
private List <MovingElement> GetOldElements(List <Vector2Int> coordinates) { List <MovingElement> oldElements = new List <MovingElement>(); foreach (var coord in coordinates) { RectTransform elementTransform = _elements[coord.x, coord.y]; MovingElement oldElement = new MovingElement(coord, elementTransform); oldElements.Add(oldElement); } return(oldElements); }
private void FixedUpdate() { if (Horizontal == null || JumpKey == KeyCode.None) { return; } //Check if player is outside the map bondaries if (gameIsRunning && topLeftDeath.magnitude != 0 && (transform.position.x < topLeftDeath.x || transform.position.x > bottomRightDeath.x || transform.position.y > topLeftDeath.y || transform.position.y < bottomRightDeath.y)) { Die(); } bool isGrounded = IsGrounded(); bool isSliding = IsSliding(); bool isPushing = IsPushing(); bool airControl = AirControl(isGrounded); //Check if we have left the plateform if (movingPlateform != null && !isGrounded && !groundedLastFrame && !isSliding) { movingPlateform = null; } //Reload dash if (isGrounded || isPushing) { canDash = true; } if (-1 < velocity && velocity < 1) { velocity = 0; } if (velocity > 0) { velocity -= 0.5f; } else if (velocity < 0) { velocity += 0.5f; } float horizontalVel = Input.GetAxis(Horizontal); //Change air velocity after wall jump if (wallJumped) { if (-0.3 < horizontalVel && horizontalVel < 0.3) { horizontalVel = 0.6f * jumpDirection; } if (Mathf.Sign(horizontalVel) == Mathf.Sign(horizontalVel)) { horizontalVel /= 2; } } //Handle hook display if (hookType == HookType.Wall) { if (hook != null) { hook.GetComponent <LineRenderer>().SetPosition(0, rb.position); } } else if (hookType == HookType.SmallProjectile && objectHooked != null && hook != null) { hook.GetComponent <LineRenderer>().SetPositions(new Vector3[] { rb.position, objectHooked.transform.position }); } else if (hookType == HookType.LargeProjectile) { if (objectHooked != null) { if (hook != null) { hook.GetComponent <LineRenderer>().SetPositions(new Vector3[] { rb.position, objectHooked.transform.position }); } hookPosition = objectHooked.transform.position; GetComponent <SpringJoint>().connectedAnchor = hookPosition; } } //Handle dash after user pressed the button if (dashTime > 0) { rb.velocity = dashVelocity; dashVelocity.y -= dashVelocity.y / 10; dashTime--; if (dashTime == 0) { //Create projectile GameObject proj = Instantiate(smallProjectile, rb.position + new Vector3(rb.velocity.x / 10, rb.velocity.y / 5, 0), Quaternion.identity); = "SmallProjectile"; proj.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().velocity = new Vector3(dashVelocity.x * sProjSpeed, dashVelocity.y * sProjSpeed, 0); proj.GetComponent <Projectile>().sender = this; dashVelocity =; } } //Make player move if (!isSliding || (isSliding && Mathf.Sign(wallDirection) != Mathf.Sign(Input.GetAxis(Horizontal)))) { if (dashTime <= 0) { if (hookType != HookType.Wall && hookType != HookType.LargeProjectile) { //Normal movement if (!channeling) { rb.AddForce(new Vector3(horizontalVel * (isPushing ? pushSpeed : 1) * (airControl ? airSpeed : speed) - (rb.velocity.x - velocity), 0, 0), ForceMode.Impulse); } } else { //Rope swing movement if (rb.position.y < hookPosition.y - hookLength / 2) { rb.AddForce(new Vector3(Input.GetAxis(Horizontal) * ropeSwing, 0, 0)); } } } } //Channel energy if (channeling) { if (!Input.GetKey(ChannelKey) && !Input.GetKey(ChannelKey2)) { StartCoroutine(CancelChanneling()); } else { energy += Time.deltaTime; energy = Mathf.Clamp(energy, 0, 3); } } else if (Input.GetKey(ChannelKey) || Input.GetKey(ChannelKey2)) { channeling = true; } //Cancel player movement and abilities if he is channeling if (channeling) { return; } //Make user jump if (Input.GetKey(JumpKey) && isGrounded) { jumpDirection = Input.GetAxis(Horizontal); rb.velocity = new Vector3(rb.velocity.x, jumpForce + (movingPlateform != null ? movingPlateform.rb.velocity.y : 0), rb.velocity.z); } //Make a small jump if user drop the button if (Input.GetKeyUp(JumpKey) && !isGrounded && rb.velocity.y > smallJump) { if (wallJumped && Mathf.Abs(rb.velocity.x) > smallJumpPush) { velocity = smallJumpPush * jumpDirection; rb.velocity = new Vector3(rb.velocity.x - (wallJumpPush - smallJumpPush) * jumpDirection, rb.velocity.y, rb.velocity.z); } else { rb.velocity = new Vector3(rb.velocity.x, smallJump, rb.velocity.z); } } //Move with the plateform if (movingPlateform != null) { rb.AddForce(new Vector3(movingPlateform.rb.velocity.x, 0, 0), ForceMode.Impulse); } //Apply more gravity if (rb.velocity.y < 1 && !isSliding && hookType == HookType.None) { rb.AddForce(new Vector3(0, gravity, 0), ForceMode.Acceleration); } //WallSlide if (wallJumpTimer > 0) { //Wall Jump if (Input.GetKeyDown(JumpKey) && !isGrounded) { wallJumped = true; jumpDirection = -wallDirection; velocity = wallJumpPush * jumpDirection; rb.AddForce(new Vector3(wallJumpPush * jumpDirection, wallJump, 0), ForceMode.Impulse); } else if (isSliding) { rb.AddForce(new Vector3(0, Mathf.Abs(rb.velocity.y) + gravity / 2, 0), ForceMode.Acceleration); } } //Hook if (hookType != HookType.None) { if (!Input.GetKey(HookKey) || (objectHooked == null && (hookType == HookType.SmallProjectile || hookType == HookType.LargeProjectile))) { Destroy(hook); SpringJoint spring = GetComponent <SpringJoint>(); if (spring != null) { spring.connectedAnchor = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); spring.connectedBody = null; spring.spring = 0; spring.damper = 0; spring.maxDistance = 0; } hookType = HookType.None; hookPosition =; hookLength = 0; } } else { if (Input.GetKeyDown(HookKey)) { if (hook != null) { Destroy(hook); } Vector3 direction = NormaliseMovement(Input.GetAxis(Horizontal), Input.GetAxis(Vertical)); RaycastHit hit; if (Physics.Raycast(rb.position, direction, out hit, hookRange)) { if (hit.collider.tag == "Player") { hit.collider.GetComponent <PlayerMovement>().Hooked(direction, rb.position); hookType = HookType.Player; } else if (hit.collider.tag == "SmallProjectile") { hookType = HookType.SmallProjectile; hook = Instantiate(hookObject, rb.position, Quaternion.identity); hook.GetComponent <LineRenderer>().SetPositions(new Vector3[] { rb.position, hit.point }); objectHooked = hit.collider.gameObject; SpringJoint spring = GetComponent <SpringJoint>(); spring.spring = springForce; spring.damper = damperForce; spring.maxDistance = Vector3.Distance(rb.position, hit.point); spring.connectedBody = hit.collider.GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); StartCoroutine(CancelHook()); } else if (hit.collider.tag == "LargeProjectile") { hookType = HookType.LargeProjectile; hook = Instantiate(hookObject, rb.position, Quaternion.identity); hook.GetComponent <LineRenderer>().SetPositions(new Vector3[] { rb.position, hit.point }); objectHooked = hit.collider.gameObject; SpringJoint spring = GetComponent <SpringJoint>(); spring.connectedAnchor = hit.point; spring.spring = springForce; spring.damper = largeDamper; spring.maxDistance = Vector3.Distance(rb.position, hit.point); hookPosition = hit.point; hookLength = Vector3.Distance(rb.position, hit.point); } else { hookType = HookType.Wall; SpringJoint spring = GetComponent <SpringJoint>(); spring.connectedAnchor = hit.point; spring.spring = springForce; spring.damper = damperForce; spring.breakForce = Mathf.Infinity; spring.maxDistance = Vector3.Distance(rb.position, hit.point); hook = Instantiate(hookObject, rb.position, Quaternion.identity); hook.GetComponent <LineRenderer>().SetPositions(new Vector3[] { rb.position, hit.point }); hookPosition = hit.point; hookLength = Vector3.Distance(rb.position, hit.point); } } else { print("Mised"); } } } //Dash and small attack if (canDash && Input.GetKeyDown(DashKey)) { Vector3 movement = NormaliseMovement(Input.GetAxis(Horizontal), Input.GetAxis(Vertical)); dashTime = 8; dashVelocity = new Vector3(dashSpeed * movement.x, dashSpeed * movement.y, 0); rb.velocity = new Vector3(dashSpeed * movement.x, dashSpeed * movement.y, 0); velocity = dashSpeed * movement.x; jumpDirection = movement.x; canDash = false; } //Ult if (Input.GetKeyDown(UltKey)) { Vector3 direction = NormaliseMovement(Input.GetAxis(Horizontal), Input.GetAxis(Vertical)); if (energy < 1) { //Boop } else if (energy < 3) { //Large projectile energy -= 1; GameObject proj = Instantiate(largeProjectile, rb.position + direction * 4, Quaternion.identity); = "LargeProjectile"; proj.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().velocity = new Vector3(direction.x * lProjSpeed, direction.y * lProjSpeed, 0); proj.GetComponent <Projectile>().sender = this; } else if (energy == 3) { //Swap projectile energy -= 3; GameObject proj = Instantiate(swapProjectile, rb.position + direction, Quaternion.identity); = "SwapProjectile"; proj.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().velocity = new Vector3(direction.x * SwapProjSpeed, direction.y * SwapProjSpeed, 0); proj.GetComponent <Projectile>().sender = this; } } }